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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Of speculators, migrants and entrepreneurs : essays on the economics of trying your fortune

Bianchi, Milo January 2007 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2007

Eficiencia y racionalidad en el sistema concursal. El caso peruano.

Flint Blanck, Pinkas José 23 September 2008 (has links)
El dret concursal és la resposta legal a una realitat financera que prové de l'economia del mercat. Els negocis poden fracassar. Quan les empreses i les persones fallen a l'hora de complir amb les seves obligacions de deute i els seus actius no són suficients per cobrir els crèdits, esdevenen insolvents i fan fallida. Per tal de regular les demandes dels creditors i resoldre el dilema dels creditors com a grup, la Llei concursal es converteix en un mètode ordenat per maximitzar els actius del deutor i protegir uns grups d'interès determinats. Aquesta dissertació vol contribuir a conèixer el problema concursal. Així mateix, té l'objectiu d'identificar factors clau per mesurar l'eficiència per mitjà dels costos de transacció utilitzant-ne de directes i d'indirectes, d'ex ante i d'ex post, com també els costos d'informació, de coordinació i d'execució, i després comparar-los amb un altre sistema, en aquest cas el règim colombià, i crear una metodologia per mesurar l'eficiència.La dissertació també tracta la racionalitat. La racionalitat concursal és maximitzar el valor dels actius del deutor per tal de pagar els seus deutes. També implica mantenir en el mercat companyies viables, tenint en compte en aquest cas que el valor de l'empresa insolvent com a unitat operativa és més elevat que com a liquidada, i retirar del mercat aquells negocis que no es poden mantenir com a empreses en funcionament.L'objectiu principal de qualsevol sistema concursal és protegir el crèdit i proporcionar un fòrum per als creditors perquè coordinin accions i, d'aquesta manera, redueixin els costos de transacció. La racionalitat bàsica del sistema és que aquests acords beneficien tots els creditors i es respecten les preferències donades per llei per a uns determinats tipus de creditors.Un sistema concursal eficient evitarà l'error del tipus 1 i l'error del tipus 2, és a dir, mantenir empreses inviables o liquidar empreses viables.La dissertació tracta de l'eficiència i la racionalitat a través de mitjans empírics. S'ha fet una revisió àmplia de la bibliografia en àrees com ara el reflotament empresarial, els costos de transacció, la racionalitat limitada, la teoria de jocs i la Llei concursal, per tal de seleccionar-ne variables i formular-ne hipòtesis. La recerca inclou 15 anys d'història peruana (1992-2007) sota quatre règims concursals diferents, i utilitza metodologia qualitativa i quantitativa.En l'etapa qualitativa, es van entrevistar setanta experts. Són jugadors clau en l'àmbit acadèmic Indecopi, bancs, companyies administradores, interventors. Les entrevistes van generar vuit categories útils per comprendre per què els diferents grups d'interès es comporten tal com ho fan.Es va tenir cura a l'hora de seleccionar codis clau per tal de provar-los posteriorment en l'etapa quantitativa.Les entrevistes semiestructurades als experts proporcionen un marc conceptual per comprendre la conducta que correspon a indústries regulades com ara la banca. Per tal de provar les hipòtesis, es van estudiar 359 empreses. L'estudi inclou una extensa documentació retrospectiva en els arxius centrals d'Indecopi. La mostra es va incrementar a 3.386 empreses a efectes de la mineria de dades.Les dades de les empreses es va extreure dels expedients oficials que es guarden a Indecopi. Es va emprar SPSS per provar les hipòtesis i Clementine per a la mineria de dades. Totes les companyies es van classificar per sector econòmic, és a dir, indústries extractives o primàries (mineria, pesca, agricultura, gas i petroli), indústries secundàries/manufactureres (tèxtils, fabricants d'automòbils, acereries), comerç (botigues per departament, venda de vehicles, mercats, supermercats) i serveis (transport, serveis públics). Els resultats mostren que el sistema concursal peruà és ineficient, irracional, impredictible i inconsistent. També mostra que no hi ha una correlació positiva entre el sistema concursal i el cost del crèdit. El sistema està dissenyat per incentivar el comportament estratègic dels creditors privilegiats.L'estudi mostra que la decisió final de liquidar o salvar una empresa depèn del sector econòmic i no de la viabilitat de l'empresa, més en línia amb els interessos dels creditors específics.L'etapa final de l'estudi proporciona unes premisses empresarials útils per als propietaris i els gerents de les petites i les mitjanes empreses