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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Zum Einfluss unterschiedlicher Behandlungsverfahren und Zusatzstoffe auf ernährungsphysiologische Parameter und Leistung wachsender Broiler nach Verabreichung weizenbetonter Futtermischungen / Influence of different feeed treatment and feed additives on nutritional-physiological parameters and perfomence of growing chicken after application f wheat-based diets

Amad, Abdulkarim Abdulmaged 17 May 2001 (has links)
In mehrfaktoriellen 2 x 2 x 4 Untersuchungen im Zeitraum vom 7. - 28. Lebenstag und in Bilanzversuchen vom 15. - 20. Lebenstag mit männlichen Broilerküken (Cobb 500) wurden die Effekte der Versuchsfaktoren Zerkleinerung (Hammermühle vs. Walzenstuhl), thermische Behandlung (Konditionierung bei 70°C vs. Konditionierung/Expandierung 100°C) und Zusätze von Zink-Bacitracin bzw. Roxazym G2 (ohne Zusatz, mit Zink-Bacitracin 50 mg, mit Roxayzm G2 150 ppm und deren Zusatzkombination A+E) sowie die Interaktionen untersucht. Als Kriterien dienten die Parameter Futterverzehr, Lebendmassezunahme, Futteraufwand, Nährstoffansatz und -verwertung, ileale Verdaulichkeit von ausgewählten Aminosäuren, Proteinverwertung/Proteinqualität und Umsetzbarkeit der Energie. Die Versuchstiere erhielten ab dem 7. Lebenstag die entsprechenden Versuchsmischungen. Der Gehalt an XP und MEn aller Versuchsmischungen war einheitlich (XP 21,7% und MEn 12,3 MJ/kg Futter). Die Lysinversorgung wurde auf 90 % unter der optimalen Bedarfsdeckung in allen Futtermischungen limitiert. Die Auswirkungen der Versuchsfaktoren lassen sich wie folgt zusammenfassen: - Zerkleinerung : Die Zerkleinerungstechnologie mit dem Walzenstuhl übte einen signifikanten Einfluss auf den Futterverzehr (-3,5 %) und Futteraufwand (-2,8 %) gegenüber der Zerkleinerung mit der Hammermühle aus. Die Nährstoffverwertung (XP und Energie) zeigten durch Walzenstuhl-Zerkleinerung tendenzielle Verbesserungen. Die ileale Lysinverdaulichkeit blieb unverändert, die ileale Verdaulichkeit von Threonin und Met+Cys wurde signifikant erhöht. Die Walzenstuhl-Zerkleinerung führte zu einer besseren Futterstruktur und zu einer höheren Nährstoffdichte in den Pellets. Das wird deutlich durch die höhere N-Aufnahme bzw. N-Bilanz sowie durch gesteigerte N-Verwertungsparameter und einen erhöhten Gehalt an N-korrigierter umsetzbarer Energie (MEn). - Thermische Behandlung : Durch erhöhte Hitzeapplikation mit dem Expander konnten in der vorliegenden Arbeit hinsichtlich der Leistungsparameter, Nährstoffansatz und -verwertung keine Unterschiede gegenüber der Konditionierung festgestellt werden. Die Expandierung führte zu einer signifikant erhöhten ilealen Lysinverdaulichkeit, die durch die gemessene Lysinwirksamkeit im Bilanzversuch jedoch nicht widergespiegelt wurde. Auch signifikant niedrigere N-Bilanz und physiologische Proteinnutzwerte (PNu) sowie die tendenzielle Verringerung der N-Verdaulichkeit und des Gehaltes an umsetzbarer Energie deuten auf eine negative Wirkung der intensiveren thermischen Behandlung durch Expandieren hin. Hierzu sind weitere klärende Untersuchungen notwendig. - Futterzusätze: Durch die alleinige Supplementierung mit dem Antibiotikum Zink-Bacitracin oder NSP-spaltenden Enzym Roxazym G2 bzw. deren Kombination reagierten Mastleistung und Futterverwertung signifikant positiv. Während der Effekt der Enzymzulagen bei Nährstoffverwertung und ilealer Verdaulichkeit ausgewählter Aminosäure signifikant höher gegenüber der unsupplementierten Gruppe war, blieb ein Effekt von Zink-Bacitracin hinsichtlich dieser Parameter aus. Der Effekt der Zusatzkombination war bei Mastleistung, Nährstoffansatz und -verwertung und bei der ilealen Verdaulichkeit der ausgewählten Aminosäuren gegenüber der Kontrolle oder dem alleinigen Zusatz signifikant höher. Das deutet auf einen synergistischen Effekt der gleichzeitigen Applikation der beiden Additive hin. Die N-Verwertung einschließlich des Gehalts an N-korrigierter scheinbar umsetzbarer Energie lag nach alleiniger Applikation von Zink-Bacitracin unerwartet signifikant niedriger gegenüber den anderen Zusätzen bzw. tendenziell gegenüber der Kontrolle. Die Gehalte an scheinbar umsetzbarer Energie (AMEn) waren deutlich durch den Enzymzusatz allein oder in Kombination mit Zink-Bacitracin erhöht. -Interaktionen: Die Abhängigkeit der Versuchsfaktoren voneinander im Mastversuch war nicht stark ausgeprägt. Die Zerkleinerung in Verbindung mit anschließender thermischer Behandlung führte zur Beeinflussung der Futterverzehrsdaten. Danach verbesserten die Verfahrenskombinationen Hammermühle x Konditionierung oder Walzenstuhl x Expandierung bedingt durch einen erhöhten Futterverzehr die Lebendmassezunahme und den Nährstoffansatz signifikant. Hinsichtlich der ilealen Aminosäurenverdaulichkeit zeigten die Futterzusätze eine Abhängigkeit von der Behandlung bzw. Zerkleinerung und Behandlung. Die Enzymzulage allein oder in Kombination mit Zink-Bacitracin zeigte stärkere Effektivität in Verbindung mit der thermischen Behandlung durch Expandieren.

