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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barn med språkstörning interagerar med olika samtalspartners : En samtalsanalytisk studie / Children with Language Imapirment in Interaction with different Partners : a Conversation Analytic Study

Lundgren, Johanna, Sigheim, Nina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Language impairment affects the ability to communicate. Children with languageimpairment have difficulties in using language in interaction to various degrees, and the contributions of the conversational partner are of great importance. The use of languagein interaction can be analysed by means of conversation analysis. The purpose of thepresent study was to study interaction of a group of pre-school children with language impairment with four different conversational partners. These were a peer with languag eimpairment, a peer with typical language development, a pre-school teacher and a parent. This study also intended to analyze the conversations in terms of similarities and differences between the participation frameworks. In all, 12 conversations were analyzedby using conversation analysis. A number of phenomena of interest were identified. The frequency of occurence of some of these phenomena was calculated to complement the qualitative analysis. The results show a number of phenomena occurring where mutualunderstanding is present and when it is limited. These phenomena are sequencing in theform of initiative-response and question-answer, back-channelling, development of conversational topic, breakdown, non-sequencing, topic drift, repair, clarification requestand confirmation. The results also demonstrate differences in the conversations betweenthe participation frameworks with reference to the frequency and the distinction of thephenomena. The greatest differences are found between child-child and adult-childconversations. The pre-school teacher and the parents ask more questions and use more clarification requests and confirmations than the children with language impairment. The development of conversational topics is more distinct in child-adult conversations. The development of conversational topics also occurs to some extent in conversations between two children with language impaiment. In conversations between a child withlanguage impairment and a child with typical language development this phenomenon isgenerally indistinct. Utterances lacking topical coherence in relation to each other areonly distinctly occuring in conversations between two children with language impairment. The pre-school teacher and the parents all perform more distinct other repairsthan the children with language impairment.</p> / <p>En språkstörning påverkar den kommunikativa förmågan. Barn med språkstörning harolika grad av svårighet i språklig interaktion med andra människor och samtalspartnern spelar en betydande roll. Samtalsanalys är ett sätt att analysera den faktiskaspråkanvändningen. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att studera interaktion hos engrupp förskolebarn med språkstörning i fyra olika deltagarstrukturer. De olika deltagarstrukturerna var samtal med ett annat barn med språkstörning, ett barn medtypisk språkutveckling, en person ur förskolepersonalen samt en förälder. Vidare syftade studien till att analysera likheter och skillnader i samtalen mellan de olika deltagarstrukturerna. Totalt analyserades 12 samtal med samtalsanalys, conversationanalysis (CA). Under analysen valdes ett antal fenomen ut och kompletterandeberäkningar gjordes på några av de utvalda fenomenen i samtalen. Resultatet visar att detfinns ett antal fenomen som belyser samförståelse och begränsad samförståelse i samtalen. Dessa fenomen utgörs av sekvensering i form av initiativ-respons och frågasvar, återkoppling, utvecklande av samtalsämne, sammanbrott, icke-relevant svar, yttrande som inte ämnesmässigt koherent i förhållande till föregående yttrande, ämnesglidning, reparation, begäran om förtydligande samt bekräftande av föregående yttrande. I resultatet framkommer skillnader i samtalen mellan de olika deltagarstrukturerna med avseende på hur ofta dessa fenomen förekommer och hur tydliga de är. De största skillnaderna återfinns mellan barn-barn- och barnvuxensamtalen. Personalen och föräldrarna ställer fler frågor samt begär förtydligande och bekräftar föregående yttrande i större utsträckning än barnen med språkstörning. Utvecklande av samtalsämne är tydligast i barn-vuxensamtalen. Utvecklande av samtalsämne förekommer också i viss utsträckning i deltagarstrukturen barn med språkstörning-barn med språkstörning. I deltagarstrukturen barn med språkstörning-barn med typisk språkutveckling är detta fenomen generellt otydligt. Yttranden som saknar ämnesmässig koherens i förhållande till varandra är endast tydligt förekommande ideltagarstrukturen barn med språkstörning-barn med språkstörning. Personalen och föräldrarna utför tydligare annan reparationer än barnen med språkstörning.</p>

