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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring the Significance of Autophagy in Host Defense in an Enteric Parasitic Infection

Mowna, Sadrina Afrin January 2024 (has links)
Autophagy is a conserved cellular process that is responsible for degrading and recycling cytoplasmic constituents and has also emerged as a significant factor in modulating immune responses during enteric infections. This study investigates the role of autophagy in host defense during enteric parasitic infection, Trichuris muris, by focusing on the host defense, expulsion of worms, infection pathogenesis, and gut microbiota composition. Using C57BL/6 mice that are resistant and AKR mice that are susceptible to T. muris infection, we confirmed that when infected with T. muris, C57BL/6 mice can clear the infection almost completely by day 21 post-infection (p.i.). In contrast, AKR mice cannot, and therefore harbor a chronic infection within. Moreover, autophagy gene 7 floxed mice (Atg7fl/fl) and mice that are deficient in the autophagy protein, autophagy 7, in their intestinal epithelial cells (Atg7ΔIEC), were infected with T. muris and sacrificed on different time points. We observed that the Atg7fl/fl mice were able to almost clear the infection by day 21 p.i. but the Atg7ΔIEC mice were unable to clear infection by day 21 p.i. In vitro experiments consisted of exposing intestinal epithelial (HT-29) cell lines to T. muris excretory secretory products (ESPs) at different concentrations and also for different time-points, however, autophagy protein levels remained unchanged in those concentrations and time-points. Microbiota from uninfected and infected Atg7fl/fl and Atg7ΔIEC, analyzed by 16s rRNA sequencing revealed no significant differences in microbial composition among uninfected mice and minor differences in microbiota composition among T. muris infected mice. / Thesis / Master of Science in Medical Sciences (MSMS)

Comparative Cell Biology in Diplomonads

Einarsson, Elin January 2015 (has links)
The diplomonads are a diverse group of eukaryotic flagellates found in microaerophilic and anaerobic environments. The most studied diplomonad is the intestinal parasite Giardia intestinalis, which infects a variety of mammals and cause diarrheal disease. Less is known about Spironucleus salmonicida, a parasite of salmonid fish, known to cause systemic infections with high mortality. We created a transfection system for S. salmonicida to study cellular functions and virulence in detail (Paper I). The system was applied to explore the mitochondrion-related organelle (MRO) in S. salmonicida. We showed that S. salmonicida possesses a hydrogenosome (Paper II) with a higher metabolic capacity than the corresponding MRO of Giardia, the mitosome. Evolutionary analysis of key hydrogenosomal proteins showed ancient origin, indicating their presence in the ancestral diplomonad and subsequent loss in Giardia. Annexins are of evolutionary interest since these proteins are found across all kingdoms. Annexin-like proteins are intriguingly expanded into multigene families in Giardia and Spironucleus. The annexins of S. salmonicida were characterized (Paper III) with distinct localizations to various cellular structures, including a putative adhesion structure anterior in the cell. The disease-causing Giardia trophozoites differentiate into infectious cysts, a process essential for transmission and virulence of the parasite. Cysts are often spread via contaminated water and exposed to environmental stressors, such as UV irradiation. We studied the survival and transcriptional response to this stress factor (Paper IV) and results showed the importance of active DNA replication machinery for parasite survival after DNA damage. In addition, we studied transcriptional changes along the trajectory of encystation (Paper V), which revealed a coordinated cascade of gene regulation. This was observed for the entire transcriptome as well as putative regulators. Large transcriptional changes appeared late in the process with the majority of differentially regulated genes encoding hypothetical proteins. We studied the localizations of several of these to gain information of their possible function. To conclude, the diplomonads are complex eukaryotic microbes with cellular processes adjusted to match their life styles. The work in this thesis has provided insight of their adaptations, differences and similarities, but also new interesting leads for future studies of diplomonad biology and virulence.

Epidémiologie moléculaire, facteurs de risque de transmission et pathogénicité du protiste parasite Blastocystis sp. / Molecular epidemiology, risk factors of transmission and pathogenicity of protist parasite Blastocystis sp.

