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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effect of Electoral Security on Partisan Support

Webb, Brian Michael 03 May 2007 (has links)
I examine the relationship between the electoral security of congressmen, measured as vote margins in the previous election, and the support Members of Congress offer to their party. I develop a theory that predicts safe members will be more willing to support than vulnerable members and leaders demand more loyalty from safe members than vulnerable. This arrangement is rational and beneficial for leaders and both types of members. Using an OLS regression, I find basic support for my theory.

Lietuvos pieno pramonės kartelinių susitarimų vertinimas / Evaluation of Cartel Agreements of the Lithuanian Dairy Industry

Pleikytė, DaliaMarija 19 March 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe teoriniame ir praktiniame lygmenyse analizuojami karteliniai susitarimai. Teorinėje darbo dalyje analizuojami kartelio veikimo modeliai bei kartelių sukeliama žala ekonomikai, taip pat aptariami tyrimo metodai, kuriais gali būti nustatytas dėl kartelinių susitarimų atsiradęs antkainis. Praktiniu kartelinių susitarimų pavyzdžiu pasirinktas Lietuvos pieno bendrovių atvejis. Darbe tiriama, ar 2007 m. įvykęs staigus pieno kainos pakilimas buvo susijęs su karteliniais susitarimais, ar objektyviomis ekonominėmis priežastimis. Taigi pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas – įvertinti galimą kartelinių susitarimų įtaką Lietuvos pieno perdirbimo bendrovių produkcijos kainų kilimui. Šiam tikslui pasiekti atliekamas antkainio nustatymo tyrimas, naudojant keturis skirtingus metodus: prieš ir po, liniuotės (abu paremti palyginamąja kainų analize); kaštų / pelno (kaštų ir pelno duomenų analizė) bei ekonometrinius – fiktyvaus kintamojo ir prognozavimo (regresinė analizė). Atlikus tyrimą nustatyta, kad staigus pieno kainos kilimas buvo iš dalies pagrįstas objektyviu ekonominiu veiksniu – pagrindinės žaliavos (natūralaus pieno) brangimu. Tačiau šia situacija pieno perdirbimo bendrovės pasinaudojo, ir, sudariusios kartelinius susitarimus, ekonomiškai nepagrįstai pakėlė kainas. Regresinė analizė atskleidė, kad įtariamu laikotarpiu (2007 m. rugsėjo – 2008 m. vasario mėn.) dėl kartelinių susitarimų atsirado vidutinis 21,9 proc. pieno pakelio antkainis, t.y. kaina pakilo beveik penktadaliu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This paper investigates cartel agreements on theoretical and practical levels. In the theoretical part of the paper the models of cartels and economic damage caused by cartels have been analyzed. Besides, research methods which help to determine cartel overcharge have been reviewed. The recent case of Lithuanian dairy industry is the basis for the practical analysis. In this paper it has been investigated, whether the sudden increase of dairy product prices in 2007 was related to cartel agreements or it was based on objective economic reasons. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to estimate the supposed influence of cartel agreements on the prices of Lithuanian dairy products. A research based on four different methods is used to estimate the overcharge. Those methods are as follows: before-and-after, yardstick (both of these are based on comparative analysis of prices); cost / profit based (cost and profit data analysis) and econometric modeling: dummy variable approach and forecasting approach (based on regression analysis). As a result it was estimated that a sudden increase on the price of milk was partly based on an objective economic factor – the increase of price of the basic raw material – raw milk. However, this situation has been used for dishonest purposes of the manufacturers of milk and the price was raised economically unreasonably. Regression analysis has revealed that during the suspected period (from September 2007 to February 2008) the average cartel... [to full text]

Trestný čin porušení předpisů o pravidlech hospodářské soutěže / The crime of breach of regulations on rules of economic competition

