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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Agile Transformation in the Automotive Industry : A Case Study of Volvo Trucks

Cao, Huan, Choudhary, Prithvijit January 2023 (has links)
The automotive industry has seen revolutionary changes in the past two decades. Vehicles are starting to incorporate within themselves a significant amount of electronic and software based components, due to which the industry has seen rapidly changing customer requirements. The traditional work processes that automotive companies have ever so often employed, with excessive documentation, inefficient work teams and redundant reporting have proven to be insufficient in the newer fast-paced environment. Agile project management methods, as the name suggests, could be a tool that these companies can utilise in order to tackle such concerns. Agile methods, until a few years ago, had constrained themselves to dynamic software development applications, but they are now slowly starting to penetrate the automotive sector. This study, hence, tries to identify the factors that contribute to an automotive organisation’s decision to transform itself into an Agile based organisation, the challenges they encounter during the change process and the subsequent impact they see post transformation.   This thesis takes the form of a case study that has been conducted within the Swedish commercial vehicle company Volvo Trucks, a subsidiary of AB Volvo. Empirics were gathered in the form of interviews and surveys to get a deeper understanding of the internal processes and the transformational journey that helped Volvo Trucks become an agile based organisation. The collected empirical data is then further interpreted through the lens of theories pertaining to change and change management. Our findings suggest that the need for a transformation from traditional methods of management to agile can be driven by forces that are both internal and external, where the forces can present themselves at the same time. The internal factors here being, the inherent dysfunctions of the traditional methods. Significant challenges faced during transformation are of an organisational nature, where a partially agile organisation struggles to coordinate between its agile and non-agile departments. Lastly, a boost in worker morale and operational advantages such as increased planning efficiency and project transparency have been seen as major benefits post transformation.

Digitalisering i socialtjänsten : Förändring och lärande i en organisation / Digitalisation in social services : change and learning in an organisation

Zetterlund, Louise January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats utgår från att förändring är kopplad till lärande, vilket i sin tur sker i relationer genom kommunikation. Studien bidrar till kunskap om organisatoriskt lärande och digitalisering inom socialtjänsten. Digitalisering är en förändring men kommer också att initiera förändring och skapa lärande i en organisation. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur ett digitalt verktyg kan användas som stöd i en lärande organisation. Metoden som används är semistrukturerade intervjuer och insamling av data med hjälp av ett digitalt verktyg. Studien visar att ett digitalt verktyg kan användas för att samla in den kunskap och de erfarenheter som gjorts i en organisation inom socialtjänsten. Den teoretiska ram som används är Scheins förändringsteori och en analysmodell som bygger på teman som förändring, lärande, drivkraft och digitalisering. Resultaten visar att för att få bästa effekt och ha möjlighet att skapa organisatoriskt lärande måste införandet av ett digitalt verktyg planeras och vara väl genomtänkt. Införandet måste förankras hos medarbetarna och medarbetarna måste få stöd under hela införandet och ges möjlighet att förstå varför verktyget ska användas och hur. Det är viktigt att den person som ställer frågor i ett digitalt verktyg också ger feedback till respondenterna och tydligt visar vilket värde svaren har för hela organisationen. Begränsningarna med studien är att den endast genomfördes i en organisation under speciella förutsättningar. / This essay assumes that change is linked to learning, which in turn takes place in relationships through communication. The study contributes to knowledge about organizational learning and digitalization in social services. Digitalisation is a change but will also initialize change and create learning in an organisation. The purpose of the study is to find out how a digital tool can be used for support in a learning organisation. The method used are semi-structured interviews and collection of data by a digital tool. The research indicates that a digital tool can be used to collect the knowledge and experiences made in an social service organisation. The theoretical frame that are used is Schein's theory of change and an analytical model based on the themes of change, learning, drive and digitalisation. The results indicate that in order to have the best effect and have the opportunity to create organisational learning, the introduction of a digital tool must be planned and well thought out. The introduction needs to be anchored in the employees and the employees need to be supported throughout the introduction and given the opportunity to understand why the tool should be used and how. It is important that the person who asks questions in a digital tool also provides feedback to the respondents and clearly shows the value of the answers for the entire organisation. The limitations of the study are that it was only conducted in one organisation with special conditions.

