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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Feelings of Obligation Related to Volunteering as Serious Leisure Within a Communitarian Framework

Gallant, Karen Anne January 2010 (has links)
This research explores feelings of obligation to volunteer, which lie at the interface of volunteering as simultaneously individual and collective and challenge traditional understandings of volunteering as leisure. The study examined volunteering within the context of communitarianism, particularly how collective outcomes of volunteering are related to feelings of obligation to volunteer. Phase one of this research focused on scale creation of a measure assessing feelings of obligation in the context of volunteerism. Using exploratory factor analyses of data from a student sample, this first phase yielded two measures: an 18-item Obligation to Volunteer as Commitment measure (OVC), encompassing dimensions of reward, affective attachment, flexibility, and side bets; and a 14-item Obligation to Volunteer as Duty measure (OVD), encompassing the dimensions of expectation, burden, and constraint. In phase two, survey research was conducted with 300 volunteers at ten community organizations. These new measures were used to examine relationships between obligation to volunteer and the value orientations of individualism and collectivism, the experience of volunteering as serious leisure, and the community characteristics of sense of community and social cohesion. Both individualism and collectivism were associated with the commitment but not the duty dimension of feelings of obligation, and both value orientations, but particularly individualism, was linked to serious leisure. Serious leisure very closely aligned with the commitment aspect of obligation as well as sense of community and social cohesion, thus emerging as a possible pathway for nurturing sense of community in a culture of individualism. Correlation and hierarchical regression analyses link the commitment aspect of obligation to sense of community and social cohesion. Feelings of duty to volunteer, in contrast, were inversely related to sense of community. Thus, the nature of feelings of obligation related to volunteering as commitment or duty have significant implications for the collective outcomes of volunteering, particularly sense of community. Also notable are the strong theoretical and empirical relationships between the OVC scale and serious leisure, which suggest that the newly-developed commitment scale could be considered a measure of the agreeable obligation that accompanies serious leisure pursuits.

Organizational choice and behaviour : a framework for analyzing decision-making in co-operative organizations

Heit, Jason D 19 September 2007 (has links)
This thesis proposes a conceptual framework to analyze the choice of organizational form and assess the shifts in organizational behaviour and form. This thesis argues that the choice of organizational form is an outcome of an individuals or groups mode of identification within the dominant organizational form and property rights structure of society. The framework places/situates the investor-owned firm (IOF) in a position of identification with the dominant ideology and property rights structure of society. The state-owned enterprise (SOE) occupies a position of counter-identification with the dominant ideology and property rights structure of society. The co-operative, on the other hand, represents a dis-identification with both the IOF and the SOE as this form works on and against the ideologies and property rights structures associated with the two former organizational forms.<p>Further, the thesis argues that endogenous and exogenous pressures may cause some organizations to shift their organizational behaviour and form. The researcher examines how internal problems in co-operative organizations (i.e., horizon and principal-agent problems) can exacerbate exogenous pressures (i.e., increasing competition and/or government deregulation) from the market and/or state causing the co-op to imitate the strategies or property rights structure of the IOF in order to cope with these issues. <p>Profiles of the formation of the Saskatchewan Co-operative Wholesale Society and the Consumers Co-operative Refineries Limited and the conversion of the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool are used to illustrate the conceptual framework and support the arguments made in this thesis.

Examining the relationship between team building and physical activity adherence in rural youth

