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Förmågan att tänka som då : Historielärares syn på tankeredskapet historisk empati / The ability to think like before : Teachers views regarding the concept historical empathyJohansson, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine high school teachers views and reasonings about the concept “historical empathy”. The previous research and theoretical aspect show us that the definition of the concept is unclear, as so what capabilities the student ought to develop. This study marks two different views of historical empathy: linje 1 where historical empathy are based simply on empirical methods and capabilities and linje 2 where personal interest and emotion towards the subject is underlined. The theory is based on the viewings from historism and postmodernity, the reality is relative and not to be generalized. The method consists by interviews with six high school teachers. The result shows us that the teachers define historical empathy as a deeper understanding for historical actors and their choices. They find multiple ways of working towards historical empathy and the capabilities that are required to be showed by the students are both based on cognitive and emotional understanding.
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Det greppbara begreppen : En läromedelsanalys av tre läroböcker inom ämnet geografi årskurs 4-6 och en kvalitativ undersökning med en skolklassEngström, Angelica January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur begreppen framställs i läroböcker i ämnet geografi och om begreppen är greppbar för eleverna. Studien riktade in sig på årskurs 4-6. Genom att använda komparativ metod då läroböckerna analyseras får man en tydlig bild över skillnader och likheter i böckerna. Läroböckerna är uppdaterade efter den nya läroplanen Lgr 22. Sakbegrepp och tankeredskap är begrepp som används i studien för att jämföra läroböckerna. En klass elever kommer att vara delaktig i studien för att lyfta fram deras åsikter kring begreppen i tre läroböcker. Då det är viktigt att få höra elevernas talan då det är de som ska utveckla sina kunskaper. Eleverna får diskutera och jämföra böckerna med varandra. Begreppens fokus i böckerna skildes från varandra och elevernas åsikt. Vissa begrepp fick större fokus än andra i de olika böckerna. Även på vilket sätt eleverna föredrar att begreppen framställs var olika. Studien visar även att ett större fokus läggs på sakbegrepp än tankeredskapen. / This study examines how the concepts are presented in textbooks on the subject of geography and whether the concepts are graspable by the pupils. The study focused on grades 4-6. By using the comparative method when the textbooks are analysed, you get a clear picture of the differences and similarities in the books. The textbooks are updated according to the new curriculum Lgr 22. Structure-bering and thinking tools are concepts used in the study to compare the textbooks. A class of pupils will be involved in the study to highlight their views on the concepts in three textbooks. As it is important to hear the pupils' voices as they are the ones who will develop their knowledge. The pupils can discuss and compare the books with each other. The focus of the concepts in the books differed from each other and the pupils' opinion. Certain concepts received greater focus than others in the various books. The way in which the pupils prefer the concepts to be presented was also different. The study also shows that a greater focus is placed on structure-bering than on tinkingtools. / <p>2023-06-11</p>
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"En tyst revolution" : Gymnasielärares syn på användning av olika perspektiv i historieämnet. / A Silent Revolution : Teachers views on the use of different perspectives in the history subjecFahlander, Kajsa January 2018 (has links)
According to the steering documents from the Education administration (Skolverket), history in upper secondary schools should teach students to approach history from “different perspectives”. In this paper, I interviewed five history teachers regarding their interpretation of phrasing with regard to the subject of “perspectives”. The study aims to give insight into what kind of content the formulations of the Education administration result in, when interpreted by the teachers. It investigate what the teachers in the study think a “perspective” is, and what it means to teach history from different ditto. Which perspectives are the focuses of their history courses? I also discuss what the purpose and end of using different perspectives in history education is perceived to be, from what the interviews can reveal. For this I use Gert Biestas theory that suggests that good education aim at either qualification, socialisation of subjectification. The result show that all the teachers in the study primarly connect perspectives to different groups. Students should be allowed to to focus on the history of different category’s of people, or use their historical empathy to understand the view of others. The groups of people that the respondents most often accentuated in the interviews where people from different social classes, women, as well as different groups of people that experienced the European colonialism in the 18th and 19th century. The teacher’s in my study also described the usage of “different perspectives” in another way. They talked of this activity in terms of teaching students critically thinking and examining the subject of history as a science. To teach from “different perspectives” could, in this kind of answer, be to have student’s examine historical knowledge as a constructed product and teach them to analyse historical narratives critically. Other, less prominent interpretations involved “perspectives” as referring to different disciplines within the subject of history – such as social history, economical history or political history. When examining what aims the teachers seem to have with their described usage of perspectives I found that they often seem to emphasise the important of the students becoming analytic, critical thinking, capable individuals. I also found that the teachers many times want to pass on social norms and values, make the students tolerant and empathetic. They also want to start processes where the students ask themselves existential questions or find help in orientating themselves in social structures and form identities. Also, the respondents often expressed ideas of history as an emancipating subject where the exposing of structures and historical injustices could counteract power structures in the present.
