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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En livsavgörande förändring : En intervjustudie om valet av att genomgå en gastric bypass operation samt den efterföljande livsstilsförändringen

Persson, Maria, Winberg, Lovisa January 2015 (has links)
Dagens samhälle kräver att varje enskild individ måste ta beslut över alla de val som vi ställs inför. När det gäller val som antingen gynnar eller missgynnar vår hälsa är möjligheterna idag oändliga. På grund av detta finns det många som ökar i vikt och därmed kan behöva hjälp med att göra en livsstilsförändring. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka faktorer som kan ha påverkat och motiverat i valet av att göra en gastric bypass operation, samt att urskilja vilka förändringar som följer efter den typen av livsstilsförändring. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes där fyra informanter deltog och studiens data analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet skrevs fram med tre huvudkategorier: Livet innan operationen, Faktorer som påverkat och motiverat till att välja gastric bypass samt Livet efter operationen. Detta visade att informanterna motiverades av deras oro inför den framtida hälsan samt deras förhoppningar om en förändrad framtid, det visade också att deras val påverkades av omgivningen. Sinnesstämningen och den sociala tillhörigheten hade förbättrats efter operationen och livskvaliteten hade ökat. / Today's society requires that each individual has to take decisions on all the choices that we face. When it comes to choices that either benefit or disadvantage our health the possibilities are endless. As a result of this there is a large part of the population that has increased in weight and might need help in making lifestyle changes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that may have influenced and motivated the choice of going through a gastric bypass surgery, and to discern which changes following that kind of lifestyle change. Semi-structured interviews with the four participants were conducted, data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The result was partitioned into three main categories: Life before surgery, Factors that influenced and motivated to choose gastric bypass and Life after surgery. The findings displayed that the participants were motivated by their concern for the future health and their hopes for a changed future, the findings also showed that their choice was influenced by the surroundings. The surgery led to an improvement in mood and social life as well as an increase in quality of life for the participants.

An empirical investigation into the time-use and activity patterns of dual-earner couples with and without young children

Bernardo, Christina 23 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the time-use patterns of adults in dual-earner households with and without children as a function of several individual and household socio-demographics and employment characteristics. A disaggregate activity purpose classification including both in-home and out-of-home activity pursuits is used because of the travel demand relevance of out-of-home pursuits, as well as to examine both mobility-related and general time-use related social exclusion and time poverty issues. The study uses the Nested Multiple Discrete Continuous Extreme Value (MDCNEV) model, which recognizes that time-decisions entail the choice of participating in one or more activity purposes along with the amount of time to invest in each chosen activity purpose, and allows generic correlation structures to account for common unobserved factors that might impact the choice of multiple alternatives. The 2010 American Time Use Survey (ATUS) data is used for the empirical analysis. A major finding of the study is that the presence of a child in dual-earner households not only leads to a reduction in in-home activity participation but also a substantially larger decrease in out-of-home activity participation, suggesting a higher level of mobility-related social exclusion relative to overall time-use social exclusion. To summarize, the results in the thesis underscore the importance of re-designing work policies in the United States to facilitate a reduction in work-family conflict in dual-earner families. / text

Moving towards health promoting schools : spiritual well-being and lifestyle choices in adolescents / Anne Christiane Karstens

Karstens, Anne Christiane January 2006 (has links)
Increasingly adolescents are making unhealthy choices concerning their lifestyle. Behaviour patterns develop which are often carried into adulthood and become an established lifestyle pattern. Examples of these are the abuse of drugs, smoking, alcohol, irresponsible and hazardous sexual behaviour and so forth. It is also reported that young people increasingly contemplate and attempt suicide. It is important to find the reasons for such behaviours. During the last century, spirituality was not regarded as being important in the everyday lives of people. There are however many voices today calling for a reintegration of spirituality into education, health and various other areas of life. The movement of Health Promoting Schools could serve as a basis for reintegrating spirituality into the curriculum. Spirituality can be described as providing primarily meaning, relationship with God and people, a feeling of transcendence and the acquisition of values. These facets of life, neglected and considered unscientific in the positivistic modem era, are now seen as necessary within our post-modem society. The aim of this study was to investigate a possible correlation between the lifestyle choices adolescents make and their spiritual well-being. Both quantitative and qualitative measures were used to investigate the above mentioned correlation. Quantitative results indicated a significant positive correlation between measures of spiritual well-being and risk behaviours. The qualitative analysis indicated that adolescents believe that spiritual values are important when considering meaning in life as well as lifestyle choices. It was concluded that the construct spirituality remains salient in the lives of most adolescents. A possible rationale for integrating spirituality into the practice of Health Promoting Schools was proposed. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

