Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dhange strategy"" "subject:"dchange strategy""
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Förändring inom Polisen – : en fallstudie ur ett medarbetarperspektiv / Change for the Police authority – : A case study with the employees´ perspectiveCederholm, Anna, Levin, Johanna January 2005 (has links)
<p>Background: The Swedish Police authorities have accomplished several changes the last years. We have studied one of these changes, the co-ordination of two supporting functions, economy and staffadministration at the Police authorities in Östergötland, Jönköping, Södermanland and SKL (Swedish crime technical laboratory). The initiative to this change was taken in 2002 and in 2003 a decision was made to create a joint servicecenter.</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this rapport is, in a collaborator perspective, to study the employees´ experiences of the change process.</p><p>Method: The empirical material was collected throw interviews with the employees who have taken part in the change process. Even the leader of the project has been interviewed.</p><p>Results: We have distinguished five central aspects in the change process. These are information/communication and understanding, the project leader, teamwork, timeaspect/reflexion and the leadership. Our opinion is that the employees´ totalexperience of the change process is positive. The reason to this is that the change strategy is based on high participation and influence which the employees have appreciated. An other reason is the meeting of two different contexts. By that we mean that during the change project a bureaucratic context came across the project context which was based on comprehensive view and flexibility. The employees thought that the project context was a challenge and they found it very inspiring.</p> / <p>Bakgrund: Det svenska polisväsendet har genomfört ett flertal förändringar de senaste åren. Vi har valt att studera en av dessa förändringar, samordningen av de ekonomi- och personaladministrativa funktionerna vid polismyndigheterna i Östergötlands-, Jönköpings- och Södermanlands län samt Statens Kriminaltekniska Laboratorium, SKL. Initiativet till denna förändring togs av Rikspolisstyrelsen under hösten 2002 och året därpå fattades beslutet att bilda ett gemensamt servicecenter för ovannämnda myndigheter.</p><p>Syfte: Syftet med vår uppsats är att, ur ett medarbetarperspektiv, studera de anställdas upplevelser av Polisens förändringsprocess.</p><p>Genomförande: Vårt empiriska material har samlats in genom intervjuer med de anställda som deltagit i Polisens förändringsprocess. Även huvudprojektledaren för förändringsarbetet har intervjuats.</p><p>Resultat: Vi har kunnat urskilja fem centrala aspekter i Polisens förändringsprocess. Dessa är information/kommunikation & förståelse, huvudprojektledaren, grupparbete, tidsaspekt/reflektion samt ledningens agerande. Vår uppfattning är att de anställdas totalupplevelse av förändringsprocessen är positiv då vi anser att de positiva upplevelserna överväger de negativa. Vi har kunnat konstatera att anledningen till detta dels är att förändringsstrategin har baserats på hög grad av delaktighet och inflytande vilket de anställda har uppskattat, dels mötet mellan två olika kontexter. Med detta menar vi att inom ramen för förändringsprojektet möttes en organisation med byråkratiska inslag och arbetsformen projekt, där den senare i större utsträckning betonar vikten av helhetstänkande och flexibilitet. Helhetstänkande och flexibilitet var två nya inslag som projektarbetet innebar, vilket upplevdes utmanande och inspirerande av de anställda.</p>
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Evaluation of a leadership development programme. Developing a ¿fit for purpose¿ model to evaluate a leadership development programme at the individual, departmental and organisational levels within the BBCHayward, Ian C. January 2009 (has links)
The research was aimed at addressing the challenge of evaluating a large scale
change intervention in a large organisation and in a complex environment. Finding
robust, meaningful yet realistic methodologies from among the array of possible
approaches, methods and techniques has proved problematic, for both
organisational practitioners and academics alike. The research explored this issue of
choice from the perspective of ¿fit for purpose¿ and suggests a multi-faceted
approach, using a range of evaluation methods and techniques, which were applied
to an ongoing example at the BBC. It was also planned to use structural equation
modelling (SEM) techniques to examine the relationships between variables critical
to the study. The approach described represents a ¿pilot¿ evaluation exercise, which
drew on data collected from early cohorts going through the BBC Leadership
Programme, a key element of the ¿Making it Happen¿ change strategy initiated by
the then Director General, Mr. Greg Dyke. As a second level of research, an
evaluation of the primary evaluation itself, i.e. of the BBC Leadership Programme,
was also undertaken to assess the effectiveness of the primary evaluation strategy
and its implementation.
