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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

U.S. compliance for german SMEs 2021

Ebner, Stephan, Leone, Susanne 21 April 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Medical tourism in a pandemic

El-Khouri, Christian 21 April 2021 (has links)
Medical tourism, as many other industries, has suffered a big hit during the Covid pandemic. Being impacted both on the tourism and the healthcare side of the industry, it faces multiple challenges to recover. Looking at another period in time when the medical tourism industry was this heavily impacted and comparing technological advances during the respective periods, this article elaborates on how to better use digital technologies to rebuild and strengthen international patient care infrastructures. Before delving into the topic at hand I make the usual disclaimer: Due to the sensitive nature of the industry, there is not a lot of hard data available on medical tourism. Many hospitals do not record foreign patients differently than local patients, due to the specific set of laws that apply to them. Only a few medical tourism destinations collect hard data and survey medical tourists on their experience. Thus, any quantative analysis of the impact the Covid pandemic had and will have on medical tourism is strongly limited.

The elephant in the virtual law classroom

Perez, Tiffany A. 21 April 2021 (has links)
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, law schools had to pivot to virtual legal education quickly. In the wake of the pandemic, scholars have eagerly written about the dos and don’ts of the virtual law classroom. Although some articles have represented the law students’ perspective and some have represented the law professor’s perspective, none have done both in an attempt to create empathy and bridge the gap between what students’ desire, and what law professors are currently providing, and what good virtual legal education requires. As such, based on several interviews with law professors and students, this Article begins by describing one online Contracts class first from the professor’s point of view and then from the student’s point of view. The professor and students’ different perceptions of the same class are then analogized to John Godfrey Saxe’s poem The Blind Men and the Elephant. Then, using the Kübler-Ross Grief Cycle as a vehicle to build empathy and understanding, this article attempts to demonstrate the similarities that exists between students and professors’ feelings about online virtual education, namely that both professors and students alike are avidly grieving a common loss: in-person, Socratic law school days of old. As such, they are both experiencing denial and anger about their situations. In keeping with one of the key strategies recommended by the Mayo Clinic for overcoming denial in grief, this article “journals” their realities and provides both the student and professor perspective in the hopes that, by doing so, it will rid the misconceptions and bridge the way for a new type of virtual legal education to be created—one that meets (and/or exceeds) both professors’ and students’ expectations.

Studying in times of Corona

Schräder, Luise K. 21 April 2021 (has links)
In March 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic changed life circumstances drastically for everyone. Exactly one year ago the university had to shift from campus to the internet. This led to huge alterations in how professors lecture and how student university life takes place. After this year, it is time to evaluate the changes and put them into perspective. This means recognizing the benefits of technology to legal education instead of seeing the current situation as a replacement that disappears as soon as a return back to campus is possible.

(Book Review) The Small Firm Roadmap

McCormack, Paul 21 April 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Röntgensjuksköterskors upplevelse av stress under covid-19-pandemin : En intervjustudie

Alakade, Miriam, Areskog, Rasmus January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sedan i början av 2020 har världen drabbats av covid-19-pandemin som har en negativ påverkan på anställdas välbefinnande. Enligt flertal studier har pandemin resulterat i negativa bieffekter såsom stress, depression och utbrändhet. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka röntgensjuksköterskors upplevelser av stress under covid-19-pandemin samt hur pandemin påverkar deras arbete och hälsa. Metod: Studien utfördes som en kvalitativ intervjustudie med semi-strukturerade intervjufrågor, som 11 röntgensjuksköterskor tog del av. Metoden för dataanalys var en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med ett induktivt förhållningssätt. Resultat: Majoriteten av deltagarna har upplevt en hög arbetsrelaterad stress under deras arbete som var varierande bland enheterna. De faktorer som mest har gett upphov till stressen var arbetsbelastningen, kunskapsbristen, arbetskraven samt rädslan att smittas och smitta vidare. Dessutom har stressen drabbat deltagarna både psykiskt och fysiskt på olika sätt, men somliga deltagare kunde hantera stressen. Det förekom även mer eller mindre påverkan på röntgenavdelningen rörande arbetsbelastning, omvårdnad och stämning, där arbetsbelastningen hade påverkats som mest. Slutsats: Arbetsrelaterad stress upplevs av majoriteten av röntgensjuksköterskorna i studien. Faktorerna som leder till denna stress varierade mycket mellan individer. Samtliga deltagare påstod att stressen har ökat sedan covid-19-pandemins start, och att utökad arbetsbelastning är en faktor till det. / Background: Since the beginning of 2020, the world has contracted the covid-19 pandemic, which has a negative impact on employee well-being. According to several studies, the pandemic has resulted in negative side effects such as stress, depression and burnout.  Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate X-ray nurses' experiences of stress during the covid-19 pandemic and how the pandemic affects their work and health.  Method: The study was conducted as a qualitative interview study with semi-structured interview questions, which 11 X-ray nurses took part in. The method for data analysis was a qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach.  Results: Most of the participants experienced a high level of work-related stress during their work, which varied among the units. The factors that have most given rise to stress were the workload, the lack of knowledge, the work demands and the fear of becoming infected and passing on the disease. In addition, the stress has affected the participants both mentally and physically in different ways, but some participants were able to handle the stress. There was also more or less influence on the X-ray department regarding workload, care implementation and atmosphere, where the workload had been affected the most.  Conclusion: Work-related stress is experienced by most X-ray nurses. The factors that lead to this stress varied greatly between individuals. All participants claimed that stress has increased since the start of the covid-19 pandemic, and that increased workload is a factor in this.

