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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Úroveň mediální gramotnosti dospělých v současné české společnosti a cesty k jejímu získávání / Level of Media Literacy of Adults in Curent Czech Society and the Ways of its Achievement

Mašková, Hana January 2017 (has links)
This thesis outlines the current state of adult media literacy and education in the Czech Republic. It defines basic concepts, present and historical approaches of media literacy and its anchoring in the Czech legal order and international documents. It further focuses on current phenomena of media world and selected media institutions involved in media literacy development. The analytical part compares and evaluates Pan-European and Czech research aimed at measuring the level of media literacy of adults. Key words media literacy, media education, media, adult education, longlife learning, civic education

Bara för att du inte kan svenska språket så betyder det ju inte att du inte kan : En kvalitativ intervjustudie kring nyanlända elevers kunskapsutveckling i So-ämnena / The lack of knowledge in Swedish doesn’t mean that you can’t : A qualitative study based on interviews about newly arrived pupils developing their knowledge in civic education

Haglund, Agnes January 2020 (has links)
I skolan ställs mycket höga förväntningar på nyanlända elever, då de förväntas lära det svenska språket parallellt med ämneskunskaper. Många lärare saknar dock kompetens i hur de ska främja nyanlända elever språk- och kunskapsutveckling. Därför syftar studien till att bidra med kunskap om hur undervisningen i So-ämnena kan organiseras för nyanlända elever i årskurs 4–6. Det görs genom att undersöka vilka undervisningsfaktorer lärare uppfattar gynna nyanlända elevers kunskapsutveckling inom So-ämnena samt på vilka sätt lärande möjliggörs för nyanlända elever inom So-ämnena. Skoldidaktisk teori och sociokulturell teori utgör studiens teoretiska ramverk. Data har samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem lärare. All insamlade data har därefter analyserats tematiskt och sammanställts i matriser utefter likheter och skillnader. Bearbetningen och analysen resulterade i att fem huvudsakliga teman fanns; involverade professioner och verksamheter, språklig medvetenhets inverkan, det sociala samspelets betydelse, användning av translanguaging samt interkulturellt perspektiv. Respektive tema delades in i subteman för att konkretisera innebörden av resultatet. Lärarnas uppfattningar skiljde sig en del åt men de främsta likheterna som framträdde var att de uppfattade studiehandledning på modersmålet som en viktig resurs för att främja nyanlända elevers kunskapsutveckling och för att synliggöra elevernas kunskaper. Bildstöd nämndes som ett bra stöd för att bearbeta ämnesinnehåll. Det beskrevs som viktigt att vara observant på både ämnesspecifika begrepp och vardagsspråk som de nyanlända eleverna inte kan samt att vara observant vid olika gruppkonstellationer då nyanlända elever i heterogena grupper sällan är speciellt delaktiga. Filmer på modersmålet och användning av inläsningstjänst beskrevs som framgångsrika hjälpmedel för nyanlända elevers kunskapsutveckling i So-ämnena. Avslutningsvis beskrivs att lärare måste ha kunskap om vad som är gynnande för nyanlända elevers kunskapsutveckling samt vilka redskap och hjälpmedel som finns för att nyanlända elever ska utveckla sina So-kunskaper så mycket som möjligt. / There are high expectations on newly arrived pupils in school. They are supposed to develop both language and subject knowledge at the same time. This despite teachers lacking competence in how to promote newly arrived pupils’ development in language and subject knowledge at the same time. Because of this, the aim of this study is to contribute with knowledge about how to organize the teaching in the social orientated subjects for newly arrived pupils in 4th-6th grade. This is done by answering the following questions: Which factors in the teaching do teachers perceive promoting for newly arrived pupils developing their knowledge in the social orientated subjects? And in what ways is learning in the social orientated subjects made possible for newly arrived students? A school didactic theory and sociocultural theory form the theoretical framework of the study. Data has been collected by qualitative interviews with five teachers. All the collected data has been thematically analyzed and put together in matrices based on similarities and differences. The processing and analysis resulted in five head themes: professions and functions involved, the impact of linguistic awareness, the importance of social interaction, use of translanguaging and intercultural perspective. Each theme was divided into subthemes to concretize the meaning of the result. The teachers’ perception differed, but the most common similarity was that they perceived study guidance in the mother tongue as a useful resource to promote newly arrived pupils’ knowledge and to make the pupils’ knowledge more visible. Support from images was mentioned as great for processing content in the subject. It was described as important to be aware of both words, specific for the subject, and more ordinary words, used in the daily talk, that the newly arrived pupils are not aware of. Another factor mentioned to be aware of was group structures. This because newly arrived pupils attend to not be involved in heterogeneous groups. Films in the mother tongue and the use of Inläsningstjänst was described as successful tools for newly arrived pupils to increase their knowledge in the social orientated subjects. Lastly the importance of subject teachers’ knowledge about how to increase newly arrived pupils’ knowledge and about available resources are mentioned.

