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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo operacional para dispersão de poluentes na camada limite atmosférica com contornos parcialmente reflexivos

Loeck, Jaqueline Fischer January 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe um novo modelo para dispersão de poluentes na atmosfera, tal modelo foi idealizado no trabalho de dissertação da autora e continuou-se seu desenvolvimento nesta pesquisa. O modelo é baseado na solução semi-analítica da equação de advecção-difusão para emissão contínua, com resolução através do método de separação de variáveis e da transformada de Fourier. As condições de contorno são tratadas como infinitas reflexões do poluente no solo e no topo da camada limite atmosférica. Adiante, estas reflexões são utilizadas de modo parcial, na tentativa de considerar fenômenos da dispersão que não podem ser explicitados no modelo determinístico, de forma que os contornos podem ser entendidos como estocásticos, ou seja, pode-se interpretar os contornos como uma amostragem de uma distribuição. Além disso, é realizada uma otimização nos contornos parcialmente reflexivos, com o objetivo de desenvolver uma metodologia de otimização e determinar os valores ótimos para a reflexão parcial. Os resultados obtidos foram, primeiramente, comparados com os experimentos de Copenhagen e Hanford. Posteriormente, comparou-se o modelo com dados de concentração coletados em uma fábrica de celulose, a CMPC Celulose Riograndense. Simulou-se, também, a dispersão de poluentes emitidos por uma usina termelétrica no Brasil, que faz parte do programa de pesquisa e desenvolvimento tecnológico do setor de energia elétrica da Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL). / The present work proposes a new model for pollutant dispersion in the atmosphere, this model was idealized in the dissertation work of the author and continued its development in this research. The model is based on the semi-analytic solution of the advectiondiffusion equation for continuous emission, with resolution through the method of separation of variables and the Fourier transform. The boundary conditions are treated as infinite reflections of the pollutant in the soil and at the top of the atmospheric boundary layer. These reflections are used in a partial way in the attempt to consider phenomena of dispersion that can not be explained in the deterministic model, so that the boundaries can be understood as stochastic, that is, one can interpret the boundaries as a sampling of a distribution. In addition, an optimization is performed in the partially reflective boundaries, with the purpose of developing an optimization methodology and determining the optimal values for the partial reflection. The results obtained were firstly compared with the experiments of Copenhagen and Hanford. Subsequently, the model was compared with concentration data collected at a cellulose production plant. The dispersion of pollutants emitted by a thermoelectric plant in Brazil was also simulated, which is part of the research and technological development program of the electric energy sector of the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL).

Da superfície à carne : as fronteiras entre estético e reparador na formação e atuação no campo da cirurgia plástica

Schimitt, Marcelle January 2017 (has links)
A partir de uma abordagem do fenômeno das cirurgias plásticas enquanto algo que se conforma na prática, esta dissertação versa sobre os limites entre o reparador e o estético relativos a esses procedimentos. Tendo como espinha dorsal a formação das(os) médicas(os) e a constituição dessa especialidade da medicina, tais fronteiras serão abordadas a partir do entendimento de que não apenas auxiliam na conformação das cirurgias plásticas, mas são também constituídas em relação a essas últimas. Através da participação em eventos promovidos por Ligas de Cirurgia Plástica e entrevistas realizadas com graduandas, residentes, cirurgiãs e cirurgiões plásticos, este trabalho tem como objetivo construir uma narrativa, entre tantas outras possíveis, acerca dos modos como os limites entre o estético e o reparador têm se instituído discursivo-materialmente. Antes, contudo, parte-se de uma abordagem histórica a fim de uma compreensão mais situada a respeito de como essa especialidade tem se conformado ao longo do tempo. Por meio de diferentes investimentos esta dissertação trata, em síntese, sobre como esses procedimentos assumem diferentes realidades. Assim, contingências históricas, sociais, econômicas, políticas e materiais, entre inúmeras outras, são compreendidas de maneira indissociável como atuantes na conformação das cirurgias plásticas e dos limites concernentes a elas. Por fim, sugere-se que um entendimento dessas realidades enquanto múltiplas nos auxilia na construção de uma apreensão do conhecimento médico como algo que não está dado, mas como práticas histórico-materialmente situadas. Ainda, a partir da discussão central proposta por este trabalho são estabelecidos pontos de confluência entre as cirurgias plásticas e as fronteiras relativas ao corpo e aos binômios natureza/cultura, saúde/doença, forma/função, entre outros. / This dissertation addresses the limits between the cosmetic and the reconstructive surgeries from an approach of the plastic surgery phenomenon as something that conforms in practice. Having as a backbone the formation of the doctors and the constitution of this specialty of medicine, such boundaries will be approached from the understanding that they not only aid in the conformation of plastic surgeries but also are constituted of this last one. Through the participation in events promoted by Plastic Surgery Leagues and interviews with undergraduates, residents and plastic surgeons, this study aims to construct a narrative, among many others possible, about the ways in which the boundaries between the cosmetic and the reconstructive surgeries have been instituted discursive-materially. First, however, it starts with a historical approach in order to understand more about how this specialty has conformed over time. Through different investments, this dissertation deals, in short, with about how these procedures take on different realities. Thus, historical, social, economic, political, and material contingencies, among countless others, are understood as acting in the conformation of plastic surgeries and the limits concerning them. Finally, it suggests that an understanding of these realities as multiple helps us in constructing an apprehension of the medical knowledge as something that is not given but as historical-materially situated practices. Still, from the proposed discussion by this study, points of convergence between plastic surgeries and boundaries related to the body and to the binomials nature/culture, health/illness, form/function, among others, are established.