respecte dels seus creditors. L'estudi limita la racionalitat al marc del dret econòmic que es va utilitzar per privatitzar el procés concursal al Perú, limitant l'acció i l'abast d'Indecopi.L'estudi subratlla la necessitat de coordinar les diferents regulacions legals que afecten els grups d'interès, principalment els bancs, que actuen més en resposta als accionistes i als dipositants. Si tenim en compte que tots els comportaments són el resultat d'una anàlisi cost-benefici, la manca d'un superprivilegi per al deute postconcursal, el craw down i altres mesures de reconstitució de capital de treball implicaran més liquidacions. Es proposen un conjunt de normes legislatives amb una anàlisi cost-benefici, entre les quals hi ha la reducció del percentatge del quòrum per reestructurar la firma i modificar l'ordre de prelació, derogar la liquidació automàtica per situació de balanç, crear la figura jurídica del promotor i permetre la difusió del procediment mitjançant una pàgina web. Pel que fa als procediments:Atorgar competències i facultats a les sales superiors comercials en els procediments concursals.Quant a la Superintendència de la Banca i les Assegurances, rebaixar el nivell de provisió bancària quan els crèdits reestructurats es considerin en la categoria normal. Proposar canvis en el reglament de valors d'empreses en concurs, privilegiant la negociabilitat lliure d'aquests crèdits, amb la finalitat de donar suport a les empreses viables i crear un fons de reactivació econòmica per incentivar el refinançament.Aquest estudi és útil per formular polítiques governamentals i també per a les polítiques d'empreses amb dificultats.L'ús indirecte de les mesures de recuperació i el gran nombre d'empreses amb dades incompletes són les limitacions d'aquest estudi. Les línies futures de recerca han d'abastar estudis comparatius en altres latituds sud-americanes utilitzant sistemes judicials i administratius, i després comparar països desenvolupats i no desenvolupats fent servir les mateixes variables i els mètodes per provar la metodologia. / El derecho concursal es la respuesta legal a una realidad financiera que proviene de la economía del mercado. Los negocios pueden fracasar. Cuando las compañías y personas fallan en el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones de deuda y sus activos no son suficientes para cubrir sus créditos caen en insolvencia y quiebran. Para regular las demandas de los acreedores y resolver el dilema de los acreedores como grupo la Ley concursal se convierte en un método ordenado para maximizar los activos del deudor y proteger a determinados grupos de interés. El propósito de esta disertación ha sido la de contribuir al conocimiento del problema concursal. Su objetivo es identificar factores claves para medir la eficiencia a través de los costos de transacción utilizando directos e indirectos, ex ante y ex post, a si como los costos de información, coordinación y ejecución y luego comparar estos contra otro sistema en este caso el Régimen colombiano, creando una metodología para medir la eficiencia.La disertación también cubre racionalidad. La racionalidad concursal es maximizar el valor de los activos del deudor a fin de pagar sus deudas. Es también mantener en el mercado compañías viables considerando en este caso que el valor de la empresa insolvente como una unidad operativa vale más que liquidada y retirar del mercado aquellos negocios que no pueden mantenerse como empresas en marcha. El principal propósito de cualquier sistema concursal es proteger el crédito y proveer un foro para los acreedores a fin que coordinen acciones y de este modo reduzcan costos de transacción. La racionalidad básica del sistema es que estos acuerdos benefician a todos los acreedores y se respeten las preferencias dadas por ley para ciertas clases de acreedores. Un sistema concursal eficiente evitará el error tipo 1 y el error tipo 2, es decir, mantener empresas inviables o liquidar empresas viables.La disertación trata sobre la eficiencia y racionalidad a través de medios empíricos. Una revisión extensa de la literatura se llevo a cabo en áreas como reflotamiento empresarial, costos de transacción, racionalidad limitada, teoría de juegos y Ley concursal a fin de seleccionar variables y formular hipótesis.La investigación cubre 15 años (1992-2007) de historia peruana bajo cuatro diferentes regímenes concursales, utilizando metodología cualitativa y cuantitativa.En la etapa cualitativa se entrevisto a 70 expertos. Ellos son jugadores claves en el mundo académico Indecopi, bancos, compañías administradoras, interventores, las entrevistas generaron ocho categorías útiles para comprender porque los diferentes grupos de interés se comportan como lo hacen. Se tuvo cuidado en