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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of amino acids and vitamin D3 on performance and biological responses in poultry

Wen, Jinlei 08 June 2018 (has links)
As productive performance is improved by breed selection, amino acid requirements may change to support this higher performance in poultry. The first objective of this dissertation was to update the valine and tryptophan requirement of small-framed laying hens and the lysine requirement of young broilers using empirical dose-response methods. The tryptophan requirement was estimated as 155.8 mg/d for egg mass, 153.2 mg/d for egg production and 140.4 mg/d for feed conversion ratio using a linear broken line model. For valine, the requirement was highest for egg mass, 597.3 mg/d, followed by egg production, 591.9 mg/d and feed conversion ratio (FCR), 500.5 mg/d. The lysine requirement of young chicks was estimated by conducting four short term experiments from 1 to 3, 3 to 5, 5 to 8 and 8 to 11 days of age, respectively. The lysine requirement from 1 to 3, 3 to 5 and 5 to 8 days of age were not able to be estimated as no dose response was observed on growth performance most likely due to an overestimation of the lysine requirement. Digestible lysine requirement from 8 to 11 days of age was 1.057%, 1.050% and 1.016% based on body weight gain, FCR and pectoralis major weight using a linear broken line model, respectively. In addition to determining amino acid requirements, research was conducted to develop a new bacterial protein meal for use in laying hens diets. The data suggested that diets containing 7.5% of the bacterial protein meal was able to at least maintain egg production in laying hens, but 15% bacterial protein meal resulted in reduced performance. The second objective of this dissertation was to investigate the effects of various concentrations of dietary vitamin D3 on pullet and laying hen performance, eggshell quality and bone health in laying hens. Pullets/hens were randomly assigned to five dietary treatments containing vitamin D3 from 1,681 to 68,348 IU/kg diet from day of hatch until 68 weeks of age. These data suggested that dietary vitamin D3 fed at 68,348 IU/kg resulted in reduced egg production, but vitamin D from 8,348 to 35,014 IU/kg diet maintained egg production, increased egg vitamin D content in a dose dependent manner, and generally increased both eggshell quality and pullet and hen bone mineral status. / Ph. D. / The goal of the poultry industry is to increase the efficiency of meat and egg production. To achieve this goal, laying hens with higher egg production and broilers with faster growth rates are genetically selected over time. By breed selection, laying hens are able to produce 2-3 additional eggs every year. The body weight of a broiler chicken raised today is approximately four times greater than one raised to the same age in 1958. This Increased egg production and body growth requires a higher nutrient intake, especially amino acids, to support protein production. One objective of this dissertation was to update the requirement of three amino acids (valine, tryptophan and lysine) in poultry production to provide current and accurate information to poultry producers. Valine, tryptophan and lysine are essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized by poultry in sufficient quanities and needs to be ingested from the diet. Three experiments were conducted to determine the valine and tryptophan requirement in laying hens and lysine requirement in broilers. The results of the current experiment show that a laying hen require at least 156 mg tryptophan and 597 mg valine per day to maximize egg production from 41 to 60 weeks of age. The broiler chicks need to ingest rations containing at least 1.06% lysine to support growth from 8 to 11 days of age. Bacterial protein meal is a feed ingredient that has been proposed for use in poultry diets. It is usually produced via the fermentation process by converting various substrates such as methane, methanol, or agriculture by-products into protein-rich biomass. The advantage of using bacterial protein meal in the poultry industry is to decrease feed cost and alleviate the demand on croplands. A novel bacterial protein meal, generated from waste water purification, was evaluated as a feedstuff for laying hens. Two levels of bacterial protein meal, 7.5 or 15%, were added to a regular laying hen diet to replace soybean. The results indicated that replacing soybean meal with 7.5% bacterial protein meal was a feasible solution for egg production but a 15% inclusion rate may result in a decreased egg production. During egg production, bone structural health can be reduced as laying hens age. This loss of bone structural health is due to the loss of bone mineral content, especially calcium and phosphorus, as laying hens produce the calcium rich eggshell. With age, decreased bone mineral mass will induce a higher probability of bone structural failure. Vitamin D plays an important role on calcium absorption and bone mineral deposition. In addition to benefits to skeletal health, the addition of vitamin D₃ in the diet will result in increased vitamin D₃ content in eggs used for human consumption. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the use of high concentrations of vitamin D to increase egg vitamin D content, improve eggshell quatility and increase hen skeletal health. The data suggest that adding vitamin D₃ from 8,300 to 35,000 IU/kg diet will increase egg viatimn D content, and generally improve eggshell and bone quality; however, adding vitamin D₃ at 68,000 IU/kg diet resulted in negative effects on pullet growth and subsequent egg production of adult hens.