Pragmatisk förmåga hos barn med cochleaimplantat / Pragmatic Ability in Children with Cochlear Implants

Andersson, Kajsa, Englund, Stina January 2010 (has links)
<p>A cochlear implant (CI) is a hearing device that makes it possible for individuals who are deaf or has a severe hearing impairment to receive auditory information and develop spoken language. The pragmatic ability may be affected. In short, pragmatics may be described as the study of language use in social contexts. Pragmatic ability can be seen as the result of the individual‟s behavior as well as the underlying causes.</p><p>The aim of the present study was to describe the pragmatic ability in children with CI. An approach inspired by Conversation Analysis (CA) was used in order to highlight the various phenomena that occurred in the interaction.</p><p>Seven children with CI participated in the study, five girls and two boys. Each conversation consisted of either a child with CI interacting with a peer, or a child with CI interacting with a parent or a teacher. A total of 14 conversations were analyzed and phenomena relevant to the study were examined. To gather further information regarding the children‟s communicative behavior, Children’s Communication Checklist was filled in by parents and teachers.</p><p>The children who participated in the study constitute a heterogeneous group and there was no clear pattern when it comes to hearing-impairment and pragmatic ability. The result showed that children with CI used both specific and non-specific requests for clarification. It seems as if intelligibility on the sentence level may reflect how efficient the interaction turns out, as the children with high intelligibility were the ones who managed to solve misunderstandings the best in the conversations. Furthermore, the result demonstrated that the adult participants used a higher rate of specific requests for clarification in contrast to children with CI.</p> / <p>Ett cochleaimplantat (CI) är ett hjälpmedel som gör att personer med grav hörselnedsättning eller personer som är döva får möjlighet att höra och utveckla talat språk. Den pragmatiska förmågan kan vara påverkad. Pragmatik kan i stort betecknas som studiet av språkanvändning i interaktion och pragmatisk förmåga kan beskrivas som ett resultat av individens beteende samt bakomliggande orsaker.</p><p>Syftet med föreliggande studie var att beskriva pragmatisk förmåga hos barn med CI. Ett arbetssätt inspirerat av Conversation Analysis (CA) har använts för att belysa fenomen som förekom i interaktionen.</p><p>I studien deltog sju barn med CI, varav fem flickor och två pojkar. Deltagarna videofilmades när de interagerade med en jämnårig kamrat, respektive en person ur förskolepersonalen eller en förälder. Totalt 14 samtal analyserades och för studien relevanta fenomen belystes. För att inhämta kompletterande information kring barnens samspelsförmåga fylldes Children’s Communication Checklist i av föräldrar och personal.</p><p>Barnen som deltog i studien är en heterogen grupp. Vidare ses inga entydiga mönster vad gäller hörselnedsättning och pragmatiska förmågor. I studien visades att barn med CI använder sig av både generella och specifika begäran om förtydligande. Förståelighet på meningsnivå tycks avspegla hur effektivt samspelet fortskrider då de barn som har hög förståelighet är de som har färre begäranden om förtydligande i samtal. Vidare visar resultaten att de vuxna samtalsdeltagarna använder fler andel specifika begäran om förtydligande i jämförelse med barn med CI.</p>

Feeling by Doing : The Social Organization of Everyday Emotions in Academic Talk-in-Interaction

Sandlund, Erica January 2004 (has links)
<p>The present dissertation is concerned with the social organization of emotions in talk-in-interaction. Conversation analytic procedures were used to uncover the practices through which participants in social interaction convey, understand, enact, and utilize emotions that are made relevant to the interaction. The central aim is to describe such practices and the contexts in which they are deployed, and to link emotions to the social actions that they perform or contribute to performing within situated activities. Conversation analytic work has generally not addressed emotions explicitly for reasons discussed in the dissertation, and a second aim was therefore to test the applicability of conversation analysis to emotion research, to theoretically bring together separate fields of inquiry, and to discuss advantages and limitations of a talk-in-interactional approach to emotions. Furthermore, the analytic approach to emotions is restricted to displays and orientations that are made relevant by participants themselves.</p><p>Data consists of video recordings of six graduate school seminars at a large university in the United States, as well as interviews with all 22 participants. From the analyses, three themes emerged; "frustration", "embarrassment", and "enjoyment", and within each, an assortment of practices for doing emotions were found. Frustration was primarily located in the context of violations of activity-specific turn-taking norms. Embarrassment was found to do multiple interactional work; for example, in contexts of repair, teasing, and culturally delicate matters. Enjoyment was found to be collaboratively pursued between and within institutional activities; for example, through reported speech dramatizations, utilization of activity-transitional environments, and playful 'mock' emotions. Timing of gaze aversion, laughter, and gestures were also found to be key to the display and perception of emotions.</p><p>The findings indicate that emotion displays can be viewed as transforming a situated action, opening up alternative trajectories for a sequences-in-progress, and also function as actions in themselves. Furthermore, it was concluded that conversation analysis is indeed a fruitful empirical route for understanding emotions and their role in social interaction.</p>