seleccionar códigos claves para luego probar estos en la etapa cuantitativa.Las entrevistas semiestructuradas a los expertos proveen un marco conceptual para comprender la conducta que corresponde a industrias reguladas como la banca. A fin de probar las hipótesis se estudiaron 359 compañías. El estudio cubre una extensa documentación retrospectiva en los archivos centrales del Indecopi. La muestra fue incrementada a 3 386 empresas para efectos de la minería datos. La data de las empresas se tomo de los expedientes oficiales que se guardan en Indecopi. SPSS se utilizo para probar las hipótesis y CLEMENTINE para minería de datos. Todas las compañías fueron clasificadas por sector económico es decir, industrias extractivas o primarias (minería, pesquería, agricultura, gas y petróleo) industrias secundarias - manufactureras (textileras, fabricantes de autos, acerías) comercio (tiendas por departamento, venta de carros, mercados, supermercados) servicios (transporte, servicios públicos) los resultados muestran que el sistema concursal peruano es ineficiente, irracional, impredecible e inconsistente. También muestra que no existe correlación positiva entre el sistema concursal y el costo del crédito. El sistema esta diseñado para incentivar el comportamiento estratégico de acreedores privilegiados.El estudio muestra que la decisión final de liquidar o salvar una compañía depende del sector económico y no de la viabilidad de la empresa, más en línea con los intereses de acreedores específicos.La etapa final del estudio proporciona premisas empresariales útiles para los dueños y gerentes de pequeñas y medianas empresas frente a sus acreedores. El estudio trae la racionalidad limitada al marco del derecho económico que fue utilizado para privatizar el proceso concursal en el Perú limitando la acción y alcance de Indecopi.El estudio remarca la necesidad de coordinar las diferentes regulaciones legales que afectan a los grupos de interés principalmente bancos quienes actúan más en respuesta a sus accionistas y depositantes. Considerando que todo comportamiento es el resultado de un análisis costo beneficio la falta de superprivilegio para la deuda post concursal, craw down y otras medidas de reconstitución de capital de trabajo llevaran a mayores liquidaciones. Se propone un conjunto de normas legislativas con un análisis costo beneficio, entre estas reducir el porcentaje del quórum para reestructurar la firma y la modificación del orden de prelación, derogar la liquidación automática por situación de balance, crear la figura jurídica del Promotor y permitir la difusión del procedimiento vía página web.A nivel de procedimientos:Otorgar competencias y facultades a las Salas Superiores en lo Comercial en los procedimientos concursales. En lo que respecta a la Superintendencia de Banca y Seguros rebajar el nivel de provisión bancaria al considerar los créditos reestructurados en la categoría normal.Proponer cambios en el reglamento de Valores de Empresas en Concurso privilegiando la libre negociabilidad de estos créditos y con la finalidad de apoyar a empresas viables crear un Fondo de Reactivación Económica para incentivar la refinanciación.El presente estudio es útil para la formulación de políticas gubernamentales así como para las políticas de empresas en dificultades.Limitaciones de este estudio son el uso indirecto de las medidas de recuperación así como el gran número de compañías con data incompleta. Futuras líneas de investigación deben abarcar estudios comparativos en otras latitudes sudamericanas utilizando sistemas judiciales y administrativos y luego comparar países desarrollados y no desarrollados utilizando las mismas variables y métodos para probar la metodología. / Bankruptcy law is the legal response to a financial reality which arises from the market economy. Business can fail. When companies and persons fail to comply with their debt obligations and assets are not enough to cover credits they go under in insolvency. To regulate creditor's demands and solve creditor's pool dilemma bankruptcy law becomes an orderly method to maximize debtor assets and protect qualified stakeholders. The purpose of this dissertation has been to make a contribution to the knowledge of the bankruptcy problem. Its aim is to identify key factors to measure efficiency through transactional cost using direct and indirect ones, ex ante and ex post as well as information, coordination and execution ones and then compare those against another system, in this case the Colombian one, creating a methodology to measure efficiency.The dissertation also covers rationality. Bankruptcy rationality is to maximize the debtor asset value in order to pay his debts. It is also to maintain in the market viable companies considering in