Evaluation of crude fibre digestibility in Venda and Ross 308 broiler chickens

Sekgobela, Modjadji Mercy January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Animal Production)) --University of Limpopo, 2018. / Refer to the document

Skirtingų ksilanazių, betagliukanazių ir celiulazių koncentracijų įtaka viščiukų broilerių linijų derinio Ross-308 produktyvumui bei mėsos kokybei / The influence of different concentrations of xylanase, beta-glucanase and cellulase on productivity and meat quality of broiler chickens cross line Ross-308

Šatkauskienė, Austėja 18 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimas atliktas 2012-2014 metų laikotarpiu Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitete, Veterinarijos akademijoje, GTF Paukščių lesalų ir paukštininkystės laboratorijoje, prie Gyvulininkystės katedros, AB „Vilniaus paukštynas“ ir KTU maisto instituto juslinių tyrimų laboratorijoje. Darbas turi 46 puslapius, 18 lentelių, 6 paveikslus. Darbo tikslas yra ištirti lesalų, papildytų skirtingų koncentracijų fermentinio priedo, įtaką viščiukų broilerių linijos Ross-308 produktyvumui bei mėsos kokybei. Darbo uždaviniai yra ištirti fermentinio priedo įtaka viščiukų broilerių produktyvumui, išgyvenimui, virškinamojo trakto turinio sausųjų medžiagų kiekiui, krūtinės ir kojų raumenų pH, vidinių organų, žarnyno svoriui ir ilgiui, viščiukų skerdenos rodikliams ir viščiukų mėsos juslinėms savybėms. Gauti rezultatai: Skirtingi fermentinio preparato kiekiai viščiukų broilerių augimo intensyvumui esminės įtakos neturėjo, tačiau juos naudojant lesalų konversija pagerėjo 1-2 proc. Tiriamosiose grupėse buvo nustatytas didesnis broilerių išsaugojimas 1,5-2 proc., palyginus su kontroline grupe. Analizuojant sausųjų medžiagų ir vandenilio jonų koncentracijas viščiukų broilerių virškinamajame trakte statistiškai patikimų skirtumų tarp kontrolinės ir tiriamųjų paukščių grupių nenustatyta. Tiriamųjų viščiukų broilerių žarnyno ir aklosios žarnos bendras ilgis padidėjo 4-5 proc., liaukinio skrandžio išsivystymas 5-43 proc., vidaus organų, kaip širdies ir kepenų, svoriai didėjo 8-27 proc., tačiau kasos ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Name of work: “The influence of different concentrations of xylanase, beta-glucanase and cellulase on productivity and meat quality of broilers chickens cross line Ross-308”. The work was performed in year 2012-2014 at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Veterinary Academy, in Poultry Feed and Poultry Products Laboratory, JSC „Vilniaus paukšynas“ and Food Institute of Kaunas University of Technology, in Sensory Analysis Laboratory. The work has 46 pages, 18 tables and 6 images. The aim of the work was to investigate the effect of different concentrations of NSP enzymes on Productivity and meat quality of broiler chickens. The tasks of the work were to investigate the effect of different concentrations of non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) enzymes for productivity of broiler chickens; effect on broiler chickens mortality, intestinal dry mass, intestinal pH value, breast muscle and leg muscle pH, internal organ weight, intestinal length, broiler carcass results and meat sensory and textual properties. Results: Different enzyme concentrations did not influence broiler chicken growth performance in general. Though feed conversion was better by 1-2 percent than in the control group. In enzyme treatment groups Broiler chicken mortality was lower by 1,5-2 percent compared to the control group. During the analysis of dry mass and hydrogen ion concentrations in the gastrointestinal tract of Broiler chickens, results showed that statistically significant differences could not... [to full text]