Möjligheter och lösningar för återbruk : En studie om avfallsminimering vid hyresgästanpassningar av kontor / Opportunities and solutions for reuse

Butrs, Mikaela, Fasih, Moa January 2020 (has links)
Idag står byggsektorn bakom en tredjedel av allt avfall som genereras i Sverige. Under lokalanpassningar går en stor del av fungerande komponenter till avfall. Det behövs därför byggas på ett mer resurseffektivt sätt och för att minska avfallet samt undvika utvinning från jungfruliga resurser kan man arbeta med återbruk. Studiens syfte är att föreslå ett arbetssätt med återbruk vid renoveringar och lokalanpassningar som stärker samarbetet mellan fastighetsbolag och andra nyckelaktörer, framförallt med hyresgästen. För att uppfylla syftet undersöktes utmaningarna med återbruk i den kommersiella fastighetssektorn, därefter föreslogs lösningar och incitament för implementering av återbruk i lokalanpassningsprojekt. Vidare har frågeställningarna besvarats genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie där intervjuer hölls med olika personer inom fastighetsbranschen, hyresgäster samt experter inom ämnet. Studiens resultat visar att de flesta aktörerna på marknaden upplever att både ekonomiska och sociala barriärer behöver tacklas för att driva fram återbruksarbetet i bygg- och fastighetsbranschen. Motståndet mot förändring orsakas av ett negativt mindset samt brist på aktörer och företagsidéer som kan främja återbruk. Flera respondenter ansåg även att återbruk leder till ökade projektkostnader. Däremot kan diverse åtgärder och strategier tillämpas för att effektivisera återbruksarbetet. Några exempel är att utföra tidigare inventeringar, sätta upp gemensamma mål, utbildningsmöjligheter samt incitament till andra aktörer. Dessutom visar resultatet att hyresgästen är samarbetsvillig i återbruksfrågan men att det i sådana fall krävs en tydlig diskussion från start, en gemensam målbild samt incitament i form av exempelvis nyckeltal. Däremot argumenterade flera hyresgäster för en kompensation i hyra om de väljer återbrukad inredning eller material. Det innebär att en återbrukspotential finns men att förändringar behöver ske på samhällsnivå för att stödja fastighetsbolagens återbruksarbete. Till exempel kan kommunen och staten öka kunskapen i branschen genom att införa olika incitament samt främja innovativa och hållbara företagsidéer. Sådana insatser på bolagsnivå samt statlig och kommunal nivå leder på sikt till att återbruk blir ett hållbart och lönsamt alternativ. Några rekommendationer är att fastighetsbolag sätter en tydlig definition av återbruk och att man fastställer en viss procentsats på hur mycket av lokalen som ska återbrukas. Vidare kan fastighetbolag utse en återbruksansvarig eller skapa en intern återbruksavdelning som hanterar återbruksarbetet och driver frågan inom organisationen. Dessutom borde fastighetsbolag införa en intern inventeringsapp för att underlätta framtida inventeringar. Inventeringar av lokaler borde ske stegvis för att kunna skapa en intern databas där material och produkter är kategoriserade efter hur de ska hanteras. En fördel är även att implementera BIM, där information om befintliga material och produkter kan lagras. / The construction sector accounts for one third of the waste that is generated in Sweden. During office adaptations, a lot of functioning components end up as waste. The commercial real estate sector needs to build in a more resource efficient way, furthermore, reuse is the most effective alternative to minimize resources and it avoids extraction of virgin materials. The aim of the study is to propose a way to work with reuse in renovations and office adaptations that also improves the cooperation between real estate companies and key stakeholders, especially with the tenant. In order to achieve this purpose, challenges with reuse in the commercial real estate sector were examined and solutions and incentives were later suggested. Furthermore, a qualitative interview study was conducted in order to answer the study’s research questions. Interviews were held with people within the real estate sector, tenants as well as researchers. The findings of the study indicate that most stakeholders believe that both social and economic barriers must be overcome in order to facilitate reuse in the construction and real estate sector. The resistance of change is caused by, among other things, a negative mindset and lack of stakeholders and business ideas that can promote reuse. Several respondents also believed that reuse leads to increased project costs. However, numerous measures and strategies can be used to solve these problems. Some examples are, inventories at an early stage, common goals, educational opportunities and incentives to other stakeholders. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that the tenants are willing to cooperate. However, it requires a clear discussion from start, a common target and incentives, such as key performance indicators. On the other hand, many respondents argued for a compensation in rent. Therefore, a reuse potential does exist, but it requires several changes at a society level to support the real estate companies' reuse work. For example, the government and municipality can increase knowledge by introducing incentives and promote innovative and sustainable business ideas. These efforts on society, state or municipality and company level leads to reuse being a profitable and sustainable alternative in the long term. Some recommendations to real estate companies are to determine a definition of reuse and set a certain percentage goal of how much of the office should be reused. Furthermore, real estate owners should appoint someone who is in charge of the reuse work or create an internal reuse department that handles reuse questions and lead the work within the organisation. To facilitate future inventory work, companies can introduce an inventory application. They should perform step-by-step inventories and create an internal database containing materials and products that are categorized according to how they should be managed. It would also be beneficial to implement BIM in order to store information about materials and products.

