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Du dommage aux lésions collectives : recherches sur des concepts adaptés aux enjeux contemporains de la responsabilité internationale / Collective injury and collective damage : research on concepts adapted to contemporary issues of international responsabilityCastro Nino, Natalia 12 December 2017 (has links)
La doctrine internationaliste a accordé une attention notable au dommage depuis l'apparition de la responsabilité internationale en tant que discipline au sein du droit des gens. Toutefois, depuis plusieurs décennies, elle a délaissé les analyses transversales pour se concentrer sur des dommages précis subis soit par l’État, soit par les particuliers. Ce clivage a laissé subsister un angle mort dans l'analyse de la pratique internationale : l'étude des lésions dont la victime n'est ni une personne publique ni une personne privée, mais une entité collective composée par les unes et/ou par les autres et qui ne peut être réduite à l'addition de ses composantes. La prise en compte des lésions dont peuvent être victimes des entités comme la famille, les peuples, l'humanité ou la communauté internationale est l'un des principaux défis auxquels sera confrontée la responsabilité internationale à l'avenir. Afin de proposer une catégorie qui rende possible une analyse d'ensemble de ces atteintes, il est indispensable de clarifier le cadre conceptuel des lésions prises en compte par la responsabilité internationale. Cette réflexion conduit à constater qu'en plus du dommage, celle-ci tient compte d'une deuxième forme de lésion, purement juridique et inhérente au fait internationalement illicite. Les dommages et lésions juridiques peuvent être regroupés dans la catégorie des «lésions collectives» lorsqu'ils portent atteinte à des droits, des intérêts ou des biens collectifs. Des conséquences particulières découlent des lésions collectives ainsi définies dans le cadre de la responsabilité internationale. Elles se manifestent notamment au regard de son invocation et de son contenu. / The emergence of international responsibility as an autonomous field of study in International Law has compelled the international legal doctrine to devote considerable attention to damage and injury. However, during the last decades, scholars have progressively abandoned the cross-sectional analysis of these concepts in order to further focus on specific injuries and damages suffered by States or individuals. This rift has thus Ieft a blind spot in the analysis of international practice: the study of injury and damage whose victim is neither a public nor a private person, but rather a "collective entity" integrated by either, or both, public and private actors; an entity which cannot be simply reduced to the addition of its components. To take into account the injury and the damage -suffered by entities such as the family, peoples, humanity or the international community - is indeed one of the main challenges that faces international responsibility in the near future. In order to suggest a new category which allows for an overall analysis of such injuries and damages, it is necessary to clarify the conceptual framework of both, injury and damage, within the framework of international responsibility. This clarification leads to the conclusion that, in addition to damage, international responsibility also takes into consideration a purely legal injury which is inherent to the internationally wrongful act. Damage and legal injury can be qualified as "collective whenever they infringe collective rights, interests or goods. Specific effects result from this kind of injuries and damages in particular with regard to the invocation as well as to the legal consequences which arises from international responsibility.
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La gestion collective des droits des auteurs : ses formes imposées par la loi hongroise et française / Collective rights management ordered by law in Hungarian and French copyright lawHajdu, Dora 10 June 2016 (has links)
Le mécanisme complexe qu’est la gestion collective a pour objectif de permettre l’exploitation licite des œuvres en y associant les auteurs. Elle peut ainsi être vue comme une forte contrepartie lors de la négociation des licences octroyées aux utilisateurs (avant tout professionnels), ainsi qu’un outil de suivi des utilisations grâce à la collecte et à la distribution des droits. Paradoxalement, la gestion collective constitue également une limitation, au sens large du terme, au monopole de l’auteur. Cette seconde caractéristique est d’ailleurs beaucoup plus marquée lorsque la gestion collective résulte de dispositions législatives.Notre thèse consiste donc en une réflexion sur l’ambiguïté de la gestion collective, laquelle se révèle particulièrement problématique dans les cas où la gestion collective est exigée par la loi. Cette technique de gestion est avant tout une limitation imposée au monopole de l’auteur en vue notamment de concilier ses intérêts avec ceux du public. Il y a lieu de mentionner cependant que l’introduction de la gestion collective par le législateur peut parfois s’avérer être le seul moyen d’exploitation des œuvres. Dans ce cas, la soumettre au régime propre des limitations aboutiraient à un résultat contraire à l’objectif visé.L’intérêt de ce sujet, et de cet angle de recherche particulier, tient également au fait que le législateur