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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estrategias del Post venta en el valor de marca en la categoría Deco hogar en las tiendas por departamento

López Velásquez, Stephanie Gabriella 31 July 2020 (has links)
En los últimos años, la categoría Deco Hogar en las tiendas por departamento han comenzado a tener una tendencia mayor de compra. Asimismo, el proceso de compra de estos productos es categorizado como una venta planificada, no por impulso. En la actualidad, los analistas del mercado se enfocan en crear estrategias para que el cliente final considere dentro de su planificación la compra de productos de decoración para el hogar. Sin embargo, existe una teoría, respaldada por especialistas que ejercer un plan de venta, no solo debe enfocarse en la meta final de la compra, sino en la última que sería la postventa. Esta te permite en lograr una diferencia en el mercado, crear fidelidad y preferencia por el consumidor, ya que crea una línea adicional de comunicación el cuál te permite escuchar la opinión del servicio presentado y lograr mejoras en el. En este sentido, en la presente investigación se enfocará en resolver la hipótesis de si las estrategias de post venta como; Satisfacción del cliente, facilidad de acceso y manejo de quejas y reclamos influirían en el valor de la marca. Esta investigación lo enfocaremos en los productos de la categoría Deco hogar. La metodología a utilizar será cuantitativa y cualitativa. En la cualitativa, se hará 3 entrevistas a especialistas y 2 Focus group con un total de 12 personas. Por otro lado, la cuantitativa será de 250 encuestas al público dirigido del servicio. El resultado de esta investigación, gracias a un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple se pudo resolver el fenómeno de la influencia de las estrategias de la post venta en el valor de marca. Dando como resultado, ser de un carácter concluyente. De acuerdo antiguas investigaciones de las variables y de los resultados obtenidos en el análisis cuantitativo se pudo tener el mismo acuerdo, de que la variable dependiente Valor de marca influiría en las independientes que serían las estrategias de la post venta. Por último, los comentarios que se harían a la gerencia de cualquier tipo de comercio, es la recomendación de utilización de esta estrategia, ya que está comprobado que aplicaría un incremento en volúmenes de venta y fidelización del cliente en gran medida. Por último, para una mejor investigación de estrategias a utilizar en el post venta, se podría realizar una investigación más profunda, segmentando grupos y cambiando de variables como garantías, calidad de servicio, etc. / In recent years, the Deco Home category in department stores has begun to have a higher buying trend. Also, the purchase process of these products is categorized as a planned sale, not by impulse. Currently, market analysts focus on creating strategies for the end customer to consider within their planning the purchase of home décor products. However, there is a theory, backed by specialists that exercise a sales plan, should focus not only on the final goal of the purchase, but on the last one that would be the after-sales. This allows you to make a difference in the market, create loyalty and preference for the consumer, since it creates an additional line of communication which allows you to listen to the opinion of the service presented and achieve improvements in it. In this sense, this research will focus on resolving the hypothesis of whether post-sales strategies as; Customer satisfaction, ease of access and handling of complaints and complaints would influence the value of the brand. This research will focus on products in the Deco home category. The methodology to be used will be quantitative and qualitative. In the qualitative, there will be 3 interviews with specialists and 2 Focus group with a total of 12 people. On the other hand, the quantitative will be 250 surveys to the targeted public of the service. The result of this research, thanks to a model of multiple linear regression, was able to solve the phenomenon of the influence of post-sales strategies on brand value. Resulting in being conclusive. According to previous investigations of the variables and the results obtained in the quantitative analysis, the same agreement could be had, that the dependent variable Brand value would influence the independent ones that would be the post-sales strategies. Finally, the comments that would be made to management of any type of trade, is the recommendation to use this strategy, since it is proven that it would apply an increase in sales volumes and customer loyalty to a large extent. Finally, for better research of strategies to be used in the post-sales, further research could be carried out, segmenting groups and changing variables such as guarantees, quality of service, etc. / Tesis

Efectos de la variación de precios en la preferencia de aerolíneas en un mercado en guerra de precios