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Historieundervisningen på lågstadiet? : Hur lärare för de yngre åren ser på yngre barns förmåga att förstå historia. / History teaching in primary school? : How teachers for the younger years view younger children's ability to understand history.Andersson, Marie January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete var att försöka undersöka hur f-3 lärare ser på yngre barns förmåga att förstå historia samt hur de undervisar för att utveckla elevernas historiska kunskaper och ämnesförståelse. Detta genom att med semistrukturerade intervjuer fråga två lärare om hur de väljer att planera och undervisa i ämnet för att skapa förutsättningar för eleverna att utveckla ett historiemedvetande. Detta tillvägagångssätt gör dock att resultatet inte går att generalisera. Resultatet kan tolkas som att de båda lärarna strävar efter att möta det centrala innehållet för att eleverna ska nå målen inom ämnet och få en så god kronologisk överblick som möjligt. Men att mycket av den utvecklingspsykologiska tanken kring hur yngre barn kan tillägna sig historieundervisningen verkar leva kvar. / The purpose of this thesis was to try to investigate how f-3 teachers view younger children's ability to understand history and how they teach to develop students' historical knowledge and subject understanding. This by using semi-structured interviews to ask two teachers about how they choose to plan and teach the subject in order to create conditions for the students to develop a historical consciousness. However, this approach makes the result impossible to generalize. The result can be interpreted as the two teachers striving to meet the central content in order for the students to achieve the goals within the subject and get as good a chronological overview as possible. But that much of the developmental psychology idea about how younger children can acquire history education seems to remain.
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Redskap för lärande : Fallstudie kring användbarheten av en tankemodell för lärares arbete att utveckla elevers geografiska kunskaperAndresen, Jens January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker användbarheten av en modell med geografiska tankeredskap i lärares undervisning somett hjälpmedel för att tydliggöra och utveckla elevers geografiska kunskaper och tänkande. Tankeredskapen skaförstås som specifika begrepp med en viss funktion i geografin som lyfter fram geografisk kunskap och ettgeografiskt sätt att tänka. Genom observationer har två lärare över fem lektioner vardera iakttagits djupgående ochsystematiskt med hjälp av en observationsmall. Observationsmaterialet har sedan analyserats genombegreppskartor som ett visuellt verktyg för att illustrera hur modellens tankeredskap innehåller olika meningar.Begreppskartorna visar hur lärarna tillämpade tankeredskapen, vilket kunde tolkas implicit och explicit beroendepå sammanhanget. En implicit tolkning innebär hur tankeredskapen gestaltas ha en underbyggande struktur avbegrepp och förklaringar som stödjer förståelsen av tankeredskapen. Detta förklarar hur lärarna begripliggjordetankeredskapen, genom att med andra ord hänvisa till ett specifikt sätt att tänka geografiskt. Med en sociokulturellteori på begreppsbildning diskuteras begreppskartorna utifrån hur läraren språkligt bidrar till att utveckla eleversgeografiska kunskaper. I konklusion kan den presenterade tankemodellen anses vara en användbar metod för attstrukturera undervisningen i geografi på gymnasienivå. Dock framhäver denna studie att det vore lämpligt attvidare definiera de geografiska tankeredskapen, för att tydliggöra för lärare och elever vad geografi är.
