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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The prospect of reform : the Mercedarian Order under Philip II

Taylor, Bruce January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

Mother, Matron, Matriarch: Sanctity and Social Change in the Cult of St. Anne, 1450-1750

Welsh, Jennifer Lynn January 2009 (has links)
<p>As a saint with no biblical or historical basis for her legend, St. Anne could change radically over time with cultural and doctrinal shifts even as her status as Mary's mother remained at the core of her legend and provided an appearance of consistency. "Mother, Matron, Matriarch: Sanctity and Social Change in the Cult of St. Anne, 1450-1750" takes issue with the general view that the cult of St. Anne in Northern Europe flourished in the late Middle Ages, only to wither away in the Reformation, and advances a new understanding of it. It does so by taking a longer view, beginning around 1450 and extending to 1750 in order to show how St. Anne's cult and the Holy Kinship elucidated long-term shifts in religious and cultural mores regarding the relationships between domesticity and sanctity, what constituted properly pious lay behavior, and attitudes towards women (in particular older women). Materials used include vita, devotional texts, confraternal records, sermons, treatises, and works of art across the time period under investigation. After a definite period of decline during the mid-sixteenth century (as evidenced by lower pilgrimage statistics, confraternity records, and a lack of text production), St. Anne enjoyed a revival in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Catholicism in a "purified" form, reconfigured to suit new religious and social norms which emphasized patriarchal authority within the household and obedience to the Catholic Church among the laity. In this context, St. Anne became a humble, pious widow whose own purity serves as proof of Mary's Immaculate Conception, and whose meek devotion to her holy daughter and grandson exemplified properly obedient reverence for the laity.</p> / Dissertation

Educating Lyon’s poor : children, charity, and commerce in the seventeenth century

Gossard, Julia Morrow 11 July 2011 (has links)
Though the establishment of educational institutions is not necessarily surprising in Counter Reformation France as the church was obliged to foster education, what was innovative about Lyon’s écoles de charité is that “professional education” was stressed alongside Catholic doctrine in the seventeenth century. Catering to Lyon’s poor youth, these schools taught proper Catholic comportment, reading, writing, counting, and the acquisition of craft skills. Official and unofficial records reveal the charity schools’ daily practices and pedagogical exercises as well as the goals of the state, church, and local elite in fostering and supporting these institutions. The schools molded children into “moral, productive workers and faithful subjects” who could act as agents of the state, church, and community. Students had the responsibility of “elevating the morality, Christianity, and education” of their families, improving the “lower sorts” literally from the bottom-up. This thesis also addresses parents’ incentives in sending their children to these institutions. This projects spans several historiographies including that of early modern education, childhood, and the Catholic Reformation. Though other studies have mentioned the establishment of écoles de charité as part of a wider impulse of charitable giving spurred by the Catholic Reformation, little work exists on the schools’ specific dynamics or on the relationship to the state and community embedded in the routine life of these schools. Additionally, this project uses “childhood” as a category of historical analysis, investigating how different early modern social groups used children to change society. Finally, this project engages the Catholic Reformation as these schools were part of a larger project to expand knowledge of Catholic beliefs onto the people propelled by local as well as elite interests. / text

Charity and Social Reform: Civic Virtue, Spiritual Orthodoxy, and Local Identity in Seventeenth-Century Marseilles

Wilcox, Zuzana 10 1900 (has links)
<p>This work is a local study of charity in seventeenth-century Marseilles. Civic councillors, inspired by the <em>dévot</em> movement, were the chief agents of charitable poor relief. Responding to external political pressures from the Bourbon monarchy and religious inspiration from within the community, charity became a facet of local political authority and a vehicle of social moral reform. The collective purpose of the newly emerging specialized asylums was to mould orderly and spiritually orthodox members of society. In light of the city’s ongoing hopes for civic autonomy and its unwavering commitment to Catholicism, the desire for citizen-virtue crystallizes as a struggle for distinctly <em>Marseillais</em> identity. My study emphasizes not the ‘<em>enfermement</em>’ but the concept of ‘charity’ as the central concept in treatment of the poor. The asylums were ‘rehabilitative’ rather than purely punitive. In showing charity as a mechanism of social reform – tailored to each group’s material, moral and spiritual lowliness and to the threat they allegedly posed – the study implicitly unveils the exclusionary aspects of the social mosaic.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Um arcebisbo em defesa do poder episcopal: as relações entre D. Frei Bartolomeu dos Mártires e o Santo Ofício português (1559-1582) / An Archbishop in defense of episcopal power: the relationship between Friar Bartolomeu dos Mártires and the portuguese Holy Office (1559-1582)

