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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation de système synthétique pour la production de biohydrogène / Modeling of synthetic system for the production of biohydrogen

Fontaine, Nicolas 28 September 2015 (has links)
L'épuisement annoncé dans les prochaines décennies des ressources fossiles qui fournissent actuellement plus de 70% du carburant consommé dans les transports terrestres, aériens et maritimes au niveau mondial, incite à l'identification et le développement de nouvelles sources d'énergies renouvelables. La production de biocarburants issue de l'exploitation de la biomasse représente une des voies de recherche les plus prometteuses. Si la première génération des biocarburants (production à partir de plantes sucrières, de céréales ou d'oléagineux) atteint ses limites (concurrence avec les usages alimentaires, en particulier), la deuxième génération, produite à partir de ressources carbonées non alimentaires (lignocellulosique, mélasse, vinasse...), pourrait prendre le relais, une fois que les procédés de conversion seront suffisamment maîtrisés. À plus long terme, une troisième génération pourrait voir le jour, qui reposerait sur l'exploitation de la biomasse marine (microalgues, en particulier) mais où de nombreux verrous restent toutefois à lever : optimisation des procédés de culture et de récolte, extraction à coût réduit, optimisation des voies métaboliques etc. Il est à retenir que la stratégie nationale de recherche et d'innovation (SNRI) a retenu quatre « domaines clés » pour l'énergie : le nucléaire, le solaire photovoltaïque, les biocarburants de deuxième génération et les énergies marines. Ceux-ci sont complétés, au nom de leur contribution potentielle à la lutte contre le changement climatique, par le stockage du CO2, la conversion de l'énergie (dont les piles à combustible) et l'hydrogène. Le présent projet de recherche s'intéresse à explorer des voies d'amélioration de l'efficacité de la biotransformation de matière organique non alimentaire de nature industrielle en biocarburants de deuxième génération. En particulier, on s'intéressera à deux aspects complémentaires : l'optimisation des organismes microbiens et des voies métaboliques pour l'amélioration du rendement biologique de fabrication de biocarburants ; l'optimisation des procédés de mise en culture des microorganismes et d'extraction des biocarburant. Le projet de thèse consiste à mettre en œuvre les biotechnologies blanches, la biologie de synthèse et le génie des procédés pour la caractérisation de souches bactériennes, de leurs voies métaboliques et de prototypes expérimentaux pour la fabrication de biocarburants, de méthane et d'hydrogène à partir de rejets provenant de l'industrie sucrière de La Réunion, à savoir la mélasse ou la vinasse. Ce projet permettrait d'envisager de nouvelles perspectives de valorisation pour ces déchets industriels et de participer à la construction, à terme, d'une industrie réunionnaise durable des biocarburants et de l'hydrogène. / Hydrogen is a candidate for the next generation fuel with a high energy density and an environment friendly behavior in the energy production phase. Micro-organism based biological production of hydrogen currently suffers low hydrogen production yields because the living cells must sustain different cellular activities other than the hydrogen production to survive. To circumvent this, a team have designed a synthetic cell-free system by combining 13 different enzymes to synthesize hydrogen from cellobiose. This assembly has better yield than microorganism-based systems. We used methods based on differential equations calculations to investigate how the initial conditions and the kinetic parameters of the enzymes influenced the productivity of a such system and, through simulations, to identify those conditions that would optimize hydrogen production starting with cellobiose as substrate. Further, if the kinetic parameters of the component enzymes of such a system are not known, we showed how, using artificial neural network, it is possible to identify alternative models that allow to have an idea of the kinetics of hydrogen production. During our study on the system using cellobiose, other cell-free assemblies were engineered to produce hydrogen from different raw materials. Interested in the reconstruction of synthetic systems, we decided to conceive various tools to help the automation of the assembly and the modelling of these new synthetic networks. This work demonstrates how modeling can help in designing and characterizing cell-free systems in synthetic biology.


03 December 2020 (has links)
[pt] Sistemas de múltiplas antenas livres de células surgiram recentemente como uma combinação de MIMO massivo, sistemas de antenas distribuídas (DAS) e network MIMO. Esta dissertação explora o downlink deste cenário com pontos de acesso (PAs) de uma ou múltiplas antenas e considerando conhecimento perfeito e imperfeito do canal. São desenvolvidos esquemas que combinam pré-codificação, alocação de potência e seleção de PAs (SPA). Para começar, duas estratégias de SPA foram investigadas, uma baseada em busca exaustiva (BE-SPA) e a outra em coeficientes de desvanecimento de larga escala (LE-SPA), com o intuito de reduzir a complexidade das redes livres de células. Subsequentemente, apresentamos duas técnicas iterativas de pré-codificação, todas seguindo o critério Minimum Mean-Square Error (MMSE), combinadas à restrição de potência total. A primeira nós chamamos de MMSE, com restrição de potência total. Nós também incorporamos robustez ao método desenvolvido chamado RMMSE, um pré-codificador robusto com restrição de potência total. Como terceiro elemento da configuração proposta, esquemas de alocação de potência foram desenvolvidos, com abordagens ótimas, adaptativas e uniformes. Um algoritmo de alocação de potência ótima (APO) é apresentado, baseado na maximização da mínima Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR). A solução adaptativa (APA) é caracterizada pelo gradiente estocástico (GE) do mean-square error (MSE) e a alternativa uniforme (UPA) propõe a equalização de todos os coeficientes de potência. Todas as configurações devem respeitar a restrição de potência por antena, imposta pelo sistema. Uma análise de soma das taxas é feita, para todas as técnicas estudadas e o custo computacional de cada uma delas é calculado. Resultados numéricos provam que as técnicas propostas têm performance superior à pré-codificadores Conjugate Beamforming (CB) e Zero-Forcing (ZF), ambos com alocação de potência uniforme e ótima, na forma de taxa de erro de bit (BER), soma das taxas e mínima SINR. Além disso, os resultados atestam que o desempenho pode ser mantido e até melhorado com a aplicação de SPA. / [en] Cell-Free Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems have emerged in recent years as a combination of massive MIMO, distributed antenna systems (DAS) and network MIMO. This thesis explores the downlink channel of such scenario with single and multiple-antenna access points (APs) and takes into account both perfect and imperfect channel state information (CSI). We propose transmit processing schemes that combine precoding, power allocation and AP selection (APS). To begin with, two APS strategies have been investigated, one based on exhaustive search (ES-APS) and the other on the large-scale fading coefficients (LSAPS), in order to reduce the complexity of cell-free networks. Subsequently, we present two iterative precoding techniques following the minimum meansquare error (MMSE) criterion with total power constraint. The first we call MMSE, with total power constraint. We also incorporate robustness in the developed method, called RMMSE, a robust precoder with total power constraint. As the third element of the proposed schemes, power allocation techniques are developed, with optimal, adaptive and uniform approaches. An optimal power allocation (OPA) algorithm is presented based on the maximization of the minimum signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR). The adaptive solution (APA) is characterized by the stochastic gradient of the mean-square error (MSE) and the uniform alternative (UPA) proposes to equalize all power coefficients. All configurations must fulfil an antenna power constraint, imposed by the system. A sum-rate analysis is carried out for all studied techniques and the computational cost of each one is calculated. Numerical results prove that the proposed techniques outperform existing conjugate beamforming (CB) and zero-forcing (ZF) precoders, both with uniform and optimal power allocation, in terms of bit error rate (BER), sum-rate and minimum SINR. Furthermore, we also attest that performance can be maintained or even improved in the presence of APS.