Studien zur Aminosäurenwirksamkeit beim Mastgeflügel unter spezifischer Betrachtung der verzweigtkettigen Aminosäuren / Studies on the amino acid efficiency in broiler chickens under the specific consideration of the branched-chain amino acids

Pastor, Anja 04 February 2014 (has links)
Das Konzept des Idealproteins (IAAR) bietet einen Ansatzpunkt zur umweltschonenden Tierproduktion. Das IAAR definiert genau die Relationen an AA, die der Körper für eine gewünschte Leistung, z.B. Wachstum, Reproduktion, etc., benötigt. Im Idealfall liegt keine AA im Überschuss oder im Mangel vor. In der Folge wirken alle AA gleichermaßen limitierend. Das Protein kann unter diesen Bedingungen mit der höchsten Effizienz genutzt werden. Stickstoff (N)-Exkretionen und Belastungen des Stoffwechsels werden minimiert. Bei der Umsetzung des IAAR-Konzepts wird die zu untersuchende AA in Relation zu einer Referenz-Aminosäure (AA), meistens Lysin (Lys), gesetzt. Eine umfassende Literaturrecherche zeigte, dass fundierte Angaben über die idealen Verhältnisse der verzweigtkettigen AA (engl.: branched-chain amino acids, BCAA) Leucin (Leu), Isoleucin (Ile) und Valin (Val) zu Lys beim Masthähnchen rar sind, insbesondere Angaben zum idealen Leu:Lys-Verhältnis. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war daher die Ermittlung der idealen BCAA:Lys- Verhältnisse in Futtermischungen für männliche Masthähnchen der Genetik Ross 308 und eine anschließende Validierung der gefundenen Ergebnisse. Dabei erfolgte die Auswertung von aus Stoffwechselversuchen gewonnen NAnsatz- Daten mit Hilfe eines nicht-linearen N-Verwertungsmodells für wachsende Monogastride. Des Weiteren sollte der optimale Zeitpunkt für die Blutabnahme zur Analyse der verzweigtkettigen Ketosäuren, die wichtige Informationen zum Stoffwechsel der BCAA vermitteln können, definiert werden, da in der Literatur keine Hinweise auf einen optimalen Zeitpunkt gegeben sind. Drei aufeinander aufbauende Versuchskomplexe wurden durchgeführt, die neben N-Bilanz-Studien parallel Wachstumsversuche umfassten. Diese waren in eine Starter- und Growerperiode unterteilt. In den Bilanzversuchen schlossen sich an eine fünf-tägige Adaptationsperiode die zweimal fünftägigen Sammelperioden an (je 36 Tiere in der Starter- (10.-20. Lebenstag (LT)) und Growerperiode (25.-35.LT)). Im Wachstumsversuch gliederten sich die Versuchsabschnitte vom 1.-12. 13.-24. und 25.-36. Lebenstag in Experiment 1. In Experiment 2 und 3 umfasste die Starterperiode den 1.-21. LT bzw. 10.-20. LT und die Growerperiode den 21.-35. LT bzw. 25.-35. LT. Für jeden Abschnitt wurden jeweils 240 Tiere verwendet. Zu Beginn und zum Ende jedes Wachstumsabschnittes wurden repräsentative Tiere für eine Ganzkörperanalyse ausgewählt, 24h genüchtert, eingeschläfert, autoklaviert, homogenisiert und im Hinblick auf XP, TS und XA analysiert. Dies ermöglichte die Berechnung des N-Ansatzes der Versuchstiere für den jeweiligen Wachstumsabschnitt. Hauptkomponenten der Diäten in allen Versuchen waren Weizen, Weizenkleber, Sojaproteinkonzentrat und Fischmehl. Das zunächst als Referenz angenommene IAAR basierte auf Literaturdaten. Die Diätgestaltung erfolgte nach dem Prinzip der Verdünnungsmethode. Zur Bestimmung des optimalen Blutabnahmezeitpunktes wurden 40 Tiere verwendet. Nur Tiere, die eine AA-balancierte Kontrollmischung erhalten hatten, kamen zur Anwendung. Über einen gestaffelten Zeitraum wurde den Masthähnchen Blut am 36. LT abgenommen. Die Bestimmung des Gehalts an verzweigtkettigen α-Ketosäuren erfolgte mittels Hochleistungsflüssigkeitschromatographie (HPLC). Nachfolgend sind die Ergebnisse der einzelnen Versuchskomplexe dargestellt: Experiment 1 diente der Ermittlung der Modellparameter des täglichen NErhaltungsbedarfs (NMR) sowie des täglichen maximalen N-Retentionsvermögens (NRmaxT) für die Ergebnisevaluierung nach dem exponentiellen N-Verwertungsmodell. Auf Grundlage der N-Bilanz-Daten ergaben sich ein NMR und NRmaxT von 113 mg N/LMkg0,67/d und 4705 mg N/LMkg0,67/d für die Starter-, sowie von 215 mg N/LMkg0,67/d und 4516 mg N/LMkg0,67/d für die Growerperiode. Weiterhin konnte basierend auf der ermittelten Lys-Effizienz der Lys-Bedarf für unterschiedliche Leistungsziele (g XP-Ansatz/d), verschieden unterstellte Futteraufnahmen sowie für eine definierte Lebendmasse quantifiziert werden. In Experiment 2 erfolgte die Ermittlung des IAAR für die BCAA in Relation zu Lys (IAARBCAA). Es ergab sich für die Starter- bzw. Growerperiode ein IAARBCAA von Lys:Leu:Ile:Val = 100:94:55:65 bzw. 100:106:56:72. Die Ergebnisse deuteten an, dass für die Growerperiode ein erhöhter relativer Bedarf an Leu und Val vorlag. Die ermittelten Werte des IAARBCAA lagen deutlich unterhalb des Referenz IAARBCAA (100:110:68:79). Die Analyse der verzweigtkettigen α-Ketosäuren zeigte, dass 3 – 12h nach Futterentzug keine signifikanten Konzentrationsänderungen im Blutplasma für alle drei α-Ketosäuren vorlag (p<0,05). Es wurde geschlussfolgert, dass dieser Zeitraum für weitere Untersuchungen zu präferieren ist. Experiment 3 diente der Validierung eines im Vergleich zum Referenz IAARBCAA (Lys:Leu:Ile:Val = 100:110:68:79) deutlich reduzierten BCAA-Anteils im Broilerfutter (Lys:Leu:Ile:Val = 100:89:53:63 in der Starter- und 100:97:56:70 in der Growerperiode). Es konnte festgehalten werden, dass sich die Einstellung eines im Vergleich zur Literatur niedrigeren IAARBCAA nicht negativ auf die Leistung von Masthähnchen auswirkte. Weiterer Forschungsbedarf besteht einerseits in der Methodik. Neben einer weiteren Optimierung von Stoffwechsel- und Wachstumsversuchen wäre auch ein Vergleich unterschiedlicher Modelle (z.B. N-Verwertungsmodell und Supplementationsmethode) zur Ableitung des AA-Bedarfs/des IAAR innerhalb eines Versuchskomplexes wünschenswert. Andererseits könnten nachfolgende Untersuchungen neben den Gehalt an verzweigtkettigen α- Ketosäuren im Blutplasma von Masthähnchen weitere Parameter, wie den AA- oder Harnsäure-Gehalt mit einbeziehen. Somit könnte ein Beitrag zu einem noch besseren Verständnis für den BCAA-Metabolismus und dessen Auswirkungen auf die Tierleistung und –gesundheit geleistet werden.