Three hypotheses were examined in terms of programme impact: It was proposed
that participation in the programme would bring about collective improvements in
individual leadership behaviour (Ho1), leading to improved departmental
performance across the business (Ho2), in turn, resulting in improved organisational
performance (Ho3). Due to limitations in the application of the methodology it was
not possible to use SEM analyses on the data collected. Alternative analyses failed
to demonstrate conclusive support for all three hypotheses and, while other factors
besides programme attendance appear to influence leadership performance the
afore-mentioned limitations restrict the ability to draw firm conclusions. Following
evaluation of the primary evaluation it was evident that, as a pilot exercise, important
outcomes from the programme evaluation give rise to ¿lessons learned¿ and changes
are suggested for any future evaluation exercise of this kind.
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Mellanchefer som utvecklar : om förutsättningar för hållbart utvecklingsarbete inom vård och omsorgLarsson, Kjerstin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med avhandlingen är att beskriva, analysera och diskutera vilka organisatoriska och interorganisatoriska förhållanden som har betydelse för mellanchefers möjlighet att driva hållbar verksamhetsutveckling. Avsikten är att studera samspelet mellan organisatoriska och interorganisatoriska förhållanden kopplat till mellanchefers förändringskompetens. Forskningen har skett inom ramen för ett omfattande nationellt FoU-projekt inom vård och omsorg. Projektets syfte var att arbeta med ett hållbart utvecklingsarbete som byggde på en bred delaktighet bland anställda och chefer.</p><p>Studien är en kvalitativ studie med ett interaktivt förhållningssätt, vilket innebär en ambition att forska med de berörda inom ramen för en gemensam kunskapsbildning. Den interaktiva forskningen strävar efter att vara till praktisk nytta, men framförallt är syftet att bidra till</p><p>teoriutvecklingen. De datainsamlingsmetoder som använts är arbetsplatsbesök, intervjuer, ”critical incident”-metoden, reflektions-PM (inom ramen för två utbildningar), analysdialog- och reflektionsseminarier, informella samtal samt återföringsträffar. Ett antal gemensamma aktiviteter har anordnats inom ramen för det nationella projektet, vilka även har fungerat som datainsamling och gemensam analys, såsom nationella konferenser, styrgruppsmöten m.m.</p><p>Avhandlingens resultat visar att mellancheferna inom vård och omsorgssektorn kan ha en strategisk roll i verksamhetsutvecklingen. Avsikten med min forskning har inte varit att generalisera resultaten i traditionell mening, men att visa på mekanismer och förutsättningar för mellancheferna vid organisering av utvecklingsarbetet. De organisatoriska villkoren – i form av ekonomi, ansvar, befogenheter, professionalisering och företagskultur – påverkar starkt mellanchefernas förutsättningar att driva ett utvecklingsarbete. Min forskning visar på intressanta möjligheter för mellancheferna när det gäller att åstadkomma en vertikal och horisontell integrering av utvecklingsarbetet. Det finns exempel på hur mellanchefer kunnat påverka och utnyttja dessa förutsättningar för att skapa ett handlingsutrymme i organisationen för att driva ett utvecklingsarbete. De har använt sig av målstyrning, skapat utrymme för lärande och reflektion samt skapat en organisationskultur som stöder utveckling. De interorganisatoriska förutsättningarna – i form av externt nätverk, forskarstöd och partsamverkan – har varit viktiga för mellancheferna i deras utvecklingsarbete.</p> / <p>The aim of the dissertation is to describe, analyse and discuss those organisational and interorganisational conditions which are of importance for the enablement of middle managers to drive sustainable development in activity areas. The intention is to study the interplay between organisational and inter-organisational conditions coupled to the change competence of the middle managers. The research has been carried out within the framework of an extensive national R&D project within healthcare and caring. The aim of the project was to work with a sustainable development effort which had as its foundation a broad</p><p>participation between employees and management.