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Nouvelles sondes moléculaires photo-activées pour la délivrance de principes actifs : de la conception aux applications biologiques / Design of new molecular tools for light-induced delivery of bioactive compoundsKlausen, Maxime 05 June 2018 (has links)
La photolibération d'agents biologiques cagés par des groupements protecteurs photolabiles (PPGs) a récemment attiré un intérêt croissant en thérapie et physiologie. La combinaison de cet outil avec les avantages de l'absorption à deux photons (2PA) dans le proche IR est cependant un défi. Dans ces travaux, nous présentons deux voies différentes vers de nouveaux décageurs efficaces en 2PA.Nous élaborons d’abord une série de systèmes tandem basés sur le FRET, combinant des antennes quadrupolaires 2PA avec des modules PPGs appropriés. La modification des blocs constitutifs de ces composés nous a permis de moduler les paramètres clés tels que les propriétés photophysiques, l'efficacité de FRET et la cinétique de photolibération. Les systèmes synergiques à base de coumarines, dans lesquels la paire donneur-accepteur est la plus adaptée, ont finalement conduit à des valeurs de δu record pour la libération d’acides carboxyliques.La problématique critique de solubilité en milieu biologique a ensuite été étudiée en incorporant des motifs hydrosolubilisants dans nos systèmes coopératifs. De nouveaux outils hydrophiles et amphiphiles, adaptés respectivement à la délivrance de neurotransmetteurs et la thérapie anticancéreuse, ont ainsi été développés à partir de nos systèmes tandem.Enfin, pour mieux comprendre les relations structure-propriétés dans les PPGs de la famille des coumarines, nous avons synthétisé une série de cages DEAC π-étendues portant différents groupements électroattracteurs, et évalué leur efficacité pour la libération de glycine. Cette étude nous a permis de faire un pas vers la rationalisation du rendement quantique de photolibération chez les PPGs de ce type. / Photolabile protecting groups (PPGs) have attracted growing interests in many fields of chemistry and biology. Light-induced release of biological agents, commonly known as “uncaging”, has thus emerged as an interesting process for drug delivery or investigation of biological phenomena. Combining this tool with the intrinsic advantages of two-photon (2P) excitation (2PE) in the NIR is however a challenge. In this work, we use different engineering routes towards new efficient 2P uncagers.First we demonstrate that combining quadrupolar 2P light harvesting antennas with suitable uncaging subunits leads to efficient release of active molecules upon 2PE. In these FRET-based systems, gradual adjustments of the constitutive building blocks allowed us to tune key parameters such as photophysical properties, FRET efficiency, and kinetics of photorelease. In particular, coumarin-based tandem systems, in which absorption and emission of the donor-acceptor pair best match, eventually led to record δu values for uncaging of carboxylic acids.We then assessed the critical water-solubility issue by introducing hydrophilic units onto our cooperative PPGs. New hydrophilic and amphiphilic systems, suited for controlled release of neurotransmitters or anti-cancer agents, were designed from our multi-chromophoric systems.Finally, in our effort towards better understanding of the structure-properties relationships in coumarin PPGs, we synthesized a small library of π-extended DEAC cages bearing strong electron-withdrawing moieties, and assessed their efficacy for 2P uncaging of glycine. With this study, a step was made towards rationalization of the uncaging quantum yield in coumarin cages.
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Avaliação in vitro da atividade antifúngica e citotóxica de cumarinas naturais e sintéticas / In vitro antifungal and cytotoxic activities of natural and synthetic coumarinsVianna, Damiana da Rocha January 2011 (has links)
Cumarinas são estruturas promissoras e diversas atividades biológicas têm sido atribuídas a esses metabólitos secundários vegetais. Estudos sugerem que o mecanismo antifúngico desses compostos esteja correlacionado com a atividade antioxidante. A reação da tirosinase, que produz radicais livres, está envolvida no processo de melanização do fungo Sporothrix schenckii, o causador de micose subcutânea de maior incidência no sul do Brasil. A inibição dessa enzima foi recentemente reportada para extrato de Pterocaulon (Asteraceae), planta rica em cumarinas e usada na medicina tradicional do Brasil para tratamento tópico de micoses e na medicina popular da Argentina como anticâncer. O objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar in vitro a atividade antifúngica, correlacionando-a com atividade antioxidante, de extratos de espécies de Pterocaulon e de 6,7-metilenodioxicumarinas isoladas e também de 4-metilcumarinas obtidas por síntese, bem como a investigação da atividade citotóxica de algumas destas moléculas. As 6,7-metilenodioxicumarinas foram isoladas de P. balansae e P. lorentzii, enquanto que as 4-metilcumarinas foram sintetizadas via Pechmann por micro-ondas. A atividade antifúngica contra Sporotrix schenckii foi realizada conforme manual do Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. O estudo das propriedades eletroquímicas foi obtido por voltametria cíclica e a capacidade antioxidante pelo método espectofotométrico DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-picrilhidrazil) e pelo método fluorimétrico ACAP contra radicais peroxil. A análise dessa atividade mostrou que os extratos metanólicos de espécies de Pterocaulon (P. polystachyum, P. balansae, P. lorentzii, P. lanatum e P. cordobense) foram ativos frente às cepas do fungo S. schenckii, sendo o extrato de P. polystachyum o mais ativo, apresentando Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM) compreendida entre 156 e 312 μg/mL. O fracionamento dos extratos lipofílicos de P. balansae e P. lorentzii levou ao isolamento de três metilenodioxicumarinas. Dados cristalográficos da 