Spelling suggestions: "subject:"change management"" "subject:"dhange management""
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For effect or affect? : UK defence change : managementThompson, Gabriela January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is a critical examination of the UK defence discourse. It is an exploration of the dominant explanation of defence in the UK in 2015, as evidenced by the artefacts of the discourse - most importantly, by the voices of those within the community. In doing so, this thesis seeks to challenge the notion that there is only one right way to manage and judge the notion of defence, highlighting the cultural and contextual dependence of such ideas, and the dangers which arise from it. In asking the simple question what is defence? I have aimed at identifying the references and experiences, through the deployment of an ethnographic approach, which are drawn on to construct the dominant understanding. In doing so, I have sought to distinguish that which is considered legitimate by the dominant managerial narrative and in what contexts. My findings are illustrated in the form of a power structure within which language and symbolism, and their influence on practice, together build the defence community's expression of identity. The predominance of managerialism in today's explanation of defence in the UK and the failings I have identified as a result, are perceivable throughout the UK public sector. Therefore, the restrictive nature of the narrative in excluding creativity and innovation in the defence sector, also has implications for wider public sector reform in the UK and abroad. The primary contribution this thesis makes rests in the application of the ethnographic approach and a post-structuralist three-pillared framework to a discipline which has traditionally been analysed from an organisational or political perspective. The hope is that, in applying this same approach in multiple contexts, a greater understanding of the mechanisms sustaining dominant explanations can be gained, as well as of the importance of legitimised spaces for innovation and creativity in reform processes.
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Kom ihåg att glömma bort : Fallstudie av organisationers förändringsarbete ur ett informationssäkerhetsperspektivLedenstam, David, Jonasson, Gustav January 2018 (has links)
Changes is always a relevant factor in organisations. The 25th of May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becomes enforceable as EU law, which will be a cause for change for a lot of organisation’s way of handling data, possibly endangering the information’s security. This essay aims to study three organizations and how they have prepared for GDPR. They will be analyzed from a change-management- and information security perspective, to conclude how the organisations conceive the magnitude of the change, and to see how they have implemented solutions for keeping the data safe after the 25th of May. The study’s result show that three participating organizations in the study all have implemented solutions that fulfill the, for the study, selected intersections of the McCumber Cube-model for Information Security, albeit in different ways. The three organization's attitude towards the changemanagement in preparation of GDPR doesn’t reflect the view of the researchers, who after analyzing GDPR sees it as a bigger project. The conclusion is that even though all participants have made their own interpretation of GDPR, an answer to the question of which kind of interpretation is closest to the actual truth, won’t be answered until a precedent is set. / Förändring är alltid en relevant aspekt för organisationer. Den 25 maj 2018 träder den nya dataskyddsförordningen, GDPR, i kraft och kommer innebära att alla organisationer behöver genomgå viss förändring för att motsvara de krav GDPR ställer. Förändringens magnitud och påverkan på organisationerna kan mätas med hjälp av en modell som skapats av Anderson & Anderson. Lagen genomförs för att EU ska få en gemensam lagstiftning och för att stärka den personliga integriteten. För att nå dessa mål kommer det ställas krav på organisationernas informationssäkerhet. Ett mätinstrument för att se hur väl företag sköter sin informationssäkerhet är McCumber-kuben. Genom intervjuer med representanter från tre organisationer framkommer information om hur dessa har hanterat förändringsarbetet inför GDPR och hur de hanterar informationssäkerheten utifrån McCumberkuben. Med analys om hur GDPR tolkas så anses lagen kräva en stor förändring hos organisationerna. Någonting som inte framkommer vid intervjuerna. Organisationerna anser sig uppfylla kraven angående informationssäkerhet och det kan mycket väl vara så att de gör detta. Dock är utfallet av GDPR fortfarande ovisst. Då alla organisationer gjort tolkningar av den lag som kommit och dessa tolkningar behöver inte vara likadana. Prejudicerande domar kommer krävas innan det går att säkerställa huruvida organisationerna uppfyller kraven som GDPR ställer.
