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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo do risco de falha ambiental em rios sujeitos a concessÃo de outorga de lanÃamentos de efluentes, mediante o uso da equaÃÃo de streeter-phelps âfuzzificada" / Study of the environmental risk of failure in rivers subject to concession granting of discharge of effluents by the use of equation streeter-phelps "fuzzificada"

Karla de Carvalho Vasconcellos 30 July 2013 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Este trabalho propÃe uma metodologia para estudar o comportamento das concentraÃÃes da Demanda BioquÃmica de OxigÃnio e do OxigÃnio Dissolvido em um rio sujeito a lanÃamentos de efluentes. O estudo à baseado na transformaÃÃo do Modelo MatemÃtico de Streeter-Phelps em um modelo de natureza fuzzy, onde as concentraÃÃes de DBO e de OD sÃo calculadas na forma de funÃÃes de pertinÃncia. Desta forma, à possÃvel incorporar incertezas no modelo, o que permite desenvolver uma metodologia para a determinaÃÃo do risco de um corpo hÃdrico nÃo atender as condiÃÃes de uso previsto por norma, quando recebe uma carga poluente, proveniente de uma concessÃo de outorga de lanÃamento de efluentes. A pesquisa usa um programa computacional, desenvolvido para este trabalho, para calcular, a partir das equaÃÃes do modelo, as concentraÃÃes de DBO e de OD nas suas formas fuzzy. TambÃm foi desenvolvida uma sub-rotina que permite que sejam calculados o risco e a confiabilidade para o rio em questÃo que venha a receber lanÃamentos de efluentes. Os resultados mostraram que esta metodologia fuzzy à uma alternativa para ser considerada nas questÃes pertinentes à gestÃo integrada dos recursos hÃdricos. / This research proposes a methodology to study the behavior of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand and of the Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations, in a river, subject to effluent discharges. The study is based on the transformation of the Streeter-Phelps Mathematical Model to a Streeter-Phelps Fuzzy Model, where the concentrations of BDO and of DO are calculated as membership functions. In such way, it is possible to incorporate uncertainties in the model, so that it allows developing a methodology for the determination risk and the reliability of a body of water do not assist the use conditions established by norm, when it receives a load pollutant, originating from a concession of grants of effluent discharges. The research uses a computational program, developed for this research, to make calculations, starting from the model equations, the BOD and the DO concentrations, in the membership functions. It was also developed a subroutine that allows that the risk and the reliability could be calculated for the river, subject that receives effluents discharges. The results showed that this fuzzy methodology is an alternative to be considered in the questions related with Integrated Water Resources Management.

A concessão florestal como política pública para o desenvolvimento sustentável do setor florestal na Amazônia

Remor, Adriano Ramos January 2009 (has links)
O momento histórico atual requer uma reflexão sobre alternativas para o desenvolvimento sustentável do setor florestal na Amazônia. É nesta perspectiva que se insere esta pesquisa, ao tratar do desenvolvimento sustentável por meio da concessão de florestas públicas. O estabelecimento de estratégias de desenvolvimento sustentável envolve uma mudança conceitual na acepção dos empreendimentos, isto é, promover a eficiência da exploração dos recursos naturais, no caso, a da madeira, impedindo a degradação e devastação da floresta pela ocupação desordenada de atividades e, ao mesmo tempo, aumentando o crescimento econômico por meio de uma gestão sustentável, resultando assim na redução dos impactos ambientais, no aumento da renda e na melhoria da qualidade de vida das populações locais. O modelo de pesquisa bibliográfico, de caráter descritivo e método qualitativo apresentou-se como a melhor opção, ainda que o número de publicações e pesquisas sobre o assunto tem se apresentado restrito. Foram desenvolvidas algumas considerações acerca desse cenário econômico da Amazônia, seguida de uma reflexão sobre o setor madeireiro, abordando sua importância para a região e seus pólos de desenvolvimento. Por fim, uma análise sobre o princípio da concessão florestal como alternativa de política pública para o incremento do setor florestal na Amazônia Brasileira completa o estudo. O assunto, objeto de estudo, reflete a preocupação em oferecer contribuições às necessidades postas pela realidade contemporânea da Amazônia, na possibilidade de construção de alternativas adequadas ao seu desenvolvimento sustentável. / The current historical moment requires a reflection of alternatives for the sustainable development of forestry sector in the Amazon. It is in this perspective that this research comes to dealing with sustainable development through the award of public forests. The establishment of strategies for sustainable development involves a conceptual change in the meaning of business, promoting the efficiency of exploration of natural resources, in case of wood, preventing the degradation and devastation of forests by the disorderly occupation of activities, and at the same time, increasing economic growth through sustainable management, resulting in the reduction of environmental impacts, increased income and improved quality of life of local people. The model of research is the bibliography, with descriptive nature and qualitative methodology been presented as the best option, although the number of publications and researches about the subject has been restricted. Were developed some considerations about the economic environment of the Amazon, followed by a reflection on the timber industry, addressing its importance for the area and its centers of development. Finally, an analysis about the principle of award forestry as an alternative to public policy to increase the forestry sector in the Brazilian Amazon complete the study. The subject, object of study, reflects the concern to provide contributions to the needs posed by the contemporary reality of the Amazon, in the possibility of building suitable alternatives to their sustainable development.

