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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Centro(s) e periferia(s) na produção do conhecimento em genética humana e médica: um olhar a partir do Brasil / Center(s) and periphery(s) in the knowledge production in human and medical genetics

Mariana Toledo Ferreira 30 August 2018 (has links)
A tese aborda diferentes dimensões da relação entre centros e periferias na produção, circulação e legitimação do conhecimento, a partir de um estudo de caso que se debruça sobre a área da genética humana e médica no Brasil. Busca-se discutir as razões, estratégias, contingências e constrições das colaborações internacionais realizadas pelas(os) pesquisadoras(es) brasileiras(os) em um contexto disciplinar percebido como estruturalmente desigual. Trata-se de explorar as potencialidades do estudo de caso para a identificação em termos mais específicos de fatores e processos que têm sido descritos de modo generalizante nos discursos contemporâneos sobre a internacionalização da ciência e a transformação dos modos de produção de conhecimento científico. Para tanto, foi feito um trabalho de campo que compreendeu a seleção de uma amostra de pesquisadoras(es) da genética humana e médica no Brasil, que levou à identificação dos programas de pós-graduação de excelência na área, localizados em quatro universidades públicas: Universidade de São Paulo campus Ribeirão Preto; Universidade Estadual de Campinas; Universidade Federal do Pará; e Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Essa seleção baseou-se na Avaliação Trienal da Capes 2010-2012 (que eram os dados mais recentes disponíveis quando do desenho da pesquisa). Foram então realizadas 46 entrevistas semiestruturadas com pesquisadoras(es) pertencentes às instituições em que esses Programas estão sediados, a grande maioria delas realizada in loco, para cuja análise foi utilizado o programa Atlas Ti. A exploração desse material, devidamente localizado no contexto histórico do desenvolvimento da área no país, permitiu analisar as representações das(os) pesquisadoras(es) em termos de estratégias negociadas e renegociadas no cotidiano das colaborações nacionais e internacionais e a constituição das agendas de pesquisa, simultaneamente em consonância e em tensão com os padrões e parâmetros do que se convencionou chamar de ciência internacional. Os dados balizam a discussão sobre as possibilidades de reconhecimento da pesquisa em genética humana e médica realizada por brasileiras(os), que explora as tensões entre o local e o internacional, considerando os aspectos que marcam as formas contemporâneas de competição no interior de atividade científica em um campo disciplinar específico. A análise revela a pluralidade das relações entre centros e periferias, em dinâmicas sociais que transformam e recriam desigualdades nacionais, regionais e globais no campo contemporâneo da produção de conhecimento em genética humana e médica. / This doctoral dissertation deals with different dimensions of the relation between centres and peripheries in the production, circulation and legitimation of knowledge, departing from a case study looking at human and medical Genetics in Brazil. Its aims are to discuss the reasons, strategies, contingencies and constrictions of international collaborations taken through by Brazilian researchers in a disciplinary context perceived as structurally unequal. Thus it is about exploring the potentialities of this case study to identify under more specific terms the factors and processes that have been hitherto described in a generalizing manner throughout contemporary discourses on internationalization of science and the transformation of the modes of production of scientific knowledge. To achieve this, a fieldwork has been taken through, comprehending the selection of a sample of researchers in the field of human and medical Genetics in Brazil, therefore leading to the identification of graduate programmes of excellence, located in four public research universities: Universidade de São Paulo campus Ribeirão Preto; Universidade Estadual de Campinas; Universidade Federal do Pará, and Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. This selection based itself upon the 2010- 2012 Triennial Evaluation Process of Capes (which were the most recent data available at the moment when the research happened to be designed). After this first preparatory step, 46 semi-structured interviews were held with researchers belonging to the institutions hosting these programmes, the most part of them in loco, after which the software Atlas Ti was used to analyse them. Exploring this material, duly situated in the historical context of the areas development in Brazil, allowed to analyse the representations of these researchers in terms of the strategies employed to negotiate and renegotiate in everyday national as well as international collaborations, alongside the constitution of research agendas, all of them simultaneously in consonance and tension regarding patterns and parameters of what has been agreed upon to receive the name of international science. This data appears as a yardstick to evaluate the discussion concerning the possibilities of recognizing research in human and medical Genetics performed by Brazilian researchers, examining tensions between the local and the international, taking into consideration the aspects that characterize contemporary forms of competition among scientific activity in a specific disciplinary field. The investigation and concurrent analysis reveal the plurality of relations between centres and peripheries, paying special attention to social dynamics that produce and recreate national, regional and global inequalities in the contemporary field of knowledge production in human and medical genetics.