Does one size fit all? : A qualitative study of how the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development has been adopted by several organisations in different industries.

Dreijer, Matilda, Ortiz de Zevallos Eguiluz, Carlos January 2022 (has links)
The rise in popularity of the concept of sustainability has brought along many theoretical models and tools that promise to facilitate the sustainability transition of those who use them. One of those tools is the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development, which several organisations have already used. However, what happens to this framework once it leaves its written format and is used by actual organisations? To help us answer this question, we have conducted semi-structured interviews with six organisations with the support of documentary research. All of which have used the framework. We then used thematic analysis to analyse the data. To interpret the results, we combined the perspectives of Scandinavian Institutionalism theory with a focus on translation and Change Management. The findings suggest that the motivation before selecting the framework plays a critical role in the way it is translated to practice. Early communication efforts may also influence the way the employees of an organisation perceive the framework and hence influence if they will resist its adoption. The framework does not maintain its integral theoretical form when organisations adopt it. Most of the organisations completely discarded one of its components. One organisation changed another almost beyond recognition. But at the same time, they recognise it as a uniquely good guiding tool. It also appears that among the components, the sustainability principles and the ABCD-procedure are almost always effectively translated and serve organisations’ sustainability objectives.

Den föränderliga marknaden och dess påverkan : En studie av medarbetarnas upplevelser och perspektiv i tider av ständiga förändringar

Birkenes, Stephanie, Socha, Adam January 2022 (has links)
Vi lever i en alltmer föränderlig värld där ny teknik givit upphov till globalisering av ekonomin och digitalisering som påskyndat utvecklingen av nya möjligheter och innovation. Detta påverkar våra dagliga liv och inte minst vår arbetsplats. Förändringsarbete är ett måste för att hålla sig relevant på en ständigt föränderlig marknad. Denna studie avsåg att studera medarbetarnas syn på förändring, deras upplevelser, på vilket sätt deras psykosociala hälsa påverkas och hur medarbetarna upplever att ledningen engagerar sig i förändringsarbetet. Genom en kvalitativ enkätstudie studerade vi följande frågeställningar och kom fram till att trots förändring är en självklar del av många medarbetares vardag kan vi i detta arbete redogöra att det finns en överväldigande negativ samt pessimistisk syn på förändring. Upplevelserna lutar till majoritet också av negativa påföljder av förändringsarbete och ledningen påvisar visst engagemang men är sämre på att sätta sig in i medarbetarens perspektiv om vilka behov och stöd som behöver sättas in för att faktiskt säkerställa att en förändring leder till en förbättring. / We live in an ever-changing world environment where new technology has given rise to a globalized economy and digitalization which has furthered the development of new opportunities and innovation. This affects our daily life, not least our workplace. Change management is a must to stay relevant in an ever-changing market. This study was intended to study the employees' views on change, their experiences, in which way their psychosocial health is affected and how the employees feel that the management is involved throughout the initiated change management. Through a qualitative survey, we studied the following questions and came to the conclusion that despite change is an obvious part of many employees' everyday lives, we can in this work report that there is an overwhelmingly negative and pessimistic view of change, the experiences also tend to a negative view of change management among the employees and management shows some commitment to a certain extent but is worse at getting to grips with the employee's perspective on their needs and support throughout the work of change management to actually provide employees with the right tools and supportive leadership to ensure that a change leads to an improvement. / <p>2022-06-05</p>

The potential of standardizing and improving the change management process in the pulp and paper industry – A multiple case study / Potentialen med att standardisera och förbättra förändringshanteringsprocessen inom massa- och pappersindustrin– En flerfaldig fallstudie

