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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A leitura dos espaços inóspitos em Alice Munro : corpos (des)habitados e lugares (des)construídos

Poletto, Ana Júlia 23 June 2017 (has links)
Alice Munro, ganhadora do prêmio Nobel em 2013, é escritora exclusivamente de contos, e suas narrativas percorrem um imaginário de espaços desnaturalizados que questionam a ordem estabelecida sob um aparente equilíbrio. Esta tese analisa alguns contos das obras: Ódio, amizade, namoro, amor, casamento; Fugitiva; Felicidade demais; O amor de uma boa mulher e Vida querida, para estabelecer um diálogo entre as questões de leitura e o efeito estético produzido, seguindo a corrente de Wolfgang Iser. A busca de uma leitura da écriture féminine se faz necessária na construção de uma alteridade radical, o que permite repensar as questões de gênero e espaço. O texto, como fronteira e paisagem literária, nos permite pensar de que forma a leitura se transforma em espaço necessário para a compreensão do Outro. O percurso no imaginário de Alice Munro tem como ponto de partida o espaço, passando pelo lugar, delineando um corpo até chegar ao rosto, espaço último de alteridade. Desenvolvemos uma categoria denominada em nossa pesquisa como lítero-corpóreo, espaço fronteiriço entre uma materialidade corpórea, e a leitura que transforma as realidades vividas. As correntes literárias de espaço que utilizamos são diálogos entre literatura, geografia e filosofia: Luis Alberto Brandão, Doreen Massey e Gaston Bachelard são alguns dos teóricos que embasam a pesquisa. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES. / Alice Munro, lauréat du prix Nobel en 2013, est écrivain exclusivement de contes, et ses récits présentent un imaginaire d’espaces dénaturés qui remettent en question l'ordre établi dans un équilibre apparent. Cette thèse se propose d'analyser quelques contes des œuvres : Un peu, beaucoup, pas du tout ; Fugitives; Trop de bonheur; L'Amour d'une honnête femme ; et Rien que la viepour établir un dialogue entre les questions de lecture et l'effet esthétique produit, selon la théorie isérienne. La recherche d'une lecture de l'écriture féminine est nécessaire pour construire une altérité radicale, ce qui permet de repenser le genre et l'espace. Le texte, tel que la frontière et le paysage littéraire, nous permet de réfléchir sur la façon dont la lecture devient l'espace nécessaire à la compréhension de l’Autre. Le parcours dans l’imaginaire de Alice Munro a comme point de départ l’espace, a suivre le lieu, les corps jusqu’à arriver au visage, l’espace dernier de l’altérité. Nous avons développé une categorie que nous appelons ‘litero-corporel’, l’espace de frontière dans une matérialité corporel et la lecture pour transformer la réalité. Nous avons faire un dialogue entre la littérature, la géographie et la philosophie: Luis Alberto Brandão, Doreen Massey et Gaston Bachelard sont certains des penseurs que nous utilisons dans notre thèse.

Much Ado About Free Trade? Examining the Role of Discourse and Civil Society in Framing the Anti-Free Trade Debate, 1985-1988

Roerick, Kyle January 2012 (has links)
The well-known outcome of the 1988 federal election – a Conservative Party majority in Parliament and an effective “yes” to the question of whether or not the Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the United States was desired – tends to obscure the importance of the process by which a large non-party based opposition movement sought to cultivate and organize the public’s understanding of the election’s central premise. While the opposition movement failed to have Prime Minister Brian Mulroney removed from power, the discursive process that the movement both created and was the driving force behind, is key to understanding the historical context of the debate over free trade itself. This thesis will illustrate that there existed a discursive process amongst the efforts of the anti-free trade movement from 1985-1988 to cultivate, organize, and mobilize public opposition to Mulroney’s neo-liberal economic policies, through re-framing those objections into a larger and more deeply-rooted Canadian historical narrative. A discourse analysis was conducted using the various public education materials produced by major anti-free trade civil society organizations in Canada. The examination of that discourse revealed three major stages in the overall process: First, organizations relied heavily on classic paradigms of an anti-continentalist narrative to reinforce what was different between the two countries creating an us and them paradigm and building a case for Canadian exceptionalism. Second, there was an intensification of the us and them language into a more defined us versus them, or them against us, dichotomy. Third, the anti-free trade movement sought to effectively translate the previously established civic opposition into pragmatic political action in preparation for a national election campaign. The results show that there was an evolution in the ways members of the civil society opposition framed and evolved their arguments in order to turn their “issues” into more of a “crisis.” By employing (and expanding on) discursive tools used within that public narrative to generate fear of the other to validate illusions of self, and to construct believable threats to the collective, the more “micro” discussion over the growing pervasiveness of neo-liberalism took on a hyper-nationalistic and symbolic routine, one that mirrored the iconic political and electoral debates in 1891 and 1911, both of which had also been based upon the potential for free trade with the United States. Most of all, the evidence points to a popular opposition movement against free trade, which not only significantly pre-dated the official political opposition, but in some respects created its message and focus.

