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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studie av informationsöverföring mellan konstruktion och produktion / A study of information flow between construction and production departments

Wahlund, Patrik, Sjögren, Patrik January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis aims to examine how the transfer of product related information is carried out in the manufacturing industry. The study was supposed to give suggestions for improving the CAD courses provided at Linköping University. This thesis is the concluding step for the authors’ master’s degree in mechanical engineering.In the beginning of the project a study of relevant literature was made. The literature was aimed to gain more knowledge of the subject at hand and finding relevant methods for collecting and analyzing data. To examine how the industry deals with product related data a multiple case study was conducted, investigating seven different companies that are working with both product development and production. As data collection method, semi-structured interviews of employees on the different companies were conducted.An adaptation of the “affinity diagram technique” was used when analyzing the collected data. The method divided the answers to questions provided by the different companies into different categories, in the form of statements. These where compared between the companies by the use of tables, showing the results in a clear manner. To give better insight in each company´s methods, a descriptive summary was written for each of the studied companies.To be able to give propositions of improvement for the courses at the University, some of the courses given where analyzed by reviewing the course description and goals, and through informal interviews of the course administrator. This led to better insight in what is included in the courses and what they are supposed to teach the students. The knowledge of what is included in the courses at this time and the results of the study of the companies, were the foundation when determining what could be changed in the courses.The case study showed that it varies greatly how much the companies are adapting new approaches for generating and spreading product related data. This made it difficult to find tangible evidence supporting changes to the courses, however, a few conclusions could be drawn from the results. It was found that 2D-drawings are still used to a great extent for carrying product related information. Only one of the studied companies have transitioned to using the 3D-model as an information carrier. Although it was mentioned on some of the other companies that such an approach seemed interesting.The study also showed that less handling of physical papers seems to be something most companies are interested in, and are also trying to achieve. It was also noted that all the companies studied had implemented some form of digital platform for handling product related documents.A few things that were deemed worth implementing in the mandatory courses were the introduction to PDM/PLM, introduction of 3D-annotations for dimensions and tolerances and increased use of the 3D-model for manufacturing operations. / Detta examensarbete ämnar undersöka hur informationsöverföringen av produktrelaterad data sker i industrin för att kunna ge förbättringsförslag för Linköpings Universitets CAD- och ritteknikskurser. Detta för att kurserna bättre ska spegla industrins nuvarande och även framtida behov. Examensarbetet utfördes på avdelningen maskinkonstruktion vid Linköpings Universitet och är det avslutande momentet på författarnas civilingenjörsutbildning i maskinteknik.Till att börja med utfördes en litteraturstudie. Detta för att ge kunskap inom det aktuella området och vilka metoder som kan användas för datainsamling och analys. För att undersöka hur industrins arbetssätt ser ut utfördes en flerfallstudie på sju olika företag som bedriver produktutveckling tillsammans med egen produktion. Som datainsamlingsmetod valdes semistrukturerade intervjuer med anställda på de olika företagen.Analysen utfördes med hjälp av en adaption av ”affinity diagram technique” vilket delade upp företagens svar i kategorier i form av påståenden. Dessa jämfördes mellan företagen med hjälp av tabeller eftersom det var tydligt sätt att representera resultatet. För att ge en inblick i hur varje enskilt företag arbetar utarbetades även en deskriptiv sammanfattning av varje företag.För att kunna ge förbättringsförslag till universitetets CAD- och ritteknikskurser granskades några av de nuvarande kursernas kursplaner. Detta tillsammans med en informell intervju av de kursansvariga ledde till bättre insikt om hur kurserna är uppbyggda och vad målen med dem är. Insikten om vad kurserna innehåller i dagsläget tillsammans med analysen av de studerade företagens arbetssätt bidrog till att ett antal förbättringsförslag kunde föreslås.Det visade sig att graden av användande av modernare arbetssätt varierar kraftigt bland företagen. Detta gjorde det svårt att komma fram till ett enhetligt resultat som gällde för alla de studerade företagen. Däremot kunde ett antal slutsatser dras. Bland annat används fortfarande 2D-ritningar flitigt som ett informationsbärande dokument. En övergång till att enbart använda 3D-modellen som informationsbärare noterades endast på ett utav företagen men nämndes på ett par andra.Papperslöst arbete verkar vara på frammarsch trots att vissa specifika moment fortfarande utförs på papper. Det noterades även att digitala system används för lagring och hantering av produktrelaterad information hos alla de studerade företagen.Det som ansetts värt att implementera i universitets obligatoriska kurser efter genomförd studie är främst ökad användning av PDM/PLM-system, introduktion av 3D-måttsättning samt utnyttjande av 3D-modellen vid tillverkning.

