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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Samspelets betydelse i den strukturerade och ostrukturerade leken : En kvalitativ studie om samspelets betydelse i leken och pedagogernas förhållningssätt till den

Kazi, Sandra, Abid, Anwar January 2015 (has links)
Interaction is an important part of children’s development. The school is a main arena in which children learn to interact, mainly through their playing. This study aims at investigating the role of interaction in a leisure school didactic setting. The aim of the study is to gain a better understanding for how the pupils develop though use of social interaction. The main research issue looks at how pupils interact with each other through structural play events. This essay has a qualitative approach. The analytic methods that we have used in this essay are observations, a questionnaire to pedagogues and social mapping wherein the play has taken place. We analyzed the empirical data as applied to Vygotskij’s theory which claims our conclusion is that pedagogues at the leisure care center are aware of the issues of pupils’ interaction with others. The meaning of the social interaction is valuable, it doesn’t matter how the play is structured. Teachers are attempting to support the pupils in various didactic ways within their actual physical and work related conditions. / Interaktion är en viktig del av elevers utveckling. Skolan är en huvudarena där elever lär sig att interagera med varandra. Syftet med uppsatsen är att få en bättre förståelse för hur elever utvecklas i det sociala samspelet. Huvudfrågorna är vilken betydelse har elevens interaktion med varandra i en strukturerad lek och hur pedagogen förhåller sig till samspelen. Vi har analyserat materialet med hjälp av Vygotskijs teoretiska utgångspunkter om att eleven utvecklas i samspel med kamrater och de vuxna i miljön. Vår slutsats är att pedagoger är medvetna om att samspelet betydelse och att samspel av alla former är betydelsefulla oavsett hur leken är strukturerad. De försöker dessutom stödja eleverna på olika sätt trots att de har fysiska och arbetsmässiga villkor som de måste arbeta utifrån. Arbetet har en kvalitativ ansats. De arbetsmetoder vi har använts oss av är observationer av både yngre och äldre deltagare, frågeformulär som fritidspedagogerna besvarar samt kartläggning av var aktiviteten utspelar sig.

De osynliga barnen : En litteraturstudie om barns upplevelser av att leva med en förälder med psykisk sjukdom

Gahm Erkapers, Emma, Edoff, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det är få verksamheter inom vården som har de rutiner och den kunskap som krävs för att bemöta barn till föräldrar med psykisk sjukdom. Sjuksköterskornas brist på kunskap och beredskap att stödja dessa barn leder till att barnen blir osynliga och inte får den information och det stöd som de behöver. Syfte: Att beskriva barns upplevelser av att leva med förälder med psykisk sjukdom. Metod: Litteraturstudie av tio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras utifrån fyra huvudkategorier. Stöd och information var en av de viktigaste beståndsdelarna som barnen uttryckte. Att leva med en förälder med psykisk sjukdom påverkar barnen, de lever i oförutsägbarhet, upplever oro, rädsla, skuld och ökat ansvar för föräldern. Brist på information om förälderns sjukdom till barnen samt stöd från vården ledde till att barnens situation försvårades. Samtliga barn uttryckte en önskan om stöd från vården. Slutsats: Denna studie har visat att stöd är viktigt för barn till psykiskt sjuka föräldrar. Sjuksköterskor behöver mer kunskap och beredskap för att kunna synliggöra dessa barn och hjälpa dem till lämpliga stödinsatser. Klinisk betydelse: Genom att belysa barns upplevelser kan stöd, beredskap och utbildning för vårdpersonal utvecklas så att dessa barn får det stöd de behöver. / Background: There are few health care establishments who have the routines and the knowledge required to respond to the children with parents with mental illness. Nurses lack of knowledge and equipment to support these children leads to children becoming invisible and do not receive the information and support they need. Aim: To describe the children's experiences of living with a parent with a mental illness. Method: Literature review of ten scientific articles with an qualitative approach. Results: The results presented from the four main categories. Support and information was one of the key elements that the children expressed. Living with a parent with mental illness affects children, they live in unpredictability, experience anxiety, fear, guilt and responsibility for the parent. Lack of information about the parent's illness to the children and the support of health care led to the children's situation was complicated. All children expressed a desire for support from healthcare. Conclusion: This study has shown that aid is important for children of mentally ill parents. Nurses need more knowledge and equipment to make these invisible children visible and help them to appropriate support. Clinical significance: By illuminate children's experiences can support, equipment and education developed for caregivers so that these children receive the support they need.