Využitie extracelulárnych nukleových kyselín na neinvazívnu prenatálnu diagnostiku monogénne dedičných porúch, komplikácií tehotenstva asociovaných s placentárnou insuficienciou a Downovho syndrómu / The use of cell-free nucleic acids in maternal plasma for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of monogenic diseases, placental insufficiency-related complications and Down syndrome

Veselovská, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
Since the discovery of cell-free fetal DNA in peripheral blood of pregnant women, cell-free nucleic acids in maternal plasma are explored in relation to non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of various fetal conditions and pregnancy complications. Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of monogenic diseases represented by TSC1-linked tuberous sclerosis could be achieved by detection of paternally-inherited mutant allele in the pool of maternal alleles in plasma. Reliability of detection of mutant allele could be improved by simultaneous mutation haplotype analysis or detection of universal fetal marker. None of the 3 methods (allele- specific real-time PCR, SNaPshot minisequencing and quantitative fluorescent PCR) evaluated using artificial mixtures and maternal plasma samples reliably and accurately detected low-frequency allele distinguished by point mutation, SNP or microsatellite in TSC1 gene or in its close proximity. We developed a strategy for prediction of proportion of informative couples for panel of SNPs of interest that can be applied to any monogenic disease. Exploiting differential methylation of promoters of genes RASSF1A, HLCS and OLIG2 in maternal and fetal genome, we failed to establish functional fetal marker. MicroRNAs of placental origin released into plasma could serve as biomarkers of...

Access Point Selection and Clustering Methods with Minimal Switching for Green Cell-Free Massive MIMO Networks

He, Qinglong January 2022 (has links)
As a novel beyond fifth-generation (5G) concept, cell-free massive MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) recently has become a promising physical-layer technology where an enormous number of distributed access points (APs), coordinated by a central processing unit (CPU), cooperate to coherently serve a large number of user equipments (UEs) in the same time/frequency resource. However, denser AP deployment in cell-free networks as well as an exponentially growing number of mobile UEs lead to higher power consumption. What is more, similar to conventional cellular networks, cell-free massive MIMO networks are dimensioned to provide the required quality of service (QoS) to the UEs under heavy traffic load conditions, and thus they might be underutilized during low traffic load periods, leading to inefficient use of both spectral and energy resources. Aiming at the implementation of energy-efficient cell-free networks, several approaches have been proposed in the literature, which consider different AP switch ON/OFF (ASO) strategies for power minimization. Different from prior works, this thesis focuses on additional factors other than ASO that have an adverse effect not only on total power consumption but also on implementation complexity and operation cost. For instance, too frequent ON/OFF switching in an AP can lead to tapering off the potential power saving of ASO by incurring extra power consumption due to excessive switching. Indeed, frequent switching of APs might also result in thermal fatigue and serious lifetime degeneration. Moreover, time variations in the AP-UE association in favor of energy saving in a dynamic network bring additional signaling and implementation complexity. Thus, in the first part of the thesis, we propose a multi-objective optimization problem that aims to minimize the total power consumption together with AP switching and AP-UE association variations in comparison to the state of the network in the previous state. The proposed problem is cast in mixed integer quadratic programming form and solved optimally. Our simulation results show that by limiting AP switching (node switching) and AP-UE association reformation switching (link switching), the total power consumption from APs only slightly increases but the number of average switching drops significantly regardless of node switching or link switching. It achieves a good balance on the trade-off between radio power consumption and the side effects excessive switching will bring. In the second part of the thesis, we consider a larger cell-free massive MIMO network by dividing the total area into disjoint network-centric clusters, where the APs in each cluster are connected to a separate CPU. In each cluster, cell-free joint transmission is locally implemented to achieve a scalable network implementation. Motivated by the outcomes of the first part, we reshape our dynamic network simulator to keep the active APs for a given spatial traffic pattern the same as long as the mean arrival rates of the UEs are constant. Moreover, the initially formed AP-UE association for a particular UE is not allowed to change. In that way, we make the number of node and link switching zero throughout the considered time interval. For this dynamic network, we propose a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) framework that learns the policy of maximizing long-term energy efficiency (EE) for a given spatially-varying traffic density. The active AP density of each network-centric cluster and the boundaries of the clusters are learned by the trained agent to maximize the EE. The DRL algorithm is shown to learn a non-trivial joint cluster geometry and AP density with at least 7% improvement in terms of EE compared to the heuristically-developed benchmarks. / Som ett nytt koncept bortom den femte generationen (5G) har cellfri massiv MIMO (multiple input multiple output) nyligen blivit en lovande teknik för det fysiska lagret där ett enormt antal distribuerade åtkomstpunkter (AP), som samordnas av en central processorenhet (CPU), samarbetar för att på ett sammanhängande sätt betjäna ett stort antal användarutrustningar (UE) i samma tids- och frekvensresurs. En tätare utplacering av AP:er i cellfria nät samt ett exponentiellt växande antal mobila användare leder dock till högre energiförbrukning. Dessutom är cellfria massiva MIMO-nät, i likhet med konventionella cellulära nät, dimensionerade för att ge den erforderliga tjänstekvaliteten (QoS) till enheterna under förhållanden med hög trafikbelastning, och därför kan de vara underutnyttjade under perioder med låg trafikbelastning, vilket leder till ineffektiv användning av både spektral- och energiresurser. För att genomföra energieffektiva cellfria nät har flera metoder föreslagits i litteraturen, där olika ASO-strategier (AP switch ON/OFF) beaktas för att minimera energiförbrukningen. Till skillnad från tidigare arbeten fokuserar den här avhandlingen på andra faktorer än ASO som har en negativ effekt inte bara på den totala energiförbrukningen utan också på komplexiteten i genomförandet och driftskostnaden. Till exempel kan alltför frekventa ON/OFF-omkopplingar i en AP leda till att ASO:s potentiella energibesparingar avtar genom extra energiförbrukning på grund av överdriven omkoppling. Frekventa omkopplingar av AP:er kan också leda till termisk trötthet och allvarlig försämring av livslängden. Dessutom medför tidsvariationer i AP-UE-associationen till förmån för energibesparingar i ett dynamiskt nät ytterligare signalering och komplexitet i genomförandet. I den första delen av avhandlingen föreslår vi därför ett optimeringsproblem med flera mål som syftar till att minimera den totala energiförbrukningen tillsammans med växling av AP och variationer i AP-UE-associationen i jämförelse med nätets tillstånd i det föregående läget. Det föreslagna problemet är en blandad helhetsmässig kvadratisk programmering och löses optimalt. Våra simuleringsresultat visar att genom att begränsa växling av AP (node switching) och växling av AP-UE-association (link switching) ökar den totala energiförbrukningen från AP:erna endast något, men antalet genomsnittliga växlingar ökar, oavsett om det rör sig om node switching eller link switching. Det ger en bra balans mellan radiokraftförbrukning och de bieffekter som överdriven växling medför. I den andra delen av avhandlingen tar vi hänsyn till ett större cellfritt massivt MIMO-nätverk genom att dela upp det totala området i disjunkta nätverkscentrerade kluster, där AP:erna i varje kluster är anslutna till en separat CPU. I varje kluster genomförs cellfri gemensam överföring lokalt för att uppnå en skalbar nätverksimplementering. Motiverat av resultaten i den första delen omformar vi vår dynamiska nätverkssimulator så att de aktiva AP:erna för ett givet rumsligt trafikmönster är desamma så länge som den genomsnittliga ankomsthastigheten för de enskilda enheterna är konstant. Dessutom tillåts inte den ursprungligen bildade AP-UE-associationen för en viss användare att förändras. På så sätt gör vi antalet nod- och länkbyten till noll under hela det aktuella tidsintervallet. För detta dynamiska nätverk föreslår vi ett ramverk för djup förstärkningsinlärning (DRL) som lär sig en strategi för att maximera energieffektiviteten på lång sikt för en given rumsligt varierande trafiktäthet. Den aktiva AP-tätheten i varje nätverkscentrerat kluster och klustrens gränser lärs av den utbildade agenten för att maximera EE. Det visas att DRL-algoritmen lär sig en icke-trivial gemensam klustergeometri och AP-täthet med minst 7% förbättring av EE jämfört med de heuristiskt utvecklade riktmärkena.