this case that the value of the insolvent company as an operating unit is worth more than liquidated and also to take out of the market those businesses which are not on going concerns.The main purpose of any bankruptcy system is to protect credit and provide a forum for creditors to coordinate actions and in doing so reduce transactional costs. The basic rationality of the system is that these agreements with benefits all creditors and respect preferences given by law to certain creditors classes.An efficient bankruptcy system will avoid error type one and error type two, namely, maintain unviable companies or liquidate viable companies.The dissertation addresses efficiency and rationality by empirical means. An extensive review of the literature was carried out in subjects as turnaround, transactional cost, bankruptcy legislation, bounded rationality, game theory and bankruptcy law in order to select variables and to formulate hypothesis.The research covers fifteen years (1992-2007) of Peruvian history under four different legal bankruptcy regimes, using qualitative and quantitative methodology.In the qualitative stage seventy experts were interviewed. They are key players in academics, Indecopi, banks; administrative companies, Trustees, interviews provided eight categories all useful to understand why different stake holders behave as they do.Great care was taken to select key codes to later test in quantitative stage. Semi structured interviews to experts provide a framework to understand behavior which respond to regulate industries as banking. In order to test hypothesis 359 companies were studied. The study covers an extensive retrospective documentary research in Indecopi Central Archives. The sample was increased to 3386 companies for data mining purposes.Data from companies was taken from official files kept in Indecopi. SPSS was used to test hypothesis and Clementine for data mining. All companies were classified by economic sector, namely, Primary or Extractive Industries (Mining, fishing, agriculture, oil and gas) Secondary Industries -manufacturing (textiles, car making, steel mills), Commerce (Department stores, car dealers, super markets), Services (transport, utilities).Results show that the Peruvian bankruptcy system is inefficient, irrational, unpredictable and inconsistent. It also shows no positive correlation between the bankruptcy system and credit cost. The system as designed encourage strategy behavior of privilege creditors. The study shows that final decision to liquidate or save a company depend on the economic sector and not the viability of the company, more in line with the interest of specific creditors. The final stage of the study provides useful business premises to owners and managers of small and medium size companies before creditors. The study brings bounded rationality into law and economic framework which was used to privatize the bankruptcy process in Peru limiting Indecopi actions and scope.The study point out the need to coordinate different legal regulations affecting stakeholders, mainly banks which act more in response to shareholders and savers. Considering that all behavior is the result of cost and benefit analysis lack of super privilege for post bankruptcy debt, cram down and others measures to reinstate working capital will lead to increase liquidations.The study presents a group legislative proposals based on the empirical findings of the present research, proposals which are formulated with a cost - benefit analysis.Among others the reduction of the voting percentage needed to restructuring a company.The change of the preference order of certain credits, the abrogation of the automatic business liquidation in regard of balance sheet situation.The creation of the promoter figure and the diffusion of the procedure through web pages.With regard to competences award the Commercial Superior Courts the power to act in bankruptcy procedures. With regard to the SBS to reduce banking provisions considering restructured credits as normal ones.The study also proposes changes in the regulation of bankruptcy company credits, giving priority to free negotiability of these credits.Also the creation of a reactivation fund to support viable companies and to promote refinancing.The present study is usefully for government policies formulation as well as business policy for companies in distress.Limitations of this study are the indirect measure of recovering as well as the large number of companies with incomplete data. Future research should cover comparative studies in other South American latitudes using administrative and Court systems, and then compare under develop and develop countries using same variables and methods in order to test methodology.

