Spelling suggestions: "subject:"change management"" "subject:"dhange management""
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Metodika řízení požadavků a kvality softwaru s využitím nástroje Enterprise Architect / Methodology for Requirements Engineering and Software Quality Management with the usage of Enterprise Architect tool.Gottfriedová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
Requirements Engineering and Software Quality Management is nowadays considered to be one of the important parts of the software development process. This thesis deals with connecting the theoretical concept of requirements engineering and usage of functions offered by Enterprise Architect tool, which should support the requirements engineering and software quality management processes. The main goal is to propose procedures of Enterprise Architect usage during the project in such a way, which will help to raise quality of the final product. The purpose is to offer a systematic and conscious way of implementation Enterprise Architect elements into software development processes, because this tool is able to support the whole cycle of the product. The methodology was designed as a result of theoretical concept, existing requirements engineering approaches and my own experience acquired during working on projects as a business and test analyst. The contribution of the designed methodology is in bringing recommendations, practices and procedures saying how to use Enterprise Architect during the software development process in order to gain the highest possible software quality. The thesis is structured in four sections describing the appropriate theory, analyzed requirement engineering approaches, critical mistakes during this process and the methodology design.
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How Changes Management Allows to Contain Risk and to Achieve Goals While an ERP Implementation Within a Company in Multicultural and International Context ? / How Changes Management Allows to Contain Risk and to Achieve Goals While an ERP Implementation Within a Company in Multicultural and International Context ?Dumaine, Rémy January 2015 (has links)
Since the invention of the first computer in 1937 by John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry the process of computerisation within companies is still increasing. Nowadays, the Enterprise Resource Planning software can be seen as one of the most used software in the world. In the 1990s the price of a stock option could increase just with the public announcement of an ERP implementation within the company. It was generally synonym of rigor, data traceability, and control and best practice integration. However, in 2015 through various case studies, observations and records, we can claim that this kind of software cause a lot of changes such as organizational changes, employee's tasks changes or business practices. This paper will explain the role of Change Management during an ERP implementation project. We will analyse the importance of this management area in this kind of project and we will observe that change management has to be taken into account in order to reach objectives and containing goals. In order to illustrate this idea, we will compare two different companies. First the report of the ERP implementation will be done for the French firm EVERIAL. It summarizes 15 months of personal observations within this project where I worked as Key User implementing SAGE X3 ERP for the Purchase module April 2013 to July 2014. Then the second company is described from a case study. It is a Chinese company with Chinese business culture, which succeed first with a home custom designed ERP implementation. However it failed to implement Western ERP called SAP R3. From both EVERIAL and the Chinese company we will analyse the importance of Change Management during the implementation step. Moreover, an analysis of business culture in this kind of project will be done in order to emphasis the role of change management when Western best practices are implemented in Asian Company with a strong local culture.
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Využití osobnostní typologie Predictive Index v managementu změn dle J.Kottera / Utilizing the Predictive Index personality typology in change management by J.KotterVlček, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The thesis offers results of a research which has been conducted to look for and describe the typical personal characteristics of a change manager using Predictive Index tool and Kotter´s 8 steps process of change management. The thesis also offers set of practical recommendations for change management leaders as well as for the organizations.
