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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Empresas ligadas à economia de comunhão: uma proposta de atuação conjunta / Companies linked to the economy of communion: a proposal for joint action

Oliveira, Josane Gomes Weber 19 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2018-03-06T13:31:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 josanegomesweberoliveira.pdf: 2339879 bytes, checksum: f8f4da27ff4ca2044d19198d12a460ac (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-03-12T15:55:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 josanegomesweberoliveira.pdf: 2339879 bytes, checksum: f8f4da27ff4ca2044d19198d12a460ac (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-12T15:55:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 josanegomesweberoliveira.pdf: 2339879 bytes, checksum: f8f4da27ff4ca2044d19198d12a460ac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-19 / PROQUALI (UFJF) / A Economia de Comunhão - EdC é uma proposta alternativa à lógica econômica da produção pela produção e compreende uma rede mundial de pessoas e iniciativas empresariais, fundamentadas na ‘cultura da partilha’, ou seja, da comunhão de recursos naturais, materiais e espirituais, que serão colocados em circulação no tecido social, tendo em vista a fraternidade universal. Trata-se de uma linha de gestão empresarial, inspirada na espiritualidade do Movimento dos Focolares, que requer a valorização dos funcionários, uma gestão participativa, o respeito à natureza e à ética nos relacionamentos com os stakeholderse com a administração pública e concorrente, reclamando assim, a legalidade. A tese propõem que é possível, desenvolver uma estrutura reticular e uma forma de atuação conjunta para a EdC que permita seu desenvolvimento frente aos desafios apresentados pelo ambiente turbulento (EMERY e TRIST,1965),ou seja, complexo, incerto e marcado pela interdependência entre as partes,que caracteriza o mundo atual, com base na teoria da Ecologia Organizacional proposta por Trist(1976). A teoria da Ecologia organizacional propõe um tipo de estrutura reticular flexível, onde o foco não se encontra em uma única organização, mas em um campo mais extenso que extrapola as relações transacionais. Essa abordagem tem como base a auto-regulação das partes e a constante negociação. Sugere-se a utilização da metodologia de pesquisa-ação, cuja dinâmica guarda estreita correlação com a experiência de EdC até então vivenciada. O caráter dinâmico da EdC requer uma contínua revisão dos resultados alcançados, como preconiza o Planejamento Adaptativo que, unindo teoria a prática, fomenta o aprendizado e a gestão do conhecimento. / The Economy of Communion - EdC is an alternative proposal to the economic logic of production through production and comprises a worldwide network of people and entrepreneurial initiatives based on the 'culture of sharing', that is, the communion of natural, material and spiritual resources, which Will be put into circulation in the social fabric, in view of universal fraternity. It is a line of business management, inspired by the spirituality of the Focolare Movement, which requires the appreciation of employees, a participative management, respect for nature and ethics in relationships with stakeholders and public administration and competitors, demanding, thus, legality. The thesis proposes that it is possible to develop a network structure and a form of joint action for the EdC that allows its development to face the challenges posed by the turbulent environment (EMERY and TRIST, 1965), that is, complex, uncertain and marked by the interdependence between The parts, which characterizes the world today, based on the theory of Organizational Ecology proposed by Trist (1976). The theory of organizational ecology proposes a kind of flexible reticular structure, where the focus is not on a single organization, but on a larger field that extrapolates transactional relationships. This approach is based on the parties' self-regulation and constant negotiation. We suggest the use of the research-action methodology, whose dynamics are closely correlated with the EdC experience previously experienced. The dynamic nature of the EdC requires a continuous review of the results achieved, as recommended by Adaptive Planning, which unites theory and practice, fosters learning and knowledge management.