Ernährungsphysiologische Bewertung von teilentfettetem Larvenmehl der schwarzen Soldatenfliege (Hermetia illucens) für den Einsatz in ressourcenschonenden Ernährungskonzepten der Schweine- und Hähnchenmast / Nutrition physiological evaluation of partially defatted larvae meal of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) for use in resource-saving nutrition concepts for fattening pigs and broiler.

Rothstein, Susanne 08 February 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Efeito das variações térmicas na perda de umidade em carcaças de frango / Effect of thermal variation on the moisture loss in broiler carcasses

Franco, Fábio de Oliveira 24 August 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho objetivou estudar o impacto das variações térmicas durante o armazenamento de carcaças de frango sobre as propriedades funcionais, especialmente a perda de umidade no descongelamento (Drip Loss). Para avaliação destas condições, foram simuladas duas situações: uma comercial, onde um lote de aves abatidas, evisceradas e resfriadas em chiller foram congeladas até -15 (±2)°C e sofreram variações térmicas em ciclos de 8 horas com retirada das mesmas da câmara de estocagem, passando de -15 (±2)°C a -3(±2)°C, momento em que eram novamente devolvidas a câmara de congelamento (situação crítica) e outro lote mantido congelado a -15(±2)°C (situação ideal). Outra condição, chamada de ensaio modelo, foram simuladas 7 faixas de temperatura de armazenamento (0°C, -3°C, -6°C, -9°C, -12°C, -15°C e -18°C) visando definir faixas críticas, baseadas em valores de Drip Loss. Foram definidas 2 faixas: -3°C e -6°C, baseadas em sua proximidade a faixa mais crítica e com valores maiores de Drip Loss (0°C). Para estudo das propriedades funcionais no ensaio comercial, amostra (n=120) de carcaças, divididas em situação ideal (n=60) e situação crítica (n=60) foram descongeladas e submetidas às análises de pH, cor e perda de umidade por descongelamento (Drip Test). Os resultados encontrados mostraram uma tendência (p<0,05) de aumento do Drip Loss com o aumento do tempo de armazenamento na situação crítica, com valores de 4,77(±1,24)% para 3 dias e 10,28(±0,87)% para 120 dias. A situação ideal não apresentou diferenças significativas entre os resultados encontrados, que foram de 5,19(±1,13)% para 3 dias e 4,86(±0,84)% para 120 dias. Para estudo das propriedades funcionais no ensaio modelo, amostras (n=70), em triplicata, de carcaças foram descongeladas e, após a definição das faixas críticas, submetidas às análises de perda umidade por descongelamento (Drip Test), capacidade de retenção de água, análise de perda de umidade no cozimento, quantificação do gel protéico, análise do teor de proteínas no exsudato, análise do perfil protéico do exsudato e análise histológica. Os resultados demonstraram não haver diferenças estatísticas (p<0,05) entre as faixas críticas estudadas (-3°C e -6°C) em relação às propriedades funcionais, com exceção das análises de perda de umidade por descongelamento (Drip Test), onde a mesma tendência de aumento do Drip Loss em relação ao tempo de armazenamento foi encontrada, com valores de 5,85 (±1,16)% para 0 dia e 12,33 (±1,12)% para 70 dias na faixa -3°C e 5,83 (±1,93)% para 0 dia e 10,15 (±0,15)% para 70 dias na faixa -6°C. Concluindo, existem evidências de que as variações térmicas promovem o aumento do Drip Loss em relação a um maior tempo de armazenamento. A constatação deste fato serve como base para estudos mais aprofundados sobre o impacto das condições de armazenamento sobre as propriedades funcionais da carne de frango, bem como para padronizar os processos de congelamento, transporte, distribuição e venda de carne de frango congelada. / The objective of this work was to study the impact of thermal variations during the storage of broiler carcasses on its functional properties, especially the moisture loss during thawing (Drip Loss). In order to evaluate these conditions, two situations were simulated: one called commercial, where a batch of slaughtered, eviscerated and chilled on water system broilers were frozen to -15(±2)°C and divided in two equal batches: one of these batches was called Critical Condition and was maintained in a 8 hour cycle of thermal variation ranging from -15(±2)°C to -3(±2)°C while the other, called Ideal Condition was maintained at -15(±2)°C during all the storage time. In another situation, named Model, seven ranges of storage temperature (0±2°C, -3±2°C, -6±2°C, -9±2°C, -12±2°C, -15±2°C , -18±2°C) were simulated in order to obtain the critical ranges based on the Drip Loss values. Two ranges were found based on its proximity to the most critical range and bigger Drip Loss values: -3±2°C and -6±2°C. For the functional properties studies on the commercial situation, a sample (n=120) of broiler carcasses, equally divided in Critical and Ideal were unfrozen and pH, color and Drip Loss analyzed. The results showed a statistical trend (p<0,05) of increase of Drip Loss values as time of storage increases in the critical condition, with values of 4,77±1,24% for 3 days of storage and 10,28±0,87% for 120 days of storage. The ideal condition didnt showed significant differences among the obtained results that were from 5,19±1,13% for 3 days of storage to 4,86±0,84% for 120 days. For the functional properties studies on the model situation, a sample (n=70), in triplicate, of broiler carcasses was thawed and, after the definition of the critical ranges, it was analyzed for Drip Loss, water holding capacity, moisture loss during cooking, Exudative