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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Model-driven co-simulation of Cyber-Physical Systems / Co-simulation dirigée par les modèles des systèmes cyber-physiques

Guermazi, Sahar 28 September 2017 (has links)
Les CPS intègrent des composants physiques et des composants logiciels. Ils sont particulièrement difficiles à modéliser et à vérifier. En effet, de par la nature hétérogène de leurs composants, leur conception nécessite l’utilisation de différents formalismes de modélisation. Les modèles de ces systèmes combinent à la fois des formalismes à temps continu, et d’autres à événements discrets, pour représenter respectivement leurs composants physiques et logiciels. La vérification de l'ensemble du système nécessite donc la composition de ces composants. La vérification globale peut être réalisée par co-simulation des différents composants. En particulier, la norme FMI offre une interface normative pour coupler plusieurs simulateurs dans un environnement de co-simulation, nommé « Master ». Celui-ci est chargé de fournir un algorithme pour une synchronisation efficace des différents composants du système, nommés FMU. Cependant, FMI est initialement conçu pour la co-simulation des processus physiques, avec un support limité des formalismes à événements discrets qui est modèle de calcul et de communication largement utilisé dans les environnements de modélisation spécifiques au logiciel. En particulier, aucune des solutions actuelles de co-simulation basées sur FMI ne permet de le prendre en considération les modèle UML. La thèse défendue dans ce document est que l'ingénierie système en général bénéficierait de l’intégration des modèles UML dans une approche de co-simulation basée sur la norme FMI. Cela permettra à un grand nombre de concepteurs logiciels d’évaluer le comportement de leurs composants logiciels dans un environnement simulé, et donc de les aider à faire les meilleurs choix de conception le plus tôt possible dans leur processus de développement. Cela pourrait également ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives intéressantes pour les ingénieurs système des CPS, en leur permettant d'envisager l’utilisation d’un langage largement utilisé pour la modélisation des composants logiciels de leurs systèmes. L'objectif de cette thèse est de définir et formaliser un environnement de co-simulation basé sur la norme FMI pour les CPS et intégrant des modèles UML pour la partie logicielle. Nous abordons principalement la question d’adaptation entre la sémantique d’exécution définie dans UML et celle de FMI. Notre contribution intervient à deux niveaux : localement, au niveau des modèles UML, et globalement au niveau du « Master ». Localement, nous mettons en place une approche incrémentale où nous abordons différents types de systèmes à événements discrets caractérisant les composants logiciels. Nous basons nos propositions sur les normes OMG fUML et PSCS qui définissent une sémantique d’exécution précise pour un sous-ensemble de UML. Ces deux normes constitue notre socle de définition nous donne une base intéressante et formelle pour l'intégration des modèles UML dans les approches de co-simulation de CPS. Pour chaque type de système, nous identifions d'abord un ensemble de règles pour le modéliser avec UML et les éventuelles extensions à fUML dans le cas où la sémantique d'exécution des éléments UML requis n’est pas définie dans fUML. Ensuite, au niveau global, nous proposons un algorithme de « Master » pour chaque type de systèmes. Les algorithmes de « Master » reposent sur l'adaptation de la sémantique d’exécution des modèles UML et celle de FMI. Sur cette base, le « Master » est capable de propager les données entre les composants et de les stimuler aux bonnes dates durant la simulation. L'approche est illustrée par des cas d'utilisation du domaine des bâtiments intelligents, où l’objectif est d’évaluer différentes stratégies de gestion d'énergie. Ces stratégies représentent des composants logiciels à différents niveaux de contrôle d’un bâtiment pour des fins d’optimisation de son auto-consommation en électricité. / Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are integrations of physical and computational components. CPS are difficult to model and verify because the heterogeneous nature of their components requires many different modeling formalisms. The global verification of the system can be achieved by co-simulation. FMI standard offers a standard interface to couple two or more simulators in a co-simulation environment, known as master. This latter is responsible for providing an algorithm with efficient orchestration and synchronization of the involved components, known as FMUs. However, FMI was originally intended for co-simulation of physical processes, with limited support for formalisms such as DE and Dara-Flow, even if this kind of formalisms are commonly used to model the logic of software parts of a system. In particular, while UML is the reference standard for software modeling and is very commonly used in industry, none of the present-day FMI-based co-simulation solutions consider UML models. Our thesis is that system engineering in general would greatly benefit from the consideration of UML in FMI-based co-simulation approach. It would indeed enable a significant number of software designers to evaluate the behavior of their software components in their simulated environment, as soon as possible in their development processes, and therefore make early and better design decisions. It would also open new interesting perspectives for CPS system engineers, by allowing them to consider a widely used modeling language for the software parts of their systems. In this context, the objective of this work is to define an FMI-based co-simulation environment for CPS with integration of UML models for software part. Our contribution is twofold: locally at the level of UML models, and globally at the master level. At the local level, we set up an incremental approach where we address different kinds of discrete event systems characterizing the computational components. We base our proposals on OMG standards fUML and PSCS which define precise execution semantics for a subset of UML. They provide an interesting and formal basis for the integration of UML models in CPSs co-simulation approaches. For each kind of system, we first identify a set of rules to model it with UML and potential extensions to fUML in case where execution semantics of the required UML elements are not defined by fUML. Then, at the global level, we propose a master algorithm for each kind of systems. The proposed masters take into account not only external and internal dependencies between components and their capabilities, but also and especially their models of time. They rely on adaptation of fUML semantics to that of the FMI API. Based on these adaptations, the master algorithm is able both to propagate data between components and to trigger them at the correct points of time. The approach is illustrated with use cases from the energy domain where the purpose is to verify energy management strategies defined as software components at different levels of the control module of an energy system.