Attitude, perceptions and behaviour towards family planning amongst women attending PMTCT services at Oshakati Intermediate Hospital, Namibia

Akpabio, Alma January 2010 (has links)
<p>Background: About 22.4 million people were living with HIV/AIDS in 2008 out of which women constitute approximately 57%. Namibia is one of the highly affected countries with a national HIV prevalence of 17.8% among women attending antenatal clinics. Antiretroviral medications have become available in Namibia since 2002 and presently all district hospitals and some health centres provide ARVs to those in need. Namibia is rated as one of the few countries in sub-Sahara Africa with a high coverage of ART, with 80% of those in need of ART receiving the treatment. An increasing trend has been observed whereby HIV+ women on ARV are becoming pregnant. Little is known about the attitude, knowledge and behavior of these women towards family planning and use of contraceptives and what barriers they may be facing in accessing these services.Aim: To determine the factors affecting the utilization of family planning services by HIV+ pregnant women receiving PMTCT services. Methodology: The study was a cross sectional study using both quantitative and qualitative methods to assess the critical elements of knowledge, attitude and perceptions of the study participants towards family planning services. The study also assessed the health system and other factors that impact on the use of contraceptives by HIV+ women. It was conducted in northern Namibia at Oshakati Health centre among randomly selected pregnant HIV+ women attending for PMTCT services.Results: Among the 113 respondents, who participated in the study, 97.3% knew at least one method of family planning but only 53.6% actually used any method of contraception prior to current pregnancy. Among the 46.4% who did not use any contraception, the reasons often cited for non-use were because they wanted a baby (52%), spouse objection (10%), being afraid of the effects (14%) and other reasons such as belief, culture and distance to travel to the health facility. 88% of the respondents indicated a willingness to use contraceptives after current pregnancy and expressed general satisfaction with services at the health centre while asking for more information on family planning services.Conclusion: HIV+ women have high awareness on some contraceptives but use of contraceptives is not as high as many of them have a desire to have children for self esteem and leave a legacy for the future. Knowledge of the risks of pregnancy on HIV+ woman may be limited and there is a need to improve educational intervention in this regard as well as integrate family planning services into all HIV/AIDS services.</p>

LA RAZIONALITA'LIMITATA NELLE SCELTE MEDICHE: EURISTICHE, FIDUCIA E PERCEZIONE DEL RISCHIO NEL PROCESSO DECISIONALE / Bounded rationality in medical choices: Heuristics, trust and risk perception in the decision-making process

RIVA, SILVIA 23 February 2012 (has links)
Il presente lavoro si è proposto di indagare il concetto di razionalità limitata nel contesto delle scelte mediche. Sono stati reclutati 80 adulti, senza una storia clinica particolare a cui è stato dapprima somministrato un test virtuale che richiedeva di prendere delle decisioni su alcuni trattamenti e, successivamente, è stata somministrata una intervista semi-strutturata per approfondire il tema della scelta. I principali risultati: in primis, le persone adottano l’uso di euristiche veloci e frugali. In particolare, le persone adottano l’euristica del “Prendi il meglio” considerando, per ogni scelta, un numero limitato di caratteristiche. In secondo luogo, l'uso di euristiche è legato a una razionalità ecologica che adatta le strategie decisionali alla struttura delle informazioni disponibili del contesto ambientale. In questo contesto, se il consiglio del o le informazioni rispetto ai rischi/effetti indesiderati sono disponibili allora essi saranno sempre valutati perché sono caratteristiche fondamentali del processo di scelta. Il consiglio del medico è espressione della fiducia tra medico e paziente. La fiducia è rappresentata da segnali semplici e onesti che il medico è capace di trasmettere e questi segnali formano un canale di comunicazione tra le persone. Infine un altro risultato riguarda la comprensione del rischio associato al consumo di un farmaco che è risultato di difficile comprensione e rappresentazione. / This research aimed at applying the concept of bounded rationality in common medical choices in order to analyse the process by which laypersons make decisions in the field of health. Eighty adults, without a particular disease history were recruited and they were asked to manage both some virtual situations of medical choices and to discuss face to face about their past experiences in medical choices.Three major findings emerged. Firstly, people often use fast and frugal heuristics. In particular, people adopt the rule of the ‘take the best” considering, for each choice, a very limited number of elements to make their decisions. Secondly, the use of heuristics is related with the principle of ecological rationality in which strategies are chosen in connection with the available information of the environmental context. In this context, if “doctor’s advice” as well as “side effects information” are available, they will be always considered because they represent fundamental features of the decision making process. Doctor’s advice is expression of the trust between patient-doctor relationship. Trust is represented by simple and honest signals that the doctor communicates and these signals form an unconscious channel of communication between people. Thirdly, we found that risks associated with treatments are not easy to be conceived by laypersons. It was that people have not in mind a clear definition of the risk implied by medicines and treatment and they show, in average, a scarce interest in risk comprehension.