Les perspectives d'un enseignement moral et civique : éducation à la liberté responsable ? / The prospects of a civic and moral education : education for responsible freedom ?

Desmery, Kéren 25 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie les perspectives de l'enseignement moral et civique: de l'annonce d'un enseignement d'une morale laïque à un enseignement laïque de la morale puis un enseignement moral et civique, les projets de rédactions de programmes ont subi diverses mutations tant au niveau de la forme, que concernant le contenu lui-même et méritent une attention plus que particulière. Si la mise en place de cette politique publique ne s'est guère effectuée sans "embûche", la question consiste à s'interroger d'une part sur les apports de cet enseignement moral et civique qui remplace l'ancien " cordon triple" que constituait l'instruction civique, l'éducation civique, et l'éducation civique juridique et sociale, et aussi de s'interroger sur la dimension réelle de cette enseignement : peut-il tout comme son aïeul; "la morale laïque" sous Jules Ferry, se situer en quelque sorte dans sa filiation et éduquer à une liberté responsable, tout en s'adaptant à la société actuelle ? / This thesis examines the outlook for moral and civic education: the announcement of a teaching of secular ethics in a secular moral education and moral and civic education, programs of editorial projects have undergone several mutations both in terms of form, that regarding the content itself and deserve more attention than special. If the implementation of this public policy has hardly done without "ambush" the question is to ask one hand on the contributions of this moral and civic education which replaces the old "triple cord" that was civics, civic education, and legal and social civic education, and also to question the real dimension of this teaching: can he like his grandfather; "Secular morality" under Jules Ferry, lie somehow in his parentage and education in responsible freedom, while adapting to today's society?

Politicidad nacional y transnacionalidad político-educativa: la Educación Cívica en Costa Rica 1886-2015

