Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dhange management"" "subject:"dchange management""
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Modelo de gestión de producción utilizando manufactura esbelta y gestión de cambios para aumentar la productividad en pymes del sector calzado / Production management model using lean manufacturing and change management to increase productivity in SMEs in the footwear sectorValenzuela Huaraca, Cecilia Mercedes, Vilchez Yovera, Jeniferd Rossmery 30 January 2021 (has links)
Actualmente, según estudios, se identifican pequeñas empresas fabricadoras de calzado que suelen tener problemas en el cumplimiento de la entrega de sus pedidos, lo que conlleva a pérdidas para las empresas y genera, en diversas ocasiones, pagar multas y costes adicionales significativos. Generalmente, el problema mencionado se produce por deficiencias en el proceso de producción. Por lo que, el propósito de este trabajo es proporcionar un modelo de Lean Manufacturing y la gestión de cambios para las pymes de la industria del calzado con el objetivo de mejorar los procesos productivos para incrementar el cumplimiento de los tiempos de entrega de los pedidos. De la misma forma, con esto se espera lograr la reducción de tiempos y disminuir los errores durante el proceso productivo. Para ello, se desarrolló un este modelo que integra los componentes de Lean Manufacturing que serán parte del logro del objetivo planteado.
La validación del modelo se realizó mediante la simulación con los tiempos de producción tomados previamente. El resultado que se obtuvo fue que la producción aumentó en un 20%, además, el número de prendas defectuosas también se redujo en un 50%. / Currently, according to studies, small footwear manufacturing companies are identified that often have problems in fulfilling the delivery of their orders, which leads to losses for companies and generates, on various occasions, paying fines and significant additional costs. Generally, the mentioned problem is caused by deficiencies in the production process. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to provide a Lean Manufacturing model and change management for SMEs in the footwear industry with the aim of improving production processes to increase compliance with order delivery times. In the same way, this is expected to reduce times and reduce errors during the production process. For this, a model was developed that integrates the Lean Manufacturing components that will be part of the achievement of the proposed objective.
The validation of the model was carried out by simulation with the production times previously taken. The result that was obtained was that production increased by 20%, in addition, the number of defective garments also decreased by 50%. / Trabajo de investigación
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Propuesta de implementación de una oficina de gestión de proyectos para la gerencia de operaciones e infraestructura en una empresa del sector financiero / Proposal for the implementation of a project management office for the operations and infrastructure area in a company of the financial sectorCayllahua Huaman, Erick Eduardo, Nina Paravecino, Reykjavil, Rojas Romani, Saul, Tovar Ueda, Juan Carlos 23 February 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo proponer la implementación de una Oficina de Gestión de Proyectos (PMO) en la Gerencia de Operaciones e Infraestructura (GOI) de una entidad financiera. Se ha identificado que los dos principales problemas en relación a la gestión de proyectos, dentro de la gerencia, son el elevado porcentaje de proyectos cancelados y el elevado porcentaje de proyectos que exceden el presupuesto planificado. Las causas principales de estos problemas son la falta de una metodología o estándares basados en las buenas prácticas para la gestión de proyectos y la falta de un organismo encargado de proponer, difundir y controlar el cumplimiento de esta metodología o de las buenas prácticas en la gestión de proyectos dentro de esta Gerencia.
Con la implementación de la PMO, se otorgará un mayor control y soporte en la gestión de proyectos, así como, mejorar el desempeño de dicha gestión implementando una metodología que defina las normas y procedimientos que permitan un óptimo planeamiento, medición y control de los proyectos basado en las buenas prácticas y estándares, desarrollados bajo la supervisión del Project Management Institute (PMI).
Este trabajo de investigación está compuesto por 4 capítulos. En el capítulo 1, se desarrolla el marco teórico donde se describe la situación del sector y conceptos relacionados a la gestión de proyectos, portafolios, PMO y OPM3.