”Varför kan man inte klä in metalldetektorn i papp och måla den i massa färger?” : En studie om Bryggan och Kriminalvårdens stöd till barn med frihetsberövade föräldrar / “Why not cover the metal detector in cardboard and paint it with lots of colours?” : A study of how Bryggan and The Prison and Probation Service support children with incarcerated parents

Sjöberg, Malin, Wennström Nylöw, Moa January 2015 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka hur den ideella föreningen Bryggan och Kriminalvården ger stöd till barn med frihetsberövade föräldrar. Vi ville undersöka hur de yrkesverksamma tar barnets bästa i beaktning och hur de använder och definierar begreppet “barnperspektiv” i sin verksamhet. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod genom fem intervjuer med yrkesverksamma inom Bryggan och Kriminalvården. Analysen av materialet gjordes med empowerment som teoretisk utgångspunkt. Resultatet visar att Bryggan och Kriminalvården definierar barnperspektiv på olika sätt, men att de båda verksamheterna har en ambition att ha ett bra bemötande i möte med barnen. Som ideell organisation jobbar Bryggan mer direkt med barnen och kan då i större grad tillgodose deras behov jämfört med Kriminalvården som begränsas av lagar och regler. / The purpose of this study was to explore how the non-profit organization Bryggan and The Prison and Probation Service support children with incarcerated parents. We wanted to research how the professionals in these organizations have the best interest of the child at hand, and how they use and define “children’s perspective” in their daily work. The qualitative study involved interviewing professionals that worked in the chosen organizations. The analysis was made with empowerment as the theoretical frame of reference. The result of the study shows that Bryggan and the prison service define “children’s perspective” differently. However both organizations aim to meet the children with a good treatment. As a non-profit organization, Bryggan works more towards the children, and can therefore satisfy their needs in a greater extent than the prison service, which are more bound by laws and rules.

Genusperspektiv vid högläsning : Fyra pedagogers erfarenheter

Söderhäll, Julia January 2011 (has links)
This study is conducted from qualitative research with interviews as a basis, where I have interviewed four teachers from elementary school’s early ages (year 1-3). The aim is to highlight the teacher’s perspectives and experiences of reading aloud, and how they connect the activity to gender. The questions at issue that have been answered in this paper are how the teacher’s reflect to gender and reading aloud in a school environment; do the teacher’s reflect over the gender perspective when choosing reading aloud literature? When reading aloud, which attributes are important to highlight for girls and boys according to the teachers? Which books do the teachers consider "good" gender literature? The paper is based on the theoretical grounds of social constructivism, gender as construction, gender conscious pedagogy and reading aloud. In previous research the focal point has been Kåreland’s study on gender in literature in pre-school, and on how children are being portrayed in children’s literature today, from a gender perspective. The teacher’s that have been interviewed in this study all agreed on the fact that reading aloud is a very important part of education and are used by most teachers on a daily basis. The teacher’s apply the gender perspective on the choices of reading aloud literature to some extent. Another aspect, such as which theme the class is focusing on at the moment, often precedes the gender aspect. The teacher’s were unanimous that there are attributes that should be highlighted for both boys and girls in the classes, and that this can be done through literature. Attributes the teachers believe boys need to develop are, vulnerability, care and emotions, while the girls need to get a chance to develop courage and strength.

Strokepatienters barn ur den neurologiska rehabiliteringens perspektiv /

Södergren, Marika January 2009 (has links)
Stroke innebär ofta fysiska, kognitiva och beteendemässiga funktionsnedsättningar som påverkar både den drabbade och dennes familj. Tonåringar, speciellt flickor, anses ha störst risk att utveckla emotionella problem när föräldern blivit sjuk. Förälderns stöd till barnet är väsentligt men även sjukvårdspersonalens. I denna studie undersöktes hur barn uppmärksammas till strokedrabbade föräldrar samt vilket stöd som erbjuds. Fem överläkare och fem sjuksköterskor på en neurologisk rehabiliteringsklinik i Mellansverige intervjuades. Materialet analyserades induktivt genom meningskoncentrering. Det framkom att stödet som ges är situationsberoende, inget strukturerat stöd för barn finns och generellt ses anhöriga som resurser. Ett bra anhörigbemötande ska erbjudas men barnomhändertagandet borde bli bättre. Ökade kunskaper efterfrågades för att kunna stödja barn i kris. En mer familjecentrerad sjukvård behövs för att man ska kunna uppmärksamma barns behov vid förälderns sjukdom.