Die Gerichtsshow als kommunikative Gattung : eine konversationsanalytische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Sendungen „Richter Alexander Hold“, „Richterin Barbara Salesch“ und „Das Strafgericht“ / German court room shows as communicative genres : a conversation analytical investigation of “Richter Alexander Hold”, „Richterin Barbara Salesch“ and „Das Strafgericht“

Scheerer, Jana January 2007 (has links)
In Gerichtsshows wie „Richter Alexander Hold“, „Richterin Barbara Salesch“ und „Das Strafgericht“ agieren Laiendarsteller semi-spontan als Teilnehmer einer fiktiven Gerichtsverhandlung. Hier wird also eine kommunikative Gattung aus der öffentlichen Kommunikation – die Gerichtsverhandlung – als Folie für eine Unterhaltungssendung genutzt. In dieser Arbeit wird die Gerichtsshow mithilfe des Konzeptes der kommunikativen Gattung beschrieben. Die Darstellung findet auf den verschiedenen Ebenen der kommunikativen Gattung "Binnenebene", "situative Realisierungsebene" und "Außenstruktur" statt. Außerdem wird dem Modell der kommunikativen Gattung als weitere Ebene die "mediale Außenstruktur" hinzugefügt, um die Beschreibbarkeit des Mediengesprächs "Gerichtsshow" zu verbessern. Die Analyse der Gerichtsshow zeigt, dass hier durch die Beteiligten eine Kontextualisierung als Gerichtsverhandlung aufgebaut wird. Die Teilnehmer müssen jedoch zugleich Aufgaben bewältigen, die denen einer Unterhaltungssendung entsprechen. Eine zentrale Aufgabe der Beteiligten ist daher das ständige Aushandeln zwischen der Produktion der Kontextualisierung als Gerichtsverhandlung einerseits und der Erfüllung der Anforderungen einer Unterhaltungssendung andererseits. In diesem Aushandlungsprozess entsteht eine gerichtsshowspezifische Darstellung von Kommunikation vor Gericht, die in dieser Arbeit mithilfe von rechtssoziologischen Konzepten wie dem der "Verfahrensgerechtigkeit" in ihrer Bedeutung im Diskurs um Recht und Gerechtigkeit eingeordnet wird. Die Analyse findet anhand von transkribierten Ausschnitten aus den Sendungen „Richter Alexander Hold“, „Richterin Barbara Salesch“ und „Das Strafgericht“ statt. / In German court room shows like “Richter Alexander Hold”, “Richterin Barbara Salesch“ and “Das Strafgericht“, amateur actors perform semi-spontaneous as participants of a fictional trial. The present thesis analyzes court room shows as communicative genres, using the concept of “Kommunikative Gattungen” as introduced by Beger/Luckmann (1988) and Günthner (1995). The analysis shows that court room shows' participants use court-specific contextualization cues to contextualize their interaction as a trial. At the same time, they have to fulfil tasks which are typical of shows and especially talk shows. Participants thus have to negotiate between producing a court-contextualization on the one hand and managing talk show tasks on the other hand. This negotiation produces a representation of court room communication that is typical of court room shows.