cooking gel quantification, protein quantification on the exsudate, protein profile on the exudate and histological evaluation. The results showed that there were no statistical differences (p<0,05) between the studied critical ranges (-3±2°C and -6±2°C) in relation to its functional properties, except for Drip Loss values, where a trend of increase in Drip Loss as the time of storage increases was found, with values from 5,85±1,16% for 0 days to 12,33±1,12% for 70 days in range -3±2°C and from 5,83±1,93% for 0 days to 10,15±0,15% for 70 days in range -6±2°C. In conclusion, theres some evidence that the thermal variation can cause the increase of Drip Loss values in relation to an increase of the storage time. All these data can be useful as basis for new studies on functional properties of broiler meat regard to thermal variation during storage, as well as, to standard the processes of freezing, transport, distribution, and retail of frozen broiler meat.

Materiais lignocelulósicos na compostagem de resíduos da agroindústria do frango de corte / Lignocellulosic materials in poultry chain agroindustrial waste composting

Bernard, Francieli Helena 06 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-12T14:47:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE_ FRANCIELI .pdf: 3210488 bytes, checksum: 139233665a2fb9191412af6ecba0f292 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-06 / The composting process has been used as the main way to stabilize agro-industrial waste from the broiler production chain. These wastes are generated in the run-fattening stage and during the slaughtering and processing of meat, originally inadequate to composting process due to its high levels of nitrogen. The objective of this research was to evaluate different lignocellulosic materials available regionally as a carbon source to be added to the composting process. The lignocellulosic materials were carding cotton waste, pruning of urban trees, sawdust, crushed sugarcane bagasse and crushed napier grass, which mixed with other wastes (reproductive poultry bedding, hatchery waste, flotation sludge, sausage skins and coal from boilers), constituted the treatments. Five windrows were set up and monitored, with C:N ratio of around 30. The windrows were turned twice a week in the first month and once a week in the following months until stabilization, confirmed by the decline of the windrow temperature until it reaches values of room temperature. At every turning, moisture was adjusted to 60%. The time of composting was evaluated, as well as mass reductions and volume (parameters related to optimization of the composting area); losses of N, P and K; concentration of N, P and K and the ratio of humic to fulvic acid - HA / FA that to characterize the agronomic value of the final compost, in addition to monitoring of microbiological parameters such as basal respiration and activity enzymatic &#946;-glucosidase, cellulase, acid and alkaline phosphatase. With the aid of techniques of Multivariate Analysis (Cluster Analysis and Principal Component), it was concluded that the treatment which used the carding cotton waste as a carbon source allowed optimizing the use of composting area and provided the production of a organic compost with greater agronomic value. Regarding the microbiological parameters, these were most intense in the thermophilic phase, being the cellulase activity most accentuated. / O processo de compostagem é utilizado como principal forma de estabilizar resíduos agroindustriais provenientes da cadeia produtiva do frango de corte. Trata-se dos resíduos gerados no período que antecede a fase de engorda e durante o abate e industrialização da carne, originalmente inadequados ao processo de compostagem por apresentarem altos teores de nitrogênio. Objetivou-se avaliar diferentes materiais lignocelulósicos disponíveis regionalmente como fonte de carbono a ser adicionado na compostagem destes resíduos. Os materiais lignocelulósicos avaliados foram: resíduos da desfibrilação do algodão, podas de árvores urbanas, serragem, bagaço de cana moído e capim napier triturado, que em mistura com os demais resíduos (cama de matrizeiro, resíduos de incubatório, lodo de flotador, tripa celulósica e carvão), constituíram os tratamentos. Foram montadas e monitoradas cinco leiras, com relação C:N em torno de 30. As leiras foram revolvidas duas vezes por semana no primeiro mês e uma vez por semana nos meses seguintes até a estabilização, confirmada pelo declínio da temperatura da leira até atingir os valores da temperatura ambiente. A cada revolvimento, a umidade foi corrigida para 60%. Os parâmetros avaliados foram o tempo de compostagem e as reduções de massa e volume (parâmetros relacionados à otimização do pátio de compostagem); perdas de N, P e K, concentração de N, P e K e relação ácidos húmicos:ácidos/fúlvicos AH/AF que permitiram caracterizar o valor agronômico do composto final. Monitorou-se os parâmetros microbiológicos, como a respiração basal e a atividade enzimática de &#946;-glucosidase, celulase, fosfatase ácida e alcalina. Com auxílio de técnicas da Análise Multivariada (Análise de Agrupamento e de Componentes Principais), concluiu-se que o tratamento em que se utilizou o resíduo da desfibrilação de algodão como fonte de carbono permite otimizar a utilização do pátio de compostagem e proporciona a produção de um composto orgânico com maior valor agronômico. Com relação aos parâmetros microbiológicos, estes foram mais intensos na fase termofílica, sendo a atividade de celulase a mais pronunciada