El Safadi, Dima 29 September 2014 (has links)
Blastocystis est un protozoaire anaérobie trouvé dans le tube digestif de l’homme et de nombreux animaux. Il est à ce jour le parasite intestinal le plus fréquemment retrouvé dans les selles humaines. Dix-sept sous-types (ST1 à ST17) ont été décrits en se basant sur la comparaison des séquences du gène de l’ARNr 18S. L’infection à Blastocystis est associée à une variété de troubles gastro-intestinaux et plusieurs études suggèrent une corrélation entre la pathogénicité et le ST du parasite. Trois différents axes de recherche ont été développés. Le premier s’est focalisé sur la prévalence et la biodiversité génétique de ce parasite dans les populations humaines. Des études épidémiologiques ont été menées en France et au Liban mais aussi en Afrique en réalisant la première enquête au Sénégal. Le sous-typage des isolats a été réalisé par PCR en temps réel en ciblant un domaine du gène de l’ARNr 18S suivi d’un séquençage direct du produit de PCR. Au Liban, la prévalence de Blastocystis était de 20% dans la population globale avec une corrélation entre le ST1 et le développement de symptômes gastro-intestinaux. Dans le même pays, cette prévalence dépassait les 60% chez des patients symptomatiques et des écoliers. Au Sénégal, la prévalence observée est la plus importante jamais décrite pour ce parasite puisqu’elle atteignait 100% dans une population d’une centaine d’enfants vivant en milieu rural. Ces données soulignent l’impact socioéconomique de la blastocystose dans les pays en développement où les conditions sanitaires sont souvent précaires. En France, une prévalence importante de 18% a pourtant été observée dans une large étude épidémiologique englobant des patients présentant ou non des symptômes et suivis dans 11 hôpitaux répartis sur tout le territoire français. Le ST3 est prédominant suivi des STs 1, 2 et 4 comme dans une majorité de pays à travers le monde. Le deuxième axe s’est concentré sur l’identification des facteurs de risque de transmission de Blastocystis à l’homme. Le parasite a été recherché dans les selles de vaches et de patients ainsi que dans des échantillons d’eau consommée par l’homme et les animaux dans une région géographique limitée du Nord Liban. 30% des échantillons humains, 69% des échantillons d'eau et 80% des échantillons de bovins étaient positifs pour le parasite. Le ST3 était prédominant dans les échantillons humains et d’eau suivi des ST1, ST2 et ST4. Par contre, ST10 et ST14 étaient prédominants chez les bovins mais ces deux STs n’ont pas été retrouvés dans les autres types d’échantillons. Pour expliquer l'absence des ST10 et ST14 dans ces échantillons, une transmission de ces STs par contact direct entre les bovins et/ou l'absence de formes kystiques transmissibles pour ces STs ont été proposées. Ce parasite a aussi été recherché dans les selles de nombreux groupes d’animaux du zoo de La Palmyre en France. Nous avons montré que près de 40% des selles analysés étaient positives pour Blastocystis et identifié de nouveaux réservoirs d'infections pour l’homme chez les carnivores. La prévalence du parasite atteignait 60% chez les primates chez lesquels les ST1 à ST5 identifiés sont identiques à ceux observés chez l'homme confirmant la faible spécificité d’hôte de ces STs. Dans une autre étude, la prévalence de Blastocystis était de seulement 3,5% dans une population de chiens en France suggérant que cet animal n'est pas un hôte naturel de Blastocystis. Enfin, pour clarifier la pathogénicité de ce parasite, le troisième axe de mes travaux a souligné le caractère invasif de Blastocystis dans un cas de péritonite appendiculaire chez une fillette de 9 ans de retour du Maroc. Seul Blastocystis a été détecté dans les selles, l’appendice, le liquide péritonéal et le sac de Douglas de cette patiente. Une gastro-entérite s’est de plus déclarée simultanément chez 26 membres de la famille de l'enfant suggérant une épidémie qui pourrait trouver son origine dans la consommation commune d’une eau contaminée. / Blastocystis sp. is an anaerobic parasitic protozoa found in the digestive tract of humans and numerous animals. To date, it is the most common intestinal parasite found in human feces with worldwide distribution. Seventeen subtypes (ST1-ST17) have been described based on the comparison of SSU rRNA gene sequences. Blastocystis infection is associated with various gastrointestinal disorders and many studies suggest a correlation between Blastocystis STs and pathogenicity. My work was developed on three different topics. The first concerned the prevalence and the genetic biodiversity of the parasite in human populations. Epidemiological studies were conducted in France and Lebanon but also in Africa by performing the first survey of this parasite in Senegal. Subtyping of the isolates was performed by real-time PCR targeting a domain of the SSU rRNA gene followed by direct sequencing of the PCR product. In Lebanon, the prevalence of Blastocystis reached 20% in the general population and we demonstrated a correlation between ST1 infection and the presence of symptoms. In the same country, this prevalence was 60% in schoolchildren and patients presenting gastrointestinal symptoms. Strikingly, the prevalence of Blastocystis in a population of one hundred children living in a rural area reached 100% in Senegal and more than half of the infected children by the parasite presented gastrointestinal disorders. These latter studies highlighted the socioeconomic impact of blastocystosis in developing countries with poor hygiene sanitation. In France, a large-scale molecular epidemiological study was performed including patients presenting or not gastrointestinal symptoms. Stool samples were collected during winter and summer in 11 hospitals spread all over the French territory. We observed a high prevalence of Blastocystis in the french population with an average of 18.2% and the predominance of ST3 followed by ST1, ST4 and ST2 as in numerous countries. We also identified seasonal variations since the average prevalence of the parasite is 13.6% in winter and 23.1% in summer. The second topic focused on the identification of the risk factors of Blastocystis transmission to humans. We searched this parasite in bovid and human stools as well as in drinking water samples consumed by bovids and breeders in a limited geographic area of North-Lebanon. 30% of human samples, 69% of water samples and 80% of bovid samples were positive for the parasite. Interestingly ST3 is predominant in human and water samples followed by ST1, ST2 and ST4. ST10 and ST14 were predominant in bovid but both STs are lacking in human and water samples. To explain the lack of ST10 and ST14 in human and water samples, we suggested a transmission of these STs occurring through direct contact between bovid and / or the absence of transmissible cystic forms of these STs. Furthermore, this parasite was searched in the stools of numerous animal groups in the zoo of La Palmyre in France. We showed that nearly 40% of the analyzed stools were positive for Blastocystis and identified new reservoirs of human infections in carnivores. The prevalence of the parasite reached 60% in primates in which the identified ST1 to ST5 are identical to those observed in humans confirming the limited host specificity of these STs. In another study, we showed that the prevalence of Blastocystis was of only 3.5% in a population of one hundred dogs in France suggesting that this pet is not a natural host of Blastocystis. Finally, to clarify the pathogenicity of this parasite, the third topic highlighted the invasive character of Blastocystis observed in a case of appendicular peritonitis in a 9-year old girl returning from Morocco. Only Blastocystis was detected in stools, appendix, peritoneal liquid and Douglas pouch of the patient. Interestingly, simultaneous gastroenteritis occurred in 26 members of the child’s family suggested an outbreak with contaminated water as probable origin.