5-metóxi-6,7-metilenodioxicumarina, inéditos, foram depositados no Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre 779123. As cumarinas sintéticas foram obtidas em rendimentos satisfatórios (98-30%) e em reduzido tempo de reação (5-20 min). O screening destas cumarinas frente às cepas do fungo S. schenckii revelou que 5-carboxi-6,7-diidroxi-4-metilcumarina, com CIM de 66 μM e Concentração Fungicida Mínima de 246 μM, foi o composto mais ativo. Essa cumarina apresentou sinergismo com a Anfotericina B, sendo sua CIM reduzida para 15 μM. A atividade antifúngica desses compostos pode estar correlacionada com a atividade antioxidante. O composto 5-carboxi-6,7-diidroxi-4-metilcumarina foi o mais ativo mostrando elevada capacidade antioxidante frente aos radicais DPPH com valores de IC50 de 17,49 μM e elevada atividade frente ao radical peroxil. Além disso, apresentou um potencial de oxidação de 0,4 V sugerindo atividade antioxidante. Baseado nos ensaios antioxidante e antifúngico foi possível observar que a presença de grupamentos hidroxilas no C-7 e C-8 do anel cumarínico, assim como a adição de grupamento polar no C-5 favoreceu ambas as atividades antifúngica e antioxidante. Na segunda etapa desse trabalho foi avaliada a citotoxicidade das cumarinas isoladas e algumas cumarinas simples, disponíveis comercialmente, pelo método Metil Tiazol Tetrazólio (MTT) usando linhagens de glioma humano (U138-MG) e de ratos (C6). Foi observado que as 6,7-metilenodioxicumarinas causaram uma significativa redução na viabilidade celular, sugerindo uma influência positiva do grupamento metilenodioxi sobre essa atividade. O composto 5-metóxi-6,7-metilenodioxicumarina foi o mais promissor (IC50= 34,6 μM e IC50= 31,6 μM para C6 e U-138 MG, respectivamente). Como desfecho desse trabalho, pode-se concluir que as cumarinas apresentaram uma atividade inibitória frente ao crescimento celular de linhagens de glioma e um efeito fungicida sobre S. schenckii, resultados estes que corroboram com o uso popular dessas plantas. / Coumarins are promising structures and diverse biological activities have been attributed to these secondary plant metabolites. Studies suggest that the mechanism of antifungal compounds is correlated with antioxidant activity. The reaction of tyrosinase, which produces free radicals, is involved in the process of melanization of the fungus Sporothrix schenckii, the agent of subcutaneous mycosis with the highest incidence in southern Brazil. The inhibition of this enzyme has recently been reported to extract Pterocaulon (Asteraceae) This plant is rich in coumarins and used in traditional medicine in Brazil for topical treatment of fungal infections and in folk medicine of Argentina as anticancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro antifungal activity and correlation with its antioxidant properties and cytotoxic activities of extracts of some species of Pterocaulon, as well as the isolated coumarins, and 4-methylcoumarin analogs obtained by synthesis. The 6.7-methylenedioxycoumarins were isolated from P. balansae and P. lorentzii, while the 4-methylcoumarins were synthesized via Pechmann reaction using microwave. The antifungal activity against Sporothrix schenckii was performed as indicated in the Manual of Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. A study of the electrochemical properties of coumarins was performed by cyclic voltammetry, by the method of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) and against peroxyl radicals (ACAP) by fluorometric method. The analysis showed that the antifungal activity of the methanol extracts of Pterocaulon species (P. polystachyum, P. balansae, P. lorentzii, P. lanatum and P. cordobense) were active against the strains of the fungus S. schenckii, being the extract of P. polystachyum the most active, presenting Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) compressed between 156 and 312 μg/mL. The fractionation of lipophilic extracts of P. balansae and P. lorentzii led to the isolation of three methylenedioxycoumarins. The crystallographic data of 5-methoxy-6,7-methylenedioxycoumarin were deposited at the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center 779123. The synthetic coumarins were obtained in satisfactory yields (98-30%) and reduced reaction time (5-20 min). The screening of these coumarins against strains of the fungus S. schenckii revealed that the 5-carboxy-6,7-dihydroxy-4-methylcoumarin was the most active compound, presenting MIC of 66 μM and Minimum Fungicidal Concentration of 246 μM. This coumarin showed synergism with Amphotericin B, and its MIC was reduced to 15 μM. The antifungal activity of phenolic compounds could be related to its antioxidant activities. The compound 5-carboxy-6,7-dihydroxy-4-methylcoumarin was again the most active with IC50 value of 17.49 μM, showing the highest capacity to deplete the radicals DPPH and ACAP, moreover present a oxidation potential of 0.4 V suggesting antioxidant activity. Based on the antioxidant and antifungal tests it was observed that the presence of hydroxyl groups at C-7 and C-8 of the coumarin ring and the addition of polar grouping at C-5 favored both antifungal and antioxidant activities.In the second part of this work, it was evaluated the cytotoxicity of the Pterocaulon compounds and some commercially available coumarins, with simple structure. The cytotoxic potential was determined by Methyl Thiazole Tetrazolium (MTT) test using strains of human glioma (U138-MG) and rat (C6). It was observed that the 6,7-methylenedioxycoumarins caused a significant reduction in cell viability, suggesting a positive influence of the methylenedioxy group in this activity. The compound 5-methoxy-6,7-methylenedioxycoumarin was the most promising (IC50 = 34.6 μM and IC50 = 31.6 μM for C6 and U-138 MG, respectively). In conclusion, this work it was demonstrated that some coumarins showed an inhibitory activity against the growth of glioma cell lines and a fungicidal effect on the S. schenckii. These results corroborate the popular use of these plants.
