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Feedback Control of Collective Spin States for Atom Interferometry / Contrôle de Rétroaction des Etats de Spin Collectives pour l'Interférométrie AtomiqueKohlhaas, Ralf 17 January 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous décrivons une approche jusqu’à maintenant inexplorée dans le développement des interféromètres atomiques; la rétroaction des états atomiques au cours de leur évolution. Le long de cet objectif, nous présentons des nouvelles techniques expérimentales, comme la condensation de Bose-Einstein tout-optique d’atomes de rubidium-87 à l’aide d’une cavité optique, une nouvelle technique de stabilisation de laser décalage de fréquence serrodyne et le développement de la spectroscopie par modulation de fréquence comme un outil non-destructif pour mesurer des différences de population atomique. Cette détection non destructive est combinée à la rétroaction, soit directement sur les atomes avec un rayonnement micro-onde soit sur l’oscillateur à micro-ondes. De cette manière, nous montrons que les états quantiques atomiques peuvent être protégés contre la décohérence d’un bruit collectif. Grâce à cette méthode, nous développons des protocoles de rétroaction dédiés pour améliorer les interféromètres atomiques, et démontrons expérimentalement l’un d’entre eux dans le cas d’une horloge atomique. Nous montrons que le temps d’interrogation dans les interféromètres atomiques peut être prolongé, ce qui est prometteur pour augmenter la sensibilité des senseurs atomiques. / In this thesis, we describe an until now unexplored approach in the operation of atomic interferometers; the feedback control of the atomic states during their evolution. Towards this goal, we present several novel experimental techniques, such as the all-optical Bose-Einstein condensation of rubidium-87 in a cavity enhanced dipole trap, a new laser stabilization technique based on serrodyne frequency shifting and the development of frequency modulation spectroscopy as a minimal destructive tool for the measurement of atomic population differences. This nondestructive detection is combined with feedback, either directly on the atoms with microwave radiation or on the microwave oscillator. In this way, we show that atomic quantum states can be protected against decoherence from collective noise. We develop dedicated feedback protocols to use this method to improve atomic interferometers, and experimentally demonstrate one such protocol in an atomic clock. We show that the interrogation time in atomic interferometers can be prolonged, which holds promise for increasing the sensitivity of atomic sensors.
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Facteurs de risque professionnels des cancers des voies aéro-digestives supérieures : Synthèse des données épidémiologiques et analyse d’une étude cas-témoins, l’étude Icare / Occupational risk factors for head and neck cancers : synthesis of epidemiological data and analysis of a case-control study, the Icare studyPaget-Bailly, Sophie 15 October 2012 (has links)
Contexte : L’amiante est maintenant une cause avérée de cancer du larynx, mais le rôle des expositions professionnelles dans la survenue des cancers des voies aéro-digestives supérieures (VADS) reste largement méconnu. Bien que plusieurs études aient rapporté des associations entre les expositions professionnelles et ces cancers, il est difficile de synthétiser les résultats et d’en tirer des conclusions définitives. Objectifs : (1) Le premier objectif est de synthétiser les données épidémiologiques disponibles sur les associations entre les cancers de la cavité buccale, du pharynx et du larynx (les cancers des VADS les plus fréquents) et les expositions professionnelles ; (2) le second objectif est, à partir des données d’une large étude cas-témoins, l'étude Icare, d'identifier les professions ou industries présentant des risques élevés de cancer des VADS, puis d'étudier le rôle de certaines expositions professionnelles suspectées (amiante, laines minérales (LM), poussières de ciment, silice). Matériel et méthodes : (1) Une recherche bibliographique et des séries de méta-analyses ont été réalisées pour certaines expositions professionnelles suspectées. (2) L'étude Icare est une étude cas-témoins en population générale française incluant 2415 cas de cancer des VADS et 3555 témoins. L'historique professionnel complet des sujets a été recueilli, avec une description détaillée de chaque emploi exercé. L'évaluation des expositions à l'amiante, aux LM, aux poussières de ciment et à la silice sur l’ensemble de la vie professionnelle a été réalisée à l'aide des matrices emplois-expositions développées dans le cadre du programme Matgéné (Institut de Veille Sanitaire). Résultats : Des méta-risques relatifs (méta-RR) significativement augmentés ont été observés pour le cancer du larynx et les expositions aux hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP), aux gaz d'échappement de moteurs, au travail dans l'industrie textile et dans l'industrie du caoutchouc, et pour le cancer de la cavité buccale et du pharynx et les expositions à l'amiante, aux HAP et aux gaz d'échappement de moteurs. Des augmentations de risque significatives ont été observées pour plusieurs professions et secteurs d'activité exposant notamment aux nuisances présentant des méta-RR augmentés. Les résultats des analyses par nuisance confirment l'association entre l'amiante et le cancer du larynx et suggèrent également une association avec les cancers de la cavité buccale et du pharynx. Une association avec les poussières de ciment est également suggérée. Les résultats ne sont pas en faveur d’un rôle de l’exposition aux LM et à la silice.Conclusion : Ce travail renforce l’hypothèse d’un rôle des expositions professionnelles dans la survenue des cancers des VADS. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats suggèrent des associations entre le risque de cancer des VADS et les expositions à l'amiante, aux HAP, aux poussières de ciment, et le travail dans l'industrie du caoutchouc. / Background: There is sufficient evidence that asbestos causes laryngeal cancer, but overall the role of occupational exposures in the etiology of head and neck cancer (HNC) remains largely unknown. Although several studies have reported associations between occupational exposures and HNC, it is difficult to draw firm conclusions. Objectives: (1) To summarize available epidemiologic data on occupational exposures and cancers of the oral cavity (OC), pharynx and larynx (the most frequent HNC); (2) using data from a large case-control study, to identify occupations and industries with an increased risk of HNC, then to investigate the role of some suspected occupational exposures (asbestos, mineral wools (MW), cement dust, silica). Methods: (1) A literature research and a series of meta-analyses were performed. (2) The Icare study is a French population-based case-control study including 2415 HNC cases and 3555 controls. Complete and detailed occupational histories were collected. Analyses by job title were conducted. Job exposure matrices, developed by the Occupational Health Department of the French Institute for Public Health Surveillance (InVS), were used to assess lifetime occupational exposure to asbestos, MW, cement dust and silica. Results: Significantly increased meta-relative risks (meta-RR) were obtained considering laryngeal cancer and exposures to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), engine exhausts, working in the textile industry and the rubber industry, and for cancer of the OC and pharynx and exposures to asbestos, PAH and engine exhausts. Significantly increased risks were found for several jobs and industries, some of them entailing exposures to agents for which meta-RR were increased. Analyses for specific occupational exposures confirmed the association between asbestos and laryngeal cancer and showed an association with the risk of oral cavity and pharyngeal cancer. An association with exposure to cement dust was also suggested. The results did not support an association between HNC risk and exposure to MW or silica. Conclusion: This work emphasizes the role of occupational exposures in HNC. Overall, our results suggest associations between HNC and exposure to asbestos, PAH, cement dust, and work in the rubber industry.
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Influência do bisel na resistência à fratura de dentes restaurados com resina composta / The influence of bevel in the fracture resistance of teeth with composite resin restorationsValera, Fabiano Bassalobre 16 October 2007 (has links)
Avaliou-se a resistência à fratura de dentes pré-molares, com e sem bisel no ângulo cavo-superficial, restaurados com resina composta. Noventa dentes prémolares superiores foram divididos em 9 grupos. O grupo 1, considerado controle positivo, constituiu-se de dentes hígidos. Os grupos de 2 a 9 receberam cavidades de Classe II MOD, com medidas padronizadas. Os grupos de 6 a 9, além das cavidades, tiveram os tetos das câmaras pulpares removidos. Para os grupos 2, 3, 6 e 7, o ângulo cavo-superficial apresentou-se nítido e sem bisel; grupos 4 e 8, bisel côncavo em toda cavidade; grupos 5 e 9, bisel apenas na porção oclusal da cavidade. Os dentes dos grupos 2 e 6 não foram restaurados, sendo considerados controle negativo. Para os demais grupos, procedeu-se a restauração das cavidades com sistema restaurador adesivo pela técnica direta. Todos os espécimes foram avaliados quanto a resistência à fratura, em uma maquina de teste universal (Emic - DL 2000), com célula de carga de 500Kgf, regulada a uma carga máxima de 450Kgf, com uma leitura mínima de 0,05Kgf de precisão. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância a um critério e ao teste de Tukey para comparação entre os grupos. Constatou-se que houve diferença significante entre os grupos estudados, quando considerados os diferentes tratamentos do ângulo cavo-superficial (variável independente) e a resistência à fratura obtida (variável dependente) (p<0,05). A remoção de tecido dentário pela confecção de cavidades diminuiu a resistência à fratura do órgão dentário, sendo que em intervenções mais extensas, com a remoção de estrutura de reforço, como o teto da câmara pulpar, esta resistência se apresentou ainda menor. A confecção de bisel em todo o ângulo cavo-superficial, em cavidades de Classe II, proveu um aumento significante da resistência à fratura, quando comparado aos dentes que apresentaram o ângulo cavo-superficial nítido e sem bisel, tanto em dentes com ou sem remoção do teto da câmara pulpar. Além disso, dentes que apresentaram bisel em todo o ângulo cavo-superficial de cavidades de Classe II, tanto com ou sem intervenção endodôntica, mostraram os melhores padrões de fratura, preservando quase que em sua totalidade a integridade do remanescente dentário. / The fracture resistance of upper premolar teeth with and without cavosurface bevel, restored with composite resin material was