Kadoun, Jindřich January 2018 (has links)
1 Abstract The crime of breach of regulations on rules of economic competition This thesis deals with the crime of breach of regulations on rules of economic competition under section 248 of the Criminal Code. This section consists of four separated crimes, where the author focuses only on the crime of unfair competition and the crime of conclusion of cartel agreement. In the first chapter the author concisely describes the historical background which is notable especially for legislation from period of the First Czechoslovak Republic. The author considers its significance mainly since the then Unfair Competition Act has been a source for the current provisions on unfair competition in the Civil Code. Moreover, the author intended to point out a very different rationale and approach to cartels under the then Act on Cartels in comparison with contemporary legal situation. After a general description of the elements of the crime in question in sense of systematic classification and introduction of its main issues the author presents two criminal law principles, i.e. subsidiarity of prosecution in criminal law and requirement of nullum crimen sine lege certa. The author examines both crimes in the light of these two principles throughout his whole thesis. In the third chapter the author inquires into legal...

Os cartéis e os meios consensuais de sua investigação e combate : o bem-estar do consumidor como finalidade

Flôres, Victor Wojcicki January 2016 (has links)
A presente dissertação abarcará cinco temas bastante específicos: a defesa da concorrência, a defesa do consumidor, a prática do cartel, as formas consensuais de seu combate e investigação e o bem-estar do consumidor. No Brasil, verifica-se que, tanto a defesa da concorrência como a do consumidor se unem por um objetivo comum: o bem-estar do consumidor. Por isso, práticas tidas como ofensivas à ordem econômica podem desencadear danos graves aos consumidores, sendo um relevante exemplo disto a formação de cartéis, especialmente os relacionados à alteração artificial de preços. Dentre as práticas abusivas previstas no CDC, foi lançada elevação de preços sem justa causa, o que torna possível que a prática do cartel ou, ao menos, os seus efeitos sobre o preço, possam vir a ser reprimidos por ambas as esferas. Nesse sentido, buscou-se analisar os institutos consensuais de combate aos cartéis previstos na lei de concorrência: o “compromisso de cessação de conduta” e o “programa de leniência”, assim como seus possíveis efeitos benéficos sobre os consumidores. Desta feita, a presente dissertação visou a responder aos seguintes problemas de pesquisa: (i) qual o arcabouço jurídico-institucional à disposição da defesa do consumidor e da concorrência? (ii) qual o liame entre estas duas esferas? (iii) o que é “cartel” e de que forma ele atinge os consumidores (iv) o que são o “compromisso de cessação de conduta” e o “programa de leniência” e qual a sua utilidade ao combate dos cartéis? A conclusão obtida é que a defesa da concorrência e a do consumidor possuem um objetivo comum, o bem-estar do consumidor, a primeira de forma mediata e a segunda, imediata. Ademais, verificou-se o “cartel” como uma conduta altamente agressiva à livre concorrência e aos interesses dos consumidores, sendo possível que seus efeitos, de forma indireta, sejam penalizados pelo CDC. Finalmente, verificou-se a grande utilidade das formas consensuais – “compromisso de cessação de conduta” e “programa de leniência” – não apenas ao combate aos cartéis quanto à imediata cessação de seus efeitos, mas também como grande ferramenta de prova de sua ocorrência e garantia do bem-estar dos consumidores. / The presente dissetation involves five very specific issues: antitrust, consumer protection, cartels, consensual forms of its combat and investigation and consumer welfare. In Brazil, it is found that both the defense of competition as the consumer defense are united by a common goal: consumer welfare. Therefore, practices seen as offensive to the economic order can trigger serious harm to consumers, being a relevant example the cartel formation, especially those related to artificial price change. Among the abusive practices set out in Brazilian Consumer Defese Code (CDC), it was registered the prices raise without just cause, which makes it possible that the cartel, or at least its effects on the price, may be suppressed by both spheres. Therefore, it sought to analyze the consensual institutes of cartel’s combat and investigation under competition law: the "Conduct Consent Decree" and "Leniency Program", as well as their possible beneficial effects on consumers. Thereby, this dissertation aimed to answer the following research problems: (i) what is the legal and institutional framework available to the consumer’s and competition’s protection? (ii) what is the link between these two spheres? (iii) what is "cartel" and how it affects consumers? (iv) what are the "Conduct Consent Decree" and "Leniency Program" and what is its usefulness to cartel’s combat? The reached conclusion is that the defense of competition and the defense of consumer have a common purpose, consumer welfare, the first in a mediate way and the second immediately. In addition, the "cartel" was established as a highly aggressive approach to free competition and to the interests of consumers, being possible that their effects, indirectly, be penalized by the CDC. - "Conduct Consent Decree" and "Leniency Program" - not only to fight against cartels to the immediate cessation of its effects, but also as a great proof tool of its occurrence and assurance of the well-being of consumers.