Tecnologia BIM na arquitetura

Maria, Mônica Mendonça 04 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-18T12:12:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 4 Monica Mendonca Maria1.pdf: 763444 bytes, checksum: d5fe5f8d60e9e7bd08aecfc0a88b8198 (MD5) Monica Mendonca Maria2.pdf: 1212194 bytes, checksum: b5f0b63d350777866e3955220d604827 (MD5) Monica Mendonca Maria3.pdf: 1656626 bytes, checksum: c2a9d642d2e4d86b7409ce54aabebe89 (MD5) Monica Mendonca Maria4.pdf: 2215429 bytes, checksum: 64893a7cd54a8d0497c2dc13776f74e4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-04 / This dissertation presents the technology within BIM and its implication in the architectural and engineering design process. Since the 60 s, aerospace and automotive industries have already revolutionized the way of project with the CAD, and manufacture with the assembly lines. In AEC, the CAD became BIM, a new way of project, build and manage, from conception till life cycle building. This brought a project and construction time reduction, cost and environmental impacts decrease foreseen in LEED and merged in BIM. / Este trabalho objetiva apresentar a tecnologia contida no BIM e suas implicações no processo de projeto da arquitetura e engenharia civil. A partir de 1960, as indústrias, aeronáutica e automotiva, já haviam revolucionado a forma de projetar com o CAD, e de fabricar com as linhas de montagem. Na Arquitetura, Engenharia e Construção, o CAD está evoluindo para o BIM (Building Information Modeling), uma forma de projetar, construir e gerenciar, da concepção ao habite-se, aplicável a todo o ciclo de vida da edificação. Dessa forma houve não só uma redução no tempo de projeto e construção, mas também em custos e impactos ambientais previstos em normas internacionais incorporadas ao BIM.

Vyhodnocení vlivu tlaku v komoře vzorku a velikosti clonek na výsledný tlak u scintilátoru detektoru pomocí systému Cosmos FloWorks / Using Cosmos FloWorks for analyse the detector.

Bordovský, Petr January 2010 (has links)
This work deal with the analysis of influence of pressure‘s sizes in vacuum chamber of specimen Evironmental Scanning Electron Microscope and the influence of sizes of aperture diaphragm by scintillation detector. The analysis proceeds in detector of secondary electrons. The detector is modelled by system 3D CAD SolidWorks with the help of system CAE Cosmos FloWorks.

Srovnání vlivu tvaru konvergentní a Lavalovy dýzy v clonkách detektoru na výsledný tlak na dráze sekundárních elektronů pomocí systému CAE / Using Computer Aided Engineering for analyse the detector

Vyroubal, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with influence of the shape comparison of convergent and Laval nozzles in the secondary electron detector shutters to the resulting pressure and gas flow in the secondary electron detector for environmental scaning electron mictoscope. To the detector analysis are used Computer Aided Engineering systems CAD and CAE, SolidWorks and SolidWorks Flow Simulation.