Vi fick inget för att vi räddade världen : En kvalitativ studie om sjukvårdspersonalens upplevelse av att arbeta under SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19)-pandemin / We got nothing for saving the world : A qualitative study of healthcare professionals' experience of working during the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) pandemic

Ghanbari, Mitra, Turesson, Ulrika January 2022 (has links)
I mars 2020 drabbades världen av en pandemi kopplat till viruset Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2). I Sverige som i resten av världen har sjukvårdspersonalen varit tvungna att jobba under hög belastning i stressiga arbetssituationer som resultat av denna pandemi. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka faktorer som spelade roll för att vårdpersonalen skulle orka med det stressiga jobbet under en ovanlig situation som covid-19 pandemin. Till denna studie valdes kvalitativ design med en tematisk induktiv analys. Resultatet visade att kollegornas stöd, tydliga instruktioner från närmaste chefer, känslan av stolthet för att kunna klara av situationen tillsammans med andra samt personliga strategier var positiva faktorer som hjälpte vårdpersonalen att kunna klara av arbetet. Medan sjukvårdspersonalen upplevde att stöd från högre ledningen och samhällets ansvar inte var tillräckligt. / In March 2020, the world was hit by a pandemic linked to the Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) virus. In Sweden, as in the rest of the world, healthcare professionals had to work under high load in stressful work situations as a result of this pandemic. The purpose of this study was to investigate what factors played a role in the care staff being able to cope with the stressful job during an unusual situation such as the pandemic. For this study, qualitative design with a thematic inductive analysis was chosen. The results showed that the colleagues' support, clear instructions from immediate managers, the feeling of pride in being able to cope with the situation together with others and personal strategies were positive factors that helped the care staff to cope with the work load. While the health care staff felt that support from senior management and the responsibility of society was not enough.

Anticuerpos neutralizantes, nuevas pruebas de laboratorio contra el SARS-CoV-2 / Neutralizing antibodies, new laboratory tests against SARS-CoV-2

Figueroa Montes, Luis Edgardo 04 February 2022 (has links)
Introducción: en la presente revisión conoceremos los detalles de esta nueva prueba de laboratorio, utilizada para cuantificar los anticuerpos neutralizantes contra el SARS-CoV-2. Esta prueba diagnóstica comienza a tener un mayor protagonismo, a razón del proceso de infección y vacunación en el mundo, para comprender los misterios del correlato de protección inmunológica. Contenido: los anticuerpos neutralizantes tienen la capacidad de bloquear la capacidad del virus, para unirse al receptor ACE2 en las células humanas y estos anticuerpos permiten eliminar el efecto de microorganismos invasores. Su actividad se genera por las proteínas situadas en la superficie de los virus, a las que se unen para «bloquear» la infección. Los anticuerpos neutralizantes se definen in vitro por su capacidad para bloquear la entrada, fusión o salida del coronavirus, es decir son anticuerpos funcionales. Resumen: en la actualidad existen diferentes pruebas de laboratorio (pruebas de inmunoensayo de alto rendimiento), que tienen la capacidad de detectar anticuerpos inmunoglobulinas G anti proteína S del SARS-CoV-2 y que se correlacionan con las pruebas de laboratorio gold standard para la determinación de estos anticuerpos. Es crucial que estas pruebas de inmunoensayo de alto rendimiento, sean validadas en su fabricación contra métodos gold standard para determinar la presencia de anticuerpos neutralizantes. Perspectiva: esta revisión pretende ampliar el conocimiento de esta nueva prueba, que en un futuro permitirán definir los valores de correlato inmunológico generados por las vacunas o por una infección previa.

Att ställa om till distansundervisning : Lärdomar för framtiden? / Switching to online teaching : Lessons for the future?