Os cartéis e os meios consensuais de sua investigação e combate : o bem-estar do consumidor como finalidade

Flôres, Victor Wojcicki January 2016 (has links)
A presente dissertação abarcará cinco temas bastante específicos: a defesa da concorrência, a defesa do consumidor, a prática do cartel, as formas consensuais de seu combate e investigação e o bem-estar do consumidor. No Brasil, verifica-se que, tanto a defesa da concorrência como a do consumidor se unem por um objetivo comum: o bem-estar do consumidor. Por isso, práticas tidas como ofensivas à ordem econômica podem desencadear danos graves aos consumidores, sendo um relevante exemplo disto a formação de cartéis, especialmente os relacionados à alteração artificial de preços. Dentre as práticas abusivas previstas no CDC, foi lançada elevação de preços sem justa causa, o que torna possível que a prática do cartel ou, ao menos, os seus efeitos sobre o preço, possam vir a ser reprimidos por ambas as esferas. Nesse sentido, buscou-se analisar os institutos consensuais de combate aos cartéis previstos na lei de concorrência: o “compromisso de cessação de conduta” e o “programa de leniência”, assim como seus possíveis efeitos benéficos sobre os consumidores. Desta feita, a presente dissertação visou a responder aos seguintes problemas de pesquisa: (i) qual o arcabouço jurídico-institucional à disposição da defesa do consumidor e da concorrência? (ii) qual o liame entre estas duas esferas? (iii) o que é “cartel” e de que forma ele atinge os consumidores (iv) o que são o “compromisso de cessação de conduta” e o “programa de leniência” e qual a sua utilidade ao combate dos cartéis? A conclusão obtida é que a defesa da concorrência e a do consumidor possuem um objetivo comum, o bem-estar do consumidor, a primeira de forma mediata e a segunda, imediata. Ademais, verificou-se o “cartel” como uma conduta altamente agressiva à livre concorrência e aos interesses dos consumidores, sendo possível que seus efeitos, de forma indireta, sejam penalizados pelo CDC. Finalmente, verificou-se a grande utilidade das formas consensuais – “compromisso de cessação de conduta” e “programa de leniência” – não apenas ao combate aos cartéis quanto à imediata cessação de seus efeitos, mas também como grande ferramenta de prova de sua ocorrência e garantia do bem-estar dos consumidores. / The presente dissetation involves five very specific issues: antitrust, consumer protection, cartels, consensual forms of its combat and investigation and consumer welfare. In Brazil, it is found that both the defense of competition as the consumer defense are united by a common goal: consumer welfare. Therefore, practices seen as offensive to the economic order can trigger serious harm to consumers, being a relevant example the cartel formation, especially those related to artificial price change. Among the abusive practices set out in Brazilian Consumer Defese Code (CDC), it was registered the prices raise without just cause, which makes it possible that the cartel, or at least its effects on the price, may be suppressed by both spheres. Therefore, it sought to analyze the consensual institutes of cartel’s combat and investigation under competition law: the "Conduct Consent Decree" and "Leniency Program", as well as their possible beneficial effects on consumers. Thereby, this dissertation aimed to answer the following research problems: (i) what is the legal and institutional framework available to the consumer’s and competition’s protection? (ii) what is the link between these two spheres? (iii) what is "cartel" and how it affects consumers? (iv) what are the "Conduct Consent Decree" and "Leniency Program" and what is its usefulness to cartel’s combat? The reached conclusion is that the defense of competition and the defense of consumer have a common purpose, consumer welfare, the first in a mediate way and the second immediately. In addition, the "cartel" was established as a highly aggressive approach to free competition and to the interests of consumers, being possible that their effects, indirectly, be penalized by the CDC. - "Conduct Consent Decree" and "Leniency Program" - not only to fight against cartels to the immediate cessation of its effects, but also as a great proof tool of its occurrence and assurance of the well-being of consumers.