Bruner, Mark William 07 May 2008 (has links)
The primary purpose of this dissertation was to investigate the relationship between a team building (TB) intervention and the adherence behaviours of youth participating in a physical activity club. A preliminary study served to assess the appropriateness of a modified version of the Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ, Carron, Widmeyer, & Brawley, 1985) for a youth sample (N =203), and the results revealed that the instrument appeared to be appropriate for this population. Participants for the main intervention study (N = 122) were high school students (Grades 9-12) participating in 10 rural, school-based exercise clubs. Individuals in five of the schools (n=65) were exposed to a TB intervention and individuals in the other five schools (n=57) served as the controls. Results were divided into examination of process and outcome variables. In terms of the process variables, results revealed that the five factors (group distinctiveness, group positions, group norms, communication/interaction, individual sacrifices) manipulated in the TB intervention significantly differentiated the two groups, Wilks Lambda (5) = .597, p<.001, and in the direction predicted. An examination of the outcome variables revealed that the TB factors added unique variance in predicting task cohesion (ATG-T, R2 Ä = .13 and GI-T, R2 Ä = .21). Finally, an examination of adherence outcomes revealed significant differences in attendance with TB group members attending more sessions than control group members, Wilks Lambda (1,98) = 3.07, p = .08, þ2 = .01. However, no significant difference was found in terms of drop-outs between the groups, t (8) = .54, p>.10. A secondary analysis also revealed a significant relationship between groups and group task satisfaction, with those in the TB group holding greater perceptions of group task satisfaction than those in the control group, Wilks Lambda (1, 97) = 11.69, p = .001, þ2 = .02. These findings provided preliminary support for TB as an effective group-based intervention to improve activity attendance in this population. Given this was the first study to examine the relationship between TB and youth adherence in an exercise setting, further research is recommended.

En för alla, alla för en : Vad är sammanhållning och vilken innebörd har begreppet sammanhållning för SISU`s idrottskonsulenter.

Devrér, Jesper, Persson, Mikael January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to find out how SISU reason about cohesion with respect to its own operations, as sports consultants. There is no previous research on how sports consultants using cohesion as a pedagogical tool. However, there is research on cohesion linked to sport. Earlier research sees cohesion as a multidimensional phenomenon. This means that multiple factors determine the experience of cohesion. Such factors include how how-knit the team or group are, individual and joint objectives and that the individuals share common experiences. Previous research also shows that cohesion can be understood only when one understands the context in which the team or group is in.  SISU is a sports educational organization, actively working with the development of sports clubs. Through them sports clubs learn the importance of cohesion in sport. SISU comprises 21 districts and is available in all municipalities from north to south. By its geographical coverage and the large number of sports they are in contact with, they are an influential factor that should not be underestimated. The socio-cultural perspective sees learning as an ongoing process and that people learn and absorb new knowledge both consciously and unconsciously. From a sociocultural perspective conveyed SISU's vision of cohesion directly and indirectly to the sport. The results of this study show that SISU uses several intellectual tools to increase understanding of the importance of cohesion. These tools are also used to create a greater cohesion in sports. The results also show that SISU puts greatest emphasis on the importance of cohesion in sports. For SISU is the cohesion everything. Our conclusion is that SISU talking about cohesion through a series of concepts. These concepts include team spirit, community, group cohesion, group dynamics, friend and family spirit. Our interpretation is that SISU's Sports Consultants talk about cohesion through these concepts and that cohesion is strongly linked to them. These concepts can be seen as dimensions of cohesion. But a specific definition of what the concept of cohesion is not found. / Syftet med studien är att belysa hur idrottskonsulenter på SISU använder begreppet sammanhållning som ett pedagogiskt verktyg i sina kontakter med idrottsföreningar. Det finns ingen tidigare forskning på hur idrottskonsulenter använder sammanhållning som pedagogiskt verktyg i sitt arbete. Däremot finns det forskning på sammanhållning kopplat till idrott. Av de studier vi tagit del av på området ses sammanhållning som ett multidimensionellt fenomen. Det innebär att flera faktorer avgör upplevelsen av sammanhållning. Till dessa faktorer hör hur sammansvetsad laget eller gruppen är, individuella och gemensamma målsättningar och att individerna delar gemensamma upplevelser. Tidigare forskning visar också att sammanhållning kan förstås först när man förstår den kontext som laget eller gruppen befinner sig i.SISU som är en idrottsutbildande organisation, arbetar aktivt med utveckling inom idrottsföreningar. Genom dem lär idrottsföreningarna om sammanhållningens betydelse för idrotten. SISU består av 21 distriktsförbund och finns i alla kommuner från norr till söder. Genom sin geografiska täckning och det stora antalet idrottsföreningar de står i förbindelse med, är de en påverkansfaktor som inte bör underskattas. Det sociokulturella perspektivet ser lärandet som en ständigt pågående process och att människan lär och tar till sig ny kunskap både medvetet och omedvetet. Sett ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv förmedlas SISU´s syn på sammanhållning direkt och indirekt till idrotten. Resultatet av studien visar att SISU använder flera intellektuella redskap för att öka förståelsen för sammanhållningens betydelse. Dessa redskap används också för skapa en bättre sammanhållning inom idrottsföreningar. Resultatet visar också att SISU lägger största vikt vid sammanhållningens betydelse för idrottsföreningar. För SISU är sammanhållningen allt! Vår slutsats är att SISU talar om sammanhållning genom en rad begrepp. Till dessa begrepp hör laganda, gemenskap, gruppsammanhållning, gruppdynamik, kompisanda och familjär. Vår tolkning är att SISU´s idrottskonsulenter pratar kring sammanhållning genom dessa begrepp och att sammanhållning är starkt kopplat till dem. Dessa begrepp kan ses som dimensioner av sammanhållning. Men en specifik definition om vad begreppet sammanhållning är finns inte.