Fem pojkar är fler än fyra flickor : – En jämförande studie om jämställdhet i svenska barnprogram 1978, 1992 och 2007

Nyberg, Lovisa, Jonsson, Nina January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this BA-thesis is to examine how many girls, boys, women and men who appear in children’s programmes in the years 1978, 1992 and 2007. We have also studied if they are described as typical gender role stereotypes and we have looked at the power conditions between girls and boys, women and men and children and adults. From the results we then examined the changes through out the years. We have made this possible by choosing two days each year when most children were watching the programmes. With the gender role theory we have brought up the important issue of the fact that men appear more frequently in media then women and by doing so the media preserve men as the standard gender. You can also apply this theory on the condition of children and adults, where the adults are the norm in the generation system. We have analysed the contents of the programmes by using a quantitative method and our results showed us that the equality between the sexes hasn’t improved as much as we had hoped for. The year 1978 sometimes had the same results as 2007 and at some parts the year 1978 was better than 2007. The year 1992 was not equal in any part except in the equality between the sexes in the starring role.

Children's Influence -Regarding Home Delivery Grocery Bags with Familyfood Optima AB in Focus.

Haglund, Josefin, Stenberg, Sophie January 2012 (has links)
Background Children are influencing the family’s decision making process regarding food products. The children’s spending power is increasing and they become consumers in an early age. By influencing the parents, the children make them buy products that they had not planned to buy or make the parents avoid products that they usually would have bought. Online food shopping is increasing in Sweden and the home delivery grocery bag is the category of online food that has increased the most from 2010 to 2011. Familyfood Optima AB is one of the home delivery grocery bags companies that deliver grocery bags in the south of Sweden. Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to find how children affect their parents’ behavior of purchasing home delivery grocery bags. Method To understand how children affect their parents in the decision of home delivery grocery bags a qualitative approach was used where twelve semi-structured interviews were held. Seven of the interviews were held with customers to Familyfood Optima AB. Four interviews were held with non-customers that had been customers to Familyfood Optima AB and one interview was held with a respondent that never had been a customer of a home delivery grocery bag company. Conclusion Children are influencing their parents in the decision to purchase home delivery grocery bags. They also influence the parents in the decision of whether or not to continue purchasing the home delivery grocery bag. The decision of purchasing a home delivery grocery bag depends on the children’s influence and the extent of the parent’s yielding. To influence their parents, the child use both direct and indirect influence techniques and three of the five bases of power. The children’s influence is also dependent on the child’s age and the influence from peers.

Socialinio pedagogo ir klasės auklėtojo bendradarbiavimas koreguojant vaikų elgesį mokykloje / Social pedagogue’s and form master’s cooperation correcting children’s behavior at school

Remeikaitė, Sandra 01 July 2006 (has links)
A concluding thesis by Sandra Remeikaitė, postgraduate of Vilnius Pedagogic University, Social Pedagogy Department named “Social pedagogue’s and form master’s cooperation correcting children’s behavior at school” were discussed unsuitable children’s behavior reasons and sequences. The of this work was to inspect social pedagogue’s and form master’s cooperation correcting children behavior at school. After inspecting peculiarities of class masters and social pedagogues cooperation correcting children’s inadequate behavior at school is clear that it is very important process. Such cooperation is duplex: social pedagogue provide for form masters, teachers desirable help, the same teachers and class masters provide information about training situation for social pedagogue. According o such information there are predicable solution ways to salve social pedagogical problems. The researches show that problem of children’s undisciplined behavior at school is very clear. This problem is very frequent and these children’s in the class are same (1-2) and there are looking for ways to solve these problem, and reasons why such hind of behavior manifest. This research shows that the frequent part of wrong behavior problems are children “runaway” from lessons, contact lateness into lessons, taboos words using, salvo, interference to others during the lessons. At schools usually we contact with children smoking, using of alcohol, ratchet, injury and striking, weaker, younger friends and... [to full text]

Socialinio darbo institucijoje veiklos modeliavimas mažinant vaikų negatyvius poelgius / Modelling of social work activity reducing children’s deviant behaviour in educational institutions