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Požadavky top managementu na změny v ošetřovatelské péči / Requirements for changes in nursing care on the part of top managementPŘIBYLOVÁ, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
Requirements for changes in nursing care on the part of top management Abstract At present, nursing care has been experiencing a great progress. Implementation of the nursing process as a working method has been striven for. The educational system for non-medical workers has been changing. Nurses holding top managerial posts should have competence to lead and manage people effectively in the ever changing nursing environment. To acquire information necessary for achievement of the set goals, a quantitative research was employed. Within the framework of the quantitative research, the questioning method using a questionnaire was selected. The questionnaires concerned were sent to top managers among nurses and doctors working in medical centres all over the Czech Republic. The thesis had three objectives defined. First, to discover what prerequisites top managers miss to be able to implement the changes concerned in the area of nursing care. Second, to discover top managers´ opinions on the system of nursing care provision. Third, to identify differences between requirements for the nursing process method on the part of top managers {--} nurses and top managers {--} doctors. Based on these objectives, four hypotheses were formulated. The hypothesis no. I: The current situation does not allow top managers operating in health service to implement changes in nursing care in practice. This hypothesis has been confirmed. The hypothesis no. 2: Top managers do not require group nursing care as a prerequisite for the implementation of nursing care changes. This hypothesis has not been confirmed. The hypothesis no. III: Representatives of nurses in managerial posts promote the nursing process application as a prerequisite for changes concerning nursing care. This hypothesis has been confirmed. The hypothesis no. IV: Representatives of medicine doctors in managerial posts do not promote the nursing process application as a method of nurses´ work. This hypothesis has not been confirmed. As far as the results of this diploma thesis are concerned, we were trying to outline possible solutions of the issues concerning changes in nursing care. Top managers are recommended to stimulate critical thinking in their employees in the course of work in the nursing process. It is beneficial to improve communication on the managerial level in hospitals, and in addition, to obtain feedback from subordinates with respect to continuing education, to identify effectiveness and needs relating to education on the part of employees and to enable them to participate in the process of the respective changes implementation. To train function nurses in such changes management. To implement a programme aiming at continual quality improvement.
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Řízení změn ve vybrané společnosti / Change management in selected companyLEHEROVÁ, Věra January 2009 (has links)
The subject of thesis "Change management in selected company`` is analyse of internal and external environment on the basis of SWOT and STEP analysis. Furthermore, analyse of business processes in a particular company. The theoretical part is aimed at defining the basic concepts and methods descriptions of change management. In the practical part I am mapping the processes in the company and suggesting their reengineering. Based on the analysis I am suggesting the possibilities of further changes in the company.
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Gemensamma faktorer för lyckade och misslyckade interna IT-projekt : En fallstudie på två internationella verksamheterZetterlund, Emelie, Erlingsson, Victoria January 2016 (has links)
Det finns forskning från flera olika perspektiv som har studerat kritiska framgångsfaktorer gällande arbete i projekt. Det problem som finns är att det inte finns ett specifikt genomförande för att uppnå lyckat resultat inom projektarbeten. Belassi och Tukel (1996) har tagit fram en teori att analysera projektgenomförande utifrån. Modellen behöver utvecklas med tiden och förändras för att anpassas till specifika typer av projekt, till exempel interna IT-projekt som denna undersökning behandlar. I den här studien har en fallstudie genomförts på två verksamheter där det i varje verksamhet finns ett intern IT-projekt som anses vara lyckat och ett som anses vara misslyckat. Med grund i Belassi och Tukels (1996) teori Critical success/failure factors in projects har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts i syfte att ta reda på vilka framgångsfaktorer som är kritiska för lyckade och misslyckade interna IT-projekt. Vidare är syftet även att se om det finns andra kritiska framgångsfaktorer som kan utveckla teorin. Den insamlade empirin analyserades genom kategorisering och studiens resultat visar vilka de kritiska framgångsfaktorerna är för de två verksamheternas utvalda interna IT-projekt. Det har även skapats en utvecklad modell med kritiska framgångs- och misslyckandefaktorer som inte tidigare fanns omnämnda i teorin men som visade sig ha en inverkan på projektets resultat. Studien visade att ledarskap och kommunikation var viktiga faktorer för att uppnå framgångsrika projekt. Det visade sig också att det inte enbart var projektdeltagarnas tekniska bakgrund som spelade in utan även annan kompetens hos individerna. I de fall då det inte uppfattats som att någon utvärdering var gjord ansåg flera individer att det hade varit bra om det hade genomförts. Projektdeltagarnas kompetens och utvärdering av projektets genomförande var därför, tillsammans med externa leverantörer och användarnas stöd, faktorer som valdes att kompletteras i den vidareutvecklade modellen. Projektgruppen engagemang tas redan upp i Belassi och Tukels (1996) teori, men det framhävs i undersökningen att engagemanget bör vara objektivt. / There is research from several different perspectives that have studied the critical success factors regarding