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Avaliação in vitro da atividade antifúngica e citotóxica de cumarinas naturais e sintéticas / In vitro antifungal and cytotoxic activities of natural and synthetic coumarinsFlôres, Damiana da Rocha Vianna January 2011 (has links)
Cumarinas são estruturas promissoras e diversas atividades biológicas têm sido atribuídas a esses metabólitos secundários vegetais. Estudos sugerem que o mecanismo antifúngico desses compostos esteja correlacionado com a atividade antioxidante. A reação da tirosinase, que produz radicais livres, está envolvida no processo de melanização do fungo Sporothrix schenckii, o causador de micose subcutânea de maior incidência no sul do Brasil. A inibição dessa enzima foi recentemente reportada para extrato de Pterocaulon (Asteraceae), planta rica em cumarinas e usada na medicina tradicional do Brasil para tratamento tópico de micoses e na medicina popular da Argentina como anticâncer. O objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar in vitro a atividade antifúngica, correlacionando-a com atividade antioxidante, de extratos de espécies de Pterocaulon e de 6,7-metilenodioxicumarinas isoladas e também de 4-metilcumarinas obtidas por síntese, bem como a investigação da atividade citotóxica de algumas destas moléculas. As 6,7-metilenodioxicumarinas foram isoladas de P. balansae e P. lorentzii, enquanto que as 4-metilcumarinas foram sintetizadas via Pechmann por micro-ondas. A atividade antifúngica contra Sporotrix schenckii foi realizada conforme manual do Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. O estudo das propriedades eletroquímicas foi obtido por voltametria cíclica e a capacidade antioxidante pelo método espectofotométrico DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-picrilhidrazil) e pelo método fluorimétrico ACAP contra radicais peroxil. A análise dessa atividade mostrou que os extratos metanólicos de espécies de Pterocaulon (P. polystachyum, P. balansae, P. lorentzii, P. lanatum e P. cordobense) foram ativos frente às cepas do fungo S. schenckii, sendo o extrato de P. polystachyum o mais ativo, apresentando Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM) compreendida entre 156 e 312 μg/mL. O fracionamento dos extratos lipofílicos de P. balansae e P. lorentzii levou ao isolamento de três metilenodioxicumarinas. Dados cristalográficos da 5-metóxi-6,7-metilenodioxicumarina, inéditos, foram depositados no Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre 779123. As cumarinas sintéticas foram obtidas em rendimentos satisfatórios (98-30%) e em reduzido tempo de reação (5-20 min). O screening destas cumarinas frente às cepas do fungo S. schenckii revelou que 5-carboxi-6,7-diidroxi-4-metilcumarina, com CIM de 66 μM e Concentração Fungicida Mínima de 246 μM, foi o composto mais ativo. Essa cumarina apresentou sinergismo com a Anfotericina B, sendo sua CIM reduzida para 15 μM. A atividade antifúngica desses compostos pode estar correlacionada com a atividade antioxidante. O composto 5-carboxi-6,7-diidroxi-4-metilcumarina foi o mais ativo mostrando elevada capacidade antioxidante frente aos radicais DPPH com valores de IC50 de 17,49 μM e elevada atividade frente ao radical peroxil. Além disso, apresentou um potencial de oxidação de 0,4 V sugerindo atividade antioxidante. Baseado nos ensaios antioxidante e antifúngico foi possível observar que a presença de grupamentos hidroxilas no C-7 e C-8 do anel cumarínico, assim como a adição de grupamento polar no C-5 favoreceu ambas as atividades antifúngica e antioxidante. Na segunda etapa desse trabalho foi avaliada a citotoxicidade das cumarinas isoladas e algumas cumarinas simples, disponíveis comercialmente, pelo método Metil Tiazol Tetrazólio (MTT) usando linhagens de glioma humano (U138-MG) e de ratos (C6). Foi observado que as 6,7-metilenodioxicumarinas causaram uma significativa redução na viabilidade celular, sugerindo uma influência positiva do grupamento metilenodioxi sobre essa atividade. O composto 5-metóxi-6,7-metilenodioxicumarina foi o mais promissor (IC50= 34,6 μM e IC50= 31,6 μM para C6 e U-138 MG, respectivamente). Como desfecho desse trabalho, pode-se concluir que as cumarinas apresentaram uma atividade inibitória frente ao crescimento celular de linhagens de glioma e um efeito fungicida sobre S. schenckii, resultados estes que corroboram com o uso popular dessas plantas. / Coumarins are promising structures and diverse biological activities have been attributed to these secondary plant metabolites. Studies suggest that the mechanism of antifungal compounds is correlated with antioxidant activity. The reaction of tyrosinase, which produces free radicals, is involved in the process of melanization of the fungus Sporothrix schenckii, the agent of subcutaneous mycosis with the highest incidence in southern Brazil. The inhibition of this enzyme has recently been reported to extract Pterocaulon (Asteraceae) This plant is rich in coumarins and used in traditional medicine in Brazil for topical treatment of fungal infections and in folk medicine of Argentina as anticancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro antifungal activity and correlation with its antioxidant properties and cytotoxic activities of extracts of some species of Pterocaulon, as well as the isolated coumarins, and 4-methylcoumarin analogs obtained by