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Statistical analysis of multiuser and narrowband interference and superior system designs for impulse radio ultra-wide bandwidth wirelessShao, Hua Unknown Date
No description available.
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Modélisation de l'impact des systèmes de culture sur la pollinisation croisée chez le maïs dans le cadre de l'établissement de règles de coexistenceAngevin, Frédérique 06 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La perspective de la culture de variétés transgéniques pose, pour de multiples raisons, le problème de la ségrégation de filières de production basées sur la même espèce dans les paysages agricoles : demande d'une filière " sans OGM " ; coexistence de productions alimentaires et non alimentaires... La réglementation européenne fixe un seuil de présence fortuite d'OGM au-delà duquel un produit, même issu d'une variété non-OGM, doit être étiqueté comme contenant des OGM. La Commission européenne a émis des recommandations sur l'adoption de pratiques favorisant la coexistence entre cultures OGM et non-OGM de façon à ce que les agriculteurs puissent garder la liberté de choisir le mode de production qu'ils souhaitent. Dans ce contexte, il est important de pouvoir estimer a priori le taux d'impuretés OGM dans les récoltes de parcelles non-OGM, en fonction de leur organisation spatiale et du climat, mais aussi de comprendre et prédire l'effet de modifications de pratiques agricoles sur ce taux. L'expérimentation peut apporter des éléments de connaissances des phénomènes, la modélisation s'avère cependant plus pertinente pour répondre aux demandes d'aide à la décision (principalement publique) pour des situations agricoles et climatiques diversifiées. L'objectif de la thèse est donc de dégager un cadre méthodologique générique pour le développement de modèles de flux biologiques combinant de façon dynamique modélisation, évaluation et expérimentation. Le travail de thèse a consisté en la conception et l'évaluation du modèle MAPOD qui simule les flux de gènes chez le maïs à l'échelle du paysage. Ce modèle est basé sur une fonction de dispersion individuelle qui dépend de paramètres biologiques et climatiques et qui calcule une probabilité de fécondation en un point (x, y) en fonction de la distance à la source émettrice de pollen (pollinisation efficace). Il comporte un module de dynamique de floraison qui rend compte des conséquences des synchronismes ou asynchronismes de floraison entre champs sur les taux d'OGM dans les récoltes. Le modèle permet de déterminer l'effet de la distribution spatiale des parcelles de maïs, des caractéristiques variétales, du climat et des itinéraires techniques sur les taux de pollinisation croisée. MAPOD a été mis au point à partir de données de la littérature et d'expérimentations menées par le GEVES. Cette première version a été évaluée grâce à un second jeu de données provenant du GEVES. Elle a aussi fait l'objet d'une analyse de sensibilité. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de définir les pistes d'amélioration de l'algorithme. La qualité prédictive de MAPOD a ensuite été estimée grâce à des données issues de suivis effectués pendant 5 ans dans des parcelles d'agriculteurs en Catalogne, région où le maïs Bt est cultivé à grande échelle. La pertinence des décisions prises grâce aux sorties du modèle a aussi été caractérisée. MAPOD a été utilisé pour simuler différents scénarios d'introduction de variétés OGM dans les systèmes de culture européens. L'efficacité de mesures individuelles de coexistence a été testée. Ensuite, c'est l'effet de combinaison de pratiques qui a été simulé, aboutissant à l'établissement de tables de décision en fonction du contexte de culture. À l'échelle du bassin de collecte, l'efficience des stratégies de ségrégation (spatiale, temporelle) pouvant être mises en place par les organismes de collecte-stockage a aussi été étudiée grâce au modèle. Enfin, les sorties de MAPOD ont servi comme support pour la mise au point d'un outil d'aide à la décision à destination des agriculteurs et de leurs conseillers.