Our Souls are Already Cared For: Indigenous Reactions to Religious Colonialism in Seventeenth-Century New England, New France, and New Mexico

Coughlin, Gail 15 July 2020 (has links)
This thesis takes a comparative approach in examining the reactions of residents of three seventeenth-century Christian missions: Natick in New England, Kahnawake in New France, and Ohkay Owingeh, New Mexico in New Spain, to religious colonialism. Particular attention is paid to their religious beliefs and participation in colonial warfare. This thesis argues that missions in New England, New France, and New Mexico were spaces of Indigenous culture and autonomy, not due to differing colonial practices of colonizing empires, but due to the actions, beliefs, and worldviews of Indigenous residents of missions. Indigenous peoples, no matter which European powers they interacted with, reacted to Christian worldviews that permeated all aspects of European colonial cultures.

“To Excite the Feelings of Noble Patriots:” Emotion, Public Gatherings, and Mackenzie’s American Rebellion, 1837-1842

Steedman, Joshua M. 06 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Unwrapping the Emporium: Hudson’s Bay Company and the Legacy of Department Store Management in the Global Culture of Retailing

Rosebush, Emily January 2021 (has links)
Between the 1850s to the 1960s, the department store emerged as a prominent retail format worldwide. As a retail format, the department store model broke away from pre-existing retailer and consumer conceptions of shopping and the shopping environment. Store leaders placed their focus on creating an uplifting mode of consumerism that perpetuated the department store as an ‘experience.’ However, behind the department store’s ‘magical’ façade, store management preplanned and manipulated consumer interactions with every part of the store. The managerial techniques managers used allowed these institutions to become an epicentre of consumerism and urban culture globally. The department store has lost its reputation as a vibrant shopping location in the digital age, and retailers and consumers alike have disregarded it as solely a monument of retail nostalgia. Nonetheless, today’s retailers still have much to learn from the ways department store leaders innovated. The management techniques used in department stores can provide insight into these institutions’ successes and pitfalls when navigating changing retail circumstances. If the department store is used as a tool of managerial know-how for retailers in the digital age, it could allow other retailers to sustain a semblance of the department store’s longevity, commercially and culturally. Hudson’s Bay, a remaining store in the Canadian department store industry, features as a case study to highlight the extent to which department store leaders designed and managed their stores. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / This thesis examines the department store’s legacy as a tool of managerial know-how for retailers in the digital age. From the 1890s to the 1960s, department stores were an epicentre of consumerism and urban culture in locales worldwide. Department store management crafted store environments to create a ‘magical’ atmosphere for customers while calculating every consumer interaction with the store behind the scenes. Over the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, increased retail competition has forced many stores to close, often leaving visual façades as the sole reminders of some defunct stores. Yet, the extensive management techniques used inside and outside stores provide insight into how this retail format achieved prominence, how its leaders responded to competitors, and how department store management techniques can contribute to current retail discussions despite its continued decline.

Of wine and roses : le Québec anglophone et la France (v. 1920 – v. 1990)