synthesis. The 6.7-methylenedioxycoumarins were isolated from P. balansae and P. lorentzii, while the 4-methylcoumarins were synthesized via Pechmann reaction using microwave. The antifungal activity against Sporothrix schenckii was performed as indicated in the Manual of Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. A study of the electrochemical properties of coumarins was performed by cyclic voltammetry, by the method of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) and against peroxyl radicals (ACAP) by fluorometric method. The analysis showed that the antifungal activity of the methanol extracts of Pterocaulon species (P. polystachyum, P. balansae, P. lorentzii, P. lanatum and P. cordobense) were active against the strains of the fungus S. schenckii, being the extract of P. polystachyum the most active, presenting Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) compressed between 156 and 312 μg/mL. The fractionation of lipophilic extracts of P. balansae and P. lorentzii led to the isolation of three methylenedioxycoumarins. The crystallographic data of 5-methoxy-6,7-methylenedioxycoumarin were deposited at the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center 779123. The synthetic coumarins were obtained in satisfactory yields (98-30%) and reduced reaction time (5-20 min). The screening of these coumarins against strains of the fungus S. schenckii revealed that the 5-carboxy-6,7-dihydroxy-4-methylcoumarin was the most active compound, presenting MIC of 66 μM and Minimum Fungicidal Concentration of 246 μM. This coumarin showed synergism with Amphotericin B, and its MIC was reduced to 15 μM. The antifungal activity of phenolic compounds could be related to its antioxidant activities. The compound 5-carboxy-6,7-dihydroxy-4-methylcoumarin was again the most active with IC50 value of 17.49 μM, showing the highest capacity to deplete the radicals DPPH and ACAP, moreover present a oxidation potential of 0.4 V suggesting antioxidant activity. Based on the antioxidant and antifungal tests it was observed that the presence of hydroxyl groups at C-7 and C-8 of the coumarin ring and the addition of polar grouping at C-5 favored both antifungal and antioxidant activities.In the second part of this work, it was evaluated the cytotoxicity of the Pterocaulon compounds and some commercially available coumarins, with simple structure. The cytotoxic potential was determined by Methyl Thiazole Tetrazolium (MTT) test using strains of human glioma (U138-MG) and rat (C6). It was observed that the 6,7-methylenedioxycoumarins caused a significant reduction in cell viability, suggesting a positive influence of the methylenedioxy group in this activity. The compound 5-methoxy-6,7-methylenedioxycoumarin was the most promising (IC50 = 34.6 μM and IC50 = 31.6 μM for C6 and U-138 MG, respectively). In conclusion, this work it was demonstrated that some coumarins showed an inhibitory activity against the growth of glioma cell lines and a fungicidal effect on the S. schenckii. These results corroborate the popular use of these plants.
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Secagem de folhas de guaco (Mikania laevigata Schultz Bip. Ex Baker) com adição de etanol : efeito sobre o teor de cumarina / Drying of guaco leaves (Mikania laevigata Schultz Bip. Ex Baker) with addition of ethanol : effect on the coumarin contentSilva, Mateus Guimarães da, 1988- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Aparecida Silva / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T23:58:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Silva_MateusGuimaraesda_M.pdf: 2502848 bytes, checksum: 5c28fb331431c609c6b31a9c93a01889 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: O guaco (Mikania laevigata Schultz Bip. Ex Baker) é uma das plantas medicinais mais conhecidas e difundidas para o tratamento de doenças respiratórias pela sua ação expectorante e broncodilatadora. A cumarina, presente na sua composição química, é um dos principais componentes responsáveis por tal atividade e utilizada como marcador químico no controle de qualidade dos produtos derivados de guaco. Os processos tradicionais de secagem utilizados para a conservação de folhas de guaco podem promover a degradação da cumarina, causando prejuízos para os fins fitoterápicos. Por isso, torna-se de grande importância o estudo de diferentes métodos de secagem das folhas de guaco de forma a minimizar a perda da cumarina. No presente trabalho, foi estudada a influência do etanol na secagem de folhas de guaco e no rendimento de cumarina e, também, avaliado a estabilidade da cumarina em amostras secas, durante o armazenamento em atmosfera acelerada e normal. Os experimentos de secagem foram realizados em uma estufa com circulação forçada de ar e em túnel de secagem com folhas inteiras e cortadas, respectivamente. Quando se utilizou etanol, as folhas enviadas ao processo de secagem foram mergulhadas em álcool etílico absoluto antes do início da secagem. Os resultados mostraram que as folhas submetidas ao processo de secagem usando etanol apresentaram os menores tempos de secagem e os maiores rendimentos de cumarina, tanto nos experimentos realizados no túnel quanto na estufa. Nos experimentos de secagem realizados com folhas cortadas, foi encontrada uma redução do tempo da ordem de 35% e nas folhas inteiras da ordem de 30%. Na análise do