Analýza rozložení teplotního profilu v pájecí peci pomocí systémů CAE / Analysis of the distribution of the temperature profile in the furnace brazing using CAE systems

Stručovský, Aleš January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this project is using the CAE system to analyze the distribution of the temperature profile brazing furnace DIMA 0180. To create the model is used SolidWorks Premium 2012. The simulation is performed using the Flow Simulation. This work builds on the knowledge diploma thesis by Martin Procházka titled The effect of different heat capacities and components on the longitudinal temperature profile for reflow soldering. We start from the knowledge of heat transfer, especially of heat conduction and radiation, which appear in the furnace.

MonoGenjin : En praktisk undersökning av 2D spelmotors- och spelutveckling

Källberg, Viktor, Källman Andersson, Tobias January 2022 (has links)
Spelindustrin är gigantisk och kontinuerligt växande, där detta inkluderar spelutveckling samt spelande av spel. Detta medför att en betydande mängd akademiker i sina yrkesliv kommer att beröra ämnesområdet spelutveckling. Trots detta faktum finns det en avsaknad av akademisk litteratur som behandlar ämnesområdet spelutveckling, specifikt med ett IS-perspektiv. För att fylla avsaknaden ämnar denna undersökning utöka det specifika konceptet inom spelutveckling som är “skapande av en 2D-spelmotor med tillhörande spel”. Att spela innebär hedonistiska upplevelser. Gäller denna hedonism också vid spelutveckling? Vilka utmaningar och vilken problematik uppstår vid utveckling av en spelmotor? För att utreda detta används en kvalitativ undersökning med en induktiv metodik via forskning genom design (eng. Research through Design, RtD) tillsammans med kollaborativ autoetnografi (Collaborative Autoethnography, CAE). Detta skapar ett unikt perspektiv som används för att producera välmotiverad vägledning för introduktion till ämnesområdet. Datainsamling utgörs av loggbok och dagbok där dessa används för att reflektera kring problem, utmaningar, framgångsfaktorer samt hedonistiska upplevelser inom processen. Undersökningens bakomliggande teori är baserat på Hedonic-motivation system adoption model (HMSAM) samt kriterier för utvärdering av ett lyckat RtD-projekt. Resultaten visar att spelutveckling är en komplicerad process, där egenskaper av spelutveckling identifierats och som bildat riktlinjer som förbereder akademiker inför framtida forskning och arbete. / The gaming industry is gigantic and continuously growing, which includes game development and gaming. This means that a significant number of academics will touch on the subject area of game development during their professional lives. Despite this fact there is a lack of academic literature which deals with the subject area of game development, specifically with an IS perspective. To fill the gap, this study aims to expand the specific concept in game development that is “creation of a 2D game engine with an associated game”. Gaming involves hedonistic experiences. Is this also associated with game development? What challenges and problems arise when developing a game engine? Answering this involves a qualitative study with an inductive methodology via Research through Design (RtD) together with Collaborative Autoethnography (CAE). This creates a unique perspective that is used to produce well-motivated guidance for introduction to the subject area. Data collection consists of a journal and diary where these are used to reflect on problems, challenges, success factors and hedonistic experiences within the process. The study’s underlying theory is based on the Hedonic-motivation system adoption model (HMSAM) and criterias for evaluating successful RtD projects. The results show that game development is a complicated process, where characteristics of game development have been identified which developed guidelines that prepare academics for future research and work.

Machine Learning im CAE

Thieme, Cornelia 24 May 2023 (has links)
Many companies have a large collection of different model variants and results. Hexagon's (formerly MSC Software) software Odyssee helps to find out what information is contained in this data. New calculations can sometimes be avoided because the results for new parameter combinations can be predicted from the existing calculations. This is particularly interesting for non-linear or large models with long run times. The software also helps when setting up new DOEs and offers a variety of options for statistical displays. In the lecture, the number-based and image-based methods are compared. / Viele Firmen können auf eine große Sammlung vorhandener Rechnungen für verschiedene Modellvarianten zurückgreifen. Die Software Odyssee von Hexagon (früher MSC Software) hilft herauszufinden, welche Informationen in diesen Daten stecken. Neue Rechnungen kann man sich teilweise ersparen, weil die Ergebnisse für neue Parameterkombinationen aus den vorhandenen Rechnungen vorhergesagt werden können. Dies ist besonders interessant für nichtlineare oder große Modelle mit langer Rechenzeit. Die Software hilft auch beim Aufsetzen neuer DOEs und bietet vielfältige Möglichkeiten für statistische Darstellungen. In dem Vortrag werden die zahlenbasierte und bildbasierte Methode gegenübergestellt.

