Spelling suggestions: "subject:"children’s"" "subject:"3children’s""
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Den långa vägen till biblioteket : En studie om förskolors läsvanor och användning av biblioteket i ett mångkulturellt område / The Long Road to the Library : A Study of Preschool Teachers’ Reading Habits and Use of the Library in a mainly Multicutural CommunitySunding, Elisabeth January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study has been to examine reading habits and the use of the library by preschool teachers in a mainly multicultural community, and also explore to what extent activities in the local library are aimed at preschoolers.</p><p>The study used a sociocultural approach based on Vygotsky’s theories of learning and development and Söderbergh’s theory of early childhood language development, and was carried out during the summer 2009. The methodology used was both quantitative and qualitative, with a combination of questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaires were sent out to each section of the municipal preschools within the catchments area of the local public library in a multicultural suburb of Uppsala. Three short interviews were carried out with staff at the local and main library branches, as well as library staff at the County Council.</p><p>The results show that, although preschool teachers find reading important in their work, many teachers read spontaneously and/or sporadically. Many also find that visiting the library is difficult, seeing distance and the age of the children as factors preventing them from going. The library studied has little or no mutual activities with the preschools. General activities aimed at young children are story time in Swedish and several other languages as well as theatre and music events, book talks aimed towards parents visiting early year’s centres and, for preschools since 2008, theme bags involving popular topics such as nature, friends, and seasons. Conflicts exist between the control documents for the libraries and the present law of education in Sweden.</p>
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ADOPTIVBARN OCH FÖRÄLDRASKAP I FOKUS -Ceder, Paola January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim with my work was to gain a deeper understanding of some adult adopted children’s experiences and reflections about which role parent ship plays for the adopted child’s development of identity. Following questions have been in focus: What does a working parent ship imply, seen from the perspective of adopted child? In which way can the development of identity for the adopted child be supported by a functional parent ship? Semi-structured interviews were carried out with the two following themes: Support and confirmation. The sample consisted of five foreign-adopted between the age of 18 and 37 years. The result showed that the major part of the interview had a common picture of what a functional parent ship should be in order for an adopted child to have a favourable development of the identity, namely to have an understanding of how it is to be adopted, as being the most important and the sole base for the parent-ship. The discussion concerned obstacles and possibilities for a functional parent ship regarding the adopted child’s development of identity.</p>
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Hur stödjer vuxenpsykiatrin barn till psykiskt sjuka? / How does adult psychiatry support children of mentally ill?Södergren, Marika January 2010 (has links)
Barn till psykisk sjuka kan ha ökad risk för psykisk ohälsa men detta kan uppvägas av tillgängliga skyddsfaktorer. Barn har blivit mer uppmärksammade inom vuxenpsykiatrin på senare år. Beardslees familjeintervention implementeras sedan 2008 i Sverige. Studien undersökte hur vuxenpsykiatrin stödjer barn till psykisk sjuka, speciellt angående interventionen. Tio anställda, utbildade i interventionen, från sju psykiatriska kliniker i Stockholm intervjuades. Materialet analyserades abduktivt. Barns reaktioner och behov visade sig påverkas av föräldrafunktionen och risk- och skyddsfaktorer hos barnet, i omgivningen och situationen. Interventionen upplevdes bli ett sätt att uppmärksamma barn och skapa dialog inom familjen. Samtidigt upplevde deltagarna bristande kunskap om hur man kommunicerar med barn. För att stödja barn som mår dåligt skulle ett samarbete med BUP behövas. Ingen barnpolicy på avdelningsnivå finns och barns delaktighet ansågs låg. Preventivt arbete kan minska riskfaktorerna, men fokus måste också vara att öka barns möjlighet att hantera vardagssituationen, vilken kan förändras av omständigheterna och över tid. / Children of mentally ill parents have a higher risk to develop psychiatric problems but this risk can be reduced by protective factors. In recent years children of mentally ill have received more attention within adult psychiatry. The Beardslee family intervention has been implemented in Sweden since 2008. This study examines how adult psychiatry supports children of mentally ill, with focusing specifically on this intervention. Ten professionals, educated in the intervention, from seven psychiatric hospitals in Stockholm, were interviewed and data analyzed abductive. Children's reactions and needs was shown to be influenced by the parenting skills and factors of risk and protection within the child, the environment and the situation. The intervention was perceived as a way of paying attention to the child and to create a dialogue within the family. At the same time the participants experienced a lack of knowledge about how to communicate with children. In order to support children cooperation with child psychiatry is required. No policy of how to handle children was available at the hospital units and the participation of children is considered to be low. Prevention may decrease the risk factors but there must also be a focus on increasing the possibility for the child to cope with the everyday situation. This situation may also change depending on circumstances and over time.