The contribution of the grain boundary engineering to the problem of intergranular hydrogen embrittlement / Apport de l'ingénierie du joint de grain dans la problématique de la fragilisation par l’hydrogène de nature inter-granulaire

Li, Jiaqi 20 December 2017 (has links)
La mobilité de l’hydrogène dans les métaux est un paramètre clef pour la compréhension des mécanismes de base de la fragilisation par l’hydrogène (FPH). Cette problématique est directement associée aux mécanismes de diffusion et de piégeage de l’hydrogène au sein d’un réseau cristallin. Ces derniers dépendent des diverses hétérogénéités microstructurales et en particulier des défauts cristallins présents au sein du matériau. Dans le cadre de nos travaux nous nous sommes restreints à étudier la diffusion et le piégeage de l’hydrogène au sein de deux systèmes élémentaires : des monocristaux et des bi-cristaux de nickel. Nous avons développé une méthodologie associant des outils expérimentaux (Perméation électrochimique/TDS, METHR, EBSD) et numériques (FEM-COMSOL/EAM-LAMMPS). Les résultats obtenus sur monocristaux montrent une dépendance du coefficient de diffusion de l’hydrogène avec l’orientation cristallographique et la teneur en hydrogène. L’analyse thermodynamique du système nickel-hydrogène-lacune démontre une dépendance du potentiel chimique de l’hydrogène à l’état de contrainte induit par la formation d’amas de lacunes associés à la présence de l’hydrogène. Le caractère anisotrope de la diffusion est alors expliqué par l’anisotropie des propriétés d’élasticité du réseau cristallin et la présence de ces amas. D’autre part nous avons caractérisé les processus de diffusion et de piégeage de l’hydrogène pour des bi-cristaux de nickel présentant différents volumes libres. L’énergie de ségrégation de l’hydrogène dépend de la nature du site (volume libre local et énergie mécanique associée à l’incorporation du soluté). La diffusion de l’hydrogène est influencée directement par la nature de joint de grain (excès de volume et distribution des sites). Nos résultats, à l’échelle atomique, montrent une corrélation entre la solubilité et le volume libre du joint de grain. Les joints de grains avec un volume libre important présentent des chemins de diffusion plus favorables pour l'hydrogène que dans le réseau cristallin et dans le même temps un nombre plus important de sites de ségrégation. / The mobility of hydrogen in metals is a key parameter for understanding the basic mechanisms of hydrogen embrittlement (HE). This problem is directly related to the mechanisms of diffusion and trapping of hydrogen within a crystal lattice. These mechanisms depend on the various microstructural heterogeneities and in particular the crystalline defects. In our work, we have focused on the diffusion and trapping of hydrogen in two elementary systems: nickel single crystals and bi-crystals. We developed a methodology combining experimental tools (electrochemical permeation / TDS, HRTEM, EBSD) and numerical methods (FEM-COMSOL / EAM-LAMMPS). The results obtained on the single crystals show a dependence of the diffusion coefficient of hydrogen with the crystallographic orientation and the hydrogen content. The thermodynamic analysis of the nickel-hydrogen-vacancy system shows a dependence of the chemical potential of hydrogen with the stress state induced by the formation of clusters of vacancies associated with the presence of hydrogen. The anisotropic character of the diffusion is then explained by the anisotropy of the elastic properties of the crystal lattice and the presence of these clusters. Moreover, we have characterized the processes of diffusion and trapping of hydrogen for nickel bi-crystals with different free volumes. The segregation energy of hydrogen depends on the nature of the site (the local free volume and the mechanical energy associated with the incorporation of solute). The diffusion of hydrogen is directly influenced by the nature of the grain boundary (the free volume and the distribution of the segregation sites). Our results, at the atomic scale, show a correlation between the solubility and the free volume of the grain boundary. The grain boundaries with a higher free volume have more favorable diffusion paths for hydrogen than in the crystal lattice and at the same time more segregation sites.