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Etude du système quasi-unidimensionnel AxA'1-xNb2O6 (A et A'= Ni, Fe et Co) : préparation et caractérisation des propriétés structurales et magnétiquesSarvezuk, Paulo 27 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Cette étude expérimentale est consacrée à la structure cristalline et aux propriétés magnétiques des phases orthorhombiques ANb2O6 (A = métaux magnétiques) qui ont retenues notre attention en tant que système Ising modèle quasi 1D. Ce comportement magnétique original de basse dimension résulte à la fois de la force des interactions magnétiques le long des chaînes d'atomes magnétiques quasi-unidimensionnelles, et à la faiblesse des interactions entre les chaînes qui sont de nature antiferromagnétique. Lorsque ces composés sont ordonnés l'ensemble de ces interactions inter et intra chaîne conduit à un ordre antiferromagnétique. Notre investigation s'appuie sur une caractérisation systématique de la série de composés AxA'1-xNb2O6 (A et A' = Ni, Fe et Co), par des mesures variées et complémentaires, notamment: diffraction des rayons X à température ambiante, diffraction de neutrons au dessus et en dessous de la température d'ordre magnétique, mesures magnétiques : évolution thermique de courbes d'aimantation isochamp et mesures d'aimantation isotherme. De plus, des mesures de la chaleur spécifique et de spectroscopie Mössbauer ont été réalisées sur certains échantillons sélectionnés. Nous avons mis à jour, selon la concentration, des comportement très différents dans les systèmes pseudo binaires Fe-Co, Ni-Fe ou Co-Ni qui peuvent soit présenter un état ordonné soit conserver un état paramagnétique jusqu'à de très basses températures. Nos mesures démontrent que la température d'ordre magnétique et les vecteurs de propagations diffèrent sensiblement selon la composition car ces systèmes sont caractérisés par une compétition entre les interactions magnétiques mises en jeu dans un réseau triangulaire interchaines. Cette étude montre que le désordre cationique Fe/Co induit une réduction substantielle des interactions tant inter que intra chaînes, ce qui traduit la tendance à défavoriser l'établissement d'un ordre magnétique à longue portée. De manière similaire, le système NixFe1-xNb2O6 ne présente pas d'ordre magnétique pour x=0,2 et ceci jusqu'à 400 mK au moins.
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Biodiversity from the bottom up: causes and consequences of resource species diversity.Narwani, Anita 24 August 2011 (has links)
Species diversity may simultaneously be a cause and a consequence of variability in population, community and ecosystem properties. Ecology has traditionally focused on elucidating the causes of biodiversity. However, in the last decade and a half ecologists have asked the opposite question: What are the consequences of species diversity? The majority of these studies elucidated the effects of species diversity within single trophic levels. Incorporating trophic complexity is the next step in this research program. In this dissertation I investigated the causes of resource species diversity, as well as the impacts that resource diversity has on rates of consumption and the stability of population, community and ecosystem properties over time in planktonic food webs.
The high diversity of phytoplankton found in nature appears to defy the competitive exclusion principle, and elucidating the mechanisms which maintain this diversity continues to be a challenge. In general, variability in limiting factors is required to maintain non-neutral species diversity, but this variability can be generated by forces outside of the competitive community (i.e. exogenous), or may be the outcome of competitive interactions themselves (i.e. endogenous). Using microcosm experiments, I showed that endogenously generated variability in limiting factors was more effective at maintaining phytoplankton species diversity over the long-term, although the strength of this effect depended on the composition of the phytoplankton community.
Existing resource diversity has been proposed to generally weaken consumer-resource interaction strengths and limit consumer control of resource biomass. This is because more diverse resource communities are more likely to contain inedible, unpalatable, toxic or non-nutritious species. However, when resource communities contain multiple palatable species, diversity may also accelerate consumption. Using grazing experiments with multiple zooplankton consumer species, I found that the mechanism, direction and magnitude of modulation of consumption depended on the feeding selectivity of the consumer and the composition of the resource community. By altering consumer-resource interaction strengths in the short-term, resource species diversity may impact the stability of consumer-resource dynamics in the long-term. In separate microcosm experiments, I investigated the influence of resource species diversity, community composition and consumer feeding selectivity on population, community, and ecosystem properties over time. Diversity had positive effects on phytoplankton population biomass, resource community biomass, the rate of photosynthesis, the standing stock of particulate nutrients, and the generalist consumer’s population density. It also stabilized resource community biomass and the stocks of particulate nutrients over time. Unexpectedly, diversity did not stabilize either of the consumer populations, regardless of feeding selectivity. This suggests that effects of diversity on resource community properties do not impact consumer dynamics linearly. Resource community composition was generally more important than resource species diversity in determining food web properties.