Zúñiga Ugarteche, Camila 09 July 2020 (has links)
En este trabajo de investigación se estudia la variación de precios y su relación con la preferencia de las marcas de las aerolíneas ubicadas en una guerra de precios. Se utiliza la herramienta estadística SPSS y Análisis Conjunto para dar respuesta a tres distintas hipótesis. En las tres hipótesis se ha buscado relacionar la sensibilidad al precio y la preferencia del público objetivo. Para las cuales, se utilizó el modelo de Análisis conjunto llamado ACBC debido a su exactitud para estudiar escenarios de precios. En lo que respecta a los hallazgos han permitido sacar a la luz la sensibilidad al precio de las cuatro marcas participantes del mercado y conocer el comportamiento del público objetivo ante cada una de las marcas. Esto último, ha permitido realizar oportunas recomendaciones a las gerencias de marca y precio. / In this research work, price variation and its relationship with the preference of the brands that are into a price war is studied. The statistical tool SPSS and Conjoint Analysis is used to answer three different hypotheses. In all three hypotheses, an attempt was made to relate price sensitivity and target audience preference. For which, the Conjoint Analysis model called ACBC was used due to its accuracy to study price scenarios. Regarding the findings, they have highlighted the price sensitivity of the four brands that make up this research and known the behavior of the target audience for each of the brands. Because of this have been allowed to recommend to brand and price managers on a best possible way. / Trabajo de investigación

Factores relevantes para lograr la lealtad de los clientes en las comunidades de marca / Relevant factors to achieve customer loyalty in brand communities

Ayala Gavidia, Ricardo Pablo, Cabezas Gibaja, César Augusto 09 April 2020 (has links)
Consolidar la lealtad del cliente es importante para las marcas. En los mercados modernos donde la competencia es feroz y los clientes sucumben fácilmente a la tentación de cambiar de una marca a otra, la consolidación de la lealtad del cliente es un objetivo clave de marketing. El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar los factores relevantes para lograr la lealtad de los clientes en las comunidades de marca, a través del método de investigación documental. Se aplicó como técnica de recolección de datos, la observación bibliográfica, con dos instrumentos de apoyo: registro de artículo científico y matriz general de la información. Una vez revisado y analizado cada uno de los artículos, se constató que las organizaciones empresariales tienen a su alcance diversos factores que le permiten logar la lealtad de sus clientes como: calidad de servicio, valor de marca, experiencia de compra, fidelización y precio. Concluyendo que, todos estos factores generan confianza en los clientes, de donde surge también su satisfacción, elevando el valor de la marca, sus atributos y por ende su imagen corporativa. Un cliente feliz es un cliente satisfecho, y por lo tanto será un cliente fiel y leal, impactando directa y positivamente sobre la rentabilidad de las organizaciones empresariales. / Strengthening customer loyalty is important for brands. In modern markets where competition is fierce and customers easily succumb to the temptation to switch from one brand to another, consolidating customer loyalty is a key marketing objective. The objective of this paper is to study the relevant factors to achieve customer loyalty in brand communities, through the method of documentary research. The bibliographic observation was applied as a data collection technique, with two supporting instruments: scientific article registration and general information matrix. Once each of the articles was reviewed and analyzed, it was found that business organizations have at their disposal various factors that allow them to achieve customer loyalty such as: quality of service, brand value, shopping experience, loyalty and price. Concluding that, all these factors generate trust in customers, where their satisfaction also arises, raising the value of the brand, its attributes and therefore its corporate image. A happy customer is a satisfied customer, and therefore will be a loyal and loyal customer, directly and positively impacting the profitability of business organizations. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

MONEYMAKER OR GLOBAL SAVER- Exploratory study on Sustainable Innovation

Dawson Barker, Benjamin, Ma, Ziyue, Oubari, Zein January 2023 (has links)
In recent years, both academia and practice have shown an increased interest in sustainable innovation. This new area is examined in the context of large enterprises in our qualitative multiple case study. This thesis thus contributes to a better understanding of the concept as well as the underlying variables that drive sustainable innovation. Theory emphasized both external and internal elements in organizations' engagement in sustainable innovation. The empirical evidence helps to identify nine key factors driving sustainable innovation in large firms: cost and cost reduction, risk and risk reduction, sales and profit margin, reputation and brand value, attractiveness as an employer, innovation capabilities, partnerships and collaborations, regions and culture, regulation and government. It also clarifies the extent to which each of the components influences the process of producing sustainable innovation within organizations. These elements have been discovered to complement one another, occasionally colliding and enhancing one another. This study is based on extensive data gathered through semi-structured interviews and secondary sources from two of Sweden's top industry leaders: IKEA and Epiroc. Theoretical and managerial implications are examined in depth, providing valuable insights for both researchers and practitioners.