A caracterização do contrato de concessão após a edição da Lei nº11.079/2004 / The characterization of concession after law 11.0799/2004

Vera Cristina Caspari Monteiro 28 May 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho busca identificar os elementos que caracterizam o gênero \"concessão\" na atualidade, propondo que ele seja estudado autonomamente para não ser confundido com suas espécies. O ponto de partida do estudo foi uma pesquisa realizada sobre a teoria jurídica brasileira que tratou da concessão dos anos 30 a 60 do século XX (chamada de teoria clássica). Foi demonstrado que o esforço doutrinário brasileiro esteve focado na construção de argumentos e classificações para afirmar a existência de prerrogativas públicas na relação concessória, cuja natureza contratual foi amplamente aceita para viabilizar a prestação de serviços públicos. Após o mapeamento das razões que levaram à construção das freqüentes afirmações doutrinárias sobre concessão, duas linhas de desenvolvimento foram seguidas. A primeira, após a identificação dos possíveis limites constitucionais e infraconstitucionais à afirmação da concessão como gênero contratual, envolveu a demonstração da inadequação dos elementos tradicionalmente ligados às espécies concessórias para a caracterização do gênero \"concessão\". A segunda linha envolveu a identificação dos vetores que propõem a atualização do regime jurídico do contrato administrativo para fim de aplicá-los ao gênero \"concessão\". Com base nas conclusões a que se chegou foi possível afirmar um traço caracterizador do gênero \"concessão\", capaz de apartá-lo de outros modelos contratuais e das próprias espécies concessórias. Em seguida, foram investigadas as conseqüências do reconhecimento da concessão como gênero contratual, o que foi feito tendo como foco a Lei n.º 11.079/04 e o impacto provocado por ela nos contratos de concessão e, reflexamente, nos contratos administrativos em geral. Ao final, foram arroladas conclusões obtidas ao longo do trabalho. / This dissertation aims at examining the legal aspects of concession as a general concept, suggesting that its main features are more profitably examined when distinguished from the specifities of its concrete varieties. A survey of the Brazilian legal studies on concessions which were published between 1930-1960 (the so-called classical theory) showed that Brazilian theorists of that period focused primarily on the building of arguments to support the existence of public prerogatives in concessions, whose contractual nature was widely accepted as a tool to make public services available. Constitutional and infra-constitutional limits to such reading of the contractual nature of concessions were then examined to expose the possible inadequacy of concession as a general concept. Also examined were alternative, modernizing interpretations of administrative contracts so as to adjust such notion to the broad concept of concession. As a result, some key elements of concession as a genus were suggested. Finally, this paper examined the effects oh this understanding of the contractual nature of concessions by a critique of Law 11.079/04, and of its impact on concession and administrative contracts.