Redes empresariais de negócios orientadas por estratégia definida pela governança supra-empresas: estudo e metodologia de avaliação dos atributos componentes e respectivas influências sobre o poder de competitividade / Business networks oriented by the strategy defined by the supra-enterprises governance

Ivan de Souza Dutra 24 March 2009 (has links)
As Redes Empresariais de Negócios são um tipo de arranjo que determinados segmentos de empresas e outras entidades privadas e independentes, localizados em diferentes elos de uma mesma cadeia produtiva, encontraram para atuar de forma conjunta e orientação estratégica comum, a fim de fortalecer as suas condições de competição pela conquista de maior espaço no mercado. Da inter-relação de seus negócios por um determinado produto, linha ou mercado de atuação, gera-se dinâmica que implica fenômenos orientados por estratégia definida pela governança supra-empresarial, que significa o exercício de atuação informal ou velada sobre as empresas da rede, para alterar o seu poder competitivo. Esse conceito de governança supra-empresas é distinto e diferente daquele de governança corporativa. A partir dessa perspectiva, objetivou-se, principalmente, estudar essas redes de empresas em segmentos de mercados específicos, na presença e relevância de seus atributos, verificados em fenômenos ou efeitos de competitividade. O conjunto de métodos e ferramentas estatísticas constituiu uma metodologia que possibilitou a pesquisa e análises de hipóteses em que se destacam abordagens de Multicritérios de Apoio à Decisão (MCDA), Modelagem Experimental, e interpretação por meio da Lógica Fuzzy, além do desenho de um Modelo Teórico Conceitual Preliminar. Foram pesquisados dois conjuntos de empresas atuantes no Brasil, sendo um do setor alimentício no segmento de serviço-varejista e outro do setor do agronegócio, especificamente na produção, industrialização e comercialização de café. Entrevistaram-se 42 dirigentes das empresas e das organizações envolvidas. A partir das análises descritivas e das hipóteses, foi possível identificar os fenômenos, efeitos ou atributos componentes de rede empresarial de negócios, bem como constatar o diferencial de poder de competitividade. Além disso, são também apresentados resultados com a representação do comportamento global e comparativo de cada um desses atributos dos conjuntos. As constatações permitem afirmar que existem as redes empresariais de negócios orientadas por estratégia definida em plano supra-empresarial e os atributos componentes que foram objeto de estudo, embora alguns deles se manifestem em níveis de intensidade diferentes. Foi possível investigá-las a partir de métodos, que no seu conjunto gerou nova metodologia. / The Business Enterprise Networks are some kind of arrangement which some segments of enterprises and other private and independent organizations, located in different parts of the same productive chain, found to act with common strategy to reinforce their conditions of competing for a bigger place in the market. From the interrelation of its business by a specific product, line or market, it is generated a dynamic that implicates in some phenomenon oriented by a strategy and defined by an informal or veiled coordination or action, turned to the competitive power and resulted from the group of enterprises named supra-enterprise governance, which is a distinct concept and it is different from the corporative governance. From this perspective, it was aimed mainly to study these enterprise networks in segments of specific markets, which have common strategic orientation defined by a supra-enterprising organization, in the presence and relevance of the verified attributes in phenomenon or effects of competitiveness. Orienting the efforts of the research a review was made about the literature existent on the specific theme and about other themes related which are associated to the main one. The joint of methods and statistics tools constituted a methodology which made possible the research and analysis of hypothesis, in which are emphasized the Multicriteria Decision Aid (MCDA), Design of Experiments, interpretation by Fuzzy Logic and the drawing of a Preliminary Conceptual Theoretical Model. Two groups of enterprises operating in Brazil were investigated, one of them is from the food sector in the retail service segment and the other is from the agribusiness specifically in the fields of production, industrialization and trade of coffee. It was interviewed 42 leaders of the enterprises and organizations involved. From the descriptive analysis and the hypothesis it was possible to identify the phenomenon, effects and component attributes of the business enterprise network and to notice the differential power of competitiveness. There are results with the representation of the global behavior of these groups in each of the attributes. It was concluded that the studied component attributes to characterize the business enterprise network exist and that there is a supra-enterprises lining up for strategy in common and it was possible to investigate them from methods which in whole generated a new methodology.

Implications of the inclusion of document retrieval systems as actors in a social network.