envisage la gestion collective comme une réponse à certaines questions du droit d’auteur contemporain, telles que l’utilisation des œuvres orphelines ou la numérisation des livres indisponibles. Il convient alors de démontrer les particularités du régime afférent à la gestion collective et de la positionner au sein du droit d’auteur. Ceci revêt une importance particulière car la notion de gestion collective, telle qu’elle résulte des lois française et hongroise n’est pas homogène. Elle englobe (i) la gestion collective obligatoire des droits exclusifs ainsi que (ii) la gestion collective des licences légales ou droits à rémunération, (iii) la gestion collective étendue et (iv) la gestion collective non étendue ouvrant un droit de sortie. Ainsi, il convient de traiter non seulement de la structure et du fonctionnement de la gestion collective, mais également et avant tout des droits patrimoniaux, afin de pouvoir démontrer l’intérêt de les gérer par le biais du système de gestion collective.Cette thèse est construite autour de l’analyse de la gestion collective régie par la loi française et hongroise, car ces deux pays disposent de systèmes juridiques différents au sein de la tradition civiliste. Ce travail illustre donc deux approches distinctes de la gestion collective imposée par la loi, ce qui a nécessité d’une part, l’étude de textes législatifs, de jurisprudences et de doctrines propres à ces deux pays, et d’autre part, l’analyse des textes régissant le droit d’auteur international et européen.Dans cette optique, la première partie est consacrée à la théorie générale de la gestion collective et aux limitations en droit d’auteur, et pose la question de la gestion collective comme limitation apportée aux droits de l’auteur. Nous concentrons ensuite notre attention sur la notion même de gestion collective imposée par la loi, de sorte à déterminer si la gestion collective peut être considérée comme une limitation au droit exclusif de l’auteur (deuxième partie) ou s’il s’agit simplement d’une garantie pour la mise en œuvre de ses droits (troisième partie). / The complex mechanism of the collective management of copyrights seeks to facilitate lawful uses of protected works by associating the authors. It can therefore be seen as a strong asset when negotiating licenses granted to (mainly professional) users, and a useful mechanism for monitoring uses through the collection and distribution of license fees and levies. Paradoxically though, collective management imposes also a limitation on the exclusive rights of authors in the broad sense, because it restricts the exercise of economic rights. This latter feature is much more highlighted when the collective management proceeds from the initiative of the legislator.Our thesis is a reflection on the ambiguity of collective management of copyrights ordered by law. The collective exploitation of economic rights is first and foremost a restriction on the exclusive rights of the authors meant to reconcile their interests with those of the public. It should be mentioned, however, that the introduction of collective management by law may sometimes prove the only means of exploitation of works. In this case, the submission of the solution to the special regime of limitations would lead to a result that is contrary to the objective of the collective management.The aims of this specific research focus lies in the fact that the legislator is considering collective management as a response to some questions of today’s copyright law, such as the use of orphan works or digital uses of out-of-commerce books. It is in that sense essential to analyse the details of collective management as ordered by law, and its place within the wider copyright system. This is particularly important because the concept of collective management, as it results from French and Hungarian laws, is not uniform. It includes (i) the mandatory collective management of exclusive rights, (ii) the collective management of statutory licenses or rights to remuneration, (iii) extended collective management, and (iv) the collective management with possibility of opting out. It also means that one should not only examine the collective rights-management system, but the economic rights licensed by the collective management organisations in order to demonstrate the reasons for introducing this mechanism as well.The present thesis thus provides a comparative analysis of collective management as stated in French and Hungarian copyright laws, as these two countries belong to different legal traditions within the civil law system. Our work sheds light on two distinct approaches to the collective management of copyrights ordered by law, through the study of legislative texts, jurisprudence, and doctrines specific to these two countries, as well as the analysis of the texts governing the international and European Union copyright law.In this respect, the first part of our thesis is concentrates on the general theory of collective management and limitations in copyright, where we discuss whether collective management can be seen as a limitation placed on authors’ economic rights. The two main parts of the thesis then focus on the concept of collective management ordered by law to examine whether collective management might be considered a limitation to the exclusive rights of authors (second part) or a simple guarantee for exploiting these rights (third part).