En el capítulo 2, se describe la situación actual de la empresa y de la Gerencia de Operaciones e Infraestructura, la problemática que afronta en relación a la gestión de proyectos, y se realiza una evaluación del nivel de madurez de su gestión de proyectos. Además, se describe la necesidad de implementar la PMO como solución a los problemas identificados.
En el capítulo 3, se describe la propuesta y despliegue de la PMO donde se incluye su planeamiento y diseño, así como el plan de despliegue de la PMO. Adicionalmente se define la estrategia de implementación de la PMO, donde se detalla el análisis costo beneficio de la propuesta.
Finalmente, en el capítulo 4, se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones del presente trabajo de investigación. / This research paper has the objective to propose the implementation of a Project Management Office as part of the Operations and Infrastructure Management of a financial institution. It has been identified that the two main issues regarding project management are the high percentage of cancelled projects as well as projects that exceed the original budget. The main reasons that are causing these problems are the lack of methodologies based on an efficient practice in project management, the lack of an organization in charge of proposing, promoting and controlling that the methodology is implemented, and the lack of a good practice in project management inside this area.
With the implementation of the proposed Project Management office, there will be more control and support in project management. In addition, there will be improvement in managing this area because regulations and procedures to optimize planning, measurement and control will be implemented and developed based on the best practices and standards under the supervision of the Project Management Institute.
This research work is composed of four chapters. The first chapter introduces the theoretical framework where the situation and concepts related to project management, portfolios, PMO and OMP3 are described.
The second chapter describes the current situation of the company and operations and infrastructure management, and the problems they confront regarding project management and an evaluation of the level of maturity of project management is made. Besides, the need of implementing the PMO as a solution to the identified problems is described.
In chapter 3, the description of the proposal and deployment of the PMO is presented, including the planning and design. Additionally, the strategy of the implementation of the PMO is defined, and the project is explained, including the cost-benefits analysis of the proposal.
Finally, in chapter 4, some conclusions and recommendations are given / Trabajo de investigación
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Gestión de Controversias aplicadas en un Contrato a Suma Alzada en la modalidad de ejecución Fast Track para un Proyecto Privado de Infraestructura de Salud en el Norte del Perú / Dispute Management in a Lump Sum Contract in the Fast Track form for a Health Infrastructure Private Project in Northern PerúCerna Meza, Luis Miguel, Huerta Amoretti, Héctor Daniel, Narciso Maldonado, Daphne Olga 28 January 2021 (has links)
El Trabajo de Investigación presenta el caso de la construcción de una clínica en el norte del país, que empezó como un proyecto con un alcance definido y con un contrato a suma alzada, pero que durante la ejecución y por iniciativa del propietario se dieron tantos cambios que lo convirtieron en la práctica en un proyecto fast track con un contrato a suma alzada.
Esta situación originó una serie de impactos en costo y plazo que derivaron en reclamos planteados por el contratista del orden del 10% de la venta, incluyendo los costos derivados de un posible arbitraje.
Teniendo en cuenta esta experiencia, se plantea como alternativa un proceso de gestión de cambios robusto en donde se enfatiza el pleno conocimiento del alcance del proyecto y del contrato como medida de prevención que busca que el cambio planteado esté formulado de una manera clara sobre la base de los documentos del proyecto.
Asimismo, para aquellos casos en los que el reclamo es inevitable se plantea también el proceso de gestión de prevención de reclamos, en donde se establecen pautas para la negociación tratando de evitar llegar a la última instancia que sería el litigio por la vía judicial. / This Research Paper presents the case of the construction of a clinic in the north of the country that began as a project with a defined scope and with a lump sum contract, but during the execution and at the initiative of the owner there were so many changes which effectively turned it into a fast track project with a lump sum contract.
This situation originated a series of cost and time impacts that resulted in claims raised by the contractor of the order of 10% of the sale including the costs derived from a possible arbitration.
Taking into account this experience, a robust change management process is proposed as an alternative where full knowledge of the project scope and contract are emphasized as a preventive measure that seeks the proposed change may be formulated in a clear way on the basis of the project documents.
