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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identification of protein targets of nevirapine reactive metabolites using click chemistry and mass spectrometry-based differential proteomics

Eloraby, Ghada January 2016 (has links)
Abstract : Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are undesirable effects caused after administration of a single dose or prolonged administration of drug or result from the combination of two or more drugs. Idiosyncratic drug reaction (IDR) is an adverse reaction that does not occur in most patients treated with a drug and does not involve the therapeutic effect of the drug. IDRs are unpredictable and often life-threatening. Idiosyncratic reaction is dependent on drug chemical characteristics or individual immunological response. IDRs are a major problem for drug development because they are usually not detected during clinical trials. In this study we focused on IDRs of Nevirapine (NVP), which is a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor used for the treatment of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections. The use of NVP is limited by a relatively high incidence of skin rash. NVP also causes a rash in female Brown Norway (BN) rats, which we use as animal model for this study. Our hypothesis is that idiosyncratic skin reactions associated with NVP treatment are due to post-translational modifications of proteins (e.g., glutathionylation) detectable by MS. The main objective of this study was to identify the proteins that are targeted by a reactive metabolite of Nevirapine in the skin. The specific objectives derived from the general objective were as follow: 1) To implement the click chemistry approach to detect proteins modified by a reactive NVP-Alkyne (NVP-ALK) metabolite. The purpose of using NVP-ALK was to couple it with Biotin using cycloaddition Click Chemistry reaction. 2) To detect protein modification using Western blotting and Mass Spectrometry techniques, which is important to understand the mechanism of NVP induced toxicity. 3) To identify the proteins using MASCOT search engine for protein identification, by comparing obtained spectrum from Mass Spectrometry with theoretical spectrum to find a matching peptide sequence. 4) To test if the drug or drug metabolites can cause harmful effects, as the induction of oxidative stress in cells (via protein glutathionylation). Oxidative stress causes cell damage that mediates signals, which likely induces the immune response. The results showed that Nevirapine is metabolized to a reactive metabolite, which causes protein modification. The extracted protein from the treated BN rats matched 10% of keratin, which implies that keratin was the protein targeted by the NVP-ALK. / Résumé : Les effets indésirables (EI) sont les effets indésirables causés après l'administration d'une dose unique ou une administration prolongée du médicament ou le résultat de la combinaison de deux médicaments ou plus. La Réaction idiosyncratique (IDR) est une réaction indésirable qui ne se produit pas dans la plupart des patients traités avec un médicament et qui ne comporte pas l'effet thérapeutique du médicament. IDR sont imprévisibles et peuvent mettre la vie du malade en danger. Cette réaction dépend des caractéristiques chimiques du médicaments et/ou de la réponse immunitaire individuelle du patient. IDR est un problème majeur pour le développement de médicaments car ils ne sont généralement pas détectés au cours des essais cliniques. Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes concentrés sur la Réaction idiosyncratique de névirapine (NVP) qui est un inhibiteur de transcriptase inverse non nucléosidique utilisé pour le traitement du virus d'immunodéficience humaine (VIH). L'utilisation de NVP est limitée par une incidence relativement élevée d'éruption cutanée. NVP provoque également une éruption cutanée chez les rats femelles de souche Brown Norway. Notre étude vise à mieux comprendre les IDRs induites par l'administration de NVP chez l'animal. La présente étude vise à vérifier l'hypothèse que les problèmes cutanés associés à la prise de NVP soient attribuables à la modification post-traductionnelle de protéines détactable par spectrométrie de masse. Les principaux objectifs de ce projet étaient : 1) Déterminer si la Nevirapine alcynes (NVP-ALK), un analogue de la NVP peut développer la même éruption cutanée que la NVP. La NVP-ALK a été couplé avec de la biotine en utilisant la réaction chimique (click chemistry). 2) Détecter les modifications post-traductionelles des proteines par Western blot et des techniques de spectrométrie de masse, pour comprendre le mécanisme de la toxicité induite par la NVP. 3) Identifier les protéines modifiées en utilisant le moteur de recherche MASCOT pour l'identification des protéines, en comparant le les spectres de masse obtenus avec les spectres théoriques pour trouver une séquence correspondante de peptide. 4) Tester si la NVP et ses métabolites peuvent provoquer des effets nocifs, comme l'induction d'un stress oxydatif dans les cellules (par la mesure de la glutathionylation des protéines). Les résultats ont montré que la névirapine est métabolisé en métabolite réactif ce qui provoque une modification de la kératine. Ainsi nos résultats suggèrent que la kératine est la cible des métabolites de la NVP-ALK.