to project work. The problem is that there is not a specific project transact to achieve success in projects. Belassi and Tukel (1996) has developed a theory that can be used to analyze the implementation of projects. The theory needs to evolve over time and change in order to adapt to specific types of projects such as internal IT projects that this study addresses. In this study a case study carried out in two organizations where each one of them consist one internal IT project that is considered successful and one that is considered a failure. Based on Belassi and Tukels (1996) theory Critical success/failure factors into projects, qualitative interviews were conducted in order to determine which success factors that are critical to the success and failure of internal IT projects. Furthermore, the aim is also to see if there are other critical success factors that can develop the theory. The collected empirical data was analyzed by categorization and the results of this study show which the critical success factors is in the internal IT projects. A new model was created and developed with critical success and failure factors that did not exist in the previously mentioned theory but which turned out to have an impact on the project results. The study showed that leadership and communication were key factors in achieving successful projects. It also turned out that not only was the project participants' technical backround important to project success but also other skills of the individuals. In cases where it is not perceived as an evaluation was made most of the informants said that it would have been good if it had been done. Project participants' skills and evaluation of the realization of the project was therefore, together with external suppliers and user support, factors that were chosen to be supplemented in the refined model. The project team commitment are already addressed in Belassi and Tukels (1996) theory, but it is emphasized in the survey that the commitment should be objective.
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Gestão da mudança e eficácia na implementação da inovação de processos: um estudo no segmento de telecomunicaçõesSellmann, Maria Cristina Zampieri 09 August 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-08-09 / This study concerns the relation between change management and the efficacy of process innovations implementation in a highly dynamic and competitive environment the Telecommunication s segment. As prime objective, it intended to discover the most relevant aspects in this relation. For this reason, a process innovation inductive micro-environment was selected aiming to observe the implications of the change management practices in the
efficacy of its implementation, generated by the adoption of the Recof (Regime Aduaneiro de Entreposto Industrial sob Controle Informatizado). An exploratory nature research was carried out, with the application of the qualitative method and the utilization of in-depth interviews with persons responsible for the implementation of this special regime and also with its main participants, in three major companies in this segment Siemens, Motorola and Ericsson Telecommunications. The collected data was treated by means of content analysis obtaining categories related to the characterization of the change and its management, to the kind and efficacy of process innovations implementation and to the relevant aspects of the influential relation between these two subjects. The analysis of the results revealed that the planning of activities, the commitment, the engagement of the participants and the support from the top management were the aspects of the change management that most contributed for the efficacy of the process innovations implementation that were essentially incremental. These were the most relevant discoveries in the influential relation. Additionally it was observed that, although all the phases of the changing process preconized in the literature were not
followed, highly significant level of efficacy was obtained. Considering this, it was concluded that the changing process phases assume distinct relevance when related to efficacy in an environment such as the telecommunications. / Este estudo trata da relação entre a gestão da mudança e a eficácia na implementação das inovações de processo em um ambiente altamente dinâmico e competitivo - o segmento das
Telecomunicações. Como objetivo principal, buscou-se descobrir os aspectos mais relevantes nessa relação. Para tanto, foi selecionado um micro-ambiente indutor de inovações de processo para se poder observar as implicações das práticas da gestão da mudança na eficácia da sua implementação, geradas pela adoção do Regime Aduaneiro de Entreposto Industrial sob Controle Informatizado (Recof). Foi realizada uma pesquisa de natureza exploratória, com aplicação do método qualitativo, e a utilização de entrevistas em profundidade com as pessoas responsáveis pela implantação desse regime especial e com os seus principais
participantes, em três empresas de grande representatividade no segmento Siemens, Motorola e Ericsson Telecomunicações. Os dados foram tratados por meio da análise de conteúdo tendo sido obtidas categorias relacionadas à caracterização da mudança e sua gestão, ao tipo e eficácia da implementação das inovações de processo e aos aspectos relevantes da relação de influência entre os dois fenômenos. A análise dos resultados revelou que o planejamento das atividades, o comprometimento, o envolvimento dos participantes e o suporte da alta direção foram os aspectos da gestão da mudança que mais contribuíram para a eficácia da implementação das inovações de processo que foram essencialmente incrementais. Essas foram as descobertas mais relevantes na relação de nfluência. Adicionalmente observou-se que, apesar de não ter sido seguido todo o roteiro das fases do processo de mudança conforme preconizado pela literatura, obteve-se um nível significativo de eficácia. Com isso, se concluiu que as fases do processo de mudança assumem importância distinta quando relacionadas à eficácia em um ambiente como o das telecomunicações.