Kvinnor och män i möte : En samtalsanalytisk studie av interna arbetsmöten / Men and women in meetings : A conversation analytic study of workplace meetings

Milles, Karin January 2003 (has links)
The aims of this thesis were to describe the verbal interaction in workplace meetings and to relate them to the order of gender. The material consists of five workplace meetings with both female and male participants and was transcribed using a system developed for the purposes of the study. Both the videotapes and transcripts were used in the analyses. Three main studies were carried out. The first study aimed at describing the structuring of the verbal interaction during the meetings, especially in comparison with ordinary conversation. The second study tested the hypothesis that the men in the meetings would dominate the verbal interaction. The third study aimed at describing narratives in the material, especially two narratives told by a male participant in one of the meetings. The methods used in the studies combined qualitative analysis of small sections of talk with quantitative analysis of variables, coded in the material as a whole. The first study showed many similarities between the five meetings in the way interaction was structured, which indicated the possibility that the workplace meeting represents an activity type of its own. One main result was that although the meetings were managed with almost no formal procedures, the verbal interaction was still very structured, and handled with practices belonging to ordinary conversation used in an activity-specific way. The quantitative analysis showed no great differences between the men and the women and the hypothesis was not clearly verified. Two variables indicated that the men dominated the interaction and one variable indicated that the women dominated the interaction, but on the whole the similarities between the men and the women were greater than the differences. The qualitative analysis of the narratives showed how the narratives in the meetings were an interactional achievement and how their meaning was negotiated in the interaction. The analyses also showed how the meaning of the narratives was influenced by normative conceptions about masculinity and thus could be a means of doing gender.

Feeling by Doing : The Social Organization of Everyday Emotions in Academic Talk-in-Interaction

Sandlund, Erica January 2004 (has links)
The present dissertation is concerned with the social organization of emotions in talk-in-interaction. Conversation analytic procedures were used to uncover the practices through which participants in social interaction convey, understand, enact, and utilize emotions that are made relevant to the interaction. The central aim is to describe such practices and the contexts in which they are deployed, and to link emotions to the social actions that they perform or contribute to performing within situated activities. Conversation analytic work has generally not addressed emotions explicitly for reasons discussed in the dissertation, and a second aim was therefore to test the applicability of conversation analysis to emotion research, to theoretically bring together separate fields of inquiry, and to discuss advantages and limitations of a talk-in-interactional approach to emotions. Furthermore, the analytic approach to emotions is restricted to displays and orientations that are made relevant by participants themselves. Data consists of video recordings of six graduate school seminars at a large university in the United States, as well as interviews with all 22 participants. From the analyses, three themes emerged; "frustration", "embarrassment", and "enjoyment", and within each, an assortment of practices for doing emotions were found. Frustration was primarily located in the context of violations of activity-specific turn-taking norms. Embarrassment was found to do multiple interactional work; for example, in contexts of repair, teasing, and culturally delicate matters. Enjoyment was found to be collaboratively pursued between and within institutional activities; for example, through reported speech dramatizations, utilization of activity-transitional environments, and playful 'mock' emotions. Timing of gaze aversion, laughter, and gestures were also found to be key to the display and perception of emotions. The findings indicate that emotion displays can be viewed as transforming a situated action, opening up alternative trajectories for a sequences-in-progress, and also function as actions in themselves. Furthermore, it was concluded that conversation analysis is indeed a fruitful empirical route for understanding emotions and their role in social interaction.

Pragmatisk förmåga hos barn med cochleaimplantat / Pragmatic Ability in Children with Cochlear Implants