Synthèse de copolymères thermosensibles par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée RAFT : caractérisation et étude de leur interaction avec des protéines / Synthesis of thermoresponsive copolymers by RAFT polymerization : characterization and study of their interaction with proteins

Ho, The Hien 19 September 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur la synthèse de (co)polymères thermosensibles présentant une fonctionnalité azlactone par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée RAFT pour l’ancrage de biomolécules. Trois stratégies différentes ont été étudiées. La première stratégie a consisté en la synthèse d’un nouvel agent de transfert permettant d’obtenir des polymères thermosensibles à fonctionnalité azlactone en position . La seconde approche a permis d’introduire la fonctionnalité azlactone en position ω de copolymères thermosensibles via la combinaison de la polymérisation RAFT et de l’addition de Michaël « thiol-ène ». La dernière stratégie a conduit à des copolymères thermosensibles à fonctionnalité azlactone en position latérale par copolymérisation RAFT de la 2-vinyl-4,4-diméthylazlactone avec d’autres monomères. Enfin, la réactivité de ces copolymères thermosensibles pour l’ancrage d’une protéine modèle (lysozyme) a été mise en évidence. / The synthesis of well-defined azlactone-functionalized thermoresponsive copolymers was performed using the RAFT polymerization and their interaction with primary amines and proteins was studied. Three different strategies have been developed. The first strategy was based on the synthesis of a novel azlactone-functionalized chain transfer agent which was used to target well defined  azlactone-functionalized thermoresponsive polymers. In the second approach, ω-azlactone-terminated thermoresponsive copolymers were prepared by a combination of RAFT polymerization and “thiol ene” Michaël’s addition. In the last strategy, RAFT copolymerization of 2-vinyl-4,4 dimethylazlactone with other monomers has been performed to target well-defined azlactone functionalized copolymers. Finally, the reactivity of such reactive thermoresponsive copolymers was successfully demonstrated by bioconjugation with a model protein (lysozyme).

Nouveaux dendrigrafts de poly-L-lysine (DGL) fonctionnalisés : vers des architectures de type "Janus" / Novel functional poly-L-lysine dendrigrafts (DGL) : toward "Janus" architectures

Liu, Tao 18 December 2012 (has links)
Les dendrimères de type Janus (à deux faces) prennent une importance croissante du fait de leurs applications thérapeutiques ou diagnostiques potentielles, mais demandent des synthèses multi-étapes laborieuses. Les dendrigrafts de poly-L-Lysine (DGL) récemment découverts proposent une alternative "à faible coût" aux dendrimères. Ces DGL sont préparés par cycles successifs de polycondensation d'un N-carboxyanhydride (Lys(Tfa)NCA) dans l'eau suivie de la déprotection des chaînes latérales. Le spectre d'applications des DGL déjà identifiées s'élargira nettement si l'on parvient à construire des architectures DGL de type "Janus", ce qui requiert de fonctionnaliser le DGL (avec des groupes "clickables") de façon contrôlée, tant au cœur qu'en périphérie.Le chapitre I est une synthèse bibliographique qui montre les principales différences entre dendrimères et dendrigrafts, et qui résume l'état de l'art du domaine en ce qui concerne les matériaux à base de lysine.Le chapitre II étudie la fonctionnalisation périphérique du DGL par la chimie Click-Huisgen (CuAAC), et met en avant l'électrophorèse capillaire (EC) et l'analyse de la dispersion de Taylor (TDA), qui sont des outils efficaces pour caractériser le degré de fonctionnalisation du DGL, en montrant que celle-ci est homogène et régulière.Le Chapitre III est consacré à la synthèse et caractérisation de DGL fonctionnalisés à cœur (par un bras PEG portant un azoture terminal "clickable"), obtenus en modifiant la synthèse des DGL natifs, en particulier via l'amorçage de la condensation de NCA par une amine fonctionnelle. L'accessibilité de la fonction à cœur a été étudiée par réaction Click avec un chromophore, et par des tests de reconnaissance immunochimique en compétition.Enfin le chapitre IV résume notre stratégie de synthèse vers des DGL de type Janus (à deux face) et présente des résultats préliminaires qui valident le concept, avec comme perspective plus lointaine un accès éventuel à des DGL "Janus" à trois faces. / "Janus"-like (double-faced) dendrimers gain increasing attention for their high potential of therapeutic or diagnostic applications, however involving tedious, multistep synthesis. Recently discovered poly-L-lysine dendrigrafts (DGL), prepared through the alternation of N-carboxyanhydride (Lys(Tfa)-NCA) polycondensation in aqueous medium with deprotection of side chain amines, constitute promising "low-cost" equivalents of dendrimers. The already identified spectrum of DGL applications will benefit from an easy access to "Janus"-like DGL architectures, what requires controlled functionalisation (suitable for further click chemistry) of both core and periphery of DGLs.The chapter I is a bibliographic survey of the topic, highlighting the main differences between dendrigrafts and dendrimers, and summarising the state-of the-art about lysine-based materials in both domains.The chapter II investigates the surface functionalisation of DGL by Huisgen Click chemistry (CuAAC), and promotes capillary electrophoresis (CE) and Taylor Dispersion Analysis (TDA) as efficient analytic tools for characterising the functionalisation extent of DGL, thus proving the regularity and homogeneity of surface functionalisation.The chapter III is devoted to the synthesis and characterisation of core-functionalised DGL (bearing a PEG2–4 spacer with a clickable azido endgroup), through a modification of the "native" DGL synthetic route, involving initiation of NCA polycondensation in water by a functional amine. The DGL core group accessibility was assessed by click coupling with a chromophore group, and by immunochemical competition assays, concluding that a sufficiently long PEG linker ensures good core group accessibility.The chapter IV outlines the synthetic route toward double faced Janus DGL and presents preliminary results as a proof of the concept. Further, this synthetic strategy might potentially be extended to three-faced Janus DGL.