Macpherson, Janet Robertson 12 1900 (has links)
Traditionally, social network analysis (SNA) techniques enable the examination of relationships and the flow of information within networks of human members or groups of humans. This study extended traditional social network analysis to include a nonhuman group member, specifically a document retrieval system. The importance of document retrieval systems as information sources, the changes in business environments that necessitates the use of information and communication technologies, and the attempts to make computer systems more life-like, provide the reasons for considering the information system as a group member. The review of literature for this study does not encompass a single body of knowledge. Instead, several areas combined to inform this study, including social informatics for its consideration of the intersection of people and information technology, network theory and social network analysis, organizations and information, organizational culture, and finally, storytelling in organizations as a means of transferring information. The methodology included distribution of surveys to two small businesses that used the same document retrieval system, followed by semi-structured interviews of selected group members, which allowed elaboration on the survey findings. The group members rated each other and the system on four interaction criteria relating to four social networks of interest, including awareness, access, information flow, and problem solving. Traditional measures of social networks, specifically density, degree, reciprocity, transitivity, distance, degree centrality, and closeness centrality provided insight into the positioning of the nonhuman member within the social group. The human members of the group were able to respond to the survey that included the system but were not ready to consider the system as being equivalent to other human members. SNA measures positioned the system as an average member of the group, not a star, but not isolated either. Examination of the surveys or the interviews in isolation would not have given a complete picture of the system's place within the group.

Aspectos tributários dos shopping centers: limites para a tributação da receita e da renda

Gasperin, Carlos Eduardo Makoul 27 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Carlos Eduardo Makoul Gasperin (carlosgasperin@gmail.com) on 2018-10-23T16:49:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MP - DISSERTACAO - Carlos Eduardo Gasperin_pos banca.pdf: 1129459 bytes, checksum: d24f6dd8deed6cac935f776c5acdc093 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Thais Oliveira (thais.oliveira@fgv.br) on 2018-10-23T17:18:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MP - DISSERTACAO - Carlos Eduardo Gasperin_pos banca.pdf: 1129459 bytes, checksum: d24f6dd8deed6cac935f776c5acdc093 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzane Guimarães (suzane.guimaraes@fgv.br) on 2018-10-23T17:42:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MP - DISSERTACAO - Carlos Eduardo Gasperin_pos banca.pdf: 1129459 bytes, checksum: d24f6dd8deed6cac935f776c5acdc093 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-23T17:42:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MP - DISSERTACAO - Carlos Eduardo Gasperin_pos banca.pdf: 1129459 bytes, checksum: d24f6dd8deed6cac935f776c5acdc093 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-09-27 / Os Shopping Centers são um importante modelo de negócios na economia brasileira, gerando um grande fluxo financeiro de recursos, os quais transitam em um complexo emaranhado de relações jurídicas compostas por diversos atores e instrumentos contratuais. Em que pese a importância econômica que esses centros de compras adquiriram no mercado consumidor nacional, não se tem ainda uma visão doutrinária clara da sua estrutura jurídica nem, muito menos, dos impactos tributários daí advindos. Esse trabalho pretende contribuir para o esclarecimento dessas questões, sem ter, obviamente, a pretensão de esgotar o debate. O estudo proporá um novo enfoque na conceituação jurídica dos shopping centers, com especial atenção para a definição dos limites da tributação sobre eventuais receitas e rendas que possam existir nesse setor. O ponto central do debate será a qualificação jurídico-tributária dos chamados ‘encargos comuns ou condominiais’ e das ‘contribuições ao fundo de promoção e propaganda’, elementos financeiros comuns e relevantes para esse modelo de negócios. Seriam esses valores receita/renda tributáveis? Na pessoa de quem? Para responder tais questões, primeiramente será feita uma análise do modelo de negócios e do debate doutrinário acerca da sua qualificação jurídica. Na sequência, será proposta uma nova perspectiva de análise, a partir das teorias das redes empresariais e das coligações contratuais. Essa base teórica nos dará condição para analisar os impactos tributários daí advindos e para fornecer a seguinte resposta àquelas indagações: cumpridos determinados requisitos os ‘encargos comuns’ e as ‘contribuições ao fundo de promoção e propaganda’ não podem ser imputados como renda ou receita do empreendedor, já que deverão ser encarados como despesas dos lojistas e do próprio empreendedor. Com base nas conclusões alcançadas, algumas recomendações práticas serão propostas ao setor para mitigar eventuais riscos tributários atinentes à discussão aqui posta. / Shopping Malls are an important business sector in the Brazilian economy, generating a huge flow of money throughout a variety of complex legal relationships composed of many actors and contractual instruments. Despite the economic importance of these commercial centers, the legal doctrine has not defined yet a clear view of the legal structure of such enterprise, neither the tax impacts derived from it. This essay intends to enlighten such subjects, without the intentions of exhaust them. This research will propose a new approach to conceptualize the legal arrangement that supports shopping malls. It discusses whether there are any incomes or revenues in the so-called 'common costs' fees and the 'contributions for the promotion and advertising fund', bearing in mind that they are common and relevant financial components on this kind of business. The central question that drives the essay is that: Would these fees be taxable income or revenue; and on whose economic agent? To address this question firstly an analysis will be made of the business model named shopping malls and the doctrinaire debate over its legal qualification. Subsequently, a new economic and legal analytical perspective to this business model will be proposed, based on business and contractual networks theories. With these it will be possible not only to achieve eventual tax impacts of those fees mentioned above, but also to answer the question posed herein by affirming that since some requirements are accomplished, the fees known as 'common costs' and the 'contributions for the promotion and advertising fund' should not be attributed as entrepreneur’s revenues, since they shall be faced as store owners’ own expenditures and, in some cases, as entrepreneurs’ own expenditures. In addition, the research intends to provide some practical recommendations to the economic sector for mitigating possible tax liabilities risks linked to the subject herein discussed.