Bíos e Techné : estudo sobre a construção do sistema de biotecnologia periférico / Bíos and Techné: study on the construction of the system peripheral biotechnology

Neves, Fabrício Monteiro January 2009 (has links)
Esta tese trata, de forma ampla, da relação ciência e sociedade. Especificamente procura compreender o processo de construção do sistema biotecnológico em face do contexto ao qual está relacionado. A argumentação teórica estrutura-se em torno de questões levantadas pelos estudos sociais da ciência e tecnologia, e tem como marco teórico a teoria dos sistemas sociais de Niklas Luhmann, que parte da diferença sistema/entorno para compreender a relação ciência e sociedade. A questão levantada refere-se à estrutura de reprodução da ciência contemporânea e sua relação com o entorno. A hipótese argumenta que a estrutura do sistema biotecnológico sofreu uma mudança, da reprodução baseada na "verdade" à reprodução baseada no "funcionamento". Esta última forma de reprodução emerge em função das perturbações do entorno da ciência, principalmente em função do contexto caracterizado por exigências tecnológicas. Vinculadas a tais exigências estão ainda exigências de aplicação, legalidade, lucratividade, segurança, inovação. A pesquisa utilizou entrevista semi-estruturada com líderes de grupos de pesquisa em biotecnologia em seis estados da federação, e pesquisa documental, como métodos de coleta de dados, e utilizou técnicas qualitativas de análise, especificamente, a análise de conteúdo temática. De maneira mais específica, a investigação localiza-se na periferia do sistema global de ciência e tecnologia, e apresenta como a diferenciação centro/periferia também incide na reprodução do sistema biotecnológico. Para tanto, constrói-se o conceito de regime de produção de conhecimento, um regime de perturbações recíprocas entre sistemas, limitado pelas configurações institucionais dos Estados nacionais. Tal regime, no Brasil, foi caracterizado pelos sistemas do direito, da economia, da política e da ciência, e as perturbações dos três primeiros na biotecnologia é o que se investiga nesta pesquisa. Conclui-se que a pesquisa biotecnológica produz um outro tipo de verdade, a saber, a verdade eficaz. / This thesis deals with the relationship between science and society. It particularly seeks to understand the process of construction of biotechnology and its context. Beyond this, it searches to link biotechnology research to the global society and to the specific context of peripheral science The theoretical argument is structured around issues raised by social studies of science and technology, and uses the theoretical framework of the theory of social systems of Niklas Luhmann, who considered the difference system / environment to understand the relationship between science and society. The main question raised refers to the structure of the reproduction of contemporary science and its relation with the environment. Therefore, our hypothesis argues that the structure of the biotechnology has changed from a reproduction based on "truth" to a reproduction based on "operation". The latter form of reproduction emerges in the light of disturbances around the science, especialy in a context characterized by technological requirements. Besides theses, there are requirements for application, legality, profitability, safety and innovation. This research was conducted using semi-structured interviews with leaders of biotechnology research groups from six brazilian states. Besides, a documentary research was conducted and a thematic content analysis was performed. Particularly, this research is located at the periphery of the global system of science and technology, and presents how the differentiation center/periphery also affects the reproductive system of biotechnology. In this sense, we construct the concept of knowledge production regime, a regime of mutual disturbances between systems, which is limited by the institutional configurations of national states. In Brazil, such regime was characterized by systems of law, economy, policy and science. This research has focused on the disturbance of the first three on biotechnology. It is concluded that research biotechnology produces another kind of truth, namely truth effectively.