Chaniac, Arnaud 08 1900 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s’attache à caractériser les relations nouées entre les minorités anglophones du Québec et la France, de la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale à la fin de la Guerre froide. Depuis les années 1960, l’historiographie a mis l’accent sur l’importance du fait français dans la construction des liens franco-québécois. Un tel récit, développé dans la foulée de la Révolution tranquille, passe sous silence l’existence de nombreux liens noués entre élites anglo-québécoises et élites françaises. Du côté français, des échanges avec les milieux d’affaires anglophones sont encouragés au nom de l’intensification du commerce franco-canadien. Du côté anglo-québécois, la France incarne un modèle civilisationnel dont la connaissance est partie intégrante d’une culture légitime, nettement distinguée de la culture canadienne-française, reléguée au rang de folklore. À partir de l’étude de trajectoires individuelles comme de réseaux d’influence, cette thèse entend nuancer l’historiographie francophone en mettant à jour les liens de la diplomatie officielle comme ceux de la diplomatie parallèle qui unissent la France au Québec anglais. Elle entend également illustrer, à partir d’un cas d’étude concret, sur quels principes et par quelles modalités se fonde l’influence française dans l’espace atlantique, au XXe siècle. / This thesis aims at describing the relations built between the English-speaking minorities of Quebec and France from the end of World War I to the end of the Cold War. Since the 1960s, historiography has emphasized the significance of the “fait français” in the building of Franco-Quebecois ties. Such a narrative, developed during and after the Quiet Revolution, overlooks the existence of numerous connections between Anglo-Quebec and French elites. On the French side, exchanges with the English-speaking business community were encouraged in the name of the intensification of Franco-Canadian trade. On the Anglo-Quebec side, France embodies a civilizational model which knowledge of is an integral part of a legitimate culture – that is clearly distinguished from a folklore-like French-Canadian culture. Based on the study of individual trajectories as well as networks of influence, I intend to qualify French-speaking historiography by bringing to light the official diplomatic and parallel diplomatic ties that unite France and Englishspeaking Quebec. I also aim at showing on which principles and which actions a French influence is built all over an Atlantic space throughout the 20th century.

Convertir des âmes et des castors : rivalités missionnaires et accusations commerciales en Nouvelle-France au XVIIe siècle

Dupont-Germain, Arnaud 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire explore les rivalités entre les missionnaires jésuites, récollets et sulpiciens en Nouvelle-France au XVIIe siècle. Plus précisément, il porte sur le discours polémique à propos des missionnaires, qu’il provienne de concurrents religieux ou de membres de l’administration coloniale. Même si ces missionnaires participaient tous à un projet apostolique commun, les sources nous révèlent que différents réseaux luttaient à cette époque pour que certains missionnaires puissent jouir d’un monopole sur les âmes de la colonie, tandis que les autres étaient relégués au second plan. Dans cette Église naissante, plusieurs désaccords sévissent entre ces trois familles religieuses et permettent d’expliquer les tensions que l’on retrouve dans leurs écrits. Il s’agit principalement de la francisation des Premières Nations et de la fondation de l’évêché de Québec. En outre, les rivalités entre les Jésuites, les Récollets et les Sulpiciens dépassent largement le cadre spirituel et débouchent régulièrement sur des questions de nature commerciale. Certains missionnaires, les Jésuites en particulier, seront accusés tout au long du siècle par divers acteurs de s’enrichir de différentes manières et notamment de se livrer au trafic des fourrures. Plutôt que de s’intéresser à la véracité de ces attaques, ce mémoire propose de les analyser et de chercher à comprendre leur origine ainsi que leur fonction. Ces accusations doivent également être mises en relation avec les rivalités auxquelles les missionnaires devaient faire face dans leurs autres missions à la même époque. / This thesis explores the rivalries between Jesuit, Recollect and Sulpician missionaries in the 17th century in New France. Specifically, it examines the polemical discourse about the missionaries, whether it came from religious competitors or from members of the colonial administration. Although these missionaries were all part of a common apostolic project, the sources reveal that different networks were struggling at the time so that some missionaries could enjoy a monopoly over the souls of the colony, while others were relegated to the background. In this nascent Church, several disagreements that raged between these three religious families can help to explain the tensions that we find in their writings. The main issues were the francization of the First Nations and the founding of the bishopric of Quebec. Furthermore, the rivalries between the Jesuits, the Recollects and the Sulpicians went far beyond the spiritual framework and regularly led to commercial issues. Certain missionaries, the Jesuits in particular, were accused throughout the century by various actors of enriching themselves in various ways, and of engaging in the fur trade. Rather than focusing on the veracity of these attacks, this thesis proposes to analyze them and to try to understand their origin and function. These accusations must also be put in relation to the rivalries that the missionaries had to face in their other missions during the same period.