The importance of community composition in determining both the causes and consequences of resource diversity in these experiments points to the importance of species’ traits and the outcomes of their interactions. I suggest that the use of complex adaptive systems theory and trait-based approaches in the future will allow a consideration of the feedbacks between the causes and consequences of species diversity in food webs. / Graduate
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La educación para la ciudadanía y derechos humanos: Una asignatura orientada a favorecer la convivenciaLópez de Cordero, Mary Margarita 21 September 2011 (has links)
Con ocasión de la decisión del gobierno español de incorporar la asignatura Educación para la Ciudadanía y Derechos Humanos (EpC) al currículo oficial de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO), para ser desarrollada a partir del año escolar 2007-2008, la sociedad española vivió en el año previo a su implementación (2006) un intenso debate social en relación a dicha decisión. Tal debate social estuvo representado en la presencia de dos grupos con posiciones claramente diferenciadas frente a la asignatura: un grupo de apoyo y un grupo de rechazo a la EpC. Con la clara convicción de que es necesario un proceso educativo orientado la formación de los más jóvenes en los valores esenciales a la ciudadanía democrática hemos realizado la presente investigación titulada: La Educación para la Ciudadanía y Derechos Humanos: una asignatura orientada a favorecer la convivencia.
El objetivo fundamental de la investigación consistió en: Determinar el papel de los contenidos, objetivos y competencias establecidos en el currículo de la asignatura Educación para la Ciudadanía y Derechos Humanos, en relación con la conformación de comportamientos y actitudes dirigidos a favorecer la convivencia ciudadana en el aula y fuera de ella. En tal propósito, como primera fase, se realizó una investigación teórica y documental principalmente en relación a los postulados legales y curriculares establecidos en la Constitución española, La Ley Orgánica de Educación española, el Real Decreto 1513 y 1631 (por los que se establecen las enseñanzas mínimas para la Educación primaria y para la ESO respectivamente) y la Orden 2220 (por la que se establece el currículo y se regula la ordenación de la ESO). La segunda fase de la investigación consistió en un trabajo de campo, usando una metodología cualitativa, propia de las ciencias humanas: hemos hecho etnografía en el aula, mediante la técnica de la observación no participante. El método elegido ha pretendido entender los fenómenos observados desde la perspectiva particular de los grupos y personas observados e intentar acercarnos a la comprensión de los motivos y creencias que están detrás de sus acciones.
La observación no participante se realizó en dos Institutos de Educación Secundaria de Barcelona, en el primer y segundo año de implementación de la asignatura EpC. De las observaciones realizadas pudimos obtener los corpus necesarios, (esencialmente mediante el uso de instrumentos de recogida de datos como las notas de campo y las entrevistas y el análisis de documentos) que nos han permitido elaborar la descripción, el análisis y la interpretación de las experiencias observadas mediante el uso de categorías y sub-categorías surgidas de los mismos datos o establecidas por la investigadora para tratar de responder a algunos aspectos esenciales de la investigación.
La especulación teórica realizada sobre los datos obtenidos, en directa relación con la investigación teórico conceptual de la primera fase, nos ha llevado a concluir que efectivamente hoy más que nunca se requiere un proceso educativo orientado a la conformación de un sistema de valores comunes en el cual las personas se vean identificadas y aprendan a actuar en consonancia con los mismos. Pero lograrlo requiere del compromiso y la responsabilidad de todas las personas e instituciones de la sociedad, porque como reza el adagio africano “para educar un niño es necesaria toda la tribu”. / "EDUCATION FOR CITIZENSHIP AND HUMAN RIGHTS: AN ORIENTATION COURSE DESIGNED TO ENCOURAGE CO-EXISTENCE"
As part of our public concern for the coexistence and the formation of the youngest in the core values of democratic citizenship, we have conducted research Education for Citizenship and Human Rights: An orientation course designed to encourage co-existence.