Lagsammanhållning hos handbollsspelare : Herr- och damlags uppfattning om sammanhållning samt ledarens uppfattning om team buildning / Team-cohesion in handball : Men's and women's teams perception about cohesion and coaches perception about team building

Andersson, Lisa, Samuelsson, Sarah January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är främst att studera sammanhållning hos herr- respektive damlag samt undersöka eventuella skillnader/likheter. Författarna avser vidare att undersöka ledares uppfattningar om sin egen roll för sammanhållningen i ett lag samt deras uppfattningar om hur sammanhållning skapas och bibehålls. Totalt deltog 96 manliga och kvinnliga handbollsspelare, från division 1 och 2, i åldrarna 16-34 i den kvantitativa undersökningen och 4 tränare deltog i den kvalitativa undersökningen. Resultatet visade att det fanns en signifikant skillnad mellan sammanhållningen i dam- respektive herrlagen då kvinnor upplevde en högre grad av sammanhållning. Resultaten visade vidare att tränarna ansåg att sammanhållningsarbetet bör se olika ut för kvinnor och män då kvinnor lägger större vikt vid att känslan i gruppen var bra och män fokuserar mer på prestation. Slutligen visade resultatet att sammanhållning ständigt bör underhållas för att uppnå bästa resultat. Resultaten diskuteras i relation till olika teoretiska perspektiv. / The purpose of this study is mainly to study the cohesion of the men's and women's teams and investigate any differences / similarities. The authors also intend to explore coaches perceptions about their own role in the cohesion of a team, and their perceptions of how cohesion is created and maintained. A total of 96 male and female handball players, in division 1 and 2, from age 16 to 34 participated in the quantitative study, and four coaches participated in the qualitative survey. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the cohesion of the men and women, as the female handball players experienced a higher level of cohesion then the male handball players. Further, the results showed that the coaches felt that the cohesion is different in men's and women's teams,as women attach higher value to how well the members of the group get along and men tend to focus on their own performance. Finally, the results showed that cohesion should be constantly maintained in order to achieve success. The results were discussed in relation to different theoretical perspectives.


Giannini, Alexander January 2011 (has links)
Syfte med denna uppsats är att kritiskt granska och analysera Irving Janis begrepp groupthink samt bedöma om det är en hållbar teori. De frågeställningar jag valt att behandla är:  Vilken kritik har och kan riktas mot Irving L Janis groupthink teori?  På vilket sätt har groupthink teorin utvecklats sedan uppkomsten? För att besvara frågorna och uppfylla mitt syfte så genomförde jag en litteraturstudie där jag utgick från en kvalitativ ansats. Resultatet visade att sedan Janis myntade begreppet 1972 har kritiken främst riktats mot det bristfälliga stöd teorin fått, dess negativa utformning samt Janis snäva inriktning på när groupthink leder till fiaskon. Utifrån denna kritik och min egna analytiska förmåga kommer jag fram till groupthink teorin inte är att ses som en hållbar teori. Det sätt groupthink teorin utvecklats på är att den gett upphov till flera andra förklaringsmodeller när det gäller beslutsfattande i grupp samt att den verkat som en katalysator för detta område inom smågruppsforskningen. / The purpose of this study is to critically examine Irving Janis groupthink concept and to evaluate if it is a sustainable theory. The issues I have chosen to examine are:  What criticisms have been and can be directed against Irving L Janis Groupthink theory?  How has the groupthink theory evolved since its creation? To answer these questions and to achieve my purpose, a literature review was conducted based upon a qualitative approach. The results showed that since Janis coined the term groupthink in 1972, criticism has mainly focused on the flawed amount of received support for the theory, its negative form, and Janis narrow focus on failures. Based on this critique and my own analytical skills brings me to the conclusion that group think theory is not to be seen as a sustainable theory. The way groupthink theory developed is that it have given rise to several other possible explanations in terms of decision making in groups and that it acted as a catalyst for this area in small-group research.