Moving towards health promoting schools : spiritual well-being and lifestyle choices in adolescents / Anne Christiane Karstens

Karstens, Anne Christiane January 2006 (has links)
Increasingly adolescents are making unhealthy choices concerning their lifestyle. Behaviour patterns develop which are often carried into adulthood and become an established lifestyle pattern. Examples of these are the abuse of drugs, smoking, alcohol, irresponsible and hazardous sexual behaviour and so forth. It is also reported that young people increasingly contemplate and attempt suicide. It is important to find the reasons for such behaviours. During the last century, spirituality was not regarded as being important in the everyday lives of people. There are however many voices today calling for a reintegration of spirituality into education, health and various other areas of life. The movement of Health Promoting Schools could serve as a basis for reintegrating spirituality into the curriculum. Spirituality can be described as providing primarily meaning, relationship with God and people, a feeling of transcendence and the acquisition of values. These facets of life, neglected and considered unscientific in the positivistic modem era, are now seen as necessary within our post-modem society. The aim of this study was to investigate a possible correlation between the lifestyle choices adolescents make and their spiritual well-being. Both quantitative and qualitative measures were used to investigate the above mentioned correlation. Quantitative results indicated a significant positive correlation between measures of spiritual well-being and risk behaviours. The qualitative analysis indicated that adolescents believe that spiritual values are important when considering meaning in life as well as lifestyle choices. It was concluded that the construct spirituality remains salient in the lives of most adolescents. A possible rationale for integrating spirituality into the practice of Health Promoting Schools was proposed. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

Miljömärkningar och medvetenhet : En studie om unga vuxnas medvetenhet kring miljömärkningar / Environmental labels and awareness : A study on awareness of young adults on environmental labels

Mester Pirttijärvi, Josefin January 2014 (has links)
Dagens samhälle är präglat av materialism och dagens konsumtionsmönster är ohållbara ur miljömässig synpunkt. Konsumtionen skapar därmed miljöproblem och ett viktigt styrmedel för att göra den mer hållbar är miljömärkning. Miljömärkta produkter produceras på ett miljöansvarigt sätt utan kemiska bekämpningsmedel och gödsel som är skadliga för både människa och miljö. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka den nuvarande medvetenheten kring miljömärkningar hos unga vuxna på Möckelngymnasiet. Metoden för studien var enkätutdelning till skolklasser som går sista året på gymnasiet. Utfallet av undersökningen visar att medvetenheten kring miljömärkningar är stor hos respondenterna och att respondenterna känner igen många av miljömärkningarna. Allmän kunskap om människans miljöpåverkan och om konsumentansvar visas i de flesta fallen vara knutna till val av miljömärkta produkter. En anledning till att köpa miljömärkta produkter är ansvarskänsla, vilket tyder på ekologiskt medborgarskap hos respondenterna. En anledning till att inte köpa miljömärkta produkter är för högt pris, vilket visar att det kan vara kontextuella faktorer som gör att vissa respondenter inte köper miljömärkta produkter. / Today’s society is characterized by materialism and today’s consumption patterns are unsustainable from an environmental point of view. The consumption is thus creating environmental problems and an important instrument to make it more sustainable is environmental labeling. Environmental labeled products are being produced in an environmental responsible manner without chemical pesticides or manure that both are harmful for humans and the environment. The purpose of this study was to examine the current state of awareness on environmental labels of young adults in a high school called Möckelngymnasiet. The method of the study was to do a survey research in classes with final year high school students. The outcome of the survey shows that the awareness on environmental labels is high among the respondents and that the respondents recognize many of the environmental labels. General knowledge on human’s environmental impact and on responsibility of consumers is shown to in most cases be linked to buying environmental labeled products. One reason to buy environmental labeled products is a sense of responsibility, which indicates on ecological citizenship among the respondents. One reason to not buy environmental labeled products is too high price, which shows that contextual factors can lead to that some respondents not buying environmental labeled products.