The Interconnectedness of Relationships for a Propulsion and Maneuvering System : A case study with a supplier network perspective in the maritime industry

Grönberg, Johan January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this case study is to understand how actors interact from a supplier perspective within the marine business, discuss what the findings are implying, and develop a marketing strategy for a propulsion and maneuvering system. Industrial marketing is an essential activity for companies to delivering and managing value to their stakeholders. The academic body of this research uses network theory and relationship marketing as a framework for understanding the social setting.  The research focuses on understanding and interprets how relationships are interconnected to actors and how the links for a relationship are formed. There are too few studies with a normative approach focusing on a product, which can have practical usefulness for managers, entrepreneurs, and organizations. This study applies a case study design for a supplier perspective in the marine business with an abductive method. The data collection uses a qualitative approach to get in-depth knowledge of how the participants perceive the world. In the iterative process for gathering data, the first phase uses unstructured interviews, and in the second phase, semi-structured interviews. The findings imply that information is an essential element for a relationship to create trust and commitment between actors. Information is further discussed for how it can influence decisions that play a significant part for the focal supplier and discussions concerning how marketing activities can be developed for the propulsions and maneuvering system.

The impact of strategic orientation and networking on the sustainable performance of Small and Medium Business in Polokwane Municipality, Limpopo Province

Mankgele, Khutso Pitso January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (M. Com. (Business Management)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / The main objective of this study was to investigate the impact of strategic orientation and networking on the sustainable performance of SMEs. A quantitative approach was used, and a self-administered questionnaire was employed during the data collection process. A four-section questionnaire covering demographic information, strategic orientation variables, networking variables and sustainable performance variables was prepared and distributed randomly to a selected sample of 300 SME owners in Polokwane Municipality in Limpopo Province. A total of 140 questionnaires were returned. The software used to analyse information gathered and to ensure accuracy and reliability of the study results was Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26.0. Correlation and regression analyses were performed to determine the relationship between strategic orientation and sustainable performance, and the relationship between networking and sustainable performance. The Cronbach’s alpha was used as a measure of reliability. The results of the study revealed that both strategic orientation and networking positively impact on the performance of SMEs. Recommendations to improve the strategic orientation and networking of SMEs are suggested. These recommendations offered meaningful insights into SME owners, government, non-government organisations and other organisations for the improvement of their businesses while providing room for future research studies.