Pereira, Juliana Torres Rodrigues 18 April 2017 (has links)
Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar o projeto de Reforma da Igreja e governo episcopal levados a cabo por D. Frei Bartolomeu dos Mártires, Arcebispo de Braga (1559-1582), bem como seus conflitos com as demais autoridades que poderiam interferir em sua jurisdição dentro da Arquidiocese: o Cabido da Sé, a Coroa, e, principalmente, o Tribunal do Santo Ofício português. Em 1559, Bartolomeu dos Mártires (O.P) tornou-se a cabeça da mais importante diocese do Reino e desenvolveu ali um modelo alternativo para lidar com delitos religiosos. Durante seu governo sobre Braga, ele parece ter tido uma relação complicada com qualquer instituição que desafiasse sua autoridade. Tal postura difere do que se costuma afirmar como o padrão das conexões entre bispos e o Santo Ofício, geralmente caracterizada pela complacência e cooperação. Através de seus escritos, sua ação no Concílio de Trento, e especialmente a forma como regia sua arquidiocese, colidindo com poderes de diversas ordens para assegurar a afirmação de sua jurisdição, Frei Bartolomeu dos Mártires tornou-se uma personagem distinta que pode ser de grande ajuda para que se entenda a concepção distinta de Reforma da Igreja que motivou o episcopado tridentino. / This thesis has the goal of analyzing the project of Catholic Reformation and episcopal government conducted by D. Friar Bartolomeu dos Mártires, Archbishop of Braga (1559-1582), and his conflicts with the other authorities that could interfere in his jurisdiction within the Archdiocese: the Cathedral Chapter, the Crown and, most of all, the portuguese Holy Office Tribunal. In 1559, Bartolomeu dos Mártires (O.P.) became the head of the most important diocese of the Realm and developed there an alternative way to deal with religious crimes. During his rule over Braga, he seems to have had a complicated relationship with any institution that defied his authority. This position was very different from what is often said to be the pattern of the connections between bishops and the Holy Office, generally characterized by compliance and cooperation. Through his writings, his action in the Council of Trent and especially the way he ruled his archbishopric, colliding with distinct powers to secure the assertion of his jurisdiction, Friar Bartolomeu dos Mártires became a distinguished character who can be extremely helpful to better understand the specific conception of Catholic Reformation that motivated the tridentine episcopate.