Helping our students with behavioral challenges by using the ALSUP/CPS and SNAP models

Enehag, Ellenor January 2018 (has links)
This paper presents a study of the ALSUP/CPS (The Assessment of Lagging Skills andUnsolved Problems/Collaborative & Proactive Solutions) work primarily conducted on astudent who was facing the difficulty of changing from one mind set to the current lesson.The objective of the study is to investigate and compare the outcomes of the ALSUP/CPSwork by interviewing the student, 3 teachers and the school psychologist. The outcomes ofstudent interview were compared to outcomes that emerged from the teachers interviews andthe school psychologist. The patterns that emerged showed both positive and negative results.The analysis revealed patterns that were significant to both the student and the teachers. Thestudent noticed that his behaviour changed in class which was also highlighted by all threeteachers. It also showed that the student was able to recognize his behaviour and therebymake suggestions for improvement. The ALSUP/CPS model emerged as an evidence-basedtool that is effective in investigating and gauging the student potential to recognize andovercome difficulties. The SNAP (Special Needs Assessment Profile) model underscored thefact that it would be a good and supportive tool to use for identifying the academic difficultiesthat a student may be facing; therefore, both the ALSUP/CPS and SNAP would complementeach other in the areas of behavioural and academic difficulties.

Erfarna pedagogers förhållningssätt gentemot elever med ett explosivt beteende i grundskolan : Hur bemöter pedagoger de elever som visar ett explosivt beteende i klassrummet?

Annica, Myrén January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsatts handlar om elever som visar ett explosivt beteende d.v.s. de elever som helt enkelt saknar spärrar när de blir upprörda på grund av olika anledningar. Syftet med studien var att skapa en fördjupad kunskap om vilka strategier som de erfarna pedagogerna har stött på under sin yrkesverksamma tid och undersöka hur de fungerar. De forskningsfrågor jag kommer att söka svar på handlar om förhållningsättet hos pedagoger, som arbetar med elever som visar ett explosivt beteende i skolan. Studien bygger på intervjuer med tretton yrkeserfarna pedagoger som har kommit i kontakt med elever som visar ett explosivt beteende. Analysen av dessa intervjuer gav ett resultat som visar att eleverna känner sig upprörda för att pedagogerna inte förstår dem. De viktigaste slutsatser som kan dras av studien är att om vi pedagoger kan få alla elever att känna sig sedda och tar reda på var en elev befinner sig i sin utveckling, så kanske vi kan hjälpa flera elever att klara kunskapskraven. Alla elever har samma kunskapskrav och mål och det kommer vi inte undan, dock kan vägen dit se annorlunda ut för varje enskild individ utifrån vilka förutsättningar och behov eleven har.