Engström, Sophia January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att ta reda på vad musiklärare på kulturskolor, utan tidigare erfarenhet av distansundervisning, har dragit för lärdomar av att undervisa på distans under pandemin covid-19. Dessutom undersöks på vilka sätt lärare kan tänka sig att undervisa på distans i framtiden samt vilka råd de vill ge till andra som ska ställa om till distans- undervisning. I bakgrundskapitlet ges en bild av hur situationen ser ut när det gäller distansundervisning på kulturskolor under pandemin, samt forskning som rör distans- arbete och undervisning med digital teknik. I teoridelen definieras lärdomar och lärande, samt lärande utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Metoden som används för datainsamling är semistrukturerad kvalitativ intervju. Jag har intervjuat fem musik- lärare från fem olika kulturskolor. I resultatet kartläggs och kategoriseras de lärdomar som framkommit. Dessutom redogörs för olika användningsområden för distans- undervisning, samt råd som kan underlätta vid en framtida omställning. I diskussionen jämförs resultatet med den litteratur och den forskning jag använt mig av i studien. Slutsatsen jag har kommit fram till är att lärarna i studien har lärt sig många olika saker av att undervisa på distans, samt att personliga egenskaper spelar stor roll för hur lyckad omställningen till distansundervisning blir. Lärarna ser flera användnings- områden för distansundervisning, samtidigt som uppfattningen är att metoden inte kan ersätta den interaktion som äger rum vid närundervisning. / The purpose of the study is to examine what music teachers at municipal music and arts schools in Sweden, with no previous experience of online teaching, have learned from teaching remotely during the covid-19 pandemic. The study also examines how teachers might consider teaching remotely in the future and what advice they want to give to others who are going to switch to online teaching. The background chapter gives a picture of the situation regarding distance education at municipal music and arts schools during the pandemic, as well as research on teleworking and teaching with digital technology. The theory defines lessons and learning, as well as learning from a socio- cultural perspective. The method used for data collection is semi-structured qualitative interview. I have interviewed five music teachers from five different municipal music and arts schools in Sweden. The result identifies and categorizes the lessons learned from online teaching. In addition, it describes various uses of online teaching, as well as advice that can facilitate future transitions. In the discussion, the results are being compared with the literature and the research I have used in the study. I have come to the conclusion that the teachers in the study have learned many different lessons from teaching remotely, and that personal qualities play a major part in how successful the transition to online teaching is. Teachers see many uses for online teaching, but a common opinion is that this way of teaching cannot completely replace the interaction that occurs when teaching takes place in person.

Gymnasieskolor och resiliens : Anställdas uppfattningar om gymnasieskolors resiliens under coronakrisen våren 2020 till våren 2021. / Upper secondary schools and resilience : Employees' perceptions of upper secondary schools’ resilience during the corona crisis in spring of 2020 to spring of 2021.

Övergaard, Ina, Blonde, Staffan January 2022 (has links)
Coronakrisen har varit och är fortfarande i skrivande stund en stor samhällsbörda för många olika typer av organisationer och har varit särskilt påfrestande för gymnasieskolor. Samtidigt har det lett till en god möjlighet att utforska organisationers krishantering. Denna studie är baserad på tidigare forskning om resiliens för att vidareutveckla begreppets förståelse och praktiska innebörd genom att undersöka hur anställdas uppfattningar av organisatorisk resiliens påverkas av demografisk bakgrund och hemarbetsförutsättningar. Studien genomfördes genom en sambandsanalys av enkätfrågor baserade på Mallaks (1998a) principer av resiliens och frågor om demografisk bakgrund samt hemarbetsförutsättningar som riktades åt anställda på gymnasieskolor i Skåne.  Studien identifierade indikationer på ett starkt samband mellan vissa av Mallaks (1998a) principer (framför allt de principer som berör de anställdas egna arbeten) och anställdas uppfattningar av dess hemarbetsförutsättningar. Det identifierades även ett samband med viss demografisk bakgrundsinformation och vissa av principerna, men sambandet var svagare. Detta tyder på att det finns behov att forska vidare på anställdas behov i hemarbete samt för organisationer att tillgodose dessa behov samt undersöka hur anställdas uppfattningar påverkar organisationers resiliens. / The corona crisis has been and still is at the time of writing a major societal burden for many different types of organizations and has been particularly stressful for upper secondary schools. At the same time, it has led to a good opportunity to explore organizations' crisis management. This study is based on previous research on resilience to further develop the understanding of the concept and its practical meaning by examining how employees' perceptions of organizational resilience are affected by their demographic background and working from home conditions. The study was conducted through a correlation analysis of survey questions based on Mallak's (1998a) principles of resilience and questions about demographic background as well as the conditions for working from home aimed at employees at upper secondary schools in Skåne. The study identified indications of a strong connection between some of Mallak's (1998a) principles (especially principles that concern the employees' own work) and employees' perceptions of their conditions while working from home. The study also identified some connection with demographic background information and some of the principles, but this connection was weaker. This indicates that there is a need to further research the needs of employees while working from home as well as for organizations to meet those needs and to examine how employees' perceptions affect the organizations resilience.

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