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Desenvolvimento de metaloclusters terpiridínicos automontados para aplicação em dispositivos moleculares / Develop ing self -assembled terpyridine metal o clusters for application in molecular devicesRodrigo Garcia Velho 25 March 2014 (has links)
Os Clusters de acetato de rutênio de fórmula geral [Ru3O(AcO)6L3]n proporcionam blocos de montagem interessantes para sistemas supramoleculares, exibindo características eletrocrômicas e redox reversível, cobrindo uma ampla faixa de potenciais em solventes aquosos e orgânicos. Nesta Tese, estas espécies foram combinadas com o ligante tridentado, 4\'-piridil-2,2\':6\',2\"-terpiridina (pytpy), produzindo complexos do tipo [Ru3O(AcO)6(pytpy)3]n e [Ru3O(AcO)6(py)2(pytpy)]n, que foram totalmente caracterizados em estado sólido e solução. Nestes complexos a terpiridina permanece disponível para ligar-se a íons metálicos como o Fe(II), gerando um complexo binuclear de baixo spin muito estável, do tipo {Fe[Ru3O(AcO)6(py)2(pytpy)]2}n. Este processo pode ser monitorado eletroquimicamente, partindo de íons Fe(III), que exibem uma baixa afinidade pela terpiridina central, e ciclando o potencial para gerar íons de Fe(II). Desta forma, pode-se executar um procedimento típico de click chemistry, que leva a uma estrutura estendida, Fe-cluster-pytpy na superfície do eletrodo. Este filme conserva a funcionalidade dos blocos de montagem, permitindo aplicações interessantes em dispositivos moleculares, tais como sensores e smart Windows. / Ruthenium acetate clusters of general formula [Ru3O(AcO)6L3]n provide interesting building blocks for assembling supramolecular systems, displaying reversible redox and electrochromic characteristics, over a wide range of potentials in aqueous and organic solvents. In this thesis, such species has been combined with the tritopic, 4\'-pyridil-2,2\':6\',2\"-terpiridine (pytpy) ligand, yielding complexes of the type [Ru3O(AcO)6(pytpy)3]n and [Ru3O(AcO)6(py)2(pytpy)]n, which have been fully characterized in solid state and solution. In these complexes, the terpyridine moiety remains available for binding metals ions, such as Fe(II), generating very stable, low spin binuclear complexes, of the type n. This process can be monitored electrochemically, starting from Fe(III) ions, which exhibits a much lower affinity for the terpyridine center, and cycling the potentials in order to generate Fe(II) ions. In this way, one can start a click chemistry, ending up with an extended structure of Fe-cluster-pytpy film at the electrode surface. This film preserves the functionality of the building block complexes, a llowing many possible applications in molecular devices, such as sensors and smart windows.
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Estudo computacional de clusters de alumínio, Aln(+,0,-) , n = 2 - 30 / Computational Study of aluminium clusters, Aln(+,0,-), n = 2 - 30Diógenes Mendes Araújo 18 December 2015 (has links)
Nesta tese investigamos computacionalmente clusters de Aln(+,0,-), n = 2-30, com especial interesse em entender aspectos fundamentais de suas propriedades em função do número de átomos e da carga total. Clusters de Aln(+,0,-) podem variar suas propriedades completamente com a adição de um átomo ou um elétron. Essas características permitem que atuem em nanocatálise, como ácidos ou bases de Lewis ou como substrato para adsorção de compostos orgânicos e inorgânicos. Apesar das propriedades dos clusters os tornarem ótimos materiais para inúmeras aplicações, a síntese desses materiais é desafiadora, podendo ser realizada por métodos químicos ou físicos. Os métodos físicos se baseiam na vaporização a laser, e em geral é utilizado um espectrômetro de massa para segregar as partículas, enquanto os métodos químicos compreendem a síntese por meio de nucleação e banhos químicos usando agentes redutores gerando clusters passivados ou suportados por substratos. Apesar de haver muitos estudos experimentais e computacionais investigando propriedades estruturais, eletrônicas e energéticas de clusters de Alumínio como distorção janh-Teller, energia de ionização e afinidade eletrônica, poucos foram realizados priorizando a análise da estrutura eletrônica visando investigar a relação entre suas propriedades e as ligações químicas. Dessa forma, o objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar as propriedades estruturais, energéticas e eletrônicas de clusters Aln(+,0,-) , n = 2 - 30, reunindo evidências que explicam a natureza de suas ligações químicas em função do número de átomos e da carga total. As propriedades estruturais compreendem distância média, número de coordenação efetivo e distorções Janh-Teller. As propriedades energéticas envolvem energia de estabilização por átomos, energia de dissociação e função de estabilidade. As propriedades eletrônicas englobam a energia de ionização, a afinidade eletrônica, os orbitais de fronteira, a densidade de estados, além da análise da densidade eletrônica por meio da teoria de átomos em moléculas (AIM), a análise decomposição energética por interação quântica