Élaboration de nouveaux biopolyesters bactériens fonctionnalisés pour des applications dans le domaine biomédical / élaboration of new functionalized bacterial biopolyesters for biomedical applications

Lemechko, Pierre 13 July 2012 (has links)
Les poly(3-hydroxyalcanoate)s ou PHAs sont des biopolyesters linéaires biodégradables et biocompatibles synthétisés par des microorganismes bactériens en tant que réserve de carbone et d'énergie. Ils sont synthétisés par des bactéries à partir de ressources renouvelables et la diversité de leurs structures possibles se traduit par un large éventail de polymères ayant des propriétés mécaniques très différentes. Nous avons tout d'abord testé les capacités de production de PHAs de nouvelles souches bactériennes marines provenant de tapis microbiens de Polynésie française, en utilisant, entre autres, des substrats naturels comme l'huile de coprah, le glucose et l'acide oléique. Nous avons notamment montré que la souche Pseudomonas guezennei est capable de produire des PHAs avec des taux d'insaturation contrôlés et de masse molaire très élevée. Puis, des oligomères de PHAs fonctionnalisés de structures contrôlées portant des fonctions terminales alcynes ou alcènes ont été préparés par transestérification. Ces oligomères ont ensuite été utilisés pour l'élaboration par chimie click de copolymères amphiphiles greffés EPS-g-PHA avec des exopolysaccharides (EPS) bactériens. Enfin la dernière partie de ces travaux a consisté en la réalisation d'un support de croissance pour le développement de cellules souches pour l'ingénierie tissulaire combinant les propriétés mécaniques des PHAs et les propriétés hydrophiles et bioactives des EPS / Poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate)s, or PHAs, are linear biodegradable and biocompatible biopolyesters synthesized by bacterial microorganisms as energy and carbon supply. They are synthesized by bacteria from renewable resources and the diversity of the achievable structures leads to a large range of mechanical properties. First, we studied the PHAs production ability of several new marine bacteria strains, isolated from microbial mats from French Polynesia, using, among others, natural substrates such as coprah oil, glucose and oleic acid. We showed particularly that the strain Pseudomonas guezennei was able to produce PHAs with controlled amounts of insaturations and high molar masses. Then, we prepared functionalized PHAs oligomers with controlled structure and bearing a terminal alkyne or alkene function. Following that, these oligomers were used to elaborate amphiphilic by click chemistry graft copolymers EPS-g-PHA with bacterial exopolysaccharide (EPS). Finally, the last part of this work was the making of a scaffold for stem cell culture for tissue engineering which combined the mechanical properties of PHAs and the hydrophilicity and bioactive properties of EPS

Nanoparticules polymères de deuxième et troisième générations pour des applications thérapeutiques anti-cancer et anti-HIV / Second and third generation of polymeric nanoparticles for therapeutical applications anti-cancer and anti-HIV