Hauguth, David, Wilson, Alfred January 2022 (has links)
Abstract Purpose Changing processes and an organization quickly and successfully is a challenging task. Thus, standardization of the process of making changes as well can be useful to reach the goal of increased performance. Many different aspects can be considered when investigating the critical factors that lead to a successful change. Assessing whether these critical factors can be utilized to formulate standards is, therefore, an interesting topic to delve deeper into. Thus, the purpose is “Explore how change management processes in the pulp and paper industry can be standardized, and how the change management process can be improved.” and the research questions (RQ):  RQ1. What are the critical factors of the change management processes in the pulp and paper industry?  RQ2. How can standardization of change management processes be achieved in the pulp and paper industry? Method This is a qualitative study where information has been gathered through a literature review and a multiple case study. The empirical data was primary data gathered through interviews. Theoretical information was gathered based on keywords selected through brainstorming sessions and found in articles. A data analysis model was used when analysing the empirical data.  Findings Six critical factors were found as an answer to RQ1. These six critical factors for pulp and paper industries were found within broader studies on change management factors as well. Standardization of change management processes on a general level was deemed possible. However, when investigating detailed levels of change management processes there are indications that it is possible to some degree, but it is more difficult to transfer a standardized process between different types of changes. Future Research More research can be beneficial in change management on more detailed levels and how standards can be transferred between types of change, and if this is only applicable to pulp and paper industries or to 24-hour continuous production processes. The conceptual maturity model presented in this report could be explored further and has the potential to be modified further to fit the needs of different organizations and industries. The conceptual guideline that was presented in the report needs to be tested and verified. Limitations This project has excluded international factories from its studied area. This project also scopes in toward the pulp and paper industry as its focus and did not analyse if its result is applicable to other industries or not. Additionally, this project did not verify if the implementation of the resulting guidelines yields a positive or negative outcome, further study is required.

The Impact of Business Unit (BU)-Information Technology (IT)-Relationships on Business Transformations: A Mixed Methods Study

Mallgrave, Justin 12 April 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Att optimera en kulturförändring genom effektivt ledarskap, sett ur medarbetarens perspektiv

Olsson Stjernberg, Emilia, Augustsson, Nathalie January 2023 (has links)
Idag lever organisationer i ett hårt klimat både genom finansiella svårigheter och en marknad som ständigt förändras och utvecklas. För att en organisation ska vara attraktiv och behålla sin konkurrenskraft måste organisationen ständigt förbättras. Det finns ett flertal studier som styrker påståendet att organisationskulturen påverkar prestationen i verksamheten. Arbete med kulturförändringar är avgörande för att en organisation ska utvecklas och ha rätt förutsättningar att lyckas även framåt i tiden. Att arbeta med kulturförändring och ständiga förbättringar handlar om att bidra till medarbetarnas motivation, arbetstillfredsställelse och effektivitet. Denna studie syftar till att öka förståelsen och kunskapen kring kulturförändringar, specifikt vad gäller medarbetarnas behov från ledarskapet och hur ledarens roll påverkar organisationers förmåga att optimera arbetet med kulturförändringar. Studien inleddes med en litteraturstudie genom att studera relevant teori för ämnet. Vetenskapliga artiklar söktes med sökorden kultur, kulturförändring, förändringsledning, ledarskap, delaktighet, utveckling och gemenskap. Studien utfördes genom en flermetodsforskning med en abduktiv ansats, i form av en fallstudie som forskningsdesign där fallstudien ses som ett representativt fall. Genom triangulering av datainsamlingsmetoder samlades data in genom litteraturundersökning, enkäter och semistrukturerade intervjuer. För att analysera insamlad data användes diagram, tematisering samt en kraftfältsanalys. Genom dataanalysen identifierades åtta stycken teman: Engagemang, Gemenskap, Delaktighet, Kommunikation, Arbetstillfredsställelse, Motivation, Utveckling Och Tillit &amp; Ansvar. Inom varje tema finns både med- och motkrafter i olika grader, där resultat och slutsats visar att organisationen besitter medkrafter såsom att våga prova och ha utrymme att misslyckas. Att organisationen är byråkratisk med bristande återkoppling anses vara några av motkrafterna inom förändringen. Utifrån förändringsfaserna visar resultatet att organisationen i stort och de olika avdelningarna har kommit olika långt i förändringen. Sammanfattningsvis bör organisationen fokusera på ett ledarskap med fokus på kommunikation samt ett ledarskap som höjer motivation och engagemang. / Today, organizations live in a tough climate both through financial difficulties and a market that is constantly changing and developing. For an organization to be attractive and maintain its competitiveness, the organization must constantly improve. There are several studies that support the claim that organizational culture affects performance in the business. The work with cultural changes is crucial for an organization to develop and have the right conditions to succeed in the future. Working with culture change and continuous improvement is about contributing to employee motivation, job satisfaction and efficiency. This study aims to increase the understanding and knowledge about cultural changes, specifically in terms of what employees need from the leadership and how the leader's role affects organizations' ability to optimize work with cultural changes. The study began with a literature study by studying relevant theory for the subject. Scientific articles were searched with the keywords culture, culture change, change management, leadership, participation, development and community. The study is carried out through a multi-method research with an abductive approach, in the form of a case study as a research design where the case study is seen as a representative case. Through triangulation of methods for data collection, the data is collected through literature research, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. To analyze the collected data, diagrams, thematization and a force field analysis were used. Through the data analysis, eight themes were identified: Commitment, Community, Participation, Communication, Job Satisfaction, Motivation, Development and Trust &amp; Responsibility. Within each theme there are both positive and negative forces in varying degrees. Results and conclusions show that the organization possesses positive forces such as daring to try and having room to fail. The fact that the organization is bureaucratic with a lack of feedback is considered to be some of the counter forces within the change. Based on the change phases, the results show that the organization as a whole and the various departments have progressed differently in the change. In summary, the organization should focus on leadership with a focus on communication as well as leadership that increases motivation and commitment.