Soins des corps, soin des âmes. : genre et pouvoirs dans les hôpitaux de France et de Nouvelle-France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. / Body care, care of souls : gender and powers in the hospitals of France and New France in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Garnier, Claire 09 June 2015 (has links)
Comment les établissements hospitaliers d’Ancien Régime marquent-ils les corps des personnes qui y séjournent et y officient ? À partir du milieu du XVIIe siècle, l’espace français fait l’objet d’une réforme hospitalière menée de concert par l’Église de la Réforme catholique et l’État en voie d’absolutisme. La création des Hôpitaux Généraux dans l’ensemble du royaume, jusqu’en terre coloniale, a pour effet de progressivement préciser le rôle des Hôtels-Dieu, et de contribuer à la mise en place d’un réseau d’institutions hospitalières au sein desquelles se côtoient laïcs et religieux, soignants et malades, hommes et femmes. Afin d’appréhender les principales situations où ce processus se met en place, nous avons analysé les établissements parisiens sur lesquels les volontés étatique et religieuse s’expriment pleinement, un territoire provincial – l’Auvergne – qui, éloigné du centre du pouvoir royal,adapte le fonctionnement hospitalier à son territoire, et un espace colonial – la vallée du Saint-Laurent au Canada – où l’implantation des institutions hospitalières répond à la fois à la volonté de l’Église missionnaire et des autorités coloniales, tout en devant répondre aux besoins d’une population particulière.Notre thèse propose de montrer comment ces différents pouvoirs que sont l’Église, la volonté soignante et le genre s’entremêlent au sein des hôpitaux, et s’exercent sur l’ensemble des personnes qui participent à la vie des établissements depuis le début de cette réforme hospitalière jusqu’à la fin du XVIIIe siècle. Pour ce faire, cette thèse convoque des documents divers issus des fonds d’archives des hôpitaux et des communautés hospitalières. En croisant les textes prescriptifs et les sources témoignant des pratiques hospitalières, ce travail montre que les corps des agents de l’institution comme ceux des usagers subissent un processus de disciplinement relativement similaire, tout particulièrement dans le domaine religieux. Elle souligne de plus la répartition du pouvoir entre les femmes et les hommes qui évolue, au cours de la période étudiée, au bénéfice de ces derniers sous l’effet d’un phénomène de professionnalisation des métiers soignants encadrés par les autorités laïques.En comparant trois territoires, cette thèse montre de plus comment les institutions s’adaptent à des contextes différents. Elle permet ainsi de faire ressortir, notamment à travers une analyse de l’espace hospitalier, les similitudes entre la situation auvergnate et la situation canadienne, du moins au cours des décennies de paix pour la colonie. En revanche, la colonie se distingue nettement de la métropole par le primat accordé au religieux tout au long de la période, qui s’achève avec la Conquête, tandis que les établissements métropolitains, d’abord ceux de Paris puis d’Auvergne, témoignent d’une orientation qui accorde de plus en plus de place et de pouvoir aux questions médicales laïques. / How did Ancien Régime hospitals mark and regulate the bodies of its inhabitants and its officers? From the mid-seventeenth century, the French colonial space was the subject of a hospital reform implemented in collaboration with Church and the State, the latter in the process of absolutism. The creation of the General Hospitals across the kingdom, throughout colonial land, had the effect of gradually clarifying the role of Hôtel-Dieu, and thus contributed to the establishment of a network of health institutions where secular and religious, caregivers and patients, men and women worked alongside each other. In order to capture the primary settings where this process took place, the dissertation analyzes the Parisian establishments under which state and religious wishes were fully expressed, a provincial territory - Auvergne - which, far from the center of royal power adapted the workings of hospital to its territory and colonial space - St. Lawrence Valley in Canada - where the implementation of hospital institutions responded both to the will of the missionary Church and colonial authorities as well as to meet the needs of a particular population. The project demonstrates how the powers of the Church, the caregiver and the dynamics of gender intertwined in hospitals and acting on all those involved in the hospital life from the Earlier this hospital reform until the end of the eighteenth century. For this, this thesis brings together various documents from the archives of hospitals and hospital communities. By crossing the prescriptive texts and documents showing hospital practice, this thesis shows that the bodies of the institution's staff and those of the users underwent a process of disciplining relatively similar, especially in the religious sphere. It also shows that the distribution of power between men and women that evolves during the study period for the benefit of mankind as a result of a phenomenon of professional caregivers trades framed by the secular authorities. Comparing the three territories, this thesis, furthermore, shows how institutions adapt to different contexts. It helps to emphasize, in particular through an analysis of hospital space, the similarities between the Auvergne and the Canadian contexts, at least during the decades of peace for the colony. However, the colony is clearly distinguishable from the metropolis by the primacy accorded to religious throughout the period, which ended with the conquest, while the metropolitan institutions, first those of Paris and the Auvergne, testify to the increasingly power given to lay medical issues.

Um arcebisbo em defesa do poder episcopal: as relações entre D. Frei Bartolomeu dos Mártires e o Santo Ofício português (1559-1582) / An Archbishop in defense of episcopal power: the relationship between Friar Bartolomeu dos Mártires and the portuguese Holy Office (1559-1582)