Hexacopter with gripping module

Andersson, Emil, Bogga, Anders January 2018 (has links)
The 2018 CPS-VO challenge is a competition focusing on the development of a drone which has the ability to search a area for a lost drone and recover it to a specific destination, all this is to be done autonomous. To participate in the challenge three thesis projects was done by three different teams. Those three projects combined created an autonomous hexacopter to compete with in the challenge. The thesis focuses on the development of a hexacopter with a gripping module which is to be used in the challenge. There are two main goals with the thesis. The first goal was to create a computer model of a hexacopter with a gripping module to be used in a simulation software called Gazebo. The simulation is controlled via Robot Operating System and is used as a basis for hardware development. The second goal was to use the results from the simulation to build a real hexacopter with a gripping module which can be used in the challenge. The hexacopter construction was based on own designs and all fabrication of parts for the gripping module was done using SolidWorks and 3D printers. The result became a hexacopter with a high thrust and a gripping module which can grab and hold on to recovered objects. The hexacopter was used during 2018 CPS-VO Challenge which was taking place in Arizona in May 2018.

Obstacle avoidance and altitude control for autonomous UAV

Carlsén Stenström, Jakob, Rodén, Marcus January 2018 (has links)
Drones or UAVs are quickly becoming a bigger part of today's society. Delivery servicesand transportation are elds were big development is being done. For the UAVs to beable to perform its given tasks safely more and more sensors are implemented.This report covers the development and implementation of a sensor system to helpan UAV to keep a xed altitude and provide proximity measurements of the environ-ment to avoid obstacles. The system is build around the ATmega328P microprocessorand uses I2C to communicate with the sensors. Measurements are ltered and pub-lished into ROS where the autopilot can reach the measurements and make decisionsbased on the readings. Additionally, simple algorithms to avoid obstacles have beenimplemented and simulated in the simulation software Gazebo. The altitude controlsystem which has been the main focus of the project has been implemented with goodresults in both simulation and real ight tests. The system will be used in a competi-tion held in Arizona, USA where the project team together with two other project willcompete in the prestigious CPS-challenge.

SIMON: A Domain-Agnostic Framework for Secure Design and Validation of Cyber Physical Systems

Yanambaka Venkata, Rohith 12 1900 (has links)
Cyber physical systems (CPS) are an integration of computational and physical processes, where the cyber components monitor and control physical processes. Cyber-attacks largely target the cyber components with the intention of disrupting the functionality of the components in the physical domain. This dissertation explores the role of semantic inference in understanding such attacks and building resilient CPS systems. To that end, we present SIMON, an ontological design and verification framework that captures the intricate relationship(s) between cyber and physical components in CPS by leveraging several standard ontologies and extending the NIST CPS framework for the purpose of eliciting trustworthy requirements, assigning responsibilities and roles to CPS functionalities, and validating that the trustworthy requirements are met by the designed system. We demonstrate the capabilities of SIMON using two case studies – a vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) safety application and an additive manufacturing (AM) printer. In addition, we also present a taxonomy to capture threat feeds specific to the AM domain.

Vad är synen på barn med problemskapande beteende i skolan?