Evaluation of Active Rear Steering through Multi-Body Simulation / Utvärdering av Aktiv Bakaxelstyrning genom Multibody-System Simuleringar

Rossi, Matteo, Bertoli, Gabriele January 2021 (has links)
The goal of this thesis work is to evaluate and quantify the advantages and disadvantages of Active Rear Steering (ARS). The evaluation is carried out through Multi-Body System (MBS) simulations. An analytical model has been developed to better understand the basic dynamics of vehicles equipped with rear steering. In parallel, a high fidelity MBS model is developed in Simpack. This model includes suspension kinematics and compliance, allowing for detailed analyses of steering hardware performance. Next, different control strategies aiming at improving manoeuvrability, stability and agility are implemented in Simulink. In order to assess their effectiveness, the high fidelity model is utilised by running co-simulation with Simulink. Manoeuvrability is assessed through constant steer, constant radius and ramp steer manoeuvres. Stability is assessed through transient manoeuvres such as step steer and sine with dwell. Agility is assessed through step steer and frequency response. Ultimately, also a subjective assessment is carried out by means of Volvo Cars' dynamic driving simulator. The conclusion from the assessment is that the drivers feel the all wheel steered vehicle more stable during evasive manoeuvres. It is concluded that for manoeuvrability the minimum turning radius is reduced by 19 % at low velocity; this implies that the steering angle request is reduced at low velocity, while it is increased at high velocity. A slightly higher steering angle request at high velocity might be beneficial since the driver would be able to control the vehicle in a wider range of steering wheel angles. For agility the results are contradicting: on the one hand, according to the step steer rise time difference between lateral acceleration and yaw rate, the controlled vehicles are performing worse than the passive vehicle; on the other hand, according to the frequency response analysis, both the delays between steering input and yaw rate and between lateral acceleration and yaw rate are reduced up to respectively 75 % and 46 % for the considered frequency range. Finally, for stability, the yaw rate overshoot from a step steer can be reduced up to 65 % at high velocity and the sideslip angle can always be reduced. The vehicle equipped with ARS outperforms the passive vehicle in the sine with dwell manoeuvre. / Målet med detta examensarbete är att utvärdera och kvantifiera fördelarna och nackdelarna med Active Rear Steer (ARS) för Volvo Cars. Utvärderingen utförs genom Multi-Body System (MBS) simuleringar. En analytisk modell har utvecklats för att bättre förstå den grundläggande dynamiken i fordon utrustade med bakhjulsstyrning. Parallelt utvecklades en MBS-modell med hög precision i Simpack. Denna modell inkluderar hjulupphängningens kinematik och eftergivlighet, vilket möjliggör detaljerade analyser av styrhårdvarans prestanda. Därefter implementeras olika kontrollstrategier som syftar till att förbättra manövrerbarhet, stabilitet och agilitet i Simulink. För att bedöma deras effektivitet används MBS-modellen för att köra co-simulering med Simulink.Manövrerbarhet bedöms genom konstant styrning, konstant radie och rampstyrning. Stabilitet bedöms genom transienta manövrar som stegstyrning och sinus med fördröjning. Agilitet bedöms genom stegstyrning och frekvensrespons. Slutligen görs också en subjektiv bedömning med hjälp av Volvo Cars dynamiska körsimulator. Slutsatsen från bedömningen är att förarna anser att fordonet upplevs vara mycket stabilare vid undanmanövrar. Vidare är slutsatsen att för manövrerbarhet minskar den minsta svängradien med 19 % vid mycket låg hastighet; detta innebär att styrvinkel reduceras vid låg hastighet, medan den ökar vid hög hastighet. En något högre styrvinkeln kan vara fördelaktig eftersom föraren skulle kunna styra fordonet i ett större rattvinkelområde. För agilitet är resultaten motsägelsefulla: å ena sidan, enligt stegstyrningstidsskillnaden mellan lateral acceleration och girhastighet, fungerar de aktiva fordonen sämre än det passiva fordonet; å andra sidan, enligt frekvensresponsanalysen, reduceras både fördröjningarna mellan girhastighet och styrvinkel och mellan lateral acceleration och girhastighet upp till ungefär 30 %. Slutligen, för stabilitet, kan girhastighetens översläng från en stegstyrning minskas upp till 65 % vid hög hastighet och avdriftsvinkeln kan alltid minskas. Fordonet som är utrustat med ARS överträffar det passiva fordonet i manövern sinus med fördröjning.