Stochastic Geometry Perspective of Massive MIMO Systems

Parida, Priyabrata 27 September 2021 (has links)
Owing to its ability to improve both spectral and energy efficiency of wireless networks, massive multiple-input multiple-output (mMIMO) has become one of the key enablers of the fifth-generation (5G) and beyond communication systems. For successful integration of this promising physical layer technique in the upcoming cellular standards, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of its network-level performance. Over the last decade, stochastic geometry has been instrumental in obtaining useful system design insights of wireless networks through accurate and tractable theoretical analysis. Hence, it is only natural to consider modeling and analyzing the mMIMO systems using appropriate statistical constructs from the stochastic geometry literature and gain insights for its future implementation. With this broader objective in mind, we first focus on modeling a cellular mMIMO network that uses fractional pilot reuse to mitigate the sole performance-limiting factor of mMIMO networks, namely, pilot contamination. Leveraging constructs from the stochastic geometry literature, such as Johnson-Mehl cells, we derive analytical expressions for the uplink (UL) signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR) coverage probability and average spectral efficiency for a random user. From our system analysis, we present a partitioning rule for the number of pilot sequences to be reserved for the cell-center and cell-edge users that improves the average cell-edge user spectral efficiency while achieving similar cell-center user spectral efficiency with respect to unity pilot reuse. In addition, using the analytical approach developed for the cell-center user performance evaluation, we study the performance of a small cell system where user and base station (BS) locations are coupled. The impact of distance-dependent UL power control on the performance of an mMIMO network with unity pilot reuse is analyzed and subsequent system design guidelines are also presented. Next, we focus on the performance analysis of the cell-free mMIMO network, which is a distributed implementation of the mMIMO system that leads to the second and third contributions of this dissertation. Similar to the cellular counterpart, the cell-free systems also suffer from pilot contamination due to the reuse of pilot sequences throughout the network. Inspired by a hardcore point process known as the random sequential adsorption (RSA) process, we develop a new distributed pilot assignment algorithm that mitigates the effect of pilot contamination by ensuring a minimum distance among the co-pilot users. This pilot assignment scheme leads to the construction of a new point process, namely the multilayer RSA process. We study the statistical properties of this point process both in one and two-dimensional spaces by deriving approximate but accurate expressions for the density and pair correlation functions. Leveraging these new results, for a cell-free network with the proposed RSA-based pilot assignment scheme, we present an analytical approach that determines the minimum number of pilots required to schedule a user with probabilistic guarantees. In addition, to benchmark the performance of the RSA-based scheme, we propose two optimization-based centralized pilot allocation schemes using linear programming principles. Through extensive numerical simulations, we validate the efficacy of the distributed and scalable RSA-based pilot assignment scheme compared to the proposed centralized algorithms. Apart from pilot contamination, another impediment to the performance of a cell-free mMIMO is limited fronthaul capacity between the baseband unit and the access points (APs). In our fourth contribution, using appropriate stochastic geometry-based tools, we model and analyze the downlink of such a network for two different implementation scenarios. In the first scenario, we consider a finite network where each AP serves all the users in the network. In the second scenario, we consider an infinite network where each user is served by a few nearby APs in order to limit the load on fronthaul links. From our analyses, we observe that for the finite network, the achievable average system sum-rate is a strictly quasi-concave function of the number of users in the network, which serves as a key guideline for scheduler design for such systems. Further, for the user-centric architecture, we observe that there exists an optimal number of serving APs that maximizes the average user rate. The fifth and final contribution of this dissertation focuses on the potential improvement that is possible by the use of mMIMO in citizen broadband radio service (CBRS) spectrum sharing systems. As a first concrete step, we present comprehensive modeling and analysis of this system with omni-directional transmissions. Our model takes into account the key guidelines by the Federal Communications Commission for co-existence between licensed and unlicensed networks in the 3.5 GHz CBRS frequency band. Leveraging the properties of the Poisson hole process and Matern hardcore point process of type II, a.k.a. ghost RSA process, we analytically characterize the impact of different system parameters on various performance metrics such as medium access probability, coverage probability, and area spectral efficiency. Further, we provide useful system design guidelines for successful co-existence between these networks. Building upon this omni-directional model, we also characterize the performance benefits of using mMIMO in such a spectrum sharing network. / Doctor of Philosophy / The emergence of cloud-based video and audio streaming services, online gaming platforms, instantaneous sharing of multimedia contents (e.g., photos, videos) through social networking platforms, and virtual collaborative workspace/meetings require the cellular communication networks to provide high data-rate as well as reliable and ubiquitous connectivity. These constantly evolving requirements can be met by designing a wireless network that harmoniously exploits the symbiotic co-existence among different types of cutting-edge wireless technologies. One such technology is massive multiple-input multiple-output (mMIMO), whose core idea is to equip the cellular base stations (BSs) with a large number of antennas that can be leveraged through appropriate signal processing algorithms to simultaneously accommodate multiple users with reduced network interference. For successful deployment of mMIMO in the upcoming cellular standards, i.e., fifth-generation (5G) and beyond systems, it is necessary to characterize its performance in a large-scale wireless network taking into account the inherent spatial randomness in the BS and user locations. To achieve this goal, in this dissertation, we propose different statistical methods for the performance analysis of mMIMO networks using tools from stochastic geometry, which is a field of mathematics related to the study of random patterns of points. One of the major deployment issues of mMIMO systems is pilot contamination, which is a form of coherent network interference that degrades user performance. The main reason behind pilot contamination is the reuse of pilot sequences, which are a finite number of known signal waveforms used for channel estimation between a user and its serving BS. Further, the effect of pilot contamination is more severe for the cell-edge users, which are farther from their own BSs. An efficient scheme to mitigate the effect of pilot contamination is fractional pilot reuse (FPR). However, the efficiency of this scheme depends on the pilot partitioning rule that decides the fraction of total pilot sequences that should be used by the cell-edge users. Using appropriate statistical constructs from the stochastic geometry literature, such as Johnson-Mehl cells, we present a partitioning rule for efficient implementation of the FPR scheme in a cellular mMIMO network. Next, we focus on the performance analysis of the cell-free mMIMO network. In contrast to the cellular network, where each user is served by a single BS, in a cell-free network each user can be served by multiple access points (APs), which have less complex hardware compared to a BS. Owing to this cooperative and distributed implementation, there are no cell-edge users. Similar to the cellular counterpart, the cell-free systems also suffer from pilot contamination due to the reuse of pilot sequences throughout the network. Inspired by a hardcore point process known as the random sequential adsorption (RSA) process, we develop a new distributed pilot assignment algorithm that mitigates the effect of pilot contamination by ensuring a minimum distance among the co-pilot users. Further, we show that the performance of this distributed pilot assignment scheme is appreciable compared to different centralized pilot assignment schemes, which are algorithmically more complex and difficult to implement in a network. Moreover, this pilot assignment scheme leads to the construction of a new point process, namely the multilayer RSA process. We derive the statistical properties of this point process both in one and two-dimensional spaces. Further, in a cell-free mMIMO network, the APs are connected to a centralized baseband unit (BBU) that performs the bulk of the signal processing operations through finite capacity links, such as fiber optic cables. Apart from pilot contamination, another implementational issue associated with the cell-free mMIMO systems is the finite capacity of fronthaul links that results in user performance degradation. Using appropriate stochastic geometry-based tools, we model and analyze this network for two different implementation scenarios. In the first scenario, we consider a finite network where each AP serves all the users in the network. In the second scenario, we consider an infinite network where each user is served by a few nearby APs. As a consequence of this user-centric implementation, for each user, the BBU only needs to communicate with fewer APs thereby reducing information load on fronthaul links. From our analyses, we propose key guidelines for the deployment of both types of scenarios. The type of mMIMO systems that are discussed in this work will be operated in the sub-6 GHz frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Owing to the limited availability of spectrum resources, usually, spectrum sharing is encouraged among different cellular operators in such bands. One such example is the citizen broadband radio service (CBRS) spectrum sharing systems proposed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The final contribution of this dissertation focuses on the potential improvement that is possible by the use of mMIMO in the CBRS systems. As our first step, using tools from stochastic geometry, we model and analyze this system with a single antenna at the BSs. In our model, we take into account the key guidelines by the FCC for co-existence between licensed and unlicensed operators. Leveraging properties of the Poisson hole process and hardcore process, we provide useful theoretical expressions for different performance metrics such as medium access probability, coverage probability, and area spectral efficiency. These results are used to obtain system design guidelines for successful co-existence between these networks. We further highlight the potential improvement in the user performance with multiple antennas at the unlicensed BS.

Integrated Sensing and Communication in Cell-Free Massive MIMO / Integrerad avkänning och kommunikation i cellfri massiv MIMO