La réprésentation du Néguev dans le discours public en Israël : de la conquête du désert au développement durable / The representation of the Negev in the public discourse in Israel : from the conquest of the desert to sustainable development

Derimian, Ilanit 05 July 2014 (has links)
Le désert du Néguev est communément considéré comme une zone « périphérique » de nature sauvage en Israël. Il occupe cependant une position stratégique, essentielle à l’existence du « Centre ». Cette région est dotée d’une forte valeur symbolique, positive et négative à la fois. Perçu comme un espace spirituel dans lequel s’est constitué le peuple, il est aussi assimilé à l’exil en tant que lieu de désolation menaçant sa survie. Depuis les années 1920, la tendance était à sa conquête et à sa fertilisation. En revanche, depuis les années 1980, on insiste davantage sur son développement dans le respect des valeurs écologiques et dans le souci de préserver sa nature sauvage.La recherche est située dans le domaine de l’observation écocritique, qui examine les relations entre l’homme et son environnement à l’ère postcoloniale. C’est dans ce cadre qu’a été étudié l’impact d’une série d’oppositions hiérarchisées telles que culture vs nature, développement vs préservation, centre vs périphérie.Les représentations du désert dans le discours public ont été examinées à la lumière de ces oppositions, depuis les années 1940 à ce jour, par l’analyse de divers supports : les médias (presse, télévision et internet), les programmes de développement fixés par l’Etat et la littérature hébraïque. La recherche ainsi menée vise à montrer comment la dévalorisation du collectivisme dans la société israélienne, sur fond de mondialisation, a renforcé le potentiel d’influence des groupes sociaux sur la construction de l’identité spatiale du Néguev. / The Negev desert occupies most of the territory of the State of Israel, having a strategic importance for the existence of the "center" and at the same time it is considered as a natural wild “periphery”. This region has a symbolic value with different charges, positive and negative. It is considered as a spiritual space where the Hebrew people were constituted, but it is also associated with the exile which threatens the continuation of the nation existence. Since the 1920s, there was a tendency to "conquer" the desert and "flourish" it. Nevertheless, since the 1980s, the tendency is to develop it according to ecological values, while preserving its natural character. The research is situated in the field of ecocriticism, which examines the relationship between man and his environment in the postcolonial era. It is in this framework that the impact of hierarchical oppositions, including culture versus nature, development versus conservation and center versus periphery, are being studied. The representations of the desert in the public discourse are examined in the light of these oppositions, since the 1940s to the present, through texts analysis of: the media (press, television and internet); development programs established by the State; and Hebrew literature. The study shows how as a result of the decline in the status of collectivism in Israeli society, as part of globalization processes, increases the ability of social groups to influence the construction of spatial identity of the Negev desert.

Bíos e Techné : estudo sobre a construção do sistema de biotecnologia periférico / Bíos and Techné: study on the construction of the system peripheral biotechnology

Neves, Fabrício Monteiro January 2009 (has links)
Esta tese trata, de forma ampla, da relação ciência e sociedade. Especificamente procura compreender o processo de construção do sistema biotecnológico em face do contexto ao qual está relacionado. A argumentação teórica estrutura-se em torno de questões levantadas pelos estudos sociais da ciência e tecnologia, e tem como marco teórico a teoria dos sistemas sociais de Niklas Luhmann, que parte da diferença sistema/entorno para compreender a relação ciência e sociedade. A questão levantada refere-se à estrutura de reprodução da ciência contemporânea e sua relação com o entorno. A hipótese argumenta que a estrutura do sistema biotecnológico sofreu uma mudança, da reprodução baseada na "verdade" à reprodução baseada no "funcionamento". Esta última forma de reprodução emerge em função das perturbações do entorno da ciência, principalmente em função do contexto caracterizado por exigências tecnológicas. Vinculadas a tais exigências estão ainda exigências de aplicação, legalidade, lucratividade, segurança, inovação. A pesquisa utilizou entrevista semi-estruturada com líderes de grupos de pesquisa em biotecnologia em seis estados da federação, e pesquisa documental, como métodos de coleta de dados, e utilizou técnicas qualitativas de análise, especificamente, a análise de conteúdo temática. De maneira mais específica, a investigação localiza-se na periferia do sistema global de ciência e tecnologia, e apresenta como a diferenciação centro/periferia também incide na reprodução do sistema biotecnológico. Para tanto, constrói-se o conceito de regime de produção de conhecimento, um regime de perturbações recíprocas entre sistemas, limitado pelas configurações institucionais dos Estados nacionais. Tal regime, no Brasil, foi caracterizado pelos sistemas do direito, da economia, da política e da ciência, e as perturbações dos três primeiros na biotecnologia é o que se investiga nesta pesquisa. Conclui-se que a pesquisa biotecnológica produz um outro tipo de verdade, a saber, a verdade eficaz. / This thesis deals with the relationship between science and society. It particularly seeks to understand the process of construction of biotechnology and its context. Beyond this, it searches to link biotechnology research to the global society and to the specific context of peripheral science The theoretical argument is structured around issues raised by social studies of science and technology, and uses the theoretical framework of the theory of social systems of Niklas Luhmann, who considered the difference system / environment to understand the relationship between science and society. The main question raised refers to the structure of the reproduction of contemporary science and its relation with the environment. Therefore, our hypothesis argues that the structure of the biotechnology has changed from a reproduction based on "truth" to a reproduction based on "operation". The latter form of reproduction emerges in the light of disturbances around the science, especialy in a context characterized by technological requirements. Besides theses, there are requirements for application, legality, profitability, safety and innovation. This research was conducted using semi-structured interviews with leaders of biotechnology research groups from six brazilian states. Besides, a documentary research was conducted and a thematic content analysis was performed. Particularly, this research is located at the periphery of the global system of science and technology, and presents how the differentiation center/periphery also affects the reproductive system of biotechnology. In this sense, we construct the concept of knowledge production regime, a regime of mutual disturbances between systems, which is limited by the institutional configurations of national states. In Brazil, such regime was characterized by systems of law, economy, policy and science. This research has focused on the disturbance of the first three on biotechnology. It is concluded that research biotechnology produces another kind of truth, namely truth effectively.