In/security in context : an inquiry into the relational and contextual dimensions of in/security within the Colombian peace process

Delgado, Caroline January 2018 (has links)
This research is concerned with how in/security is understood and the implications of contested meanings of in/security. The basic premise of this thesis is that in/security in itself has no meaning and thus cannot exist in isolation. Instead, in/security is always defined in relation to something or someone. How we understand in/security derives from the contexts we navigate and the identities we construct. An inquiry into in/security therefore demands incorporating a multiplicity of narratives and discussing these in relation to each other. While scholars have called for a greater emphasis on exploring in/security in marginal sites, I argue that accounts from the margins must not be at the exclusion of other more dominant narratives. Such analysis – placing the elite/margin, included/excluded, powerful/weak – in the same framework in order to produce a relational account of in/security is largely missing. This thesis sets out to provide a rich and detailed understanding of the everyday complexities of in/security. I propose a framework for capturing relational and contextual dimensions of in/security, and the implication of contested meanings of in/security understandings. Through an in-depth case study in the context of the transitions towards a post-conflict period in Colombia, following five decades of armed conflict, I inquired into in/security understandings at the margins in relation to the centre. The margins were represented by conflict-affected communities whereas the centre was represented by the Colombian government and key security sector institutions. The research found several relational dimensions of in/security understandings between the state- and the marginalized community-levels. Moreover, contextual and identity factors had a significant impact on how in/security was spoken about and what was spoken of. Through the framework, it was possible to see in continuum the way deeply ingrained understandings of in/security reproduce violence as the government seeks to transition the country into a post-conflict period following five decades of armed conflict. The research, through a detailed empirical case study, supports the view that in/security is relational and derivative of context and with ties to identity. It contributes to further our understandings of in/security at three distinct levels. At the theoretical level, the research builds upon existing literature in the field of security studies to advance an enhanced understanding of the relational and contextual dimensions of in/security, the contested meanings of in/security and the implications thereof. Methodologically, it proposes an alternative framework to capture the relational dimensions through shifting the problem formulation from a traditional focus on who is to be secured from what threats to how in/security is understood by different people/communities in different contexts. Empirically, it contributes to an off-centred understanding of in/security dynamics in the official transitions into the post-conflict period in Colombia. Through its empirical evidence it has the potential to offer an important contribution to the analysis of post-conflict transitions more generally.

Les squelettes : structures d'interaction directe et intuitive avec des formes 3D / Skeletons : intuitive and direct interaction structures with 3D shapes