Роль доверия в маркетинге и построении партнерских отношений в бизнес сетях : магистерская диссертация / The role of trust in marketing and building partnership in business networks

Сулковская, Ю. А., Sulkovskaya, J. A. January 2015 (has links)
This work is devoted to the study of trust in marketing and in the building of successful partnerships. The phenomenon of trust is investigated from the marketing point. As a result, it was given new determination of trust, that is a specific kind of relationship in the framework of marketing and partnerships. The partnership, its conditions and stages of building are studied. Also, there the nature and classifications of trust were determined, criteria for selecting partners and the imperatives of building a trusting partnership were established. It was determined that the trust plays a key role in building and maintaining long-term partnerships in business networks, but is not the sole determinant of its basic construction, it works in the complex along with other factors, building business partnerships. In practical part “Company Hangiry” was examined. The instructions of building trusting relationship were practiced in “Company Hangiry”. / Данная работа посвящена исследованию доверия в маркетинге и в формировании партнерских отношений. Рассмотрен и изучен феномен доверия с позиции маркетинга, в результате чего определено, что доверие представляет собой определенный вид отношений в рамках маркетинга и партнерских отношений. Изучены партнерские отношения, условия их возникновения и этапы формирования. Рассматриваются деловые сети, их сущность и классификации. Также сформулированы критерии выбора партнеров и императивы построения доверительного партнерства. Определено, что доверие играет ключевую роль в построении и поддержании долгосрочных партнерских отношений в бизнес-сетях, но не является единственной основополагающей детерминантой его построения, а работает в комплексе наряду с другими факторами построения бизнес-партнерства. Проанализированы и определены отношения участников предприятия общественного питания ООО «Компания Хангири», условия формирования отношений бизнес-партнерства и процесс их формирования на данном предприятии. Предложена дорожная карта построения доверительного партнерства и апробирована на предприятии ООО «Компания Хангири».

Traditional and Digital Relationship Marketing in B2B Relationships : A Qualitative Study with Contributions in Business Development

von Pawel-Rammingen, Malin, Ödmark, Leia January 2024 (has links)
In the digital era, the question of however the role of traditional relationship marketing methods is still relevant in the landscape of business-to-business (B2B) interactions. This thesis highlights the gap of understanding how traditional and digital relationship marketing coexist within a B2B context. While the magnitude of literature has primarily focused on business-to-consumer marketing, the B2B area remains unexplored in comparison to its economic significance. This thesis therefore aims to contribute to the literature by investigating how traditional and digital relationship marketing coexists for building and maintaining relationships that have a positive impact on business development. To address our purpose, we have conducted a qualitative study, using semi- structed interviews, an inductive approach and exploratory research design, investigates the coexistence of traditional and digital relationship marketing within a B2B context. Further aiming to clarify their roles in fostering business development and network establishment. We collected primary data from six local businesses embedded in B2B networks to help us answer our research question How does traditional and digital relationship marketing coexist? Based on a combination of historical perspective, theoretical framework, and empirical data, this thesis finds that both methods are essential for fostering successful relationships. With traditional methods, like face-to-face (F2F) interactions building trust and commitment, while digital tools facilitate efficient communication and global reach. The thesis conclude that the coexistence of traditional and digital methods allows firms to balance relationship depth and efficiency, driving mutual value and sustainable growth in dynamic business environments.