Os obstáculos ao desenvolvimento na obra de Celso Furtado em dois momentos : a fase pré 64 e o milagre econômico

Bonafin, Téssio Roberto Rissi 19 September 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:14:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4734.pdf: 652337 bytes, checksum: aa542ef4b3cae153b5a090abb7540f69 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-19 / The purpose of the dissertation is to analyse the Brazilian development in the Twentieth Century beyond Celso Furtado work. The paper utilizes of two historical Brazilian moments, and the Cold War as a background, conditions that gave to Furtado the chance to create theories to explain the limits of development in peripheral nations, according the Center Periphery Theory, also in the dissertation. Divided two moments of analyses in the Brazilian history, the first one before the Military Coup in 1964, and the second in later years , we seek to know what Furtado positions in his work, in selected books. To answer the question, why Brazil, and other nations outside the Center, didn´t get, or don´t get a similar development as the countries considered rich, in Celso Furtado vision, is one of the goals of the research, among the future comparison of his arguments and theories in both historical periods. / O propósito da dissertação é fazer uma análise sobre o tema do desenvolvimento brasileiro no século XX sob a ótica da obra do pensador Celso Furtado. O trabalho se utiliza de dois momentos da história brasileira, e o pano de fundo temporal mundial da Guerra Fria, condições que propiciaram a Furtado a criação de teorias para explicar os limites do desenvolvimento de nações inseridas na periferia, de acordo com a Teoria Centro Periferia também abordada na dissertação. Divididos os períodos de análise em dois momentos históricos brasileiros, o primeiro antes do Golpe Militar de 1964, e o segundo nos anos posteriores, buscamos averiguar quais foram os posicionamentos de Furtado em sua obra, a partir de livros selecionados. Responder à questão do porquê o Brasil, e outras nações fora do Centro, não obtiveram, ou não obtém um desenvolvimento similar aos países considerados ricos na visão de Celso Furtado, é um dos objetivos do estudo, acompanhado pela futura comparação de seus argumentos e teorias nos dois períodos da história abordados.

Bíos e Techné : estudo sobre a construção do sistema de biotecnologia periférico / Bíos and Techné: study on the construction of the system peripheral biotechnology