Comparative Genomics in Diplomonads : Lifestyle Variations Revealed at Genetic Level

Xu, Feifei January 2015 (has links)
As sequencing technologies advance genome studies are becoming a basic tool for studying an organism, and with more genomes available comparative genomics is maturing into a powerful tool for biological research. This thesis demonstrates the strength of a comparative genomics approach on a group of understudied eukaryotes, the diplomonads. Diplomonads are a group of single cell eukaryotic flagellates living in oxygen-poor environments. Most diplomonads are intestinal parasites, like the well-studied human parasite Giardia intestinalis. There are seven different G. intestinalis assemblages (genotypes) affecting different hosts, and it’s under debate whether these are one species. A genome-wide study of three G. intestinalis genomes from different assemblages reveals little inter-assemblage sexual recombination, supporting that the different G. intestinalis assemblages are genetically isolated and thus different species. A genomic comparison between the fish parasite S. salmonicida and G. intestinalis reveals genetic differences reflecting differences in their parasitic lifestyles. There is a tighter transcriptional regulation and a larger metabolic reservoir in S. salmonicida, likely adaptations to the fluctuating environments it encounters during its systemic infection compared to G. intestinalis which is a strict intestinal parasite. The S. salmonicida genome analysis also discovers genes involved in energy metabolism. Some of these are experimentally shown to localize to mitochondrion-related organelles in S. salmonicida, indicating that they possess energy-producing organelles that should be classified as hydrogenosomes, as opposed to the mitosomes in G. intestinalis. A transcriptome analysis of the free-living Trepomonas is compared with genomic data from the two parasitic diplomonads. The majority of the genes associated with a free-living lifestyle, like phagocytosis and a larger metabolic capacity, are of prokaryotic origin. This suggests that the ancestor of the free-living diplomonad was likely host-associated and that the free-living lifestyle is a secondary adaptation acquired through horizontal gene transfers.  In conclusion, this thesis uses different comparative genomics approaches to broaden the knowledge on diplomonad diversity and to provide more insight into how the lifestyle differences are reflected on the genetic level. The bioinformatics pipelines and expertise gained in these studies will be useful in other projects in diplomonads and other organismal groups.

Prevalência de enteroparasitoses e sua relação com o estado antropométrico na infância, Salvador-BA

Matos, Sheila Maria Alvim de January 2006 (has links)
p. 1-103 / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-05-08T18:50:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Diss_Sheila_Alvim5656565.pdf: 645345 bytes, checksum: d86f8f5b18f601785339bb6089fdefc4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-05-11T15:36:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Diss_Sheila_Alvim5656565.pdf: 645345 bytes, checksum: d86f8f5b18f601785339bb6089fdefc4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-11T15:36:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Diss_Sheila_Alvim5656565.pdf: 645345 bytes, checksum: d86f8f5b18f601785339bb6089fdefc4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Com o objetivo de avaliar a influência que a infecção por parasitas intestinais exerce sobre o estado antropométrico na infância, na cidade de Salvador-BA, foi desenvolvido um estudo seccional em uma amostra probabilística de 629 crianças entre 12 e 48 meses. Aplicou-se a técnica de regressão logística multivariada, tendo como variáveis dependentes os indicadores antropométricos peso por idade (P/I) e altura/comprimento por idade (A/I). A presença ou ausência de diferentes parasitas nas fezes (A. lumbricoides, T. trichiura, G. duodenalis), constituiu-se na variável independente. O parasita mais freqüente foi A. lumbricoides (23,1%), seguido de T. trichiura (16,5%) e G. duodenalis (13,5%). Entre as crianças infectadas a média de z-scores dos indicadores antropométricos foi menor do que a observada entre as crianças não infectadas. Dentre as infecções estudadas, apenas a giardíase esteve significativamente associada ao déficit de crescimento linear, incluindo quando a freqüência da coleta pública de lixo era inadequada (modificador de efeito). Observam-se associações com o déficit antropométrico, segundo o indicador P/I, na presença da giardíase quando a criança não era amamentada por mais de seis meses (OR=2,92; IC95%=1,62-5,24) e quando residia em domicílio cuja pavimentação da rua/calçada era inadequada (OR=3,04; IC95%=1,53-6,07), após ajuste por confundidores. Os resultados deste estudo evidenciaram que, em crianças com giardíase, a amamentação durante o período recomendado pela OMS constituiu-se em um fator de proteção para o estado antropométrico e que o efeito negativo das condições ambientais indesejadas referentes ao lixo urbano e à pavimentação sobre o estado antropométrico pode ser devido à provável mais elevada carga parasitária existente nas crianças infectadas por este protozoário, vivendo neste contexto insalubre. / Salvador

Prévalence, diversité génétique et risque de transmission zoonotique des microorganismes Blastocystis et Campylobacter dans les filières avicole et bovine au Liban / Prevalence, genetic diversity and risk of zoonotic transmission of microorganisms Blastocystis and Campylobacter in the poultry and beef sectors in Lebanon