entre átomos (IQA), a análise da função de localização eletrônica (ELF), a investigação da ordem de ligação pelo índice de Mayer, a análise da ligação química pelo método de particionamento da densidade natural adaptada (AdNDP) e análise dos orbitais naturais de ligações (NBO). As estruturas iniciais dos clusters de Aln(+,0,-) foram obtidas pelo algoritmo de busca configuracional Revised Basin-Hopping Monte Carlo (RBHMC), e posteriormente otimizados pelo modelo computacional TPSSh/def2-TZVPP, esta estratégia gerou resultados de energia de ionização e afinidade eletrônica mais próximos de valores experimentais que os modelos MP2/def2-TZVPP, PBE0/def2-TZVPP, BP/def2-TZVPP e B3LYP/def2-TZVPP. Nós observamos considerável influência da carga total e do número de átomos sobre a geometria dos clusters investigados. A distância de ligação média e o número de coordenação efetivo permitiram caracterizar clusters com estrutura planar, estrutura tridimensional, e também regiões de transição entre essas geometrias por meio da simples análise do gráfico dessas propriedades em função do número de átomos. A energia de ligação por átomos revelou que a estabilização desses clusters cresce rapidamente até Al12(+,0,-) , e a partir de então, se aproxima lentamente do valor da fase bulk conforme cresce o número de átomos. A função de estabilidade revelou que a estabilização de clusters está relacionada com a sua estrutura eletrônica, revelando que alguns clusters Aln(+,0,-), n = 2 - 30, são mais estáveis que os vizinhos mais próximos, em acordo com a sugestão dos números mágicos inicialmente aplicados para clusters de sódio e potássio. A energia de ionização e a afinidade eletrônica calculadas por TPSSh/def2-TZVPP para os clusters investigados forneceram resultados muito próximo dos valores experimentais, o comportamento oscilante dessas propriedades foram associados a padrões de crescimento baseado em icosaedros, decaedros e tetraedros por alguns autores e concordam com os nossos resultados. Os orbitais de fronteira e a densidade de estados dos clusters Al13(+,0,-) indicam que o HOMO apresenta contribuição preponderante dos orbitais pi. A teoria quântica de átomos em moléculas revelou que a força das interações químicas está associada à deslocalização eletrônica nos clusters investigados que cresce na seguinte ordem Aln+ < Aln0 < Aln-. E o caráter covalente nesses clusters é maior para os cátions que para os neutros e ânions. Esses resultados conferem maior caráter metálico aos clusters Aln- que aos demais clusters carregados e neutros, confirmados pelo método ELF. O método de partição energética IQA mostrou que a contribuição energética preponderante para a estabilização das interações químicas nos clusters Aln(+,0,-), n = 2 - 7, é a energia de troca responsável pelo caráter covalente, enquanto a contribuição iônica é oriunda da energia cinética eletrônica que apresenta caráter desestabilizante ou repulsivo para os clusters Aln(+,0,-), (n = 2 - 4 e 6 - 7), por outro lado, essa contribuição é estabilizante, mesmo que muito pouco para os clusters Al5(+,0,-) e consideravelmente estabilizante para as interações nos clusters Al13(+,0,-), sendo importante para o aumento da deslocalização eletrônica confirmada pela presença de aromaticidade tridimensional investigada pelos métodos ELF, AdNDP e NICS. / In this thesis we investigate computationally Aln(+,0,-) , n = 2 - 30 clusters with special interest in understand the fundamental aspects of theirs properties in function of number of atoms and of total charge. Aln(+,0,-) clusters can vary its properties completely through the addition of an atom or an electron. These features allow them to act at nanocatalysis such as acids or basis of Lewis or such as substrate for adsorption of organic and inorganic compounds. Despite the properties of clusters become them optimal materials for numerous applications, the synthesis of these materials is challenging, it can be performed by chemical or physical methods. Physical methods are based on laser vaporization and generally used a mass spectrometer to segregate the particles, while chemical methods include comprise through nucleation and chemical baths using reducing agents generating passivated clusters or supported by substrates. Although there are many experimental and computational studies investigating structural, electronic and energetic properties of Aluminum clusters such as Jahn-Teller distortion, ionization energy and electron affinity, few were performed prioritizing the analysis of the electronic structure and to assess the relationship between its properties and the chemical bonds. This form the objective this work was investigate the structural, energetic and electronic properties of Aln(+,0,-), n = 2 - 30 clusters gathering evidence to explain the nature of their chemical bonds in function of the number of atoms and of total charge. The structural properties include average distance, effective coordination number and Janh-Teller distortions. The energetic properties involve stabilization energy of atoms, dissociation energy and stability function. The