Brand Valuation Model: A Shareholder Value Approach

Lee, Hyunjung 18 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Why Branding Can Increase a Professional Athlete's Value: A Rationale for Designer Engagement

Craft, Brandan 24 June 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Konsumentens roll i varumärket : En kvalitativ fallstudie om uppfattningarna kring Systembolaget som varumärke / The role of consumers in the brand

Danielsson, Angelica, Ekberg, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Systembolaget är ett statligt företag som har i uppdrag att reglera alkoholkonsumtionen i Sverige. I detta ska de informera samhället om alkoholens risker, vilket förmedlas genom deras varumärke. Vi fann ett intresse att undersöka hur konsumenterna uppfattar Systembolaget som varumärke i förhållande till detta uppdrag för att på så vis ge en förklaring till imagen, och genom detta skapa en djupare förståelse för Systembolagets varumärkesidentitet. För att ge svar åt studiens syfte är en kvalitativ fallstudie använd som metod. Vidare undersöktes konsumenternas uppfattningar genom intervjumetodik. Empirin analyserades med hjälp av en fenomenografisk ansats, vilket vidare har satts i förhållande till en analysmodell som framkom ur tidigare forskning. Det teoretiska ramverket grundar sig i de senare årens forskning som menar att konsumenterna kan ses som medskapare av varumärket. Därav är teorin anpassat i enlighet med denna forskning och centrerat kring förståelsen att konsumenternas uppfattningar, det vill säga imagen, även påverkar varumärkesidentiten. Resultatet visar på motstridigheter kring Systembolagets varumärkesimage. Respondenterna har generellt positiva upplevelser i kontakt med Systembolaget, men uppfattningarna är starkt präglade av associationer kopplade till företagets statliga uppdrag. Vi finner en stark koppling mellan de olika aspekter som ingår i vår analysmodell, vilken har till syfte att undersöka de olika delarna av imagen. Det finns ett tydligt förhållande dem emellan, och i enlighet med tidigare forskning kan vi se att de påverkar och påverkas av varandra. / Systembolaget is a state owned company with the assignment to control alcohol consumption in Sweden. As a part of this, they shall inform society about the risks of alcohol, which is mediated through their brand. We found an interest to research and analyze how consumers perceive Systembolaget as a brand in relation to this assignment, and thereby create a deeper understanding of their brand image and thus their brand identity. In order to answer the purpose of the study, we have conducted a qualitative case study. Furthermore, we have examined the consumer perceptions through an interview methodology. The empirical data were analyzed using phenomenographic methodology, which lastly has been compared to an analysis model that emerged from previous research. The theoretical framework is based on the later years of research which states that consumers can be seen as co-creators of the brand. Hence, the theory is adapted in accordance with this research and centered on the understanding that consumer perceptions, i.e. the image, also affects brand identity. The result shows inconsistencies in the brand image of Systembolaget. The respondents generally have positive experiences in contact with the brand, but the perceptions are strongly influenced by associations linked to the company's state assignment. We find a strong link between the different aspects included in our analysis model, which aims to analyze the various parts of the brand image. There is a clear coherence between the aspects, and in line with previous research, we can see that they both affect and are affected by each other.

Intangible Capital: Culture of Innovation and its Impact on the Cash Flow Multiple

Gregory, James Russell 28 August 2018 (has links)
The definition for a culture of innovation (COI) is the perception of a company that prioritizes the advancement of new ideas that create value across all operations. On the face of it that seems a precious attribute for any company to nurture and exploit, but measuring and valuing a culture of innovation has proven elusive for corporations. There is a tendency to break down innovation into R&D, patents granted, and new product development and while these are all significant components of innovation a cultural definition is more encompassing of the entirety of a company and the financial results should be reflected in the financial performance as a whole. The research for this dissertation utilizes the CoreBrand Index® (CBI) quantitative research database and fields for the first time an inquiry about 160 large public companies among engaged but impartial observers about their perceptions of the culture of innovation. The findings are then correlated to the cash flow multiple (CFM), which is a firm-wide financial variable. Analysis evaluates whether COI is more or less predictive of the CFM than historical attributes in the CBI. This dissertation verifies past research by the author and extends the study into new and expedient pathways to measure, value and manage intangible assets.