princípio ativo após os experimentos de secagem, foram encontrados os maiores rendimentos de cumarina nas folhas inteiras comparado às folhas cortadas. Nos experimentos de armazenamento, foi observada a degradação da cumarina ao longo do tempo, sendo mais pronunciada nas amostras secas sem etanol e em atmosfera acelerada / Abstract: The Mikania laevigata Schultz Bip. Ex Baker is a medicinal plant, popularly known as "guaco" in Brazil, it is widespread used in the treatment of respiratory diseases because of expectorant and bronchodilator effects. Coumarin is an active principle found in guaco, considered one of the main species responsible for this activity and used as a chemical marker for the quality control of products derived from guaco. The drying of guaco leaves is a process aimed at the preservation of substances, carried out to meet the needs of the herbal medicines industry which has no means to use fresh plants in the quantities required for industrial production. Conventional drying processes used for the preservation of guaco leaves may promote the degradation of coumarin, causing losses for phytotherapeutic purposes. Therefore, it is of great importance the study of different drying methods of guaco leaves to minimize the coumarin loss. In this work, it was studied the influence of ethanol on the drying kinetics and on the coumarin yield of guaco leaves and also evaluated the stability of coumarin of dried samples during storage under normal and accelerated atmosphere. The drying experiments were performed in a forced convection oven and tunnel drying with whole and cut leaves, respectively. The guaco leaves were dried with and without the surface previously treated with ethanol. The results showed that samples treated with ethanol presented faster water evaporation during drying experiments and higher yield of coumarin. In drying experiments carried out with cut leaves, the decrease in the drying time was approximately 35% and for whole leaves was approximately 30%. In the analysis of the active ingredient after drying experiments, the coumarin yield was higher in whole leaves than in cut leaves, around two times more. In the experiments storage, it was observed the coumarin degradation over time, being more pronounced in the samples dried without ethanol and under accelerated atmosphere / Mestrado / Engenharia Química / Mestre em Engenharia Química
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Identification, characterization and quantification of the active and toxic compounds of two cinnamon speciesKhunoana, Sewela 07 June 2012 (has links)
M.Tech. / There are over 250 cinnamon species existing worldwide, and amongst them, 2 species Cinnamomum cassia and Cinnamomum zeylanicum, are commonly used all over the world as spices, fragrances in perfumes and as medicines. These two species are distinguished from each other by the presence and absence of certain compounds depending on the origin and distribution of the plant. Nevertheless, all cinnamon species contain essential oils and water soluble components and the composition of these components found in each species depends on the type of species involved. These components are made up of phenyl propanoids, terpenes, flavonoids and saponins. In general, the essential oil component contains the following compounds: cinnamaldehyde as a major constituent with its derivatives cinnamic acid, cinnamyl alcohol, ethyl cinnamate, cinnamyl acetate and 2-methoxy cinnamaldehyde; eugenol; linalool; coumarin; carvone; carvacrol and β-caryophyllene. Most of these compounds are abundantly found in the bark except in the case of eugenol which is found in either leaves or bark depending on the species involved. The other water soluble component is composed of a group of compounds such as tannin, chalcone, catechins and anthocyanidins. These compounds polymerize to form methyl hydroxy chalcone polymers (MHCP) which has been shown to play an important role in lowering blood sugar levels in Type ll diabetic individuals. It is said that MHCP has an ability to promote the phosphorylation process which in turn activates the beta-cells and thereby creating insulin activity that will then convert glucose into glycogen. Besides all health benefits of cinnamon, the plant contains a toxic compound, coumarin which impacts badly on animals resulting in death, and little information on its toxicity to human beings has been documented. Concerns arose about the possible presence of coumarin in these formulations, since these formulations are made from the cinnamon and the plant contains coumarin. This work has investigated the potential toxicity of coumarin from cinnamon powder and cinnamon formulation. The components from both cinnamon samples were extracted using various solvents according to their polarities and these compounds were screened on thin layer chromatography (TLC). The essential oil components were separated by column chromatography, and quantified by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), all components (essential oil and water soluble) were identified by HPLC, and finally the characterization of the essential oil components was done with infrared (IR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) whereas those of the water soluble were characterized by using liquid chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer (LC-MS).