electronic properties include the ionization energy and electron affinity, frontier orbitals, density of states, as well as analysis of the electron density through the atoms in molecules (AIM) theory, the analysis by interacting quantum atoms (IQA), the analysis of electron localization function (ELF), the investigation of binding order by Mayer index, the analysis of chemical bonding by adaptive natural density partitioning method (AdNDP) and analysis of natural bond orbital (NBO). The initial structures of clusters Aln(+,0,-) were obtained by algorithm of configuracional search Revised Basin-Hopping Monte Carlo (RBHMC), and subsequently optimized by computational model TPSSh/def2-TZVPP, this strategy performed electron affinity most close of experimental values than MP2/def2-TZVPP, PBE0/def2-TZVPP, BP/def2-TZVPP e B3LYP/def2-TZVPP. We observed considerable influence of the total charge and the number of atoms on geometry of the investigated clusters. The average bond distance and effective coordination number allowed the characterization of clusters such as planar structure, three-dimensional structure, as well as transition regions between these geometries through simple graphic analysis of these properties according to the number of atoms. The bind energy by atoms revealed that the stabilization of these clusters grows rapidly until Al12(+,0,-), and from them it grows slowly approaching from bulk phase, it grows in function of number of atoms. Stability function revealed that stabilization of clusters is related to its electronic structure indicating that some clusters Aln(+,0,-), n = 2 - 30 are more stable than the nearest neighbors, in accordance with the suggestion of the magic numbers initially applied to sodium and potassium clusters. The ionization energy and the electron affinity calculated within TPSSh/def2-TZVPP for the investigated clusters provided very close results from experimental values, the oscillating behavior of these properties have been associated with growth patterns based on icosahedrons, decahedrons and tetrahedrons by some authors and agree with our results. The frontier orbitals and the density of states of the Al13(+,0,-) clusters indicate that the HOMO has dominant contribution from orbitals. Quantum theory of atoms in molecules revealed that strength of chemical interactions is associated with the electron delocalization in the investigated clusters growing in the following order Aln+ < Aln0 < Aln-. The covalent character of these clusters is higher for cations than for neutral and anions. These results provide greater metallic character to Aln- clusters than others charged and neutral clusters, such as confirmed by ELF method. IQA energy partition method revealed that dominant energetic contribution to the stabilization of chemical interactions in clusters Aln(+,0,-), n = 2 - 7 is the exchange energy responsible by covalent character, while the ionic contribution comes from the electronic kinetic energy that has destabilizing or repulsive character to the Aln(+,0,-), (n = 2 - 4 and 6 - 7) clusters. On the other hand, this contribution is stabilized to Al5(+,0,-) clusters, even though very little, and considerable stabilizing to the interactions at Al13(+,0,-) clusters. Thus, it is important to increase of the electron delocalization confirmed by presence of the three-dimensional aromaticity investigated by ELF, AdNDP and NICS methods.
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Clusters e a indústria ligada à área da saúde em Ribeirão Preto. / Clusters and the industry of medical and odontological equipments in Ribeirão Preto - Brazil.Luciana Oliveira Telles 21 June 2002 (has links)
O trabalho analisa a indústria de equipamentos médicos, hospitalares e odontológicos em Ribeirão Preto usando a literatura dos clusters como referencial teórico. O levantamento do perfil das empresas locais do setor e do arranjo produtivo local foi realizado através de pesquisa de campo com as empresas locais e com os laboratórios das faculdades pertencentes à Universidade de São Paulo. Com isto, espera-se conhecer melhor o que são as empresas deste setor no município e espera-se poder delinear as possibilidades do desenvolvimento de um cluster na área de equipamentos médicos, hospitalares e odontológicos entre as empresas do município como um meio de alavancar o crescimento das empresas e dinamizar a economia local, aproveitando-se da produção local e do aparato institucional existentes. / This work analyses the industry of medical equipments in the city of Ribeirão Preto using clusters literature as theoretical reference. The studies of the characteristics of the local firms and its local arrangements were realized by a research with these firms and with the laboratories of the University of São Paulo. We expect to contribute to the knowledge of this industrial sector in this city and also to contribute to draw the possibilities of development of a medical equipment cluster as a mean to boost the local industry and the local economy, taking advantage of the existing production and the institutional apparatus.