Likewise, for those cases in which the claim is unavoidable, the claims management process is also proposed, where guidelines for negotiation are established, trying to avoid reaching the last instance, which would be litigation through the courts. / Tesis
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Utvecklares upplevelse av övergång till testdriven utveckling / Developers' experiences of the transition to test-driven developmentBlomgren, Caroline, Wallström, Rebecca January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med vår studie har varit att utforska hur utvecklare upplever en övergång från iterativ test-sist-utveckling till testdriven utveckling. I studien refereras testdriven utveckling till som TDD, en förkortning som kommer av engelskans test-driven development. TDD är en iterativ och testfokuserad systemutvecklingsmetod. Den typ av testning som används i störst utsträckning inom TDD är enhetstester. För att gå över till ett nytt arbetssätt krävs inlärning av den nya metoden. En utmaning är också att människor tenderar att använda sig av kända metoder snarare än att prova något nytt. Vi har gjort en djupgående studie ur ett systemutvecklarperspektiv. Studien genomfördes genom att fyra utvecklare på ett IT-konsultföretag använde sig av TDD under en testperiod, i stället för den iterativa test-sist-utvecklingsmetod som de vanligtvis utövar. Före och efter testperioden intervjuades utvecklarna kring deras bakgrund, upplevelser och åsikter. Utvecklarna upplevde att TDD fungerade bra för uppgifter där det passar med enhetstester, men att TDD skulle vara svårt att köra om uppgiften de skulle göra inte var väl specificerad eller hade otydligt specificerade krav. Vi upptäckte att hur bra utvecklare förstått något stämmer inte alltid överens med hur bra de tror att de förstått något. Samt att möjligheten att spara tid är en faktor som motiverar utvecklare till vilka metodval de gör. Utvecklarna upplevde att TDD gjorde att de tänkte igenom uppgiften mer innan de började koda och gjorde att de skrev mer enhetstest, vilket i sin tur genererade flera positiva bieffekter. Utvecklarna upplevde få negativa effekter. Majoriteten av utvecklarna upplevde att de flesta utmaningarna med övergång till TDD handlade om att byta vana och tankesätt. Övriga utmaningar utvecklarna upplevde handlade om att börja med TDD för ett befintligt system. De slutsatser vi har kommit fram till stämmer överens med tidigare forskning på olika fält. Vår studie pekar därför på att allmänna teorier, exempelvis teori om olika lärstilar, förändringsledning och bildande av vanor även är applicerbart vid övergång till TDD. Utifrån våra slutsatser har vi formulerat rekommendationer till organisationer hur de kan underlätta för sina utvecklare som ska gå över till TDD. / The goal of our study has been to explore how developers experience a transition from iterative test-last development to test-driven development. In this report, test-driven development is referred to as TDD. TDD is an iterative and test-focused system development method. The type of testing most widely used in TDD is unit testing. To switch to a new working method requires learning the new method. A challenge faced is also that people tend to use known methods rather than try something new. We have done an in-depth study from a developer perspective. Four developers at an IT consulting company got to use TDD during a test period, instead of the iterative test-last development method they usually practice. Before and after the test period, the developers were interviewed about their background, experiences and opinions. The developers felt that TDD worked well for tasks where unit tests were appropriate, but that TDD would be difficult to apply if the task they were to perform was not well specified or had unclear requirements. We discovered that how well developers understand something does not always match how well they think they understand something. We also discovered that the possibility to save time is a factor that motivates developers to which method choices they make. The developers felt that TDD made them think through the task more thoroughly before they started coding and that it made them write more unit tests, which in turn generated several positive side effects. The developers experienced few negative effects. The majority of the developers felt that most of the challenges with the transition to TDD concerned changing habits and mindset. Other challenges the developers experienced concerned starting with TDD for an existing system. Our conclusions are consistent with previous research in various fields. Our study therefore indicates that general theories, such as theory of different learning styles, change management and habit formation, are also applicable in the transition to TDD. Based on our conclusions, we have formulated recommendations to organizations on how they can facilitate for their developers to transition to TDD.