Linde, Erika, Stenqvist, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med vårt arbete är att synliggöra vilken syn lärare idag har på elever med problemskapande beteende. Forskning visar på kemiska obalanser, bristande förmågor och abstrakta ämnen som faktorer som kan utlösa beteenden som orsakar problem för våra elever, men ändå så läggs skulden ofta på den enskilde eleven. Omvärlden ser på eleven som någon som med vilja vill orsaka problem för sig själv och andra, och att läraren ska motivera och uppfostra eleven till bättre vetande. Visst, läraren spelar en stor roll i elevens liv men den rollen är inte att uppfostra sina elever utan att engagera sina elever, hjälpa dem och anpassa sin undervisning utefter elevens behov.Genom att göra en enkätundersökning och ta del utav tidigare forskning så ville vi undersöka vad lärare har för syn på sina elever som uppvisar problemskapande beteende samt hur de hanterar dessa elever i klassrummet. Vår frågeställning är: “Hur definierar lärare problemskapande beteenden och vad är deras syn på elever som uppvisar dessa beteenden?”I uppsatsen utgår vi från det socialkonstruktivistiska synsättet som säger att våra upplevelser av omvärlden är konstruerade och ingen total sanning. Vi upplever att “problemskapande beteende” är socialt konstruerat och endast finns i en kontext där det finns elever som inte uppvisar detta beteende, och utifrån denna konstruerade uppfattning utsätts eleverna för ett visst bemötande. Vår forskning har lett oss fram till slutsatsen att lärare har en föråldrad syn på elever som uppvisar problemskapande beteende, och skuldbelägger ofta eleven istället för att titta på sig själv som en utlösande faktor. Dessutom visar vårt resultat att de problemskapande beteenden som inte syns lika mycket utåt, till exempel när eleven inte ber om hjälp trots att hen behöver det, inte får alls lika mycket uppmärksamhet av lärarna trots att även dessa beteenden orsakar problem för eleven på kunskapsmässiga plan.

Anomaly detection in Cyber-Physical Systems based on Hardware Performance Counters

Kristian, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
In this project work the basis for an anomaly detection system in ARM processors was researched on. Specifically, the focus was set to determine the performance monitoring units (PMU) in the processor which allow the reliable detection of anomalies. This was achieved by injecting targeted faults on the assembly level into the binary file to represent attacks on a physical level in a consistent way. A set of three PMUs was determined to reach a detection rate of 56.67% to 66.67% (depending on the test scenario) in the selected scenarios. However, the expected detection rate is higher for real-world attacks, due to the broad nature of the executed tests. In addition, it was observed that the readout frequency of these PMUs is critical, and in general, it is advisable to expose the values after each function call, or in the case of security-sensitive sections, multiple times within functions.


鍋谷, 寿久 26 September 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(情報学) / 甲第24267号 / 情博第811号 / 新制||情||136(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院情報学研究科通信情報システム専攻 / (主査)教授 原田 博司, 教授 梅野 健, 准教授 山本 高至 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Informatics / Kyoto University / DGAM

A Spring Thaw? Political Advocacy in Post-Audit Canada

Bamsey, Heather 11 1900 (has links)
Despite having expertise on the day to day consequences of how individuals and groups are impacted by the policies and decisions of governments, charities have experienced a great deal of tension in their attempts to influence public policy. The CPS-022 Policy Statement that restricts the political activity of charities to 10 percent of their overall budget has been identified as confusing, antiquated, and not in line with the advocacy role that some charities identify as necessary for social change. These tensions were further exacerbated by the political activity audit program which was enacted by the Harper government from 2012-2015. This program caused an advocacy chill that was felt to varying levels by different charities in the sector. The purpose of this research is to explore how the CPS-022 interacts with everyday practice as it pertains to advocacy, gauge whether or not there has been a warming to the advocacy chill, and to collect senior employee’s impressions regarding the proposed recommendations for changes to the CPS-022 collected by a consultation panel. Semi structured qualitative interviews were completed with 6 participants from macro-based social organizations in Ontario. Participants shared their opinions and experiences of audit, governmental control of the social agenda, working within the policy statement, and the panel’s recommendations for change. Using a structural social work lens to analyze the data, it was found that a lack of clarity and a broad scope of interpretation within the CPS-022 made advocacy more daunting, participants were not concerned about exceeding the 10 percent limit, and there has been a variable warming to the advocacy chill. Participants were generally happy with the recommendations laid out by the panel, despite a lack of focus on clarifying partisanship, and the potential for broadness in the legislation. Overall, it became obvious that the charitable sector is in a period of transition and growth with regard to their role in public policy development. / Thesis / Master of Social Work (MSW)

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