Les projets build, operate and transfer (BOT): une démarche contractuelle efficace dans les investissements internationaux

Nkounkou, Euloge Anicet 11 1900 (has links)
Dans le vaste champ du droit international des affaires, les projets «Build, Operate and Transfer» (BOT) signifiant «Construire, Exploiter et Transférer» et leurs variantes semblent moins connus du fait qu'ils représentent un type particulier d'investissement. La réalisation de ces projets fait intervenir de nombreux acteurs (notamment l'État hôte, la société concessionnaire et les cocontractants) aux intérêts souvent divergents mais qui tendent tous à la satisfaction d'un objectif commun: la réussite du projet. L'une des particularités de ces projets est que l'État ayant un fort taux d'endettement et d'impérieuses contraintes budgétaires limitant la capacité du secteur public aux besoins croissants en matière d'infrastructures, bénéficie sous certaines conditions, la participation du secteur privé qui supporte d'énormes risques financiers. Notre étude se veut d'abord une pénétration des mécanismes contractuels des projets BOT afin de déceler les enjeux qui font leur complexité. C'est à la suite de cette analyse que succèdera l'étude des problèmes juridiques affectant l'enveloppe financière, les garanties étatiques ainsi que l'allocation des risques. Dans la troisième partie, notre réflexion sera relancée pour comprendre des questions multiples liées à la sécurisation des investissements BOT réalisés dans les pays à instabilité politique particulièrement en Afrique. Le bilan s'ouvrira sur une analyse critique des sentences arbitrales ciblées en insistant sur des principes très généraux dont l'application a fait l'objet des débats animés en droit des investissements.

La licence de droit d'auteur / The license of author's right (copyright)

Boisson, Alexis 09 December 2011 (has links)
Le droit d'auteur – dont l'identité reste controversée – n'échappe pas à la discussion quant à la nature et au régime des contrats qui le mettent en œuvre. D'une terminologie légale ancrée dans une certaine tradition, mais hasardeuse, on infère l'originalité de l'ensemble des contrats de la matière. Or, la spécificité n'est sur ce point qu'apparente. De l'édition littéraire aux contrats de l'audiovisuel et aux œuvres diffusées sur les réseaux, l'analyse démontre que si l'auteur peut "céder" son œuvre – ce que dit la loi – il peut aussi la louer, c'est-à-dire en concéder la licence – ce qu'elle ne dit pas. Ce constat s'appuie sur une méthode de lecture renouvelée des contrats du droit d'auteur. L'attention portée par la loi impérative à certains contrats (édition, production audiovisuelle, etc.), a pu perturber l'étude de la licence, l'acte par lequel l'auteur se borne à autoriser l'exploitation de son œuvre pour un temps. Or, si la licence apparaît dans un premier temps en contrat spécial du droit d'auteur, elle sera également amenée à devenir la composante élémentaire d'un contrat complexe organisant une exploitation. Il importe donc de distinguer ces deux objets pour mieux en apprécier ensuite les interactions. Le droit d'auteur, droit "spécial", fait ainsi la preuve de son aptitude à accueillir - autant que de raison - les mécanismes du droit des contrats, droit "commun". Cette étude a pour ambition une meilleure compréhension de cette matière complexe des contrats du droit d'auteur, sans omettre le principal objectif de notre loi : la protection de l'auteur. / In the field of the author's right (a concept with a controversial identity), the nature and regime of many contracts is a subject for debate. A traditional but somehow uncertain terminology has often led to infer the originality of most of these contracts. However, this peculiarity is only apparent. From literary publishing to audiovisual contracts through creations published on networks, not only can the author of a work "assign" it – as stated by the law – but also rent it, or in other words license it – even though the law does not state it. This observation rests on a renewed reading method applied to the author's right contracts. Focusing on some of these contracts (e. g. books publishing, audiovisual production, etc.), mandatory copyright law hindered the study of license itself, i. e. the act by which an author authorizes the exploitation of his work for a fixed time. License is a special contract in the field of author's right ; it is also a basis element in a complex agreement designed to organize an exploitation. These two objects should therefore be distinguished and their interactions thoroughly analysed. A "special" right, the author's right nevertheless proves able to host (to a certain extent) the typical process of contract right – a "common" right. The present study aims to attain a better understanding of a complex matter, the author's right contracts, not forgetting the main purpose of the law itself : the protection of the author.