A florescência da cooperação jurídica internacional no combate aos cartéis transfronteiriços: a experiência brasileira e reflexões para seu aperfeiçoamento / The flowering of the antitrust cooperation in the fight against international cartels: Brazilian experience and remarks for its improvement

Vivian Anne Fraga do Nascimento Arruda 24 May 2013 (has links)
O Direito Antitruste experimenta hoje uma verdadeira era dourada na qual a cooperação internacional entre os órgãos de defesa da concorrência e a aplicação de suas leis alcançaram níveis jamais vistos. Como efeito colateral do fenômeno globalização, o qual marcou as últimas décadas pela expansão da economia de mercado, veio a internacionalização dos acordos entre concorrentes com vistas a limitar a concorrência. Os chamados cartéis, antes nacionais, passam a ter a dimensão dessa nova dinâmica da economia, a mundial. E os danos ao mercado, antes limitados a um território, passam a poder atingir dezenas de jurisdições. A partir desse introito, o objetivo dessa dissertação é oferecer ao leitor um quadro compreensivo da evolução da atuação das autoridades antitruste brasileiras na cooperação internacional de combate aos cartéis transnacionais, em termos normativos e na utilização na prática, considerando, sobretudo, o contexto do recente recrudescimento do instrumental persecutório das autoridades brasileiras de defesa da concorrência no combate às práticas anticompetitivas. Por meio de uma análise comparativa entre os acordos internacionais de cooperação mais sofisticados e os instrumentos cooperacionais existentes no Brasil à luz da sua florescente experiência, a dissertação procura identificar os elementos necessários para o aprofundamento da técnica cooperativa brasileira de combate aos cartéis transnacionais. Ou seja, intenta trazer elementos para a reflexão dos mecanismos cooperativos brasileiros para um combate mais efetivo à mais danosa infração à livre concorrência. Para tal análise comparativa, o centenário direito antitruste estadunidense é paradigma de direito estrangeiro, em especial porque alia a longa experiência jurídica nessa matéria a mecanismos bastante inovadores em relação ao sistema jurídico nacional. O presente trabalho tem também por escopo tratar dos principais temas que permeiam a discussão da cooperação internacional entre as agências de defesa da concorrência, passando pelo estudo dos conceitos de cooperação jurídica internacional; princípios do direito internacional público que regem a competência internacional dos Estados, incluindo a delimitação do escopo da cooperação em sede da aplicação extraterritorial do direito antitruste, noções de direito concorrencial, os instrumentos e mecanismos de cooperação internacional existentes, as melhores práticas, entre outros. Os desdobramentos das questões analisadas nesta reflexão se expressam em problemas jurídicos tanto de caráter geral quanto de ordem específica. De forma geral, impõe-se uma avaliação recapitulativa e analítica da natureza jurídica dos acordos de cooperação assinados pelo Brasil, de suas características e de sua utilização. Também se pretende avaliar o tratamento normativo dado aos cartéis e à questão da incidência extraterritorial da legislação antitruste brasileira e da legislação comparada, bem como do entendimento da jurisprudência (especialmente do CADE) sobre os principais temas que permeiam a pesquisa. No âmbito dos objetivos específicos, é necessário responder às seguintes perguntas: como a cooperação entre as agências de defesa da concorrência pode efetivamente auxiliar na aplicação de suas leis?; quais os limites e obstáculos dessa cooperação?; quais