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A introdução da modelagem da informação da construção em um banco público brasileiro. / The introduction of Building Information Modeling in a brazilian public bank.Fernanda Andrade Ferrari 08 June 2016 (has links)
Em decorrência de sua atuação expressiva no mercado de financiamento de empreendimentos de habitação e infraestrutura, a Caixa Econômica Federal (Caixa) é um banco de grande relevância para o setor da construção civil brasileira. A Caixa mantém um setor técnico no qual são desempenhadas, dentre demais responsabilidades, as atividades de análise de documentação técnica e verificação da execução orçamentária e financeira das obras. Atualmente, esses procedimentos são realizados essencialmente de forma manual, configurando um processo moroso e suscetível à ocorrência de imprecisões. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a introdução da Modelagem da Informação da Construção, notadamente, no processo de verificação da documentação técnica de obras, realizado pelos profissionais desse banco público. Primeiramente, realizou-se um diagnóstico, por meio de uma survey, no setor técnico da Caixa que apontou aspectos relevantes à gestão de mudanças de origem tecnológica nesse ambiente. Em continuidade ao estudo de caso, investigou-se as motivações, os benefícios almejados e as possíveis barreiras para a implantação dessa inovação no processo de análise técnica desenvolvido pela instituição. Para verificar a adequabilidade e a aceitação das propostas preliminares de ferramentas e diretrizes de modelagem foi conduzido um workshop no qual participaram profissionais voluntários do mercado da construção civil. Com base neste estudo, apresentado neste trabalho na forma de três artigos científicos publicados, verificou-se que a Caixa pode ser considerada um importante vetor de difusão de práticas associadas à Modelagem da Informação da Construção na indústria da construção civil brasileira e que a proposição de novas ferramentas e diretrizes poderia ser efetivamente adequada para incrementar a prática projetual. Além disso, observou-se que a transformação interna necessária para a implementação de mudanças nos processos técnicos da Caixa é viável desde que seja propiciado um ambiente favorável, em que os gestores incentivem, planejem e deem suporte às possíveis mudanças. Finalmente, a contribuição pretendida com esta pesquisa é fomentar outras iniciativas e colaborar para a disseminação da Modelagem da Informação da Construção nos setores de projeto e construção civil brasileiros. / Due to its outstanding performance in housing and infrastructure construction financing market, Caixa Econômica Federal (Caixa) is a bank of great importance in the Brazilian Construction and Design industry. Caixa maintains a technical department that, among other activities, perform technical feasibility analyses, and verify the budgetary and financial development of construction projects. Currently, the project analysis process is manual, time-consuming and error-prone. In this sense, the present study aims to analyse the introduction of Building Information Modelling in the technical feasibility analyses process, carried out by engineers and architects. Firstly, a survey was conducted to perform an intraorganizational assessment of Caixa\'s technical department, in order to identify aspects relevant to change management. Secondly, in this study case, the motivations, the desired benefits and potential barriers to the implementation of this innovation were investigated. In addition, a workshop was conducted with construction and design professionals to verify the suitability and acceptance of the preliminary proposals of tools and modelling guidelines. Based on this study presented in three published scientific papers, Caixa can be considered an important diffusion vector of Building Information Modelling practices in the Brazilian construction and design industry. In addition, the proposition of new tools and modelling guidelines could effectively be appropriate to enhance its design practices. Furthermore, the intraorganizational change required for implementing innovations in the Caixa technical department proved to be feasible if provided with a favourable environment in which managers stimulate, plan and support possible changes. Finally, the intended contribution of this research is to encourage other initiatives and contribute to spreading additional practices related to Building Information Modelling in the Brazilian construction and design industry.