Svetlosni program, gustina naseljenosti i sastav obroka u funkciji proizvodnih parametara,kvaliteta mesa i dobrobiti brojlerskih pilića / Lightening program, stocking density and diet composition in the function of production parameters, meat quality and welfare of broiler chickens

Veljić Miljan 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Cilj istraţivanja bio je da se ispita uticaj svetlosnog programa (konstantnog &ndash; KS i opadajuĆe- rastuĆeg - ORS), gustine obroka i gustine naseljenosti i njihove interakcije na proizvodne i klaniČne osobine brojlerskih piliĆa, kvalitet mesa i o&scaron;teĆenje tabanskih jastuČiĆa.<br />Istraţivanja su sprovedena na farmi piliĆa Donji Crnci nadomak Podgorice u tri ogleda: u prvom su ispitivani efekti svetlosnog programa i gustine obroka, u drugom programi svetla i gustina naseljenosti piliĆa, a u treĆem program svetla i gustina obroka (sme&scaron;e sa standardnim i poveĆanim sadrţajem energije i proteina, pri Čemu je odnos energija : protein bio konstantan). U svakom ogledu bilo je 320 piliĆa linijskog hibrida Cobb 500, me&scaron;anih po polu, a ogledi su trajali 42 dana. U sva tri ogleda formirane su po Četiri grupe sa Četiri ponavljanja i u svakoj grupi bilo je 80 jednodnevnih piliĆa.<br />Proizvodni parametri (telesna masa, utro&scaron;ak hrane i uginuĆa) praĆeni su u svim ogledima, a izraČunati su konverzija hrane i proizvodni indeks. Telesne mase su merene u uzrastu od 1; 7; 14; 21; 28; 35 i 42 dana. Utro&scaron;ak hrane utvrčivan je na kraju perioda primene pojedinih sme&scaron;a, i to: 14. dana koliČina konzumirane starter sme&scaron;e, 35. dana grovera i 42. dana fini&scaron;er sme&scaron;e. Mortalitet je odrečivan beleţenjem broja uginulih piliĆa u toku trajanja ogleda. Na osnovu telesnih masa, konverzije hrane i mortaliteta izraČunati su proizvodni indeksi.<br />Na kraju svakog ogleda, sa 6 nedelja starosti, piliĆi su izmereni pojedinaČno, izraČunati su proseci tretmana, a zatim je od svakog tretmana izdvojeno 20 piliĆa (10 mu&scaron;kih i 10 ţenskih) radi ispitivanja klaniČnih karakteristika. Pre klanja piliĆi su gladovali 12 sati. Nakon klanja i Či&scaron;Ćenja trupovi su ohlačeni na 40C u toku 24 sata, a potom obračeni kao: &bdquo;klasiČna obrada&rdquo; &bdquo;spremno za peČenje&rdquo; i &bdquo;spremno za ro&scaron;tilj&rdquo;.<br />Pri konfekcioniranju trupova izdvojena je abdominalna mast, izmerene mase obračenih trupova i dobijeni randmani. Radi utvrčivanja prinosa i udela osnovnih i sporednih delova trupa izvr&scaron;eno je rasecanje ohlačenih trupova. Ocena konformacije trupova izvr&scaron;ena je na osnovu utvrčenih apsolutnih mera: duţine piska, duţina kobilice, dubina grudi i obim bataka. Kori&scaron;Ćen je indeks koji predstavlja odnos ţive mase pre klanja i posmatrane mere (g/mm).<br />U ogledu II izvr&scaron;eno je i fiziČko ispitivanje kostiju, na femuru nakon izdvajanja od skeleta brojlera, a u ogledu III odrečeni su sadrţaj vlage, sadrţaj ukupne masti, ukupnog pepela i ukupnih proteina belog i crvenog mesa, na uzorcima mi&scaron;iĆnog tkiva grudi i karabataka od 5 mu&scaron;kih i 5 ţenskih trupova u svakom tretmanu (ukupno 20).</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Rezultati ukazuju da svetlosni program nije statistiČki znaČajno uticao na zavr&scaron;ne telesne mase u ogledima I i II, dok su u ogledu III veĆe mase utvrčene kod piliĆa tovljenih pri KS. Primena ORS uticala je na usporavanje stope rasta u prvom periodu tova, a kao rezultat kompenzacionog porasta bez uticaja na zavr&scaron;ne mase, sem u treĆem ogledu. Bolju konverziju hrane u periodu ishrane fini&scaron;erom postigli su piliĆi u ogledu I pri ORS nego pri KS, kao i u ishrani starterom u ogledu III. Svetlosni programi u ogledu II nisu uticali na konverziju hrane i mortalitet piliĆa.<br />Gustina obroka nije uticala na zavr&scaron;ne mase, konverziju hrane, mortalitet i proizvodni indeks. Kod piliĆa hranjenih obrocima sa vi&scaron;im sadrţajem proteina i energije utvrčene su veĆe telesne mase na kraju tova (P&lt;0.01). Gustina obroka u ogledima I i III nije imala uticaj na konverziju hrane, mortalitet i proizvodni indeks. Znatno je veĆa zavr&scaron;na masa piliĆa tovljenih pri gustini naseljenosti od 12 grla/m2 (2667,08 g) nego pri 17 grla/m2 (2435,76 g) i razlike su bile statistiČki visoko znaČajne. Nije utvrčen uticaj gustine naseljenosti na konverziju hrane, mortalitet i proizvodni indeks.