Impacto de tratamentos de cama aviária reutilizada na viabilidade e infectividade de micro-organismos / Impact of treatments for recycled broiler litter on viability and infectivity of microorganisms

Rech, Daiane Voss 21 February 2017 (has links)
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - EMBRAPA / Reusing litter is a common practice in broiler farming. However, it requires the adoption of efficient procedures for inactivating and controlling residual microorganisms during downtime between flocks to ensure sanitary control over the next flock and the quality of the broiler meat. The broiler production adopts a series of stringent precautionary measures to avoid sanitary emergencies and should be able to employ appropriate control measures. In addition, international consumer markets require proof of the efficiency of treatment methods for broiler litter reuse. The efficiency of broiler litter treatments on pathogens is variable and multifactorial and can be influenced by the treatment method and/or microorganisms evaluated. This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of different strategies of treatment of broiler litter on Newcastle disease virus (NDV), Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) and Salmonella Heidelberg. Total enterobacteria counts were carried out as an indicator of microbiological quality of litter. First, the experimental contamination of the broiler litter by viruses was standardized, comparing the seeder birds inoculated versus the direct spray of the virus in the broiler litter. To evaluate the treatments, reused broiler litter was contaminated with the three microorganisms and submitted to the treatments (T): T1- shallow fermentation; T2- quicklime; T3- shallow fermentation followed by quicklime; and, T4- untreated. The broiler litter was submitted to bacteriological and physico-chemical analyzes during treatment. Sentinel chicks were housed on the broiler litter treated and further monitored by clinical evaluation, as well as microbiological, serological and molecular tests. The results demonstrated that seeder birds were efficient to stablish viral contamination in broiler litter. T1 was superior in reducing total enterobacteria in the broiler litter. The evaluation of sentinel chicks also indicated that T1 and T3 inactivated IBDV in the broiler litter. T2 was not able to reduce the microorganisms evaluated, and its association with T1 (T3) did not enhance the treatment action. NDV did not survive in broiler litter, regardless of the treatment applied. S. Heidelberg survived in broiler litter after all treatments evaluated and was also detected in the sentinel chicks. The antimicrobial activity of T1 and T3 was associated to ammonia levels present in the broiler litter. The results reveal that shallow fermentation is efficient to control residual IBDV and total enterobacteria in recycled broiler litter. However, other strategies should be considered in the presence of S. Heidelberg. / A reutilização da cama aviária é uma prática comum na avicultura de corte. Porém, o reuso da cama requer a adoção de procedimentos eficientes na inativação e controle de micro-organismos indesejáveis no intervalo entre os lotes, para preservar a saúde avícola e a qualidade do alimento produzido. A preocupação com as questões sanitárias na avicultura engloba a saúde dos frangos e do consumidor. A produção está sujeita às emergências sanitárias e deve estar preparada para empregar medidas adequadas de contenção e controle. Além disso, os mercados consumidores internacionais demandam comprovação da eficiência dos métodos de tratamento para o reuso da cama entre lotes de frangos. A eficiência dos tratamentos de cama sobre os patógenos é variável e multifatorial e pode ser influenciada pelo método de tratamento e/ou pelos micro-organismos avaliados. Deste modo, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a eficiência de diferentes estratégias de tratamento da cama aviária sobre vírus da Doença de Newcastle (VDNC), vírus da Doença Infecciosa da Bursa (VDIB) e Salmonella Heidelberg. Enterobactérias totais foram analisadas como indicador da qualidade microbiológica da cama aviária. Inicialmente, a contaminação experimental pelos vírus aviários foi padronizada, comparando-se a excreção por aves inoculadas (seeder birds) versus a aspersão direta dos vírus na cama. Para avaliação dos tratamentos, cama aviária reutilizada foi contaminada com os três micro-organismos e submetida aos tratamentos (T): T1- fermentação plana; T2- cal virgem; T3- fermentação plana seguida de adição de cal virgem; T4- não tratado. A cama aviária foi submetida às análises bacteriológicas e físico-químicas durante o tratamento. Aves sentinelas foram alojadas sobre a cama tratada, sendo monitoradas por meio de avaliação clínica e análises microbiológicas, sorológicas e moleculares. Os resultados demonstraram que as seeder birds foram eficientes em estabelecer a contaminação viral da cama. O T1 foi superior na redução de enterobactérias totais na cama aviária. A avaliação das aves sentinelas indicou que ambos T1 e T3 inativaram VDIB na cama aviária. O T2 não foi eficiente sobre os micro-organismos avaliados e sua associação ao T1 (T3) não potencializou a ação do tratamento. O VDNC não sobreviveu na cama, independente do tratamento aplicado. S. Heidelberg permaneceu viável na cama de todos os tratamentos, sendo também detectada nas aves sentinelas. A atividade antimicrobiana dos T1 e T3 foi relacionada aos maiores teores de amônia presentes na cama aviária. Os resultados indicam que a fermentação plana é eficiente para o controle do VDIB e enterobactérias totais residuais na cama aviária reutilizada. Todavia, na presença de S. Heidelberg outras alternativas devem ser consideradas no controle deste agente de importância na saúde animal e pública.