Morales Zuniga, Luis Carlos 11 June 2021 (has links)
Diese Forschung untersucht die lehrplanmäßige, pädagogische und didaktische Entwicklung der staatsbürgerlichen Bildung in Costa Rica im Zeitraum von 1886 bis 2015. Die Analyse wurde unter Berücksichtigung der nationalen Politik durchgeführt, indem unterschiedliche Situationen, Akteure, Tendenzen und politisch-pädagogischen Spannungen in Zusammenhang mit dem Lehrplan und der didaktischen Artikulation der politischen Bildung gesetzt wurden. Es wird angenommen, dass die Perspektive der bildungspolitischen Internationalisierung unterschiedliche Momente, Akteure und transnationale Prozesse bei der Artikulation der staatsbürgerlichen Bildung in Costa Rica einnimmt. Auf Grundlage der Kombination nationaler Politik und transnationalen politisch-pädagogischen Trends können drei Schlüsselmomente in der Entwicklung der Staatsbürgerschaftsbildung in Costa Rica identifiziert werden: Der erste Moment zeichnet sich zwischen 1886 und 1949 ab und ist gekennzeichnet durch die Dominanz republikanischer und liberaler politischer Gruppen in der nationalen Politik, die den staatsbürgerlichen Unterricht an zentraler Stelle im nationalen Lehrplan positionierten und mit französischen Ideen der Bürgerbildung unterfüttern. Auch der Einfluss des Instituto Pedagógico de Chile, in dem in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts relevante Persönlichkeiten im Bereich des staatsbürgerlichen Unterrichts des Landes ausgebildet wurden, schlägt sich nieder. Der zweite Moment ab 1949 nach dem letzten Bürgerkrieg im Land und der Gründung der zweiten Republik war geprägt von der Dominanz der sozialdemokratischen Ideologie und der nationalen Befreiungspartei in der nationalen Politik. Die politische Bildung orientierte sich in dieser Zeit am demokratischen, antikommunistischen Diskurs und später an der Friedenserziehung aufgrund der Befriedung Mittelamerikas und des Friedensnobelpreises, der 1987 an den ehemaligen Präsidenten Oscar Arias verliehen wurde. Schließlich konzentrierte sich die Forschung auf die Haupttrends in Bezug auf politisch-pädagogische, pädagogische und lehrplanmäßige Transformationen, die in den ersten Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts bis 2015 stattfanden. / This research studies the curricular, pedagogical, and didactic evolution of Citizenship Education in Costa Rica for the period from 1886 -2015. The analysis has been carried out taking into account national politics, that is, the different situations, actors, tendencies, and political-educational tensions around the curricular and didactic articulation of Civic Education. The perspective of educational political internationalization is also assumed to observe different moments, agents, and transnational processes in the articulation of Citizenship Education in Costa Rica. There are three key moments in the evolution of Costa Rican Citizenship Education, as a result of the combination of national politics and transnational political-educational trends. The process developed between 1886 and 1949, characterized by the dominance in national politics of republican and liberal political groups, who positioned Civic Instruction in a central place in the national curriculum and came into contact with French ideas of citizen education and also with the Pedagogical Institute of Chile, in which relevant figures in the field of Civic Instruction of the country were formed during the first half of the 20th century. The second moment from 1949, after the last Civil War in the country and the founding of the Second Republic, was characterized by the dominance of the social-democratic ideology in national politics and the National Liberation Party. Civic Education was oriented in this period by democratic, anti-communist discourse and later by education for peace due to the pacification of Central America and the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to former president Oscar Arias in 1987. Finally the research focused on the main trends in political-educational, pedagogical, and curricular transformations that occurred during the first years of the 19th century until 2015. / En esta investigación se estudia la evolución curricular, pedagógica y didáctica de la formación para la ciudadanía en Costa Rica durante el periodo 1886-2015. Se asume también la perspectiva de la internacionalización político educativa para observar distintos momentos, agentes y procesos transnacionales en la articulación de la educación para la ciudadanía en Costa Rica. Se distinguen tres momentos claves en la evolución de la educación para la ciudadanía, en los que la politicidad nacional y las tendencias político-educativas transnacionales dieron como resultante histórica distintas versiones de formación para la ciudadanía en Costa Rica. Un primer momento fue el comprendido entre 1886 y 1949, caracterizado por el dominio en la política nacional de las ideas y los grupos políticos republicanos y liberales, quienes posicionaron la Instrucción Cívica en un lugar central del currículo nacional.El segundo momento a partir de 1949, después de la última Guerra Civil del país y la fundación de la Segunda República, se caracterizó por el dominio en la política nacional de la socialdemocracia y del Partido Liberación Nacional. La Educación Cívica estuvo orientada en este período por el discurso democrático, anticomunista y más tarde por la educación para la paz debido a la pacificación de Centroamérica y el premio Nobel de la Paz otorgado al expresidente Oscar Arias en 1987. Un resultado de este proceso fue la implementación de la asignatura de Estudios Sociales procedente de Estados Unidos, asignatura que incluyó las materias de Historia, Geografía y Educación Cívica. Finalmente, se estudian las principales tendencias y transformaciones político-educativas, pedagógicas y curriculares que se produjeron durante los primeros años del siglo XIX hasta 2015.

Subkultura extrémní pravice ve Svobodném státě Sasko / Far-right Subculture in the Free State of Saxony

Lujcová, Drahomíra January 2017 (has links)
Předložená diplomová práce se zabývá subkulturou krajní pravice ve Svobodném státě - pojednáno v multidisciplinárním kontextu, práce vysvětluje důvod také využívá politologické roviny, vymezuje pojem pravicového extremismu a ukazuje jeho rávní úrovni je rozvedena reakce státu ve formě legislativních a represivních opatření. V kontextu občanského vzdělávání jsou prezentovány instituce a aktéři, kteří v Sasku na tomto poli působí s cílem eliminovat pravicový extremismus ve společnosti. Text rovněž definuje, jak velké nebezpečí subkultura ve společnosti představuje. Vláda se snaží s pravicovým extremismem vypořádat, i když se žádná politická strana nedostává přímo do parlamentu. Jde především o hrozbu společenskou spočívající v páchání trestné činnosti, schopnosti mobilizace a tvoření chybných ideologických přesvědčení. Stát chce primárně svoje občany chránit před kriminální činností, vzdělávat je a rozvíjet demokratické uvědomění, přičemž systém občanského vzdělávání Spolkové republiky Německo je celosvětově považován za vzor, jelikož se obor po druhé světové válce stal díky specifickému vnímání pravicového extremismu součástí německé identity