Andersson, Kajsa, Englund, Stina January 2010 (has links)
A cochlear implant (CI) is a hearing device that makes it possible for individuals who are deaf or has a severe hearing impairment to receive auditory information and develop spoken language. The pragmatic ability may be affected. In short, pragmatics may be described as the study of language use in social contexts. Pragmatic ability can be seen as the result of the individual‟s behavior as well as the underlying causes. The aim of the present study was to describe the pragmatic ability in children with CI. An approach inspired by Conversation Analysis (CA) was used in order to highlight the various phenomena that occurred in the interaction. Seven children with CI participated in the study, five girls and two boys. Each conversation consisted of either a child with CI interacting with a peer, or a child with CI interacting with a parent or a teacher. A total of 14 conversations were analyzed and phenomena relevant to the study were examined. To gather further information regarding the children‟s communicative behavior, Children’s Communication Checklist was filled in by parents and teachers. The children who participated in the study constitute a heterogeneous group and there was no clear pattern when it comes to hearing-impairment and pragmatic ability. The result showed that children with CI used both specific and non-specific requests for clarification. It seems as if intelligibility on the sentence level may reflect how efficient the interaction turns out, as the children with high intelligibility were the ones who managed to solve misunderstandings the best in the conversations. Furthermore, the result demonstrated that the adult participants used a higher rate of specific requests for clarification in contrast to children with CI. / Ett cochleaimplantat (CI) är ett hjälpmedel som gör att personer med grav hörselnedsättning eller personer som är döva får möjlighet att höra och utveckla talat språk. Den pragmatiska förmågan kan vara påverkad. Pragmatik kan i stort betecknas som studiet av språkanvändning i interaktion och pragmatisk förmåga kan beskrivas som ett resultat av individens beteende samt bakomliggande orsaker. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att beskriva pragmatisk förmåga hos barn med CI. Ett arbetssätt inspirerat av Conversation Analysis (CA) har använts för att belysa fenomen som förekom i interaktionen. I studien deltog sju barn med CI, varav fem flickor och två pojkar. Deltagarna videofilmades när de interagerade med en jämnårig kamrat, respektive en person ur förskolepersonalen eller en förälder. Totalt 14 samtal analyserades och för studien relevanta fenomen belystes. För att inhämta kompletterande information kring barnens samspelsförmåga fylldes Children’s Communication Checklist i av föräldrar och personal. Barnen som deltog i studien är en heterogen grupp. Vidare ses inga entydiga mönster vad gäller hörselnedsättning och pragmatiska förmågor. I studien visades att barn med CI använder sig av både generella och specifika begäran om förtydligande. Förståelighet på meningsnivå tycks avspegla hur effektivt samspelet fortskrider då de barn som har hög förståelighet är de som har färre begäranden om förtydligande i samtal. Vidare visar resultaten att de vuxna samtalsdeltagarna använder fler andel specifika begäran om förtydligande i jämförelse med barn med CI.

Barn med språkstörning interagerar med olika samtalspartners : En samtalsanalytisk studie / Children with Language Imapirment in Interaction with different Partners : a Conversation Analytic Study