The main objective of this research was to determine the role of the content, objectives and competencies established in the curriculum of the subject Education for Citizenship and Human Rights in relation to the structure of behaviors and attitudes aimed at promoting peaceful coexistence in the classroom and beyond. In that order was made, along with documentary research, a fieldwork of applied ethnography in the classroom, from the technique of non-participant observation. The method chosen has sought to understand the observed phenomena from the perspective of particular groups and individuals observed and try to approach the understanding of the motives and beliefs behind their actions.
Non-participant observation was conducted in two Secondary Schools in Barcelona in the first and second year of implementation of the subject EpC. From observations we obtain the corpus needed to make the description, analysis and interpretation of the experiences observed through the use of categories and sub-categories emerged from the same data or established by the researcher to try to answer some essential research. We have concluded that implementation of the CPE is essential if training is committed to democratic values of citizenship and responsible members of society today. Achieving this requires the effort and commitment of all personal and institutional.
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Vztah diverzity a produktivity v travinných společenstvech a jeho mechanismyLISNER, Aleš January 2017 (has links)
The best estimates of environmental productivity and their relationship to species diversity on different spatial scales have been studied in grassland communities in an observational study. The fertilization effect on height, growth rate, survival rate and changes in species composition has been studied on an oligotrophic wet meadow in a manipulative experiment.
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Biologia comparada alimentar de três lolicarídeos (OSTARIOPHYSI, SILURIFORMES) em diferentes riachos da Bacia do Alto Jacuí, Rio Grande do Sul, BrasilLangoni, Andrei da Silveira January 2015 (has links)
Estudo comparando a dieta de três espécies de loricarídeos Eurycheilichthys limulus, Ancistrus brevipinnis e Hemiancistrus punctulatus, em diferentes riachos, com os objetivos de verificar a ocorrência ou não de sobreposição alimentar entre as espécies e entre as classe de tamanho de cada espécie. As coletas foram realizadas bimestralmente, pela técnica de pesca elétrica, a partir de junho / 2012 a junho / 2013, em riachos da bacia do alto Jacuí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Por meio da análise do conteúdo alimentar, foram identificados 26 itens alimentares. De modo geral, as três espécies apresentaram quatro itens que se destacaram: Detrito orgânico, Bacillariophyta, Sedimento e Material vegetal. Além disso, a espécie Eurycheilichthys limulus consumiu uma elevada proporção de larvas de Simuliidae e Chironomidae, e as espécies Ancistrus brevipinnis e Hemiancistrus punctulatus apresentaram uma composição da dieta semelhante. Ancistrus brevipinnis apresentou como principais itens alimentares consumidos alga Oedogoniophyceae, larva de Chironomidae, Tecameba, alga Zygnemaphyceae e Rotífera, enquanto Hemiancistrus punctulatus apresentou como principais itens alimentares consumidos alga Oedogoniophyceae, alga Zygnemaphyceae, Tecameba, larva de Chironomidae e alga Cyanophyceae. Foram identificados os itens responsáveis por essa diferença. Todas as espécies e classes de tamanho apresentaram um alto valor de amplitude de nicho e, na maioria das interações, um baixo valor de sobreposição alimentar. Algumas interações entre as espécies Eurycheilichthys limulus versus Hemiancistrus punctulatus e Ancistrus brevipinnis versus H. punctulatus apresentaram valores altos de sobreposição alimentar, o que poderia indicar uma competição, porém o modelo nulo mostrou o compartilhamento de recursos entre as espécies e classes de tamanho/espécies. Por fim, constatou-se que há segregação alimentar entre as três espécies de Siluriformes estudadas e que a partilha de recursos entre as espécies está relacionada à utilização diferencial de itens em diferentes fases da vida. / Study comparing the diet of three species of loricariids Eurycheilichthys limulus, Ancistrus brevipinnis, and Hemiancistrus punctulatus in different streams aiming to verify the presence or absence of food overlap between the species and between each species of size. Samples were conducted bimonthly by electrofishing technique from June / 2012 to June / 2013 In streams of high Jacuí basin, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Through the content analysis feeds were identified 26 food items. In general, the three species showed the presence of four items that stood out: Detritus Organic, Bacillariophyta, Sediment, and Plant Material. In addition to these items, other items were representatively consumed differently for each species. The species Eurycheilichthys limulus consumed a high proportion of Simuliidae larvae and Chironomidae larvae, the species A. punctulatus and H. brevipinnis had a similar composition of the diet, Ancistrus brevipinnis presented as the main food items consumed: algae Oedogoniophyceae, larvae Chironomidae, Tecameba, algae Zygnemaphyceae, and Rotifers, while Hemiancistrus punctulatus presented as the main food items consumed algae Oedogoniophyceae, algae Zygnemaphyceae, Tecameba, larvae Chironomidae, and algae Cyanophycea. Species segregation can be observed by Analysis Coordinates Principal (PCoA). The items identified were responsible for this difference. All species and all size classes showed a high value of niche breadth. In general, these species have a low feeding overlap values. Some interactions between the species Eurycheilichthys limulus versus Hemiancistrus punctulatus and between Ancistrus brevipinnis versus Hemiancistrus punctulatus showed the presence of high values of food overlap indicating a competition, but the null model confirmed the niche partitioning between the species and classes size / species. Finally, it was found that there are food segregation between the three species of Siluriformes studied and that the sharing of resources between species is related to differential use of items in different stages of life.