Det ska ju vara kul att lära sig : En studie grunddad på elevers uppfattningar om motivation och kunskapsutveckling i samhällskunskapsämnet / It should be fun to learn : A study exploring pupils opinions on mativational and learning techniques in civic education

Johansson, Mathilda January 2020 (has links)
Att fostra morgondagens demokratiska medborgare är ett av skolans viktigaste uppdrag. I ämnet samhällskunskap ges eleverna möjlighet att inhämta kunskap och förståelse för samhället, dess invånare och funktioner. Motivation är en positivt bidragande faktor till kunskapsutveckling och studiens syfte är att bidra med kunskap om vad elever anser motivera dem i ämnet samhällskunskap samtidigt som de lär sig på bästa sätt. För att besvara studiens syfte formulerades frågeställningar gällande elevers beskrivningar om motivation och undervisningens utformning för ökad kunskapsinlärning i samhällskunskapsämnet. Studiens inriktning är motivation och kunskapsinlärning i ämnet samhällskunskap i årskurserna 4–6, beskrivet ur ett elevperspektiv, och tar sin utgångspunkt i ett sociokulturellt perspektiv där kommunikation och kunskapsutveckling i interaktion med andra är centralt. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod, och datainsamling skedde med hjälp av fokusgruppsintervjuer. Genererad data transkriberades och analyserades sedan med hjälp av kodning, kategorisering och begreppsbildning. Resultatet visade på flertalet faktorer som eleverna beskrev som motiverande och positiva för deras kunskapsinlärning, där de mest framträdande var interaktivt arbete, användandet av bilder och film i undervisningen samt vikten av lärarens agerande i klassrummet. Elevernas svar har sedan satts i relation till tidigare forskning, vilket går att läsa om i avsnittet för resultatdiskussion. Elevernas beskrivningar skildrade flera faktorer, både positiva och negativa som inverkande på deras motivation och kunskapsinlärning, vilka kan vara till stor hjälp att ta i beaktande vid utformning av undervisning. / Raising tomorrows democratic citizens is one of the main purposes of education. In the subject of civic education pupils get an opportunity to learn about and to get an understanding of society and its functions and inhabitants. Motivation is a positive factor for knowledge development and the aim of this thesis is to contribute with knowledge about pupils´ opinions on motivational and learning techniques in the subject of civic education. To answer the thesis aim, framing of questions has been made about pupils´ opinions on motivation and how lessons should be designed to increase knowledge development in the subject of civic education. The focus of this thesis is motivation and knowledge development in the subject of civic education in school years 4–6, and the theoretical framework is the sociocultural perspective in which communication and knowledge development in social contexts are fundamental.   The thesis data were collected through focus group interviews which is a qualitative method. The data from the interviews were then transcribed and analyzed in three different steps; coding, categorizing and conceptualization. The result shows many factors that motivate pupils and increases their knowledge in the subject of civic education. Some of these factors were interactive learning, pictures and films. How teachers act in the classroom was also something that the pupils felt had a significant impact on their motivation and knowledge development. The pupils described many factors, both positive and negative ones, which have an impact on their motivation and their knowledge development. These factors should be considered when designing lessons in the subject civic education.