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Propuesta de mejora en la gestión de almacenes utilizando metodología lean warehouse para incrementar la eficiencia de líneas retornables de producción en una planta cervecera / Improvement proposal in warehouse management using lean warehouse methodology to increase the efficiency of returnable production lines in a brewing plantMorales Tipismana, Patricia 25 November 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto se implementó en la empresa cervecera con el objetivo de incrementar la eficiencia de las líneas retornables, cuya causa principal de resultados no deseados era por elevadas paradas por parte de logística. Esto complicaba los valores perdidos en venta por stocks out de productos retornables, en el 2018 fue cerca de S/. 471,664 que por perder tiempos de envasado no se lograba cumplir con la cuota que planificación asignaba y ventas necesitaba. Luego de la implementación 5s, asignación de lotes según stock promedio de formatos y estandarización del proceso clave de correcta clasificación de envase se logró para el 2019 reducir 37% de tiempos que permitió incrementar en 3.94% las eficiencias de líneas de los retornables. Esto permitió que los stock out se redujeran en 0.15% equivalentes a S/. 239,870. / This project was implemented in the brewing company with the aim of increasing the efficiency of the returnable lines, whose main cause of unwanted results was due to high stoppages by logistics. This complicated the lost values for sale due to stocks out of returnable products, in 2018 it was close to S /. 471,664 that due to losing packaging times, it was not possible to meet the quota that planning assigned and sales need. After the 5s implementation, allocation of batches according to average stock of formats and standardization of the key process for correct container classification, it was achieved by 2019 to reduce 37% of times that increased the efficiencies of returnable lines by 3.94%. This resulted in the stock out being reduced by 0.15% equivalent to S /. 239,870. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional
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Faktorer som bidrar till framgångsrik implementering av affärssystemSoro, Vanja January 2020 (has links)
There is enormous pressure on organizations that they need to change to become more efficient, andmany changes are related to IT. Tougher competition in the market forces organizations to beinnovative. Being innovative does not necessarily mean that you have product innovations but also thatyou best can take advantage of new knowledge. In recent years, many companies have replaced itslegacy systems with a fully integrated ERP system. Majority of these organizational changes, due to theimplementations of ERP, fail.It is one of the reasons that many researchers have been interested in identifying factors critical forsuccessful change. In this study are the most common critical success factors, according to previousstudies, set in contrast to the change process that was carried out on Axfood. Many people havehighlighted the change process in Axfood as a successful example and it is therefore interesting to see ifwe can draw some lessons from the successful example that may be of benefit to other companies.In addition to previous research on the subject, I use the theories of Change Management andAbsorption Ability as a theoretical frame of reference.The study shows that the work of change management and the work of strengthening the organization'sabsorption capacity were two parallel ongoing processes that are to be regarded as interdependent foroptimal success. Corporate management's commitment is also considered a critical success factor. Workwith change management is considered by the respondents to be essential for all organizational changes.The respondents emphasized the importance of not neglecting the work of continuously strengtheningthe organisation's absorption capacity. The respondents believe that the continuous work to strengthenAxfood's absorption capacity was what permeated the entire change process and is the key to successwith the change work. / Organisationer måste anpassas och därmed förändras för att fortleva. Flera av dessa förändringar ärrelaterade till IT. Ett ökat konkurrenstryck på marknaden har resulterat i organisationer förväntas varainnovativa. Att vara innovativ behöver nödvändigtvis inte innebära att man har produktinnovationerutan också att man på bästa sätt kan tillvara på ny kunskap. På senare år har många företag ersatt sinatidigare system med ett övergripande affärssystem. Med övergripande affärssystem menas att systemetger kontroll och översikt över hela verksamheten. Många av dessa organisationsförändringar, till följdav implementeringar av affärssystem, misslyckas. Misslyckas på så sätt att implementeringsprocessendrar över den planerade tiden och den tänkta budgeten, missnöje bland anställda uppstår och väsentligaffärsnytta drabbas. Många företag går in i en implementeringsprocess utan att riktigt veta vad de har att ståinför. Det är en av anledningar att flera forskare har varit intresserade av att identifiera faktorer som ärkritiska för en framgångsrik implementering av ett nytt affärssystem.Flera har lyft fram implementeringen av affärssystemet SAP på Axfood som ett framgångsrikt exempeloch därför är det intressant att se om vi kan dra några lärdomar från det som kan komma andra till del.Förutom tidigare forskning i ämnet, använder jag mig av teorierna Förändringsledning ochAbsorptionsförmåga som en teoretisk referensram. Av studien framgår att arbetet medförändringsledning och arbetet med att stärka organisationens absorptionsförmåga var två parallelltpågående processer som är att betrakta som ömsesidigt beroende för optimal framgång.Företagsledningens engagemang betraktas också som en kritisk framgångsfaktor. Arbete medförändringsledning anses av respondenterna som essentiellt för alla organisationsförändringar.Respondenterna framhävde vikten av att inte försumma arbetet med att kontinuerligt stärkaorganisationens absorptionsförmåga. Respondenterna menar att det kontinuerliga arbetet med att stärkaAxfoods absorptionsförmåga var det som genomsyrade hela förändringsprocessen och är nyckeln tillframgång med förändringsarbetet.