Laville, Maxime 22 February 2013 (has links)
Les travaux portent sur l'élaboration de nanoparticules dont le coeur polyester (PLA) est recouvert d'une couche polysaccharide hydrophile à base de dextrane. Des composés amphiphiles polysaccharidiques (DexC6, DexN3, Dex-g-PLA-g-N3) ont été synthétisés et leur comportement tensioactif a été évalué. Cette capacité à stabiliser les interfaces a été mise à contribution pour élaborer les nanoparticules via deux procédés: émulsion/évaporation de solvant organique et nanoprécipitation. Un peptide inhibiteur de la dimérisation de la protéase du VIH-1 (Pam-LEY), a alors été encapsulé au sein de nanoparticules PLA recouvertes de DexC6. Bien que stable en milieu aqueux de haute force ionique (4M), la désorption de la couronne physiquement adsorbée est observée en présence de SDS. La Chimie-click a été une alternative pour fixer cette couronne polysaccharidique hydrophile de façon irréversible à la surface des nanoparticules selon 2 stratégies. D'une part, des copolymères organosolubles Dex-g-PLA-g-N3 ont été présynthétisés par Chimie-click puis nanoprécipités dans l'eau. L'autre méthode consiste à émulsionner une solution aqueuse de DexN3 et une solution organique de PLA alpha-alcyne en présence de CuBr. Une chimie-click se produit alors in situ à l'interface liquide/liquide, et assure le lien covalent entre le coeur et la couronne de la nanoparticule. La Chimie-click nous a également permis d'obtenir des nanoparticules possédant des fonctions azide résiduelles à leur surface. Une post-fonctionnalisation de ces dernières à été réalisée avec un dérivé d'ATWLPPR, un peptide ciblant les co-récepteurs NRP-1 de VEGF surexprimés au niveau des néo-vaissaux irriguant les tumeurs cancéreuses / This work deals with biodegradable/biocompatible polymeric nanoparticles based on PLA and covered by a polysccharidic shell (dextran). First of all, amphiphilic dextran derivatives (DexC6, DexN3, Dex-g-PLA-g-N3) have been produced and their surfactive properties have been evaluated depending on their architecture and substitution degree. Then we took advantages of their ability to stabilize interfaces to formulate nanoparticles via two processes: emulsion/organic solvent evaporation and nanoprecipitation. Pam-LEY, peptide used as HIV-1 protease dimerisation inhibitor, was encapsulated with 40% efficiency into PLA nanoparticules covered by DexC6. Because this DexC6 surface is just physically adsorbed on the PLA core, a desorption is observed in presence of SDS. The use of Click-chemistry was judged interesting to solve that issue and to covalently link the hydrophilic polysaccharidic shell to the PLA core. Two strategies could be opposed. One one hand, oil-soluble Dex-g-PLA-g-N3 copolymers have been synthesized by click chemistry in homogeneous media and then nanoprecipitated in water. On other hand, an hydrophilic DexN3 has been emulsified with a alpha-alkyne PLA organic solution, in the presence of CuBr. By this way, click-chemistry occured in situ, at liquid/liquid interface during the emulsification step. Produced triazole rings link the core to the shell.Moreover, the use of the Huisgen cycloaddition reaction allowed us to produce nanoparticles having some residual azide functions on their surface. The nanoparticles have been post-fonctionnalized by a peptide used to target NRP-1, co-receptor of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor over-exprimed on the cancer tumors area

Approche multivalente des interactions saccharides - lectines : synthèse de glycoclusters et analyse de la reconnaissance biomoléculaire / Multivalency in carbohydrate-lectins interactions : glycoclusters synthesis and analysis of biomolecular recognition events.