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ADOPTIVBARN OCH FÖRÄLDRASKAP I FOKUS -Ceder, Paola January 2008 (has links)
The aim with my work was to gain a deeper understanding of some adult adopted children’s experiences and reflections about which role parent ship plays for the adopted child’s development of identity. Following questions have been in focus: What does a working parent ship imply, seen from the perspective of adopted child? In which way can the development of identity for the adopted child be supported by a functional parent ship? Semi-structured interviews were carried out with the two following themes: Support and confirmation. The sample consisted of five foreign-adopted between the age of 18 and 37 years. The result showed that the major part of the interview had a common picture of what a functional parent ship should be in order for an adopted child to have a favourable development of the identity, namely to have an understanding of how it is to be adopted, as being the most important and the sole base for the parent-ship. The discussion concerned obstacles and possibilities for a functional parent ship regarding the adopted child’s development of identity.
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Barn i rättens gränsland. : Om barnperspektiv vid prövning om uppehållstillstånd.Nilsson, Eva January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study is to highlight problems regarding the status of children in determining the granting of residence permits. Central to the study are the rules contained in the Swedish Aliens Act (2005:716) about hearing children in the course of proceedings and the child’s best interests. The rules are based on Articles 3 and 12 respectively, in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). They were introduced into the Swedish legislation in 1997, after an intense debate questioning whether Sweden was meeting its obligations under the Convention. The application in aliens matters has, however, continued to be criticized after the revision of 1997, especially in matters concerning children. In 2006 a new Aliens Act came into force, involving a shift in the handling of such matters from administrative authorities and the Government to a system where appeals are tried in administrative courts. The legislation also involves comprehensive changes concerning the material legislation. The question has been raised, however, as to whether these changes have had any vital impact concerning the general construction of the material regulation. The apparent gap between the legislator’s intentions and the application of the law raises questions about the limitations of law and how the spirit and intentions of the CRC have been implemented in the Aliens Act, and, in view of this, the limits of law. The study involves an analysis of the fundamental premises that the legislation and application rest on, the general provisions of the proceedings and the technical formulation and also the material content of these rules. There is also an analysis of the impact and function of the legislation in practical applications. The conclusion is that the legislation allows extensive scope for assessing the circumstances in each case. This is the case, particularly in matters concerning children. Nevertheless, in practical applications, children often become irrelevant; children are simply not the real focus of the laws that affect them. Key words: Children’s rights, residence permit, asylum, immigration, equality, feminist perspectives. Eva Nilsson, Juridiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå.