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Att realisera e-förvaltning : En studie om förändringsledares hantering av värdeideal inom offentlig verksamhet / To actualize e-governance : A study on how change agents manage value positions in the public sectorAndersson, Jonathan, Ull, Rasmus January 2020 (has links)
Politiska påtryckningar kräver offentliga verksamheters effektivisering, vilket har lett många kommuner till att påbörja införandet av effektivitetshöjande, IT-stödda automatiseringslösningar inom sina respektive socialtjänster. Initiativen medför dock ofrånkomliga organisationsförändringar, vilka ställer krav på god förändringsledning för att undvika förändringsmotstånd - något som tidigare uppvisats i samband med initiativen. Förändringsarbeten inom offentlig verksamhet har dessutom beskrivits ställa extra hårda krav på förändringsledarna, i och med hur de behöver navigera de många intressenter som tenderar att finnas inblandade. Genom en abduktiv forskningsansats, innefattande tio semistrukturerade intervjuer med förändringsledare som för närvarande arbetar med att automatisera arbetsprocesser inom socialtjänsten, identifieras bakomliggande intressen och viljor - värdeideal - med inverkan på automatiseringsinititativen. Därtill analyseras hur förändringsledare inom den offentliga sektorn utformar aktiviteter för att hantera dessa skilda viljor. Resultaten visar att tre av totalt fyra möjliga värdeideal går att identifiera i samband med initiativen: effektivitets-, service-, och professionalismidealet. Även om inget regelrätt förändringsmotstånd rapporteras, beskrivs dock en rädsla för hur den förändrade arbetsrollen ska påverka förändringsmottagarna - och vad det innebär för ansvarsutkrävande. Förändringsledarna hanterar idealen och nämnd rädsla genom att prioritera förändringsmottagarnas tidiga inblandning i förändringsarbetet, samt genom att lägga stor vikt vid kommunikativa insatser. Teoretiska och praktiska bidrag diskuteras. / Political pressures force organizations in the public sector to increase their efficiency, causing many municipalities to initiate projects involving IT-enabled automation of work processes in their local social services. In order to avoid resistance, the organizational changes caused by the projects need to be handled with great care by their respective change agents. The public sector is notorious for being particularly difficult to successfully lead through organizational change, due to the large number of stakeholders with power to affect the change, holding competing interests and wills - known as value positions. The study sets out to find which value positions are present in the ongoing automation projects currently being carried out in the municipalities’ social services, and how the change agents work with them. Using abductive reasoning, and with the help of ten semi-structured interviews with change agents who currently are involved in automation projects, the study’s findings show that three out of four value positions can be identified in the types of projects mentioned: the efficiency-, service- and professionalism ideal. The change agents work with the value positions by prioritizing the engagement and involvement of the change recipients from start, creating a sense of joint ownership of the change. Besides prioritizing engagement and involvement, communication efforts are held up to be of major importance. Implications for theory, practice and future research are presented.
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A consultant perspective on Digital transformation : Experiences of successful digitalizationKarlsson, Kristoffer, Spyrou, Nikolas Karl January 2020 (has links)
Progress in digital technologies has influenced organizations and individuals alike. The focus of organizations has been to adapt to the dynamic digital landscapes; ranging from expanding the boundaries of existing markets, to conquer unexplored and unclaimed opportunities. These include collaboration in novel partnerships with external actors, creating additional value through alternative use of existing technologies and services, provided to the customer in the growing digitally interconnected ecosystem. The purpose of this work is to explore contemporary consultant’s experiences related to the digitalization of their client organizations. Which major factors, in their experience, increase the success rate of digitalization or digital transformation projects, and which factors form the greatest risks? In order to answer the research questions and thereby fulfill the purpose, a case study was performed, where eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted with consultants from two firms. A thematic analysis was conducted, and the results were presented in the more general topics Perspectives on change, Change management, User involvement, Digital maturity, and Cultural aspects. These adaptations made by organizations need to be aligned with the overarching goals and values they may hold. In order for such an investment to stand a chance of being successful, support is needed from all levels of the organization. Both through the willingness to adapt, and suitability of the proposed investment. In order to provide support is through proper change management, with a specific focus on the human side of the planned change. If the implemented system or process is not being used, or not utilized as intended, the generated improvement will be less than expected. The digital strategy was argued to be of less use to the organization the less connected it was to the general strategic perspectives. The digital aspects described in such a document must be incorporated in the identity and culture of the organization to remain useful, they need to become part of their DNA.
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Förändringmotstånd inom gymnasieskolor : Förändringsarbete gällande digital teknik i undervisningen ur ett rektorsperspektiv / Change resistance within upper secondary schools : Change work regarding digital technology in teaching from a principal’s perspectiveJohansson, Ludvig, Jakobsson, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
Inledning: Digitaliseringen utvecklas och förändras konstant och är en process som påverkar organisationer och har förändrat samhället mest sedan industrialiseringen. En organisation som fyller en viktig funktion är skolan då en av skolans uppgifter är att bidra till att alla kan dra nytta av digitaliseringen. Förändringar skapar ofta både möjligheter och förutsättningar men de skapar även ett motstånd. I skolorganisationer är det vanligt att lärare motsätter sig förändringar på grund av rädsla för det okända, till exempel att gamla rutiner bryts. Då digitalisering anses vara en vanligt förekommande förändringsprocess ställer det krav på individer såväl i ledande befattningar men likväl i operativa befattningar. Förändringar som rör digital teknik kan motsägas av lärare på grund av sviktande acceptans till användandet av digital teknik i undervisningen. Studiens frågeställning är: - Hur kan rektorer i gymnasieskolor hantera förändringsmotstånd gällande digital teknik i undervisningen? Teoretisk referensram: Den teoretiska referensramen utgörs av centrala komponenter för uppsatsens problemområde såsom förändringsarbete, förändringsmotstånd, kommunikation och förändringsledning. Metod: Denna uppsats bygger på en kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med åtta rektorer och en lärare på sex olika gymnasieskolor i Skaraborg. Slutsats: Uppsatsen ger förslag på en modell som tagits fram som ett stöd för rektorer inom skolorganisationer. Modellen är användbar i en förändringsprocess i syfte att undvika men även hantera ett förändringsmotstånd. / Introduction: Digitalisation is constantly evolving and changing and is a process that affects organisations and has changed society most since industrialisation. An organisation that fulfills an important function is the school as one of the school's tasks is to help everyone to benefit from the digitalisation. Changes often create both opportunities and prerequisites, but they also create resistance. In school organisations, it is common for teachers to resist change because of fear of the unknown, for example that old routines are broken. Since digitalisation is considered to be a commonly occurring change process, it places demands on individuals both in leading positions as well in operational positions. Changes related to digital technology can be contradicted by teachers because of failing acceptance of the use of digital technology in teaching. The study's question is: - How can principals in upper secondary schools handle change resistance regarding digital technology in teaching? Theoretical frame of reference: The theoretical frame of reference consists of central components of this paper’s problem area such as change work, change resistance, communication and change management. Method: This paper is based on a qualitative method in which semi-structured interviews are conducted with eight principals and a teacher at six different upper secondary schools in Skaraborg. Conclusion: The paper proposes a model that has been developed as a support for principals within school organisations. The model is useful in a change process in order to avoid but also handle a change resistance.