Cecioni, Samy 13 December 2010 (has links)
L'interaction non-covalente entre un ligand et un récepteur selon un modèle clé-serrure constitue une des bases essentielles de tout système biologique. La présence de multiples clés et serrures sur les biomolécules conduit à des interactions multivalentes. Les lectines sont très fréquemment structurées en homo-multimères et sont donc des cibles de choix pour l'étude des interactions avec des structures multivalentes glycosylées. Ligands et récepteurs multivalents peuvent obéir à plusieurs mécanismes d'association conduisant à des profils thermodynamiques et cinétiques permettant de rationnaliser les améliorations spectaculaires d'affinité souvent observées. L'utilisation de ligands de faible valence et de petite taille permet une présentation contrôlée des sucres au travers d'une structure unique bien définie. Ces glycoclusters sont des plateformes adaptées à l'étude de l'influence de la topologie de la présentation des sucres sur l'interaction. La synthèse de glycoclusters a été optimisée selon une voie convergente de glycosylation puis de couplage par CuAAC permettant la synthèse de structures multi-glycosylées telles que des calix[4]arènes de différentes conformations, des peptoïdes linéaires et cycliques ou encore des porphyrines. Ces ligands ont été évalués par quatre techniques d'analyse des interactions (HIA, ELLA, SPR, ITC) principalement en présence de la lectine PA-IL de Pseudomonas aeruginosa mais également avec la Galectine-1 humaine et la lectine d'Erythrina cristagalli (légumineuse). Des glycoclusters de seconde génération ont été ensuite été préparés avec l'objectif d'optimiser les composantes enthalpiques et entropiques de l'interaction. Les résultats indiquent que de légères modifications de la présentation des sucres peuvent induire des mécanismes d'association différents. La conception de structures rigidifiées a révélé des profils thermodynamiques contre-intuitifs qui ont pu être modélisés. Par cette étude, plusieurs ligands ont montré des affinités sans précédent pour la lectine PA-IL. Le meilleur ligand multivalent de première génération a confirmé un potentiel thérapeutique prometteur in vivo. / Following Fischer's “lock-key“ concept, non-covalent interactions between a ligand and its receptor is one of the most fundamental process of any biological system. The presence of multiple keys and locks at the surface of many biomolecules leads to multivalent interactions. Lectins are appropriate partners for the study of multivalent interactions with multivalent glycoconjugates since lectins are generally organized as homomultimers. Association of ligands and receptors can occur through several mechanisms leading to distinct thermodynamic and kinetic patterns. Thermodynamic and kinetic parameters often rationalize the impressive affinity improvement observed in the context of multivalent interactions. Small and low valency multivalent ligands provide a neat organization of carbohydrates through a single well-defined structure. These glycoclusters are appropriate probes for studying the influence of the overall topology on the interaction. Glycocluster synthesis was optimized according to a convergent strategy consisting of a glycosidation reaction followed by multiple CuAAC couplings. This strategy yielded a library of glycoclusters based on conformers of calix[4]arenes, linear and cyclic peptoids and porphyrins scaffolds. Glycoclusters were evaluated thanks to a combination of four biochemical techniques (HIA, ELLA, SPR, ITC) mainly versus PA-IL, a tetrameric lectin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Further investigations of these ligands were performed with a plant lectin from Erythrina cristagalli and with human galectin-1. Second generation glycoclusters were prepared in order to optimize enthalpic and entropic contributions to the interaction. Results indicate that a slight modification of the glycocluster topology could induce different mechanisms. The design of glycoclusters with stiffened linkers highlights unexpected entropic patterns. Molecular modeling of these linkers provided rationalization of these entropic patterns on the basis of Boltzmann distribution. This work present glycoclusters with an unprecedented affinity for PA-IL. The best first generation glycocluster confirmed promising therapeutic potentialities in vivo.

PEGylated cationic polyacrylates for transfection : synthesis, characterization, DNA complexation and cytotoxicity / Polyacrylate cationiques PEGylés pour la transfection : synthèse, caractérisation, complexation avec l'ADN et cytotoxicité