Greige, Stéphanie 19 December 2018 (has links)
Le protozoaire Blastocystis et la bactérie Campylobacter sont des microorganismes zoonotiques ayant un impact majeur en santé publique. Même si son pouvoir pathogène reste controversé, Blastocystis est l’eucaryote unicellulaire le plus fréquemment retrouvé dans les selles humaines alors que Campylobacter est considérée comme la cause la plus courante de gastroentérite humaine. Ces microorganismes sont fréquemment présents chez les animaux destinés à l’alimentation comme les volailles ou les bovins et leur transmission peut être liée à la consommation ou à un contact répété avec les manipulateurs de ces animaux. Malgré ce risque potentiel majeur pour l’Homme, très peu de données étaient disponibles concernant la prévalence et les espèces de Campylobacter ou sous-types de Blastocystis présents dans les filières avicole et bovine au Liban. De plus, le risque de transmission zoonotique par contact direct avec le personnel des abattoirs ou les éleveurs n’avait jamais été évalué. Pour ce qui est des bovins, Blastocystis a été identifié par PCR quantitative en temps réel dans plus de 60% des échantillons de selle de vaches laitières analysés au Nord-Liban. Une prédominance du sous-type (ST) 10 et du ST14 a été observée confirmant que les bovins sont les hôtes naturels de ces deux STs. Les ST2, ST1, ST5, ST3 et ST7 ont aussi été identifiés avec de faibles prévalences. Chez les éleveurs comme dans un groupe de patients sans contact avec ces animaux, une prévalence importante dépassant les 50% a été rapportée avec une prédominance du ST3. Cependant, la comparaison des isolats identifiés dans ces cohortes humaine et animale suggère que les bovins joueraient un rôle négligeable en tant que réservoirs zoonotiques de Blastocystis. Dans la filière avicole, la prévalence de ce même parasite dépassait les 30% dans les caeca de poulets de chair analysés dans des abattoirs du Nord-Liban. Tous les isolats aviaires caractérisés appartenaient aux ST6 et ST7 confirmant que les oiseaux sont des hôtes naturels de ces deux STs. Chez le personnel d’abattoir comme dans un groupe de patients sans contact avec les volailles, la prévalence de Blastocystis dépassait les 50% avec une prédominance du ST3. De plus, l’identification du ST6 aviaire chez le personnel d’un abattoir confirmait le potentiel zoonotique de ce ST. Toujours dans cette filière avicole et en analysant à la fois les même caeca et des carcasses de poulets en fin de chaîne d’abatage, la prévalence de Campylobacter était respectivement de 67% et 17,2% dans ces prélèvements. Les deux principales espèces identifiées étaient C. jejuni et C. coli. Des niveaux élevés de diversité génétique ont été observés parmi les 51 isolats de C. jejuni identifiés chez les poulets et répartis en 25 profils distincts. Une prédominance des profils 1, 13, 30 et 38 a été observée alors qu’ils sont aussi fréquemment retrouvés parmi les cas cliniques humains français suggérant que ces animaux représentent un réservoir potentiel de campylobactériose humaine. Une prévalence significativement plus élevée de Campylobacter a été rapportée chez le personnel de l'abattoir par rapport à celle observée dans la cohorte de patients sans contact avec la volaille montrant que les poulets de chair contaminés à l'abattoir représentaient une source non négligeable de transmission zoonotique de la bactérie. Les mêmes caeca de poulets ont pu être comparés pour la présence de Campylobacter et de Blastocystis. Cette comparaison révélait une association statistiquement significative de ces deux microorganismes suggérant que la présence de Campylobacter serait favorisée par celle de Blastocystis et vice versa [...] / The protozoan Blastocystis and the bacterium Campylobacter are zoonotic microorganisms with a major impact on public health. Although its pathogenicity remains controversial, Blastocystis is the most common single-celled eukaryote found in human stool, while Campylobacter is considered the most common cause of human gastroenteritis. These microorganisms are frequently present in food-producing animals such as poultry or cattle and their transmission may be related to consumption or repeated contact with the handlers of these animals. Despite this major potential risk to humans, very little data were available on the prevalence and species of Campylobacter or Blastocystis subtypes present in the poultry and bovid sectors in Lebanon. In addition, the risk of zoonotic transmission through direct contact with slaughterhouse staff or farmers had never been assessed. Regarding bovids, Blastocystis was identified by PCR in more than 60% of the dairy cattle stool samples analysed in North Lebanon. A predominance of ST10 and ST14 has been observed confirming that cattle are the natural hosts of these two STs. ST2, ST1, ST5, ST3 and ST7 were also identified with lower prevalences. In breeders as well as in a group of patients without contact with these animals, a significant prevalence exceeding 50% has been reported with a predominance of ST3. However, a comparison of the isolates identified in these human and animal cohorts suggests that cattle would play a negligible role as zoonotic reservoirs of Blastocystis. In the poultry sector, the prevalence of the same parasite exceeded 30% in broiler caeca analysed in slaughterhouses in North Lebanon. All characterized avian isolates belonged to ST6 and ST7 confirming that birds are natural hosts of these two STs. Among slaughterhouse staff as well as in a group of patients without contact with poultry, the prevalence of Blastocystis exceeded 50% with a prevalence of ST3. In addition, the identification of avian ST6 in slaughterhouse staff confirmed the zoonotic potential of this ST. Still in this poultry sector and by analysing both the same caeca samples and chicken carcasses, the prevalence of Campylobacter was 67% and 17.2%, respectively, in these specimens. The two main species identified were C. jejuni and C. coli. High level of genetic diversity was observed among the 51 C. jejuni isolates identified in chickens and distributed in 25 distinct profiles. A predominance of profiles 1, 13, 30 and 38 has been observed, although they are also frequently found among French human clinical cases suggesting that these animals represent a potential reservoir of human campylobacteriosis. A significantly higher prevalence of Campylobacter was reported among slaughterhouse staff compared to that observed in the cohort of patients without contact with poultry, showing that contaminated broilers at the slaughterhouse were a significant source of zoonotic transmission of the bacteria. The same chicken caeca samples were compared for the presence of Campylobacter and Blastocystis. This comparison revealed a statistically significant association of these two microorganisms suggesting that the presence of Campylobacter would be enhanced by that of Blastocystis and vice versa. This first large-scale survey conducted in Lebanon provided major data on the prevalence and circulation of Blastocystis and Campylobacter in this ocuntry and assessed the need to put in place measures to prevent and control these microorganisms in poultry and cattle breeding or slaughter facilities in order to limit their transmission.