Evolution and learning in games

Josephson, Jens January 2001 (has links)
This thesis contains four essays that analyze the behaviors that evolve when populations of boundedly rational individuals interact strategically for a long period of time. Individuals are boundedly rational in the sense that their strategy choices are determined by simple rules of adaptation -- learning rules. Convergence results for general finite games are first obtained in a homogenous setting, where all populations consist either of stochastic imitators, who almost always imitate the most successful strategy in a sample from their own population's past strategy choices, or stochastic better repliers, who almost always play a strategy that gives at least as high expected payoff as a sample distribution of all populations' past play. Similar results are then obtained in a heterogeneous setting, where both of these learning rules are represented in each population. It is found that only strategies in certain sets are played in the limit, as time goes to infinity and the mutation rate tends to zero. Sufficient conditions for the selection of a Pareto efficient such set are also provided. Finally, the analysis is extended to natural selection among learning rules. The question is whether there exists a learning rule that is evolutionarily stable, in the sense that a population employing this learning rule cannot be invaded by individuals using a different rule. Monte Carlo simulations for a large class of learning rules and four different games indicate that only a learning rule that takes full account of hypothetical payoffs to strategies that are not played is evolutionarily stable in almost all cases. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk., 2001

What influence the buyers’ decision-making process? : a study on the Swedish tenant-owned apartment market

Samuelsson, Jonathan, Olsson, Robin January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the decision-making process on the tenant-owned apartment marked in Sweden. It is argued that decision-making on the market is complex and the consumer protection is in need to be strengthened. The main issues on the market is argued to be the information asymmetry and agency problems. These phenomena influence the bounded rationality in the decision-making process. The purpose is to gain an understanding of the information asymmetry and agency problems on the tenant-owned apartment market in order to explain how it influence the decision-making process. The empirical context where this research is performed is the tenant-owned apartment market in Sweden. More specifically, the relationship between buyers and brokers are examined. The descriptive and exploratory purpose of this mixed methods research calls for abductive reasoning. The choice of performing this research through mixed methods lead to the application of triangulation which influenced the choice of data collection techniques, namely interviews and a questionnaire. The broker perspective was examined with four interviews of real-estate brokers from the Kristianstad area. The perspective of the buyers was examined through three interviews with buyers from the Kristianstad area. Additionally, the questionnaire gathered the opinions from 83 respondents. If buyers desire to make decisions that is made under as little bounded rationality as possibly, efforts needs to be made regarding the procedures on the market. Bounded rationality occurs when buyers perceive limitations during the examination of properties which influence the decision-making process. Lastly, this field of research was previously rather uncovered. However, this thesis contributes with an understanding of various aspects that influence the decision-making process in the field of the tenant-owned apartment market. We believe that a further understanding of the tenant-owned apartment market would facilitate attempts to strengthen the consumer protection.

Concessioning of the South African commuter rail subsystem

Modubu, Ramogaudi Jacob 30 November 2003 (has links)
This study investigates the concessioning of the commuter rail subsystem, which was discussed in the White Paper on National Transport Policy. The theoretical divide between private and public sector enterprise is investigated in terms of a principal-agent approach. The hypothesis underlying the fundamental shift of services traditionally provided by government enterprise to the private sector is X-efficiency gains under a concession regime. There are, however, potential challenges under a concession regime that must be anticipated. Challenges are identified in terms of an incomplete contract approach with its underpinning source manifested in a bounded rationality concept. The study investigates how rail concessionaires are regulated under a concession regime from an economics perspective and various price mechanisms are explored. The study provides strategies to deal with challenges under a rail concession regime with a view to minimising conflicts that will arise between the parties involved in a concession agreement. / Transport, Logistics and Tourism / M.Comm.(Transport Economics)

Do extrativismo à industrialização da Amazônia : uma análise institucionalista-pós-keynesiana

Santos, João Pereira dos January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise institucionalista-pós-keynesiana da História Econômica da Amazônia, desde 1615 até o final das políticas desenvolvimentistas na década de 1980. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é apresentar e analisar, à luz do referido referencial teórico, os motivos pelos quais a Amazônia não teve uma dinâmica de crescimento e desenvolvimento relativamente estável, mas, muito pelo contrário, foi caracterizada pelo subdesenvolvimento. Para identificar as causas do subdesenvolvimento atual da Amazônia foram utilizadas as seguintes categorias/conceituações analíticas convergentes entre Veblen, Commons e Keynes; racionalidade limitada, incerteza, hábito, convenção, instituições (sistema monetário) e demanda efetiva. Para apresentar e analisar as modificações ocorridas nas instituições e na estrutura econômica da Amazônia foram utilizados e interpretados dados quantitativos dos relatórios dos governos estaduais da época, dos Anuários Estatísticos editados pelo IBGE e do banco de dados do IPEADATA. / This thesis presents an Institutionalist and Post-Keynesian analysis of the Economic History of Amazonia from 1615 to the end of development policies in the 1980s. The main objective is to present and analyze, in the light of the Institutionalist and Post-Keynesian approaches, the reasons why the Amazon region did not have a sustainable economic growth and development economic, but, on the contrary, its economic history was characterized by an underdevelopment process. In order to identify the causes of the current underdevelopment of the Amazon, it was considered the following convergent categories between Veblen, Commons and Keynes: bounded rationality, uncertainty, habit, convention, institutions (monetary system) and effective demand. To aim at analyzing the changes occurred in the institutions and in the economic structure of the Amazon, we used and interpreted the of regional governments’ revenues and expenditures of the State Governments, the Statistical Yearbooks edited by IBGE and statistical information of IPEADATA.