Le Bohec, Maël 30 October 2017 (has links)
Le développement de la thérapie génique dépend des systèmes utilisés pour le transport de gènes vers les cellules eucaryotes. Les systèmes à base de virus sont les plus efficaces. Cependant, il est urgent de trouver une alternative à de tels systèmes viraux pathogènes et oncogènes. Les polymères cationiques sont des vecteurs synthétiques prometteurs ; toutefois, une question cruciale reste en suspens : quelle structure de polymère cationique visée pour une efficacité de transfection élevée et une faible cytotoxicité ? Face à ce questionnement scientifique, de nouveaux polymères cationiques offrant une grande flexibilité en termes de structure et de fonctionnalité sont développés dans cette thèse. Les différents paramètres structuraux pertinents étudiés sont : (i) des entités amines primaire et tertiaire pH-sensibles pour la complexation de l'ADN et pour la libération des polyplexes ADN/polymère, (ii) un groupe alcyne destiné à l’ancragepar chimie click de ligands capables de viser des récepteurs spécifiques de membrane cellulaire pour une reconnaissance efficace des cellules, (iii) des entités polyacrylates à « charge modulable » pour libérer l'ADN et diminuer la cytotoxicité du polymère et (iv) un poly (oxyde d'éthylène) (PEGylation) pour une meilleure stabilité en milieu physiologique et une meilleure biocompatibilté. / The clinical success of gene therapy is really dependent on the development of new efficient gene transfer systems. Viral-based gene transfer systems are remarkably efficient in transfecting body cells. However, viral-based systems raised some concerns in terms of immunogenicity, pathogenicity, and oncogenicity. Cationic polymers are promising candidates as they show low host immunogenicity, are cheaper and easier to produce in a large scale than viral ones. However, a crucial question is still pending: which cationic polymer structures and functionalities give the highest transfection efficiency and the lowest cytotoxicity? In dealing with this scientific issue, new cationic polymers with key structural parameters and functionalities were developped during this PhD thesis. The key structural features studied are : (i) pH sensitive primary and tertiary amine entities for DNA complexation and to ensure the endosomal escape, (ii) an alkyne group to attach ligands capable to target specific cell membrane receptors for an efficient cell recognition and receptor-mediated cellularuptake, (iii) “charge-shifting” amino-based polyacrylates for DNA release and to decrease cytotoxicity and (iv) PEG chains (PEGylation) to achieve high stability, longer circulation in physiological conditions and a better biocompatibility. The synthesis of such multi-structural cationic polymers has been achieved through the combination of RAFT polymerization and thiol-yne click coupling reaction. The structure/complexation and the structure/cells viability relationships have been investigated during this work.

Síntese de imunoaçúcares modificados e avaliação da atividade biológica / Synthesis of modified iminosugars and its biological evaluation

Zamoner, Luis Otavio Bunhotto 08 March 2012 (has links)
Glucosidases são enzimas que catalisam a hidrólise de ligações glicosídicas liberando unidades monossacarídicas de um terminal não redutor de um oligossacarídeo ou glicoconjugado. Iminoaçúcares são alcalóides piperidínicos polihidroxilados isolados de plantas (gênero Morus) e microrganismos (Bacillus), como nojirimicina (NJ) (1) e 1-desoxinojirimicina (DNJ) (2), os quais são descritos como inibidores de glucosidase. O potencial uso destes inibidores no tratamento de infecções virais, crescimento tumoral, metástases, diabetes, doença de Gaucher e osteoartrite tem motivado a comunidade científica na busca por novos derivados iminoaçúcares. Desse modo, a síntese de pseudodissacarídeos, contendo ambos resíduos de iminoaçúcar e glicopiranose, constitui uma estratégia interessante de obtenção desses derivados, apesar dos desafios envolvidos na geração da ligação entre estes dois açúcares. Por esta razão, foi utilizada a estratégia de click chemistry como uma ferramenta para introduzir uma ponte de grupo 1,2,3-triazol entre os açúcares a partir do acoplamento de azido-glicosídeo com N-propargil-iminoaçúcar. Desta forma, a síntese do iminoaçúcar N-propargílico (73), com função acetileno terminal, foi realizada em cinco etapas e foi usado na reação de cicloadição 1,3- dipolar com três derivados glicosídicos contendo grupo azido nas posições anomérica (C-1), C-3 ou C-6. A partir desta reação CuAAC (Copper(I)-catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition), três novos pseudo-dissacarídeos (77, 81 e 85) foram sintetizados em rendimentos moderados e foram, então, avaliados em ensaios de - D-glucosidase isolada de Sacharomyces cerevisiae. Nestes testes preliminares, o composto 77 foi o mais ativo, o qual foi capaz de inibir a atividade da enzima em 40% a 1mM. Esses resultados encorajam a realização de novos experimentos, principalmente, a determinação de Ki e avaliação da atividade relativa à replicação do vírus HIV. Portanto, a obtenção destes pseudodissacarídeos trouxe uma contribuição importante no que diz respeito à química de carboidratos e também ao tratamento das doenças citadas. / Glucosidases are enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds releasing monosaccharide units from a non-reducing end of an oligosaccharide or glycoconjugate. Iminosugars are polihydroxilate piperidinic alkaloids isolated from plants (Morus alba) and microorganisms (Bacillus), such as nojirimicin (NJ) (1) and 1- deoxynojirimicin (2), which are described as glucosidase inhibitors. The potential use of these inhibitors in the treatment of viral infection, tumoral growing, metastasis, diabetes, Gaucher´s disease and osteoarthritis has stimulated the scientific community on the search for novel iminosugar derivatives. Thereby, the synthesis of pseudodisaccharides, having both iminosugar and glycopyranose residues, represents an interesting strategy to obtain these derivatives, despite the challenges involved in generating the link between these two sugars. For this reason, we have used click chemistry as a tool to introduce a 1,2,3-triazole bridge between the sugars from the coupling of azide-glycosides with N-propargyl-iminosugar. Thus, the synthesis of N-propargyl-iminosugar (73), containing the terminal acetylene function, was performed in five steps, and was used in the 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction with three glycosidic derivatives containing the azide group at anomeric (C-1), C-3 or C-6 positions. By applying this CuAAC (Copper(I)-catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition), three novel pseudo-disaccharides (77, 81 and 85) were synthesized in moderate yields and then, evaluated in -D-glucosidase assays isolated from Sacharomyces cerevisiae. In these preliminary test, compound 77 was the most active from the series, which was able to inhibit 40% of the enzyme activity at 1 mM. These results encourage us to perform new experiments, notably the determination of Ki and evaluation towards HIV replication. Thus, a contribution regarding carbohydrate chemistry and treatment of the supracited diseases was achieved by the synthesis of these pseudodisaccharides.