Infecção por Giardia duodenalis e diversidade da microbiota intestinal em crianças de 0 a 6 anos de idade

Arbex, Ana Paula Oliveira. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Semíramis Guimarães Ferraz Viana / Resumo: Giardia duodenalis é um dos principais agentes etiológicos de diarreia infecciosa, sobretudo em crianças em idade pré-escolar que vivem em comunidades de baixa renda. Estudos da diversidade genética de G. duodenalis ampliaram o conhecimento da epidemiologia nas infecções humanas, entretanto um dos temas mais interessantes e menos conhecidos é a possível interação de Giardia com o microbioma do hospedeiro e com patógenos concomitantes. No presente estudo, avaliou-se a composição e a diversidade da comunidade bacteriana de crianças saudáveis e crianças com diarreia, parasitadas por Giardia e outros protozoários intestinais. Os isolados de Giardia obtidos nessa população foram caracterizados geneticamente. Amostras de fezes foram obtidas de 181 crianças de 0 a 6 anos de idade, das quais 156 crianças hígidas atendidas em centros de educação infantil e 25 crianças com diarreia atendidas no PS Infantil Municipal. Cada amostra de fezes foi processada para o exame microscópico e submetida à extração de DNA a ser empregado em duas etapas distintas: (1) amplificação e sequenciamento Sanger para a caracterização genética de Giardia e o diagnóstico de Blastocystis sp, Dientamoeba fragilis, Enterocytozoon bieneusi e Cryptosporidium spp. e (2) amplificação do gene 16s RNA ribossomal e sequenciamento de nova geração (plataforma Illumina MiSeq) para a caracterização da microbiota intestinal. Giardia (36,5%) e Blastocystis (41,7%) foram os parasitas mais prevalentes. A caracterização genética... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Giardia duodenalis is one of the major etiological agents of infectious diarrhea, especially in preschool children living in low-income settings. Studies focused on genetic diversity of G. duodenalis have provided insights for a better understanding of epidemiology in human infections. However, one of the most interesting and least known issues is the possible interplay between Giardia and the host microbiome and concomitant pathogens. In this work, we evaluated the diversity and composition of bacterial community of healthy children and children presenting with diarrhea infected by Giardia and/or other intestinal protozoa. In addition, Giardia isolates infecting this population were genotyping. A total of 181 stool samples from children aged 0 to 6 years old (156 from daycare children and 25 from diarrheic children attending in an emergence pediatric center) were tested by microscopic examination and submitted to DNA extraction for the following steps: (1) conventional PCR/sequencing for Giardia genotyping and the diagnosis of Blastocystis sp, Dientamoeba fragilis, Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Cryptosporidium spp and (2) next-generation sequencing (Illumina MiSeq) based analysis of intestinal microbiota. Giardia (36.5%) and Blastocystis (41.7%) were the most prevalent parasites. Analysis of Giardia sequences retrieved from 61 isolates revealed infections by assemblages A (31%), B (69%) and mixed infections A+B (3%). Metagenomic analyzes revealed similarity of bacterial microb... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Hidden Diversity Revealed : Genomic, Transcriptomic and Functional Studies of Diplomonads

Jerlström-Hultqvist, Jon January 2012 (has links)
The diplomonads are a diverse group of eukaryotic microbes found in oxygen limited environments such as the intestine of animals were they may cause severe disease. Among them, the prominent human parasite Giardia intestinalis non-invasively colonizes the small intestine of humans and animals where it induces the gastrointestinal disease giardiasis. Two of the eight genetic groups of G. intestinalis, assemblage A and B, are known to infect humans and have zoonotic potential. At the start of project, genome scale data from assemblage B-H was either sparse or entirely missing. In this thesis, genome sequencing was performed on the assemblage B isolate GS (Paper I) and the P15 isolate (Paper III) of the hoofed-animals specific assemblage E to investigate the underlying components of phenotypic diversity in Giardia. Comparisons to assemblage A isolate WB revealed large genomic differences; entirely different repertoires of surface antigens, genome rearrangements and isolate specific coding sequences of potential bacterial origin. We established that genomic differences are also manifested at the transcriptome level (Paper VIII). In a follow up analysis (Paper IV) we concluded that the Giardia assemblages are largely reproductively isolated. The large genomic differences observed between Giardia isolates can explain the phenotypic diversity of giardiasis. The adaptation of diplomonads was further studied in Spironucleus barkhanus (Paper II), a fish commensal of grayling, that is closely related to the fish pathogen Spironucleus salmonicida, causative agent of systemic spironucleosis in salmonid fish. We identified substantial genomic differences in the form of divergent genome size, primary sequence divergence and evidence of allelic sequence heterozygosity, a feature not seen in S. salmonicida. We devised a transfection system for S. salmonicida (Paper VI) and applied it to the study of the mitochondrial remnant organelle (Paper VII). Our analyses showed that S. salmonicida harbor a hydrogenosome, an organelle with more metabolic capabilities than the mitosome of Giardia. Phylogenetic reconstructions of key hydrogenosomal enzymes showed an ancient origin, indicating a common origin to the hydrogenosome in parabasilids and diplomonads. In conclusion, the thesis has provided important insights into the adaptation of diplomonads in the present and the distant past, revealing hidden diversity.

Epidémiologie, circulation, colonisation du parasite entérique unicellulaire Blastocystis sp. / Epidemiology, circulation and colonization of the unicellular enteric parasite Blastocystis sp.