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När 600 kilo gräsätande klövdjur blir ett barn - Vilka retoriska medel används för att möjliggöra identifikationen mellan läsaren och Mamma Mu?Dalic, Zarko January 2009 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vilka retoriska medel som används för att möjliggöra identifikationen mellan läsaren och huvudkaraktären Mamma Mu. Uppsatsen använder sig av teorier om berättelser och identifikation, framhållna av Jerome Bruner, Kenneth Burke, och Maria Nikolajeva. Eftersom uppsatsen rör sig inom ett nytt område har jag tagit fram en egen analysmodell. Den gör det möjligt att urskilja identifikationstecken utifrån kategorierna yttre, inre, och aktiviteter. Slutsatsen är att det i boken tillämpas antites för att distansera Mamma Mu från hennes egentliga form och de andra korna; imitatio för att barnen ska kunna känna igen sig i Mamma Mus agerande; topos för att visa att Mamma Mu har samma intressen som läsaren, upprepning för att kontinuerligt bekräfta att Mamma Mu är ett barn; entymem för att läsaren ska själv komma till slutsatsen att Mamma Mu är ett barn. / The purpose of this essay is to examine which rhetoric devices are being put in use to make possible the process of identification between the reader and the main character Mamma Moo. The essay uses theories of narrative and identification represented by Jerome Bruner, Kenneth Burke, and Maria Nikolajeva. Because there is no previous research in the essays area, I have brought forward a new model to analyse the material. It is used to discover identification signs, based on the categories outer, inner, and activities. The conclusion is that the book utilizes antitheses to separate Mamma Moo from her original form and the other cows; imitatio to make it possible for the children to recognize themselves in Mamma Moos behaviour; topos to show that Mamma Moo has the same interests as the reader; repetition to continuously confirm that Mamma Moo is a child; entymem to make the reader come to the conclusion that Mamma Moo is a child.
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Barnteater - inte bara ”målad”… : En studie om hur barnteater kan se ut idag och hur en bra barnteaterföreställning ska vara enligt barn, lärare och medverkande. / Children’s theatre- not only “painted”… : A study of the state of children’s theatre today and how a good children’s theatre performance should be, according to children, teachers and performers.Färnqvist, Johanna January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med det här arbetet är att undersöka hur barnteatern kan se ut idag och om den uppfyller barnens krav. Observationer gjordes på tre slumpmässigt utvalda barnföreställningar för lågstadiet. Därefter intervjuades medverkande och publik som i detta fall bestod av barnen och dess lärare. Intervjufrågorna behandlade dels hur medverkande tänker inför en föreställning för barn och hur publiken uppfattade den, dels hur de anser att en bra barnföreställning bör vara. Resultatet i undersökningen visar några tydliga tendenser. De tre barnföreställningarna höll en god kvalitet i avseende på framförande, musik och dekor. Men barn är ofta ovana teaterbesökare och har svårt att ta in information genom bara iakttagande. Därför behöver de en annan typ av föreställning än de tre jag observerade. En föreställning med mera delaktighet. / The purpose of this study is to investigate the current state of children’s theatre, and if it meets the needs of the children. Observations were carried out in three randomly chosen children’s theatre performances. After the observations, performers and the audience - in this case, children and their teachers - were interviewed. The questions dealt with how performers think prior to a performance for children, and how the audience reacted to it, in addition to how they think a good children’s theatre performance should be. The result of the study indicates some clear tendencies. The three children’s theatre performances received good reviews with regard to performance, music and décor. But children are seldom familiar with the theatre and have trouble attaining information through watching alone. Thus, they need a different kind of theatrical performance than the three I observed. A performance in which they are more involved in the action.
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Den långa vägen till biblioteket : En studie om förskolors läsvanor och användning av biblioteket i ett mångkulturellt område / The Long Road to the Library : A Study of Preschool Teachers’ Reading Habits and Use of the Library in a mainly Multicutural CommunitySunding, Elisabeth January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to examine reading habits and the use of the library by preschool teachers in a mainly multicultural community, and also explore to what extent activities in the local library are aimed at preschoolers. The study used a sociocultural approach based on Vygotsky’s theories of learning and development and Söderbergh’s theory of early childhood language development, and was carried out during the summer 2009. The methodology used was both quantitative and qualitative, with a combination of questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaires were sent out to each section of the municipal preschools within the catchments area of the local public library in a multicultural suburb of Uppsala. Three short interviews were carried out with staff at the local and main library branches, as well as library staff at the County Council. The results show that, although preschool teachers find reading important in their work, many teachers read spontaneously and/or sporadically. Many also find that visiting the library is difficult, seeing distance and the age of the children as factors preventing them from going. The library studied has little or no mutual activities with the preschools. General activities aimed at young children are story time in Swedish and several other languages as well as theatre and music events, book talks aimed towards parents visiting early year’s centres and, for preschools since 2008, theme bags involving popular topics such as nature, friends, and seasons. Conflicts exist between the control documents for the libraries and the present law of education in Sweden.
