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Výměnná anizotropie v metamagnetických heterostrukturách / Exchange bias in metamagnetic heterostructuresZadorozhnii, Oleksii January 2021 (has links)
Výměnná anizotropie je zajímavý fyzikální jev vznikající na rozhraní antiferomagnetických (AF) a feromagnetických (FM) materiálů, který již je široce používán v elektronickém průmyslu a magnetickém záznamu. Přestože byl tento jev dlouhou dobu intenzivně studován, jeho přesný mechanizmus zatím nebyl uspokojivě vysvětlen. V této práci je představen přehled studií dokumentujících výměnnou anizotropii v tenkých dvojvrstvách, včetně experimentálních výsledků a teoretických modelů. Experimentální úkoly této diplomové práce zahrnovaly jak výrobu, tak měření různých modelových systémů vykazujících výměnnou anizotropii. Dvojvrstva Fe/FeRh, kde vrstva FeRh prochází fázovou přeměnou z AF fáze na FM fázi při 360 K, poskytuje možnost nastavení parametrů výměnné anizotropie. Dále byly zkoumány účinky výměnné anizotropie a tvarové anizotropie v mikrostrukturách Fe/FeRh. Konečně, přítomnost výměnné anizotropie byla zkoumána mezi FM a AF fází koexistujícími během fázové přeměny v nanodrátech FeRh. Vzorky byly vyrobeny pomocí magnetronového naprašování a elektronové litografie. Všechny prezentované systémy byly analyzovány pomocí magnetooptické Kerrovy mikroskopie. Výměnná anizotropie byla úspěšně nalezena v systému Fe/FeRh, přičemž její velikost byla téměř identická co do rozsahu i orientace s výsledky v literatuře, přestože námi vyrobená dvojvrstva měla horší kvalitu FM-AF rozhraní. Bylo také prokázáno, že v tomto systému existuje tzv. tréninkový efekt (Training effect), což je výrazným důkazem existence výměnné anizotropie. U nanodrátů bylo změřena významná výměnná anizotropie mezi koexistujícími fázemi FM a AF během fázové přeměny.
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Local probe investigations of the electronic phase diagrams of iron pnictides and chalcogenidesMaterne, Philipp 24 September 2015 (has links)
In this work, the electronic phase diagrams of Ca1−xNaxFe2As2 and Fe1+yTe were investigated using muon spin relaxation and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Single crystals of Ca1−xNaxFe2As2 with x = 0.00, 0.35, 0.50, and 0.67 were examined. The undoped 122 parent compound CaFe2As2 is a semi metal and shows antiferromagnetic commensurate spin density wave order below 167 K. By hole doping via Na substitution, the magnetic order is suppressed and superconductivity emerges including a Na-substitution level region, where both phases coexist. Upon Na substitution, a tilting of the magnetic moments out of the ab-plane is found. The interaction of the magnetic and superconducting order parameter in this coexistence region was studied and a nanoscopic coexistence of both order parameters is found.
This is proven by a reduction of the magnetic order parameter of 7 % in x = 0.50 below the superconducting transition temperature. This reduction was analysed using Landau theory and a systematic correlation between the reduction of the magnetic order parameter and the ratio of the transition temperatures, Tc/TN, for the 122 family of the iron pnictides is presented. The magnetic phase transition is accompanied by a tetragonal-to-orthorhombic phase transition. The lattice dynamics at temperatures above and below this magneto-structural phase transition were studied and no change in the lattice dynamics were found.
However, the lattice for finite x is softer than for the undoped compound. For x = 0.67, diluted magnetic order is found. Therefore, the magnetism in Ca1−xNaxFe2As2 is persistent even at optimal doping. The superconducting state is investigated by measuring the temperature dependence of the magnetic penetration depth, where two superconducting gaps with a weighting of nearly 50:50 are obtained. A temperature independent anisotropy of the magnetic penetration depth γ_λ = 1.5(4) is obtained, which is much smaller compared to other 122 compounds indicating a more three-dimensional behaviour of Ca1−xNaxFe2As2.