Cian, Amandine 08 December 2016 (has links)
Les protozooses digestives restent une des premières causes de morbidité, de malnutrition et de mortalité dans le monde. Cependant, la biologie de certains protozoaires entériques comme Blastocystis est mal connue et il reste négligé par les autorités sanitaires. Ce parasite colonise le tractus intestinal de l’Homme et de nombreux animaux. Son principal mode de transmission est la voie oro-fécale et sa prévalence peut dépasser 50% dans les pays en développement. Il présente une large diversité génétique avec 17 sous-types (STs) identifiés à ce jour. Un large faisceau de données récentes suggère que l’infection à Blastocystis est associée à une variété de troubles gastro-intestinaux et de l’urticaire.Dans le cadre de ma thèse, des études épidémiologiques ont été menées dans différents pays (Liban, Sénégal, France) afin de déterminer la prévalence de ce parasite dans la population humaine et identifier des facteurs de risque d’infection. En parallèle, à travers une enquête dans des zoos français, des réservoirs animaux de transmission zoonotique du parasite ont été proposés. D’autre part, les mécanismes impliqués dans la colonisation de l’hôte par Blastocystis ont été étudiés.Dans le cadre des enquêtes épidémiologiques, le parasite a été recherché dans les selles par PCR en temps réel et l’amplicon obtenu séquencé pour le sous-typage. La première étude menée au Liban a montré une prévalence de 19% dans la population générale mais cette prévalence atteint 60% dans une population d’écoliers vivant dans la même région. Une prévalence de 100% a été obtenue dans une cohorte d’enfants sénégalais. Ces fortes prévalences s’expliquent par des conditions d’hygiènes très précaires. Le ST3 était prédominant dans ces deux pays suivi des ST1 et ST2. Dans une étude multicentrique menée en France, une prévalence globale de 18,3% a été obtenue avec une prédominance du ST3 suivi des ST1, ST4 et ST2. Cette distribution est aussi celle observée dans une majorité de pays européens. Dans l’étude française, des variables (voyage récent, âge, saison) ont été identifiés comme des facteurs de risque de transmission du parasite. Le contact avec des animaux peut représenter un autre facteur de risque du fait du potentiel zoonotique du parasite. Dans une large étude épidémiologique réalisée dans deux zoos français sur plus de 160 espèces animales, la prévalence globale de Blastocystis dépasse 30% avec des variations importantes selon les groupes d’animaux. En comparant la distribution des STs entre l’Homme et les différents groupes d’animaux, les primates, les artiodactyles (bovins et cochons) et les oiseaux représenteraient les principaux réservoirs potentiels d’infection pour l’Homme.Une association entre l’infection à Blastocystis et l’appendicite a été mise en évidence chez une enfant au Maroc confirmant la pathogénie et le potentiel invasif et inflammatoire du parasite. De plus, 26 autres membres de sa famille ont présenté des symptômes digestifs suggérant une épidémie de blastocystose d’origine hydrique. L’hypothèse d’une relation entre ST de Blastocystis et pouvoir pathogène a été émise d’où l’intérêt d’une étude de génomique comparative afin d’identifier des facteurs de virulence pouvant être spécifiques d’un ST. A ce jour, aucune différence n’a pu être mise en évidence entre le génome de ST4 séquencé durant ma thèse et celui de ST7 disponible dans les bases de données alors qu’ils présentent une virulence différente in vitro. Enfin, l’impact de la colonisation par Blastocystis sur la composition du microbiote intestinal humain a été évalué. Une approche par séquençage à haut-débit a permis de comparer les compositions des microbiotes de patients infectés ou non par Blastocystis montrant une diversité bactérienne plus élevée chez les patients colonisés par le parasite. Ces données suggèrent que la colonisation par Blastocystis ne serait pas associée à une dysbiose intestinale généralement observée dans les maladies infectieuses intestinales. / Digestive protozoan infections are a major cause of morbidity, malnutrition and mortality worldwide. However, the biology of some enteric protozoa as Blastocystis is not well known and these microorganisms remain still neglected by the health authorities. Briefly, this parasite colonizes the intestinal tract of humans and various animals. Its main mode of transmission is the fecal-oral route and its prevalence can exceed 50% in developing countries. It exhibits a large genetic diversity with 17 subtypes (STs) identified to date. Recent data suggest that infection with Blastocystis is associated with a variety of gastrointestinal disorders and urticaria. As part of my thesis, epidemiological studies have been conducted in different countries (Lebanon, Senegal, France) to determine the prevalence of this parasite in the human population and identify risk factors for infection. In parallel, through a survey in French zoos, animal reservoirs of zoonotic transmission of Blastocystis have been proposed. Moreover, mechanisms involved in the colonization of the host by the parasite were studied.As part of, epidemiological, the parasite was identified in faecal samples by real-time PCR and the resulting amplicon was sequenced for subtyping. The first study conducted in Lebanon in the Tripoli area showed a prevalence of 19% in the general population but this prevalence reached 60% in a population of school children living in the same region. A prevalence of 100% was obtained in a cohort of Senegalese children. The high prevalence observed in these countries can be explained by poor hygiene conditions in connection with the faecal peril. In terms of distribution of STs, the ST3 was predominant in both countries followed by ST1 and ST2. In a multicenter study conducted in France, an overall prevalence of 18.3% was obtained with a predominance of ST3, followed by ST1, ST2 and ST4. This distribution is quite similar to that observed in most European countries. In the French study, parasite prevalence was significantly higher in summer than in winter. Other variables such as a recent trip and age have been identified as risk factors for transmission of the parasite. The contact with animals may represent another risk factor because of the zoonotic potential of the parasite. In a large epidemiological study conducted in two French zoos and including over 160 animal species, the overall prevalence of Blastocystis exceeds 30% with significant variations between animal groups. By comparing the distribution of STs between humans and different groups of animals, primates, artiodactyls (cattle and pigs) and birds represent major potential reservoirs of infection for humans.An association between infection with Blastocystis and appendicitis was demonstrated in a child in Morocco confirming the pathogenicity and invasive and inflammatory potential of the parasite. In addition, 26 other family members presented digestive symptoms suggesting waterborne outbreak of blastocystosis. The hypothesis of a relationship between Blastocystis ST and pathogenicity was suggested hence the interest of a comparative genomics study to identify virulence factors that may be present or absent for some STs. No difference was found between the ST4 genome sequenced during my thesis and the ST7 genome available in the database while these STs have different virulence in vitro. Finally, the unknown impact of colonization by Blastocystis on the composition of the human intestinal microbiota was evaluated. The compositions of the bacterial microbiota of 96 patients infected or not by Blastocystis were obtained by high-throughput sequencing and compared. A higher bacterial diversity was found in colonized patients compared to non-infected patients. These data suggest that colonization by Blastocystis would not be associated with dysbiosis generally observed in intestinal infectious diseases but rather to a healthy intestinal microbiota.