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Teoria do funcional da densidade aplicada ao estudo da interação entre oxigênio molecular e nanoclusters de platina dopados com Al, Cr e V / Density functional theory applied to the study of the interaction between molecular oxygen and platinum nanoclusters doped with Al, Cr and VJaldyr de Jesus Gomes Varela Junior 27 July 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo aplicando a Teoria do Funcional da Densidade (DFT), utilizando o funcional B3LYP, para estudar a estrutura eletrônica de nanoclusters de platina dopados com Al, Cr e V e suas interações com oxigênio molecular. As análises das populações de Mulliken e de NBO para a interação entre O2 e Pt2, Pt-Cr e Pt-V revelaram que ocorre transferência de carga dos orbitais s e d dos metais para os orbitais p do oxigênio, resultando no preenchimento dos orbitais antiligantes da molécula de oxigênio, provocando a quebra da ligação O--O e formação de ligações hibridizadas Metal - O, com energia de dissociação da ligação O - O em 1,0 eV sobre Pt2. Sobre Pt-Cr e Pt-V, esse valor decresce para 0,56 eV e 0,20 eV, respectivamente. Os estudos da interação entre oxigênio molecular e os clusters Pt3, Pt2Al, Pt2Cr e Pt2V mostram que ocorre adsorção não dissociativa de oxigênio molecular sobre o cluster Pt3 onde observamos uma adsorção segundo o modelo de ponte enquanto que sobre os clusters Pt2Al e Pt2V ocorre adsorção dissociativa de oxigênio molecular. Por outro lado, com o cluster Pt2Cr a adsorção segue o modelo de Pauling, com o oxigênio molecular adsorvido em apenas um sítio do cluster, que foi o átomo Pt, sem a quebra da ligação O--O. Curvas de superfície de energia potencial para a dissociação de oxigênio molecular sobre Pt2Al e Pt2V mostraram um valor de aproximadamente 0,21 eV para a barreira de dissociação da ligação O--O adsorvido sobre o cluster Pt2Al e aproximadamente 0,30 eV para a barreira de dissociação da ligação O--O adsorvido sobre o cluster Pt2V. Os estudos da interação entre oxigênio molecular e os clusters Pt4, Pt3Al, Pt3Cr e Pt3V mostram que ocorre adsorção não dissociativa de oxigênio molecular sobre os clusters Pt4 e Pt3Cr onde foi observado que a adsorção segue o modelo de ponte. Por outro lado, sobre os clusters Pt3Al e Pt3V a adsorção de oxigênio molecular também seguiu o modelo ponte, com dissociação da ligação O - O. Encontramos um valor de 0,46 eV para a barreira de dissociação da ligação O--O adsorvido sobre o cluster Pt3Al e aproximadamente 0,28 eV para a barreira energética de dissociação da ligação O--O adsorvido sobre o cluster Pt3V. Os estudos para interação entre oxigênio molecular e os clusters Pt5, Pt4Al, Pt4Cr e Pt4V revelaram que ocorre adsorção dissociativa de oxigênio molecular sobre os clusters Pt4Al e Pt4V, onde observamos uma adsorção que segue o modelo de ponte enquanto que sobre o cluster Pt5 a adsorção segue o modelo de ponte sem dissociação da ligação O--O. Por outro lado, a adsorção sobre Pt4Cr segue o modelo de Pauling, com o oxigênio molecular adsorvido em apenas um sítio do cluster, sem a quebra da ligação O--O. Curvas de superfície de energia potencial mostraram um valor de aproximadamente 0,62 eV para a barreira de dissociação da ligação O--O adsorvido sobre o cluster Pt4Al e aproximadamente 0,20 eV para a barreira energética de dissociação da ligação O--O adsorvido sobre o cluster Pt4V. / This work presents a study applying the Density Functional Theory (DFT) using the B3LYP functional to study the electronic structure of platinum nanoclusters doped with Al, Cr and V and their interactions with molecular oxygen. The analysis of Mulliken populations and NBO for the interaction between O2 and Pt2, Pt-Cr and Pt-V showed that charge transfer occurs orbital sed metals for the p orbitals of oxygen, resulting in the filling of the antibonding orbitals of the molecule oxygen, causing the cleavage of O-O and bond forming hybridized Metal - O, bond dissociation energy of O - O on Pt2 about 1.0 eV. On Pt-Cr and Pt-V, this value decreases to 0.56 eV and 0.20 eV, respectively. Studies of the interaction between molecular oxygen and the Pt3 clusters, Pt2Al, Pt2Cr and Pt2V show that no dissociative adsorption occurs for molecular oxygen on the cluster Pt3 where we observe a second adsorption model bridge while on clusters Pt2Al and Pt2V dissociative adsorption