Delame, Thomas 19 September 2014 (has links)
Dans les applications graphiques, les interactions avec les formes sont peu naturelles. L'utilisateur repousse autant que possible l'usage de ces applications, préférant dessiner ou sculpter une forme. Pour combler ce fossé qui se creuse entre l'informatique et le grand public, nous nous tournons vers les squelettes. Ce sont des modèles de représentation des formes intuitifs que nous proposons d'utiliser comme structure d'interaction directe et intuitive.Tous les squelettes souffrent d'un problème de qualité, que ce soit au niveau de la géométrie qu'ils capturent, de leurs quantité de bruit ou encore de l'absence d'organisation utile de leurs éléments. De plus, certaines fonctionnalités nécessaires des squelettes ne sont que partiellement résolues, et ceci grâce à des données additionnelles calculées à partir de la forme lors de la squelettisation. Ainsi, lorsque le squelette est modifié par une interaction, nous sommes dans l'incapacité de mettre à jour ces données et d'utiliser ces fonctionnalités.Nous avons construit un ensemble de solutions algorithmiques à ces problèmes. Nous faisons un usage optimal des données contenues dans le squelette pour visualiser la forme qu'il décrit, supprimer son bruit et structurer ses éléments. Nous construisons un squelette hiérarchique qui capture et contrôle toutes les zones caractéristiques d'une forme.Ce squelette est adapté pour une interaction directe et intuitive, ce qui permet de combler le fossé dont nous faisions mention. Nos travaux permettent également d'améliorer les méthodes de squelettisation et produire des squelettes qui sont déjà de bonne qualité. / The interactions in shape creation graphic applications are far from natural. The user tends to avoid as much as possible such applications and prefer to sketch or model his/her shape.To bridge this widening gap between computer and the general public, we focus on skeletons. They are intuitive shape representation models that we propose to use as direct and intuitive interaction structures.All skeletons suffer from very low quality as shape representation models, concerning the geometry of the shape they capture, the quantity of skeletal noise they contain or the lack of useful organization of their elements. Moreover, some functionalities that must be granted to skeletons are only partially solved. Those solutions make use of additional data computed thanks to the shape during the skeletonization. Thus, when the skeleton is modified by an interaction, we cannot update those data to make use of such functionalities.Thanks to a practical observation of skeletons, we built a set of algorithmic solutions to those problems.We make an optimal use of skeleton data to visualize the shape described by a skeleton, to remove skeletal noise and to structure skeleton elements. With our methods, we build the meso-skeleton, a hierarchical structure that captures and controls all characteristic parts of a shape.The meso-skeleton is adapted to be used as a direct and intuitive interaction structure, which allows us to bridge the gap aforementioned. Also, our work can lead to further researches to enhance skeletonization techniques and thus produce skeletons that are good quality shape representation models.

The Understanding of Absolute Right to Freedom of Expression in the Case of Hate Speech

Wang, Qinqin 23 March 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to explore whether there is an absolute right to freedom of expression with regard to hate speech, and more specifically, whether tolerance should be exercised toward speech even in circumstances where this speech presents a clear and present danger to the public. The author will use legal research methods to analyze this question. The paper will delve into four major Supreme Court cases in the case of hate speech, as well as the decision by the Virginia Court that allowed the rally in Charlottesville which ended with the death of 32-year old woman. The aim is to determine how the Supreme Court has looked at hateful expression over the years and the status of hate speech in America today. The four major cases are Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie (1977), R.A.V v. City of St. Paul (1992), and Virginia v. Black (2003). Although the case of Kessler v. Charlottesville (2017) is not a Supreme Court case, its significance in relation to the right to freedom of expression is no less than those precedent four cases. This incident and related legal cases bring the concerns about hate speech and the constitutional right to freedom of expression directly into the public discourse.

Cenários contemporâneos da Fronteira Brasil-Argentina : infra-estruturas estratégicas e o papel dos atores no processo de cooperção/integração transfronteiriça / Contemporary settings of Brasil – Argentina boundary : the strategic infra-structures and actors role in the transboundary cooperation/integration

Dietz, Circe Inês January 2008 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como tema as transformações nas relações fronteiriças Brasil - Argentina ocorridas, sobretudo, a partir da criação do Mercosul. Dessa forma o objetivo geral do estudo consistiu em investigar os cenários contemporâneos que se desenham na fronteira do Brasil (Rio Grande do Sul) com a República Argentina (Misiones e Corrientes), enfatizando a atuação dos atores multiescalares – nos âmbitos do Estado, Mercado e Sociedade Civil – e a implantação e os projetos de implantação de infra-estruturas estratégicas. Os objetivos específicos consistiram em: (a) identificar ações de cooperação e integração estabelecidos entre Brasil e Argentina, assim como também identificar os diferentes atores que realizam ações com repercussões nas questões de fronteira; (b) analisar os distintos cenários em que aconteceu a incorporação de infra-estruturas estratégicas de vinculação física na fronteira, particularmente das pontes binacionais entre Uruguaiana - Passo de Los Libres e São Borja – Santo Tomé; (c) avaliar o papel dos atores locais e locais/regionais das cidades gêmeas (Porto Mauá - Alba Posse; Porto Xavier - San Javier e Itaqui – General Alvear) no processo de organização em prol do projeto de construção das novas ligações viárias sobre o Rio Uruguai. As mudanças que vêm acontecendo com as regiões de fronteira podem ser identificadas a partir dos novos usos políticos e econômicos deste território. No caso estudado, estão entre os novos elementos: a preocupação do Estado nacional com a questão da integração regional, a adaptação e/ou tentativas de modificação da legislação que regulamenta as regiões de fronteira, instalação/ampliação de infra-estruturas aduaneiras, construção de infra-estruturas de conexão, participação de novos atores e a ampliação do comércio de importação e exportação. / The present dissertation has the theme of transformations in the Brasil –Argentina that happened, overall after the Mercosul creation. In this sense, our subject here is to investigate the contemporary setting drawn upon the Brasil (Rio Grande do Sul) and Argentina (Misiones and Corrientes) boundary, emphasizing the multi-scale actors role - in State, Market and Civil Society scope – and the implantation and implantation projects for strategic structures. The specific subjects consisted into: (a) identify cooperation and integration actions established between Brasil and Argentina, as well as identify the different actors doing actions with repercussion in the boundaries questions; (b) to analyze the distinct settings in which happened the incorporation of strategic infra-structures of physical boundary integration, particularly in the binational bridges between Uruguaiana – Passo de los Libres and São Borja – Santo Tomé; (c) evaluate the local and local/regional actor role from the twin cities (Porto Mauá – Alba Posse; Porto Xavier – San Javier and Itaqui – General Alvear) in the organization process toward to the building of new road links over the Uruguay River. The changes happening with the boundary regions can be identified from the new political and economic usages of such territory. In the studied case, amongst the new elements there are: the National State concern about the regional integration issue, the adaptation and/or attempts to modify the boundary region regulation laws, customs infra-structure installation/expansion, connection infra-structures building, participation of new actors and the expansion of importation and exportation trade.