evaluated. Ninety upper premolar teeth were divided into 9 groups. The group 1, considered as a positive control, was composed of sound teeth. Groups 2 to 9 receive Class II MOD preparation cavities with standardized measures. Groups from 6 to 9 had the roof of the pulp chamber removed. In groups 2, 3, 6, and 7, the cavosurface angle was evident and without bevel; groups 4 and 8, a concave bevel around the entire cavity; groups 5 and 9, the bevel was only placed in the oclusal portion of the cavity. Teeth in groups 2 and 6 were not restored, and considered as negative controls. In the other groups, cavities were directly restored with an adhesive resin system. All specimens were evaluated until load to fracture in a Universal Testing Machine (Emic DL 2000), with a load cell of 500Kgf, maximum load of 450Kgf, and 0,05kgf of standard error. Results were submitted to one-way analysis of variance and Tukey\'s test for group comparisons. There was a significant difference among the studied groups regarding the different treatments on the cavosurface angle (independent variable) and the fracture resistance (dependent variable) (p<0.05). Removal of tooth structure through cavity preparation diminished the fracture resistance values, being that in more extensive preparation (removal of the roof of pulp chamber), this value was lower. The bevel placed around the entire cavosurface angle in Class II cavities significantly increased the fracture resistance, when compared to teeth with a clear cavosurface angle but without bevel, either in teeth with or without removal of the roof of pulp chamber. Besides, teeth with bevel around the entire cavosurface angle with or without endodontic therapy showed the best fracture patterns, almost completely preserving tooth integrity.
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Evolution microstructurale du fer pur et d’un alliage Fe-Cr sous irradiation avec injection simultanée d’hélium : étude expérimentale et modélisation / Microstructural evolution of pure iron and a Fe-Cr alloy under irradiation with simultaneous injection of helium : experimental study and modelingBrimbal, Daniel 02 December 2011 (has links)
Les aciers ferrito-martensitiques sont d’excellents candidats potentiels en tant que matériaux de structure dans les futurs réacteurs de fusion. A ce titre, ils devront résister à des flux intenses de neutrons de 14 MeV qui créeront des cascades de déplacements atomiques et des produits de transmutation tels que l’hélium. Afin de mieux comprendre le comportement de base de ces aciers sous irradiation en présence d’hélium, nous avons étudié les effets de l’hélium et ceux du chrome dans le cadre de ce travail de thèse. Du fer pur et un alliage modèle Fe-5,4%pds Cr ont ainsi été irradiés dans la plateforme JANNuS à 500°C en bi-faisceau avec des ions Fe+ et He+ et en mono-faisceau avec des ions Fe+. L’utilisation de cette plateforme a permis de suivre l’évolution du dommage jusqu’à des doses faibles (1 dpa) et de caractériser la microstructure après irradiation à forte dose (100 dpa). Elle a également permis l’observation in situ dans un MET couplé à deux accélérateurs des effets cinétiques d’implantation/irradiation. La nature et la répartition des défauts d’irradiation ont été déterminés : ce sont essentiellement des boucles de dislocations de vecteur de Burgers de type a<100> et des cavités/bulles. Nous avons montré que la co-implantation d’hélium et l’addition de chrome réduisent la mobilité des boucles. Par ailleurs, avec ou sans hélium, l’addition de chrome réduit le gonflement dans toutes les conditions étudiées. De plus, dans le fer pur irradié avec hélium, un phénomène original de germination hétérogène de cavités/bulles dans les plans des boucles a été mis en évidence. Enfin, nous avons également utilisé le code de dynamique d’amas CRESCENDO pour interpréter les résultats expérimentaux dans le fer pur irradié avec hélium. / Ferritic-martensitic steels are excellent potential candidates for a use as structural materials in future fusion reactors. For this application, they will have to withstand high fluxes of 14 MeV neutrons that will create atomic displacement cascades and transmutation reactions which will produce large quantities of helium. In order to understand the basic mechanisms under irradiation with helium, we have studied the effects of helium and those of chromium. Pure iron and a Fe-5.4 wt. % Cr model alloy were irradiated at the JANNuS platform in dual-beam mode with Fe+ and He+ ions and in single-beam mode with Fe+ ions at 500ºC. This platform enabled us to follow the evolution of damage up to low doses (1 dpa) and to characterize the microstructure at high doses (100 dpa). It also allowed us to observe in situ irradiation/implantation kinetic effects in a TEM coupled to two accelerators. The nature and distribution of irradiation defects was determined: they are essentially dislocation loops with a<100> Burgers vectors and cavities/bubbles. We have demonstrated that the co-implantation of helium and the addition of chromium both reduce the mobility of dislocation loops. The addition of chromium reduces swelling for all the irradiation conditions studied, with or without helium. In pure iron irradiated with helium, an original phenomenon was discovered for the first time: cavities/bubbles nucleate heterogeneously on the planes of the dislocation loops. We have also interpreted our experimental results in pure iron irradiated with helium using the cluster dynamics code CRESCENDO.