Powder samples of Fe1+yTe with y = 0.06, 0.12, 0.13, and 0.15 were examined. Fluctuating paramagnetic moments at room temperature were found, which are independent of the excess iron level y. Below 100 K, a magnetic precursor phase is observed, which is independent of y. Fe1.06Te shows a commensurate spin density wave phase below TN, while for y ≥ 0.13 an incommensurate spin density wave phase below TN is found. However, a slowing down of the magnetic fluctuations with decreasing temperature and static magnetic order at lowest temperature are observed. / In dieser Arbeit wurden die elektronischen Phasendiagramme von Ca1−xNaxFe2As2 and Fe1+yTe mit Hilfe der Myonspinrelaxations- und Mössbauerspektroskopie untersucht.
Einkristalle von Ca1−xNaxFe2As2 mit x = 0.00, 0.35, 0.50 und 0.67 wurden untersucht. Das undorierte 122-System CaFe2As2 ist ein Halbmetal und zeigt eine antiferromagnetische Spindichtewelle unterhalb von 167 K. Substituiert man Ca durch Na, werden Löcher in das System eingebracht. Die magnetische Ordnung wird mit steigendem Na-Anteil unterdrückt und Supraleitung tritt auf. Dabei existiert ein Na-Substitutionslevelbereich, in welchem Magnetismus und Supraleitung koexistieren. Desweiteren wurde ein herausdrehen der magnetischen Momente aus der ab-Ebene als Funktion von x beobachtet. Die Wechselwirkung des magnetischen mit dem supraleitenden Ordnungsparameter in der Koexistenzregion wurde untersucht und nanoskopische Koexistenz der beiden Ordnungsparameter wurde gefunden.
Dies konnte durch eine Reduktion des magnetischen Ordnungsparameteres um 7 % in x = 0.50 unterhalb der supraleitenden Ordnungstemperatur gezeigt werden. Diese Reduktion wurde mit Hilfe der Landautheorie untersucht und es wurden systematische Korrelationen zwischen der Reduktion des magnetischen Ordnungsparamteres und dem Verhältnis der Übergangstemperaturen, Tc/TN, in der 122-Familie der Eisenpniktide gefunden. Der magnetische Phasenübergang wird von einem strukturellen Phasenübergang begleitet.
Die Gitterdynamik wurde bei Temperaturen oberhalb und unterhalb dieses magneto-elastischen Phasenübergangs untersucht. Es wurden keine Änderungen in der Gitterdynamik festgestellt. Jedoch konnte festgestellt werden, dass das Gitter für endliche x weicher ist als für das undotierte System. Für x = 0.67 wurde festgestellt, dass der Magnetismus im Ca1−xNaxFe2As2-System auch noch bei optimaler Dotierung zu finden ist. In der supraleitenden Phase wurde die Temperaturabghängigkeit der magnetischen Eindringtiefe untersucht und es wurden zwei supraleitende Bandlücken gefunden. Die Anisotropie der magnetischen Eindringtiefe ist temperaturunabhängig und mit γ_λ = 1.5(4) wesentlich kleiner als in anderen 122- Verbindungen, was für eine erhöhte Dreidimensionalität in Ca1−xNaxFe2As2 spricht.
Pulverproben von Fe1+yTe mit y = 0.06, 0.12, 0.13 und 0.15 wurden untersucht. Es wurden fluktuierende paramagnetische Momente bei Raumtemperatur gefunden, welche unabhängig vom Überschusseisenlevel y sind. Unterhalb von 100 K wurde eine magnetische Vorgängerphase gefunden, welche unabhängig von y ist. Mit fallender Temperatur wurde eine Verlangsamung der magnetischen Fluktuationen festgestellt, welche in einer statischen magnetischen Ordnung bei tiefen Temperaturen münden.