An evaluation of the brand campus concept implemented at Mercedes-Benz South Africa : a case study /

Samkange, Tichaona January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.B.A. (Rhodes Investec Business School)) - Rhodes University, 2009. / A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Gênero e perspectivas de escolha de cursos superiores: análise a partir de uma escola de ensino médio integrado à cursos técnicos na área da computação

Firino, Daiane Lins da Silva 28 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Leonardo Cavalcante (leo.ocavalcante@gmail.com) on 2018-05-17T16:39:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Arquivototal.pdf: 3267764 bytes, checksum: ec15b2ca6608bf6f43350a4931df9cdd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-17T16:39:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Arquivototal.pdf: 3267764 bytes, checksum: ec15b2ca6608bf6f43350a4931df9cdd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-28 / Gender issues are present in social relations in an invisible and naturalized way. Therefore, choices and actions are conditioned by the dictates of a patriarchal, androcentric, heteronormative society. Considering that the sexual division is the largest social division of the world today, research on gender conditioning in school and especially in secondary school allows visualizing prejudices and stereotypes in order to seek strategies for gender equity. Along this line, based on a quantiqualitative exploratory and descriptive approach, this dissertation aimed to analyze students’ relationships with technology and choices of higher education, seeking to understand whether they are influenced by gender naturalization and/or stereotypes, leading women to choose traditionally female specializations and occupations, and men to pursue socially prestigious careers that are considered masculine. The students attended an integrated technical/high school offering courses in Informatics, sponsored by the Military Police, located in João Pessoa, in the state of Paraíba, Brazil. A questionnaire was answered by 185 students (1st to 3rd year), 101 female and 84 male. Guided by Content Analysis and gender theories, data analyses are presented in tables and graphs, according to sex and school year. They show that students have a strong connection with technology and that there are gender differences in how they relate to it, one being the propensity of girls to seek information and of boys to seek entertainment when they navigate on the Internet. In addition, the naturalization of gender stereotypes in social relations seems to influence the youngsters’ identification with knowledge areas and thus to reflect on their choices of higher education. Such choices were associated with the feminine attributes of care, leading girls to choose Humanities, Social Sciences and Biology, and with traditional masculine attributes, leading boys to careers in Science and Technology. Thus, it was observed that girls, although enrolled in technical courses in the area of Informatics, do not intend to pursue a career in this area; likewise, the percentage of boys intending to continue in this area was low, raising questions for new investigations. It was also observed the influence of military culture in the school, affecting intentions of professional choices, as the Course of Military Officers was pointed out by both sexes. / Questões de gênero estão presentes nas relações sociais de forma invisível e naturalizada. Dessa forma, as escolhas e o agir são condicionados pelos ditames de uma sociedade patriarcal, androcêntrica e heteronormativa. A divisão sexual é considerada a maior divisão social do mundo atual, portanto pesquisar sobre condicionamentos de gênero na escola e, principalmente, no Ensino Médio permite visibilizar preconceitos e estereótipos para buscar estratégias de equidade de gênero. Diante disso, esta dissertação teve o objetivo de analisar a relação com a tecnologia e as perspectivas de escolha de cursos superiores de jovens estudantes do Ensino Médio integrado à área da Computação da Escola Estadual Estudante Rebeca Cristina Alves Simões/PB, mais conhecida como Escola da Polícia Militar (CPM), buscando compreender se são influenciadas por naturalizações e/ou estereótipos de gênero, levando as mulheres a escolherem cursos/ocupações/especializações tradicionalmente femininos e os homens a buscarem carreiras de prestígio social em redutos considerados masculinos. Para tanto, foram aplicados questionários com 185 estudantes (do 1° ao 3° ano), sendo 101 mulheres e 84 homens. A pesquisa assume uma abordagem quanti/qualitativa e um caráter exploratório e descritivo. Sistematizados em tabelas e gráficos, destacando sexo e série/ano, os dados foram analisados com base na Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin e nas teorizações sobre gênero. A análise evidenciou que os/as estudantes possuem uma forte ligação com a tecnologia e que há diferenças de gênero na forma como estes/estas se relacionam com a mesma, sendo uma delas a propensão das meninas a buscarem informações e dos meninos a buscarem o entretenimento quando navegam na internet. Além disso, verificou-se que a naturalização dos estereótipos de gênero nas relações sociais parece influenciar as identificações dos/as jovens com as áreas do conhecimento e se refletir nas escolhas de cursos superiores. Tais escolhas estavam associadas a atributos de gênero, levando as meninas a escolherem carreiras da área de Ciências Humanas, Sociais e Biológicas, ligadas ao cuidado, e direcionando os meninos para as carreiras de Ciências Exatas e Tecnologia. Dessa forma, percebeu-se que as meninas, mesmo estando inseridas em cursos técnicos da área da Computação, integrados ao Ensino Médio, não pretendem seguir carreira na referida área, mas também o percentual de meninos que pretendem prosseguir nessa área foi baixo, suscitando questionamentos para novas investigações. Também se observou a influência da cultura militar, presente na escola investigada, nas pretensões de escolhas profissionais, pois o Curso de Formação de Oficiais (CFO) obteve destaque entre as escolhas declaradas por ambos os sexos. Palavras chave: Gênero. Escolhas de cursos superiores. Ensino Médio. Computação.