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Efeito da base de cimento de ionômero de vidro modificado por resina e técnicas de inserção de resina composta na interface dentina/restauração adesiva / Effect of resin-modified-glass-ionomer linning and composite placement on adhesive interfaceAzevedo, Larissa Marinho 06 May 2011 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da base de cimento de ionômero de vidro modificado por resina (CIVMR) e das técnicas de inserção incremental de resina composta na interface de parede circundante de restauração adesiva à dentina. Foram confeccionadas cavidades com 4,5mm X 3mm X 5mm em 52 molares humanos extraídos divididos em 4 grupos: Grupo 1 (controle): Sistema Adesivo (Adper Single Bond) + Resina Composta (Filtek Z250) com inserção em 2 incrementos horizontais (Fator C = 5); Grupo 2: Sistema Adesivo (Adper Single Bond) + Resina Composta (Filtek Z250) em 4 incrementos oblíquos (Fator C=2); Grupo 3: Base de CIVMR (Vitrebond) + Sistema Adesivo (Adper Single Bond) + Resina Composta (Filtek Z250) em 2 incrementos horizontais (Fator C = 5) e Grupo 4: Base de CIVMR (Vitrebond) + Sistema Adesivo (Adper Single Bond) + Resina Composta (Filtek Z250) em 4 incrementos oblíquos (Fator C = 2). Após a restauração, os dentes permaneceram em água deionizada em estufa a 37ºC por 24 horas. Depois foram seccionados em uma máquina de cortes com disco de diamante em espessura de 0,8mm no sentido vestíbulolingual. Uma fatia de cada dente foi separada aleatoriamente para análise em Microscópio Confocal para verificação e mensuração de fendas internas na interface dentina/resina composta. As demais fatias foram seccionadas para a confecção de palitos (0,8mm X 0,8mm) que foram submetidos a testes de microtração em uma máquina de ensaios universal EMIC. Os resultados de resistência de união foram submetidos à análise de variância a dois critério ANOVA a 5% e ao teste de Fisher para as variáveis de presença de fendas internas. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os quatro grupos (p>0,05) com relação à resistência adesiva. Quanto à presença de fendas internas, foi evidenciada sua presença nos grupos 1, 3 e 4, sem diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos testados (p>0,05). Conclui-se, portanto, que o uso da base de cimento de ionômero de vidro modificado por resina e das técnicas de inserção incremental de resina composta não influenciam a resistência adesiva e presença de fendas da resina composta à dentina. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of resin-modified-glassionomer linning and incremental technique on the bond strength of the composite restoration interface. Methods: Cavities were made (4.5mm X 3mm X 5mm) in 52 extracted human molars, divided into 4 groups: Group 1 (control) no linning + two horizontal increments (C Factor = 5); Group 2: no linning + four oblique increments (C Factor = 2); Group 3: RMGIC linning (Vitrebond) + two horizontal increments; and Group 4: RMGIC linning (Vitrebond) + four oblique increments. All teeth were restored with Adper Single Bond and Filtek Z250 and stored in deionized water at 37ºC for 24 hours before sectioned into 0.8 mm sticks (bucco-lingually). One slice of each tooth was randomly selected for confocal microscopy for analysis of the interface resin/dentin. The other slices were sectionated in sticks (mesio-distally) for microtensile test in a Universal Testing Machine (EMIC) at 0.5mm/min. The data were analyzed by Two-way ANOVA (5%) and Fishers test for variables of presence of gap. No statistical difference on adhesive strength among groups (G1 14.55 ± 4.228 MPa, G2 17.25 ± 7.31 MPa, G3 12.81 ± 4.97 MPa and G4 13.39 ± 4.115 MPa). No significant statistical difference was observed regarding the presence of gap at the interface dentin/resin among groups (p>0.05). It can be concluded, that resin-modified glass-ionomer cement linning and resin composite techniques showed no effect on the adhesive interface to dentin.