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Managing successful implementation of flexible automation in SMEsBetz, Marc Daniel, Traffash, Ahmad January 2021 (has links)
Today the global market is changing to increased competition, short product life cycles and mass customisation. Therefore, the pressure on manufacturing companies to become more flexible in their production has increased. As a response to this increased pressure, many companies have implemented automation solutions to achieve the required flexibility and stay competitive. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are particularly under pressure, because they are usually subcontractors to large companies which trigger and promote high-mix and low-volume production. The literature shows that there are couple of reasons, for example poor management skills, impacting SMEs' behaviour and the way they run businesses. Moreover, the academia uncovers the misassumption that the conceptual frameworks, organisational theories, and processes developed through researching large companies are directly applicable and relevant to SMEs. The truth is SMEs run the business and adopt models and theories differently from larger counterparts. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to increase knowledge about managing successful implementation of flexible automation projects in companies with a high mix, low volume production. The methodological approach of this work was theoretical and empirical driven. The theory part includes a literature review, and the empirical section includes a single case study and experts involvement. Thereby five key words for flexible automation could be identified which built the basis for the research. The outcome of the study is 21 general recommendations regarding implementing flexible automations at SMEs with high mix, low volume production. These recommendations have been developed to help SMEs in their journey with automation as they can be used as a road map to cover the implementation process, before, during and after.
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Dirección del proyecto de automatización de trámites académicos aplicando estándares globales del PMI en una institución universitaria / Project management of automation of academic procedures applying global standards of the pmi in a university institutionFranco Mestanza, Vivian Francesca, Pasco Oré , Velia Milagros, Ramos Bonifáz, Laura Lenny, Vinces Robles, Evelyn Giuliana, Velásquez Vela, Víctor Eberson 30 March 2021 (has links)
El siguiente trabajo de investigación contempla el proyecto de un sistema de automatización de trámites de una institución universitaria, esto debido a una problemática de la institución referente a la atención a sus clientes como para el manejo laboral de la empresa, este proyecto se realizará aplicando los estándares globales del PMI.
Este proyecto se empezará realizando un estudio de caso de negocio en el cual se ha estimado los siguientes indicadores financieros: inversión de $245,395.70, una TIR de 29.7% y una VAN S/2,678,251 que se mostrará en el siguiente trabajo, por otro lado también nos enfocaremos en el cambio organizacional de la empresa, posteriormente abarcaremos los componentes del plan de dirección de proyectos donde observaremos las 4 líneas base (alcance, cronograma, costo y medición para el desempeño) propuestas por la Guía del PMBOK®. 6ta Edición.
Para el presente trabajo se eligió un proyecto real con un presupuesto de $140,000.00 y un plazo de ejecución de 13 meses. Este proyecto es liderado por un Comité Gerencial de la misma institución universitaria y tiene como objetivo mejorar sus niveles de satisfacción y experiencia del usuario, así como también monitorear el éxito de la inversión, en calidad, alcance, tiempo y costo, incluyendo entre otros, una aplicación efectiva de la línea base para medición del desempeño del proyecto visto en este trabajo.
Estas mejoras a la dirección de proyectos de la institución pasaran desde un análisis del entorno hasta la ejecución de los estándares globales del PMI en base a este estudio. También permitirán el reforzamiento de valores de responsabilidad, honestidad, eficiencia, equidad y respeto de nuestro Director de Proyecto (Patrocinador)s, permitiéndonos consolidar nuestra visión de la empresa. / The following research contemplates the project of an automated process system in a college institution. Due to multiple institutional problems in relation with customer service and poor work management. This project will be carried out applying the global standards of the PMI.
This project will begin by doing a study a business case, in which it has been estimated the following financial indicators: an investment of $245,395.70, an IRR of 29.7% and a NPV of S/. 2,678,251.00 ($ 754,437.00), these will be shown in the following work.
On the other hand, we will focus on the company’s organizational shift, later on we will cover the project management plan components where we will observe the 4 base lines (scope, schedule, cost and performance measurement) proposed by de PMBOK ®️ Guide 6th edition.