occurs of molecular oxygen. Moreover, with the cluster Pt2Cr adsorption follows the model of Pauling, with molecular oxygen adsorbed on only one site in the cluster, which was the Pt atom, without the cleavage of the O-O. Curves of potential energy surface for dissociation of molecular oxygen on Pt2Al and Pt2V showed a value of about 0.21 eV for the bond dissociation barrier of the O-O adsorbed on the cluster Pt2Al approximately 0.30 eV and for the barrier The bond dissociation O-O adsorbed on the cluster Pt2V. Studies of the interaction between molecular oxygen and clusters Pt4, Pt3Al, Pt3Cr and Pt3V show that no dissociative adsorption occurs for molecular oxygen on clusters Pt4 and Pt3Cr where it was observed that the adsorption follows the model of the bridge. On the other hand, on clusters Pt3Al and Pt3V adsorption of molecular oxygen also followed the model bridge, with bond dissociation O - O. We found a value of 0.46 eV for the barrier to bond dissociation to O-O adsorbed on the cluster Pt3Al and approximately 0.28 eV for bond dissociation of the O-O adsorbed on the cluster Pt3V. Studies on the interaction between molecular oxygen and clusters Pt5, Pt4Al, Pt4Cr and Pt4V revealed that occurs dissociative adsorption of molecular oxygen on clusters Pt4Al and Pt4V, where we observe an adsorption model that follows the bridge while on the adsorption cluster Pt5 follows the bridge model without the bond dissociation. Moreover, adsorption is modeled on Pt4Cr Pauling with oxygen adsorbed on only one site of the cluster, without the cleavage of the O-O. Curves of potential energy surface showed a value of about 0.62 eV for the bond dissociation barrier of the O-O adsorbed on the cluster Pt4Al and approximately 0.20 eV energy barrier for bond dissociation of the O-O adsorbed on the Pt4V cluster.
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Synthèse sans catalyseurs métalliques de systèmes multivalents à base d'iminosucres, nouveaux inhibiteurs de glycosidases / Metal-free synthesis of new iminosugar clusters as glycosidases inhibitorsZelli, Renaud 20 November 2015 (has links)
Les iminosucres sont des composés azotés polyhydroxylés mono- (pyrrolidine, piperidine, azepane) ou bicycliques (pyrrolizidine, indolizidine, nortropane) démontrant une forte activité inhibitrice envers les glycosidases, enzymes catalysant l'hydrolyse des liaisons glycosidiques des glycoconjugués. Le développement de nouveaux dérivés d'iminosucres est essentiel afin d'obtenir de nouveaux traitements contre des maladies comme le diabète de type II, la mucoviscidose ou les troubles du stockage lysosomale (maladies de Gaucher ou de Fabry par exemple). Des études récentes ont démontré que l'utilisation de systèmes multivalents d'iminosucres peut amener à des inhibitions plus fortes et plus sélectives envers les glycosidases comparés aux inhibiteurs monovalents. Cependant, une grande majorité de ces systèmes multivalents, incluant des systèmes multivalents basés sur une plateforme de type calixarène synthétisés au début de cette thèse, sont obtenus grâce à la cyclo-addition azoture alcyne catalysée par le cuivre(CuAAC). Malheureusement, cette réaction puissante mène à la contamination des systèmes multivalents par des quantités non négligeables d'ions cuivre toxiques. C'est pour cela que le principal but de ce doctorat a été de développer de nouvelles méthodes de ligations afin de former des architectures multivalentes d'iminosucres sans utiliser de catalyseurs métalliques toxiques.Premièrement, des ligations déjà exploitées pour la préparation de sucres multivalents comme l'addition radicalaire photoinduite d'un thiol sur un alcène terminal (couplage thiol-ène) et la ligation oxime ont été appliqués aux iminosucres avec succès. Ces approches ont alors permis de synthétiser des systèmes multivalents basés respectivement sur des plateformes de type calixarènes ou peptides cycliques.Dans un second temps, une nouvelle approche vers des systèmes multivalents de sucres et d'iminosucres a été développée en exploitant les remarquables stabilité et réactivité des fluorures de sulfonyle. Le couplage de ces derniers avec des partenaires portant une amine primaire a permis d'obtenir des clusters de sucres et d'iminosucres liés par une fonction sulfonamide avec de très bons rendements.Parallèlement, le couplage thiol-ène a permis la préparation