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[pt] O advento da catálise fotorredox permitiu o desenvolvimento de uma série de novas reações de formação de ligação C-C utilizando luz visível e catalisadores para gerar radicais orgânicos. Isso permite que metodologias sejam desenvolvidas à temperatura ambiente e com curtos períodos de tempo. Reações de arilação, que envolvem a inserção de grupos aril, podem ser realizadas utilizando sais de diazônio como fontes de radicais arila. O objetivo dessa tese foi estudar reações de alfa-arilação de compostos carbonílicos usando catálise fotorredox. A tese é dividida em quatro capítulos, sendo o primeiro, a Introdução Geral. No segundo, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia de arilação de cumarinas, baseada na Arilação de König, para obtenção de compostos do tipo 4-(N-fenil)amino-3-fenilcumarina. Esses compostos foram obtidos em rendimentos de até 95 por cento. O mecanismo da reação foi estudado a partir de experimentos de trapeamento com TEMPO e correlação de Stern-Volmer. As cumarinas obtidas tiveram suas atividades biológicas avaliadas, e três delas mostraram-se promissoras como fármacos contra leishmaniose. Por fim, uma das cumarinas foi utilizada para a síntese do azacumestano, análogo nitrogenado do produto natural cumestano. No terceiro capítulo da tese, um estudo teórico via Teoria do Funcional da Densidade (DFT) foi realizado para estudar a alfa-arilação de enóis acetatos para obtenção de aril-cetonas. Estudos previamente realizados mostraram que essas reações têm melhor performance quando grupos retiradores de elétrons estão presentes nos sais de diazônio. O uso do modelo de Fischer-Radom permitiu verificar que efeitos polares são mais proeminentes do que efeitos entálpicos. A origem desses efeitos foi verificada como partindo de efeitos de campo e não de efeito de ressonância, uma vez que o orbital SOMO em radicais fenila é ortogonal ao sistema Pi. Finalmente, o efeito de substituintes nos enóis acetatos foi estudado a partir das correlações de Taft e Charton. Finalmente, no quarto capítulo foram abordadas as tentativas de alfa-arilação de cetonas cíclicas combinando-se catálise fotoredox com organocatálise, trabalho esse desenvolvido durante período sanduíche na Universidade de Michigan. Diversas metodologias foram testadas, entretanto nenhuma permitiu a formação do produto desejado. Estudos via DFT mostraram que a combinação da nucleofilicidade das cetonas e efeitos estéricos impediram que essa reação pudesse ser realizada. Sendo assim, uma nova metodologia foi testada a partir do uso de isonitrilas de haletos de alquila. Após extensa otimização, foi possível obter uma metodologia de tosilação catalisada por níquel. / [en] The advent of photoredox catalysis allowed the development of a series of new C-C bond formation reactions using visible light and photocatalysts to generate organic radicals. It allows methodologies to be developed at room temperature and within short periods of time. Arylation reactions, which involve the insertion of aryl groups, can be performed using diazonium salts as source of aryl radicals. The aim of this dissertation was to study alfa-arylation reactions of carbonyl compounds using photoredox catalysis. This dissertation is divided into four chapters, being the General Introduction the first one. In the second chapter, a coumarin arylation methodology was developed, based on Konig s Arylation, to obtain 4-(N-phenyl)amino-3-phenylcoumarins. These compounds were obtained in up to 95 percent yield. The reaction mechanism was studied from trapping experiments with TEMPO and Stern-Volmer correlation. The obtained coumarins had their biological activities evaluated, and three of them showed promising results as antileishmaniasis candidates. Finally, one of the coumarins was used for the synthesis of azacoumestan, a nitrogenous analog of the natural product coumestan. In the third chapter of the thesis, a theoretical study via Density Functional Theory (DFT) was carried out to study the alfa-arylation of enols acetates to obtain aryl ketones. Previous studies have shown that these reactions perform better when electron withdrawing groups are present in diazonium salts. The use of the Fischer-Radom model allowed us to verify that polar effects are more prominent than enthalpic effects. The origin of these effects was verified as field effects and not resonance effect, since the SOMO orbital in phenyl radicals is orthogonal to the Pi system. Finally, the effect of substituents on enol acetates was studied by Taft and Charton correlations. In the fourth and last chapter, attempts were made to alfa-arylate cyclic ketones combining photoredox catalysis with organocatalysis, work developed during the internship period at the University of Michigan. Several methodologies were tried, however none allowed the formation of the desired product. Studies via DFT showed that the combination of ketone nucleophilicity and steric effects prevented this reaction from being carried out. Therefore, a new methodology was tested using isonitriles of alkyl halides. After extensive optimization, it was possible to obtain a nickel-catalyzed tosylation methodology.
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Synthèse et étude des propriétés d'un nouveau photoréticulant fluorogénique pour la capture des interactions lectines-sucresBousch, Cécile 01 1900 (has links)
Les sucres ont un rôle dans de nombreux phénomènes biologiques dont, notamment, la reconnaissance cellulaire. Par exemple, les cellules cancéreuses expriment des antigènes composés de sucres qui leurs sont propres, modifiant ainsi leur identité glycosidique par rapport à celle d’une cellule saine. Ces sucres sont reconnus spécifiquement pas des protéines que l’on nomme des lectines. Ces interactions sont faibles et non-covalentes donc difficiles à capturer.
L’objectif de ce projet est de concevoir un outil permettant de capturer ces interactions ce qui en permettra une meilleure compréhension. Les stratégies déjà utilisées consistent en l’utilisation de photoréticulants. Ces molécules permettent de former un lien covalent entrer la protéine d’étude et son substrat. Bien que de nombreuses améliorations ont été effectuées depuis la création de ces outils, il reste difficile de pouvoir étudier ces interactions.