</p><p>The study is a qualitative study with an interactive type of approach, which implies an ambition to carry out research with those affected within the framework of a joint knowledge gathering. The interactive research attempts to be of practical use, but the aim is primarily to contribute to theoretical development. The data collection methods which have been used are visits to the workplaces, interviews, “critical-incident” methods, reflective-PMs (within the framework of two education areas), analytical dialog and reflective seminars, informal conversations and feedback meetings. A number of common activities have been organised within the framework of the national project, which have also functioned as data collection and common analyses, as well as national conferences, steering group meetings etc.</p><p>The results of the dissertation show that middle managers within the healthcare and caring sector can have a strategic role in the development of this activity area. The intention of my research has not been to generalise the results in the traditional interpretation, but to reveal mechanisms and prerequisites for the middle managers in organising development efforts. The organisational conditions – in the form of economy, responsibility, authority, professionalisation and company culture – strongly affect the prerequisites of the middle manager for driving a development effort. My research demonstrates interesting opportunities for the middle managers concerning achieving a vertical and horizontal integration of the development effort. There are examples of how the middle managers have been able to influence and utilise these prerequisites in order to create room for action in the organisation for driving a development effort. They have availed themselves of goal orientation, created room for learning and reflection and have created an organisational culture that supports development. The inter-organisational prerequisitess – in the form of an external network, research support and collaboration of parties – has been important for the middle managers in their development efforts.</p>
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Evaluation of a leadership development programme : developing a 'fit for purpose' model to evaluate a leadership development programme at the individual, departmental and organisational levels within the BBCHayward, Ian C. January 2009 (has links)
The research was aimed at addressing the challenge of evaluating a large scale change intervention in a large organisation and in a complex environment. Finding robust, meaningful yet realistic methodologies from among the array of possible approaches, methods and techniques has proved problematic, for both organisational practitioners and academics alike. The research explored this issue of choice from the perspective of 'fit for purpose' and suggests a multi-faceted approach, using a range of evaluation methods and techniques, which were applied to an ongoing example at the BBC. It was also planned to use structural equation modelling (SEM) techniques to examine the relationships between variables critical to the study. The approach described represents a 'pilot' evaluation exercise, which drew on data collected from early cohorts going through the BBC Leadership Programme, a key element of the 'Making it Happen' change strategy initiated by the then Director General, Mr. Greg Dyke. As a second level of research, an evaluation of the primary evaluation itself, i.e. of the BBC Leadership Programme, was also undertaken to assess the effectiveness of the primary evaluation strategy and its implementation. Three hypotheses were examined in terms of programme impact: It was proposed that participation in the programme would bring about collective improvements in individual leadership behaviour (Ho1), leading to improved departmental performance across the business (Ho2), in turn, resulting in improved organisational performance (Ho3). Due to limitations in the application of the methodology it was not possible to use SEM analyses on the data collected. Alternative analyses failed to demonstrate conclusive support for all three hypotheses and, while other factors besides programme attendance appear to influence leadership performance the afore-mentioned limitations restrict the ability to draw firm conclusions. Following evaluation of the primary evaluation it was evident that, as a pilot exercise, important outcomes from the programme evaluation give rise to 'lessons learned' and changes are suggested for any future evaluation exercise of this kind.