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Selo Unicef Município Aprovado edição 2009 – 2012: avaliando os resultados da participação cidadã de adolescentes em Barrocas/BANeri, Andréia Almeida 11 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2016-03-18T19:47:01Z
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Neri, Andréia Almeida.pdf: 8000683 bytes, checksum: b24caee9be94eb35acb6d60d95be080a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2016-03-22T19:03:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Neri, Andréia Almeida.pdf: 8000683 bytes, checksum: b24caee9be94eb35acb6d60d95be080a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T19:03:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Neri, Andréia Almeida.pdf: 8000683 bytes, checksum: b24caee9be94eb35acb6d60d95be080a (MD5) / O presente estudo avalia os resultados das ações empreendidas por Barrocas, município situado no Semiárido baiano, no fomento à participação de adolescentes no Selo Unicef Município Aprovado Edição 2009-2012. O trabalho descreve o modelo de gestão adotado para alcançar os objetivos do Selo e checa o cumprimento das etapas e a eficácia dos resultados gerados pela metodologia. Ele também verifica a concepção da participação cidadã de adolescentes na visão dos sujeitos da pesquisa e o grau de engajamento de meninas e meninos de 12 a 17 anos na iniciativa. Ainda identifica a natureza dos benefícios obtidos por adolescentes, famílias, escolas e município, e apresenta recomendações para a iniciativa do Unicef. O referencial teórico aborda o paradigma de desenvolvimento da convivência com o Semiárido e os princípios da educação contextualizada com a realidade do campo; o conceito de participação cidadã de adolescentes adotado para o estudo, a partir de um debate sobre as dimensões teórica, prática e institucional da participação política; teorias, abordagens e tipologias da avaliação de programas. As limitações do Selo na promoção, monitoramento e avaliação da participação cidadã de adolescentes, e suas consequências na efetividade da metodologia do Unicef, constituem o problema do estudo. Os efeitos do engajamento dos adolescentes em termos do empoderamento, organização e influência dos mesmos na gestão municipal são o foco da pesquisa. A proposta é contribuir para qualificar a iniciativa do Unicef, fortalecer o compromisso com a garantia do direito de crianças e adolescentes de participar de debates e decisões que afetam as suas vidas, bem como melhorar os resultados do envolvimento deste grupo etário na gestão municipal. A análise dos resultados revela que Barrocas realizou plenamente apenas uma das oito atividades definidas na metodologia que demandavam o engajamento de adolescentes: os projetos de educação, cultura e esporte do eixo de Participação Social, que promoveram ampla mobilização de escolas, famílias e
comunidades. Outras cinco atividades foram realizadas parcialmente, considerando a fragilidade/limitação do engajamento de adolescentes em termos qualitativos e/ou quantitativos. Duas ações não foram realizadas, nem substituídas por outras equivalentes. Barrocas buscou sinergias entre o Selo e outras iniciativas locais que potencializaram os resultados da iniciativa, no entanto, não promoveu a participação cidadã de adolescentes na
acepção adotada por este estudo. Segundo ele, o engajamento de adolescentes em debates sobre questões que afetam as suas vidas deve considerar cinco requisitos: 1) formação continuada para o exercício autônomo da cidadania; 2) acesso à informação, metodologias e ambientes amigáveis; 3) suporte à organização dos estudantes para a construção de suas próprias agendas e intervenções; 4) qualidade do diálogo intergeracional; e 5)
capacidade das jovens lideranças de influenciar a gestão municipal em processos de políticas públicas. A Edição
2009-2012 promoveu uma corrida pelo cumprimento de tarefas para o alcance da pontuação mínima necessária à
certificação de Barrocas pelo Unicef. Após três edições do Selo e três aprovações do município, ainda não há um alinhamento de informação entre os atores locais sobre o que é, como deve ser e para quê a participação de adolescentes. Somente qualificando insumos do Selo, o Unicef contribuirá efetivamente para que adolescentes tenham voz, sejam ouvidos e influenciem decisões em suas famílias, escolas, comunidades e municípios; para