La rationalité limitée des consommateurs lors de l'évaluation d'un produit comportant un attribut environnemental : une étude empirique des biais provoqués par le nombre d'attributs et le mode d'évaluation / Consumer bounded rationality when evaluating environmental attribute on a product : an empirical analysis of biases induced by the attributes number and the evaluation measure

Jongmans, Eline 07 October 2014 (has links)
Les attributs environnementaux, de plus en plus présents sur les produits de consommation, sont des attributs de croyance, renvoyant à un bien non marchand (i.e. la protection de l'environnement) et à des valeurs morales, ce qui les rend difficiles à évaluer par les consommateurs. Ce travail doctoral s'intéresse précisément à la manière dont les consommateurs utilisent un attribut environnemental (certifié ou non certifié) dans leur évaluation de produit. Cette problématique de recherche est abordée selon trois questions de recherche. La première s'intéresse à l'effet du nombre d'attributs (1 vs. 2) sur le poids associé à l'attribut environnemental. Cette question renvoie à l'étude d'un biais appelé effet d'inclusion qui est caractérisé par une insensibilité au nombre d'attributs. La deuxième question étudie le biais lié au mode d'évaluation sur le poids associé à un attribut environnemental. Les effets de deux critères du mode d'évaluation sont étudiés : le mode de réponse (monétaire vs. non monétaire) et le mode de présentation (jointe vs. séparée). La troisième prolonge l'étude du mode d'évaluation et de son effet sur le poids de l'attribut environnemental en étudiant la validité prédictive du mode d'évaluation pour estimer les préférences des consommateurs. Ces biais liés au contexte d'évaluation sont étudiés, montrés et discutés au moyen de cinq expérimentations et pour différents attributs environnementaux et stimuli. La validité prédictive du mode d'évaluation met en évidence l'intérêt d'utiliser le mode « consentement à payer ». D'un point de vue théorique, cette recherche montre l'intérêt de prendre en compte l'effet d'inclusion et le biais lié au mode d'évaluation pour des personnes intéressées par l'évaluation d'attributs environnementaux et montre également la limite potentielle à l'ajout d'un attribut environnemental sur un produit de consommation. D'un point de vue méthodologique, ce travail doctoral propose une approche permettant de comparer les poids obtenus entre les modes d'évaluation. Cette recherche suggère aux chefs de produits de prendre en compte ces caractéristiques contextuelles pour améliorer la précision de l'estimation des préférences des consommateurs pour un produit comportant un attribut environnemental. Ainsi, la valeur associée à un attribut environnemental varie lorsque cet attribut est seul sur le produit ou en présence d'un autre attribut. De même, le mode d'évaluation « consentement à payer » semble mieux prédire les préférences réelles pour un attribut environnemental que le mode d'évaluation « choix entre deux options ». / Environmental attributes are increasingly being included in consumption products. Because environmental attributes are credence attributes, they refer to a public good (i.e. environmental protection), and they reference moral values, they are difficult for consumers to assess. This doctoral research specifically focuses on how consumers use an environmental attribute (certified or uncertified) in product evaluation. This core question is addressed through three research questions. The first deals with the effect of attribute number (1 vs. 2) on the weight given to environmental attributes. This study focuses on a counterintuitive effect named the embedding effect, characterized by insensitivity to the number of environmental attributes present. The second question concerns the effect of the method of value measurement on the weight given to an environmental attribute. The effects of two criteria are studied: response mode (pricing vs. non pricing) and evaluation mode (joint vs. separate). The third and last question extends the study of evaluation measure and its effect on the weight of an environmental attribute by testing the predictive validity of the evaluation measure on consumer preferences. These research questions are investigated with five experiments that employ various environmental attributes and stimuli. From a theoretical perspective, this research shows the importance of considering the embedding effect and evaluation measurement bias for people interested in environmental attributes evaluation. It also underlines the potential limit of adding an environmental attribute to a consumption product. In terms of utility measurement, the thesis shows, counterintuitively, that willingness to pay is a better measure of environmental values than is choice. From a methodological standpoint, this doctoral thesis proposes an approach to enable attribute weight comparisons across measures. This research suggests to product managers that they need to be aware of these contextual factors when assessing and predicting consumer preferences for a product with an environmental attribute. If the environmental attribute in the finished product will be alone versus in conjunction with another environmental attribute, for example, affects attribute utility. Likewise, willingness to pay appears to be a better predictor of actual preference for environmental attribute than is choice.