Konstruktiv arbetsgemenskap : En kvalitativ studie om gruppsammanhållning inom en arbetsgrupp i ett IT-företag

Ericsson, Maria, Farahmand, Shakila January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med den här undersökningen är att studera vilken relation som finns mellan sammanhållning och motivation, prestation och kommunikation i en arbetsgrupp. För att undersöka detta har vi utgått ifrån två frågeställningar: vilken relation finns mellan gruppsammanhållningen och individens upplevelse av prestation och motivation i ett IT-företag? och vilken relation finns mellan gruppsammanhållning och kommunikation? Vi har svarat på våra frågeställningar utifrån nio semistrukturerade intervjuer gjorda i en arbetsgrupp på företaget Hewlett-Packard (HP) i Göteborg. Resultatet vi har fått fram genom intervjuerna har sedan analyserats utifrån relevanta, socialpsykologiska teorier och vi har i vår uppsats kommit fram till att sammanhållningen i stor utsträckning påverkar de enskilda individernas motivation, prestation och kommunikation. Vi har även kommit fram till att motivation, prestation och kommunikation i sin tur påverkar hur sammanhållningen utvecklas. / The main purpose of this fieldwork is to study the relation between group cohesion and motivation, performance and communication in a work group. We have used the following questions as our starting point for the research: which is the relation between group cohesion and the individual experience of performance and motivation in an IT-company? And which is the relation between group cohesion and communication? To gather data for our study we used nine semi-structured interviews from a work group in the IT-company Hewlett-Packard (HP) in Gothenburg. The results we gathered through the interviews are analyzed based on relevant theories from the social psychology field and our conclusion from the study is that group cohesion affects the individual motivation, performance and communication. We also concluded that motivation, performance and communication affect the development of group cohesion.

The Emergence, Maintenance and Defeat of Dominant Party Authoritarian Regimes (DPARs)

Ong, Kian M. January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis is an investigation into the causes behind the emergence, maintenance and defeat of dominant authoritarian party regimes (DPARs). The emergence of these regimes during certain critical junctures in a country's history is attributed to the ability of charismatic leaders to co-opt political elites using electoral instruments and incentives under the banner of a single party. The presence of institutional mechanisms that can smooth the leadership transition process, provide rewards for elites to remain in the dominant party and increase the costs of elite defections are important explanatory factors in DPAR maintenance. DPARs also employ different strategies to co-opt and divide the opposition in order to reassert their political dominance. Intra regime splits are a necessary but not sufficient condition to weaken a DPAR. Institutional reform which further weakens a DPAR and increases the probability of future elite splits is introduced when the opposition can play a veto card. The mutually reinforcing effects of elite splits and institutional reform explain the downfall of DPARs in Mexico, Taiwan, Senegal and Paraguay. The DPAR in Malaysia is at a critical juncture whereby an opposition veto which can possibly lead to institutional reform currently hangs in balance.</p> / Dissertation

Investigation of wet paper viscoelastic structural properties

Smith, Tyler Lincoln 09 December 2005 (has links)
The thesis studies the relationship between inter-fiber forces present within a cellulose fiber web under varying external conditions. It particularly concentrates on the degree of fiber to fiber bonding and fiber entanglement as a function of moisture content. Finite element analysis of the fiber bonding is used in conjunction with the experimental results to analyze and explain the inter-fiber behaviors taking place within a sheet.

The Analysis Of Contrastive Discourse Connectives In Turkish

Zeydan, Sultan 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is a descriptive study of four contrastive discourse connectives in Turkish. The main aim of this study is to analyze the connectives with respect to their meaning and predicate-argument structure and lay out the similarities and differences among contrastive discourse connectives with the help of quantitative analysis. Although the study is limited with contrastive connectives, it will have implications on how to resolve discourse structure in general and illustrate how lexico-syntactic elements contribute to discourse semantics.

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