Relationships between cock semen viability and the fertility of artificially inseminated South African indigenous chicken breeds

Thabo, Molekwa Julian January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M. Tech.) -- Central University of Technology, Free State, 2007 / Four different South African indigenous (Naked Neck (NN), Ovambo (OVB), Venda (VD) and Potchefstroom Koekoek (PK) chicken breeds were used in this study. From each of the four breeds of chicken, 40 hens and 8 cocks were selected randomly. Two groups each of sixteen cocks were subsequently formed: high performing (HP) and low performing (LP) groups to determine the relationships between cock semen viability and the fertility of artificially inseminated South African indigenous layer breeds. Semen was collected following five minutes of sexual massage (5SM) and evaluated for semen volume (ml), sperm motility (%), live sperm (%) and total sperm (x109/ml). Semen from each cock was then used to inseminate five hens per breed, in each treatment. Each hen was inseminated twice a week throughout the duration of the trial. During the experimental period, each hen was inseminated with 0.05 ml diluted semen. The artificially inseminated hens were examined for average egg weight (g), fertility (%), hatchability of set eggs (%), live chicks (%), normal chicks (%) and chick weight (g). A total of 1600 eggs, i.e. 400 eggs from each breed were collected in three batches following artificial insemination from individually caged hens and were hatched to compare hatching parameters among breeds. The hatchability traits of hens of the four breeds (NN, OVB, PK and VD) were compared. Hatching egg weight had significant (P < 0.05) difference among the four breeds. The results of this study indicate that semen viability exemplified by ejaculate volume, sperm motility; live sperm and total sperm per ejaculate were significantly (P < 0.01) superior in the HP cocks compared to the LP cocks. Hens inseminated with semen from the HP cocks in each experimental group resulted in higher egg weight (g), fertility (%), hatchability of set eggs (%), live chicks (%), normal chicks (%) and chick weight (g). Significant positive relationships existed between semen volume and sperm motility (P < 0.05), semen volume and live sperm cells (P < 0.01), semen volume and total sperm (P < 0.01) in NN, OVB and VD, with negative correlations in PK. Some positive correlations were found between sperm motility and live spermatozoa (P < 0.01), sperm motility and total sperm (P < 0.01), live sperm and total sperm (P< 0.01) in NN, OVB, PK and VND. Fertility was the highest in the HP group. Fertility was also the highest in PK, intermediate and similar in OVB and NN and lowest in VD (P<0.05). Breed had a significant effect on hatchability of fertile eggs (P<0.05). Hatchability of total eggs set was highest in PK and NN, intermediate in OVB and lowest in VD (P<0.05). Breed had a significant effect on live, normal chicks and chick weight (P<0.05). Live chick was the highest in NN, whereas at day-old, normal chick and chick weight at hatching were the highest (23.50 ± 0.11) (P<0.05) in PK (98.14 ± 0.67 vs. 37.90 ± 0.28 g), intermediate and similar in NN (87.90 ± 0.63 vs. 23.50 ± 0.11) and OVB (87.75 ± 0.45 vs. 32.81 ± 0.49 g) and the lowest but with an acceptable value in VD (76.85 ± 0.46 vs. 26.90 ± 0.36 g). There were some correlations among different hatchability traits depending on breed. The correlations were more profound among PK. It was clear that chick weight as percent of egg weight was not just a function of egg weight, and that genotype also played an important role favouring the heavier breeds. The results obtained in this study on the relationships between cock semen viability and the fertility of artificially inseminated South African indigenous layer breeds elucidate that the use of high performing (HP) cocks following five minutes of sexual massage, prior to semen collection and artificial insemination of layers is a practical method for optimising sperm viability and subsequent fertility of hens. The results of this study suggest that the Potchefstroom Koekoek (PK) cocks and hens are superior to the Naked Necks (NN), Ovambo (OVB) and Venda (VD). The Ovambo and Naked Neck cocks ranked second in donating quality semen as well as in improving the fertility and hatchability traits of the indigenous chicken breeds. Thus selection of high performing cocks through five minutes sexual massage prior to semen collection and use is recommended for poultry AI breeding programmes.