Do extrativismo à industrialização da Amazônia : uma análise institucionalista-pós-keynesiana

Santos, João Pereira dos January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise institucionalista-pós-keynesiana da História Econômica da Amazônia, desde 1615 até o final das políticas desenvolvimentistas na década de 1980. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é apresentar e analisar, à luz do referido referencial teórico, os motivos pelos quais a Amazônia não teve uma dinâmica de crescimento e desenvolvimento relativamente estável, mas, muito pelo contrário, foi caracterizada pelo subdesenvolvimento. Para identificar as causas do subdesenvolvimento atual da Amazônia foram utilizadas as seguintes categorias/conceituações analíticas convergentes entre Veblen, Commons e Keynes; racionalidade limitada, incerteza, hábito, convenção, instituições (sistema monetário) e demanda efetiva. Para apresentar e analisar as modificações ocorridas nas instituições e na estrutura econômica da Amazônia foram utilizados e interpretados dados quantitativos dos relatórios dos governos estaduais da época, dos Anuários Estatísticos editados pelo IBGE e do banco de dados do IPEADATA. / This thesis presents an Institutionalist and Post-Keynesian analysis of the Economic History of Amazonia from 1615 to the end of development policies in the 1980s. The main objective is to present and analyze, in the light of the Institutionalist and Post-Keynesian approaches, the reasons why the Amazon region did not have a sustainable economic growth and development economic, but, on the contrary, its economic history was characterized by an underdevelopment process. In order to identify the causes of the current underdevelopment of the Amazon, it was considered the following convergent categories between Veblen, Commons and Keynes: bounded rationality, uncertainty, habit, convention, institutions (monetary system) and effective demand. To aim at analyzing the changes occurred in the institutions and in the economic structure of the Amazon, we used and interpreted the of regional governments’ revenues and expenditures of the State Governments, the Statistical Yearbooks edited by IBGE and statistical information of IPEADATA.

Integração vertical em cadeias de suprimentos e os pressupostos da teoria dos custos de transação: um teste empírico