<br />Ispitivani faktori (svetlo, gustina obroka i gustina naseljenosti) nisu uticali na randmane, ali jesu interakcije nekih od njih. U svim ogledima utvrčen je manji udeo abdominalne masti pri ORS nego pri KS, ali bez statistiČke znaČajnosti. Gustina obroka i gustina naseljenosti nisu uticali na sadrţaj abdominalne masti. VeĆi je sadrţaj abdominalne masti u svim ogledima bio kod ţenskih nego mu&scaron;kih piliĆa. Udeo grudi veĆi je pri KS nego pri ORS, ali su razlike statistiČki znaČajne samo u treĆem ogledu. Gustina obroka i gustina naseljenosti nisu uticale na udeo grudi. Udeo bataka bio je veĆi kod piliĆa tovljenih pri ORS nego pri KS, ali su razlike statistiČki znaČajne samo u prvom ogledu. Udeo karabataka u prvom i drugom ogledu nije se znaČajno razlikovao izmeču svetlosnih programa, dok je u treĆem bio veĆi pri ORS nego pri KS (P&lt;0.01). Nije utvrčen uticaj gustine naseljenosti i gustine obroka na udeo bataka i karabataka. Kod mu&scaron;kih piliĆa utvrčen je veĆi udeo bataka, a kod ţenskih karabataka.<br />Relativne vrednosti mera konformacije nisu bile pod uticajem svetlosnih programa i gustine obroka, osim &scaron;to je pri manjoj gustini naseljenosti relativna vrednost dubine grudi bila veĆa (P&lt;0.05). Na o&scaron;teĆenje tabanskih jastuČiĆa nije utvrčen uticaj svetla i gustine obroka, ali su piliĆi pri veĆim gustinama naseljenosti, poČev od 28. dana, imali znatno veĆa o&scaron;teĆenja tabanskih jastuČiĆa nego pri manjoj gustini.<br />Svetlosni program i gustina naseljenosti nisu uticali na fiziČke osobine femura: povr&scaron;inu preseka, silu loma i specifiČnu silu loma. Mu&scaron;ki piliĆi imali su veĆi povr&scaron;inu preseka i silu loma femura, razlike za povr&scaron;inu preseka su statistiČki znaČajne, ali ne i za silu loma.<br />Procenat masti u tamnom mesu bio je veĆi, a proteina niţi pri ORS nego pri KS. Ostali parametri hemijske analize tamnog i belog mesa nisu bili pod uticajem svetlosnih programa. Gustina obroka nije imala uticaj na hemijski sastav mesa grudi i karabataka.<br />Na osnovu svega iznesenog moţe se zakljuČiti da su sva tri faktora (svetlosni program, gustina obroka i gustina naseljenosti), kao i njihove interakcije, uticali na brojne proizvodne parametre i kvalitet mesa brojlera, pa i na njihovu dobrobit u razliČitim fazama tova. ImajuĆi u vidu ogromne razlike u efektima koji se mogu postiĆi pri razliČitim kombinacijama ovih Činilaca, rezultati ovih i sliČnih istraţivanja treba da olak&scaron;aju izbor tehnologije koja Će davati najbolje ekonomske efekte u tovu piliĆa. Takoče, tamo gde su rezultati nejasni ili kontradiktorni, treba nastaviti istraţivanja na veĆem broju jedinki i fokusirati se na ekonomski vaţnije proizvodne i klaniČne osobine piliĆa.</p> / <p>The purpose of the research was to investigate the effect of the lighting program (constant &ndash; KS and intermittent &ndash; ORS), feed density and stocking density and their interaction with production and slaughterhouse characteristics of broiler chicken, meat quality and feet pad damage.<br />The research was conducted on a chicken farm Donji Crnci in the vicinity of Podgorica, in three trials: the first trial focused on effects of the lighting program and feed density, the second on the lighting program and stocking density and the third on the lighting program and the feed density (mixes with standard and increased content of energy and protein, with a constant energy:protein ratio). Each of the trials included 320 chicken of the Cobb 500 hybrid line, mixed sexes; trials lasted for 42 days. In all three trials, four groups were formed with four repetitions and each group included 80 one-day chickens.<br />Production parameters (weight, feed consumption and deaths) were monitored in all trials and feed conversion ratio and production index were calculated. Weight was measured when broilers were 1; 7; 14; 21; 28; 35 and 42 days old. Feed consumption was determined at the end of the use of specific mixes, as follows: 14th day the quantity of starter mix consumed, 35th day the quantity of grower mix consumed and 42nd day quantity of the finisher mix. Mortality rate was determined by recording the number of chicken that died during the trial. Production indices were calculated based on weight, food conversion ratio and mortality.<br />At the end of all trials, at 6 weeks of age, the chickens were measured individually, group averages were calculated and then by random sampling, 20 chicken were taken from each group (10 males and 10 females) in order to analyse slaughter characteristics. Pre-slaughter fasting lasted for 12 hours. After slaughter and cleaning, the carcasses were cooled to 40C over 24 hours and then processed as: &ldquo;classical processing&rdquo;, &ldquo;ready to grill&rdquo; and &ldquo;barbecue ready&rdquo;.<br />In carcass processing, abdominal fat was taken out, weight of processed carcases measured and carcass yield values were obtained. In order to determine the yield and share of the main and secondary parts of the carcass, cooled carcasses were cut out. Evaluation of carcass conformation was done on the basis of absolute measures of the following: metatarsus length, keel length, breast depth and drumsticks circumference. Index representing the ratio of live weight before slaughter and measure observed was used (g/mm).