For the present work, a real project was chosen with a budget of $140,000.00 and an execution time of 13 months. This project is led by a Management Committee of the same college institution and aims to improve its levels of satisfaction and user experience, as well as monitor the success of the investment, in quality, scope, time and cost, including among others, an effective use of the baseline for project performance measurement seen in this work.
Based on this study, these improvements to the institution’s project management will pass from an analysis of the environment to the execution of the global standards of the PMI. It will also strengthen the values of responsibility, honesty, efficiency, equity and respect of the Project Manager (Sponsor), allowing us to consolidate our vision of the company. / Trabajo de investigación
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A conceptual model for VSM in a production system with paral-lel material flow : a case study of a SME in the wood industryHelmersson, Erik, Broman, Anders January 2021 (has links)
There is a rapid change in the current market that requires more customisation and higher quality for a lower price. For SMEs, it is a challenge to compete and develop the production system in this increasingly competitive environment. One way to increase the competitive advantages is to investigate the possibilities to involve Lean tools such as VSM. The purpose of the VSM design is to get a quick holistic view of the production system to find value-added and non-value-added activities and improve the production system. A VSM is, however, not widely explored in a production system with high flexibility and a high number of variants in a functional layout. It has been discovered that there is a research gap in the literature, and some researchers proclaim that there is none or a negative correlation between VSM and flexible production. Therefore, there is a need to further explore these concepts together at a case company with these pa-rameters.The methodological approach is a single case study at a case company. The research focuses on investigating how the VSM can be applicable in a production system with high flexibility on a functional layout facility. The study will focus on hard aspects such as the VSM itself and soft aspects such as Lean concepts, Change Management, and employee’s behaviour and reactions. The reason is that enterprises need to investigate parameters and employee behaviour since a production system with high flexibility on a functional layout often perceives as a complex system. Therefore a conceptual model has been developed to facilitate the adoption of this kind of production system. The created conceptual model is based on the findings from the case company and theories from the literature studies. The methods that supported the data collection in the case are interviews with the production personnel and personnel from the management de-partment, observations, VSM and a literature review.
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Förändringshantering: Tvådimensionella koder - paradigmskifte inom dagligvarubranschen? : En fallstudie om hur processer i dagligvarubranschen påverkas när endimensionell kod ersätts med tvådimensionell kod / Change Management: Two Dimensional Codes - Paradigm Shift Within the Grocery Industry? : A case study about how processes in the grocery industry are affected when one dimensional code is replaced with two dimensional codeWallbäck, Alexandra, Wahlberg, Rebecca January 2021 (has links)
Endimensionell kod ska fasas ut som informationsbärare i dagligvarubranschen och ersättas med tvådimensionell kod, något som anses kunna leda till ett paradigmskifte enligt GS1. Syftet med studien är att analysera den potentiella påverkan ersättandet av endimensionell kod till tvådimensionell kod kommer ha på orderhanteringsprocessen i dagligvarubutiker. Förändringen antas i sin tur påverka andra processer i butik samt den direkta försörjningskedjan. Studien hade en induktiv ansats och information från GS1 har legat till grund för teorivalen. En digital intervju utfördes för att diskutera aktiviteter som sker i en orderhanteringsprocess. Resultatet från studien visade på att QR-koden i sig inte kommer skapa ett paradigmskifte, mycket kommer att bero på hur QR-koden implementeras och på vilket sätt organisationer drar nytta av informationen som blir tillgänglig. QR-kod (typ 3) kommer inte påverka de nuvarande aktiviteterna i orderhanteringsprocessen nämnvärt, men QR-koden har desto större potential att påverka aktiviteter som indirekt har kopplingar till orderhanteringen. Eftersom den tvådimensionella koden har kapacitet för mer information kan det potentiellt bidra till att varuflöden effektiviseras och att samtliga medlemmar i försörjningskedjan får tillgång till information som skapar affärsnyttor för både leverantör, butik och kund. / One-dimensional code will be phased out in the grocery industry and replaced with two-dimensional code, something that is considered to lead to a paradigm shift according to GS1. The purpose of the study is to analyze the potential impact the replacement of one-dimensional code to two-dimensional code will have on the order fulfillment process in grocery stores. The change is in turn assumed to affect other processes in the store as well as the direct supply chain. The study had an inductive approach, information from GS1 has been the basis for the theories chosen. A digital interview was conducted to discuss activities that take place in an order fulfillment process. The results from the study showed that the QR code itself will not create a paradigm shift, much will depend on what way organizations benefit from the information that becomes available. QR code will not significantly affect the current activities in the order fulfillment process, the QR code has greater potential to affect activities that are indirectly linked to order fulfillment. Two-dimensional code has the capacity for more information, it can potentially contribute to streamlining of product flows and contribute to business benefits for the members of the supply chain.