Behdad, Zinat January 2024 (has links)
Future mobile networks are anticipated to not only enhance communication performance but also facilitate new sensing-based applications. This highlights the essential role of integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) in sixth-generation (6G) and beyond mobile networks. The seamless integration of sensing and communication poses challenges in deployment and resource allocation. Cell-free massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) networks, characterized by multiple distributed access points, offer a promising infrastructure for ISAC implementation. However, the effective realization of ISAC necessitates joint design and resource allocation optimization. In this thesis, we study ISAC within cell-free massive MIMO systems, with a particular emphasis on developing power allocation algorithms under various scenarios. In this thesis, we explore two scenarios: utilizing existing communication signals and incorporating additional sensing signals. We propose power allocation algorithms aiming to maximize the sensing performance while meeting communication and power constraints. In addition, we develop two maximum a posteriori ratio test (MAPRT) target detectors under clutter-free and cluttered scenarios. Results indicate that employing additional sensing signals enhances sensing performance, particularly in scenarios where the target has low reflectivity. Moreover, although the clutter-aware detector requires more advanced processing, it leads to better sensing performance. Furthermore, we introduced sensing spectral efficiency (SE) to measure the effect of resource block utilization, highlighting the integration advantages of ISAC over orthogonal resource sharing approaches.  In the next part of the thesis, we study the energy efficiency aspects of ISAC in cell-free massive MIMO systems with ultra-reliable low-latency communications (URLLC) users. We propose a power allocation algorithm aiming to maximize energy efficiency of the system while meeting communication and sensing requirements. We conduct a comparative analysis between the proposed power allocation algorithms and a URLLC-only approach which takes into account only URLLC and power requirements. The results reveal that while the URLLC-only algorithm excels in energy efficiency, it is not able to support sensing requirements.   Moreover, we study the impact of ISAC on end-to-end (including radio and processing) energy consumption. Particularly, we present giga-operations per second (GOPS) analysis for both communication and sensing tasks. Two optimization problems are formulated and solved to minimize transmission and end-to-end energy through blocklength and power optimization. Results indicate that while end-to-end energy minimization offers substantial energy savings, its efficacy diminishes with sensing integration due to processing energy requirements. / Framtida mobila nätverk förväntas inte bara förbättra kommunikations-prestanda utan även mögliggöra nya applikationer baserade på sensorer. Dettaunderstryker den avgörande rollen för Integrerad avkänning och kommunika-tion (ISAC) i sjätte generationens (6G) och efterföljande mobila nätverk. Densömlösa integrationen av sensorer och kommunikation medför utmaningar iutrullning och resursallokering. Cellfria massiva flerantennsystem (MIMO-nätverk), kännetecknade av flera distribuerade åtkomstpunkter, erbjuder enlovande infrastruktur för implementering av ISAC. Dock kräver den effektivarealiseringen av ISAC samverkande design och optimering av resursallokering.I denna avhandling studerar vi ISAC inom cellfria massiva MIMO-system,med särskild tonvikt på att utveckla effektallokeringsalgoritmer under olikascenarier.Vi utforskar två scenarier: att utnyttja befintliga kommunikationssignaleroch att inkludera ytterligare sensorssignaler. Vi föreslår effektallokeringsalgo-ritmer med målet att maximera sensorsprestandan samtidigt som kommunika-tions och effektbegränsningar uppfylls. Dessutom utvecklar vi två detektorerbaserade på maximum a posteriori ratio test (MAPRT) under störningsfriaoch störda scenarier. Resultaten visar att användning av ytterligare sensors-signaler förbättrar sensorsprestandan, särskilt i scenarier där målet har lågreflektivitet. Dessutom, även om den störkänsliga detektorn kräver mer avan-cerad bearbetning, leder den till bättre sensorsprestanda. Vidare introducerarvi sensorerspektral effektivitet (SE) för att mäta effekten av resursblocksan-vändning och framhäva integrationsfördelarna med ISAC över ortogonala re-sursdelningsmetoder.I den andra delen av avhandlingen studerar vi energieffektivitetsaspek-terna av ISAC i cellfria massiva MIMO-system med användare med ultra-tillförlitlig låg-latens (URLLC) kommunikation. Vi föreslår en effektalloke-ringsalgoritm med syfte att maximera systemets energieffektivitet samtidigtsom kommunikations- och sensorskraven uppfylls. Vi utför en jämförande ana-lys mellan de föreslagna effektallokeringsalgoritmerna och ett URLLC-ensamttillvägagångssätt som tar hänsyn enbart till URLLC- och effektkrav. Resul-taten avslöjar att medan URLLC-ensamma algoritmen utmärker sig i energi-effektivitet, kan den inte stödja sensorskraven. Dessutom studerar vi effektenav ISAC på slut till slut (inklusive radios och bearbetning) energiförbruk-ning. Särskilt presenterar vi giga-operationer per sekund (GOPS) analys förbåde kommunikations- och sensorsuppgifter. Två optimeringsproblem formu-leras och löses för att minimera överförings- och slut till slut energi genomblocklängd- och effektoptimering. Resultaten indikerar att medan slut till slutenergiminimering erbjuder betydande energibesparingar, minskar dess effek-tivitet med sensorintegrationen på grund av bearbetningsenergikrav. / <p>QC 20240513</p>

Modulation of growth and gene transcription of metabolic routes for nitrogen and phytohormones in Polypogon australis plants, mediated by the supernatant of a cyanobacterial culture