Neves, Fabrício Monteiro January 2009 (has links)
Esta tese trata, de forma ampla, da relação ciência e sociedade. Especificamente procura compreender o processo de construção do sistema biotecnológico em face do contexto ao qual está relacionado. A argumentação teórica estrutura-se em torno de questões levantadas pelos estudos sociais da ciência e tecnologia, e tem como marco teórico a teoria dos sistemas sociais de Niklas Luhmann, que parte da diferença sistema/entorno para compreender a relação ciência e sociedade. A questão levantada refere-se à estrutura de reprodução da ciência contemporânea e sua relação com o entorno. A hipótese argumenta que a estrutura do sistema biotecnológico sofreu uma mudança, da reprodução baseada na "verdade" à reprodução baseada no "funcionamento". Esta última forma de reprodução emerge em função das perturbações do entorno da ciência, principalmente em função do contexto caracterizado por exigências tecnológicas. Vinculadas a tais exigências estão ainda exigências de aplicação, legalidade, lucratividade, segurança, inovação. A pesquisa utilizou entrevista semi-estruturada com líderes de grupos de pesquisa em biotecnologia em seis estados da federação, e pesquisa documental, como métodos de coleta de dados, e utilizou técnicas qualitativas de análise, especificamente, a análise de conteúdo temática. De maneira mais específica, a investigação localiza-se na periferia do sistema global de ciência e tecnologia, e apresenta como a diferenciação centro/periferia também incide na reprodução do sistema biotecnológico. Para tanto, constrói-se o conceito de regime de produção de conhecimento, um regime de perturbações recíprocas entre sistemas, limitado pelas configurações institucionais dos Estados nacionais. Tal regime, no Brasil, foi caracterizado pelos sistemas do direito, da economia, da política e da ciência, e as perturbações dos três primeiros na biotecnologia é o que se investiga nesta pesquisa. Conclui-se que a pesquisa biotecnológica produz um outro tipo de verdade, a saber, a verdade eficaz. / This thesis deals with the relationship between science and society. It particularly seeks to understand the process of construction of biotechnology and its context. Beyond this, it searches to link biotechnology research to the global society and to the specific context of peripheral science The theoretical argument is structured around issues raised by social studies of science and technology, and uses the theoretical framework of the theory of social systems of Niklas Luhmann, who considered the difference system / environment to understand the relationship between science and society. The main question raised refers to the structure of the reproduction of contemporary science and its relation with the environment. Therefore, our hypothesis argues that the structure of the biotechnology has changed from a reproduction based on "truth" to a reproduction based on "operation". The latter form of reproduction emerges in the light of disturbances around the science, especialy in a context characterized by technological requirements. Besides theses, there are requirements for application, legality, profitability, safety and innovation. This research was conducted using semi-structured interviews with leaders of biotechnology research groups from six brazilian states. Besides, a documentary research was conducted and a thematic content analysis was performed. Particularly, this research is located at the periphery of the global system of science and technology, and presents how the differentiation center/periphery also affects the reproductive system of biotechnology. In this sense, we construct the concept of knowledge production regime, a regime of mutual disturbances between systems, which is limited by the institutional configurations of national states. In Brazil, such regime was characterized by systems of law, economy, policy and science. This research has focused on the disturbance of the first three on biotechnology. It is concluded that research biotechnology produces another kind of truth, namely truth effectively.

Afrika v sféře zájmu velmocí: rozvoj a partnerství / Africa in the Attentiveness of Great Powers: Development and Partnership

Nalejvač, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the Master's thesis is to analyze the growing interest of the global economic system centers in the region of developing countries in sub-Saharan Africa with the account on weakening position of the West in relation to this region. The thesis will be structured into two sections. The first part will focus on the relationship between the West and countries of the African continent and the circumstances allowing not only the access of new challengers, but also alternative development models. In this respect the thesis will use the theoretical works of Adrian Leftwich and Claus Offe dealing with the issues of democratization and economic development and their mutual incompatibility. The second part of the thesis will analyze relations with these emerging, non-western power centers and their alternative development models. The research question of the thesis is formulated whether these alternative centers of the global economic system in the region of sub-Saharan Africa propagate their own conception of development models, with proclaimed respect for local conditions, as a challenger to the Western concept of development policy. The hypothesis assumes a certain degree of autonomy in case of developing countries in choosing "their" partner center. These centers are forced to offer certain...

Problematika referend v demokracii: srovnání skotského a katalánského případu / The concept of referendums in democracy: a comparison of the Scottish and Catalan models

Dudycha, Petr January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis called 'the concept of referendums in democracy: a comparison of the Scottish and Catalan models', deals with the question of referendum in democracy which is an instrument for countries to become independent. The referendum is correctly known as a constitutional referendum. This thesis also deals with the application of a constitutional referendum in the cases of Scotland and Catalonia. The main purpose of this research is to analyse the conduct of the Scottish and Catalan referendums for independence, both of which were held in the autumn of 2014. The paper looks to identify the similarities and differences between these two examples. Both cases are based on seven variables in the research of referendums: 1) constitutional framework for holding a referendum of independence, 2) identification of the basic political process leading to a referendum, 3) organizational-administrative regulation of a referendum, 4) issues during the referendum campaign, 5) opinion polls for the referendum, 6) results of the referendum and 7) predicted consequences of the referendum. The final purpose of this thesis is to assess how these two models reflect on the current constitutional practice in a democratic society.