Boundary-Making as a Destigmatization Strategy: The Case of Albanian and Bosnian Muslims in Canada

Previsic, Ivana 20 November 2018 (has links)
This thesis studies the experiences of Albanian and Bosnian Muslim immigrants in Canada in the post-9/11 period. It draws upon a boundary-making framework and employs qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate the destigmatization strategies of Balkan Muslims, as well the national and cultural repertoires that enable and facilitate their utilization. The study yields several important findings. The quantitative findings show that Albanian and Bosnian Muslim immigrants in general show lower levels of attachment to religion compared to other Muslim immigrants. Also, many members of these ethnic groups appear to have resorted to the strategy of distancing and/or disidentifying from Muslim identification and/or faith in favour of identifying as irreligious as a way of coping with rising Islamophobia in Canadian society. The qualitative findings show that the move towards distancing/disidentification is due to a dissonance between the cultural repertoires of the meaning(s) of “Muslim” in participants’ homeland versus that of the host society. Discursively, the process of distancing/disidentification occurs mostly by drawing religious and, relatedly, moral and value boundaries from other, mostly non-European and racialized Muslims. Importantly, despite having been exposed to instances of Islamophobia, participants overwhelmingly reported that their communities have not been significantly affected by anti-Muslim sentiments. I argue that the Albanian and Bosnian Muslims’ lack of religious signs, bolstered by their “whiteness” and society’s general unfamiliarity with Muslims and the Balkans, have greatly contributed to the perceived lack of religion-based discrimination. This study thus demonstrates that Islamophobia is to a significant extent an issue of racism, and that, relatedly, “race” continues to be a weighty marker of differentiation in Canadian society, where skin colour and appearance function as a religious sign.

FRONTEIRAS E IDENTIDADES FLUIDAS NO CRISTIANISMO DA GALÁCIA / Boundaries and fluid identities in the christianity of the galatians