Legal aspects of the current mining situation and the impact of the package of new legislatives decrees in the mining activity / Aspectos legales de la situación actual de la minería y el impacto del paquete de nuevos decretos legislativos en la actividad minera. Entrevista a Luis Carlos Rodrigo

Cueva Chauca, Sergio 12 April 2018 (has links)
In this interview, Luis Carlos Rodrigo tells us about the new measures taken by the Government for unlock investments in order to invigorate the economy. Furthermore, he tell us about the participation of new entities in the granting of mining concession, the impact of these new measures in the mining formalization process, the effects of these in the administrative simplification and about relevant aspects uncontemplated by these rules. / En la presenta entrevista, Luis Carlos Rodrigo nos habla sobre las nuevas medidas adoptadas por el Gobierno para destrabar las inversiones con el objetivo de dinamizar la economía. Además, nos habla sobre la participación de nuevas entidades en el otorgamiento de una concesión minera, del impacto de estas medidas en el proceso de formalización minera, de los efectos de estas en la simplificación administrativa y sobre aspectos relevantes no contemplados por estas normas.

Muito além da lata de lixo: a construção da política pública e a organização do mercado de limpeza urbana no município de São Paulo / Far beyond the garbage can: construction of the solid waste management policy and organization of the market in São Paulo

Samuel Ralize de Godoy 30 September 2015 (has links)
O conjunto de serviços que compõem o setor de políticas de limpeza urbana, tal como ele existe hoje, é produto de uma série de decisões, disputas e interesses entre diferentes atores. O trabalho trata da construção dessas políticas no município de São Paulo, com especial interesse pelo arcabouço institucional formado do século XIX ao XXI, bem como pela estruturação do mercado e da economia política que se ancorou para a provisão de serviços de interesse público via empresas privadas no município. O principal fato analisado é o de que, no contexto de um sistema que envolve uma multiplicidade de atores e interesses, o Estado abriu mão do papel de executor dos serviços, gradativamente cedendo-o a empresas privadas cada vez maiores e mais dominantes no âmbito da entrega dos serviços; ao mesmo tempo, ele veio procurando fortalecer suas capacidades regulatórias, desde o final do século XX, mas, sobretudo, no início do século XXI, com a criação de um modelo de concessão em que as empresas concessionárias assumam os riscos financeiros e os investimentos em equipamentos que serão revertidos em benefício do município. O capítulo 1 caracteriza empiricamente o setor de políticas de limpeza urbana de São Paulo tal como é configurado atualmente, oferecendo as definições necessárias à compreensão do universo empírico. O capítulo 2 explora a construção de capacidades estatais para a provisão, a regulação e a fiscalização do sistema de limpeza urbana, e dialoga diretamente com a tese do capitalismo regulatório, para a qual a divisão de trabalho entre Estado e mercado não necessariamente representa o enfraquecimento do Estado, mas também não necessariamente significa seu fortalecimento. Identificam-se quatro fases de construção do arcabouço institucional: (i) origens e primeiros serviços (até 1913), (ii) modernização e execução direta (1914 a 1966), (ii) execução indireta (1967 a 2002) e (iv) concessão dos serviços (pós-2002). O capítulo 3 discute a organização do mercado da limpeza urbana, examinando a organização dos nichos de mercado e a existência de entidades associativas para reunir empresas e setor público. Identificam-se três fases de constituição do mercado: (i) estabelecimento das primeiras empresas no setor e processos fechados de contratação (1966-1987), (ii) crescimento do mercado, regulação sobre compras mais robusta, entrada de capital estrangeiro e surgimento de instabilidades (1987-2004) e (iii) formação de consórcios, saída do capital estrangeiro, aumento da regulação federal sobre o setor e inclusão de novos atores. Todos os elementos expressam relações e processos de coordenação e intermediação entre agentes públicos e privados, de forma que o Estado governa, mas não governa tudo, e nem sozinho, de forma comparável com outros casos de concessões públicas. Ainda que a Prefeitura seja a principal responsável pela regulação sobre o sistema, o setor privado responde por boa parte dos insumos tecnológicos, da experiência no planejamento dos serviços e pela gestão cotidiana dos equipamentos, bem como é o principal investidor no modelo de concessão. Todavia, essa divisão de tarefas nem sempre é clara ou bem definida. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir da análise de documentos oficiais e documentos produzidos pelas entidades associativas do setor, além de entrevistas com agentes públicos e privados. / The set of services that make up the solid waste management policies, as it exists today, is the product of a series of decisions, disputes and interests among different actors. The work deals with the construction of these policies in São Paulo, with special interest in the institutional framework formed from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century, as well as the structure of the market and the political economy that anchored the provision of public services via private companies in the municipality. The central fact of analysis is that, in the context of a system that involves a multiplicity of actors and interests, the State gave up the role of executor of services, gradually granting it to private companies which grew bigger and more dominant in the delivery level; meanwhile, the State have been attempting to strengthen its regulatory capacity, since the late twentieth century, but especially in the early twenty-first century with the creation of a concession model in which the concessionaires assume the financial risks and investments in equipment which will be reversed in favor of the municipality. Chapter 1 empirically characterizes the solid waste management sector of São Paulo as it is currently configured, providing concepts for the understanding of the empirical universe. Chapter 2 addresses the construction of state capacities for the provision, regulation and supervision of the waste management system, and interacts directly with the thesis of regulatory capitalism according to which the division of labor between State and market does not necessarily weaken the State, but also does not necessarily mean its strengthening. The chapter identifies four phases of construction of the institutional framework: (i) origins and first services (until 1913), (ii) modernization and direct execution by State (1914-1966), (ii) indirect execution (1967-2002) and (iv) concession of services (post-2002). Chapter 3 discusses the organization of the waste management market, examining the organization of niche markets and the existence of associative entities to bring together companies and public sector. The chapter identify three phases: (i) establishment of the first companies (1966-1987), (ii) market growth, more robust regulation, foreign capital inflows and the emergence of instabilities (1987-2004) and (iii) formation of consortiums, foreign capital outflow, increased federal regulation of the sector and inclusion of new actors. All elements express relationships, coordination and intermediation processes between public and private actors, so that the State governs but does not govern everything, nor alone, in a comparable manner to other cases of public concessions. Although City Hall is mainly responsible for the regulation of the system, the private sector accounts for much of the technological inputs, experience in planning and daily management of equipment and services, and is the main investor in the concession model. However, this division is not always clear or well defined. The research employed analysis of official documents and documents produced by the associative entities of the market, as well as interviews with public and private actors.

Skalní umění severovýchodní Afriky: případová studie skalních maleb z československé koncese v dolní Nubii / The Rock Art of Northeast Africa: a Case Study of Rock Paintings from the Czechoslovak Concession in Lower Nubia

Suková, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
Lenka Suková Abstract of Dissertation 1 THE ROCK ART OF NORTHEAST AFRICA: A CASE STUDY OF THE ROCK PAINTINGS FROM THE CZECHOSLOVAK CONCESSION IN LOWER NUBIA Lenka Suková ABSTRACT OF DISSERTATION The study I hereby submit as a dissertation is part of my long-term project aimed at a critical evaluation of the rock-art and archaeological evidence gathered in two sections of the Nile Valley in Lower Nubia by the Czechoslovak expedition working in the framework of the UNESCO-organised salvage campaign. The study, published in 2011 as a separate monograph, is concerned only with occurrences of rock paintings and coloured (incrusted) petroglyphs in the two research area. The nine shelters treated herein constitute only 0.64 % in the whole corpus from the Czechoslovak concession predominated by petroglyphs - just as in most of Northeast Africa - of varied themes, styles, and dates. Nevertheless, this painted corpus is a valuable collection that, as opposed to petroglyphs, represents works that were more demanding from the technical point of view and require detailed analysis of technical aspects, is more amenable to stylistic analysis, and, last but not least, the colour scheme itself plays part in interpretation (for instance, in the case of white, probably linen kilts or tunics in two of the shelters - 17 R XIII,...