Effects on domestication and feeding on the avian melanocortin system

Jonsson, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Domestication in chickens has made feed-restriction a necessity if broiler breeder hens should reach sexual maturity and be fertile. This is claimed to cause chronic hunger. To measure hunger the gene expression of the appetite regulators agouti-related peptide (AgRP), pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), neuropeptide Y (NPY) and adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) of the melanocortin system was quantified with qPCR. This was done in feed-restricted Red Junglefowl and compared with the gene expression of two strains of feed-restricted broilers, Ross 308 and Rowan Ranger, to detect possible effects on domestication on appetite regulation. POMC-expression was upregulated 2-fold in the feed-restricted Red Junglefowl. POMC-expression was downregulated by half in the feed-restricted Ross 308. AgRP/NPY-expression was upregulated 4-fold in feed-restricted Rowan Rangers. A comparison between the control groups (ad libitum fed) of the breeds showed that the NPY-expression was lower in Ross 308 and Rowan Ranger compared with the ancestor. Results show no difference in body weight of ad libitum fed and feed-restricted Red Junglefowl. Conclusions were that the feed-restricted Red Junglefowl was not properly restricted in food supply since no difference in body weight between the treatment groups was detected. The upregulation of POMC in the feed-restricted Red Junglefowl could be stress-linked influenced by the feeding type (scattering of food in litter). No conclusions of the impact of domestication on chicken’s appetite could be drawn. Domestication has probably had its impact by altering other signaling pathways of the melanocortin system than in the arcuate nucleus.

Physiological stress and behavioural differences in broiler breeder hens subjected to daily and 5:2 feed restriction regimens

Johansson, Alexandra January 2016 (has links)
Feed restriction in the parental stock of meat producing chickens, broiler breeders, is essential in order to decrease the high growth rate that they are genetically selected for. The feed restriction does however lead to chronic hunger and stress. Stress can be measured by counting H/L ratios and the method of manually counting H/L ratios was evaluated. The method was not a good way to ensure reliable individual H/L ratios but still gives an H/L ratio indication on a group level and was therefore still used in the study. Two different feeding regimens were investigated in the study: 5:2 skip-a-day (SKIP) with two fasting days and daily feed restriction (CTRL), with chickens sampled at 9 and 12 weeks of age. There was no significant difference in body mass between the treatments at either age. SKIP chickens had significantly higher H/L ratios compared to CTRL at 12 weeks of age (P=0.020), but both treatments had H/L ratios above the reported limit of stress (0.5). The SKIP group on a feeding day significantly increased plasma glucose levels during the day (10.3 to 11.5 mmol/L, P=0.020) and had significantly higher liver mass and liver glycogen levels compared to the CTRL (P≤0.001). The SKIP group were also less fearful on fasting days and significantly less active than the CTRL (P≤0.050), regardless of age or daily feed differences. The conclusion was that both treatments were stressed but skip-a-day chickens were habituated to their regimen and did not experience worse welfare than daily fed broiler breeders.