os tipos de cooperação disponíveis e quais deles fariam sentido para o Brasil na persecução de cartéis internacionais?; como o Brasil pode aperfeiçoar seu modelo jurídico-institucional de cooperação? / The Antitrust Law faces today a true golden age in which international cooperation among antitrust authorities and its enforcement have reached levels never seen before. As a side effect of the \"globalization\", the phenomenon that marked the past few decades by the world expansion of the economy, it came along the internationalization of agreements among competitors to restrain competition. Prior to that, the so-called cartels had then a national dimension, but along with the globalization, they now operate at a worldwide scale in this new dynamic of the world economy. And, the damages to the market, which was before limited to a single territory, now, reach dozens of jurisdictions. With that preamble into consideration, the goal of the present dissertation is offering the reader a comprehensive picture of the evolution of the Brazilian antitrust authorities on international cooperation in the fight of transnational cartels, both, in normative terms and in practice. That picture is especially important in light of the context of the recently enhanced Brazilian authorities instrumental competition in combating anti-competitive practices. Through a comparative assessment between the more sophisticated cooperation international agreements and the Brazilian cooperational instruments, the dissertation attempts to identify the essentials for the improvement of the Brazilian cooperative techniques in combating transnational cartels. That is, it brings elements to the reflection of the Brazilian cooperative mechanisms for a more effective combat of such damaging infringement to free competition. For the elaboration of said comparative assessment, the centennial USA antitrust law is the foreign law paradigm chosen, in particular because it combines the long legal experience in the matter and fairly innovative mechanisms in relation to the Brazilian legal system. The present work also deals with the most relevant themes that permeate the discussion of international cooperation among antitrust agencies, such as, the study of concepts of international legal cooperation; the public international law principles which govern the international jurisdiction of the States, including the extraterritorial application of antitrust law, relevant notions of competition law, international instruments and existing mechanisms for cooperation, best practices, among others. The unfolding of these relevant matters which are examined in the herewith reflection are expressed in legal problems of both general and specific orders. Generally, the work presents a summary and an analytical assessment of the legal nature of the cooperation agreements signed by Brazil, its characteristics, and its use. The work also aims at evaluating the regulatory treatment given to cartels and at addressing the question of the extraterritorial application of the Brazilian antitrust legislation and of comparative law, as well as at understanding the national case law (especially of CADE) on the main matters. With the specific objectives in mind, the present work deems necessary to respond to the following questions: How cooperation among the antitrust agencies can effectively enforce competition laws? What are the limits and obstacles of this cooperation? What types of cooperation are available and which ones make sense for Brazil in the prosecution of international cartels? How can Brazil enhance its legal and institutional model of cooperation?