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Pedagogens delaktighet i barns lek : - I tanke och praktikNilsson, Josefin January 2008 (has links)
Det här arbetet handlar om vad sex pedagoger på en förskola anser om sin delaktighet i leken och vad de bygger sitt ställningstagande på. Det tar även kortfattat upp vad barns lek är. Syftet med arbetet är att belysa pedagogernas tankar kring sin delaktighet i förskolebarns lek och att genom observationer se om de omsätter sina ställningstaganden i praktiken. Undersökningen har utförts dels genom intervjuer med pedagoger och dels genom observationer av pedagogerna i barngrupp. Resultatet som har framkommit visar på att de flesta pedagogerna ser sin roll som att vara närvarande och tillgänglig i leken och de bygger sina åsikter på teorier, egna erfarenheter och egenskaper hos barnen. Observationerna har visat att pedagogerna på den berörda förskolan är delaktiga i barnens lek och att de omsätter sina åsikter i praktiken. / This work is about what six pedagogs in a preschool think about their participation in children’s play and what they base their attitudes on. The work also briefly considers what children’s play is. The aim with the work is to shed light on the pedagogs’ beliefs about their participation in preschool children’s play and through observations see if they put their attitudes into practice. The examination has been executed partly through interviews with pedagogs and partly through observations of the pedagogs together with the children in the preschool. The result shows that most pedagogs consider their role to be present and available in children’s play and they base their attitudes on theories, own experience and qualities in the children. The observations have shown that the pedagogs participate in the children’s play and that they put their attitudes into practice.
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Kära barn : En undersökning av kärleken i barnlitteratur / Children in love : In children's literatureSörman, Oskar January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet är att se hur kärlek skildras i barnlitteratur, för att ha det som utgångspunkt för diskussion om kärlek i skolan. Jag valde att studera litteratur som definierar barnlitteraturen och beskriver dess historia. Den tidigare forskning som jag hittat inom det valda området, har jag varit i form av faktaböcker för barn. I litteraturgenomgången tar jag även upp olika metoder för boksamtal, där alla får möjligheten att våga uttrycka sig. För själva undersökningen valde jag att analysera barnböcker utifrån kriterierna att de skulle passa till elever i skolår fyra till sex och vara moderna så att eleverna lättare kan relatera till dem. Böckerna handlar huvudsakligen om kärlek men jag avgränsade mig ifrån sexuellt innehåll. Resultatet visar på att barnlitteraturen är användbar i boksamtal om kärlek. Det är viktigt att se hur kärleken skildras i böckerna för att kunna lyfta fram olika sidor av den i samtalen. Ur flickor och pojkars perspektiv, lycklig och olycklig kärlek, olika skeden som till exempel bli ihop, vara ihop och göra slut. Det är alltid viktigt som lärare att vara medveten om vad det är för litteratur som eleverna läser för att få bra diskussionsunderlag. / The purpose of the study was to see how love is depicted in children’s literature, to have it as a basis for discussion about love in school. I chose to study literature, which defines children’s literature and describes it’s history. The previous research in the subject, was only available in form of factual books for children. I also discussed different methods of book talks, which gives everyone the oportunity to express themselves. For the study itself, I chose to analyze children’s books based on criteria that would fit the students in grades four to six and to be modern, so that students can relate to them. The books are mainly about love, but not about sexual relationship. My results show that children’s literature is useful in book circles about love. However, it is good to see how love is depicted in the books in order to highlight different aspects of love. The girls and boys' perspective, good and bad love, get back together, be together and brake up. It is always important that the teacher is aware of what kind of literature the students read to get a good discussion. / Examensarbete/c-uppsats
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