que eles se organizem e atuem coletivamente como agentes de transformação de suas realidades, fortalecendo a sociedade civil e tomando posição sobre o jogo político de forma qualificada e sem manipulação. This dissertation assesses the results of actions undertaken by the city of Barrocas, Bahia, fostering the
participation of adolescents in the Unicef Municipal Seal of Approval 2009-2012 Edition. The paper describes the management model adopted by the municipality to achieve Seal’s objectives. It verifies compliance and effectiveness of the results generated by the methodology; the meaning of adolescents’ participation in the research subjects’ view; and the degree of engagement of girls and boys aged 12-17 years in the initiative. It also identifies the nature of the benefits obtained by teenagers, families, schools, and municipality; and makes recommendations to the initiative of Unicef. The theoretical framework addresses the development paradigm of
coexistence with Semi-arid conditions and the principles of contextualized education with the reality of the field. It also addresses the concept of participation of adolescents adopted for the study, from a discussion of the theoretical, practical and institutional dimensions of the political participation. It still includes theories, approaches and types of program evaluation. The problem of the study is related to the Seal’s limitations in
promoting, monitoring, and evaluating adolescents’ participation; and their consequences on the effectiveness of
Unicef’s methodology. The research focuses on the effects of adolescents’ engagement in terms of their empowerment, organization and influence in the municipal management. The proposal is to contribute to qualify Unicef’s initiative and strengthen the commitment with the guarantee of children and adolescents’ right to participate in discussions and decisions affecting their lives. The dissertation also aims to contribute to improve the results of the involvement of this age group in municipal management. Analysis of the results reveals that
Barrocas fully accomplished only one of the eight steps that required the engagement of adolescents: the
education, culture and sports projects of Social Participation. Such projects promoted broad mobilization of
schools, families and communities. Five other activities were carried out partially, considering the
fragility/limiting engagement of adolescents in qualitative and/or quantitative terms. Two actions were not
carried out or replaced by equivalent. Barrocas sought synergies between the Seal and other local initiatives, which have improved the results of the Seal. However, the municipality did not promote participation of adolescents within the meaning adopted by this study. According to it, the engagement in debates on issues
affecting their lives should consider five requirements: 1) continuing education for the autonomous exerci se of citizenship; 2) access to information and friendly methodologies and environments; 3) support the organization of adolescents to build their own agendas and interventions; 4) quality of intergenerational dialogue; and 5) capacity of youth leaders to influence municipal management in public policy processes. The 2009-2012 Edition
promoted a race for the fulfillment of tasks to achieve the minimum score required for the city of Barrocas
certification by Unicef. After three Seal editions and municipality approvals, there is still no alignment of information between local stakeholders about what it is, how it should be and why to promote adolescents’ participation. Only qualifying the Seal’s inputs, Unicef will contribute effectively to give voice to teenagers and help them to be heard and to influence decisions in their families, schools, communities and municipalities. In this way, Unicef will support better their organization and collective action to transform their realities, strengthening civil society and taking part on the political game in a qualified manner and without manipulation.