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Informationsspridning ur ledningens perspektiv inför förändring : En kvalitativ studie på ett internationellt tillverkningsföretag i SverigeCadier, Agnes, Preuss, Carolina January 2020 (has links)
Sweden's prosperity is one fifth based on successful and innovative industries. To be able to meet the increasingly demanding and complex market the manufacturing companies need to be able to change. This, in turn, puts high pressure on leadership and internal and external communication before a transformation within the organisation, even more so on a global organisation. To meet these requirements, the manufacturing companies need to work hands on with dissemination of information between the organization's boundaries before change. This study aims to investigate how management can work with dissemination of information before a change. A qualitative method approach was used to answer the study's research question and the method of choosing was semistructured individual interviews. Sensemaking was used as a theoretical perspective to analyse the collected data. The study results show that management and bosses need to adapt their way of communication depending on which individual the information is addressed to, and that organizations need to work with organizational culture to encourage change. This study also reversals that it is important for concerned organisational members to feel involved in, and to understand the meaning with, the change. The management within the organization can therefore establish a change group to work with these issues. / Sveriges välstånd är till en femtedel byggt på framgångsrika och innovativa industrier. För att tillverkningsföretagen ska kunna möta den allt mer komplexa och krävande marknaden behöver de kunna förändras. Detta sätter i sin tur hög press på ledarskap och intern och extern kommunikation inför en förändring, och allra främst på globala organisationer. För att kunna möta dessa krav behöver tillverkningssektorn aktivt arbeta med informationsspridning mellan organisationens gränser inför förändringsarbeten. Den här studien kommer att undersöka hur ledning kan arbeta med informationsspridning inför ett förändringsarbete. En kvalitativ metod ansats har använts för att besvara studiens forskningsfråga och den valda metoden utgjordes av semistrukturerade individuella intervjuer. För att analysera studiens insamlade data användes Sensemaking som ett teoretiskt perspektiv. Studiens resultat visar att ledning och chefer behöver anpassa sitt sätt att kommunicera beroende på vilken individ informationen riktar sig till, samt att organisationer behöver arbeta med organisationskultur för att främja förändringsarbeten. Studien visar även att det är viktigt att berörda organisationsmedlemmar känner sig involverade i, och förstår meningen med, förändringen. Ledningen inom organisationen kan bland annat arbeta med detta genom att tillsätta en förändringsgrupp.
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Production Model Under Lean Manufacturing and Change Awareness Approaches to Reduce Order Delays at Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises from the Clothing Sector in PeruLeón-Guizado, Sheyene, Castro-Hucharo, Anthony, Chavez-Soriano, Pedro, Raymundo, Carlos 01 January 2021 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / This study proposes a production model that increases the manufacturing capacity in a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) of garments with an aim to reduce the nonfulfillment of order deliveries. An assessment has been done and waiting times between production processes have been identified, along with defective products and inefficient work methods. This study proposes the design of a lean manufacturing model under the change management approach, whose methodology comprises five phases. In phase 0, awareness and training sessions are conducted (change management). Then, phase 1 reorganizes the work area (plant layout re-distribution and 5S) and phase 2 seeks better workload balances (line balance and Heijunka implementation). Later, phase 3 standardizes work methods (standardization). Finally, the proposed model will be validated to determine whether the selected operating tools are supported by the awareness that contributes to increasing production. © 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. / Revisión por pares
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