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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le transfert des connaissances historiques dans la résolution d'un problème actuel chez les étudiants de niveau collégial

Tassé, Guillaume 08 1900 (has links)
Depuis quelques années déjà, la responsabilité de l’éducation à la citoyenneté est principalement confiée à l’enseignement de l’histoire dans le réseau scolaire québécois. Toutefois, aucune étude expérimentale n’a démontré que l’histoire était la matière la plus apte à éduquer à la citoyenneté. Cette recherche vise donc à savoir si les étudiants de niveau collégial transfèrent leurs connaissances historiques dans la résolution d’un problème d'actualité présentant une connotation historique. Le groupe cible de cette recherche est formé de vingt-cinq étudiants de Sciences humaines (ayant des cours d’histoire) et le groupe contrôle est constitué de vingt-cinq étudiants de Science de la nature (n’ayant pas de cours d’histoire). Durant des entrevues semi-dirigées d’une trentaine de minutes, les étudiants avaient à se prononcer sur une entente signée entre les Innus et les gouvernements fédéral et provincial. Une mise en situation leur était présentée préalablement. Il est ressorti peu de différences entre le groupe cible et le groupe contrôle. Ces deux effectifs considérés ensemble, le quart des répondants n’utilisait aucune connaissance historique. Surtout, la variable influençant le plus le transfert des connaissances historiques s’avère être le sexe. Parmi les répondants n’utilisant aucune connaissance historique, il n’y avait qu’un répondant de sexe masculin; et les seuls répondants à avoir utilisé les connaissances conditionnelles étaient tous de sexe masculin. C’est donc dire que le système scolaire québécois ne favoriserait pas suffisamment le transfert des connaissances historiques dans l’analyse de situations actuelles. / For the last few years, citizenship education in Quebec schools has been part of the history curriculum. However, this decision is not based on any experimental studies that would have shown history to be the topic best suited to the teaching of citizenship education. The objective of this research is to find out if college level students transfer their historical knowledge to use it in solving present day problems presenting an historical perspective. The target group of this research consists of twenty-five Social Science students (taking a history course) and the zero-group is made up of twenty-five Science students (not having a history course). During the semistructured thirty-minute interviews, students were asked to give their opinion on a treaty signed between the Innu and the two levels of government. A situation scenario was obviously presented to them beforehand. The outcome showed little difference between the target group and the zero-group. Moreover, when both groups were considered together, a quarter of respondents did not use any historical knowledge. Furthermore, the most influential variable in the transfer of historical knowledge proved to be gender. Amongst respondents using no historical knowledge, there was only one male respondent ; the respondents having used conditional knowledge were all males. It is to say that the Quebec school system does not foster the transfer of historical knowledge sufficiently in regard to the analysis of present day situations.

L'usage des sources primaires dans les manuels du secondaire en Histoire et éducation à la citoyenneté au Québec

Lévesque, Jean-François 04 1900 (has links)
Le Renouveau pédagogique, mis en place au Québec en 2005 à l’ordre secondaire, a eu pour effet de forcer plusieurs enseignants à remettre en question leurs pratiques pédagogiques avec l’approche par compétences. Considérant que les recherches sur l’ancien programme d’histoire ont démontré que les enseignants utilisaient la plupart du temps le manuel comme outil unique, que les manuels contenaient peu de sources primaires et que l’usage de sources est maintenant prescrit par le ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport, nous analysons dans cette recherche l’usage des sources primaires dans les nouveaux manuels d’Histoire et éducation à la citoyenneté du niveau secondaire. L’analyse de nos résultats nous a permis de fournir les outils nécessaires afin de répondre à notre question de recherche. Nous avons constaté la présence majoritaire des sources primaires dans les manuels. Par contre, celles-ci n’étaient pas toujours incluses dans une situation d’apprentissage avec au moins une compétence disciplinaire et, dans encore moins de cas, dans une tâche complexe en lien avec la méthode historique. / Educational Renewal, established in Quebec in 2005 at the secondary level had the effect of forcing many teachers to question their teaching practices with the skills approach. Considering that research on the old history program showed that teachers used mostly textbook as a unique tool, that contained few primary sources and these sources are now prescribed by the ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport, we determine in this research the use of primary sources in the new history and citizenship education textbooks of at the secondary level. The analysis of our results allowed us to provide the tools necessary to answer our research question. Our first observation was to note the presence of the majority of primary sources in the textbooks. They were not always included in a learning situation, including at least one of disciplinary skill and, in even fewer cases, in a complex task in connection with the historical method.

Texas Politics in Citizenship Education: a Critical Discourse Analysis of the Texas Government Curriculum

Strunc, Abbie R. 05 1900 (has links)
This study used a critical discourse analysis (CDA) to examine the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for government. These are the learning standards that public schools are required to use as the curriculum in Texas. Additionally, the study critically examined the Texas State Board of Education meeting minutes from the spring of 2010, when the board revised all social studies TEKS. James Gee’s framework for conducting CDA was used to analyze the government TEKS and meeting minutes to uncover the ways in which the language in the documents defines democratic and citizenship education in Texas, determine if the language creates an imbalance of power among participants in education, and do these documents agree with educational philosophers’ construct of citizenship and democratic education? The results of the CDA concluded that the Texas learning standards, and the words of many SBOE members reveal a preference toward right-wing, conservative beliefs. The construct of citizenship and democratic education created by the Texas government TEKS and SBOE meeting minutes contradicts these notions, as defined by educational theorists, and excludes those participants who do not embrace these beliefs.

L'exercice de la méthode historique proposé par les ensembles didactiques d'histoire du 1er cycle du secondaire pour éduquer à la citoyenneté

Boutonnet, Vincent January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Élaboration d’un modèle théorique pour étudier le rapport au savoir en didactique de l’histoire et en éducation à la citoyenneté

Leblanc, Jessica 06 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour objet d’étude la notion du rapport aux savoirs historiques des élèves de l’ordre secondaire. Plus précisément, il sera question des relations existant entre la conception qu’entretiennent les élèves de l’histoire et du métier de l’historien, leur conception de l’action humaine dans l’histoire et leur sentiment d’être eux-mêmes, aujourd’hui, des acteurs politiques effectifs. Ce sujet est ancré dans le contexte de l’introduction des prescriptions en matière d’éducation à la citoyenneté dans le programme d’histoire de niveau secondaire. Cet ajout a pour conséquence d’introduire de nouveaux objectifs en matière d’éducation à la citoyenneté : l’élève, par l’étude de l’évolution démocratique, doit être amené à comprendre le rôle de l’action humaine dans l’histoire, lui faisant ainsi comprendre la valeur de sa propre participation à la vie sociale et politique. Cela étant dit, les recherches montrent que les enseignants et les enseignantes tardent à adopter la terminologie propre aux compétences du programme de formation en histoire et éducation à la citoyenneté et perpétuent un enseignement de l’histoire-récit qui fait la part belle aux grands évènements et aux grands hommes (Bouhon, 2009; Moisan, 2011). De plus, les manuels utilisés laissent peu de place aux individus ou aux groupes d’individus agissants et présentent rarement leurs actions de manière à rendre compte de leur efficacité (Éthier, 2001; Lefrançois, Éthier et Demers, 2011). Enfin, les recherches montrent que les élèves sont enclins à expliquer les changements à l’aide d’une histoire personnalisante, occupée principalement par les grands hommes et les hauts faits de l’histoire politique et militaire (Hallden, 1986 ; Carretero, Jacott, Limon, Lopez-Manjon et Leon, 1994 ; Carretero, Asuncion et Jacott, 1997 ; Tutiaux-Guillon et Fourmond, 1998). En explorant les conséquences complexes de ces différents constats, nous avons ressenti une insatisfaction à l’égard de la capacité d’explication de ce phénomène qu’offrait le champ conceptuel de didactique de l’histoire. Par conséquent, ce mémoire portera sur le transfert de la notion de rapport au savoir au domaine de la didactique de l’histoire à partir de la sociologie et de l’anthropologie. Le modèle théorique proposé a été obtenu grâce à une recherche spéculative qui a été inspirée des méthodes de Martineau, Simard et Gauthier (2001) et de Van der Maren (1996). / This thesis explores the relation to historical knowledge of high school students from the province of Quebec. More precisely, we will discuss the relations between student’s conception of history and of the work of historians, student’s conception of human action in history and student’s feeling of their own capacity to effectively participate in the democratic process. The context of this study is the introduction of the recent history and citizenship curriculum in Quebec’s high school that set new objectives in terms of citizenship education: students must now understand the role of human action in history in order to become conscious of their own value as participatory citizens. In this regard, researches show that teachers are resisting this new direction and that they perpetuate a way of teaching in which historical narratives and men of influences are predominants (Bouhon, 2009 ; Moisan, 2011). Furthermore, the textbooks they are using give little importance to ¨ordinary¨ individuals and groups of individuals whose actions were politically effective (Éthier, 2001 ; Lefrançois, Éthier et Demers, 2011). Researches also show that students have the tendancy to explain historical change by attributing to single exceptionnal individuals the responsability for this change (Hallden, 1986 ; Carretero, Jacott, Limon, Lopez-Manjon et Leon, 1994 ; Carretero, Asuncion et Jacott, 1997 ; Tutiaux-Guillon et Fourmond, 1998). This situation brings to light the distorsion existing between the prescriptions of the new history and citizenship education curriculum and the reality of the classroom. While exploring the complex consequences and imbrication of these differents statements, we came upon a sense of insatisfaction towards the concepts and notions that exist in didactic of history. In consequences, this thesis will transfer from sociology and anthropology to our field the notion of ¨relation to knowledge¨ (rapport à l’histoire). The theoretical model that is proposed has been obtained by applying Martineau, Simard and Gauthier (2001) and Van der Maren’s (1996) method of theoretical research.

Global perspectives in teacher education:a comparative study of the perceptions of Finnish and Japanese student teachers

Uematsu-Ervasti, K. (Kiyoko) 05 March 2019 (has links)
Abstract This comparative study examines the views of Finnish and Japanese student teachers on global perspectives (GP) in relation to their future profession. As global citizens, teachers should know, one, the cultural and historical backgrounds of pupils and their families, and two, how to teach interrelated themes and global issues. The research questions of this study are, "How do student teachers conceptualise global perspectives in relation to their future teaching, in Oulu and Hiroshima?"; "How do those students view the role and significance of GP in their future teaching?"; and, "How does teacher education support the development of GP?" My theoretical framework rests on Gaudelli’s heuristic model of global citizenship education (2009) and on Hanvey’s five aims of GP (1982), enriched by principles of critical pedagogy (Giroux 2004, Freire 1985). The main body of empirical data was acquired through interviews with and questionnaires completed by students in the two contexts. This study found differences and similarities in the Finnish and Japanese student teachers’ views of global perspectives. Those views, in many respects, reflect Hanvey’s model of five aims, "perspective consciousness" and "cross-cultural awareness" in particular. Views derived from critical pedagogy were less visible. Remarkable differences were evident in terms of Gaudelli’s "four orientations" model. The Japanese student teachers expressed nationalistic tendencies more often than their Finnish counterparts, who stressed humanistic principles. Neo-liberalist and transformational orientations were more difficult to detect in the Japanese data. In both cases, the student teachers saw GP as valuable for their future profession, referring to "cross-cultural awareness" within a humanistic orientation. However, the Japanese student teachers stressed "perspective consciousness" as part of a nationalistic orientation, while the Finns justified the teaching of GP in terms of "global dynamics" in a transformational orientation. Both groups saw teacher education programmes as significant to the development of GP, expressing similar views on the importance of curricula and of professors’ knowledge. Yet, while the Finnish student teachers saw peer support and varied assignments as helpful in developing GP, the Japanese considered those factors to be less relevant. / Tiivistelmä Tämä vertaileva tutkimus tarkastelee suomalaisten ja japanilaisten opettajaksi opiskelevien näkemyksiä globaaleista näkökulmista (global perspectives) suhteessa heidän tulevaan ammattiinsa. Maailmankansalaisina opettajien tulisi tuntea oppilaidensa ja heidän perheidensä kulttuurihistorialliset taustat sekä kuinka heidän tulisi huomioida globaalit kysymykset opetuksessa. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat: 1) Kuinka Oulussa ja Hiroshimassa opettajaksi opiskelevat käsitteellistävät globaalit näkökulmat suhteessa heidän tulevaan ammattiinsa? 2) Millaisena nämä opiskelijat näkevät globaalien näkökulmien merkityksen ja tehtävän tulevassa ammatissaan? 3) Kuinka opettajankoulutus opiskelijoiden mielestä tukee globaalien näkökulmien kehittymistä? Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys rakentuu seuraavista osa-alueista: 1) Gaudellin heuristinen maailmankansalaisuuden malli, 2) Hanveyn malli globaalin näkökulman viidestä tavoitteesta sekä 3) kriittisen pedagogiikan pääperiaatteet. Empiirinen aineisto koostuu pääasiallisesti kyselyistä ja opiskelijoiden haastatteluista näissä kahdessa kontekstissa. Tulokset osoittavat, että suomalaisten ja japanilaisten opettajaksi opiskelevien käsityksissä globaaleista näkökulmista on sekä yhtäläisyyksiä että eroavuuksia. Heidän käsityksensä heijastavat suurelta osin Hanveyn mallin viittä tavoitetta, joista vallitsevimpia olivat "näkökulmatietoisuus" ("perspective consciousness") ja kulttuurien välinen ymmärrys ("cross-cultural awareness"). Kriittiseen pedagogiikkaan pohjaavia näkemyksiä esiintyi aineistossa vähemmän. Gaudellin neljän orientaation malliin osalta tuloksissa oli havaittavissa huomattavia eroja. Japanilaiset opiskelijat ilmaisivat nationalistisia tendenssejä useammin kuin suomalaiset, jotka taas painottivat humanistisia periaatteita. Uusliberalistisia ja transformatiivisia orientaatioita oli vaikeampi havaita japanilaisten aineistossa. Sekä japanilaiset että suomalaiset opettajaksi opiskelevat pitivät globaaleja näkökulmia merkittävänä osana tulevaa ammattiaan ja viittasivat perusteluissaan kulttuurien väliseen ymmärrykseen. Japanilaiset opiskelijat kuitenkin painottivat näkökulmatietoisuutta osana nationalistista orientaatiota, kun taas suomalaiset perustelivat globaalien näkemysten opettamista "globaalilla dynamiikalla" osana transformatiivista orientaatiota. Mitä tulee opettajankoulutuksen rooliin, kumpikin ryhmä piti koulutusohjelmiaan merkittävinä globaalien näkökulmien kehittymiselle painottaen opetussuunnitelmien ja opettajankouluttajien tiedon tärkeyttä. Kuitenkin suomalaiset opiskelijat pitivät vertaistukea ja erilaisia tehtäviä oppimisprosessia edistävinä, mikä taas ei korostunut japanilaisten aineistossa.

Gymnasieelever och fostran av demokratiska medborgare : En enkätstudie av elevgruppers nivåer av moraliska och kognitiva utveckling. / Students in Upper Secondary School and the Education of Democratic Citizens : A study through questionnaire of student groups’ levels of moral and cognitive development.

Pilo, Lina January 2009 (has links)
<p>This study is grounded in an interest in the Swedish Upper Secondary Schools’ role as an educator of democratic citizens, with a specific interest in the moral and cognitive development of Upper Secondary School students. Development in these two areas is treated as results of citizenship education.</p><p>The purpose of the study is to examine moral and cognitive development of students in Upper Secondary School to see if there are any structural differences to be found between the Upper Secondary School programs that are vocationally oriented and the programs that are preparing for further studies on higher levels – since these differences have been both theoretically and empirically implied. The study is based on an enhanced version of Lawrence Kohlberg’s stages of moral development (with teachers’ evaluations of students’ capacity as a reference point of the students’ actual level of moral development) as well as on Kieran Egan’s theory of development through the use of cognitive tools (as seen in five different “shapes of understanding”). There is also a specific interest in how the teachers’ evaluations of the students’ development in the two areas mentioned coincide. The study has been carried out in the shape of an electronic questionnaire sent to Upper Secondary School teachers in Stockholm.</p><p>The results showed that there were great differences between the evaluations made by teachers working in vocationally oriented programs and by teachers working in programs preparing for further studies on higher levels. Generally, teachers working in programs preparing for further studies on higher levels estimated that their students had a capacity greater than average, whileteachers working in vocationally oriented programs estimated that their students had a capacity below average. Teachers working in “theoretical” programs to a larger extent estimated that their students had a use of cognitive tools which was to be expected from their age, while teachers working in vocationally oriented programs to a larger extent estimated that their students had a use of cognitive tools which could be expected from students not yet fully capable of reading and writing. The results also showed that the groups of students who were said to use cognitive toolsexpected from their age at the same time were estimated to have a relatively low level of capacity.</p>

Gymnasieelever och fostran av demokratiska medborgare : En enkätstudie av elevgruppers nivåer av moraliska och kognitiva utveckling. / Students in Upper Secondary School and the Education of Democratic Citizens : A study through questionnaire of student groups’ levels of moral and cognitive development.

Pilo, Lina January 2009 (has links)
This study is grounded in an interest in the Swedish Upper Secondary Schools’ role as an educator of democratic citizens, with a specific interest in the moral and cognitive development of Upper Secondary School students. Development in these two areas is treated as results of citizenship education. The purpose of the study is to examine moral and cognitive development of students in Upper Secondary School to see if there are any structural differences to be found between the Upper Secondary School programs that are vocationally oriented and the programs that are preparing for further studies on higher levels – since these differences have been both theoretically and empirically implied. The study is based on an enhanced version of Lawrence Kohlberg’s stages of moral development (with teachers’ evaluations of students’ capacity as a reference point of the students’ actual level of moral development) as well as on Kieran Egan’s theory of development through the use of cognitive tools (as seen in five different “shapes of understanding”). There is also a specific interest in how the teachers’ evaluations of the students’ development in the two areas mentioned coincide. The study has been carried out in the shape of an electronic questionnaire sent to Upper Secondary School teachers in Stockholm. The results showed that there were great differences between the evaluations made by teachers working in vocationally oriented programs and by teachers working in programs preparing for further studies on higher levels. Generally, teachers working in programs preparing for further studies on higher levels estimated that their students had a capacity greater than average, whileteachers working in vocationally oriented programs estimated that their students had a capacity below average. Teachers working in “theoretical” programs to a larger extent estimated that their students had a use of cognitive tools which was to be expected from their age, while teachers working in vocationally oriented programs to a larger extent estimated that their students had a use of cognitive tools which could be expected from students not yet fully capable of reading and writing. The results also showed that the groups of students who were said to use cognitive toolsexpected from their age at the same time were estimated to have a relatively low level of capacity.

Inclusion in Peacebuilding Education: Discussion of Diversity and Conflict as Learning Opportunities for Immigrant Students