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O direito à convivência comunitária: a criança e o adolescente no contexto urbano / The right to community life: children and adolescents in the urbanBenedicto de Vasconcellos Luna Gonçalves Patrão 23 August 2010 (has links)
A opção pelas gated communities fez desaparecer dos espaços de convivência comunitária considerados a primeira vítima colateral de uma cidade que perde a árdua luta enfrentada para resistir ao avanço do isolamento espacial dos moradores grande parte dos atrativos da vida citadina. Diante da importância do ambiente público na formação da criança e do adolescente, a questão envolvendo a tutela da convivência comunitária está inegavelmente baseada na necessidade da efetivação de políticas públicas voltadas para a revitalização e readequação dos espaços urbanos, a fim de resguardar a qualidade de vida daqueles que merecem especial proteção do Estado. Sob este prisma, portanto, que esta obra será desenvolvida. Pretende-se demonstrar que, em relação à criança e ao adolescente, hodiernamente entendidos como pessoas humanas que merecem especial atenção da família, sociedade e Estado, a tutela da convivência comunitária representa um Direito Fundamental, em paralelo ao direito à convivência familiar, em que ambos estão igualmente previstos na norma constitucional, através do artigo 227 da Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988, e infraconstitucional, por meio dos artigos 4 e 19 do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. / Gated communities option by the end of community interaction spaces considered the first victim sibling of a city that loses the arduous struggle faced to withstand the advancement of spatial isolation of residents most of the attractions of the city life. Considering the importance of public education of children and adolescents, the issue involving the community coexistence is undeniably based on need effective public policies targeted to the revitalization and readjustment of urban spaces, seeking to safeguard the quality of life of those who deserve special protection by the State. He, therefore, that this work will be carried out. To demonstrate that, in relation to children and adolescents, hodiernamente understood as human beings that deserve special attention from the family, society and State, the Fellowship Community represents a fundamental right, in parallel to the right to family life, in which both are also provided for in the constitutional standard, through article 227 of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil 1988 and infraconstitucional, by means of article 4 and 19 of the Statute of the child and adolescent.
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O acompanhamento terapêutico e a Psicanálise: a escuta a partir da clínica da convivência / The therapeutic accompaniment and the psychoanalysis: the listening from the Coexistence clinicAna Carolina de Lima Jorge 01 September 2010 (has links)
Proveniente de uma prática, a presente dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo explorar a função do Acompanhamento Terapêutico (AT) na internação psiquiátrica, apontando a importância da clínica psicanalítica para seu desenvolvimento. Seu ponto de partida é explicitado pela localização da práxis do AT no contexto da reforma psiquiátrica, no intuito de caracterizá-la como uma importante alternativa ao modelo manicomial, uma vez que procura oferecer ao sujeito psicótico uma aproximação com o laço social. Em seguida, procura discutir, através da apresentação de um caso clínico, as práticas de tratamento voltadas para a clínica da psicose, circunscrevendo à clínica da convivência o setting de atuação do AT. No que tange especialmente à psicose, apresenta como fundamentação teórica a leitura freudiana e as elaborações de J. Lacan, procurando estudar não somente sobre o que incide na estrutura psicótica, como também busca entender o vinculo transferencial que emerge entre paciente e AT. Seus principais objetivos geram a torno da indicação clínica da escuta do delírio e da posição que concerne ao Acompanhante Terapêutico de se apresentar como secretário do alienado, creditando a ele a estratégia encontrada pela função do AT para o tratamento possível da psicose. / From the clinical practice, this master's dissertation aims explore the role of Therapeutic Accompaniment (TA) in psychiatric hospitalization, pointing out the importance of psychoanalytical clinic for their development. Its starting point is explained by the location of the TAs praxis in the context of the psychiatric reform, in order to characterize this praxis as an important alternative to the asylum model, since it aims to offer to the subject psychotic an approximation with the social link. Then, discusses through the presentation of a clinical case, the practices of treatment directed to the clinic of psychosis, restricting the setting of TherapeuticAccompaniment acting to the coexistence clinic. Regarding especially psychosis, this thesis presents as theoretical fundaments the reading of Freud and the elaborations of Lacan, seeking study, not only on what concerns about the psychotic structure, as well as trying to understand the transferencial bond emerges between patient and Therapeutic Companion. Its main objectives are the clinical indication of listening to delirium and the function to assume the position as secretary of alienated which concerns the TherapeuticCompanion, was determined as the strategy found by function of the TA for the possible treatment of psychosis.
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