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Mikroevoluční procesy v cytotypově smíšených populacích rostlin / Microevolutionary processes in mixed-ploidy populations of plantsČertner, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Polyploidization (whole-genome duplication) is widely considered one of the most important evolutionary forces driving the diversification of flowering plants. Polyploids tend to originate recurrently and many plant species retain individuals of two or more different ploidy levels in certain parts of their distributional range of even within their populations. The main aim of this thesis was to address the understudied aspects of polyploid speciation by employing new, convenient methods and/or studying plant model systems with unique features. Difference in monoploid genome size of Tripleurospermum inodorum (Asteraceae) cytotypes provided a unique opportunity for addressing the rate of spontaneous polyploidization in natural populations by enabling the easy distinction of neopolyploid mutants from long-established polyploids in routine flow-cytometric analyses. Repeated ploidy screening in mixed-ploidy populations of annual T. inodorum have been, to our knowledge, the very first attempt to document temporal changes in cytotype composition in situ. In spite of considerable between- year oscillations in cytotype frequencies, both diploids and tetraploids usually persisted locally for several consecutive years. The common incidence of such ploidy mixtures along with a partial fertility of triploid...
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Density Functional Study for Non-isothermal FluidsJia, Wenhan, Jia January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Colombia’s Socio-Economic Stratification System : An urbanisation policy that causes intergroup conflict?Pålsson, Emil January 2020 (has links)
Rapid urbanisation is a global phenomenon on the rise. If managed poorly by the cities affected, it may lead to, e.g. segregation, air pollution and civil unrest. In order to avoid these problems and to achieve Sustainable Development Goals, 10, reduce inequality within and among countries and 11, make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, urbanisation policies must be functional, robust and socially sustainable so that the organic growth or poorly executed policies does not lead to problems like segregation, tensions between the inhabitants and civil unrest. This study takes a closer look at a one mega city’s attempt to cope with their rapid urbanisation, the Socio-Economic Stratification (SES) system of Bogotá, Colombia to see if it is a sustainable and efficient urbanisation policy. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in two areas of Bogotá where neighbourhoods are characterised by a significant difference in SES levels. Social Identity Theory and the Social Identity Model of System Attitudes were adopted to analyse the results, focusing on the formation of group identities in the neighbourhoods, intergroup conflictual behaviour, relationships and contact to see whether there exist peaceful coexistence or intergroup conflictual behaviours between the members of the SES systems different levels. The study shows a passively supported but not actively endorsed system, a tendency to place strong classification and stigmas on individuals based on their SES level, the lack of relationships and contact between neighbourhoods, and social identities with intergroup conflictual behaviour in three out of four areas investigated. A less conflictual behaviour is found in individuals that have lived in other SES levels or has had much contact with people from there. The results suggest that urbanisation policies, not only in Bogotá but worldwide, should be implemented where inhabitants are encouraged to interact and diminish segregation. As the segregation stemming from the SES system is causing tensions between the members of the different SES levels and may lead to civil unrest. This study contributes to the deficit in empirical data that exists on the SES system and will work to spark a debate on its implications and highlight people’s experiences from it. The results will also work as material for future research on the SES system and other urbanisation policies worldwide.
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Hur uppnås balans i styrningen av en organisation med konkurrerande logiker? : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på straff och vårdLarsson, Patrik January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Att med fokus på obalans och balans öka förståelsen för hur konkurrerande logiker hanteras i styrningen av kriminalvården i Sverige. Metod: Den kvalitativa studien genomfördes med en hermeneutisk utgångspunkt där 7 semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med öppna frågor, där den enskilde individen har fått beskriva sin upplevelse av straff och vård. Uppsatsen har en abduktiv ansats då en kontinuerlig växelverkan mellan teori och empiri har gjorts. En analys har sedan genomförts, baserat på det empiriska resultatet och den teoretiska referensramen. Resultat & slutsats: Ur organisationens perspektiv, uppnås balans mellan de konkurrerande logikerna straff och vård genom att anstalten försöker motivera klienterna till förändring i tankesätt och handlingsmönster, och erbjuder klienterna arbete, programverksamhet, utbildning, fritidsaktiviteter, och har samarbetsavtal med externa organisationer inför frihetsförberedande åtgärder som permissioner och utsluss. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien har bidragit till ökad förståelse hur de konkurrerande logikerna straff och vård hanteras med hjälp av styrmedel, med fokus på obalans och balans. Ur studien framkom att den öppna anstalten omfattas av styrmedel som påverkar balansen mellan straff och vård, där obalans är dominerat av straff, balans mer balans mellan straff och vård. Studien kartlagde styrmedel som påverkar balansen mellan obalans eller balans, styrmedel som orsakar obalans, och styrmedel för att uppnå balans. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: En fördjupad studie hur styrmedel hanteras på en anstalt av högre säkerhetsklass med fokus på obalans och balans mellan de konkurrerande logikerna straff och vård, och jämföra med de resultat som framkommit i denna studie / Aim: Focusing at imbalance and balance increase the understanding of how competing logics is managed in the management by the correctional care in Sweden. Method: The qualitative study was made with a hermeneutic starting, with 7 semistructured interviews which were made, and where the individual respondents described their own experience of punishment and care. The paper uses an abductive approach where a continuous interaction between theory and empirical data has been used. The analysis was based on the empirical result and the theoretical frame of reference. Result & Conclusion: From the perspective of the organization, balance is achieved between the two competing logics “punishment” and “care” thanks to the prison trying to motivate the prisoners to change their thoughts and behaviours, and to offer the client work, different programs, education, leisure activity, and to have cooperation contracts with external organizations before freedom preparing actions like permissions. Contribution of thesis: The study has contributed to an increased understanding how the competing logics punishment and care manages with help by controls, focusing at imbalance and balance. Out of the study it emerged that the low-risk prison comprises by controls like affect the balance between punishment and care, where imbalance is dominated by punishment, balance more balance between punishment and care. The study maped controls which affect the balance between imbalance and balance, controls which cause imbalance, and controls to reach balance. Suggestions for future research: Further study would be how controls managing at a prison of higher security focusing on imbalance and balance between the competing logics of punishment and care, and compare the results with the results from this study.
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Beta Diversity Provides Evidence of Niche Based Assembly in Temperate Forest Understory Assemblages of MississippiMason, David Steven 14 December 2018 (has links)
Assembly is a process that shapes the abundance and identity of species in a community. Niche and neutral theory explain assembly processes with mechanisms driven by either species differences, or functional equivalence and stochastic dispersal. In 2017 I sampled vegetation and environmental variables at 59 sites in the Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge and Tombigbee National Forest of Mississippi to explore forest understory community assembly. I developed and assessed a framework of predictions concerning general patterns and underlying mechanism. Evidence of dispersal limitation and functional equivalence were expected under neutral theory. Local environmental characteristics, surrounding landscape variables, and fire were significant determinants of beta diversity. Dispersal was not a strong predictor of beta diversity. I found evidence of both niche complementarity and functional equivalence, as well as niche differences among common vines and an introduced vine (Lonicera japonica). Overall, the results were more congruent with predictions expected under niche theory.
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Ecological Informatics: An Agent Based Model on Coexistence DynamicsThapa, Shiva 01 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The coexistence of species is probably one of the most interesting and complex phenomenon in nature. We constructed an agent based model to study the coexistence dynamics of prey - predator populations by varying productivity levels of producers in fragmented and connected habitats along with different levels of quality of predators. Our results indicated that productivity levels of producers in fragmented and connected habitats along with levels of predator quality are significantly responsible for overall predator - prey population size and survivorship. In the absence of predation, competition between identical prey populations is more probable in connected habitats than in unfragmented or fragmented habitats. Implementing low quality predators in the habitats positively influences the overall coexistence dynamics whereas implementing high quality predators tend to decrease the prey populations. Fragmented habitats provide for greater prey population survival time in highly productive environments but low prey population survival time in less productive environments.