Silva, Adilson Aderito da 03 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:31:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Adilson Aderito da Silva.pdf: 1146737 bytes, checksum: 8cd5e83fb0f914d05834ba4cd0ffbb5b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-03 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / Based on the transaction cost reasoning this doctoral dissertation proposed a model that theorizes on the relationship between uncertainty, bounded rationality, asset specificity, opportunism and vertical integration in supply chains. An extensive literature review was conducted in three basic fields: transaction cost economics; organizational theory; and strategy to better understand the definition of those variables and their theoretical relationship. The review also helped to identify scales used in previous research to measure the research variables. The identified scales were then back translated and adapted to be used in this research. The research instrument was pre-tested and then it was made available on the internet from April to October 2008 and managers from industrial organizations classified in the D section in the Brazilian SIC and also listed in the database of FIESP (São Paulo State Industry Association) were asked to participate in the survey. The section D includes industries that perform physical, chemical and biological transformation of inputs into new products. From the population we selected only firms classified by the association as medium or large sizes which resulted in a target of three thousand potential subjects. Electronic messages which explained the survey proposal and instructions to fill in the questionnaire were sent through the internet. All those that not answered the first message received another message few days later and they were again contacted by phone. Due to the nature of the study only middle managers and directors working in the target firms were asked to answer the questionnaire. Some 111 good responses were available in the end of data collection process and they represent 87 different firms and 14 economic activities the collected data were analyzed using the EQS 6.1 software, which allowed the validation of the research constructs through SEM. The use of this methodology represented an innovation in the research field, because it gives the possibility to include more variables in the basic model, and they are simultaneously considered in the search of explanations for vertical integration. This choice brought important methodological contributions to the research field. Validation of the uncertainty construct as multidimensional derived from three types of uncertainty. The second contribution was to test the construct bounded rationality as a second order latent variable and in the first order were used two types of uncertainty effect and response. The third contribution refers to the level of refinement introduced by the use of the EQS software and structural equation modeling. This approach allowed us to verify the validation of the theoretical model. The statistical significance of most tested direct and indirect relationships among constructs confirmed the proposed theoretical model. Another finding derived from the data is that the explanation of degree of vertical integration in supply chain has to consider all research constructs included in the model to interact together. So no single construct in the TCT can explain alone the vertical integration. / Neste trabalho um modelo teórico para testar o relacionamento entre incerteza, racionalidade limitada, especificidade dos ativos, o comportamento oportunista e o grau de integração vertical em cadeias de suprimentos foi proposto e testado. Para tal foi realizada uma revisão na literatura de Teorias das Organizações, Teoria dos Custos de Transação e Economia visando fundamentar os conceitos subjacentes nessas variáveis latentes e identificar escalas com indicadores que se apresentaram confiáveis em estudos prévios. A partir dessa revisão, elaborou-se um instrumento para a coleta de dados que ficou disponível on-line entre os meses de abril a outubro de 2008. O universo da pesquisa foi definido pelo conjunto de empresas da indústria de transformação classificadas na seção D do CNAE (2004) constantes na base da Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo - FIESP envolvendo a transformação física, química ou biológica de materiais, substâncias ou componentes para a obtenção de novos produtos. Nesse universo foram selecionadas e convidadas para participar da pesquisa 3000 empresas. O convite foi efetuado, num primeiro momento, a partir do envio de mensagens eletrônicas contendo os objetivos, as instruções e o link de acesso à pesquisa e, num segundo momento, o convite foi ratificado junto aos respondentes por meio de contatos telefônicos. Dada a sua natureza, a pesquisa de campo foi limitada àqueles que desempenhavam funções de Gerentes ou de Diretores em suas empresas, resultando numa amostra com 111 respondentes, que representaram 87 empresas em 14 setores de atividades econômicas. Os dados coletados foram processados com o software EQS 6.1 que permitiu operacionalizar e validar os construtos propostos por meio da Modelagem por Equações Estruturais. A utilização dessa metodologia de análise representou um avanço em relação aos estudos anteriores, pois possibilitou a inclusão de um número maior de variáveis latentes no modelo de mensuração para avaliar o grau de integração vertical em cadeias de suprimentos. Nesse sentido o estudo trouxe contribuições metodológicas importantes no campo da pesquisa empírica em Teorias das Organizações e Teoria dos Custos de Transação. A primeira foi a validação do construto de incerteza como um construto multidimensional que subsiste em incerteza de estado, de efeito e de resposta. A segunda foi operacionalização do pressupostode racionalidade limitada como um construto de segunda ordem a partir das incertezas de efeito e de resposta. A terceira contribuição está relacionada ao nível de refinamento introduzido pelo processamento dos dados com o EQS 6.1 por meio de Equações Estruturais. A partir dessa abordagem foi possível verificar que a validação do modelo proposto, foi suportada pelos dados empíricos. As significâncias estatísticas dos efeitos diretos e indiretos entre os construtos propostos confirmaram empiricamente o relacionamento entre: incerteza, racionalidade limitada; especificidade dos ativos; e, comportamento oportunista. Estes conceitos, que são apresentados como pressupostos e dimensões básicas na Teoria dos Custos de Transação, são relevantes para explicar o grau de integração vertical em cadeias de suprimentos somente se considerados conjuntamente.

Investeringsprocessen i småföretag : En studie om investeringsbeslutfattande i restaurangbranschen

Marquez, Dayhana, Larsson, Malin January 2017 (has links)
Investeringar är grunden i ett företag och därmed är investeringsprocessen ett intressant fenomen att titta närmare på. Efter att ha studerat litteratur och tidigare forskning, som tar upp problematiken i investeringsprocessen, framkom att beslutsfattarens roll är en väsentlig del vid investeringsprocessen. Studien behandlar både beslutfattarens bakgrund och val som påverkar investeringsbeslutfattande i restaurangsbranschen, beslutfattarens bakgrund och val behandlas som påverkande respektive förklarande faktorer. Studien syftar på att ta reda på om och i vilken omfattning belutfattarens bakgrund påverkar sina val i investeringsprocessen. Genom att tillämpa en kvantitativ metod i form av en enkätundersökning lyftes beslutsfattarens bakgrund och investeringsprocess fram. Utifrån enkätundersökningen gjordes en statistisk analys för att hitta eventuella samband mellan de påverkande samt förklarande faktorerna. Resultatet av enkätundersökningen och statistiska analysen visade att det fanns starka samband mellan faktorer såsom kön, ålder, investeringsrutin, kalkylanvändning, utbildningstyp och utbildningsnivå. Detta bekräftar tidigare forskning och teorier om beteendeinriktad investeringsbeslutfattande.

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