simple et rapide de pseudo-disaccharides d'iminosucres, une nouvelle classe d'inhibiteur de glycosidases exhibant de meilleures activités et sélectivités que les iminosucres monosaccharidiques correspondants. Ce comportement est probablement du à la présence de l'unité saccharidique qui améliore l'analogie entre l'inhibiteur et les oligosaccharides naturels, substrats des glycosidases. / Iminosugars are naturally occurring, polyhydroxylated monocyclic (pyrrolidine, piperidine, azepane) and bicyclic (pyrrolizidine, indolizidine, nortropane) nitrogenated compounds endowed with strong inhibition activity against glycosidases, the enzymes that catalyse the cleavage of the glycosidic bonds in glycoconjugates. The development of new iminosugar derivatives is essential to obtain new treatments against diseases such as type II diabetes, cystic fibrosis or lysosomal storage disorders (Gaucher and Fabry diseases). Although the development of glycosidase inhibitors based on iminosugar clusters was not explored for a long period of time, recent studies have demonstrated that multivalent iminosugars are stronger and more selective inhibitors than the corresponding monovalent compounds. However, nearly two thirds of all the di- and multivalent iminosugars known to date, including the calixarene-based iminosugar clusters synthesized at the beginning of the thesis work, were obtained by means of the copper-mediated azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC). Unfortunately, this highly efficient reaction leads to the contamination of the multivalent compounds by significant amounts of noxious copper ions. Thus, the main aim of the present PhD research was the development of new ligation tools for the synthesis of multivalent iminosugars in the absence of metal catalysts. First, the ligations already exploited for the preparation of multivalent sugars, such as the photoinduced radical addition of thiol to terminal akenes (thiol-ene coupling) and the oxime ligation, were successfully applied to the iminosugars. Both approaches allowed the synthesis of iminosugar clusters based on calixarene and cyclopeptide scaffolds, respectively. Then, an unprecedented approach to multivalent sugars and iminosugars was developed taking advantage of the uncommon stability and reactivity of the sulfonyl fluoride moieties. The coupling of the latter with partners bearing a primary amine group afforded the corresponding sulfonamide-linked sugar and iminosugar clusters in high yield. Finally, the above-mentioned thiol-ene coupling also allowed the straightforward preparation of new iminosugar pseudo-disaccharides, a class of inhibitors endowed with higher glycosidase selectivity than the corresponding monosaccharidic iminosugar. This feature is due to the presence of the sugar unit which improves the analogy with the natural oligosaccharidic substrates of the glycosidases.
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Caracterização da interação entre a subunidade do R2TP, Nop17, e da proteína de transferência de clusters de Fe/S, Dre2, em Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Characterization of the interaction between the R2TP subunit, Nop17, and the Fe/S cluster transfer protein Dre2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeFiorella Guadalupe Orellana Peralta 08 December 2017 (has links)
O complexo R2TP está presente em eucariotos, de leveduras a humanos, e está envolvido no correto dobramento de outras proteínas e montagem de complexos multiproteicos. R2TP é formado pelas proteínas Rvb1, Rvb2, Tah1 e Pih1/Nop17 em levedura, e direciona as chaperonas à proteínas alvo durante a montagem dos complexos. Os clusters Fe/S são sintetizados nas mitocôndrias e posteriormente transferidos para o citoplasma. Dre2 é uma proteína que contém cluster Fe/S, e está envolvida na transferência desses clusterspara outras proteínas citoplasmáticas. Nosso laboratório identificou a interação entre a subunidade Nop17 do complexo R2TP e Dre2 pelo método de duplo-híbrido, mas o papel desta interação ainda não foi elucidado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de estudar o papel funcional da interação entre Dre2 e Nop17 e identificar seus domínios de interação. Nossos resultados mostram que a porção N-terminal de Nop17 interage com a porção C-terminal de Dre2 e esta interação é necessária para a manutenção