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Att skapa samhällsvetare - Ämneslitteracitet i samhällskunskapEklund, Julia, Mildh, Nellie January 2020 (has links)
The aim of conducting the following research is to observe how teachers in upper secondary school create conditions for developing disciplinary literacy in social science. Additionally, the aim is to examine how teachers reflect upon their practices regarding pupils’ development of disciplinary literacy. In order to carry out the aim of the research overview, two research questions were constructed. The theoretical foundation of the research consists of Vygotsky’s socio-cultural perspective, which includes the concepts mediation, appropriation, scaffolding and the Zone of Proximal Development. Furthermore, Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Learning Objectives was used in order to provide a cognitive perspective. Research on disciplinary literacy, mainly that of Shanahan and Shanahan, combined with social science research formed an additional framework for analysis. The data consists of both qualitative, semi-structured interviews with two social science teachers and collected teaching material. Consequently, a qualitative content analysis was conducted using the aforementioned theoretical framework. Results show that teachers consider perspective-taking an essential ability in social science and that the development of disciplinary literacy is a linear progression from simpler, factual concepts to complex, analytical concepts. Further, social science is characterized by its large content-specific vocabulary. In addition, teachers experience that pupils struggle with scientific reading and writing, which are skills that are viewed as essential. The chosen didactic methods of the teachers include authentic texts and examples, and content-specific vocabulary was viewed as a key component for developing disciplinary literacy. With the zone of proximal development in mind, the teachers consciously challenge the students with more complex material.Finally, the implications of the results are discussed in relation to previous research, the theoretical background and the Swedish curricula for upper secondary school. Lastly, suggestions for future research are discussed.
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"Ett snäpp högre" : En studie av historielärares hanterande av tankeredskap.Estenberg, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Abstract The aim with this study is to examine how practicing history teachers in upper secondary school deal with historical thinking concepts. The three main questions are: which concepts do teachers use in their courses and when do they use them? How can teachers’ use of different historical thinking concepts be described in terms of reconstruction and construction? What factors influence teachers when they work with historical thinking concepts? To answer these questions, the material, for example tests, lesson plans and notes of seven teachers has been analyzed. These analysis were followed by interviews with the teachers. The empirical data have been handled in two steps. The first step is a survey of what historical thinking concepts teachers use and when they use them. The survey was done as a detailed reading of the teachers’ material. In this survey two historical thinking concepts, evidence and cause and consequence, have been selected for further analysis, which is the second step. The results show that when teachers deal with the historical thinking concept of evidence they show their students models and ways to handle evidence. This is not the case when teachers handle the historical thinking concept of cause and consequence. Models are shown here as well but not to the same extent. The result also shows that the teachers’ handling of evidence in a greater extent leads to construction compared with their handling of cause and consequence. The explanations provided in the study also point to the different character between the two concepts and what form of test the teachers’ use and what words are used to communicate for example cause and consequence. Furthermore, the explanations also indicate that the teachers’ view of what historical knowledge contains of, together with what kind of students and what other subject they teach play some part in their dealing with historical thinking concepts. / Vilka tankeredskap hanterar historielärare i sin undervisning och när framkommer dessa i de kurser lärare undervisar i? Hur hanterar lärare tankeredskap i termer av rekonstruktion och konstruktion? Dessa frågor ställs i denna studie som bygger på en analys av sju lärares undervisningsmaterial och på uppföljande intervjuer med lärarna. I den första delen kartläggs de tankeredskap som lärare hanterar i hela kurser som de undervisar i. Ett resultat av denna del är att orsak och konsekvens är det dominerande tankeredskapet som lärare hanterar. Ett annat resultat är att tankeredskapens förekomst i lärarnas kurser uppvisar stora variationer. I den andra delen sker en fördjupad analys av två tankeredskap, källor och källkritik samt orsak och konsekvens. I denna analys framkommer att lärarnas hanterande av källor och källkritik i större utsträckning kan beskrivas i termer av konstruktion, jämfört med lärarnas hanterande av orsak och konsekvens. I analysen framkommer också att lärare kan hantera tankeredskap i två steg; det som i studien kallas tankeredskap som modell respektive tankeredskap som process. / <p>Ingår i CSD-serien.</p> / