Spelling suggestions: "subject:"chronic obstructive pulmonary disease"" "subject:"chronic obstructive pulmonary adisease""
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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) : prevalence, incidence, decline in lung function and risk factorsLindberg, Anne January 2004 (has links)
The Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden (OLIN) Studies started in 1985 as an epidemiological project with the aim to detect preventable risk factors for obstructive lung diseases and allergy. In recent years there has been a focus also on obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) besides asthma and allergy. The aim of this thesis was to estimate the prevalence and incidence of COPD, risk factors for COPD, and decline in lung function in relation to COPD. The OLIN cohort I (cI) was recruited in 1985/86 and consisted of all 6610 subjects born 1919-20, 1934-35 and 1949-50 in eight geographical areas of Norrbotten. A postal questionnaire survey was performed in 1985/86, 1992 and in 1996. All subjects reporting respiratory symptoms at the questionnaire in 1985/86 were invited to examination in 1986, 1996 and 2002-03. A random sample of 1500 subjects from the participants at the 1996 postal questionnaire survey was invited to examination in 1996 and 2003. The participation rate has been high, ≥85%. The OLIN cohort III (cIII) was recruited in 1992, a postal questionnaire was sent to a random sample of 5681 subjects aged 20-69 years. In 1994/95 a random sample of 970 subjects were invited to examination of whom 666 participated. The prevalence of COPD in the general population sample (cIII) in ages <45 was 4.1%, 11.6%, 9.1%, and 5.1% according to the criteria of BTS1 , ERS2 , GOLD3 , and ATS4 respectively. The corresponding figures in ages ≥45 were 9.7%, 15.4%, 17.1%, and 16.5% respectively. In the age-stratified general population sample (>45 y, cI), the prevalence was 8.1% and 14.3% according to the BTS and GOLD criteria. The prevalence was strongly associated with higher age and smoking but not gender. The prevalence among smokers 76-77 years old was 45% and 50% (BTS and GOLD criteria). A majority of subjects with COPD had respiratory symptoms (in prevalent BTS 94%), most commonly cough and sputum production. Nearly a half of the subjects with COPD had contacted health care due to respiratory complaints other than common colds, but only a minority reported a physician diagnosis relevant for COPD (16% of prevalent COPD according to BTS in cIII, 31% in cI). The 10-year cumulative incidence of COPD (1986-1996) was estimated at 8.2% (BTS) and 13.5% (GOLD) in the symptomatics of cI, associated with higher age and smoking but not gender. Persistent smoking, male gender and reported chronic productive cough were associated with a faster decline in FEV1. Among incident cases of COPD a large proportion (23% of incident BTS) had a rapid decline in FEV1, >90 ml/year, corresponding to a decrease of 28 percent-units of normal value during ten years.The 7-year cumulative incidence of COPD in the random sample of cI (1996-2003) was estimated at 4.9% and 11.0% (NICE guidelines5 and GOLD) and associated with smoking but not gender. The incidence according to GOLD, but not NICE, was associated with increasing age. In multi-variate analysis most respiratory symptoms were markers of increased risk for developing COPD. In conclusion, the prevalence and the incidence of COPD were associated with age and smoking and affected by the use of different spirometric criteria. Respiratory symptoms marked an increased risk for developing COPD. A high proportion of subjects developing COPD had a rapid decline in lung function. Further, there was a substantial underdiagnosis of COPD. 1 British Thoracic Society: FEV1/VC<0.70 & FEV1<80%predicted (pred), 2 European Respiratory Society: FEV1/VC<88%pred in men, <89%pred in women, 3 Global initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease:FEV1/FVC<0.70, 4 American Thoracic Society: FEV1/FVC<0.75 + symptoms or physician diagnosis, 5 The British National Institute for Clinical Excellence: FEV1/FVC<0.70 & FEV1<80%pred.
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Physical Training and Testing in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)Arnardóttir, Ragnheiður Harpa January 2007 (has links)
The overall aims of the studies were to investigate the effects of different training modalities on exercise capacity and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients with moderate or severe COPD and, further, to explore two of the physical tests used in pulmonary rehabilitation. In study I, the 12-minute walking distance (12MWD) did not increase on retesting in patients with exercise-induced hypoxemia (EIH) whereas 12MWD increased significantly on retesting in the non-EIH patients. In study II, we found that the incremental shuttle walking test was as good a predictor of peak exercise capacity (W peak) as peak oxygen uptake (VO2 peak) is. In study III, we investigated the effects of two different combination training programmes when training twice a week for eight weeks. One programme was mainly based on endurance training (group A) and the other on resistance training and callisthenics (group B). W peak and 12MWD increased in group A but not in group B. HRQoL, anxiety and depression were unchanged in both groups. Ratings of perceived exertion at rest were significantly lower in group A than in group B after training and during 12 months of follow-up. Twelve months post-training, 12MWD was back to baseline in group A, but significantly shorter than at baseline in group B. Thus, a short endurance training intervention delayed decline in 12MWD for at least one year. Patients with moderate and severe COPD responded to training in the same way. In study IV, both interval and continuous endurance training increased W peak, VO2 peak, peak exhaled carbon dioxide (VCO2 peak) and 12MWD. Likewise, HRQoL, dyspnoea during activities of daily life, anxiety and depression improved similarly in both groups. At a fixed, submaximal workload (isotime), the interval training reduced oxygen cost and ventilatory demand significantly more than the continuous training did.
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Informal caregivers' conceptions of daily life with a spouse having chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseLindqvist, Gunilla January 2013 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis was to explore informal caregivers’ daily life with particular focus on those living with a spouse who has Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in different grades, mild to severe, based on the ill person’s main concern. The study design was explorative, comparative and descriptive. The thesis included a literature review of 45 scientific articles and semi-structured interviews with 23 patients suffering from COPD, and 21 women and 19 men living with a spouse suffering from COPD. Data were analysed using content analysis, grounded theory, and phenomenography. Main findings: Men and women living with a spouse suffering from mild COPD did not experience changes in their daily life, and were not in need of support. It was when the COPD gradually escalated that their daily life was affected and they needed support. The caregiving women conceived that their daily life was socially restricted, they had changed roles, changes in health and changes in the couple’s relationship. The caregiving men’s daily life was conceived as burdened, restricted and the partner relationship was affected. The men’s attitude was to continue with their own life and own activities, and their approach to their caregiving situation was to view themselves as “Me and my spouse”. The main concern for people suffering from COPD was feelings of guilt due to self-inflicted disease associated with smoking habits. The thesis shows that there are differences in informal caregiving between males and females. Conclusion: This thesis shows that there are differences in male and female caregiving for a spouse suffering from COPD. The caregivers conceive and handle the caregiving situation in different ways. It is central that health professionals and municipality consider this along with the individual needs that are related to the development of the COPD. There is a need to identify the person who suffers from COPD and their spouses from the first contact onwards, to regularly follow the development of their situation and need of support.
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Som att andas genom ett sugrör : Patientens upplevelse av att leva med kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom med fokus på ångestsymtom / As to breathe through a straw : Patients’ experience of living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, focusing on symptoms of anxietyHägerholt, Natalie, Pedersén, Caroline January 2011 (has links)
Kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom är en underdiagnostiserad sjukdom som drabbar allt fler individer. Sjukdomen förekommer främst bland rökare men även icke-rökare kan drabbas. De mest förekommande symtomen vid kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom är andfåddhet och andnöd. Symtomen påverkar varandra och kan ge upphov till en känsla av ångest hos patienterna. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa upplevelsen av att leva med kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom med fokus på ångestsymtom. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie innehållande 13 kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar. Andningssvårigheter beskrevs som den största faktorn bakom ångest vilket i sin tur påverkade patientens fysiska och psykiska välmående. Ångest i kombination med ett begränsat andningsflöde bidrog till att patienterna upplevde en känsla av att kvävas. Andningen beskrevs som fruktansvärd och patienterna jämförde tillståndet som att andas genom ett sugrör. Många patienter avvaktade kontakt med sjukvård i hopp om att symtomen spontant skulle avta. När symtomen förvärrats och kontakt initierades ansågs sjukvårdskontakten ändå vara betydelsefull för patienterna. Studien kan bidra med viktig information vid vård av patienter med kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom. Studien kan också ge värdefull information till den fortsatta forskningen kring sjukdomens symtom. / Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease is an underdiagnosed disease that today affects more and more individuals. The disease appears mainly with smokers but non-smokers can be affected too. The most occurring symptoms at chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are breathlessness and shortness of breath. The symptoms affect one another and can create a feeling of anxiety. The aim of the study was to illuminate the experience of living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with focus on the symptom anxiety. The study was conducted as a literature review containing 13 qualitative and quantitative articles. Difficulties to breathe were described as one of the biggest reasons behind anxiety which affected both the physical and psychological well-being of the patients. The limited airflow and symptoms of anxiety involved a feeling of one being suffocated. The breathing was described as a dreadful situation and the patients compared the condition to breathing through a straw. Many of the patients chose to postpone the contact with medical care thinking that the symptoms would moderate. When the symptoms accelerated medical care yet seemed important for the patients. The study can contribute with meaningful information to the care of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The study can also give valuable input to further research studies, especially on patients’ view on health related quality of life related to the symptoms of the disease.
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Utvärdering av en KOL-skola : - effekter på hälsa, välbefinnande och fysisk kapacitetHelmersson, Sara, Nordvall, Maria January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrunden till studien bygger på ett samarbete mellan sjukgymnastprogrammet på Mälardalens högskola och ett sjukhus i Sörmlands läns landsting. Syftet var att utvärdera om behandling bestående av fyra veckors KOL-skola haft effekt på patienternas hälsa, välbefinnande och fysiska kapacitet. KOL-skolan bestod utav fyra tillfällen under vilka olika vårdprofessioner gav patienterna information om bl.a. symptompåverkan, känslomässiga upplevelser och vikten av fysisk aktivitet. Det var tio patienter med kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) i stadium två till fyra som deltog i interventionen. Utvärderingsinstrument som användes var The St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire och sex minuters gångtest. Resultaten visade att ingen signifikant skillnad i enkäten eller sex minuters gångtest förelåg efter intervention för gruppen. Tidigare forskning har visat att de psykosociala faktorerna har en stor inverkan på patienter med KOL och deras välbefinnande. Författarna anser därför att framtida forskning och verksamhetsutveckling bör utforma behandlingsstrategier för patienter med KOL utifrån den biopsykosociala modellen. / The background of this study is based on a cooperation between the physiotherapy program at Mälardalen University and a hospital in the county of Södermanland. The aim of the study was to evaluate whether a four week treatment of COPD-school have had an impact on patient health, well being and physical capacity. The COPD-school consisted of four occasions in which different health care professionals gave patients information on subjects including; symptom impact, emotional experiences and the importance of physical activity. There were ten patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in stage two to four who participated in the intervention. The instruments for evaluation that were used were The St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire and six minute walk test. The results showed no significant difference in the survey or six minute walk test for the group after the intervention. Previous research has shown that psychosocial factors have a profound effect on patients with COPD and their wellbeing. The authors therefore believe that future research should focus on designing treatment for patients with COPD based on the biopsychosocial model.
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När andningen inte räcker till: upplevelsen av att leva med kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdomJohansson, Jens, Berggren, Dennis January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) är en världsomfattande sjukdom. År 2012 dog mer än tre miljoner människor världen över till följd av sjukdomen. Av de dödsfall som sker till följd av sjukdomen, sker 90 % i låg- och medelinkomstländer. Den huvudsakliga orsaken till att sjukdomen utvecklas är rökning. Sjukdomen kan leda till b.la. depression, utmattning, ångest och smärta. Sjuksköterskans arbete innefattar att tillgodose basala och specifika omvårdnadsbehov. KASAM (känslan av sammanhang) består av tre dimensioner begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet. Alla dessa bidrar till en känsla av sammanhang. Syfte: Att beskriva upplevelsen av att leva med kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL). Metod: Litteraturöversikten genomfördes med hjälp av 11 kvalitativa artiklar. Artiklarna analyserades med hjälp av Fribergs femstegsmodell. Resultat: Fem teman framkom, Upplevd andfåddhet, Upplevd påverkan av aktivitetsförmågan, Upplevd ensamhet och social isolering, Upplevd meningslöshet och suicidala tankar och Upplevd kontroll. KOL är en svår sjukdom som involverar många olika negativa känslor. Rädsla, panik, ångest och depression var förekommande. Slutsatser: KOL är en sjukdom som innefattar många negativa känslor och medför problem som påverkar hela livet i stor utsträckning. De som är drabbade av KOL kunde ha en låg känsla av sammanhang. Dessa fynd ger sjuksköterskan en viktig insikt i de upplevelser vårdtagarna upplever i sin sjukdom. / Background: COPD is a worldwide disease. Year 2012 more than three million people died as a result of the disease worldwide. Of the deaths that occur as a result of the disease, 90 % occur in low- and middle-wealth countries. The main cause of the illness is smoking. The disease can lead to for instance depression, fatigue, anxiety and pain. The nurse profession involves satisfying basic and specific nursing needs. SOC (sense of coherence) is comprised of three dimensions of comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness. All these contribute to a sense of coherence. Aim: To describe the experience of living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Method: Literature review was conducted using 11 qualitative articles. The articles were analysed with Friberg´s five-stage model. Results: Five themes emerged, Perceived breathlessness, Perceived loneliness and social isolation, Perceived meaninglessness and suicidal thoughts and Perceived control. These themes indicate that COPD is a difficult disease involving many different negative emotions. Fear, panic, anxiety and depression were frequent. Conclusion: COPD is a disease involving many negative feelings and poses problems that effects the entire life extensively. Those who are afflicted with COPD could have a low sense of coherence. These findings give nurses an important insight into the experiences patients have in their illness.
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Omvårdnadsdokumentation för patienter med kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom som behandlas med Non-invasiv ventilation : en journalgranskningRoos, Kerstin January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Patienter med kronisk obstruktiv sjukdom (KOL) som behandlas med Non-invasiv ventilation (NIV) har risk för trycksår och malnutrition. Observation och övervakning av patienterna är viktigt för att kunna följa behandlingsförloppet och tidigt upptäcka en eventuell försämring samt förebygga komplikationer. Dokumentation av given omvårdnad måste kunna följas för att utvärdera och säkerställa kraven på en god och säker vård. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att granska omvårdnadsdokumentationen för patienter med KOL som behandlats med NIV på en medicinsk akutvårdsavdelning. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en retrospektiv systematisk journalgranskning i 75 journaler med en granskningsmall. Resultat: Omvårdnadsprocessens steg fanns inte dokumenterad i sin fullständighet för trycksår eller nutrition i någon journal. Dokumentationen av omvårdnadsprocessen för trycksår var oberoende av antal vårddygn, kön och ålder men beroende av antal dygn med NIV. För nutrition var dokumentationen av omvårdnadsprocessen beroende av antal NIV- och vårddygn men oberoende av kön och ålder. Dokumentationen för omvårdnad och behandling med NIV var utspridd i journalen under olika rubriker. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visade att det fanns brister i omvårdnadsdokumentationen.
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Att leva med mycket svår kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom : ett liv i slowmotionEk, Kristina January 2010 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis was to describe how people with very severe obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) experienced their every day lives and created meaning, with focus on end-of-life. A second aim was to describe how death and dying can be viewed from the perspective of relatives to people with COPD. In study I, eight patients were interviewed about how COPD affected their everyday lives. A phenomenological method was used. In study II, four people with COPD who lived alone were interviewed over time, to illuminate how the illness influenced their everyday life and their existential thoughts about life and death. In study III, four couples of whom one partner in each couple had COPD were interviewed several times to illuminate the affect the illness had on the spousal relationship, their self-expressed needs, and their existential thoughts, from the perspective of two people living together. A phenomenological-hermeneutic method was used for the analyses in studies IIand III. Study IV aimed at studying patients’ last six months of life with focuson dying and death, and in this study content analysis was used.The studies (I-IV) revealed that suffering from very severe COPD can be a daily struggle to survive as well as to maintain the self-image. The studies also explicate experiences of a shrinking life space, and questions of meaning were being challenged (I). Study II showed that living alone provided feelings of independency. However the bodily losses reminded the patients’ about death and raised fears about death of being painful, as they did not want to face death alone. For the couples in study III living with COPD meant living in a changed pace with uncertainty, changed intimate relationship and finding new ways of living together. Study IV outlined the trajectory of illness to be irregular and characterized by periods of sudden deterioration, making it difficult to plan for the future. Death was experienced as an unexpected experience and was described by all as peaceful. The results in this thesis have outlined important insight into the existential challenges of living with COPD as experienced by the ill persons themselves and their next of relatives. / Birgitta Andershed is also affiliated to Enheten för forskning i palliativ vård, Ersta Sköndal Högskola, Stockholm och Institutionen för omvårdnad, Gjøvik universitet, Norge.Eva Sahlberg-Blom is also affiliated to Enheten för forskning i palliativ vård, Ersta Sköndal Högskola, Stockholm
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Prescribing patterns of asthma treatment in the private healthcare sector of South Africa / Johannes Marthinus de WetDe Wet, Johannes Marthinus January 2013 (has links)
Asthma is a chronic disease of the airways and affects many people regardless of their age,
gender, race and socioeconomic status. Since asthma is recognised as one of the major
causes of morbidity and mortality in people and especially in South Africa, the prescribing
patterns, prevalence and medication cost of asthma in South Africa are saliently important and
need to be investigated.
A non-experimental, quantitative retrospective drug utilisation review was conducted on
medicine claims data of a pharmaceutical benefit management company in a section of the
private health care sector of South Africa. The study period was divided into four annual
time periods (1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008, 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2009,
1 January 2010 to 31 December 2010 and 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011). The
prescribing patterns and cost of asthma medication were investigated and stratified according
to province, age and gender. Patients were included if the prescriptions which were
provided by the health care practitioners matched the Chronic Disease List (CDL) of South
Africa and the International Classification of Disease (ICD-10) coding for asthma and chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Data analysis was conducted by means of the SAS
9.3® computer package. Asthma patients were divided according to different age groups
(there were five different age groups for this study), gender and geographical areas of South
The study indicated a steady increase in the prevalence of asthma patients from 0.82% (n =
7949) in 2008 to 1.18% (n = 15 423) in 2009 and reached a minimum of 0.79% (n = 8554) in
2011. Analysis of the prevalence regarding geographical areas in South Africa suggested
that Gauteng had the highest number [n = 17 696, (0.85%)] of asthma patients throughout
the study period, followed by KwaZulu Natal [n = 8 628, 1.16%)] and the Western Cape [(n = 8513, 0.97%) (p < 0.05)]. The prevalence of asthma in female patients [0.89% (n = 26
588)] was higher than in their male counterparts [0.79% (n = 19 244)] (p > 0.05). The results
showed that asthma was not as common chronic disease in children. The total number of
asthma patients younger than 7 years represented 0.64% (n = 2 909). It was found that
patients over 65 years of age showed the highest prevalence of the five age groups [1.94%
(n = 13 403) (p < 0.05)].
The average number of asthma prescriptions per patient per year was 8.28 (95% CI, 8.16-
8.40) and 5.15 (95% CI, 5.06-5.23) in 2008 and 2011, respectively. The number of asthma
items per prescription varied from 1.55 (95% CI, 1.55-1.56) in 2008 to 1.40 (95% CI, 1.39-
1.40) in 2011.
Medication from the MIMS® pharmacological group (anti-asthmatics and bronchodilators)
was used to identify asthma medication. The top three asthma medication with the highest
prevalence in the study period were the anti-inflammatory inhaler of fluticasone (n = 39 721)
followed by the single item combination product of budesonide/ formoterol (n = 25 121) and
salbutamol (n = 24 296). The influence of COPD on asthma treatment and the costimplication
thereof were investigated. Medication from the MIMS® pharmacological group
(anti-asthmatics and bronchodilators) was used to identify COPD medication. This study
also showed that COPD had an influence in the economic burden of the South African
asthma population.
The cost of medication is responsible for the single largest direct cost involved in the
economic burden of asthma. This study showed that asthma represented 0.88% of the
direct medication cost in the study (excluding hospitalisation and indirect cost). The average
cost per prescription and average cost per asthma item both increased throughout the study
The prescribing patterns for the different medication used in the treatment of asthma were
investigated and recommendations for further research in this field of study were made. / MPharm (Pharmacy Practice), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Single limb exercises in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : feasibility, methodology, effects and evidenceNyberg, Andre January 2014 (has links)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. COPD is a slowly progressive, inflammatory disease in the airways and lungs, caused mainly by smoking. The inflammation leads to a narrowing of the small airways (airway obstruction) and a destruction of tissue in the lungs. This gives a decreased expiratory airflow which leads to dyspnea, the primary symptom of the disease. The chronic airflow limitation also is associated with the development of limb muscle dysfunction. Decreases in both limb muscle strength and endurance have been shown which, in turn, is associated with exercise intolerance, one of the key disabling factors of the disease. Pulmonary rehabilitation including exercise training is the cornerstone of treatment and is strongly recommended. However, it is still unclear how to optimize exercise training for this group of patients. Also how to address the increase in dyspnea which limits the exercise stimulus, and how to assess muscular strength, need further study. Partitioning the exercising muscle mass, known as single limb exercises, is a novel exercise strategy aimed at reducing the negative consequences of chronic airflow limitation in patients with COPD. The aim of this thesis was to study the current evidence of single limb approaches in patients with COPD, to examine the feasibility and effects of a high-repetitive single limb exercise (HRSLE) regimen in patients with COPD and to examine whether elastic resistance could be used to evaluate muscular strength. This thesis is based on five papers. In order to study the evidence on single limb exercises, a systematic review of randomized controlled trials was performed. The review showed that single limb exercises, performed as one-legged cycling appeared to be more effective than two-legged cycling with regard to exercise capacity but not dyspnea, and might be included in exercise programs for patients with COPD (Paper I). Thirty healthy older women and men participated in a validation study comparing elastic resistance maximal strength with isokinetic dynamometry measurements. Excellent levels of agreement and no differences between the two pieces of equipment were found which indicates that elastic resistance could be used to evaluate muscular strength (Paper II). A study protocol was created for a randomized controlled trial designed to identify the effects of HRSLE in combination with COPD-specific patient training (experimental group) in comparison to patient information alone (control group) (Paper III). HRSLE was performed as resistance training, using a single limb at a time, elastic bands as resistance and a high number of repetitions (25 repetitions in 2 sets) with the aim of increasing limb muscle endurance. After eight weeks of exercise, the differences between the groups were in favor of the experimental group on lower- and upper-extremity functional capacity, upper-extremity endurance capacity and muscular function. No differences were seen between the groups on endurance-cycle capacity or health-related quality of life (Paper IV). In patients with COPD, the HRSLE regimen was considered feasible with a high attendance rate, excellent compliance and high relative exercise intensity. No severe adverse events occurred. The physiotherapists conducting the HRSLE in the clinical setting also found it to be feasible (Paper V). This thesis shows that single limb exercises performed as one-legged cycling may be useful and effective for patients with COPD. Eight weeks of HRSLE was feasible and effective with regard to exercise capacity but without effect with regard to health-related quality of life. Elastic resistance could be used as exercise equipment to improve limb muscle function in patients with COPD and to evaluate muscular strength in healthy older adults. / Kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) är idag ett stort globalt problem. KOL är en långsamt fortskridande inflammatorisk sjukdom i luftvägar och lungor, i huvudsak orsakad av cigarrettrökning. Inflammationen leder till en förträngning i de små luftvägarna och förstör vävnaden i lungorna. Detta medför en luftvägsobstruktion där flödet av luft vid utandning är minskat, vilket bidrar till varierande grad av andnöd hos patienten. Luftvägsobstruktionen är relaterad till försämrad muskelfunktion hos patientgruppen. Både nedsatt muskulär styrka och uthållighet har påvisats vilket är relaterat till ett av huvudproblemen vid KOL; nedsatt förmåga till fysisk aktivitet och träning. Lungrehabilitering inklusive fysisk träning är centralt i behandlingen och starkt rekommenderat. Det är dock inte fastställt hur patientgruppen skall träna för att optimera effekterna av träningen eller hur träningen bäst kan utvärderas. Det är också oklart hur man skall hantera den successivt ökande andfåddheten vid träning. Träning med en arm eller ett ben i taget, så kallad lokal muskelträning är en strategi som syftar till att minska andnöd under träning hos patienter med KOL Syftet med denna avhandling var att undersöka vilken evidens det finns för lokal muskelträning hos patienter med KOL, utvärdera genomförbarhet och effekter av lokal högrepetitiv muskelträning utfört med elastiska träningsband hos patienter med KOL samt att undersöka ifall elastiska träningsband kan användas för att utvärdera muskelstyrka. Avhandlingen består av fem delstudier. För att undersöka evidens för lokal muskelträning genomfördes en systematisk litteraturgranskning av randomiserade kontrollerade studier. Granskningen visade att lokal muskelträning, i form av cykling med ett ben i taget kan vara effektivt, avseende fysisk förmåga, men utan effekt avseende andfåddhet för patienter med KOL (delstudie 1). Trettio friska kvinnor och män, deltog i en valideringsstudie där jämförelser gjordes mellan maximal kraftutveckling utfört med elastiska träningsband och en isokinetisk dynamometer. Ett högt samband mellan de två metoderna och ingen skillnad i maximal kraft, indikerade att elastiska band kan användas för att utvärdera muskelstyrka (delstudie 2). Ett studieprotokoll skapades för en randomiserad kontrollerad studie, som syftade till att undersöka effekterna av lokal högrepetitiv muskelträning i kombination med KOL-specifik patientutbildning (interventionsgrupp) jämfört med enbart KOL-specifik patientutbildning (kontrollgrupp) (delstudie 3). Lokal högrepetitiv muskelträning utfördes i grupp med elastiska träningsband som redskap. Övningarna genomfördes med en arm eller ett ben i taget med 25 repetitioner i 2 set med syfte att påverka muskulaturens uthållighet. Efter åtta veckors träning hade interventionsgruppen bättre muskelfunktion i både övre och nedre extremitet samt en bättre funktionell förmåga jämfört med kontrollgruppen. Inga skillnader i effekt sågs mellan grupperna avseende uthållighet vid test på ergometercykel eller avseende hälsorelaterade utfallsmått, såsom livskvalitet och tilltro till sin egen förmåga (delstudie 4). För patienter med KOL, visade sig lokal högrepetitiv muskelträning vara en genomförbar metod avseende följsamhet och närvaro i träningen. De fysioterapeuter som ledde träningen i klinisk verksamhet ansåg att den var möjlig att genomföra med hög relativ intensitet och utan allvarliga biverkningar (delstudie 5). Sammanfattningsvis visar denna avhandling att lokal muskelträning kan vara en användbar och effektiv metod för patienter med KOL. Åtta veckor med lokal högrepetitiv muskelträning är genomförbart och effektivt avseende fysisk förmåga hos dessa patienter. Elastiska träningsband kan användas som träningsredskap för att förbättra muskelfunktion hos patienter med KOL samt för att utvärdera muskelstyrka hos friska vuxna.
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