Économie de la réputation commerciale. Une histoire du crédit marchand à Montréal au 19e siècle

Lapalme, Alexandre 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse examine les dossiers de crédit produits entre 1847 et 1872 par la succursale montréalaise de la Mercantile Agency, l’une des plus célèbres et puissantes agences d’évaluation de crédit en Amérique du Nord au 19e siècle. Le 19e siècle est notamment caractérisé par l’accélération de la commercialisation transatlantique. Montréal étant située géographiquement plus ou moins entre la Grande-Bretagne et les États-Unis, elle est au coeur des transformations économiques. Les institutions légales, commerciales et financières de la métropole doivent s’ajuster au contexte généralement associé à l’entrée dans le capitalisme. Le climat économique bouillonnant force effectivement les gouvernements à faire adopter des lois sur les faillites pour amoindrir les effets négatifs des créances irrécouvrables et pour encourager et soutenir la diffusion du crédit commercial. Plusieurs raisons, liées par exemple aux problèmes d’accessibilité, à la complexité et aux coûts engendrés par les procédures, font en sorte que les lois sont pourtant, aux yeux de la communauté marchande qui bénéficie des législations, inaptes à garantir pleinement le recouvrement du crédit. La thèse soutient que les agences d’évaluations constituent une réponse des gens d’affaires aux problèmes de l’asymétrie d’information que les gouvernements n’ont pas été en mesure de régler par la législation. Les agences établissent une forme d’autorégulation du crédit marchand. Elles proposent une estimation des risques que pose un potentiel débiteur. Pour conduire leur expertise, les enquêtes de crédit ont pour méthode de recueillir puis de faire une synthèse de l’opinion publique commerciale. Elles traduisent textuellement ce qui se dit sur les commerçants qui font l’objet d’une enquête. Les bureaux de crédit organisent, gèrent et diffusent à son réseau d’abonnés la réputation des commerçants qu’elle évalue. Ce système mène à la création d’une économie des réputations. À l’intérieur de cette structure, les réputations retranscrites dans les dossiers de crédits prescrivent les conditions d’emprunt aux yeux des créditeurs qui souscrivent aux services offerts par la Mercantile Agency. L’analyse, qui s’appuie sur les postulats de la « nouvelle histoire du capitalisme », explore cette économie des réputations construites par les agences qui influence les relations de crédits entre les prêteurs et l’emprunteur. Les dossiers de crédit conçoivent une forme de savoir qui a l’ambition d’avantager les conditions d’asymétrie de l’information en faveur des créditeurs. Dans les dossiers de crédit de cette époque, la réputation traduit donc le degré de solvabilité. Les différents chapitres décortiquent les modalités de cette forme d’organisations des réputations, les variables évoquées dans les évaluations, les principes et les vertus définissant la réputation commerciale et les tensions qui découlent de cet encadrement pionnier du crédit marchand. / This thesis examines the credit records between 1847 and 1872 of the Montreal branch of the Mercantile Agency, among the most important credit bureaus in 19th century North America. The 19th century saw the acceleration of transatlantic trade. Montreal, located between Great Britain and the United States, was at the crossroads of the economic expansion. In this period, commonly referred to as the transition to capitalism, the legal, commercial and financial institutions of the metropolis were forced to adjust. In the financial sector, the state was compelled to adopt bankruptcy laws to lessen the negative effects of bad debts and to encourage and support the spread of commercial credit. However, because of limited accessibility, and the complexity and costs of the procedure, the laws were unable to fully guarantee the recovery of loans and were deemed unsatisfactory by the business community. The thesis claims that the emergence of credit agencies responded to the needs of the business community to address problems of information asymmetry. These agencies, like the Mercantile Agency, established a type of self-regulation of commercial credit. They provided information on risk to lenders. To a large extent, the information gathered represented the opinion of the Montreal merchant community. The credit offices of the Mercantile Agency used this information to generate rankings of the credit worthiness of merchants. The information was disseminated to the Agency’s network of subscribers. In this fashion, the Agency contributed to the construction of an economy of reputations. The research, which is inspired by contributions to the new history of capitalism, explores the effects of the construction of the economy of reputations on the relationship between lenders and borrowers. I find that the structure of the relationship favored creditor over debtors. The chapters of the thesis describe the role of reputation in the creditor-debtor relationship, the determinants adopted to measure credit worthiness, and the tensions and conflicts that emerged in the economy of reputations.

Conrad Eymann: A Microhistory of Changing German-Canadian Identity during the First World War

Thompson, Andrew Carl 17 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

“I Laid my Hands on a Gorgeous Cannibal Woman”: Anthropophagy in the Imperial Imagination, 1492 – 1763

Watson, Kelly Lea 17 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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