Trestní odpovědnost při porušení soutěžního práva / Criminal liability for breaching Competition Law

Najmanová, Nikola January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to analyze criminal liability for breaching competition law. The main part of this thesis is dedicated to criminalization of cartels in the Czech Republic analysis which uses comparison to other jurisdictions such as USA and EU because it is trying to answer the question whether criminalization of uncompetitive conduct in the Czech Republic has a potential to become an efficient mechanism for fighting cartels in particular. And this criminalization has a positive effect on other competition law enforcement systems. The first chapter is dedicated to the explanation of basic terms related to the competition and competition law. Second chapter explains what cartel agreements are and what types of public and private enforcement exists to fight them. Also it points out to the trend of cartel criminalization. Third chapter analyzes cartel enforcement in USA as a model country in this area of law. Chapter number four looks into the EU legislation since it applies to the Czech Republic. Also it looks at individual member states steps towards fighting cartels. The last chapter dealing with cartel agreement analyzes the Czech Republic's legislation. This analysis is supported by previously acquired knowledge of US and EU legislations which is used to make comparisons. Final chapter continues with the analysis of Czech legislation however this time with unfair competition in order to provide a complete picture of criminal liability when breaching the competition law.

Oligarchic Cartelization in Post-Suharto Indonesia

Hargens, Bonifasius - 01 January 2020 (has links)
A few ruling individuals from party organizations overpowered Indonesia's post-authoritarian, representative democracy. The legislative process of the 2017 Election Act was the case study employed to examine this assumption. The underlying thinking was that there was a contest between “wealth power” (oligarchy) and “participation power” (democracy). The power of wealth controls the party and government institutions. Notwithstanding the presence of participation power, there was, however, no balance between wealth power and participation power, because the formal control of politics was in the hands of party oligarchs. The study purpose was to bridge the gap in knowledge by exploring how the party oligarchs maintained the policymaking, reputedly using cartelized strategies, to defend the status quo. By employing the oligarchy and cartelization theories, the central research question of this inquiry focused on how the party oligarchs, allegedly using cartel work-patterns, mastered the policy process in post-Suharto Indonesia. A qualitative case-study was used with in-depth interviews with 15 participants for data collection and the N-Vivo program for data analysis. Qualitative findings indicated that the party oligarchs engineered the legal process in parliament applying cartelized strategies to defend privileges they obtained from collusive interpenetration with the state. The implications for social change include informing members of parliament, other policymakers, and civil society groups of the cruciality of comprehending the modus operandi of oligarchic cartels. Understanding the “oligarchic cartelization” theoretical postulate is a fundamental step for party members to improve their performance in public offices. The results of this study can also be a useful reference for pro-democracy activists to defend the ontological essence of public participation in implementing representative democracy at an appropriate level.

Delación compensada en materia jurídico penal y en el nuevo delito de colusión del decreto ley 211

Ortúzar Gjuranovic, Andrés Renán January 2017 (has links)
Tesis (Magister en Derecho Penal de los Negocios y la Empresa) / Actividad Formativa Equivalente (AFET) / La presente investigación tiene como formato la de una actividad formativa equivalente a tesis y su finalidad es referirse a los efectos penales del programa de delación compensada en relación al delito de acuerdos colusorios tipificado en el artículo 62 del DL 211. Para estos efectos se analiza el origen de la definición de cártel, como marco fáctico en el que se implementa un modelo de delación compensado en Chile, determinado su definición en derecho comparado y en nuestro país. A continuación, se explora los programas de clemencia propiamente tales, definiendo alguna de sus características, origen, e importancia para la lucha contra los cárteles. Posteriormente, se profundiza en el programa de clemencia en materia de libre competencia, y alguna de las manifestaciones de la delación compensada ya existentes en el ordenamiento jurídico penal nacional, como lo es en la ley 18.314 y la ley 20.000. Finalmente, luego de referirnos brevemente a algunos aspectos relevantes del delito de acuerdos colusorios, nos adentramos concretamente en el programa de delación compensada respecto a ese delito, determinado su naturaleza jurídica, requisitos, efectos y la proposición y resolución de algunos problemas que podrían originarse en la aplicación del mismo.

Programy shovívavosti a soukromoprávní vymáhání kartelového práva / Leniency programmes and private enforcement of cartel law

Kocí, Miloš January 2021 (has links)
Leniency programmes and private enforcement of cartel law The available data suggests that there is an indisputable correlation between the declining attractivity of the leniency programme of the European Commission on the one hand, and the recent boom of private enforcement of cartel law on the other. It seems that in the past few years companies have become demotivated to submit leniency applications, which leads to a lower level of cartel detection and ultimately results in the weakening of both the public and private pillars of cartel law enforcement. This thesis focuses on areas that have not yet been sufficiently clarified by legislation and case-law and that are - when it comes to follow-on proceedings dealing with damages claims, held before national courts - associated with substantial risks for potential leniency applicants: (i) establishing of jurisdiction of national courts in the proceedings on claims for damages caused by anticompetitive conduct, (ii) protection of confidential information within the framework of hybrid settlements with the European Commission and in the proceedings before national courts, (iii) interpretation and application of presumptions of the existence and amount of harm caused by anticompetitive conduct and (iv) determination of the amount of harm caused by...

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