Lamauskienė, Ligita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose daugėja vaikų ir paauglių elgesio nukrypimų apraiškų, todėl yra palankios sąlygos vykdyti mokinių elgesio stebėseną ir jos pagrindu modeliuoti prevencinę veiklą. Stebėsenos metu sukauptos medžiagos apie vaikų elgesio nukrypimus psichopedagoginė analizė leidžia įvertinti vaikų ir paauglių elgesio grupių mikrosocialinės bei makrosocialinės aplinkos įtaką jų elgesiui, atpažinti delinkventinio elgesio pasireiškimo formas, tirti pedagoginių prevencijos priemonių bei modelių efektyvumą siekiant sumažinti vaikų negatyvaus elgesio pasireiškimus socialinėje institucijoje. Tyrimo objektas - prevencinės veiklos ugdymo institucijoje modeliavimas, siekiant teigiamai paveikti vaikų elgesio nukrypimų prevenciją. Tyrimo tikslas - parengti vaikų elgesio nukrypimų prevencijos mokykloje veiklos modelį. Darbe keliama hipotezė, jog kryptingai modeliuojant vaikų elgesio nukrypimų prevenciją ugdymo institucijoje įmanoma pozityvi vaikų elgesio kaita. Tyrimas naudojant kompiuterinę stebėsenos programą STEBIS vykdytas Panevėžio rajono Smilgių vidurinėje mokykloje, stebėta 20 vaikų besimokančių 5 – 10 klasėse. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad septyni iš dvidešimties stebėtų mokinių elgesio normas pažeidė epizodiškai, o likusieji yra linkę sistemingai pažeidinėti nustatytas mokyklos ir viešosios tvarkos taisykles. Daugiausia vaikų stebėta dėl egresijos elgsenos atvejų (valkatavimo – 13, bėgimo iš pamokų – 12), cheminės priklausomybės (dažniausiai rūkymo – 11) ir kitų negatyvaus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Due to an increase in children’s and teenagers’ negative behaviour manifestation in comprehensive schools, there are favourable conditions of carrying out children’s hehaviour observation and on the basis of it to model preventive activity. The data gathered under the observation of children behaviour deviance, using psychopedagogical analysis, enables to evaluate the impact of microsocial and macrosocial environment on the behaviour in groups of children and teenagers as well as to recognize delinquent behaviour manifestation forms. Besides, psycho- pedagogical analysis makes it also possible to examine the efficiency of pedagogical preventive measures and models in order to reduce manifestation of children’s negative behaviour in a social institution. The object of study is to model preventive activity in educational institutions seeking to affect positively children’s behavioural deviance prevention. The aim of the research is to prepare a preventive activity model concerning children’s behaviour deviance in a school environment. The study also poses a hypothesis stating that purposefully modelling prevention of children’s behaviour deviance in an educational institution makes it possible to result in positive change in terms of children’s behaviour. The research was conducted using a computer observation programme STEBIS in the secondary school of Smilgiai (a small town in Panevėžys region) There were twenty pupils observed. The research shows that seven of the... [to full text]

An examination of award-winning Canadian children’s literature from 1982 to 1992 for evidence of gender equality in presentations of male and female characters

Seaman, Susan 11 1900 (has links)
This study examined male and female characters in award-winning English language Canadian children's literature for evidence of gender equality. The sample consisted of seventy-eight books that had been winners or runners-up of national awards between 1982 and 1992. Qualitative and quantitative methods of content analysis were used to collect data from which the ratio of male characters to female characters was calculated for the titles, cover illustrations, text, illustrations in the body of the books, and main and supporting characters. A list of eighteen activities, categorized as active/mobile or passive/immobile, was used to identify the activities engaged in by the main and supporting characters. A list of four locations was used to determine the location of each activity. Careers/occupations were listed for all characters. Results indicated more references to females than males in the titles of the books, and an equal number of males and females portrayed on the cover illustrations. However, results from the text and the illustrations in the body of the books revealed twice as many male characters as females. There was a higher ratio of male to female main and supporting characters as well. Results of data collected on activities/locations indicated that female main and supporting characters dominated the passive/immobile activities. Active/mobile activities were dominated by female main characters and male supporting characters. Females dominated the home and outdoors locations, while males dominated place of business and school locations. Male characters performed a greater diversity of careers/occupations than did female characters, and were involved in 66% of the total number of careers/occupations. Findings of this study support the trend toward a reduction in gender bias found in earlier studies. However, the overall results suggest some gender biases in the representation and portrayal of male and female characters.

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