Design of lightweigh electric vehicles

de Fluiter, Travis January 2008 (has links)
The design and manufacture of lightweight electric vehicles is becoming increasingly important with the rising cost of petrol, and the effects emissions from petrol powered vehicles are having on our environment. The University of Waikato and HybridAuto's Ultracommuter electric vehicle was designed, manufactured, and tested. The vehicle has been driven over 1800km with only a small reliability issue, indicating that the Ultracommuter was well designed and could potentially be manufactured as a solution to ongoing transportation issues. The use of titanium aluminide components in the automotive industry was researched. While it only has half the density of alloy steel, titanium aluminides have the same strength and stiffness as steel, along with good corrosion resistance, making them suitable as a lightweight replacement for steel components. Automotive applications identified that could benefit from the use of TiAl include brake callipers, brake rotors and electric motor components.

Estudo da correlação entre os resultados de testes e a aplicação dos conceitos de Gerenciamento de Projetos para omodelamento matemático da durabilidade de um componente automotivo

Rosa, Silas Luis Sartori Paschoal da Silva 11 September 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Kleber Silva (kleberbs@ufba.br) on 2017-02-06T18:04:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Silas.pdf: 11647491 bytes, checksum: 9f9927fc1762e0964a036f5a662fd6ff (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vanessa Reis (vanessa.jamile@ufba.br) on 2017-02-07T13:25:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Silas.pdf: 11647491 bytes, checksum: 9f9927fc1762e0964a036f5a662fd6ff (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-07T13:25:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silas.pdf: 11647491 bytes, checksum: 9f9927fc1762e0964a036f5a662fd6ff (MD5) / Existem inúmeras ferramentas para auxliar os engenheiros de CAE no desenvolvimento de novos produtos, como por exemplo: CAD (computer aided design), CAE (computer aided engineering), CAM (computer aided manufacturing), QFD e TRIZ, entre outros. Este trabalho apresenta uma aplicação dos conceitos de gerenciamento de projetos para a simulação computacional da durabilidade virtual afim de auxiliar os profissionais da área de CAE no design de componentes automotivos. Neste trabalho, foram aplicados os conceitos do dFmea para aprimorar os resultados obtidos na utilização dos conceitos do QFD e da TRIZ. Em adicional, serão aplicados os conceitos do diagrama P, matriz morfológica e matriz de Pugh. O método apresentado para aperfeiçoar a durabilidade utiliza a simulação computacional para correlacionar os resultados obtidos com a aplicação das ferramentas de gerenciamento de projetos. Para realizar a simulação computacional foi utilizado o software MSC_Nastran 2004 R2, Sol 103 (modos normais). Apresenta tambem as diferenças entre dois tipos de modelamentos matemáticos utilizando os pontos de fixação da peça avaliada de maneiras diferentes. Por fim, apresenta os resultados dos testes de laboratório, com o objetivo de comprovar a abordagem teórica apresentada nesta dissertação.

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