dos níveis de Dre2 na célula, indicando que o complexo R2TP atue na montagem do complexo CIA, de proteínas citosólicas Fe/S, do qual Dre2 faz parte. Dre2 também afeta a estabilidade de Nop17, sugerindo que Dre2 possa transferir um clusterFe/S para Nop17. Os dados mostrados aqui, portanto, indicam que a interação Nop17-Dre2 seja mutuamente importante para a estabilidade das duas proteínas / The R2TP protein complex is present in eukaryotes from yeast to humans, and is involved in the correct assembly of other protein or ribonucleoprotein complexes. R2TP is formed by proteins Rvb1, Rvb2, Tah1 and Pih1/Nop17 in yeast, and directs chaperones to target proteins during complexes assembly. Fe/S clusters are synthesized in mitochondria and later transferred to the cytoplasm. Dre2 is a Fe/S cluster protein, involved in transferring of Fe/S clusters to cytoplasmic proteins. Our laboratory has identified the interaction between the R2TP subunit Nop17 and Dre2 in the two-hybrid system. The aim of this work was to study the functional role of the interaction between Dre2 and Nop17, and to identify their domains of interaction. The results show that the N-terminal portion of Nop17 interacts with the C-terminal region of Dre2, and that this interaction is necessary for maintaining the levels of Dre2 in the cell, which suggests that the R2TP complex affects the cytosolic iron-sulfur protein assembly complex (CIA), of which Dre2 is a subunit. Dre2 also affects Nop17 stability, suggesting that Dre2 may transfer a Fe/S cluster to Nop17. The data here indicate that the interaction Nop17-Dre2 is mutually important for these proteins stabilities.
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The socio-politics of producing silk and accumulating gold in a South Indian town through the liberalisation reform period / Produire de la soie et accumuler de l'or : dynamiques sociopolitiques d'une ville d'Inde du Sud à l'heure des réformes libéralesJoseph, Nithya 17 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse traitera de l'impact des réformes de libéralisation sur un cluster de production de soie vieux de deux siècles, situé à Ramanagaram, une ville du sud de l'Inde. Dans ce cluster, les propriétaires d'unités de production et les travailleurs, issus de groupes sociaux marginalisés, sont engagés dans l'extraction de fils de soie brute dans de petites unités à domicile. Cette thèse présente une étude sectorielle localisée afin de comprendre les diverses façons dont le néolibéralisme a façonné les politiques et les processus de production et d'accumulation dans l'économie indienne. / This thesis discusses the impact of liberalisation reforms on a two century old silk reeling cluster, in a South Indian town called Ramanagaram, where production unit owners and hired workers from marginalised social groups are engaged in the extraction of raw silk thread in home-based units. It presents a localized, sector-based study that contributes to understanding the diverse ways in which neoliberalism has entered policy and has impacted production and accumulation in the Indian economy.
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An Assessment of Broad-Band Optical Colours as Age Indicators for Star ClustersHancock, M., Smith, B. J., Giroux, M. L., Struck, C. 01 September 2008 (has links)
We present an empirical assessment of the use of broad-band optical colours as age indicators for unresolved extragalactic clusters and investigate stochastic sampling effects on integrated colours. We use the integrated properties of Galactic open clusters (OCs) as models for unresolved extragalactic clusters. The population synthesis code Starburst99 (SB99) and four optical colours were used to estimate how well we can recover the ages of 62 well-studied Galactic OCs with published ages. We provide a method for estimating the ages of unresolved clusters and for reliably determining the uncertainties in the age estimates. Our results support earlier conclusions based on comparisons to synthetic clusters, namely the (U - B) colour is critical to the estimation of the ages of star-forming regions. We compare the observed optical colours with those obtained from SB99 using the published ages and get good agreement. The scatter in the (B - V)observed - (B - V)model is larger for lower luminosity clusters, perhaps due to stochastic effects.