Control of enteric parasitic diseases of farmed gilthead sea bream: New insights into Enteromyxum leei (Myxozoa) and Enterospora nucleophila (Microsporidia) infections

Picard Sánchez, María Amparo 30 May 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La producción en acuicultura se ha visto menguada por aparición de enfermedades en los sistemas de cría de peces. En concreto, en la dorada (Sparus aurata), hay dos parásitos destacados: Enteromyxum leei (Myxozoa) y Enterospora nucleophila (Microsporidia). Hasta la fecha, para ninguno de los dos se ha establecido un cultivo in vitro, y solo para E. leei se ha conseguido establecer un modelo de mantenimiento de la infección in vivo. La presente tesis pretende incrementar el conocimiento sobre estos parásitos y sus relaciones con el hospedador, sentando las bases para generar soluciones que puedan ser aplicadas en la acuicultura. El objetivo con E. leei fue estudiar la inmunidad adquirida inducida en la dorada y la posibilidad de generar herramientas de diagnóstico y vacunas frente a esta enfermedad. Para ello, primero se demostró la resistencia del pez al parásito tras una segunda exposición, la cual duró hasta 16 meses. Además, la resistencia parece estar correlacionada con altos niveles de inmunoglobulina (Ig) M específica en sangre, y una alta expresión de Igs, incluso antes de la re-exposición al parásito. El siguiente paso fue afinar el protocolo de infección con E. leei. Los resultados mostraron que una semana es suficiente para transmitir la infección de E. leei por efluente, independientemente de la temperatura. Tras la demostración de la respuesta adaptativa eficaz frente a E. leei, y al disponer de un modelo de infección refinado, se realizó un ensayo de inmunización pasiva. Aquí, los resultados mostraron que los anticuerpos especi'ficos efectivamente consigue ralentizar la invasión del intestino por el parásito y disminuir los síntomas de la enfermedad. Paralelamente, el resultado del análisis del repertorio de las regiones variables de la IgM e IgT del intestino peces resistentes mostró la inducción de una respuesta policlonal en las ce'lulas B. En base a estos resultados, se realizó una búsqueda de antígenos de E. leei que pudieran ser utilizados como candidatos para la producción de vacunas (análisis proteómico) o herramientas de diagnóstico (análisis in silico). Para ello, se ensambló un transcriptoma de novo utilizando una muestra mixta de intestino de dorada y parásito. Los resultados dieron lugar a 7 y 12 candidatos en la búsqueda in silico y proteómica, respectivamente. En los estudios de E. nucleophila, debido a que fue descrita muy recientemente, el punto de partida fue más básico. Las muestras de este parásito solo se pueden obtener de brotes naturales en piscifactorias. Por ello, primero se realizó un estudio de caracterización de la patología de la infección a partir de peces infectados naturalmente. En etapas tempranas de la infección, el parásito se localiza principalmente en el intestino, pero meses después, la prevalencia en intestino baja e incrementa en los órganos hematopoyéticos y el esto'mago. Los signos clínicos de la infección consistieron en una reducción significativa del crecimiento, emaciación, y palidez de las paredes intestinales. A nivel celular, en los casos ma's graves se observó hipercelularidad en el epitelio intestinal y proliferación de ce'lulas rodlet, un elevado número de linfocitos en la base del epitelio e infiltración de granulocitos acidófilos en el epitelio intestinal. Finalmente se probaron varias formas de transmisión horizontal de E. nucleophila (cohabitación, efluente, intubación oral y anal) con para desarrollar un modelo de mantenimiento in vivo. Se consiguió la transmisión el parásito por todas las vías, pero con una disminución de prevalencia a lo largo del tiempo. Variables como la temperatura, la dosis, y el estado de los peces donantes parecen ser más determinantes que la ruta seleccionada para la transmisión. Entre las rutas probadas, la intubación anal parece ser la más prometedora, pero ninguna de ellas fue capaz de reproducir los signos clínicos observados en las infecciones naturales. / [CA] La producció en aqüicultura s'ha vist minvada per aparició de malalties en els sistemes de cria de peixos. En concret, en l'orada (Sparus aurata), hi ha dos paràsits destacats: Enteromyxum leei (Myxozoa) i Enterospora nucleophila (Microsporidia). Fins avui, per a cap dels dos s'ha establert un cultiu in vitro, i només per a E. leei s'ha aconseguit establir un model de manteniment de la infecció in vivo. La present tesi pretén incrementar el coneixement sobre aquests paràsits i les seves relacions amb l'hoste, establint les bases per a generar solucions que puguin ser aplicades en l'aqüicultura. L'objectiu amb E. leei va ser estudiar la immunitat adquirida induïda en l'orada i la possibilitat de generar eines de diagnòstic i vacunes enfront d'aquesta malaltia. Per a això, primer es va demostrar la resistència del peix al paràsit després d'una segona exposició, la qual va durar fins a 16 mesos. A més, la resistència sembla estar correlacionada amb alts nivells d'immunoglobulina (Ig) M específica en sang, i una alta expressió de Igs, fins i tot abans de la re-exposició al paràsit. El següent pas va ser afinar el protocol d'infecció amb E. leei. Els resultats van mostrar que una setmana és suficient per a transmetre la infecció de E. leei per efluent, independentment de la temperatura. Després de la demostració de la resposta adaptativa eficaç enfront de E. leei, i en disposar d'un model d'infecció refinat, es va realitzar un assaig d'immunització passiva. Aquí, els resultats van mostrar que els anticossos específics efectivament aconsegueix alentir la invasió de l'intestí pel paràsit i disminuir els símptomes de la malaltia. Paral·lelament, el resultat de l'anàlisi del repertori de les regions variables de la IgM i IgT de l'intestí peixos resistents va mostrar la inducció d'una resposta policlonal en les cèl·lules B. Sobre la base d'aquests resultats, es va realitzar una cerca d'antígens de E. leei que poguessin ser utilitzats com a candidats per a la producció de vacunes (anàlisis proteómico) o eines de diagnòstic (anàlisi in silico). Per a això, es va assemblar un transcriptoma de novo utilitzant una mostra mixta d'intestí d'orada i paràsit. Els resultats van donar lloc a 7 i 12 candidats en la cerca in silico i proteòmica, respectivament. En els estudis de E. nucleophila, pel fet que va ser descrita molt recentment, el punt de partida va ser més bàsic. Les mostres d'aquest paràsit només es poden obtenir de brots naturals en piscifactorias. Per això, primer es va realitzar un estudi de caracterització de la patologia