Empresas instaladas em clusters com orientação estratégica dual, originadas na governança de clusters e de redes de negócios: uma busca focada no negócio do vinho das regiões do Porto, em Portugal e do Vale dos Vinhedos, no Brasil / Companies that works in clusters with dual strategic orientation, originated in the clusters governance and business networks: a focused search in the wine business from regions of Porto, in Portugal and Vinhedos Valley, Brazil

Guimarães, Antonio Teodoro Ribeiro 10 December 2009 (has links)
A globalização da economia e dos negócios consolida um novo contexto de competição acirrada, de mercados mutantes, onde não é mais possível auscultar o passado para orientar as decisões do agora e muito menos do futuro. Com isso surgem as crises, os concorrentes mudam rapidamente sua forma de competir, surgem novos conceitos que são aplicados na gestão e organização dos negócios, novas tecnologias aparecem com ciclos de vida cada vez mais curtos, tornando obsoletas as que estão em uso. Nos setores empresariais mais afetados pelo novo ambiente, onde o acirramento da competição está mais presente e visível, parece estar sendo cada vez mais difícil para uma empresa sozinha enfrentar a concorrência. Surgem, então, alguns indícios de que as empresas estão buscando outras formas de gestão e de atuação para competir, que incluem inclusive a competição conjunta. Ou seja, uma forma de competição diferente entre as empresas, nas quais algumas se unem a outras empresas para disputar o mercado com outros agrupamentos e ou aglomerados de empresas. Esta união já foi evidenciada através de diferentes formatos supra-empresas. Dentre esses formatos destacam-se os clusters de negócios e as redes de negócios, nos quais a governança transcende as fronteiras de uma empresa isolada, atingindo a todo o aglomerado. A preocupação da presente pesquisa foi verificar se, dentro de agrupamentos de empresas denominados pela literatura como clusters, existem ou não, dentre as empresas nele instaladas, algumas que, também, se orientam por estratégias supraempresas de redes de negócios, e não só por estratégias de clusters. Isso foi verificado pela pesquisa, que, em dois clusters de negócios importantes para seus países, o do vinho do Porto, no Vale do Douro, em Portugal, e o de vinhos de mesa do Vale dos Vinhedos, na Serra Gaúcha, no Brasil, encontrou empresas orientadas por uma estratégia dual, isto é, por estratégia de cluster e por estratégia de rede de negócios. E esse achado é novo na literatura de entidades supra-empresas, até porque essas próprias entidades só recentemente tornaram-se conhecidas e objetos raras pesquisas. Foi, também, preocupação da pesquisa que embasou esta tese, verificar se o fato constatado de existirem empresas orientadas por estratégia dual contribuía ou não para um aumento em suas respectivas capacidades de competição, o que, também, acabou sendo comprovado. / The globalization of the economy and business consolidates a new context of fierce competition, changing markets, where you can no longer hear the past to guide the decisions of the now much less of the future. With that come the crisis, the competitors rapidly change its manner to compete, new concepts are applied in management and business organization, new technologies appears with lifecycles each time shorter, making obsolete the ones in use. In the business sectors most affected by the new environment, where increased competition is more present and visible, seems to be increasingly difficult for one company alone to face the competition. Then we see some evidence that companies are seeking other forms of management and performance to compete, including even the competition in conjunct. In other words, a form of competition of companies in which they join other companies to compete in the market with others agglomerates of companies. This union has been evidenced by different formats of supra-companies. Among these formats we can highlight the business clusters and business networks, in which governance transcends the boundaries of a single company, reaching the entire agglomerate. The concern of this study was to determine if, within groups of companies named in the literature as clusters, exist or not among the companies in it, some of them that are also guided by supra-companies strategies of networks business, not just by cluster strategies. This was verified by this research, two clusters of important business in their countries, the Port wine, in the Douro Valley, Portugal, and the wines of Vinhedos Valley, in Serra Gaúcha, Brazil, we found companies oriented with a dual strategy, in other words, by cluster strategy and business network strategy. And this discover is new in the literature of supra-companies entities, because those entities themselves are not of very recent scholarship. Another concern of this research was to verify if the fact of companies driven by a dual strategy had contributed to an increase in their competitiveness, what the study also confirmed

Internationella relationer i innovativa miljöer : en fallstudie av Mjärdevi Science Parks internationella arbete / International Relations in Innovative Environments : a Case Study of Mjärdevi Science Park's international work