Parker, Christina Ashlee 18 December 2012 (has links)
Ethnocultural minority immigrant students carry diverse histories, perspectives, and experiences, which can serve as resources for critical reflection and discussion about social conflicts. Inclusion of diverse students’ identities in the curriculum requires acknowledgement and open discussion of diversity and conflictual issues. In democratic peacebuilding education, diverse students are encouraged to express divergent points of view in open, inclusive dialogue. This ethnographic study with a critical perspective examined how three teachers in urban public elementary school classrooms with ethnocultural minority first- and second-generation immigrant students (aged 9 to 13) implemented different kinds of curriculum content and pedagogy, and how those pedagogies facilitated or impeded inclusive democratic experiences for various students. In these classrooms, peers and teachers shared similar and different cultural backgrounds and migration histories. Data included 110 classroom observations of three teachers and 75 ethnocultural minority students, six interviews with three teachers, 29 group interviews with 53 students, document analysis of ungraded student work and teachers’ planning materials, and a personal journal. Results showed how diverse students experienced and responded to implemented curriculum: when content was explicitly linked to students’ identities and experiences, opportunities for democratic peacebuilding inclusion increased. Dialogic pedagogical processes that encouraged cooperation among students strengthened the class community and invited constructive conflict education. The implicit and explicit curriculum implemented in these three diverse classrooms also shaped how students interpreted democracy in the context of multiculturalism in Canada. Teaching students as though they were all the same, and teaching curriculum content as if it were neutral and uncontestable, did not create equitable social relations. Explicit attention to conflict provided opportunities to uncover the hidden curriculum and to acknowledge structures of power and domination, creating space for development of critical consciousness. Thus culturally relevant curricula and democratic learning opportunities encouraged social and academic engagement and resulted in the inclusion of a wider range of diverse students’ voices.

Le transfert des connaissances historiques dans la résolution d'un problème actuel chez les étudiants de niveau collégial

Tassé, Guillaume 08 1900 (has links)
Depuis quelques années déjà, la responsabilité de l’éducation à la citoyenneté est principalement confiée à l’enseignement de l’histoire dans le réseau scolaire québécois. Toutefois, aucune étude expérimentale n’a démontré que l’histoire était la matière la plus apte à éduquer à la citoyenneté. Cette recherche vise donc à savoir si les étudiants de niveau collégial transfèrent leurs connaissances historiques dans la résolution d’un problème d'actualité présentant une connotation historique. Le groupe cible de cette recherche est formé de vingt-cinq étudiants de Sciences humaines (ayant des cours d’histoire) et le groupe contrôle est constitué de vingt-cinq étudiants de Science de la nature (n’ayant pas de cours d’histoire). Durant des entrevues semi-dirigées d’une trentaine de minutes, les étudiants avaient à se prononcer sur une entente signée entre les Innus et les gouvernements fédéral et provincial. Une mise en situation leur était présentée préalablement. Il est ressorti peu de différences entre le groupe cible et le groupe contrôle. Ces deux effectifs considérés ensemble, le quart des répondants n’utilisait aucune connaissance historique. Surtout, la variable influençant le plus le transfert des connaissances historiques s’avère être le sexe. Parmi les répondants n’utilisant aucune connaissance historique, il n’y avait qu’un répondant de sexe masculin; et les seuls répondants à avoir utilisé les connaissances conditionnelles étaient tous de sexe masculin. C’est donc dire que le système scolaire québécois ne favoriserait pas suffisamment le transfert des connaissances historiques dans l’analyse de situations actuelles. / For the last few years, citizenship education in Quebec schools has been part of the history curriculum. However, this decision is not based on any experimental studies that would have shown history to be the topic best suited to the teaching of citizenship education. The objective of this research is to find out if college level students transfer their historical knowledge to use it in solving present day problems presenting an historical perspective. The target group of this research consists of twenty-five Social Science students (taking a history course) and the zero-group is made up of twenty-five Science students (not having a history course). During the semistructured thirty-minute interviews, students were asked to give their opinion on a treaty signed between the Innu and the two levels of government. A situation scenario was obviously presented to them beforehand. The outcome showed little difference between the target group and the zero-group. Moreover, when both groups were considered together, a quarter of respondents did not use any historical knowledge. Furthermore, the most influential variable in the transfer of historical knowledge proved to be gender. Amongst respondents using no historical knowledge, there was only one male respondent ; the respondents having used conditional knowledge were all males. It is to say that the Quebec school system does not foster the transfer of historical knowledge sufficiently in regard to the analysis of present day situations.

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