Pontigo Gallardo, Darlyng Rossio 05 July 2024 (has links)
Überstände von Cyanobakterien sind ein vielversprechendes Produkt zur Förderung des Pflanzenwachstums, da sie alle Vorteile der freigesetzten bioaktiven Verbindungen, wie z. B. Phytohormone, enthalten, ohne die Zwänge der mikrobiellen Inokulationen. Es ist jedoch nur wenig darüber bekannt, wie Cyanobakterien die Reaktion der Pflanzen auf molekularer Ebene modulieren könnten. In dieser Studie wurde das in Chile heimische Gras Polypogon australis als Modell verwendet, um die Wirkung von Überständen aus Kulturen von sieben autochthonen Bodencyanobakterien zu untersuchen. Von diesen zeigten die Überstände der Kulturen von Trichormus sp. die beste wachstumsfördernde Wirkung auf P. australis. Die ICP-MS-Analyse ergab, dass die Überstände von Trichormus sp. eine ähnliche Nährstoffzusammensetzung aufwiesen wie das für das Wachstum der Cyanobakterien verwendete Medium BG-11, mit Ausnahme der Elemente P und Mn, die in der späten exponentiellen Phase der Kulturen verarmt waren. Dann wurden Überstände von Trichormus sp.-Kulturen, die in der späten exponentiellen Phase gesammelt wurden und die eine Menge von 32,7 pmol trans-Zeatin pro mg Chl-a enthielten, zur Bewertung der Reaktion von P. australis auf transkriptioneller Ebene verwendet. Ein BG-11-Medium, das frei von P und Mn war, wurde als Kontrolle verwendet. Ganzes Pflanzengewebe wurde 3 Stunden nach der Behandlung entnommen und für eine RNA-seq-Analyse verwendet. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Überstände von Trichormus sp. die Pflanzenreaktion hauptsächlich über die N- und Phytohormonwege modulierten, die in engem Zusammenhang mit dem C- und Lipidstoffwechsel stehen. Die behandelten Pflanzen wiesen 4 und 8 Tage nach der Anwendung größere Triebe auf als die Kontrollpflanzen, aber es wurden keine Unterschiede bei der Wurzellänge festgestellt. Dieser Phänotyp lässt sich durch die Induktion von Genen für die Gibberellin-Biosynthese in P. australis erklären, die durch andere Hormone wie Auxine, Brassinosteroide und Ethylen unterstützt wird. Andererseits wurde in mit P. australis behandelten Pflanzen eine induzierte systemische Resistenzreaktion beobachtet, die hauptsächlich durch einen Ethylen-Jasmonat-Crosstalk vermittelt wurde. Diese Arbeit unterstützt die Verwendung von Überständen als eine gute Option zur Förderung des Pflanzenwachstums.:Table of content Preliminary Page Resumen i Abstract ii Übersetzung iii DECLARATION ix 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Plant-growth promoting microorganisms 1 1.2. Soil cyanobacteria 2 1.3. Physiology of soil cyanobacteria 2 1.4. Cyanobacterial plant growth-promoting molecules 4 1.5. Plant response to bioactive compounds 6 1.6. Cyanobacterial supernatants 9 1.7. Polypogon australis as a plant study model 11 2. Methodology 13 2.1. Obtention of the cyanobacterial cultures 13 2.2. Supernatant collection from the cyanobacterial cultures 14 2.3. Cyanobacterial biomass quantification 15 2.3.1. Chlorophyll-a content 15 2.3.2. Biomass dry weight 15 2.3.3. Determination of the growth phases 15 2.4. Chemical characterization of the supernatants 16 2.4.1. Nitrate content 16 2.4.2. Total element content 16 2.4.3. Zeatin content 16 2.5. Preparation of the modified BG-11 medium (BG-11M medium) 17 2.6. Bioassays with cyanobacterial supernatants 18 2.6.1. Effect of supernatants of the 25 mL cultures on P. australis germination 18 2.6.2. Effect of supernatants of the 25 mL cultures on P. australis plants 18 2.6.3. Effect of supernatants of the 2,400 mL cultures on P. australis plants 19 2.7. Statistical analysis 19 2.8. Determination of transcriptional changes in P. australis. 20 2.8.1. Plant treatments and tissue collection 20 2.8.2. Total RNA extraction from plant tissue 20 2.8.3. DNA removal 20 2.8.4. mRNA sequencing, de novo assembly, and differential expression analysis 21 2.8.5. Contig annotation and functional classification 22 3. Results 24 3.1. Trichormus sp. cultures produce the highest biomass content 24 3.2. Trichormus sp. cultures have a low P content 25 3.3. Trichormus sp. supernatants have the best growth-promoting effect on the growth of P. australis 25 3.4. Supernatant nutrient content of Trichormus sp. cultures change through the growth phases 27 3.5. Supernatants used in the transcriptomic assay and BG-11M medium have a lower nutrient content than BG-11 medium 30 3.6. Trichormus sp. supernatants promote the growth of P. australis to a greater extent than the BG-11M medium 32 3.7. Trichormus sp. supernatants contain zeatin 33 3.8. Trichormus sp. supernatants modulated more P. australis genes than the BG-11M medium 34 3.9. Trichormus sp. supernatants regulate the gene expression of growth and defense responses in P. australis 37 4. Discussion 57 4.1. The plant-growth promoting effect of Thrichormus sp. supernatants 57 4.2. The role of P and Mn in the growth-promoting effect of Trichormus sp. supernatants 58 4.3. Modulation of P. australis N-metabolism by Trichormus sp. supernatants 59 4.4. P. australis nitrogen and carbon metabolism in response to Trichormus supernatants 63 4.5. P. australis phytohormone-metabolism modulated by Trichormus supernatants 64 4.6. The role of lipid metabolism in the response to Trichormus supernatants 67 4.7. P. australis defense response triggered by Trichormus supernatants 68 4.8. Phytohormone