Quiñones, Sergio January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Titel:</strong> Internationella relationer i innovativa miljöer – en fallstudie av Mjärdevi Science Parks internationella arbete</p><p><strong>Författare:</strong> Sergio Quiñones</p><p><strong>Adress</strong>: Skrinnarvägen 7, 633 59 Eskilstuna | sergio.quinones@gmx.com<strong></strong></p><p><strong>Kurs: </strong>Kandidatuppsats i marknadsföring, EFO 225</p><p><strong>Handledare:</strong> Angelina Sundström</p><p><strong>Problem: </strong>Hur kan svenska Science Parks genom internationella relationer utveckla sina processer och tjänster för att bättre stödja kunskapsutbyte och kommersialisering av innovationer?</p><p><strong>Syfte: </strong>Syftet med denna studie är att <em>beskriva</em> Mjärdevi Science Parks internationella arbete ur ett marknadsföringsperspektiv.</p><p><strong>Metod: </strong>Kvalitativ fallstudie.</p><p><strong>Slutsatser: </strong>Mjärdevi Science Park arbetar internationellt för att främja regional tillväxt. Genom regional tillväxt bidrar man även till att öka Sveriges tillväxt och konkurrenskraft. Parkens motor och drivkraft är entreprenörerna och företagarna. Mjärdevi samarbetar och är engagerad i den globala organisationen IASP, Science Parks i andra länder, Exportrådet, företag och ambassader. Fallföretaget etablerar nya relationer främst genom sitt redan existerande internationella nätverk. Relationerna utvecklas genom att skapa aktiviteter som är ömsesidigt värdeskapande för parkerna, regionerna och företagen. Parkens styrelse har haft en uttalad nätverksbaserad strategi och handlingsplan som även inkluderat det globala perspektivet. Denna studie har visat att Mjärdevis strategiska och operativa arbete till stor del bygger på nätverksfilosofin. I sitt nätverk arbetar Mjärdevi både med att sprida operativ kunskap och att skapa erfarenhetsbaserad kunskap inom ramen för dessa aktiviteter.<strong></strong></p><p><strong>Nyckelord:</strong> science parks, innovationssystem, innovation, internationell, internationalisering, globalisering, samarbete, samverkan, relationer, relationsmarknadsföring, utbyte, företagsnätverk, affärsnätverk.</p> / <p><strong>Title</strong>: International Relations in Innovative Environments - a Case Study of Mjärdevi Science Park's international work</p><p><strong>Author:</strong> Sergio Quiñones</p><p><strong>Address:</strong> Skrinnarvägen 7, 633 59 Eskilstuna, Sweden | sergio.quinones@gmx.com</p><p><strong>Course:</strong> Bachelor Thesis in Marketing (EFO 225)</p><p><strong>Tutor:</strong> Angelina Sundström</p><p><strong>Problem:</strong> How can the Swedish Science Parks through international relations develop their processes and services to better support knowledge sharing and commercialization of innovations?</p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of this study is to describe Mjärdevi Science Park's international work from a marketing perspective.</p><p><strong>Method:</strong> Qualitative Case Study.</p><p><strong>Conclusions</strong>: Mjärdevi Science Park works internationally to promote regional growth. The regional growth also contributes to Sweden's growth and competitiveness. The Parks engine and driving force are its entrepreneurs and businesses. Mjärdevi cooperates with the global organization IASP, Science Parks in other countries, the Swedish Trade Council, businesses and embassies. The case company establishes new relationships primarily through its existing international network. Relationships are developed by creating activities that are of mutual value creation for parks, regions and companies. The board of Mjärdevi Science Park has had an explicit network-based strategy and action plan that also included the global perspective. This study has shown that Mjärdevis strategic and operational work is based mainly on the network philosophy. Mjärdevi uses its network both to disseminate operational knowledge and to create experience-based knowledge within the framework of these activities.</p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>science parks, innovation systems, innovation, international, globalization, cooperation, collaboration, relations, relationship marketing, exchange, business networks.</p>

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