Teritoriální štěpení: vývoj vztahů mezi kontinentální Francií a jejími zámořskými územími v jižním Tichomoří / Territorial cleavage: the development of relations between mainland France and its overseas territories in the Southern Pacific

Bodláková, Nina January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the development of relations between mainland France (center) and its peripheries, French Polynesia and New Caledonia, which are located in the South Pacific. The thesis aims at answering the following questions: which factors have played a role in the mobilization of the peripheral cultures against the dominant center? How has the center reacted to the peripheral mobilization and its demands? Why has the separatism become much stronger in New Caledonia than in French Polynesia? The thesis examines the historical, societal and political developments in French Polynesia and New Caledonia since the dawn of their colonization till the present day in order to respond to the stipulated questions.

俄羅斯中央與地方關係,1992~1999 / Russian Center-periphery Relations, 1992~1999

陳慶輝, Chen, Ching-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
俄羅斯聯邦是一個多民族國家,共有一百多個不同的民族生活在俄羅斯這塊土地上。這些少數民族有著自己的語言與文化,一有機會即想脫離俄羅斯獨立。尤其是車臣與韃靼斯坦這類文化差異較大的民族,一心渴望擁有自己主權。除了少數民族的獨立要求外,俄羅斯聯邦仍必須應付境內的地方主義聲浪。主要是因為俄羅斯的聯邦體制是由民族聯邦與區域聯邦結合而成的,境內有以民族為基礎的聯邦主體,同時也有以行政區域為劃分基礎的主體。 蘇聯晚期,俄羅斯總統葉爾欽為了與戈巴契夫爭權,喊出「你能夠拿多少主權就拿多少」的口號,各加盟共和國紛紛通過國家主權宣言,俄羅斯聯邦境內亦興起分離獨立氣氛。為了解決問題,葉爾欽於1992年3月與各聯邦主體分別簽署了3個聯邦條約,開始對中央與地方的權利義務關係作了說明。隨著政治情勢的變化,俄羅斯聯邦於1993年12月12日通過新憲法,明確的規範了中央與地方各自的權力,自此權力的行使有了依循的標準;1994年發生車臣戰爭,突顯出憲法無法解決所有問題,於是依據各主體需要簽訂的雙邊條約出現了,首先是俄韃條約,謂之「韃靼模式」。至此俄羅斯的聯邦體制大致完成。 俄羅斯聯邦體制的運作仍然存在許多問題,不論是在政治方面、經濟方面,甚或法律制度方面尚有不夠完善的地方。再加上地方主體的種類繁多,經濟條件、政治情況及文化取向差異甚大,影響著主體對聯邦關係的看法。因此要解決聯邦問題,就必須從制度上的缺陷及地方主體的態度來著手進行。 / Russian federation is a multi-national state, there are more than one hundred kinds of races. These minority races have their own culture and language, they desire to be independent from Russian federation, especially Chechenya and Tarstan. Besides independent demand, there still have localism in Russian federation. In Russian federation, there are two kinds of federal subject. One is ethno subject which based on races different from Russian, the other is territorial subject. Late years in Soviet Union, Russian president Yeltsin in order to struggle with Gorbachev, he said:“swallow what you can get”. Meanwhile, the Union Republics declare their sovereignty. The atmosphere in Russian federation is chaotic. To solve the problem, Yeltsin sighed three federal treaty with all subjects and define the right between center and subjects. Then 1993 passed the Russian Constitution, 1994 Chechen war exploded, that means constitution not suitable for every subject. Yeltsin decided to sign bilateral treaty with subjects, first one is Tartarstan Republic, called “Tartarstan Model”. Russian federal system still has several problems in politic, economic, and law, institution. Besides 89 subjects are so distinguished, their political condition, economic situation, culture are so different, all this affect their perception about federal relation.

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