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Dispositif pour le chargement rapide d'une cavité miniaturisée : vers un registre de qubits atomiques / Experimental setup for fast loading of a miniaturized cavity : toward an atomic qubits registerLebouteiller, Claire 20 May 2016 (has links)
L’exploration expérimentale de l’intrication quantique est un domaine de recherche très actif actuellement. Les systèmes d’électrodynamique quantique en cavité permettent notamment de générer de l’intrication dans des ensembles de plusieurs dizaines de particules, grâce à l’interaction à longue portée fournie par un mode du champ électromagnétique. Mon travail de thèse a consisté à mettre en place un nouveau dispositif expérimental afin d’assurer le chargement rapide et fiable d’une cavité optique miniaturisée à l’intérieur de laquelle l’adressage et la détection d’atomes uniques viennent s’ajouter à l’interaction collective fournie par le mode de la cavité. La tomographie quantique des états intriqués requière l’acquisition d’un grand nombre de données expérimentales, un soin tout particulier doit donc être porté quand à la stabilité et à la rapidité de répétition de l’expérience. Pour satisfaire à ces critères, un système de lasers particulièrement compacts et robustes, a été conçu et fabriqué afin d’assurer le refroidissement et l’interaction avec les atomes. Pour permettre la rapidité de répétition de l’expérience, une source de rubidium est utilisée en mode impulsionnel dans l’unique cellule à vide. Elle permet de moduler temporellement la pression atomique en fonction des besoins de l’expérience. Un chargement prompt du piège magnéto-optique est alors possible sans réduire la durée de vie des atomes dans la cavité, au moment où se déroulent les expériences. Le transport des atomes entre leur position de capture et le centre de la cavité s’effectue grâce à un piège dipolaire, déplacé selon son axe fort de confinement à l’aide d’un déflecteur acousto-optique. Cela permet un déplacement rapide, de l’ordre de la centaine de millisecondes pour une distance de 1,5 cm. Grâce à cette combinaison de techniques, ce nouveau dispositif expérimental devrait donner accès à la physique riche des systèmes intriqués à plusieurs dizaines de particules. / The study of quantum entanglement is a very active research field. Cavity quantum electrodynamics systems are versatile tools allowing for instance entanglement in mesoscopic systems, that is to say with about a hundred particles. The purpose of the new experimental setup built during this thesis is to reach the single atom manipulation and detection level while working with mesoscopic ensembles, collectively coupled to the cavity mode. Toward this goal, three new experimental techniques have been developed to enable reliable and fast data acquisition rate, essential to reconstruct entangled states by quantum tomography means. First, robust extended cavity diode lasers have been constructed, allowing acquisitions that last for days. Then, a pulsed atomic source has been set up, it combines the advantages of fast magneto-optical trap loading and long lifetime in conservative traps by modulating the pressure inside a single vacuum chamber apparatus on a short timescale. Finally, to ensure the fast transport of cold atomic ensembles from the magneto-optical trap to the cavity position, a dipole trap moved with an acousto-optic deflector has been built. This allows a transport over few centimetres leaving the full optical access to the atomic cloud for other manipulations. Thanks to this new experimental setup, we hope to contribute to the understanding of the rich physics lying beyond multi-particle entangled systems.