Funcionalização de eletrodos via redução eletroquímica de derivado de arildiazônio-4,4-bipiridina e sua aplicação na construção de um biossensor de lactose baseado na imobilização / Functionalization of electrodes by electrochemical reduction of aryldiazonium-4,4\'-bipyridine derivative and its application for the construction of a lactose biosensor based on the immobilization of Galectin-1 fused to Maltose Binding Protein (MBP-Gal-1)

Gomes, Miquéias Ferreira 08 March 2019 (has links)
A proteína de ligação a maltose (MBP) é amplamente conhecida na literatura como um marcador para métodos de purificação de afinidade e é freqüentemente fusionada a proteínas relevantes para melhorar seu rendimento, facilitando sua purificação e aumentando sua estabilidade e solubilidade. Por outro lado, foi relatado que o nitrogênio piridínico não quaternizado do filme eletropolimerizado com N-(3-pirrol-1-ilpropil)-4,4\'-bipiridínio (PPB) desempenhou um papel importante na imobilização da proteína de ligação da maltose (MBP). Neste trabalho relatamos a modificação do eletrodo de carbono vítreo (CV) pela redução eletroquímica do derivado de arildiazônio piridínico gerado in situ e seu uso na imobilização da proteína MBP fusionada à galectina-1 (MBP-Gal-1). Resultados de voltametria cíclica mostraram formação de monocamadas com carga positiva sobre CV e que o nitrogênio não quaternizado da piridina estava disponível após a modificação. Os resultados da Espectroscopia de Capacitância Eletroquímica (ECC) indicaram que o domínio do MBP foi importante para a interação do eletrodo modificado. O tempo de imobilização e a concentração de proteína fusionada também foram relevantes para a cinética e os resultados sugeriram uma saturação em 40 minutos de interação, utilizando 5 mol L-1 de MBP-Gal-1. Experimentos de detecção de lactose indicaram que a atividade da galectina-1 foi preservada após a imobilização. A reação click realizada para promover a inclusão da maltose na superfície desse eletrodo modificado gerou resultados significativamente melhores quando comparados aos do eletrodo sem a maltose ligada em sua superfície: a proteína fusionada MBP-Gal-1 demonstrou um aumento de 62% na imobilização. Também foram observados aumentos na sensibilidade para detecção de lactose (72%) e na especificidade de interação com este mesmo carboidrato (77%) / Maltose Binding Protein (MBP) is widely known in the literature as a tag for affinity purification methods and it is often fused to relevant proteins to improve its yield, facilitating its purification and enhance its stability and solubility. On the other hand, it was reported that the nonquaternized pyridine nitrogen from N-(3-pyrrol-1-ylpropyl)-4,4-bipyridinium electropolymerized film (PPB) played an important role for the immobilization of maltose binding protein (MBP). In this work we reported the glassy carbon electrode (GCE) modification by electrochemical reduction of pyridinium diazonium salt derivative generated in situ and its use on MBP fused to Galectin-1 protein (MBP-Gal-1) immobilization. Cyclic voltammetry results showed a positively charged monolayer formation onto GCE and that nonquaternized pyridine nitrogen was available after modification. Electrochemical Capacitance Spectroscopy (ECS) results indicated that the MBP domain was important for the modified electrode interaction. Immobilization time and the fused protein concentration were also relevant to the kinetics and the results suggested a monolayer saturation in 40 minutes of interaction, using 5 mol L-1 MBP-Gal-1. The click reaction performed to promote the inclusion of maltose on the surface of this modified electrode generated better results when compared to those of the electrode without maltose bounded to its surface: the MBP-Gal-1 fused protein demonstrated a 62% increase in immobilization. Increases in sensitivity for lactose detection (72%) and specificity of interaction with this same carbohydrate (77%) were also observed