The Study of Brand Value Creation of Sinyi Realty Inc.

Chen, Ming-Yen 07 July 2008 (has links)
This study focus on Sinyi Realty Inc.. According to the other researches, the brand value content 5 decisive factors: 1.brand loyalty, 2.brand awareness, 3.perceived quality, 4.brand association, 5.other exclusive assets of the brand, and I research the brand value creation on these 5 factors. This study evaluates the brand value of Sinyi Realty Inc. by Brand Asset Valuator. The purpose is to discuss 1.What brand value did Sinyi Realty Inc. create sucessfully, 2.The influence on the Real Estate Agencies of their brand value, 3. The other advices for Sinyi Realty Inc., 4.The other advices for Real Estate Agencies to creat brand value. The main conclusion of the study divides the way how Sinyi Realty Inc. created the brand value into three periods: 1. Initial stage: Grasp the market mainstream, make the variety management, and create the corporate culture¡÷Provide high quality services 2. Middle stage: Advertising marketing ¡÷ brand image establishment¡÷ brand value creation 3. Recent stage: Influence the industry developments and lead the market trend There are the following suggestions on Sinyi Realty Inc. of this research: 1. Do customer relationship management system well. 2. Improve the marketing share. 3. Make the best of the advantage of the place. 4. Build the complete brand management system.

LE VERE ESPERIENZE DI MARCA. UNA RICERCA EMPIRICA / What makes a brand experience a real brand experience? A grounded investigation.

SOLERIO, CHIARA 20 January 2015 (has links)
Questo studio esamina come un'esperienza di marca possa essere definita tale. La rilevanza del tema inerisce a due dimensioni. Da un lato, l’attuale letteratura di marketing è ricca di research-call che spingono i ricercatori ad una miglior comprensione dell’universo di marca soprattutto attraverso l’impiego di nuove prospettive. Dall’altro lato, il mercato evidenzia un fenomeno complesso. A condizione di esperienze di marca più frequenti, e di individui che dimostrano una crescente volontà di essere ingaggiati dalle marche, aumenta la distanza tra individuo e marca. Questo studio intende fornire un framework teorico per meglio comprendere il fenomeno della brand exerience; vuole quindi indagare il meccanismo con cui brand ed esperienza sono in grado di dialogare all’interno di un setting che vede l’individuo protagonista. Il lavoro combina l’analisi della teoria esistente, con un’indagine condotta sul campo avente ad oggetto il Thununiversum. Lo studio esplora i principali brand meanings che promuovono il consumo esperienziale di marca. Appoggiandosi agli stream di ricerca inerenti all’esperienza, raffigura un nuovo setting esperienziale entro cui l’esperienza si genera. I findings del lavoro suggeriscono poi che l’esperienza vissuta favorisce un processo di riqualificazione del senso di marca. Quindi lo studio si chiude con una definizione del costrutto di brand experience. / This study examines how a brand experience can really be defined as such. There are several calls in the marketing literature for research to develop a greater understanding of brands (Ballantyne and Aitken, 2007; Brodie et al., 2006; Jevons, 2007) especially using new perspectives. At the same time, on the market side, consumers want increasingly to be engaged by brands and companies project a growing amount of brand experience. However, there’s a deep mismatching between brands and people. This article wants to make advances in applying experience theory to brand dimension by clarifying the boundaries and specifying the relational mechanisms that occurs between the two main constructs: brand and experience. Field research in Thununiversum context (Eisenhardt&Graebner, 2007) is combined with analysis of existing theory to develop the findings of this study (Burawoy, 1991). This qualitative study explores the main brand meanings that precede then promote the experiential consumption. Then, based on the experience literature, a typology is derived that classifies the core dimensions within a brand experience setting. The findings suggest that the experience provided by a brand contributes to a process of individual meanings’ requalification. The emerging model try, finally, to design a new concept of brand experience.

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