crosstalk and defense response in P. australis treated with Trichormus sp. supernatants 71 4.9. Perspectives and challenges for the biotechnological use of Trichormus sp. supernatants 73 5. Conclusion 76 Bibliographic references 77 Annexes 116 / Cyanobacterial supernatants are a promising plant growth-promoting product since they contain all the advantages of the released bioactive compounds, such as phytohormones, without the constraints of microbial inoculations. However, little is known about how cyanobacteria could modulate the plant response at a molecular level. In this research, the Chilean native grass, Polypogon australis, was used as a model for assaying the effect of supernatants obtained from cultures of seven autochthonous soil cyanobacteria. Of them, supernatants of Trichormus sp. cultures showed the best growth-promoting effects on P. australis. Analysis by ICP-MS showed that Trichormus sp. supernatants had a similar nutrient composition to the medium used for the cyanobacteria growth, BG-11, except for the elements P and Mn, which were depleted when the late exponential phase of the cultures was reached. Then, supernatants of Trichormus sp. cultures collected in the late exponential phase, which contained an amount of 32.7 pmol of trans-zeatin per mg of Chl-a, were employed for evaluating the P. australis response at a transcriptional level. A BG-11 medium free of P and Mn was utilized as a control. Whole plant tissue was collected 3 h-post treatment and used for an RNA-seq analysis. Results showed that Trichormus sp. supernatants modulated the plant response mainly by the N and phytohormones pathways, in close relation with C and lipid metabolism. Treated plants showed larger shoots than control plants 4 and 8 days after application, but no differences were observed in root length. This phenotype can be explained by the induction in P. australis of gibberellin biosynthesis genes, supported by other hormones such as auxins, brassinosteroids, and ethylene. On the other hand, an induced systemic resistance response was observed in P. australis-treated plants, mostly mediated by an ethylene-jasmonate crosstalk. This work supports the use of supernatants as a good plant growth-promoting option.:Table of content Preliminary Page Resumen i Abstract ii Übersetzung iii DECLARATION ix 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Plant-growth promoting microorganisms 1 1.2. Soil cyanobacteria 2 1.3. Physiology of soil cyanobacteria 2 1.4. Cyanobacterial plant growth-promoting molecules 4 1.5. Plant response to bioactive compounds 6 1.6. Cyanobacterial supernatants 9 1.7. Polypogon australis as a plant study model 11 2. Methodology 13 2.1. Obtention of the cyanobacterial cultures 13 2.2. Supernatant collection from the cyanobacterial cultures 14 2.3. Cyanobacterial biomass quantification 15 2.3.1. Chlorophyll-a content 15 2.3.2. Biomass dry weight 15 2.3.3. Determination of the growth phases 15 2.4. Chemical characterization of the supernatants 16 2.4.1. Nitrate content 16 2.4.2. Total element content 16 2.4.3. Zeatin content 16 2.5. Preparation of the modified BG-11 medium (BG-11M medium) 17 2.6. Bioassays with cyanobacterial supernatants 18 2.6.1. Effect of supernatants of the 25 mL cultures on P. australis germination 18 2.6.2. Effect of supernatants of the 25 mL cultures on P. australis plants 18 2.6.3. Effect of supernatants of the 2,400 mL cultures on P. australis plants 19 2.7. Statistical analysis 19 2.8. Determination of transcriptional changes in P. australis. 20 2.8.1. Plant treatments and tissue collection 20 2.8.2. Total RNA extraction from plant tissue 20 2.8.3. DNA removal 20 2.8.4. mRNA sequencing, de novo assembly, and differential expression analysis 21 2.8.5. Contig annotation and functional classification 22 3. Results 24 3.1. Trichormus sp. cultures produce the highest biomass content 24 3.2. Trichormus sp. cultures have a low P content 25 3.3. Trichormus sp. supernatants have the best growth-promoting effect on the growth of P. australis 25 3.4. Supernatant nutrient content of Trichormus sp. cultures change through the growth phases 27 3.5. Supernatants used in the transcriptomic assay and BG-11M medium have a lower nutrient content than BG-11 medium 30 3.6. Trichormus sp. supernatants promote the growth of P. australis to a greater extent than the BG-11M medium 32 3.7. Trichormus sp. supernatants contain zeatin 33 3.8. Trichormus sp. supernatants modulated more P. australis genes than the BG-11M medium 34 3.9. Trichormus sp. supernatants regulate the gene expression of growth and defense responses in P. australis 37 4. Discussion 57 4.1. The plant-growth promoting effect of Thrichormus sp. supernatants 57 4.2. The role of P and Mn in the growth-promoting effect of Trichormus sp. supernatants 58 4.3. Modulation of P. australis N-metabolism by Trichormus sp. supernatants 59 4.4. P. australis nitrogen and carbon metabolism in response to Trichormus supernatants 63 4.5. P. australis phytohormone-metabolism modulated by Trichormus supernatants 64 4.6. The role of lipid metabolism in the response to Trichormus supernatants 67 4.7. P. australis defense response triggered by Trichormus supernatants 68 4.8. Phytohormone crosstalk and defense response in P. australis treated with Trichormus sp. supernatants 71 4.9. Perspectives and challenges for the biotechnological