Lundgren, Johanna, Sigheim, Nina January 2008 (has links)
Language impairment affects the ability to communicate. Children with languageimpairment have difficulties in using language in interaction to various degrees, and the contributions of the conversational partner are of great importance. The use of languagein interaction can be analysed by means of conversation analysis. The purpose of thepresent study was to study interaction of a group of pre-school children with language impairment with four different conversational partners. These were a peer with languag eimpairment, a peer with typical language development, a pre-school teacher and a parent. This study also intended to analyze the conversations in terms of similarities and differences between the participation frameworks. In all, 12 conversations were analyzedby using conversation analysis. A number of phenomena of interest were identified. The frequency of occurence of some of these phenomena was calculated to complement the qualitative analysis. The results show a number of phenomena occurring where mutualunderstanding is present and when it is limited. These phenomena are sequencing in theform of initiative-response and question-answer, back-channelling, development of conversational topic, breakdown, non-sequencing, topic drift, repair, clarification requestand confirmation. The results also demonstrate differences in the conversations betweenthe participation frameworks with reference to the frequency and the distinction of thephenomena. The greatest differences are found between child-child and adult-childconversations. The pre-school teacher and the parents ask more questions and use more clarification requests and confirmations than the children with language impairment. The development of conversational topics is more distinct in child-adult conversations. The development of conversational topics also occurs to some extent in conversations between two children with language impaiment. In conversations between a child withlanguage impairment and a child with typical language development this phenomenon isgenerally indistinct. Utterances lacking topical coherence in relation to each other areonly distinctly occuring in conversations between two children with language impairment. The pre-school teacher and the parents all perform more distinct other repairsthan the children with language impairment. / En språkstörning påverkar den kommunikativa förmågan. Barn med språkstörning harolika grad av svårighet i språklig interaktion med andra människor och samtalspartnern spelar en betydande roll. Samtalsanalys är ett sätt att analysera den faktiskaspråkanvändningen. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att studera interaktion hos engrupp förskolebarn med språkstörning i fyra olika deltagarstrukturer. De olika deltagarstrukturerna var samtal med ett annat barn med språkstörning, ett barn medtypisk språkutveckling, en person ur förskolepersonalen samt en förälder. Vidare syftade studien till att analysera likheter och skillnader i samtalen mellan de olika deltagarstrukturerna. Totalt analyserades 12 samtal med samtalsanalys, conversationanalysis (CA). Under analysen valdes ett antal fenomen ut och kompletterandeberäkningar gjordes på några av de utvalda fenomenen i samtalen. Resultatet visar att detfinns ett antal fenomen som belyser samförståelse och begränsad samförståelse i samtalen. Dessa fenomen utgörs av sekvensering i form av initiativ-respons och frågasvar, återkoppling, utvecklande av samtalsämne, sammanbrott, icke-relevant svar, yttrande som inte ämnesmässigt koherent i förhållande till föregående yttrande, ämnesglidning, reparation, begäran om förtydligande samt bekräftande av föregående yttrande. I resultatet framkommer skillnader i samtalen mellan de olika deltagarstrukturerna med avseende på hur ofta dessa fenomen förekommer och hur tydliga de är. De största skillnaderna återfinns mellan barn-barn- och barnvuxensamtalen. Personalen och föräldrarna ställer fler frågor samt begär förtydligande och bekräftar föregående yttrande i större utsträckning än barnen med språkstörning. Utvecklande av samtalsämne är tydligast i barn-vuxensamtalen. Utvecklande av samtalsämne förekommer också i viss utsträckning i deltagarstrukturen barn med språkstörning-barn med språkstörning. I deltagarstrukturen barn med språkstörning-barn med typisk språkutveckling är detta fenomen generellt otydligt. Yttranden som saknar ämnesmässig koherens i förhållande till varandra är endast tydligt förekommande ideltagarstrukturen barn med språkstörning-barn med språkstörning. Personalen och föräldrarna utför tydligare annan reparationer än barnen med språkstörning.

Narrativ förmåga vid afasi : analys av strategier vid gemensamt berättande / Narrative Ability in Aphasia : Analysis of Strategies in Joint Narration

Asaid, Dina, Erenmalm, Sofia January 2013 (has links)
Aphasia is a linguistic impairment which affects communication and may have an impact on a person’s narrative ability. The purpose of the present study was to analyse the narrative ability in aphasia by narrative interviews with people with aphasia and their partners. The interviews were scrutinised for strategies used in joint narration involving couples where one of the spouses has aphasia. The definition of strategies was methods to cope with communicative difficulties often due to aphasia. Strategies were also studied in an assessment of independent narration. The specific questions were: Which strategies do couples, consisting of one person with aphasia and their partner, use in joint narration? Which strategies does the person with aphasia use in independent narration? Are there any differences in the use of strategies in joint narration compared to independent narration? Five couples were recruited from conversational groups for people with aphasia in the south of Sweden. The couples were asked questions which were meant to encourage joint narration and the interviews were filmed. In addition to the interview, the narrative ability of the individuals with aphasia was assessed with the Swedish aphasia test A-ning. The interviews and the assessments were transcribed according to principles from conversation analysis. The result showed a variation regarding type of strategies occurring in the couples’ narrations and the frequency of these strategies. In joint narration, repetition was the strategy most commonly used by individuals with aphasia, followed by self-initiated self-repair, word search and gestures. The partners also used repetition to a high extent as well as appendor production. The conclusion of this study is that the narrative ability of the persons with aphasia in independent narration to some extent corresponded with their ability in joint narration. However, there were great differences between how the individuals with aphasia and their partners used strategies to cope with difficulties in joint narration. / Afasi medför påverkan på kommunikationen då den språkliga förmågan är nedsatt, vilket i sin tur inverkar på narrationen. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka den narrativa förmågan hos personer med afasi genom narrativa intervjuer med personer med afasi och deras partners. Med intervjuerna som utgångspunkt studerades vilka strategier, det vill säga metoder att hantera problem som uppstår i kommunikationen oftast till följd av afasin, som används vid gemensamt berättande i par där en av personerna har afasi samt vilka strategier personen med afasi använder vid självständigt berättande i testsituation. Frågeställningarna var: Vilka strategier används vid gemensamt berättande i par där en av personerna har afasi? Vilka strategier använder personen med afasi vid självständigt berättande i testsituation? Finns det skillnader i det gemensamma och enskilda berättandet vad gäller användningen av strategier? Via samtalsgrupper i södra Sverige för personer med afasi rekryterades fem par till studien. Paren filmades i berättande intervjuer där de fick svara på frågor som uppmuntrade till gemensamt berättande. Utöver intervjun utfördes även en formell testning av personen med afasi med narrationsdelen i A-ning. Både intervjuerna och testningarna transkriberades enligt samtalsanalytiska principer. Resultatet visade att det rådde variation gällande typ av strategier och hur ofta de förekom i parens berättande. De vanligast förekommande strategierna hos personerna med afasi vid gemensamt berättande var repetition, egeninitierad självreparation, ordsökning och gester. Även partners till personerna med afasi använde sig mest av repetition, följt av utökad produktion. Slutsatsen är att personernas med afasi narrationsförmåga i det enskilda berättandet till viss del överensstämde med deras narrationsförmåga i det gemensamma berättandet, samt att det fanns stora skillnader mellan hur personerna med afasi och deras partners använde sig av strategier för att hantera de svårigheter som uppstår i berättandet.