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Diseño de la Oficina de Dirección de Proyectos (PMO) en una empresa de servicios peruanaAlegría Muñoz, Ronald, Medina Romero, Andrea Mairy, Salcedo Paredes, Miguel Angel, Usnayo Zárate, Roger William, Tadeo Zenteno, Richard Jose 18 April 2021 (has links)
Los lineamientos estratégicos 2021-2023 de la empresa UX están asociados con el crecimiento sostenible, la mejora de resultados y la mayor satisfacción con sus clientes; sin embargo, se ven ensombrecidos por la deficiente calidad de sus servicios, debido a problemas en la implementación de sus proyectos.
Luego de un trabajo de investigación, profundizando en las posibles causas que generan este problema, se ha propuesto el diseño de la implementación de una Oficina de Gestión de Proyectos (PMO), como apoyo en la estandarización y acompañamiento de los diferentes proyectos, buscando de esta manera mejorar la calidad en sus proyectos y por tanto en los servicios.
La Guía del PMBOK® fundamenta este trabajo de investigación para los grupos de procesos de inicio y planificación del proyecto del Diseño de la PMO; el manual del modelo de madurez organizacional en la gestión de proyectos (OPM3®) para medir la madurez en la gestión de proyectos; la metodología PMO Value Ring de la PMO Global Alliance con el fin de brindar la propuesta de diseño de la PMO en funciones, estructura y roles; y en la Guía Práctica de Gestión del Cambio en las Organizaciones del PMI, que nos ayudará a desarrollar el plan de gestión del cambio organizacional en la UX.
El trabajo de investigación consta de seis capítulos: El primero plantea y justifica el problema; el segundo capítulo contiene el marco teórico de los conceptos principales; el tercero, describe y analiza la situación de la UX; el cuarto propone la dirección del proyecto para el diseño de la PMO; el quinto muestra la propuesta del diseño de la PMO proponiendo las principales funciones, estructura y roles de la PMO; y el sexto presenta la Gestión del Cambio Organizacional, necesaria para el desarrollo del proyecto. Finalmente, incluimos las conclusiones y recomendaciones.
El tiempo estimado para completar la implementación del proyecto de diseño de la PMO es de 80 días hábiles y su costo de inversión inicial de S/. 46 520, y los costos durante la operación se estima en S/. 522 000 anuales. / The 2021-2023 strategic guidelines of the UX company are associated with sustainable growth, improved results and increase the satisfaction with its clients; however, they are overshadowed by the poor quality of their services provided due to problems in the implementation of their projects.
After a research work, delving into the possible causes that generate this problem, the design of the implementation of a Project Management Office (PMO) has been proposed, as support in standardizing and accompanying the different projects, seeking in this way to improve the quality in their projects and therefore in the services.
The PMBOK® Guide supports this research work for the initiation and planning process groups of the PMO Design project; the Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3®) for measuring maturity in project management; the PMO Value Ring methodology of the PMO Global Alliance in order to provide the design proposal of the PMO in functions, structure and roles; and in the Managing Change in Organizations: A Practice Guide (PMI), which will help us to develop the organizational change management plan in the UX.