use of Trichormus sp. supernatants 73 5. Conclusion 76 Bibliographic references 77 Annexes 116 / Los sobrenadantes de cianobacterias son prometedores productos promotores del crecimiento vegetal, pues contienen todas las ventajas de los compuestos bioactivos liberados, como fitohormonas, sin las limitaciones de las inoculaciones microbianas. Lamentablemente, poco se sabe sobre cómo las cianobacterias modularían la respuesta de las plantas a nivel molecular. En esta investigación, se utilizó la gramínea nativa chilena Polypogon australis como modelo para evaluar el efecto de sobrenadantes de cultivos de siete cianobacterias autóctonas de suelo. Los sobrenadantes de Trichormus sp. mostraron mejores efectos promotores del crecimiento de P. australis. Análisis mediante ICP-MS evidenciaron que estos sobrenadantes tenían un contenido nutricional similar al medio de crecimiento de las cianobacterias, BG-11, excepto por los elementos P y Mn, que se agotaron al alcanzarse la fase exponencial tardía de los cultivos. Para evaluar la respuesta de P. australis a nivel transcripcional, se emplearon sobrenadantes colectados en fase exponencial tardía de cultivos de Trichormus sp., que contenían una cantidad de 32,7 pmol de trans-zeatina por mg de Chl-a. Un medio BG-11 libre de P y Mn se utilizó como control. Tres horas después del tratamiento se recogió tejido de plantas completas y se le hizo un análisis de RNA-seq. Como resultado, los sobrenadantes principalmente modularon las vías de N y fitohormonas de la planta, en estrecha relación con los metabolismos de C y lípidos. Las plantas tratadas mostraron brotes más grandes que las plantas control, 4 y 8 días después de la aplicación, pero no se observaron diferencias en la longitud radicular. Este fenotipo puede explicarse por la inducción de biosíntesis de giberelina, apoyada por otras hormonas como auxinas, brasinoesteroides y etileno. Además, se observó una inducción de resistencia sistémica en las plantas tratadas, mediada por una interacción etileno-jasmonatos. Este trabajo corrobora el uso de sobrenadantes como una buena opción para promover el crecimiento de las plantas.:Table of content Preliminary Page Resumen i Abstract ii Übersetzung iii DECLARATION ix 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Plant-growth promoting microorganisms 1 1.2. Soil cyanobacteria 2 1.3. Physiology of soil cyanobacteria 2 1.4. Cyanobacterial plant growth-promoting molecules 4 1.5. Plant response to bioactive compounds 6 1.6. Cyanobacterial supernatants 9 1.7. Polypogon australis as a plant study model 11 2. Methodology 13 2.1. Obtention of the cyanobacterial cultures 13 2.2. Supernatant collection from the cyanobacterial cultures 14 2.3. Cyanobacterial biomass quantification 15 2.3.1. Chlorophyll-a content 15 2.3.2. Biomass dry weight 15 2.3.3. Determination of the growth phases 15 2.4. Chemical characterization of the supernatants 16 2.4.1. Nitrate content 16 2.4.2. Total element content 16 2.4.3. Zeatin content 16 2.5. Preparation of the modified BG-11 medium (BG-11M medium) 17 2.6. Bioassays with cyanobacterial supernatants 18 2.6.1. Effect of supernatants of the 25 mL cultures on P. australis germination 18 2.6.2. Effect of supernatants of the 25 mL cultures on P. australis plants 18 2.6.3. Effect of supernatants of the 2,400 mL cultures on P. australis plants 19 2.7. Statistical analysis 19 2.8. Determination of transcriptional changes in P. australis. 20 2.8.1. Plant treatments and tissue collection 20 2.8.2. Total RNA extraction from plant tissue 20 2.8.3. DNA removal 20 2.8.4. mRNA sequencing, de novo assembly, and differential expression analysis 21 2.8.5. Contig annotation and functional classification 22 3. Results 24 3.1. Trichormus sp. cultures produce the highest biomass content 24 3.2. Trichormus sp. cultures have a low P content 25 3.3. Trichormus sp. supernatants have the best growth-promoting effect on the growth of P. australis 25 3.4. Supernatant nutrient content of Trichormus sp. cultures change through the growth phases 27 3.5. Supernatants used in the transcriptomic assay and BG-11M medium have a lower nutrient content than BG-11 medium 30 3.6. Trichormus sp. supernatants promote the growth of P. australis to a greater extent than the BG-11M medium 32 3.7. Trichormus sp. supernatants contain zeatin 33 3.8. Trichormus sp. supernatants modulated more P. australis genes than the BG-11M medium 34 3.9. Trichormus sp. supernatants regulate the gene expression of growth and defense responses in P. australis 37 4. Discussion 57 4.1. The plant-growth promoting effect of Thrichormus sp. supernatants 57 4.2. The role of P and Mn in the growth-promoting effect of Trichormus sp. supernatants 58 4.3. Modulation of P. australis N-metabolism by Trichormus sp. supernatants 59 4.4. P. australis nitrogen and carbon metabolism in response to Trichormus supernatants 63 4.5. P. australis phytohormone-metabolism modulated by Trichormus supernatants 64 4.6. The role of lipid metabolism in the response to Trichormus supernatants 67 4.7. P. australis defense response triggered by Trichormus supernatants 68 4.8. Phytohormone crosstalk and defense response in P. australis treated with Trichormus sp. supernatants 71 4.9. Perspectives and challenges for the biotechnological use of Trichormus sp. supernatants 73 5. Conclusion 76 Bibliographic references 77 Annexes 116