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Förändring inom Polisen – : en fallstudie ur ett medarbetarperspektiv / Change for the Police authority – : A case study with the employees´ perspectiveCederholm, Anna, Levin, Johanna January 2005 (has links)
Background: The Swedish Police authorities have accomplished several changes the last years. We have studied one of these changes, the co-ordination of two supporting functions, economy and staffadministration at the Police authorities in Östergötland, Jönköping, Södermanland and SKL (Swedish crime technical laboratory). The initiative to this change was taken in 2002 and in 2003 a decision was made to create a joint servicecenter. Purpose: The purpose of this rapport is, in a collaborator perspective, to study the employees´ experiences of the change process. Method: The empirical material was collected throw interviews with the employees who have taken part in the change process. Even the leader of the project has been interviewed. Results: We have distinguished five central aspects in the change process. These are information/communication and understanding, the project leader, teamwork, timeaspect/reflexion and the leadership. Our opinion is that the employees´ totalexperience of the change process is positive. The reason to this is that the change strategy is based on high participation and influence which the employees have appreciated. An other reason is the meeting of two different contexts. By that we mean that during the change project a bureaucratic context came across the project context which was based on comprehensive view and flexibility. The employees thought that the project context was a challenge and they found it very inspiring. / Bakgrund: Det svenska polisväsendet har genomfört ett flertal förändringar de senaste åren. Vi har valt att studera en av dessa förändringar, samordningen av de ekonomi- och personaladministrativa funktionerna vid polismyndigheterna i Östergötlands-, Jönköpings- och Södermanlands län samt Statens Kriminaltekniska Laboratorium, SKL. Initiativet till denna förändring togs av Rikspolisstyrelsen under hösten 2002 och året därpå fattades beslutet att bilda ett gemensamt servicecenter för ovannämnda myndigheter. Syfte: Syftet med vår uppsats är att, ur ett medarbetarperspektiv, studera de anställdas upplevelser av Polisens förändringsprocess. Genomförande: Vårt empiriska material har samlats in genom intervjuer med de anställda som deltagit i Polisens förändringsprocess. Även huvudprojektledaren för förändringsarbetet har intervjuats. Resultat: Vi har kunnat urskilja fem centrala aspekter i Polisens förändringsprocess. Dessa är information/kommunikation & förståelse, huvudprojektledaren, grupparbete, tidsaspekt/reflektion samt ledningens agerande. Vår uppfattning är att de anställdas totalupplevelse av förändringsprocessen är positiv då vi anser att de positiva upplevelserna överväger de negativa. Vi har kunnat konstatera att anledningen till detta dels är att förändringsstrategin har baserats på hög grad av delaktighet och inflytande vilket de anställda har uppskattat, dels mötet mellan två olika kontexter. Med detta menar vi att inom ramen för förändringsprojektet möttes en organisation med byråkratiska inslag och arbetsformen projekt, där den senare i större utsträckning betonar vikten av helhetstänkande och flexibilitet. Helhetstänkande och flexibilitet var två nya inslag som projektarbetet innebar, vilket upplevdes utmanande och inspirerande av de anställda.
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Social and strategic dynamics of carbon market actors' behaviors / Dynamiques sociales et stratégiques des comportements des acteurs du marché de carboneAshraf, Naeem 15 October 2013 (has links)
Les principaux objectifs de la thèse sont : d'explorer les motivations sociales et stratégiques et leurs conséquences, de modéliser et de décortiquer les mécanismes relationnels et instrumentaux des stratégies des organisations sur le marché du carbone. Pour cela, trois études empiriques ont été menées sur le terrain du marché du carbone régit par le Mécanisme de Développement Propre (MDP) élaboré dans le cadre du protocole de Kyoto. La première recherche exploratoire qui se base sur une étude de cas inductive a été réalisée dans un pays en voie de développement. Les résultats suggèrent que les préoccupations institutionnelles et concurrentielles influencent la stratégie des organisations du marché du carbone. Traitant de l'influence sociale comme opérant au sein d’une structure relationnelle, les deux études suivantes analysent la dynamique du comportement de l'organisation et son réseau relationnel. Les résultats suggèrent que, dans le cadre du marché MDP, l'ancrage et la centralité du réseau des entreprises affectent leurs comportements. Cependant, tout en contrôlant les contingences structurelles d’ordre relationnel à l’échelle des acteurs, les dynamiques co-évolutionnaires liées au réseau et au comportement suggèrent que les motivations instrumentales d’une entreprise sont plus promptes à influencer son comportement. Cette thèse contribue à la littérature sur la stratégie climatique par l'explication des dynamiques comportementales sociales et stratégiques, ainsi que par l’analyse des caractéristiques structurelles du réseau d’acteurs sur le marché carbone. / The main objectives of the dissertation are to explore social and strategic motivations and consequences, and to model and disentangle relational and rational-instrumental mechanisms of carbon market strategies of organizations. To achieve these objectives, three empirical studies were conducted in the context of carbon market that operates under the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). The first inductive case study based exploratory research was carried out in a developing country. Findings suggest that institutional and competitive concerns motivate carbon market strategy of organizations. Treating social influence as operating through relational structure, the next two papers then analyze dynamics of organization’s behavior and its relational network. Results suggest that in the CDM market, firm’s network embeddedness, and centrality affect firms’ behaviors. However, while controlling for certain actor level and relational-structural contingencies, network and behavior co-evolutionary dynamics suggest that firm’s instrumental motivations are more pronounced in influencing the behavior of firms. This dissertation contributes to the climate strategy literature by explicating the social and strategic dynamics of behavior, and network structural characteristics, of the carbon market actors.