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Eficácia da endoscopia nasal no diagnóstico da rinossinusite aguda em pacientes de terapia intensiva / Efficacy of nasal endoscopy on the diagnostic of acute rhinosinusitis in patients of the intensive care unitMaura Catafesta das Neves 26 September 2007 (has links)
Rinossinusite é uma causa freqüente de febre em pacientes internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Seu diagnóstico é muitas vezes tardio por causa da escassez de sinais clínicos e pode levar a complicações como meningite, pneumonia e sépsis. A severidade destas complicações impõe busca ativa do foco infeccioso sinusal, quando existe febre sem foco determinado. A tomografia computadorizada é o exame padrão ouro para esta investigação. Estudos demonstraram, porém, a ocorrência freqüente de rinossinusite detectada em exames radiológicos sem, no entanto, apresentar correlação com infecção sinusal. A endoscopia nasal é um método que permite avaliar as cavidades nasais e, em especial, a região do meato médio e recesso esfenoetmoidal. Esta habilidade tornou a endoscopia nasal um exame fundamental para a avaliação de pacientes com suspeita clinica de rinossinusite. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a eficácia da endoscopia nasal como método diagnóstico de rinossinusite em pacientes de terapia intensiva. Trinta pacientes consecutivos, internados em unidades de terapia intensiva, no período de Junho de 2003 a Agosto de 2006, apresentando quadro clínico e tomográfico sugestivo de rinossinusite foram submetidos a endoscopia nasal. Foram incluídos apenas pacientes com indicação de drenagem cirúrgica como modalidade terapêutica, e este é o método de confirmação diagnóstica de rinossinusite adotado. A endoscopia foi realizada antes da drenagem cirúrgica avaliando-se presença de edema e rinorréia em meato médio e recesso esfenoetmoidal. Foi aplicada anestesia e vasoconstrição tópica das fossas nasais, meatos médios e recessos esfenoetmoidais antes da avaliação endoscópica. Os resultados da endoscopia nasal não interferiram na terapêutica adotada para cada paciente, sendo esta determinada pelos intensivistas da Disciplina de Emergências Clinicas, em conjunto com otorrinolaringologistas do Departamento de Otorrinolaringologia do Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Dentre os 30 pacientes com suspeita de rinossinusite incluídos neste estudo, 21 apresentaram confirmação diagnóstica por meio de drenagem cirúrgica. No diagnóstico da rinossinusite a tomografia computadorizada mostrou sensibilidade de 97,3% e especificidade de 16,2%. Na endoscopia nasal encontramos sensibilidade de 76,1% e especificidade de 61,2%. Na presença de edema, a endoscopia apresentou sensibilidade de 85% e especificidade de 32%. No diagnóstico da rinorréia a sensibilidade foi de 67,6% com especificidade de 90,4%, e acurácia de 85%. Concluímos que a endoscopia nasal é um método eficaz para o diagnóstico de rinossinusite em pacientes de terapia intensiva, especialmente na presença de rinorréia. / Rhinosinusitis is a frequent cause of fever in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients. Diagnosis is sometimes delayed because of lack of clinical signs and it may lead to complications such as meningitis, pneumonia and sepsis. The severity of these complications requires active search for the sinusal infectious focus in the presence of fever of undetermined cause. Computed tomography scan is the gold standard for such investigation. However, studies have demonstrated the frequent occurrence of radiological rhinosinusitis with no correlation with sinusal infection. Nasal endoscopy is a method that enables the assessment of nasal cavities, specially the region of middle meatus and sphenoethmoid recess. This fact has transformed nasal endoscopy into a fundamental exam to assess patients with clinical suspicion of rhinosinusitis. The purpose of the present study was to assess the efficacy of nasal endoscopy as a diagnostic method for rhinosinusitis detection in ICU patients. From June 2003 to August 2006, thirty consecutive patients hospitalized in the ICU who presented clinical picture and tomography results suggestive of rhinosinusitis were submitted to nasal endoscopy. We included only patients with indication of surgical drainage as management option, which was the adopted diagnostic confirmation of rhinosinusitis. Endoscopy was performed before surgical drainage to assess the presence of edema and rhinorrhea in the middle meatus and sphenoethmoid recess. We used anesthesia and topical vasoconstriction of nasal fossa, middle meatus and sphenoethmoid recess before the endoscopic assessment. The results of nasal endoscopy did not interfere in the therapy prescribed to each patient, who was determined by the Intensivists of the Discipline of Clinical Emergency, together with the Otorhinolaryngologists of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Hospital das Clinicas, Medical School, University of Sao Paulo. Among the 30 patients with suspicion of rhinosinusitis included in the study, 21 presented diagnostic confirmation through surgical drainage. Computed tomography showed sensitivity of 97.3% and specificity of 16.2% for the diagnosis of rhinosinusitis. In the presence of edema, endoscopy showed sensitivity of 85% and specificity of 32%. In the diagnosis of rhinorrhea, sensitivity was 67.6% and specificity was 90.4%, and accuracy was 85%. We concluded that nasal endoscopy is an effective method for the diagnosis of rhinosinusitis in intensive care unit patients, especially in the presence of rhinorrhea.