The Metaverse: The Potential to Revolutionize Workforce Training : A qualitative study on how industrial companies can use the Metaverse for workforce training, presenting a conceptual framework

Geijer, Lucas, Larsson, Calle January 2023 (has links)
Recent technological advances are radically changing the industrial landscape and driving a digital transformation of industry. This transformation presents several challenges for industrial companies, notably the urgent need to bridge a widening skill gap. In order to address the skill gaps, industrial companies are exploring the potential of the Metaverse as a tool for workforce training.  The Metaverse is a unique, 3D multi-user environment, blending physical and digital elements, thereby facilitating interaction between objects and individuals. Given these features, it possesses the capacity to facilitate immersive learning within industrial firms, offering realistic and interactive training experiences. However, there is a lack of research and understanding regarding the application of the Metaverse for workforce training in these contexts.  Thus, the objective of this study is to explore how the Metaverse can be used by industrial companies and identify the driving factors behind its adoption. To fulfill this purpose, an exploratory qualitative study was conducted, employing semi-structured in-depth interviews that are analyzed thematically.  The study’s primary contribution is a practice-oriented framework detailing the interplay between technology, management, and people; explaining how they combine to support immersive learning. The framework offers unique insights and practical implications for industrial practitioners. Critically, the study emphasizes the importance of effective change management for aligning these three elements, emphasizing that successful implementation goes beyond mere adoption of technology. The study finds that the Metaverse is best viewed as a complement to traditional physical training in industrial companies, identifying specific practical use-cases where the Metaverse can be utilized effectively.

Are there two sides toevery coin; even GDPR? : A Qualitative Study on theImpact of GDPR within theHealth Tech Industry

Sandin, Micaela, Sjöholm, Emma January 2023 (has links)
The General Data Protection Regulation has undoubtedly affected our society, both on anindividual everyday level as well as from the greater perspective of companies, the publicsector, and nations. The purpose of the GDPR is to protect the data of European citizens byputting further responsibility on organizations that store individual data. However, as withevery decision, this has had implications that might not have been predicted or accountedfor and which can disrupt its initial cause. Certain industries have been highly regulatedwhen it comes to data even before the GDPR, one of these is the health-tech industry whichmanages medical data which is perceived to be very sensitive and has for example beenregulated through the Patient Data Act.There is currently a research gap regarding how the GDPR has affected organizations andtheir journey toward compliance. This qualitative study was conducted using a criticalrealism perspective with a critical constructivist approach. The study is done incollaboration with the Swedish Kubernetes platform service provider Elastisys. Byconducting interviews with both the company itself and also with some of their health-techclients, as well as looking into cases where healthcare organizations have been fined underGDPR this thesis aimed towards answering the question of, “What effects have the GDPRlegislation had on the health-tech market and how have the organizations within itadapted?”.The result of this thesis show that the organizations have been able to reach compliance andmanage the process, however the implications have been clearer and more understandableas time has passed. This could be partly explained by the growing number of support-toolsand -organizations available today. Furthermore, due to the strong regulations and changingconditions within this particular industry the organizations are used to rapid transitions.Something that has implicated the general digital development of the industry but also madethem more adaptable to changing conditions. When it comes to the health-tech industrythere have been a higher pressure for compliance for those that work with the public sectorin comparison to those working against end users.Alongside the prohibited digital development, the GDPR has had other implications, suchas a gap between legal and technical expertise and conflicts between legal compliance andgeneral data security. Which, if not handled correctly can lead to less secure solutions.Another interesting implication of the GDPR is the indifference of individuals regardingtheir data. In light of this finding, this thesis also aspires to further elaborate on the currentdebate of digital sovereignty and its importance in the context of national negotiations withforeign powers.

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