<br />In Trial II, physical examination of bones was done, on femur, upon separation from the broiler skeleton, and in Trial III moisture content, total fat content, total ash content and total protein of white and red meat was determined on samples of muscle tissue of breasts and thighs of 5 male and 5 female carcasses in each of the treatments (20 in total).<br />The results show that lighting program had no statistically significant effect on final body weight in Trials I and II, while in Trial III, higher weights were recorded in chicken fattened under KS. ORS resulted in slowing down of the growth rate in the first fattening period, and as a result of compensatory growth it had no effect on final weights, except in the third trial. Better food conversion ratio in the period of finisher mix diet was achieved by chicken in Trial I under ORS than those under KS, as well as in starter mix diet in Trial III. Lighting program in Trial II had no effect on food conversion ratio and mortality of chicken. Feed density did not have an effect on final weights, feed conversion, mortality and production index. In chicken fed with meals with higher protein and energy content, higher weight was recorded at the end of the fattening period (P&lt;0.01). Feed density in Trials I and III did not have an effect on feed conversion ratio, mortality and production index. Significantly higher weight was recorded in chicken fattened at the stocking density of 12 animals/m2 (2667.08 g) than at the density of 17 animals/m2 (2435.76<br />8<br />g) and differences had statistically high significance. No effect of stocking density was identified in terms of feed conversion, mortality and production index.<br />Factors analysed (light, feed density and stocking population) did not have an effect on carcass yield, but interactions of some of them did. In all the trials, a smaller share of abdominal fat was established under ORS than under KS, but it was not statistically significant. Feed density and stocking density had no effect on abdominal fat content. Higher abdominal fat content in all trials was found in female than in male chicken. The share of breasts is larger under KS than under ORS, but differences are statistically significant only in the Trial III. Feed density and stocking density had no effect on the share of breasts in the carcass. The share of drumsticks was higher in chicken fattened under ORS than those under KS, but differences were statistically significant only in the Trial I. The share of thighs in Trials I and II did not differ significantly between lighting programs, while in the Trial III it was higher under ORS than under KS (P&lt;0.01). Effect of stocking density and feed density on the share of drumsticks and thighs was not determined. Higher share of drumsticks was determined in male chicken while in female, the share of thighs was higher.<br />Relative values of conformation measures were not influenced by the light programs and feed density, except that in lower stocking density the relative value of the breast depth was higher (P&lt;0.05). Effect of light and feed density on feet pads damage was not determined, but chicken in higher stocking density, as of 28th day, had significantly higher feet pad damage than those in lower stocking density.<br />Light program and stocking density did not have an effect on physical properties of femur: cross-sectional area, breaking force and specific breaking force. Male chicken had larger cross-sectional area and femur breaking force, differences in cross-sectional area were statistically significant, but this was not the case with the breaking force.<br />Percentage of fat in dark meat was higher and that of proteins lower under ORS than under KS. Other parameters of the chemical analysis of dark and white meat were not under the influence of the light programs. Feed density had no effect on chemical composition of breasts and thighs meat.<br />Based on all stated above, it can be concluded that all three factors (light program, feed density and stocking density) as well as their interactions had effect on numerous production parameters and quality of broiler meat, including on their welfare in different fattening phases. Taking into account enormous differences in effects that may be achieved in different combinations of these factors, the results of these and similar researches should make easier the selection of the technology that would yield the best economic effects in chicken fattening. Furthermore, where results are unclear or contradictory, further research should be conducted on a larger number of animals and focus on economically more significant production and slaughterhouse characteristics of chicken.</p>