Podpora občanské angažovanosti mladých lidí v ČR: Koncepce podpory mládeže na období 2014-2020 / Support of youth civic engagement in the Czech Republic: National Youth Strategy for years 2014-2020

Znamenáčková, Alena January 2021 (has links)
The main topic of this thesis is the support of youth participation in the Czech Republic and related national youth policy, as defined in the National Youth Strategy for the years 2014- 2020. The aim of this thesis is to analyze and evaluate the process of creation, implementation and evaluation of this Strategy. Furthermore, the fulfillment of the strategic goal SC8, which focuses on the support of active involvement of young people, is evaluated. The thesis also includes an analysis of key actors, an informalized analysis of discourses related to youth policy and international comparison. Aims of the Strategy 2014-2020 were fulfilled through several implementation tools. The main tools were state grant programs for work with children and youth for NGOs, subsidy programs at the regional level, the Erasmus + program and cooperation with the NN LAG Czech Republic. The analysis of the Strategy evaluation process showed that the real process differed in some respects from the original plan. Monitoring of the fulfillment of strategic goals of the Strategy 2014-2020 should be provided by thematic groups, which, however, disintegrated during the validity of the Strategy. The deadline for the overall evaluation of the Strategy was postponed to June 2021. The biggest problem of the Strategy 2014-2020 was...

Att skapa samhällsvetare - Ämneslitteracitet i samhällskunskap

Eklund, Julia, Mildh, Nellie January 2020 (has links)
The aim of conducting the following research is to observe how teachers in upper secondary school create conditions for developing disciplinary literacy in social science. Additionally, the aim is to examine how teachers reflect upon their practices regarding pupils’ development of disciplinary literacy. In order to carry out the aim of the research overview, two research questions were constructed. The theoretical foundation of the research consists of Vygotsky’s socio-cultural perspective, which includes the concepts mediation, appropriation, scaffolding and the Zone of Proximal Development. Furthermore, Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Learning Objectives was used in order to provide a cognitive perspective. Research on disciplinary literacy, mainly that of Shanahan and Shanahan, combined with social science research formed an additional framework for analysis. The data consists of both qualitative, semi-structured interviews with two social science teachers and collected teaching material. Consequently, a qualitative content analysis was conducted using the aforementioned theoretical framework. Results show that teachers consider perspective-taking an essential ability in social science and that the development of disciplinary literacy is a linear progression from simpler, factual concepts to complex, analytical concepts. Further, social science is characterized by its large content-specific vocabulary. In addition, teachers experience that pupils struggle with scientific reading and writing, which are skills that are viewed as essential. The chosen didactic methods of the teachers include authentic texts and examples, and content-specific vocabulary was viewed as a key component for developing disciplinary literacy. With the zone of proximal development in mind, the teachers consciously challenge the students with more complex material.Finally, the implications of the results are discussed in relation to previous research, the theoretical background and the Swedish curricula for upper secondary school. Lastly, suggestions for future research are discussed.

Looking Inward / Looking Outward: Experiences of White Teacher Candidates Encountering Civic Education, Social Justice, and Anti-racist Pedagogy in Two Canadian Teacher Education Programs

Bergen, Jennifer 13 November 2020 (has links)
In teacher education, critical civic education and anti-racist education are often disconnected in practice, despite increasing overlap in theorizing and goals: to resist and dismantle the settler colonial realities of education, to promote working for social justice, and to challenge racist and White supremacist structures. This comparative case study examined how White teacher candidates’ civic, social justice, and anti-racist knowledge development during Bachelor of Education foundations courses affected their pedagogical growth. Through surveys, co- researcher observations, and focus groups conducted at research sites in Saskatchewan and Ontario, the study examined how teacher candidates understood their positionalities within societal structures, and how their understandings of structural injustice affected their pedagogical choices. Building from a postcolonial global citizenship education conceptual framework, the study engaged with Critical Race Theory and Critical Whiteness Studies in order to situate the findings in White settler colonial contexts. Findings indicate that the degree to which teacher candidates were aware of their own positionality influenced their understandings of structural injustice, and their confidence (or not) with anti-racist pedagogy. In the areas of civic engagement, racism, and Whiteness, the re-inscription of individualistic discourses and rejection of structural discourses was pervasive, and teacher candidates resisted self-implication in historical and ongoing settler colonialism and White supremacy. However, access to alternative conceptual frameworks for understanding the social construction of identities and structural determinism were somewhat effective at tackling meritocratic discourses. The study affirms the need for scaffolded anti-racist/anti-oppressive education in teacher education programs and discusses the necessity for teacher candidates to understand their own positionalities in context.

Transformative Civic Education with Elementary Students: Learning from Students and Their Teacher in a Bilingual Classroom

Somerville-Braun, Jessica 01 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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