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Adaptive Capacity as antecedent to Climate Change Strategy: A Systematic Literature ReviewHillmann, Julia January 2011 (has links)
Within the last decade research on climate change strategies and adaptive capacity emerged as the debate about climate change was intensified with the publishing of the Third Assessment Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 2001. That companies are facing risks and opportunities is not new and the awareness to address these issues is growing. However, there is still need for research in the field of corporate strategic response to climate change. Recently, research focused on resilience management to address climate change. Resilience management is about being able to experience changes and remain stable getting back into the same situation before the change happen. On the contrary to resilience management adaptive capacity is about the ability to be able to adapt to uncertain and unexpected events on the long term. This includes long-term changes. This work argues that companies should think about their adaptive capacity as climate change induces short and long-term changes. Adding this dimension to the strategic planning companies need to think of how they can improve their adaptive capacity.
This work investigates research in both issues adaptive capacity and climate change research and in their relation. Applying a systematic literature review this study conducted 60 references which are examined by a qualitative-quantitative analysis and answers the following questions: What is the current scientific view of adaptive capacity within strategic management literature? What are determinants of adaptive capacity? How can adaptive capacity be linked to climate change strategy and is it even antecedent to climate change strategies? The findings of this research indicate that adaptive capacity and climate change strategies exhibit a link but it cannot be proved whether adaptive capacity is antecedent. Furthermore, the term adaptive capacity is merely discussed within strategic management literature and if it is discussed and examined, several concepts and theories are applied to explain determinants of adaptive capacity. Several concepts such as dynamic capabilities, organizational learning capability, organizational learning, organizational change capacity, flexibility and more could be identified as concepts enhancing adaptive capacity. This works provides an overview of related concepts and theories.
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Faktory změny postojů k ekologickým tématům jako východisko pro ekologickou výchovu / Factors in attitude changes: base for environmental educationKotěra, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The thesis addresses attitude changes towards environmental problems. It looks for the factors that affect the attitude change and compares their importance. With regard to particular factors it suggests how to work more efficiently on changing the attitudes. The theoretical part gives an overview of environmental education. It follows its history in the Czech Republic and abroad, and describes its current objectives, topics and methods. It also discusses today's Czech public perception of environmental issues. The key chapter of the thesis addresses attitudes. It describes their formation, structure and basic functions and most importantly the circumstances under which they may change. With the help of literature, it defines eight fundamental factors that act to attitude change, and finds examples in environmental education. At the end of the theoretical part, recommendations are offered on what tools we should focus when trying to change attitudes. The research part presents the inquiry among selected environmental education centres' staff. It figures out how they work with the issue of attitude changes and how they take advantage of their clients' feedback. In the first place, it uses their experience to find the most important factors in attitude changes . The conclusion compares the findings...
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團體認同與行為意向的探討 / Discussion about group identity and behavior intention杜瓊瑜, Tu, Chiung-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
「社會認同理論」(social identity theory)認為,人們會以所屬團體的身份或屬性來定義自己,是一種對歸屬團體的「團體認同」(group identity)。 所探討的是一個已經隸屬於某個低地位團體的個體,在獲得正向團體認同以維持自尊的動機下,思考使用哪一種提高團體認同的策略。
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