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Quantitative control of GPCR organization and signaling by endocytosis in epithelial morphogenesis / Contrôle quantitatif de l'organisation des GPcrs et de leur signalisation par endocytose pendant la morphogenèse epithélialeJha, Ankita 22 December 2017 (has links)
Au cours de la gastrulation de l’embryon de Drosophile, l’activation apicale du cytosquelette d’acto-myosine orchestre la constriction apicale dans le mésoderme en invagination ainsi que l’intercalation cellulaire dans l’ectoderme en extension. Un contrôle quantitatif de l’activité des GPCRs et, par conséquent, de l’activation de Rho1 est à l’origine des différences de déformation des cellules du mésoderme et de l’ectoderme mais ces mécanismes demeurent incompris. L’activité du GPCR Smog se concentre respectivement en deux compartiments distincts à la surface de la membrane plasmique (PM) et dans ses invaginations (PMI). Au moyen de la FCS, nous avons étudié la surface de la PM et pu montrer que Smog oligomérise en homo-clusters en réponse à son activation par le ligand Fog. L’endocytose de Smog est facilitée par la kinase Gprk2 et sa protéine adaptatrice la β-Arrestine-2 qui retire Smog actif de la PM. Lorsque que la concentration de Fog est élevée ou que l’endocytose est réduite, Smog s’organise en homo-clusters et s’accumule au niveau des PMI qui agissent comme des centres d’activation de Rho1. Une concentration plus importante d’homo-clusters de Smog et un nombre plus important PMI dans le mésoderme par comparaison avec l’ectoderme. Répartition dynamique de Smog actif à la surface de la PM ou dans ses invaginations impacte directement sur la signalisation Rho1. Les PMI accumulent de hauts niveaux de Rho1-GTP suggérant qu’elles forment des centres de signalisation. La concentration de Fog et l’endocytose de Smog sont des processus régulateurs couplés qui contrôlent la différence quantitative d’activation de Rho1 dans le mésoderme et l’ectoderme de la Drosophile. / During Drosophila gastrulation, apical activation of the actomyosin networks drives apical constriction in the invaginating mesoderm and cell-cell intercalation in the extending ectoderm. Here, we show that cell-surface G-protein coupled receptor, Smog activates G-proteins, Rho1 and Rho-kinase that is required for apical constriction and cell-cell intercalation. Quantitative control over GPCR activity and thereby Rho1 activation underlies differences in deformation of the mesoderm and ectoderm cells but the mechanisms remain elusive. We show that GPCR-Smog activity is concentrated on two different apical plasma membrane compartments i.e. the surface and the plasma membrane invaginations. Using FCS, we probe the surface of the plasma membrane (PM) and show that Smog homo-clusters in response to its activating ligand Fog. Endocytosis of Smog is facilitated by the kinase Gprk2 and the adaptor protein β-Arrestin-2 that clears active Smog from the surface of PM. When Fog concentration is high or endocytosis is low, Smog arranges in homo-clusters and accumulates in plasma membrane invaginations (PMI), that are hubs for Rho1 activation. Lastly, we find high Smog homo-cluster concentrations and numerous apical PMIs in the mesoderm compared to the ectoderm. We identify that dynamic partitioning of active Smog on the surface of the PM or PMI directly impact on Rho1 signaling. PMIs accumulate high Rho1-GTP suggesting they form signaling centers. Fog concentration and Smog endocytosis form coupled regulatory processes that regulate quantitative differential Rho1/MyoII activation in the Drosophila mesoderm and ectoderm.
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The Dynamical Implications for Stars, Star Formation, and Dark Matter Cores in Dwarf GalaxiesMaxwell, Aaron J. 06 1900 (has links)
I investigate the observational signatures of the formation of dark matter cores in dwarf galaxies. I adopt the paradigm where the energy from star formation feedback is injected into the orbits of dark matter particles, forming a constant density core consistent with observations of dwarf galaxies. Using physically motivated constraints I show there is ample feedback energy available given the average stellar mass of dwarf galaxies to form cores in $10^{8}$--$10^{11}$\thinspace M$_{\odot}$ halos, and predict the maximum core size as a function of stellar mass. I describe how observational features of the old stellar content of dwarf galaxies are due to this core formation paradigm. As both dark matter and stars are collisionless fluids, the stars responsible for the feedback form in the centres of dwarf galaxies and have their orbits grown by subsequent star formation. This will naturally lead to age and metallicity gradients, with the younger and more metal rich stellar population near the dwarf centres. This process also prevents the destruction of globular clusters by driving them out of the dwarf nucleus --- the decrease in central dark matter density reduces the strength of dynamical friction --- and increases the likelihood of being stripped onto the stellar halos of larger galaxies. It also offers a model for forming multiple populations in globular clusters, with the only assumption being that the source of the polluted gas resides within the dwarf progenitor. As the orbit of a globular cluster grows, it will experience multiple accretion events with each pass through the gas-rich galaxy centre. The simple accretion model exhibits two traits revealed from observations --- a short accretion timescale and a sensitive dependence on mass --- without requiring an exotic initial stellar mass function or the initial globular cluster mass function to be 10--25 times larger than at present. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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