Funcionalização de 3,4,6-tri-O-acetil-D-glucal via click chemistry e reações de acoplamento cruzado catalizado por paládio / Functionalization of 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-D-glucal via click chemistry and palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions

Shamim, Anwar 25 July 2017 (has links)
A funcionalização de 3,4,6-tri-O-acetil-D-glucal foi realizada utilizando reações de acoplamento cruzado (Sonogashira e Stille), ciclo-adições de azida-alcino (Click chemistry) e ciclização nucleófila promovida por eletrófilo. Utilizando estas reações juntamente com as já referidas transformações de grupos funcionais e reações de rearranjo de Ferrier, as bibliotecas de compostos à base de glucal foram sintetizadas e observadas em algumas moléculas fluorescência e outras foram disponibilizadas para avaliação de atividade biológica. Na primeira parte, foram sintetizadas bibliotecas de derivados de bis- e tris-triazolil-glicosila a partir de 3,4,6-tri-O-acetil-D-glucal utilizando as reações acima mencionadas. A segunda parte deste trabalho consiste em sintetizar uma biblioteca de derivados glucal de 2-alquinilo usando um acoplamento de Sonogashira livre de cobre e ligante, seguido por aplicações sintéticas destes alquinos glucais. A hidrostanação regioselectiva catalisada por paládio destes glucanos 2-alquinilo foi realizada utilizando hidreto de tributilestanho para gerar uma biblioteca de derivados estanil regioisoméricos de glucal. Além disso, estes derivados de 2-alquinil-glucal sintetizados na primeira parte também foram utilizados na ciclização nucleofílica 5-endo-dig promovida por eletrófilos para proporcionar derivados de glucal bicíclicos. Na parte final, os derivados de estanho de glucal foram utilizados para sintetizar bibliotecas de derivados de 2-alcenil glucal substituído. Esta parte inclui também transformações de grupos funcionais e acoplamentos cruzados (Stille e Sonogashira), bem como click chemistry para gerar bibliotecas de derivados de 2-alquenil-D-glucal alquinilo e triazolilo substituídos. Na maioria dos casos os produtos foram obtidos em rendimentos muito bons a excelentes que foram analisados utilizando RMN, Infra vermehlo, espectrometria de massas de alta resolução e outras técnicas analíticas quando aplicável. / Functionalization of 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-D-glucal has been performed using cross-coupling (Sonogashira and Stille) reactions, azide-alkyne cycloadditions (Click chemistry) and electrophile-promoted nucleophilic alkyne cyclizations. Using these reactions along with the already reported functional group transformations (FGT) and Ferrier rearrangement reactions, libraries of glucal-based compounds were synthesized with members of characteristic photophysical and potential biological properties. In the first part, the synthesis of libraries of bis- and tris-triazolyl glycosyl derivatives is described starting from 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-D-glucal using the above-mentioned reactions. In the second part of this work, the synthesis of a library of 2-alkynyl glucal derivatives using a copper and ligand-free Sonogashira coupling, followed by synthetic applications of these glucal alkynes is reported. Palladium-catalyzed regioselective hydrostannation of these 2-alkynyl glucals was performed using tributyltin hydride to generate a library of regioisomeric stannyl derivatives of glucal. Moreover, these 2-alkynyl glucal derivatives synthesized in the first part were also used in electrophile-promoted nucleophilic 5-endo-dig cyclization to afford bicyclic glucal derivatives. In the final part, the use of stannyl derivatives of glucal to synthesize libraries of substituted 2-alkenyl glucal derivatives is described. This part also includes certain functional group transformations and cross-couplings (Stille and Sonogashira) as well as click chemistry to generate libraries of alkynyl and triazolyl substituted 2-alkenyl-D-glucal derivatives. In most of the cases, the products were obtained in very good to excellent yields and were analyzed using 1H NMR, 13C NMR, FTIR, HRMS, and other analytic techniques where applicable

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