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A gestão de mudanças na perícia criminal federal: a implementação dos indicadores de complexidadePereira, Núbia Fernanda Gomes 27 September 2013 (has links)
Submitted by NÚBIA FERNANDA GOMES PEREIRA (nubiafgp@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-11-12T16:57:31Z
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Dissertação Núbia Fernanda Gomes Pereira - Gestão de Mudanças VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 5730211 bytes, checksum: 0d4a03445718a6190d033db4ed9980e8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2013-11-27T13:37:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertação Núbia Fernanda Gomes Pereira - Gestão de Mudanças VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 5730211 bytes, checksum: 0d4a03445718a6190d033db4ed9980e8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2013-11-28T12:26:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertação Núbia Fernanda Gomes Pereira - Gestão de Mudanças VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 5730211 bytes, checksum: 0d4a03445718a6190d033db4ed9980e8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-11-28T12:26:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertação Núbia Fernanda Gomes Pereira - Gestão de Mudanças VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 5730211 bytes, checksum: 0d4a03445718a6190d033db4ed9980e8 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-09-27 / The purpose of this research was to investigate how change management have been applied in the Forensic Branch of the Brazilian Federal Police, as part of a broader field of study related to organizational changes. To determine which analytical categories were crucial to better understand this change process, a comprehensive review of published articles in this field was undertaken, leading to an investigation of three different themes. The first goal of this research was content of change, to determine the exact nature of the transformation proposed. Next, it was evaluated the change implementation process utilized and, finally, in what type of context was this change implemented. More specifically, this qualitative project attempted to assess the change management process occurred during the implementation of complexity indicators in the Forensic Branch of the Brazilian Federal Police, in light of the model proposed by John P. Kotter for the effective implementation of change in organizations, considering their interaction with the organizational context. Data was obtained through semistructured interviews with those responsible for spearheading the process, including management leaders and Directors of the Forensics Branch. Additional data was gathered through the study of organizational documents and direct observation. The results indicated significant competitive factors related to the three fields studied that prevented the achievement of the expected goals, including: a) the proposed change is a kind of performance evaluation, which is a contentious issue that raises many discussions, and, therefore, had very low acceptance; b) unfavorable organizational context, as the Forensics Branch is currently a part of a police organization with a strong punitive and discipline culture; c) process change management was mishandled, according to the theoretical model for the effective implementation of changes in the organizations proposed by Kotter (1995, 1997). / Este pesquisa, inserida no campo de estudo sobre mudanças organizacionais, buscou investigar como é realizada a gestão de mudanças na Criminalística da Polícia Federal. Para isso, partiu-se de um referencial teórico para a estruturação de categorias de análise essenciais para o estudo do tema, agrupadas em três dimensões: conteúdo da mudança, processo de implementação da mudança e contexto em que ocorreu a mudança. Dessa forma, essa pesquisa de caráter qualitativo avaliou o processo de gestão de mudança ocorrido por meio da implementação de indicadores de complexidade na Criminalística da Polícia Federal, à luz do modelo proposto por John P. Kotter para a implementação eficaz de mudanças nas organizações, considerando sua interação com as circunstâncias contextais prevalecentes. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com os componentes do corpo gerencial e diretor da Criminalística, responsáveis pela condução do processo de implementação da mudança. A análise de documentos institucionais e a observação direta complementaram a coleta dos dados. Os resultados apontaram para uma significante concorrência dos fatores relacionados às três dimensões estudadas que impediu o alcance dos objetivos esperados com a mudança, destacando-se: a) aspecto negativo relacionado à própria natureza da mudança, que se enquadra no campo de avaliação de desempenho, questão polêmica que levanta muitas discussões; b) contexto organizacional desfavorável, por estar inserida em uma organização policial, com forte cultura disciplinar e punitiva; c) processo de gestão de mudança mal conduzido, de acordo com modelo teórico para a implementação eficaz de mudanças nas organizações proposto por Kotter (1995, 1997).