de la infecció a partir de peixos infectats naturalment. En etapes primerenques de la infecció, el paràsit es localitza principalment en l'intestí, però mesos després, la prevalença en intestí baixa i incrementa en els òrgans hematopoètics i l'estómac. Els signes clínics de la infecció van consistir en una reducció significativa del creixement, emaciació, i pal·lidesa de les parets intestinals. A nivell cel·lular, en els casos més greus es va observar hipercelularidad en l'epiteli intestinal i proliferació de cèl·lules rodlet, un elevat nombre de limfòcits en la base de l'epiteli i infiltració de granulòcits acidòfils en l'epiteli intestinal. Finalment es van provar diverses formes de transmissió horitzontal de E. nucleophila (cohabitació, efluent, intubació oral i anal) amb per a desenvolupar un model de manteniment in vivo. Es va aconseguir la transmissió el paràsit per totes les vies, però amb una disminució de prevalença al llarg del temps. Variables com la temperatura, la dosi, i l'estat dels peixos donants semblen ser més determinants que la ruta seleccionada per a la transmissió. Entre les rutes provades, la intubació anal sembla ser la més prometedora, però cap d'elles va ser capaç de reproduir els signes clínics observats en les infeccions naturals. / [EN] Aquaculture production is hampered by the emergence of parasite diseases in fish farming systems. Among them, in Sparus aurata, there are two important enteric parasites described: Enteromyxum leei (Myxozoa) Enterospora nucleophila (Microsporidia). To date, no in vitro culture has been established for either parasite, and only for E. leei was it possible to establish a model for maintaining the infection in vivo. The aim of this thesis is to gain new knowledge about these parasites and their relationship with the host, also the basic foundations for generating solutions that can be applied in aquaculture. The general objective for E. leei was to study the acquired immunity induced in gilthead bream and the possibility of generating diagnostic tools and vaccines against this disease. To this end, resistance against the parasite was assessed with a second exposure against the parasite, which showed a resistance for at least 16 months. Besides resistance seemed to be correlated with high levels of specific immunoglobulin (Ig) M in blood, and a high expression of Igs, in particular, the soluble forms, even before re-exposure to the parasite. The next step was refining the protocol for effluent infection with E. leei by studying infection at different exposure time points, temperatures and population densities. The results showed that one week of exposure is sufficient to spread E. leei infection by effluent, regardless of temperature. After demonstrating the resistance against E. leei, and with a refined infection model, a passive immunization assay was performed. The results showed that the serum with specific antibodies effectively slows down the invasion of the gut by the parasite and reduces the symptoms of the disease. At the same time, the analysis of the repertoire of the variable regions of intestinal IgM and IgT showed an induction of a polyclonal response in B cells. On the basis of these results, a research was carried out for E. leei antigens that could have use as candidates for the production of vaccines (proteomic study) or diagnostic tools (in silico study) using the parasite transcriptomic data. To do this, a de novo transcriptome was assembled using a mixed sample of gilthead sea bream and parasite, with a posterior filtrate of the sequences. The In silico and proteomic analysis search resulted in 7 and 12 transcripts, respectively, which are being used for diagnostic and vaccine production. The starting point was more basic in E. nucleophila studies, since this is a recently described disease. The samples of this parasite can only be obtained from natural outbreaks in fish farms. Therefore, first study was carried out to characterize the pathology of the infection of naturally infected fish. In the early stages of the infection, the parasite is mainly located in the intestine, but months later, the prevalence is lower in the intestine and increases in the hematopoietic organs and the stomach. Clinical signs of infection were significant reduction in growth, wasting, and intestinal walls paleness. At the cellular level, in the most severe cases hypercellularity in the intestinal epithelium, proliferation of rodlet cells, high number of lymphocytes at the base of the epithelium and infiltration of acidophilic granulocytes in the intestinal epithelium were observed. Finally, horizontal transmission of E. nucleophila was tried using different transmission methods: cohabitation, effluent, and oral and anal intubation. Transmission of the parasite was achieved with all routes, but there was a decrease in prevalence over time in all cases except for the anal route. Variables such as temperature, dose, and the status of the donor fish appear to be more important than the selected route. Among the routes tested, anal intubation seemed to be the most promising, as it was sustained over a longer period of time, but none of them was able to reproduce the same clinical signs of infection observed in natural infections. / The authors kindly acknowledge the collaboration of anonymous fish farming companies allowing access to the animals during the disease outbreaks. We thank J. Monfort and L. Rodríguez (IATS-CSIC) for the technical assistance on histological processing.This work has been carried out with financial support from the European Union and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under grant projects ParaFishControl (H2020-634429) and AGL2013-R-48560-C2-2-R, respectively. APS was contracted under ParaFishControl project. Primer sequences and access to the gilthead sea bream transcriptomic database were kindly provided by Prof. J. Pérez-Sánchez of the IATS- Nutrigenomics group. The authors thank I. Vicente for fish maintenance and technical assistance during samplings. The authors thank P. Boudinot (INRAE) for his help in designing and interpreting the immunoglobulin repertoire study and results, J. Pérez-Sánchez (IATS-CSIC) for providing access to the gilthead sea bream genome sequences to perform the repertoire analysis.This work was funded by the European Research Council (ERC Consolidator Grant 2016 725061 TEMUBLYM). / Picard Sánchez, MA. (2021). Control of enteric parasitic diseases of farmed gilthead sea bream: New insights into Enteromyxum leei (Myxozoa) and Enterospora nucleophila (Microsporidia) infections [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/167035 / Compendio

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