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Tomografia de estados quânticos via Stern-Gerlach óptico de cavidades cruzadas / Quantum state tomography via optical Stern-Gerlach of crossed cavitiesCarlos Eduardo Maximo 22 July 2013 (has links)
No presente trabalho, buscou-se generalizar o Stern-Gerlach óptico para o caso de duas cavidades, as quais possuem eixos ópticos perpendiculares entre si. Nesse experimento, um pacote atomico de dois níveis incide em uma pequena fração do volume ocupado por dois modos, na região onde os nodos das ondas estacionárias de cada modo se superpõem. Diferentemente do Stern-Gerlach óptico de cavidade única, além do intercâmbio de fótons efetuado entre o átomo e cada modo separadamente, também ocorre interação modo-modo, mediada indiretamente pelo átomo. Esse fator contribui efetivamente na caracterização da distribuição de momento do átomo. Espera-se que os desvios de trajetória sofridos pelo átomo, decorrentes de sua interação simultânea com dois modos idênticos do campo de radiação, devam ser observados no plano definido pelas duas cavidades. O estudo é efetuado considerando-se o tratamento clássico da posição do centro de massa atômico, que está associado à sua direção de incidência. Além do que, considera-se a aproximação de Raman-Nath, na qual despreza-se a variação da energia cinética transversal ao movimento atômico, durante a interação átomo-modos. Verifica-se que a análise da distribuição de momento atômico transversal permite acessar a estatística de fótons dos modos das cavidades. Este resultado viabiliza a realização da tomografia dos estados de dois modos por meio da medida da distribuição de momento bidimensional dos átomos. Por fim, através da utilização de estados coerentes na configuração de cavidades cruzadas, investiga-se as possibilidades do controle da direção de deflexão do átomo para aplicações em litografia puramente quântica. / This work deals with the generalization of the optical Stern-Gerlach effect for two cavities whose optical axes are perpendicular to each other. An atomic wave of a two-level atom is focused on a small fraction of the volume occupied by the two modes, in the region where the standing waves nodes overlap. Unlike the optical Stern-Gerlach of single cavity, besides the separate photon exchange between an atom and each mode, there also occurs mode-mode interaction indirectly mediated by the atom. This fact contributes towards the characterization of the atomic momentum distribution. Trajectory deviations suffered by the atom due to its simultaneous interaction with the two identical modes of the radiation field are expected in the plane defined by the two cavities. The study is carried out considering the classical treatment of the atomic center of mass position, which is associated with its incidence direction. The Raman-Nath approximation, which neglects the variation in the kinetic energy transversal to the atomic motion during the interaction atom-modes is considered. The analysis of the transversal momentum distribution of the atom allows accessing the photon statistics of the cavities modes. This result enables the realization of the two-mode states tomography via measurement of the two-dimensional momentum distribution of the atom. Finally, by using coherent states of the crossed cavities configuration, the study investigates the possibilities of controlling the atomic deflection direction for applications to quantum lithography.
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Estudo Cl?nico e Radiol?gico das Patologias Dent?rias e Periodontais de Felinos Dom?sticos (Felis catus). / Physical and Radiologic Study of Dental and Periodontal Diseases in Domestic Felines (Felis catus).Alfeld, Vivian Fernandes 08 May 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-05-08 / Funda??o Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Oral diseases, including the dentals one, severely affect domestic cats although still
neglected. Many of the oral diseases as feline reabsorptive lesion do not have an etiology
determined yet. Nevertheless, other oral diseases are not adequately prevented or treated, although
having a physiopathogeny well determined. Moreover, they are not considered an important factor
to the cat?s health, underestimaing pain, discomfort, secondary infections, dental and bone loss.