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Právo na stávku a výluku / The right to strike and lock-outHlůšek, Vítězslav January 2011 (has links)
THE RIGHT TO STRIKE AND LOCK-OUT ABSTRACT The content of this thesis is to outline the issue of strikes and lock-outs in the Czech republic, both in terms of current legislation, as well as in future ones. On previous pages I try to describe strike actions from the historical and economic points of view, but I also try to compare their individual characters within the EU countries and to accent their specific features and patterns, which are typical for the state or region. I spent an essentional part of my work by studying strikes not modified by acts and the questions of their legality. I gradually evolved into a full knowledge of complete state of freedom of association in our country because of Judicial decisions I didn't know before. I drew my conclusions primarily from literature, articles from distinguished academics and renowned experts and of course from court cases. The importace of legislative was relative because the lawmaker did not fully explore this area. I describe strikes and lockouts as a general phenomenon, whose presence is desirable in every developed community. But I also realized the individual typological aspects of employment law entities. I tried to create work that consistently includes the full scope of relationships and contained all eventualities that come with the right to...
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Envisager la vigilance crues comme système organisationnel : les conditions de sa robustesse en territoires inondés dans le bassin Adour-Garonne (Sud-Ouest de la France) / Flood warning as an organisational system : the conditions of its robustness in flooded territories analysed in the Adour-Garonne basin (South-West of France)Daupras, France 18 December 2015 (has links)
Malgré les améliorations portées à la détection des crues, à leurs prévisions et au perfectionnement des technologies de communication ces vingt dernières années, les systèmes d’alerte aux inondations restent soumis à des vulnérabilités et des incertitudes inhérentes à leur fonctionnement. En s’intéressant plus particulièrement au dispositif de Vigilance crues, ce travail questionne la manière dont les acteurs impliqués dans ce dispositif sociotechnique s’adaptent aux incertitudes et vulnérabilités auxquelles ils sont soumis. Ce travail s’appuie notamment sur le développement d’un modèle centré sur la notion de robustesse. D’une part, celui-ci permet de mieux saisir les processus qui conditionnent l’atteinte de l’objectif d’anticipation et d’amélioration de l’action collective organisée au cours d’une inondation. D’autre part, cette approche, en combinant les capacités à faire face des acteurs et les vulnérabilités du système, questionne les conditions socio-spatiales de la robustesse de la Vigilance crues au quotidien, i.e. en dehors des périodes de crues. Notre méthodologie repose sur plus de cent cinquante entretiens auprès des acteurs du système de vigilance dans le bassin Adour-Garonne. Il est ainsi démontré que la robustesse de ce système dépend (1) de la capacité des acteurs à faire face aux incertitudes et de leurs connaissances territoriales ; (2) de la mise en œuvre d’une approche intégrée qui tient compte des savoirs vernaculaires et des savoirs techniques ; (3) de rencontres régulières entre maires, services de gestion de crise et prévisionnistes, en particulier dans le cadre d’exercices inondation. Ainsi, se développent la confiance entre acteurs, l’apprentissage collectif et le renforcement de l’action collective en situations de crise. / Improving flood forecasting has become a technological race with major advances over the last 20 years. Moreover, communication technologies improvements have significantly increased the speed of warning dissemination. However, flood warning systems present inherent uncertainties and vulnerabilities. The present thesis questions how stakeholders involved in the French Flood Warning System (FFWS) deal with those uncertainties and vulnerabilities to achieve the aim of anticipation. Our approach is based on a conceptual model making use of the concept of robustness. We have applied this model to several flooded territories in the Adour-Garonne basin (France). Taking into account both vulnerability and coping capacities, we analyse the socio-spatial conditions that allows the robustness of the FFWS. A qualitative research methodology (150 semi-directive interviews) was adopted for the case studies. We demonstrate that (1) some vulnerabilities of the institutional warning can be overcome by the coping capacities and territorial knowledge of people at risk ; (2) the improvement of the FFWS can be achieved by the combination of both vernacular and scientific knowledges, and by an adaptation to local context ; (3) the reinforcement of the FFWS robustness depends on the upholding and the development of collective action, integrating people at-risk, crisis management services and forecasters through regular meetings and flood training exercises outside flooding periods. Such actions allow reinforcing collective action during crisis situations through the development of trustfulness.