Assessment of iron bioavailability and protein quality of new fortified blended foods in broiler chickens

Fiorentino, Nicole Marie January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Food, Nutrition, Dietetics, and Health / Brian L. Lindshield / Fortified-blended foods (FBFs), grain-legume porridges (most commonly corn and soy), are frequently used for food aid purposes. Sorghum and cowpea have been suggested as alternative FBF commodities because they are drought-tolerant, grown locally in food aid receiving countries, and are not genetically modified. The objective of this thesis was to determine the protein quality and iron bioavailability of newly formulated, extruded FBFs in broiler chickens, which have been suggested as a good model for assessing iron bioavailability. Five FBFs were formulated to contain whey or soy protein to compare protein quality, sugar, oil, and an improved micronutrient premix. These included three white sorghum-cowpea FBFs; two were extruded with either whey protein concentrate (WSC) or soy protein isolate (WSC+SPI) added, one was non-extruded (N-WSC). Two others were white sorghum-soy (WSS) and corn-soy (CSB14) FBFs. Two additional white-sorghum cowpea FBFs were reformulated and “over-processed” to contain no sugar, less whey (O-WSC) or soy protein (O-WSC+SPI), and less oil, thus producing a less expensive FBF. Two studies were performed using prepared (Prep) or dry (Dry) FBFs, along with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) corn and soy blend FBF, CSB+, fed to chickens for 3 and 2 weeks, respectively; food intake, body weights, hemoglobin, and hepatic iron were assessed. In the Prep study, new FBFs significantly increased caloric and protein efficiency compared to CSB+, despite similar food intake and body weight gain. In the Dry study, CSB+ significantly decreased food intake and caloric efficiency, with the exception of O-WSC+SPI, and nonsignificantly reduced body weight gain and protein efficiency compared to new FBFs. CSB+ significantly reduced hepatic iron content compared to all FBFs in the Dry study, and was nonsignificantly decreased compared to new FBFs in the Prep study. In conclusion, sorghum and cowpea FBFs performed similarly to corn and soy FBFs, suggesting these commodities are suitable replacements for corn and soy. Soy protein isolate (WSC+SPI) was an effective alternative to whey protein concentrate (WSC), suggesting SPI can be a less expensive protein supplement in FBFs. Surprisingly, non-extruded sorghum and cowpea (N-WSC) was equally efficacious to extruded WSC. However, N-WSC did not meet viscosity requirements and is not precooked, which limits its viability as an FBF. O-WSC+SPI resulted in poorer outcomes compared to other FBFs, which suggests the protein quality of cowpea may be inferior and the inclusion of whey protein is needed in this formulation, as O-WSC with whey performed similarly to other FBFs. Overall, new FBFs, with the exception of O-WSC+SPI, resulted in improved food efficiency and hepatic iron outcomes compared to CSB+, suggesting they are of higher nutritional quality. However, further research is needed to refine and identify the best FBF formulations.

Probiótico, prebiótico, simbiótico e desempenho zootécnico, rendimento de carcaça e cortes e morfologia intestinal de frangos de corte / Probiotic, prebiotic, symbiotic and broiler performance, carcass and parts yield and intestinal morphology