Juliana Torres Rodrigues Pereira 18 April 2017 (has links)
Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar o projeto de Reforma da Igreja e governo episcopal levados a cabo por D. Frei Bartolomeu dos Mártires, Arcebispo de Braga (1559-1582), bem como seus conflitos com as demais autoridades que poderiam interferir em sua jurisdição dentro da Arquidiocese: o Cabido da Sé, a Coroa, e, principalmente, o Tribunal do Santo Ofício português. Em 1559, Bartolomeu dos Mártires (O.P) tornou-se a cabeça da mais importante diocese do Reino e desenvolveu ali um modelo alternativo para lidar com delitos religiosos. Durante seu governo sobre Braga, ele parece ter tido uma relação complicada com qualquer instituição que desafiasse sua autoridade. Tal postura difere do que se costuma afirmar como o padrão das conexões entre bispos e o Santo Ofício, geralmente caracterizada pela complacência e cooperação. Através de seus escritos, sua ação no Concílio de Trento, e especialmente a forma como regia sua arquidiocese, colidindo com poderes de diversas ordens para assegurar a afirmação de sua jurisdição, Frei Bartolomeu dos Mártires tornou-se uma personagem distinta que pode ser de grande ajuda para que se entenda a concepção distinta de Reforma da Igreja que motivou o episcopado tridentino. / This thesis has the goal of analyzing the project of Catholic Reformation and episcopal government conducted by D. Friar Bartolomeu dos Mártires, Archbishop of Braga (1559-1582), and his conflicts with the other authorities that could interfere in his jurisdiction within the Archdiocese: the Cathedral Chapter, the Crown and, most of all, the portuguese Holy Office Tribunal. In 1559, Bartolomeu dos Mártires (O.P.) became the head of the most important diocese of the Realm and developed there an alternative way to deal with religious crimes. During his rule over Braga, he seems to have had a complicated relationship with any institution that defied his authority. This position was very different from what is often said to be the pattern of the connections between bishops and the Holy Office, generally characterized by compliance and cooperation. Through his writings, his action in the Council of Trent and especially the way he ruled his archbishopric, colliding with distinct powers to secure the assertion of his jurisdiction, Friar Bartolomeu dos Mártires became a distinguished character who can be extremely helpful to better understand the specific conception of Catholic Reformation that motivated the tridentine episcopate.

Le curé au prétoire : justice écclésiastique et développement de l'idéal sacerdotal tridentin dans le diocèse de Beauvais au XVIIe siècle

Saule, Kevin 07 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie un volet méconnu de la réforme catholique. Grâce à l’étude d’un peu moins de 200 procédures judiciaires instruites par la justice ecclésiastique au XVIIe siècle à l’encontre de curés déviants du diocèse de Beauvais, notre recherche entend appréhender le rôle du tribunal ecclésiastique (l’officialité) dans le processus de disciplinement du clergé paroissial. Organisée en trois parties (« Les siècles des désordres » ; « Le curé délinquant dans son milieu paroissial » ; « Le curé délinquant face à ses juges »), la thèse démontre que, loin d’être marginalisée, l’officialité diocésaine de Beauvais parvient à maintenir ses prérogatives sur les prêtres, sans voir son champ de compétences contesté par les juridictions laïques. La justice de l’évêque fonctionne le plus souvent selon les mêmes principes que la justice royale, en cherchant plus à concilier et à réformer qu’à punir. La sentence de l’official, toujours lourde, n’est finalement prononcée que lorsque le curé a prouvé qu’il était incapable de s’amender malgré de multiples rappels à l’ordre. Les curés délinquants ayant maille à partir avec la justice épiscopale ont un profil particulier. Issus des milieux les moins défavorisés, formés « sur le tas », ils sont très souvent originaires d’un diocèse étranger et appartiennent tous – ou presque – aux générations antérieures à la mise en place du séminaire diocésain. Grâce à des soutiens nombreux et variés dans leur paroisse, les curés aux mœurs dissolues parviennent à se maintenir dans leur cure pendant de longues années avant que les scandales ne provoquent leur disgrâce. La vie religieuse de la paroisse n’est pas fortement perturbée par l’inconduite du curé comme le montrent les registres paroissiaux, les fonds des fabriques et les dossiers de paroisses. Contrairement aux discours alarmants tenus par certains plaignants, les ouailles ne se détournent pas de l’église à la suite des scandales et ne remettent pas en cause la validité des sacrements administrés par le curé. / This dissertation examines a little known part of the Catholic reformation. Thanks to the study of not less than 200 cases against deviant priests investigated by ecclesiastical courts in the diocese of Beauvais in the XVIIth century, our research tries to understand the part played by ecclesiastical courts (i.e. « officialités ») in the process of controlling parish priests. This dissertation is divided into three parts – « The Centuries of Disorders », « The Delinquent Priest in his Parish » and « The Delinquent Priest in Court » - and shows that, far from being marginalised, the Beauvais ecclesiastical court succeeds in keeping its prerogatives over priests without seeing its sphere of competence challenged by secular courts. Most of the time, the bishop’s judicial decisions work according to the same principles as the King’s, trying to reconcile and reform rather than to punish. The sentence of the judicial vicar (the « officialis ») is always severe and eventually only handed down when the priest showed he was unable to mend his ways in spite of numerous warnings. The deliquent priests who are at odds with the bishop’s justice have a distinctive profile. They come from the least underprivileged backgrounds, they were trained « on the job », they often come from a foreign diocese and all, or almost all, belong to generations living before the setting up of diocesan seminaries. Thanks to multitudinous and varied support from their parish, the morally depraved priests manage to remain in the place for many years before scandals cause them fall into disfavour. The religious life in the area is not greatly disturbed by the misbehaviour of the priest as the parish records and files as well as the mill resources show. Unlike the alarming speech of some plaintiffs, the flock doesn’t turn away from the Church after the scandals nor questions the validity of the sacraments administered by the priest.