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Dialogue social au Mali : réalités et enjeux / Social dialogue : realities and challengesCoulibaly, Fassoun 29 June 2019 (has links)
Le dialogue social a pour but de promouvoir la paix sociale indispensable à tout développement économique. S’il est un passage obligé en matière de prévention et de résolution des conflits sociaux, il est de façon générale aujourd’hui un mode de régulation incontournable dans toutes les sociétés. Au Mali, le dialogue social a connu sous la Troisième République, à partir de la révolution de mars 1991 et avec l’avènement de la démocratie et de l’Etat de droit, un essor remarquable ; celui-ci est allé de pair avec l’éclosion du pluralisme syndical. Quelque peu paradoxalement, aujourd’hui, le développement du dialogue social se heurte précisément à la question de la représentativité. Le fonctionnement de certaines institutions du pays s’en trouve paralyser, tout comme celui de diverses commissions de négociation, ceci dans le secteur privé comme dans le secteur public. Dans un tel contexte, les plus hauts responsables de l’Etat ont eux-mêmes des difficultés pour réunir les acteurs sociaux autour d’une même table. Il apparaît ainsi urgent de déterminer la représentativité essentiellement des organisations syndicales de travailleurs, via l’organisation d’élections professionnelles et le recours à des critères consensuels préalablement définis.Au-delà de la question de la représentativité, il est nécessaire de s’interroger sur les réalités et les enjeux contemporains du dialogue social au Mali. Ceci passe tout d’abord par la réalisation d’un bilan de son encadrement juridique, qu’il s’agisse de droits à l’information, à la consultation ou à la négociation collective au niveau national, sectoriel ou de l’entreprise, ou bien encore des dispositions relatives à la gestion des conflits sociaux. Par ailleurs, il convient d’envisager les conditions d’amélioration du dialogue social au Mali. Ceci conduit d’un part à proposer certaines modifications normatives, d’autre part à réfléchir à sa dynamisation via, notamment, la formation de ses acteurs, l’intervention de tiers facilitateurs, mais aussi l’extension de son périmètre à des questions relatives aux droits sociaux fondamentaux, voire à dimension sociétale. / Social dialogue is intended to promote social peace, a precondition to economic development. It is a prerequisite for prevention and resolution of social conflicts, it is generally today a mode of regulation in all societies. In Mali, social dialogue developed extraordinarily under the third Republic, from the revolution of March 1991 and with the advent of democracy and the rule of law. This went hand in hand with the emergence of pluralism in trade unions. Somewhat paradoxically, today, the development of social dialogue is facing precisely the issue of representativeness. The functioning of some institutions of the country is paralyzed, as well as the functioning of various trading commissions, in both private and public sector. In such a context, the highest state officials themselves are struggling to bring together social actors around the table. Thus, it is urgent to determine essentially representativeness of trade union organizations of workers, through the organization of professional elections and the use of consensual criteria previously defined.Beyond the issue of representativeness, it is necessary to question the realities and contemporary issues of social dialogue in Mali. First of all, this involves taking stock of its legal framework, be its rights to information, consultation or collective bargaining at national, sectoral level of the company, or of the provisions relating to the management of social conflicts. Furthermore, consideration should be given to the conditions leading to improved social dialogue in Mali. On the one hand, this entails proposing normative changes, on the other hand, reflecting on its revitalization through, in particular, its actors, the intervention of third-party facilitator training, but also the extension of its scope to questions relating to fundamental social rights, or even to societal dimension.
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Sources of Koreans' collective memories generation and culture /Song, Young-Hee. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.G.S.)--Miami University, Dept. of Sociology and Gerontology, 2008. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 94-96).
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Team Collective Intelligence - Theory, Validation And ApplicabilityGoyal, Ajay Kumar 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
It is very critical to understand what makes a work team to behave intelligently as individual competencies often don’t convert into the collective competence. Theoretically it has been observed and underlined by many scholars that a group might have a mind of its own which is different from its constituents. Past theories related to this have taken two opposite positions one led by Le Bon emphasizing the compromised capacity of collectives in terms of loss of rationality and the second one led by Durkhiem who has seen the collectives as super-organism. But systematic investigation of phenomena of collective intelligence has not been undertaken in the context of human groups.