Effects of Andrographis paniculata (Burm.F.) Nees on performance, mortality and coccidiosis in broiler chickens

Tipakorn, Naiyana 06 May 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Calculating air exchange rates from broiler livestock houses / Evaluating different methods for calculating air volume discharges from broiler livestock houses / Kalkulation der Luftwechselraten von Masthühnerställen / Evaluierung von verschiedenen Methoden zur kalkulation des Luftaustausches in Masthühnerställen

Formosa, Luke 06 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Impact de l'acclimatation embryonnaire à la chaleur sur des modifications post-traductionnelles des histones chez le poulet / Impact of embryonic heat thermal manipulation on histone post-translational modifications in broilers

David, Sarah-Anne 12 December 2017 (has links)
L’altération de l’environnement périnatal peut impacter à long terme l’expression des gènes notamment par le biais de modifications épigénétiques. Une stratégie pour accroitre la thermotolérance des poulets de chair, sensibles à la chaleur en fin d’élevage (J35) est la thermo-manipulation embryonnaire (TM). Lors d’un coup de chaleur à J35, les modifications d’expression de gènes observées chez les poulets TM pourraient être liées à une altération de l’épigénome induite lors de l’embryogenèse et persistante au cours du développement. Cette thèse s’intéresse à deux modifications post-traductionnelles des histones (MPTH) décrites pour être modulées par des variations thermiques : H3K27Me3 et H3K4Me3. Afin d’étudier ces MPTH sans a priori à J35, nous avons mis au point les techniques d’immunoprécipitation de la chromatine suivie de séquençage à haut débit dans deux tissus : l’hypothalamus et le muscle. Nos travaux montrent que le traitement semble impacter principalement l’épigénome de l’hypothalamus, en particulier au niveau de la marque H3K4me3, en modulant des voies liées à la morphogenèse et la réponse hormonale. / Perinatal environment changes may alter gene expression throughout life via epigenetic modifications. A strategy to improve thermal tolerance of heat-sensitive chickens is a thermalmanipulation during embryogenesis (TM). During a heat challenge at the end of the rearing period (D35), modifications of gene expression have been reported in thermally-manipulated chickens. These alterations could be linked to epigenetic modifications induced during the TM that persist throughout life. This work focused on two histone post-translational modifications (HPTM): H3K27me3 and H3K4me3. We adjusted two methods of chromatin immunoprecipitation to conduct a whole genome study of these HPTM at D35, in the hypothalamus and skeletal muscle. We demonstrated that the TM has a major impact in the hypothalamus, especially on H3K4me3. These alterations seem to modulate the hypothalamic morphogenesis and its response to hormones, therefore possibly contributing to better adaptive capacities of TM chickens.

Avaliação da tratabilidade da cama de frango por processos aeróbios de compostagem visando sua reutilização / Evaluation of the composed material as a methodology for treating the poultry litter beyond its reutilization

Conceição, Priscila Soraia da 20 January 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:28:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 4583937 bytes, checksum: 1a468cd29ffe0a374735416f7a0a678b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-01-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The reutilization of poultry litter is an alternative way that producers found to deal with the high cost of the materials used to cover the floor on their farms. To reuse this poultry litter, it has to suffer changes on its physical, chemical and biological characteristics, perhaps compromising the process of chicken growth. To make it safe, is required that the producer treats this material; for example reducing the biological load and promoting ammonia to be released. With this present work, as the main focus, it s pursued the evaluation of the composed material as a methodology for treating the poultry litter beyond its reutilization. All the experiments were conducted at Laboratório de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental , regarding to the Civil Engineering Department, at Universidade Federal de Viçosa. It was made in four experiments. Experiment 1 was done by assembling a windrow of poultry litter, aerated, with fans cycles. During experiment 2, was compared the efficiency of different methods of composed materials applied at the treatment of the poultry litter in order to reutilize it, using one windrow poultry litter and two overturning cells; was also evaluated its influence on the substratum maker of the poultry litter on this process. On experiment 3, was evaluated the decay of nitrogen, on its normal and ammoniac forms, still using the windrow system. On experiment 4, was possible to determine the amount of volatile ammonia from the process of composed and the treated poultry litter. During the processes, temperature, water contamination, pH, solid contamination, organic carbon contamination, nitrogen and fecal contamination organisms were submitted to tests. The results show that, long cycles of aeration at the windrow system, make it harder to get the composed material done, because it make the material dry faster; the overturning cells show better efficiency reducing the biological load and releasing ammonia when it s compared to the windrow system. Summing up, the composed material obtained from the aerated windrow system, presents good efficiency in order to reduce the total and ammoniac nitrogen from the poultry litter. / A reutilização da cama de frango é uma alternativa encontrada pelos produtores como solução ao alto custo de aquisição de material para cobertura do piso. No reuso, a cama de frango sofre alterações em suas características físicas, químicas e biológicas, podendo comprometer o processo de criação de frangos. Para que o reuso seja seguro, é necessário que se faça um tratamento, a fim melhorar as características do resíduo, como reduzir a carga biológica e promover a liberação de amônia. Com a realização deste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar a compostagem como metodologia para o tratamento da cama de frango visando sua reutilização. Os experimentos foram conduzidos no Laboratório de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, do Departamento de Engenharia Civil, da Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Foram montados quatro experimentos. O Experimento 1 consistiu na montagem de uma leira estática de cama de frango, aerada com diferentes ciclos de funcionamento do ventilador. Durante o Experimento 2, comparou-se a eficiência de diferentes métodos de compostagem aplicados no tratamento da cama de frango visando sua reutilização, com a montagem de 1 leira estática aerada e 2 pilhas por reviramento, avaliou-se também a influência do substrato formador da cama de frango no processo. No Experimento 3, avaliou-se o decaimento do nitrogênio, em sua forma total e amoniacal, da cama de frango submetida ao processo de compostagem por leira aerada estática. No Experimento 4, determinou-se a quantidade de amônia volatilizada da cama de frango durante o processo de compostagem e da cama tratada. Durante os tratamentos, foram realizadas análises de temperatura, teor de água, pH, teor de sólidos, teor de carbono orgânico total, nitrogênio e de organismos indicadores de contaminação fecal. Os resultados mostraram que ciclos de aeração muito prolongados realizados em leiras estáticas aeradas dificultam a realização da compostagem, pois ressecam rapidamente o material; a compostagem realizada em pilhas reviradas apresenta melhor eficiência na redução da carga biológica e na promoção da liberação de amônia se comparada ao método de leiras estáticas aeradas; a compostagem realizada em leiras estáticas aeradas apresenta boa eficiência na redução de nitrogênio total e amoniacal da cama de frango.

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