The main objective of this project was to diagnose the most frequent dental disease in a feline only
practice in Rio de Janeiro. All the cats had a criterious clinical evaluation based in pre determined
patterns of odontologic analysis. In addition, all the cats had a radiologic evaluation of all dental
elements. Among the animals observed, 88% presented some kind of dental change and a positive
relation with the increase of the age was observed. Because of that, the incidence was higher in
adult and old cats. The most common disease were periodontal disease (88% of the cases), absence
of dental elements (54%), reabsorption lesion (40%), and dental fractures (26%). The statistic
method applied to this project was SPSS (Statistic Package for Social Sciences-MicroSoftware
16.0) with evaluation of non parametric tests. The main conclusion of this study was that the
incidence of dental diseases in domestic cats is high. Moreover, although more frequent in older
cats, they are also common in young animals. In all groups, the severity of most of the identified
diseases would indicate a prompt odontologic intervention. / As patologias orais, incluindo as dent?rias, acometem severamente os
felinos dom?sticos, por?m ainda s?o negligenciadas. Muitas delas,
como as les?es reabsortivas, ainda n?o t?m um agente etiol?gico
determinado. Outras, mesmo apesar de sua fisiopatogenia estar bem definida, ainda n?o s?o
adequadamente prevenidas ou tratadas a contento, pois n?o s?o encaradas
como relevantes ao bem estar desta esp?cie, se subestimando a dor, o desconforto,
as infec??es secund?rias e as perdas dent?rias e ?sseas a que estas patologias podem
levar. O escopo deste trabalho foi diagnosticar, em cinq?enta cad?veres
provenientes de uma cl?nica veterin?ria especializada no atendimento m?dico a
essa esp?cie, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os gatos foram submetidos a uma criteriosa avalia??o
cl?nica, baseada em padr?es de an?lises odontol?gicas pr?-determinadas, e tamb?m em
exames radiol?gicos de todos os elementos dent?rios. Do grupo estudado, 88%
apresentavam alguma altera??o dent?ria. Uma rela??o positiva com o aumento da
idade foi observada, sendo maior a preval?ncia nos grupos de animais mais adultos
e senis. A doen?a periodontal (presente em 88% dos animais), as aus?ncias de
elementos dent?rios (54%), a les?o de reabsor??o (40%) e as fraturas dent?rias
(26%), foram as patologias mais diagnosticadas. O m?todo estat?stico utilizado
para an?lise foi o SPSS (Statistic Package for Social Sciences-MicroSoftware
16.0), com avalia??es de testes n?o param?tricos. Neste estudo concluiu-se que
a casu?stica de patologias dent?rias em felinos ? alta. Apesar de mais intensa
em animais com mais idade, ela tamb?m ? freq?ente em jovens. Em todos os
grupos, e com a severidade que foi diagnosticada, a grande maioria das patologias
indicariam uma interven??o odontol?gica imediata.
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Modelagem mecânica e numérica da influência dos efeitos viscosos e elásticos nos escoamentos de materiais elasto-viscoplásticosFurtado, Giovanni Minervino January 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação investiga numericamente a influência dos efeitos viscosos e elásticos em escoamentos de materiais viscoplásticos no interior de uma cavidade dirigida. O modelo mecânico empregado é constituído pelas equações de conservação de massa e pelo princípio da quantidade de movimento linear, para fluidos incompressíveis, acoplado à equação constitutiva. Esta equação modifica o modelo viscoelástico de Oldroyd-B de modo a acomodar que os tempos de relaxação e retardo do material, bem como sua viscosidade viscoplástica, dependam das mudanças de sua microestrutura. A aproximação numérica do modelo emprega o método multi-campos de Galerkin mínimos-quadrados em termos do tensor de tensão extra, do vetor velocidade e do campo de pressão. Os resultados objetivam a determinção do tamanho e localização das regiões aparentemente não-escoadas do material, bem como sua deformação elástica, intensidade de tensão, e a sua vorticidade no interior da cavidade. Os resultados claramente indicam que o padrão do escoamento é fortemente influenciado pela variação dos efeitos elásticos (variação do tempo de relaxação adimensional, θ0 * ), viscosos (variação do índice de power-law, n) e cinemáticos (variação da velocidade adimensional, U* , do escoamento) no interior da cavidade. / This dissertation investigated numerically the influence of viscous and elastic effects on flows of viscoplastic materials within a lid-driven cavity. The mechanical model used is made up of mass and momentum balance equations, coupled with the constitutive equation. This equation modifies the viscoelastic Oldroyd-B model to accommodate both relaxation and retardation times, and viscosity function, dependent on the microstructure changes. Numerical approximations of the model make use a three-field Galerkin least squares method in terms of the extra stress tensor, velocity vector and pressure field. Computations focus on the determination of the size and position of apparently unyielded regions as well as the elastic deformation, stress intensity, and the vorticity within of the cavity. Results clearly indicate that the flow pattern is strongly influenced by the elastic (variation of the dimensionless relaxation time, θ0 * ), viscous (variation of the power-law index, n) and kinematic (variation of the dimensionless flow velocity, U* ) effects within the cavity.
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