Pour pallier à cela, nous avons ajouté une dimension visuelle a notre outil en incorporant un motif coumarine à notre photoréticulant qui, une fois soumise à une irradiation UV, permet de créer une liaison covalente entre notre sonde et notre protéine d’intérêt et de laisser en même temps, une trace fluorescente sur ladite protéine. Nous avons ensuite utilisé notre coumarine en présence d’une fucolectine, la BambL, en conditions dénaturantes pour laisser une trace fluorescente sur celle-ci. Notre sonde a également été utilisé pour cibler des protéines d’intérêts dans des lysats cellulaires. / Carbohydrates are involved in many biological phenomena, such as cellular recognition. As an example, cancer cells expressed there on sugared antigens and it’s modifiying their glycosidic identity compare to an healthy cell. These sugars can be recognized by proteins which are also called lectins. Interactions between the biomolecules are weak and difficult to capture.
The aim of the project is to design a tool which let us able to capture and have a better understanding of theses interactions. Previous studies have shown the usefulness of the photocrosslinkers. These molecules can create a covalent bond between the protein of interest and its substrat. Although all the improvements since the creation of these tools, it is still difficult to underline sugar-protein interactions.
To overcome the problem, visual parameters were incorporated to our probe with a coumarin scaffold whom, after UV irradiations, can generate a nitrene and formed a covalent bond between our probe and our targeting probe letting a fluorescent tag on the protein. The probe has been tested in presence of a fucolectine; the BambL, in denaturing conditions to check the fluorescent tag. Our probe was also tested in cell lysats conditions.
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Investigations of Novel Mechanisms of Action for Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Cancer Agent DevelopmentVerghese, Jenson 01 May 2014 (has links)
The development of drugs and therapeutic agents for combating infections and human malignancies continues to be a forefront area in both academic and industrial research. This is driven by the rapid emergence of multi-drug resistant bacterial strains and accumulating mutations in cancer targets that is quickly rendering our current arsenal of drugs ineffective for these therapies. Unless new drugs with novel mechanisms of action are identified and developed at a faster pace, we face a losing battle in managing these diseases. The first part of this work concerns with the natural product Simocyclinone D8 (SD8). Simocyclinone D8 is an angucyclinone antibiotic that inhibits DNA gyrase with a novel mechanism of action that has been termed competitive inhibition. Simocyclinone D8 was found to inhibit the growth of both Gram-(+ve) and Gram-(–ve) organisms and also inhibit a fluoroquinolone resistant mutant of DNA gyrase. Inspired by the structure and novel mechanism of action that SD8 displays, we synthesized analogues based on the co-crystal structure of SD8 with DNA gyrase. These compounds were found to inhibit DNA gyrase, albeit by a different mechanism of action than that of SD8. We also conducted studies towards the total chemical synthesis of SD8 and made three out of the four fragments in SD8 in decent yields. The second part of this work is focused on the development of a substrate-competitive covalent inhibitor for protein kinase B (AKT). AKT is a valid target for cancer research with two compounds currently in late stage clinical trials. Developing substrate- competitive inhibitors for kinases is a novel approach in targeting them, with very few examples in the literature. This mechanism has been postulated to overcome common resistance mutations that cancer targets harbor. A major drawback in this approach is the low binding affinity for peptide substrates by kinases. We circumvented this problem of affinity by utilizing a covalent mode of binding and synthesized a potent non-peptide active-site directed irreversible compound that inhibits AKT. Further studies on this compound are underway and are expected to yield a compound that can be used as a therapeutic agent or as a probe for AKT.
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Modulação da apoptose de neutrófilos humanos em cultura pela galangina e 6,7-diidroxi-3-[3\',4\'-metilenodioxifenil]-cumarina / Modulation of apoptosis of cultured human neutrophils by galangin and 6,7-dihydroxy-3-[3\',4\'-methylenedioxyphenyl]-coumarinCarvalho, Camila Andresa 06 November 2015 (has links)
Os neutrófilos são os leucócitos mais abundantes na circulação sanguínea, sendo recrutados rapidamente para os locais de infecção e inflamação. Em condições fisiológicas, os neutrófilos circulantes possuem tempo de vida curto, de cerca de 6 a 8 horas, mas a sua sobrevida pode aumentar em condições inflamatórias. O papel dos neutrófilos em diversas doenças foi negligenciado por muito tempo, em parte devido àsdificuldades em seu estudo e manipulação, pois os mesmos são facilmente ativados e difíceis de serem mantidos em cultura. Nos últimos anos, o advento de novas técnicas e o aprimoramento de condições laboratoriais têm possibilitado uma investigação mais ampla da fisiopatologia dos neutrófilos e revelado a diversidade de funções e interações dessas células. Para dar continuidade aos estudos visando o entendimento de como as funções efetoras dos neutrófilos podem ser moduladas por produtos naturais e sintéticos, e a aplicação desse conhecimento no tratamento de patologias nas quais tais leucócitos participam, o presente trabalho estabeleceu, primeiramente, as condições experimentais para a cultura de neutrófilos humanos. As células mantiveram-se viáveis e em estado de repouso por até 24 horas, tanto em solução balanceada de Hank\'s