Alfabetização de jovens e adultos: do proposto vivido - um estudo exploratório; Educação; Proposta pedagógica; Concepções; Expectativas; Necessidades

Pasqualini, Fabiana Beumer 24 November 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-12T20:34:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabiana Beumer resumo.pdf: 40742 bytes, checksum: e8d14c609f35067da8ff1eea0611fbee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-11-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The unquietness that motivated the present study can be synthesized on the following question: how much consideration does the school pedagogical proposal take over the conceptions, expectations and needs of the social individuals who make use of it? This unquietness, however, surpasses the need of recognizing in the pedagogical proposal itself the existence of this consideration or not, being supported by the need of identifying the proximities and distances between the proposal and the pedagogical practice, or better, between the proposed and the used one.In this context, to develop a study about proximities and distances between the proposed and used one, the researcher opted for the modality of teenagers and adults, defining as the space of observation, interaction and living, an illiteracy class of adults bound to a public institution from the state, specialized in this education modality, located in Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina. During the period of observation and existence in the illiteracy class of adults it was possible to notice several attempts of approach between the proposal and the pedagogic practice. The distance between the proposed and used one, however, became evident day by day while the teacher kept a work routine that contributed very little to the students, be it among the students, be it among the students and the teacher, be it among the students and the didactic material. The complement of the distinct chapters that compose this study makes possible to understand the way passed by the researcher during her research, the developed and shared learning in the illiteracy class observed, the pointdness of the unquietness that motivated her research and the need of investigation in the professoriate formation to assist them to perceive the importance of their role, their decisions and choices, so that the proposed and the used one may be connected to the contemporary context / A inquietação que motivou o presente estudo pode ser sintetizada na seguinte pergunta: Em que sentido, ou em que dimensão, a proposta pedagógica da escola considera as concepções, expectativas e necessidades dos sujeitos sociais que dela fazem uso? Esta inquietação, porém, extrapola a necessidade de reconhecer na proposta pedagógica propriamente dita a existência ou não desta onsideração, sendo sustentada pela necessidade de identificar as aproximações e o distanciamento entre a proposta e a prática pedagógica, ou seja, entre o proposto e o vivido. Nesse contexto, para desenvolver um estudo sobre as aproximações e os distanciamentos entre o proposto e o vivido, a pesquisadora optou pela modalidade de educação de jovens e adultos, definindo como espaço de observação, interação e vivência, uma classe de alfabetização de adultos vinculada a uma instituição pública estadual especializada nesta modalidade de educação, localizada no município de Rio do Sul em Santa Catarina. No período de observação e vivência na classe de alfabetização de adultos foi possível perceber várias tentativas de aproximação entre a proposta e a prática pedagógica. O distanciamento entre o proposto e o vivido, porém, foi de evidenciando dia-a-dia à medida que a professora mantinha uma rotina de trabalho que pouco contribuía para a construção de um ambiente de aprendizagem interativo, quer entre os alunos, quer entre os alunos e a docente quer entre os alunos e o material didático. A complementaridade dos distintos capítulos que compõem este estudo possibilita compreender o caminho percorrido pela pesquisadora no decorrer de sua pesquisa, a aprendizagem desenvolvida e compartilhada na classe de alfabetização observada. a inquietação que motivou sua pesquisa e a necessidade de investimento na formação do docente para auxiliá-lo na compreensão da importância do seu papel, de suas decisões e escolhas para que o proposto e o vivido estejam conexos com o contexto contemporâneo.

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