The research work has six chapters: The first identifies and justifies the problem; the second chapter contains the theoretical framework of the main concepts; the third, describes and analyzes the situation of the UX; the fourth proposes project management to design the PMO; the fifth shows the PMO design proposal proposing the main functions, structure, and roles of the PMO; and the sixth presents the Organization Change Management, necessary for the development of the project. Finally, we include the conclusions and recommendations.
The estimated time to complete the PMO design project's implementation is 80 working days, and its initial investment cost of S/. 46 520, as well as the operating costs are estimated at S/. 522 000 annually. / Trabajo de investigación
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Medarbetarperspektiv i digitaliseringsprocessen : En kvalitativ studie av digitaliseringen inom välfärdssektorn / An employee perspective of the digital transformation : A qualitative study of the digitalization in the welfare sectorBroberg, Ingrid, Linde, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sverige står inför en demografisk utmaning, vårdbehov förväntas öka och välfärdssektorernas tillgång till arbetskraft förväntas minska. Riksdagen har därför satt som mål att Sverige bör bli världsledande när det gäller att utnyttja möjligheterna med digitalisering, för att framgent uppnå en hållbar och kvalitativ välfärd. Den offentliga sektorn behöver således anta en bred digital strategi avseende kompetens, säkerhet, innovation, förvaltning, infrastruktur samt inkludera medarbetarna i processen. Syfte: Att undersöka kommunanställdas uppfattning om de egna förutsättningarna att vara en aktiv part i digitaliseringsprocessen i en kommunal verksamhet, med målsättning att digitaliseringen ska bidra till tryggad välfärd och folkhälsa för kommunens medborgare. Metod: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv metod användes. Femton semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med medarbetare inom omsorgssektorn i en mindre svensk kommun. Resultat: Resultatet bestod av ett övergripande tema, två teman, fyra kategorier och 13 underkategorier, som alla återspeglade förutsättningarna för delaktighet i digitaliseringsprocessen. Det övergripande temat belyste bristen på samt önskemålen om ett tydligare Medarbetarperspektiv i kommunens digitaliseringsprocess. Temat Kommunens digitala organisering påvisar vikten av inkludering och stöd, samt tillgången till utensilier. Temat Medarbetarskap i digitaliseringen åskådliggjorde de förutsättningar som inverkade på personalens egen inställning och möjlighet att vara aktiv. Slutsats: För att möjliggöra anställdas delaktighet och aktiva roll är det av stor vikt att ett medarbetarperspektiv beaktas i den digitala förändringsprocessen. Förutom inkludering och kommunikation krävs även tillgång till utensilier, stöd, vilja, kunskap och kompetensutveckling samt en medvetenhet om att digitaliseringsprocessen även påverkar medarbetarnas yrkesroller. / Background: Sweden faces a demographic challenge, care needs are expected to increase and the welfare sectors’ access to labor is expected to decrease. The Parliament stated that Sweden should become world leader at using the opportunities of digitalization to henceforth achieve sustainable and qualitative welfare. The public sector thus needs to adopt a broad digital approach regarding competence, security, innovation, management, infrastructure and including employees in the process. Aim: To investigate employees' perceptions of their prerequisites taking an active part in the digital transformation of the local council activity, with an objective that digitalization should contribute to ensure welfare and public health of their citizens. Method: A qualitative content analysis with inductive approach was undertaken. Fifteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with employees in the care sector in a smaller Swedish municipality. Result: The result consists of an overarching theme, two themes, four categories and 13 subcategories all reflecting prerequisites for participation in the digitalization process. The overarching theme highlighted the lack and desideratum of an Employee perspective. The theme The municipality's digital organization demonstrated the importance of inclusion, support and access to utensils. The theme Employeeship in digitalization demonstrated the prerequisites that affected the staff's own attitude and possibility of being active. Conclusion: To enable employees’ active roles it is of great importance that an employee perspective is taken into account in the digital transformation. In addition to inclusion and communication, access to utensils, support, willingness, knowledge and competence development and an awareness that the digitization process also affects the employees' professional roles is required.
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