Optimalizace metodiky pro stanovení volné nádorové DNA v plazmě a její klinické využití u pacientů s karcinomy kolorekta, plic a slinivky břišní / Optimization of proces for detection of free tumor DNA in plasma and its clinical utility for colorectal cancer, lung cancer and pancreatic cancer patients

Belšánová, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
In current days, examination of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) finds new use across different cancers. It is directed at tumor-derived short fragments of DNA present in peripheral blood of patiens (mainly in advanced stages). Due to its minimal invasivity, almost 100 % specificity and relatively high sensitivity in stage IV patients, this approch found its main potential clinical utility especially in early detection of disease relapse or progression after tumor resection (i.e. post-operative follow-up), prediction and monitoring of therapy response and estimation of prognosis. As a result of minute levels of ctDNA on a high background of other non-tumor DNA fragments present in plasma, a suitable method exhibiting highest sensitivity is the key for proper detection of this marker. The approach is predominantly based on initial identification of a mutation in tumor tissue and its subsequent detection in plasma. The present work is aimed at optimization of ctDNA isolation and method of its detection based on PCR amplification followed by heteroduplex analysis by denaturing capillary electrophoresis (DCE) to achieve highest sensitivity for detection of mutated fraction in plasma sample. I have applied the optimized protocol to examine ctDNA in three types of cancers, namely colorectal cancer (122...

In vitro polyketide biocatalysis : triketide building-blocks and enzymology

Harper, Andrew David 08 October 2013 (has links)
Polyketide products are useful compounds to research and industry but can be difficult to access due to their richness in stereogenic centers. Type I polyketide synthases offer unique engineering opportunities to access natural stereocontrol and resultant complex compounds. The development of a controlled in vitro platform based around type I polyketide synthases is described. It has been used to produce a small library of polyketide fragments on an unprecedented and synthetically-relevant scale and explore polyketide synthase enzymology. / text

Development of a wheat germ cell-free expression system for the production, the purification and the structural and functional characterization of eukaryotic membrane proteins : application to the preparation of hepatitis C viral proteins / Développement d'un système d'expression acellulaire à base d'extrait de germe de blé pour la production, la purification et la caractérisation structurale et fonctionnelle de protéines membranaires eucaryotes : application à la préparation des protéines du virus de l'hépatite C

Fogeron, Marie-Laure 30 June 2015 (has links)
Alors que 30% du génome code pour des protéines membranaires, moins de 3% des structures protéiques dans la Protein Data Bank correspondent à ces protéines. En raison de leur nature hydrophobe, les protéines membranaires sont en effet très difficiles à produire dans des systèmes d'expression classique en cellules, notamment en bactéries. L'étude structurale des protéines membranaires du virus de l'hépatite C (VHC) sous forme entière et native a donc été pendant longtemps entravée. Le VHC est un virus à ARN positif dont le complexe de réplication est basé sur un réarrangement spécifique des membranes induit par l'action concertée de plusieurs protéines non structurales du virus dont NS2, NS4B et NS5A. La structure tridimensionnelle et le rôle de ces protéines dans la réplication virale sont encore mal connus. Pour surmonter les limitations qui empêchent leurs études structurales et fonctionnelles, un système d'expression acellulaire à base d'extrait de germe de blé a été développé avec succès, permettant la production des protéines NS2, NS4B et NS5A entières directement sous une forme solubilisée en présence de détergent. Ces protéines membranaires sont produites et purifiées par chromatographie d'affinité dans des quantités de l'ordre du milligramme. Des analyses par filtration sur gel indiquent que les échantillons obtenus sont homogènes. De plus, des analyses structurales par dichroïsme circulaire montrent que les protéines produites dans ce système sont bien repliées. Leur reconstitution dans des lipides est en cours d'optimisation. Le but ultime est en effet de déterminer leur structure par RMN du solide dans un environnement lipidique mimant l'environnement natif / While 30% of the genome encodes for membrane proteins, less than 3% of protein structures in the Protein Data Bank correspond to such proteins. Due to their hydrophobic nature, membrane proteins are indeed notoriously difficult to express in classical cell-based protein expression systems. The structural study of the membrane proteins of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in their full-length and native form has therefore been for long time hampered. HCV is a positive-strand RNA virus building its replication complex on a specific membrane rearrangement (membranous web), which serves as a scaffold for the HCV replicase, and is induced by the concerted action of several HCV non-structural proteins including NS2, NS4B and NSSA. The knowledge of the three- dimensional structure of these proteins and their role in virus replication is still limited. To overcome the limitations that prevent the structural and functional studies of these proteins, a wheat germ cell-free protein expression system has been developed. A production protocol was designed which allows us to directly obtain membrane proteins in a soluble form by adding detergent during the in vitro protein synthesis. A large number of mainly viral proteins were successfully expressed, and full protocols were developed for the full-length NS2, NS4B and NSSA proteins. These membrane proteins were produced and purified by affinity chromatography using a Strep-tag II in the milligram range. These protein samples are homogenous, as shown by gel filtration analysis. Moreover, structural analyses by circular dichroism showed that the proteins produced in the wheat germ cell-free system are well folded. Reconstitution of these proteins in lipids is currently under optimization. The ultimate goal is to determine their structure by solid-state NMR in a native-like membrane lipids environment

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