En samtalsanalytisk studie av kommunikativa strategier och professionell interaktion mellan logoped-patient med afasi och arbetsterapeutpatient med afasi

Dernroth, Elena, Aldenholt, Annzofie January 2012 (has links)
In the present study, the institutional discourse in health care was examined, focusing onspeech therapists and occupational therapists in interaction with a common patient withaphasia. The purpose of the present study was to identify common communication strategiesused in the professional conversation between a speech therapist and a patient and between anoccupational therapist and the same patient. Specific research questions were: Whatcommunicative strategies are used in interaction between a speech therapist and a patient withaphasia and between the occupational therapist and the same patient? Are theredifferences/similarities between how speech therapists and occupational therapists interactwith patients with aphasia?Six people in total, two patients in interaction with a speech therapist and an occupationaltherapist respectively, were recorded during treatment sessions of each profession. Generaland specific aspects of the institutional interaction were then analysed according to principlesof conversation analysis.Similarities in the use of closed questions as a strategy to increase the effectiveness ininteraction could be seen between the two different professions studied. The use ofevaluations in interaction was also relatively similar between the two occupations.Some differences were identified in the ways that each profession used repetitious behavior,co-constructions and non-verbal communication. In terms of use of communication aids tosupport the patient's understanding, clear differences between the professions were observed. / I föreliggande studie undersöks det institutionella samtalet inom vården, med inriktning pålogoped och arbetsterapeut i samspel med gemensam patient. Syftet med studien var attkartlägga de vanligt förekommande kommunikativa strategier som används i detprofessionella samtalet mellan logoped och patient med afasi samt mellan arbetsterapeut ochsamma patient. Specifika frågeställningar var: Vilka kommunikativa strategier används isamtal mellan logoped och patient med afasi och i relationen mellan arbetsterapeut ochsamma patient? Finns det skillnader/likheter mellan hur logopeder och arbetsterapeuterinteragerar med patienter som har afasi?Två patienter i interaktion med varsin logoped och varsin arbetsterapeut, sex personer totalt,spelades in under patientens behandlingstillfällen hos respektive profession. Generella ochspecifika aspekter av det institutionella samtalet analyserades sedan enligt samtalsanalytiskaprinciper.Likheter i användandet av slutna frågor som strategi för att effektivisera kommunikationenkunde ses mellan yrkeskategorierna i studien. Även användandet av utvärderingar var relativtlika mellan yrkesgrupperna.Vissa skillnader synliggjordes i respektive yrkesgrupps sätt att använda repetitioner,reparationer, samkonstruktioner och icke-verbal kommunikation. Gällande användande avkommunikativa hjälpmedel som stöd för patientens förståelse, sågs tydliga skillnader mellanyrkeskategorierna.

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