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Gestão de mudanças: um caso envolvendo órgãos da Justiça FederalCoelho, João Batista 13 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marcia Silva (marcia@latec.uff.br) on 2016-10-24T20:09:53Z
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dissert João Batista Coelho.pdf: 3652910 bytes, checksum: 182a563ea7b11fc61716260e69dcb9a4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-01-27T12:17:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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dissert João Batista Coelho.pdf: 3652910 bytes, checksum: 182a563ea7b11fc61716260e69dcb9a4 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-07-13 / Este estudo concentra-se na identificação de como os gestores (lideranças) atuaram no modus operandi da gestão de mudanças em uma região jurisdicional da Justiça Federal, no âmbito do alinhamento estratégico proposto pelo CNJ para todo o Judiciário Nacional. O alinhamento resultou na fusão de diversos setores de unidades organizacionais distintas da região jurisdicional estudada.
A pesquisa partiu da investigação empírica, quali-quantitativa, com entrevistas semiestruturadas e aplicação de questionário, e envolveu os níveis estratégico, tático e operacional. Observou-se como os gestores conduziram o processo de mudança organizacional, que envolveu circunstâncias com complexidades diversas e vieses de ordem hierárquico-políticas e psicossociais, demandando uma observação multidisciplinar, que implicou no exercício de análises conceituais pautadas nos territórios da Gestão e Administração, das Ciências Sociais e da Psicologia Social.
A partir de amostra que alcançou 79% do universo de 221 envolvidos, perceberam-se questões como a desatenção com o fator humano, a necessidade de diálogos, conversas prévias e comunicação clara e de um processo que não fosse hierarquicamente estruturado de cima para baixo. Ficaram visíveis, ainda, a importância dos gestores no processo e a ausência de um planejamento mais ampliado, acompanhado de estudos de impactos.
Diante dos resultados alcançados e da carência de abordagens específicas, voltadas para o universo da Justiça Federal, que tivessem estudado processos de fusão e de atuação de lideranças em gestões de mudanças, o estudo pode vir a dar significativa contribuição para pesquisas futuras com temas similares / The focus of this study is to identify the action of the leaders in the modus operandi of change management using strategic alignment, proposed by the National Judiciary System Council to the whole Brazilian Judiciary. This alignment resulted in the merger of several sectors of the different organizational units of the same jurisdictional area.
This research started with an empirical, qualitative and quantitative investigation, including semi-structured interviews and questionnaire, involving strategic, tactical and operational levels, in order to observe how the organization process of changes forwarded by the managers. Those involving circumstances with many complexities, hierarchical-political and psychosocial compliances, that require a multidisciplinary observation of conceptual analysis guided by Management, Administration, Social Sciences and Social Psychology.
Based on sample that reached 79% of the universe of 221 people involved in the query, we perceived issues such as lack of attention to the human factor, the need of dialogue, previous conversations, clear communication and a process that was not hierarchically structured from top down. The importance of managers in the process and the absence of more extended planning, accompanied by a study of impacts was also visible in the study.
According to the results achieved and the lack of specific approaches focused on the universe of the Federal Court, the study may potentially provide significant contribution to future research on similar subjects
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Green IT Initiatives in organizations for achieving Environmental Sustainability; integration of Change Management and Organization CultureNisar, Muhammad Atif, Shahid, Mahfooz Ahmad, Ghasemi, Banoosheh January 2011 (has links)
The issue of environmental sustainability is rising nowadays, which made the organisations to survive the planet. Accordingly, the governments are giving support to organisations for taking steps to achieve the environmental sustainability. To achieve the environmental sustainability, it is needed to bring change in organisations. Besides, Information Technology plays a significant role to develop novel processes and technologies to control the environmental loads for achieving environmental sustainability. This study is based on three mainstay concepts: Change Management, Green IT, and Organisational Culture. This research is intended to identify Green IT initiatives to achieve the environmental sustainability through change management and organisational culture in the organisations. A change management model is ultimately presented in the analysis, which describes the process of change management within an organisation based on the three main concepts mentioned above. This study is an investigation based on literature reviews and two case studies (Tetra Pak (Pakistan) and Panasonic (Sweden)). Case Studies have been carried out to verify the commodity of change process model (theoretical framework) and change management model. The research is also aimed to find, if the investigated organisations ultimately capture the targeted result, when willing to bring Green IT in their organisational systems.
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