Развитие территории через механизмы муниципально-частного партнерства на примере строительства парка экстремальных видов спорта путем реализации концессионного соглашения : магистерская диссертация / The development of the territory through the mechanism of municipal private partnership on the example of the construction of the park extreme sports through the implementation of the concession agreement

Ильиных, С. В., Ilyinyh, S. V. January 2017 (has links)
The development of the TERRITORY THROUGH the mechanisms of the MUNICIPAL-the paper analyzes the economic background of using the mechanism of municipal-private partnership (MPP), are considered objective factors hindering and impeding the development of private law. Identify practical problems of development of the territory in implementing the mechanisms of the law. The article considers foreign experience of the use of MPP in the development of territories in the field of sports. It also analyzes the economic and investment potential of Berezovsky urban district and the feasibility of the MPP project in the field of extreme sports. Presented investment project on the construction of the Park extreme sports on the territory of Berezovsky urban district of the Sverdlovsk region through the implementation of the concession agreement. / В работе анализируются экономические предпосылки использования механизма муниципально-частного партнерства (МЧП), рассмотрены объективные факторы, тормозящие и препятствующие развитию МЧП. Определены практические проблемы развития территории при реализации механизмов МЧП. Рассмотрен зарубежный опыт использования МЧП при развитии территорий в сфере спорта. Также проводится анализ экономического и инвестиционного потенциала Березовского городского округа и возможности реализации проекта МЧП в сфере экстремальных видов спорта. Представлен инвестиционный проект строительства парка экстремальных видов спорта на территории Березовского городского округа Свердловской области путем реализации концессионного соглашения.

The impact of CSARS v South African Custodial Services (Pty) Ltd. on the income tax position of construction contractors / Simone Smit

Smit, Simone January 2015 (has links)
Infrastructure is one of the top priorities of the South African Government. Substantial amounts will be invested by the Government in infrastructure between 2014 and 2016 as good infrastructure plays a pivotal role in the growth of the South African economy. Government does not have sufficient resources to meet its infrastructure goals and is therefore dependent on the private construction sector to provide assistance. Discrepancies were noted between the judgment laid down in CSARS v South African Custodial Services (Pty) Ltd (SACS) and the interpretations from the relevant sections contained within the Income Tax Act governing the normal tax treatment of construction contractors. The aim of this study was to determine whether reliance could be placed on the judgement laid down in CSARS v South African Custodial Services (Pty) Ltd in order to determine the nature and deductibility of expenditure incurred by construction contractors in future. It is crucial that tax legislation should be correctly interpreted and applied in determining the taxable income of taxpayers as it is evident that tax consequences influence the behaviour of South African taxpayers. A literature study of prior case law, sections of the Income Tax Act governing the normal tax treatment of construction contractors as well as other relevant literature was performed in order to determine the correct application of sections governing the normal tax position of construction contractors. The negative tax consequences suffered by SACS as a main contractor due to judgement laid down in CSARS v South African Custodial Services (Pty) Ltd could influence the willingness of the private construction sector to provide assistance to Government in future. Based on the literature study performed it was found that the court's application of Section 22(2A) of the Income Tax Act was correct. It was further found that the Court erroneously applied Section 11 (a), and as a result incorrectly determined the normal tax position of SACS. In response to this it is recommended that no reliance should be placed on the judgement laid down in CSARS v South African Custodial Services (Pty) Ltd in respect of determining the nature and deductibility of fees paid to subcontractors by construction contractors, as this could result in negative tax planning consequences. / MCom (South African and International Tax), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

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