Carão, Agatha Cristina de Pinho 21 September 2011 (has links)
A suspeita de indução de resistência bacteriana a antibióticos melhoradores de desempenho (AMD) e a pressão dos consumidores e dos mercados importadores para a abolição da prática criam a necessidade da descoberta de novas substâncias que funcionem como substitutos aos antibióticos, como os probióticos, prebióticos e simbióticos. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de probiótico, prebiótico e simbiótico sobre o desempenho zootécnico, os rendimentos de carcaça e de cortes e a morfologia intestinal de frangos de cortes criados de 1 a 43 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 1200 pintos de 1 dia, machos, da linhagem comercial Cobb 500®, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 5 dietas experimentais: Controle, Antibiótico (virginiamicina), Probiótico (Bacillus subtilis), Prebiótico (mananoligossacarídeo - parede celular de Saccharomyces cerevisae) e Simbiótico (Bacillus subtilis + mananoligossacarídeo - parede celular de Saccharomyces cerevisae) e 8 repetições de 30 aves cada. Em relação ao desempenho zootécnico, os aditivos testados provaram ser alternativas viáveis ao antibiótico melhorador de desempenho utilizado, uma vez que apresentaram resultados melhores que os do grupo controle e iguais aos obtidos com o uso do AMD. Da mesma maneira, para os rendimentos de carcaça e de cortes, o probiótico, o prebiótico e o simbiótico, mostraram poder ser usados como substitutos ao antibiótico, uma vez que promoveram rendimentos iguais aos do grupo alimentado com AMD. Por fim, para a morfometria intestinal, os dados obtidos mostram não haver uma relação direta entre a presença de aditivo e uma maior altura de vilosidade, menor profundidade de cripta ou maior relação vilo:cripta, uma vez que nem sempre os animais suplementados tiveram melhores resultados que o grupo controle negativo. Desta maneira concluí-se que os aditivos usados podem substituír o antimicrobiano testado, em suas respectivas doses, para as fases de criação consideradas, uma vez que fornecem resultados tão bons quanto aos obtidos com o AMD. / The suspect of the resistance\'s indution of antibiotics (ATB) and the pressure of the consumers and of the importing markets for the abolishment of this kind of practice have criated the necessity of discovering new substances that work like substitutes to antibiotics, just like probiotics, prebiotics and symbiotcs. In this manner, the objective of this study it was evaluate the effects of probiotic, prebiotic and symbiotic on performance, carcass and parts yield and intestinal morphology of broilers from 1 to 43 days of age. There were used 1,200 one-day-old chicks, male, Cobb 500® strain, distributed on a completely randomized design, with 5 experimental diets: Control, Antibiotic (virginiamicin), Probiotic (Bacillus subtilis), Prebiotic (Saccharomyces cerevisae yeast cell) and Symbiotic (Bacillus subtilis + Saccharomyces cerevisae yeast cell) and 8 replicates with 30 chicks each one. Concernig on the performance, the tested additives have been proved to be viable alternatives to used antibiotic, once that they have showed better results than the control group, and similars to the ones that were obtained with the use of antibiotic (ATB). Equally, for the carcass and parts yield, probiotic, prebiotic and symbiotic have showed they can be used like substitutes to antibiotics, once they have promoted equall yields to the group fed antibiotic. At last, for the intestinal morphology, the data haven\'t showed relation between the additive\'s presence and a higher vilo high, a smaller cript depth and a higher vilo:cript ratio, once not always animals fed additives have had better results than the control group. This way, the conclusion is that the substitution of the antimicrobian by the additives, in its respective doses, can be adopted once promotes good results as the antibiotic.

Avaliação do manejo pré-incubação e incubação de ovos férteis sobre a qualidade do pintinho, desempenho e rendimento de carcaça de frangos de corte / Evaluation of management pre-incubation and incubation of fertile eggs on chick quality, performance and carcass yield of broilers