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Determination of Phase Equilibria and the Critical Point Using Two-Phase Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Monte Carlo SamplingPatel, Sonal 15 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The two-phase MD technique employed in this work determines the liquid and vapor phase densities from a histogram of molecular densities within phase clusters in the simulation cell using a new Monte Carlo (MC) sampling method. These equilibrium densities are then fitted in conjunction with known critical-point scaling laws to obtain the critical temperature, and the critical density. This MC post-processing method was found to be more easily implemented in code, and it is efficient and easily applied to complex, structured molecules. This method has been successfully applied and benchmarked for a simple Lennard-Jones (LJ) fluid and a structured molecule, propane. Various degrees of internal flexibility in the propane models showed little effect on the coexisting densities far from critical point, but internal flexibility (angle bending and bond vibrations) seemed to affect the saturated liquid densities in the near-critical region, changing the critical temperature by approximately 20 K. Shorter cutoffs were also found to affect the phase dome and the location of the critical point. The developed MD+MC method was then used to test the efficacy of two all-atom, site-site pair potential models (with and without point charges) developed solely from the energy landscape obtained from high-level ab initio pair interactions for the first time. Both models produced equivalent phase domes and critical loci. The model's critical temperature for methanol is 77 K too high while that for 1-propanol is 80 K too low, but the critical densities are in good agreement. These differences are likely attributable to the lack of multi-body interactions in the true pair potential models used here. Lastly, the transferability of the ab initio potential model was evaluated by applying it to 1-pentanol. An attempt has been made to separate the errors due to transferability of the potential model from errors due to the use of a true-pair potential. The results suggested a good level of transferability for the site-site model. The lack of multi-body effects appears to be dominant weakness in using the generalized ab initio potential model for determination of the phase dome and critical properties of larger alcohols.
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[pt] O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar como se dá o exercício da
parentalidade entre pais heterossexuais durante a vigência da conjugalidade e após
deixarem de ser um casal conjugal, principalmente no tocante à garantia da
convivência familiar aos filhos, observando os fatores sociais que têm interferido
nessas relações. Pretendeu-se, ainda, analisar a frequência e qualidade do convívio
da prole com ambas linhagens – materna e paterna – após a separação conjugal e
desafios encontrados na composição de recursos para sustento da prole, durante a
relação conjugal e também após a separação. De cunho qualitativo, o processo de
pesquisa adotou a análise documental e a realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas
para produção de dados empíricos, e a análise de conteúdo para sua discussão. O
corpus documental constituiu-se de formulários de primeiro atendimento do
Serviço Social, processos da área de Direito de Família e acordos extrajudiciais
feitos no Grupo Interdisciplinar de Mediação de Conflitos, todos disponíveis no
sistema interno do Núcleo de Prática Jurídica (NPJ) da PUC-Rio. Após leitura desse
material, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com usuários do NPJ que
demonstraram interesse e disponibilidade. Mesmo nas informações coletadas de
entrevistados do sexo masculino ficou evidente o papel da mulher como cuidadora
principal dos filhos e do lar, remetendo à permanência de atribuição de tal
responsabilidade à mãe ou a outra figura feminina. Outro dado importante foi a
existência de conflitos quanto ao exercício da parentalidade já durante a vigência
da conjugalidade que, de algum modo, eram suportados ou administrados. Após a
separação conjugal, tais entraves são externalizados, sendo solicitado apoio para
lidar com tais situações. Em todos os casos, também foi perceptível o lamento dos
entrevistados por precisarem recorrer a uma terceira via para solucionar os conflitos
existentes no núcleo familiar. / [en] The main objective of this work was to analyze how parenthood is performed
by heterosexual parents during the period of conjugality and after they cease to be
a conjugal couple, mainly regarding the guarantee of family coexistence for their
children, observing whether social factors have interfered in these relationships.
It was also sought the analyses of the frequency and quality of the offspring s
interaction with both lineages – maternal and paternal – after marital split and of
the challenges encountered in the composition of resources to support the offspring,
during the marital relationship and also after separation.
Through a qualitative approach, the research process adopted document analysis
and semi-structured interviews to produce empirical data, and content analysis for
its discussion.
The documental corpus was composed by Social Work s first contact forms, cases
in the area of Family Law and extrajudicial agreements made in the
Interdisciplinary Group for Conflict Mediation, all available in the internal system
of the Nucleus of Legal Practice (NPJ) of PUC-Rio.
After reading this material, semi-structured interviews were conducted with NPJ
users who showed interest and availability.
Even in the information collected from male respondents, it was evident the
woman s role as the main caregiver of the children and the home, referring the
permanence of such attribution to the mother or another female figure.
Another important data was the existence of conflicts regarding the exercise of
parenthood already during the period of conjugality that, in some way, were
supported or managed.
After marital split such hindrances are externalized and support is requested to deal
with such situations. In all cases, was also perceptible the regret of the interviewees
for having to resort to a third way to resolve existing conflicts in the family nucleus.
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