Izidoro, José Luiz 30 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:21:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Luiz Izidoro.pdf: 1122752 bytes, checksum: 96297286abb465de3c717b8ecf163d19 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The biblical texts are the result of a historical-literary process in which the societies and cultures are present through the symbolic constructions and representations, as well as through languages and discourses. In this way, for biblical research, the studies of the source of primitive Christianity become indispensable. These studies can be carried out by means of historic-anthropological concepts that facilitate the understanding of the formation process of identities in the Jewish-Hellenistic context of primitive Christianity. In the perspective of identity analysis, Gl 3,26-29 reflects and suggests the interaction and approximation between ethnic groups and socio-cultural groups, provided some aspects are observed, such as: their differences and their unity in Christ Jesus; and the recognition of the identities emerging from the social, ethnic and geographical boundaries. From a theological and anthropological point of view, therefore, we get close to the ethnic, socio-cultural and religious conceptual components that the text suggests, as well as social and gender representation that emerge from the interaction between the Christian groups in the first century. Therefore, for the Pauline Christianity of Galatians, the concept of Judaism, in relation to Hellenism did not constitute a fixed , stagnated entity in opposition to the latter. Rather than this, they are in a continuous movement of interaction between boundaries, and, in their diversity and differences they make it possible to understand the emergence of the fluid identities in formation. / Os textos bíblicos são o resultado de um processo histórico-literário no qual as sociedades e as culturas se fazem presentes pelas construções e representações simbólicas, pelas linguagens e pelos discursos. Desse modo, na pesquisa bíblica torna-se imprescindível o estudo das fontes do cristianismo primitivo por meio de conceitos histórico-antropológicos que possibilitem compreender o processo de formação de identidades no contexto judaicohelênico do cristianismo primitivo. Na perspectiva de análise das identidades, Gl 3,26-29 reflete e sugere a interação e a aproximação entre os grupos étnicos e socioculturais, observadas as diferenças e a unidade em Cristo Jesus; e o reconhecimento das identidades a partir da dinâmica das fronteiras sociais, étnicas e geográficas. Dos pontos de vista teológico e antropológico, aproximamo-nos dos componentes conceituais étnicos, socioculturais e religiosos que o texto sugere, bem como das representações sociais e de gênero que emergem da interação entre os grupos cristãos ainda no século I. Portanto, para o cristianismo paulino da Galácia, a concepção do judaísmo, em sua relação com o helenismo, não constitui uma entidade fixa, estagnada, em simples oposição a este; eles estão em contínuo movimento de interação entre as fronteiras e, em sua diversidade e diferenças, possibilitam compreender o emergir das identidades fluidas em formação.

Da superfície à carne : as fronteiras entre estético e reparador na formação e atuação no campo da cirurgia plástica

Schimitt, Marcelle January 2017 (has links)
A partir de uma abordagem do fenômeno das cirurgias plásticas enquanto algo que se conforma na prática, esta dissertação versa sobre os limites entre o reparador e o estético relativos a esses procedimentos. Tendo como espinha dorsal a formação das(os) médicas(os) e a constituição dessa especialidade da medicina, tais fronteiras serão abordadas a partir do entendimento de que não apenas auxiliam na conformação das cirurgias plásticas, mas são também constituídas em relação a essas últimas. Através da participação em eventos promovidos por Ligas de Cirurgia Plástica e entrevistas realizadas com graduandas, residentes, cirurgiãs e cirurgiões plásticos, este trabalho tem como objetivo construir uma narrativa, entre tantas outras possíveis, acerca dos modos como os limites entre o estético e o reparador têm se instituído discursivo-materialmente. Antes, contudo, parte-se de uma abordagem histórica a fim de uma compreensão mais situada a respeito de como essa especialidade tem se conformado ao longo do tempo. Por meio de diferentes investimentos esta dissertação trata, em síntese, sobre como esses procedimentos assumem diferentes realidades. Assim, contingências históricas, sociais, econômicas, políticas e materiais, entre inúmeras outras, são compreendidas de maneira indissociável como atuantes na conformação das cirurgias plásticas e dos limites concernentes a elas. Por fim, sugere-se que um entendimento dessas realidades enquanto múltiplas nos auxilia na construção de uma apreensão do conhecimento médico como algo que não está dado, mas como práticas histórico-materialmente situadas. Ainda, a partir da discussão central proposta por este trabalho são estabelecidos pontos de confluência entre as cirurgias plásticas e as fronteiras relativas ao corpo e aos binômios natureza/cultura, saúde/doença, forma/função, entre outros. / This dissertation addresses the limits between the cosmetic and the reconstructive surgeries from an approach of the plastic surgery phenomenon as something that conforms in practice. Having as a backbone the formation of the doctors and the constitution of this specialty of medicine, such boundaries will be approached from the understanding that they not only aid in the conformation of plastic surgeries but also are constituted of this last one. Through the participation in events promoted by Plastic Surgery Leagues and interviews with undergraduates, residents and plastic surgeons, this study aims to construct a narrative, among many others possible, about the ways in which the boundaries between the cosmetic and the reconstructive surgeries have been instituted discursive-materially. First, however, it starts with a historical approach in order to understand more about how this specialty has conformed over time. Through different investments, this dissertation deals, in short, with about how these procedures take on different realities. Thus, historical, social, economic, political, and material contingencies, among countless others, are understood as acting in the conformation of plastic surgeries and the limits concerning them. Finally, it suggests that an understanding of these realities as multiple helps us in constructing an apprehension of the medical knowledge as something that is not given but as historical-materially situated practices. Still, from the proposed discussion by this study, points of convergence between plastic surgeries and boundaries related to the body and to the binomials nature/culture, health/illness, form/function, among others, are established.

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