We took to investigate this problem, starting with theoretical analysis and critical review of literature toward understanding relevant issues and aspects. We primarily reviewed the literature in team innovativeness, learning, team cognition, emotion, structure, process, effectiveness, individual intelligence and collective intelligence. Based upon the understanding thus derived we developed the constructs of collective intelligence, cognitive intelligence, social capital,, and emotional intelligence of teams, and a theoretical model outlining their interrelationships. Four specific objectives set for this research included:
1. To develop a theoretical framework for understanding collective intelligence and relate it to social capital, cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence
2. To compare the collective intelligence, social capital, cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence of teams in terms of organizational type, age of the team, gender composition and team function
3. To develop aggregate and segregate structural models to validate the construct of collective intelligence
4. To explore the applicability of structural model in practical setting through qualitative case studies
The data was collected from 297 teams. This data was used for scale validation through item analysis and reliability assessment. Measures of four constructs were analyzed for sub-factors identification using principal components analysis.
The main analysis included a comparison of collective intelligence, social capital, cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence across various categories followed by generation of aggregate and segregate structural models for different categories of teams, using the partial least squares (PLS) method of structural equation modeling. Partial least squares analysis supported the proposed theoretical model. For overall structural model results indicated satisfactory internal consistency (reliability), and convergent and discriminant validities (construct validity) of the measures used. All the model estimates of outer as well as inner models showed high significance level indicating the stability of estimates. Finally the R-square values indicating total variance explained, of each latent dependent variable were substantial (i.e. more than 0.30) suggested adequate predictiveness of the model. All these findings indicated that the proposed model of factor structure of team collective intelligence was based upon robust measures and had high predictiveness. For triangulation and assessment of applicability of model case studies were conducted with two teams from two different organizations.
The main contributions of this research lie in the development, validation and demonstration of applicability of a model of general ability (collective intelligence) of work teams.
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The inter-group dynamics of crowd behaviourStott, Clifford John T. January 1996 (has links)
No description available.
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On the defensive : a critical examination of concepts of #non-provocative defence', 1980-1992Wiseman, Geoffrey January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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Intergroup contact and collective action : an integrative approachCakal, Huseyin January 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigated the effects of intergroup contact on different types of collective action tendencies among advantaged and disadvantaged groups. Studies 1 and 2 tested the simultaneous effects of intergroup contact and established predictors of collective action on collective action tendencies and ingroup and outgroup oriented policies among Blacks and Whites in South Africa, and compared the effects of intergroup contact and social identity on collective action tendencies via relative deprivation and group efficacy. The findings revealed that while social identity was positively associated with collective action tendencies, both directly and indirectly, effects of contact were negative and indirect via relative deprivation and group efficacy. Studies 3 and 4 investigated the effects of contact and social identity on collective action tendencies via perceived threats. Using data from Turkish and Kurdish groups in Turkey, I found that social identity predicted collective action tendencies positively, both directly and indirectly, while it predicted outgroup attitudes negatively and indirectly via perceived threats. Intergroup contact, on the other hand, predicted outgroup attitudes positively, both directly and indirectly, and collective action tendencies negatively via perceived threats. In Study 5, intergroup contact was positively associated, both directly and indirectly, via perspective taking and collective guilt, associated with outgroup oriented collective action tendencies. In Study 6, the effect of social identity on ingroup oriented collective action was positive and direct. Intergroup contact with the weaker minority group, on the other hand, was positively associated with outgroup oriented collective action tendencies via perspective taking. Additionally, intergroup contact with the majority outgroup moderated this relationship. When participants reported more contact with the majority group, intergroup contact with the weaker minority was not associated with outgroup oriented collective action tendencies. However, when the participants reported less contact with the majority group, intergroup contact positively predicted outgroup oriented collective action tendencies. Finally, Study 7 investigated the effects of two different dimensions of contact, contact with the majority and minority on collective action, via outgroup attitudes, dual-identification, and common ingroup identity in a three wave longitudinal design (N=610) among Turkish Cypriots in northern Cyprus. While the results did not support findings from the previous studies on the so-called paradoxical effects of contact on collective action tendencies, they revealed a robust negative reciprocal relationship between outgroup attitudes toward Greek Cypriots and collective action tendencies.
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