Furlan, Joyce de Jesus Mangini 01 July 2013 (has links)
Foram desenvolvidos dois experimentos para avaliação do efeito da temperatura e do período de estocagem de ovos férteis sobre os resultados da incubação, qualidade do pintinho de um dia de idade, bem como sobre o desempenho e rendimento de carcaça de frangos de corte durante as fases inicial e final. Experimento I - Utilizou-se 1620 ovos férteis da linhagem Cobb 500, oriundos de matrizes de 38 semanas de idade distribuídos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualisado em arranjo de tratamentos em fatorial 2x2 com os fatores: período (5 e 10 dias) e temperatura (17 e 20oC) na estocagem de ovos, totalizando 4 tratamentos com nove repetições de 45 ovos cada. Após a estocagem procedeu-se a incubação em máquina de estágio único por vinte e um dias. Experimento II - Utilizou-se 504 pintos machos e fêmeas de um dia de idade, distribuídos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualisado com os mesmos 4 tratamentos do experimento I sendo eles: Tratamento 1 (5 dias e 20oC), tratamento 2 (5 dias e 17oC), tratamento 3 (10 dias e 20oC) e tratamento 4 (10 dias e 17oC) com 9 repetições de quatorze aves cada para avaliação de desempenho e características de carcaça. Todos os dados foram analisados pelo Statistical Analysis System (SAS, 2008) e submetidos à análise de variância pelo procedimento MIXED ao nível de 5% de significância. Os dados que não respeitaram as premissas da análise estatística foram submetidos à análise não paramétrica de frequência pelo procedimento GLIMMIXED. No experimento I, não foi observado efeito significativo da interação entre os fatores analisados. Os melhores resultados de eclosão e eclodibilidade (77.28 e 77.86%, respectivamente) foram para ovos estocados por 5 dias. O efeito do período também foi observado no embriodiagnóstico, aumentando a ocorrência de mortalidade embrionária nas fases inicial e final em ovos estocados por 10 dias. A qualidade do pintinho foi superior em aves de ovos estocados durante os mesmos períodos. No experimento II, o desempenho não foi afetado significativamente pelos fatores, como também não houve efeito significativo da interação (p<0.05). Para as características de carcaça houve efeito significativo do fator temperatura (P<0,05) para peso vivo e rendimento de pernas. As aves de ovos estocados a 20oC foram mais pesadas aos 42 dias e apresentaram maior rendimento de pernas quando comparadas aos cortes de aves de ovos estocados a 17oC. Concluiu-se que a estocagem de ovos influencia os resultados da incubação bem como a qualidade do pintinho, principalmente no que diz respeito ao período em que permanecem estocados. Por outro lado o manejo pré-incubação não influenciou o desempenho de frangos de corte, mas sim características de carcaça, demonstrando que ambiência, sanidade, nutrição e melhoramento genético são fatores imprescindíveis na produção avícola mundial. / Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of temperature and storage time of fertile eggs on the results of incubation, chick quality day old, as well as on the performance and carcass yield of broilers during the initial phases and final. Experiment I - was used in 1620 fertile eggs from Cobb 500, from breeders 38 weeks of age distributed in completely randomized design with treatments arranged in a 2x2 factorial with the factors: time (5 and 10 days) and temperature (17 and 20 o C) in the storage of eggs, totaling 4 treatments with nine replicates of 45 eggs each. After storage incubation proceeded in single stage machine for twenty-one days. Experiment II - was used 504 male and female chicks from one day of age in completely randomized design with 4 treatments of the same experiment I being: Treatment 1 (5 days, 20 o C), treatment 2 (5 days and 17 o C), treatment 3 (10 days and 20 o C) and treatment 4 (10 days and 17 o C) with 9 repetitions of fourteen birds each for performance evaluation and carcass characteristics. All data were analyzed using Statistical Analysis System (SAS, 2008) and subjected to analysis of variance by the MIXED procedure at the 5% significance level. Data that did not meet the assumptions of statistical analysis were analyzed by frequency nonparametric by procedure GLIMMIXED. In experiment I, there was no significant interaction between the factors. The best results hatching and hatchability (77.28 and 77.86%, respectively) were for eggs stored for 5 days. The effect of time was also observed in embryo diagnosis, increasing the occurrence of embryonic mortality in early and late in eggs stored for 10 days. Chick quality was higher in birds from eggs stored for long memos. In the second experiment, the performance was not affected by the factors, as there was no significant interaction (p <0,05). For carcass traits was no significant effect of temperature factor (P <0.05) on body weight and yield legs. Birds from eggs stored at 20 o C were heavier at 42 days and showed higher upside compared to cuts of poultry eggs stored at 17 o C. It was concluded that the storage of eggs influences the results of the incubation and chick quality, especially with regard to the period that remain stocked. On the other hand the management pre-incubation did not influence the performance of broilers, but carcass characteristics, demonstrating that ambience, sanitation, nutrition and genetic improvement are indispensable factors in poultry production worldwide.

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