Relações entre religiosidades católicas em Juiz de Fora a partir da reforma ultramontana, 1890-1958

Arruda, Danielle Aparecida 25 February 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-09-09T13:31:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 danielleaparecidaarruda.pdf: 4504077 bytes, checksum: 50f87cdf7b7af4b64b8214efb7cb05c0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Diamantino Mayra (mayra.diamantino@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-09-13T14:27:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 danielleaparecidaarruda.pdf: 4504077 bytes, checksum: 50f87cdf7b7af4b64b8214efb7cb05c0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-13T14:27:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 danielleaparecidaarruda.pdf: 4504077 bytes, checksum: 50f87cdf7b7af4b64b8214efb7cb05c0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-25 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho analisa as relações entre a religião prescrita e a religião praticada no interior do movimento de Reforma Católica Ultramontana entre os anos de 1890 e 1958 na cidade de Juiz de Fora, estado de Minas Gerais. Nesse sentido, são investigados os contatos entre os diferentes tipos de práticas religiosas no interior do catolicismo e à margem do mesmo. Pretende-se assim esboçar uma nova visão sobre o movimento da reforma católica na cidade, enfatizando seu caráter heterogêneo, aspecto pouco considerado em outros trabalhos sobre o tema. De um modo geral, a dissertação pretende contribuir para a renovação dos trabalhos sobre a Reforma Católica Ultramontana, na tentativa de apreender o movimento não somente pelo aspecto clerical, institucional e prescrito, mas também privilegiando a experiência dos fiéis enquanto atores que vivenciaram a mesma a partir dos significados de sua própria religiosidade. / This paper examines the relations between prescribed and practiced religion inside the ultramontane catholic reformation movement between the years of 1890 and 1958 in the city of Juiz de Fora, state of Minas Gerais. Accordingly, are investigated the contacts between the different types of religious practices inside the Catholicism and the margin of the same. The idea is to outline a new vision about the Catholic Reform Movement in the city, emphasizing its heterogeneity, a little considered aspect in other works about this theme. Generally, the dissertation intend to contribute to the renewal of the works about the Ultramontane Catholic Reformation, in an attempt to apprehend the movement not only by the clerical, institutional and prescribed aspects, but also highlighting the experience of the faithful while actors who experienced the same from the meanings of their own religiousness.

Rekatolizace v městech pražských v době pobělohorské. Nové Město pražské v kontextu procesu katolické konfesionalizace / Catholic Reformation in the Prague Towns after the Battle of the White Mountain. Prague's New Town in a context of the process of the catholic confessionalisation

Fejtová, Olga January 2011 (has links)
Catholic Reformation in the Prague Towns after the Battle of White Mountain. Prague's New Town in a context of the process of the catholic confessionalisation Abstract Olga Fejtová This thesis' methodological ground is a conception of both clerical and secular politics of recatholisation in a relation to Prague's New Town within the Post-White-Mountain period as part of a process of confessionalisation, i. e catholic confessialisation, within the paradigm that was introduced into European historiography in 1980s . The recatholisation within Bohemian lands in relationship to the paradigm of confessionalisation invokes a strategy of state and clerical power. Its enforcement and exercise in political practice were illustrated by normative materials that represented attendant signs of a development of the catholic confessionalisation. The target of this thesis is firstly to describe the progress of politics concerning recatholisation in a relationship to one of Prague's towns by using contemporary decrees of both secular and clerical origin. Furthermore, it shall investigate issues echoing within and from life of the New-Prague-Town's society of the 17th century. This within both public and private spheres of burgess' life. In order to reveal a correct reflection of the whole structure of the progression...

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