quanto em meio RPMI. A funcionalidade dos neutrófilos foi avaliada através da sua capacidade de produzir espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO), medida por quimioluminescência dependente de luminol (QLlum). Diferentemente do meio RPMI, a solução balanceada de Hank\'s não interferiu no ensaio de QLlum, possibilitando a análise da funcionalidade das células. Durante o período de cultura celular de 24 horas, os neutrófilos mantiveram a sua capacidade de produzir ERO em quantidades suficientes para serem detectadas e permitirem a avaliação do efeito inibitório de substâncias antioxidantes. Em seguida, este trabalho avaliou o efeito de dois antioxidantes - a 3-fenilcumarina 6,7-diidroxi-3-(3\',4\'-metilenodioxifenil)-cumarina (C13) e o flavonol galangina - na produção de ERO pelos neutrófilos. Ambas as substâncias inibiram esta função efetora dos neutrófilos durante todo o período de cultura analisado, indicando que as mesmas não foram degradadas a ponto de perderem a sua atividade antioxidante. As condições de cultura padronizadas possibilitaram também a avaliação do efeito da galangina e da C13 na viabilidade celular. Na maior concentração analisada (20 ?M), ambas as substâncias não alteraram a porcentagem de células viáveis (aproximadamente 80%), mas modularam os estágios de sobrevivência dos neutrófilos, reduzindo a porcentagem de células em apoptose e aumentando a porcentagem de células em necrose, principalmente após 18 horas de cultura. Portanto, a solução balanceada de Hank´s é adequada para manter neutrófilos humanos em cultura por até 24 horas, possibilitando a avaliação do efeito de substâncias antioxidantes na produção de ERO por estas células e na sua viabilidade. / Neutrophils are the most abundant leukocytes in blood, which are rapidly recruited to sites of infection and inflammation. Circulating neutrophils have a short lifetime of about 6 to 8 hours under physiological conditions, but their survival can be increased under inflammatory conditions. The role that neutrophils play in various diseases was long neglected, partially due to the difficulties to study and manipulate these cells, which are easy to activate and hard to maintain in culture. In recent years, the development of new techniques and improvement of laboratory conditions have broadened the investigation of neutrophil physiopathology and revealed the variety of functions and interactions of these cells. To continue the studies to understand how the effector functions of neutrophils can be modulated by natural and synthetic products, and to apply such knowledge to treat diseases in which these leukocytes participate, the first part of the present work established the experimental conditions to culture human neutrophils. Cells cultured in either Hank\'s balanced solution or RPMI medium remained viable and in the resting state for up to 24 hours. Neutrophil functionality was evaluated through its ability to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS), assessed by the luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence assay (CL-lum). In contrast to RPMI medium, Hank\'s balanced solution did not interfere in the CL-lum assay and thereby allowed analysis of neutrophil functionality. During the 24-hour cell culture period, neutrophils maintained their capacity to produce ROS in detectable amounts that were sufficient to assess the inhibitory effect of antioxidant compounds. Next, this work examined the effect of two antioxidants - the 3-phenylcoumarin 6,7-dihydroxy-3-[3\',4\'-methylenedioxyphenyl]-coumarin (C13) and the flavonol galangin - on ROS production by neutrophils. Both compounds suppressed this effector function of neutrophils during the whole culture period studied, indicating that they were not degraded to the point of losing their antioxidant activity. The standardized culture conditions also allowed assessing whether galangin and C13 affected cell viability. At the highest concentration tested (20 ?M), both compounds did not alter the cell viability percentage (around 80%) but modulated the neutrophil survival stages by reducing the percentage of apoptotic cells and increasing the percentage of necrotic cells, particularly after 18 hours of culture. Therefore, Hank\'s balanced solution is suitable to culture human neutrophils for up to 24 hours, and enables to assess the effect of antioxidant compounds on neutrophil ROS production and viability.
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Φωτοφυσική μελέτη οργανικών χρωστικών και διερεύνηση μηχανισμών απόσβεσης και μεταφοράς ενέργειαςΠαπαχρήστου, Νικολίτσα 13 May 2015 (has links)
Στην παρούσα Ειδική Ερευνητική Εργασία μελετόνται οι φωτοφυσικές ιδιότητες γνωστών χρωμοφόρων μορίων. Συγκεκριμένα μελετάται η Coumarin 30, η Fluorescein Isothiocyanate και η Dichlorofluorescein, τόσο με φασματοσκοπία σταθερής κατάστασης όσο και με φασματοσκοπία χρονικής ανάλυσης μέσω της τεχνικής Time Correlated Single Photon Counting. Η διερεύνηση γίνεται με τα μόρια αυτά να βρίσκονται σε μορφή διαλυμάτων με στόχο τον προσδιορισμό της συμπεριφοράς τους όταν αυτά βρισκονται σε διαφορετικά περιβάλλοντα (διαλύτες). Επιπλέον ερευνώνται οι αλληλεπιδράσεις των μορίων αυτών μέσω της φασματοσκοπίας σταθερής κατάστασης και χρονικής ανάλυσης όταν βρίσκονται σε μορφή μειγμάτων. / In this Master Thesis, the phophysical properties of chromophrores are investigated. Specifically, Coumarin 30, Fluorescein Isothiocyanate and Dichlorofluorescein are studied with steady – state spectroscopy as well as with time – resolved spectroscopy via the technique of Time Correlated Single Photon Counting. The study of these molecules focuses also on solvent – solute effects. Finally, interactions between them are also studied through steady – state spectroscopy and time resolved spectroscopy.
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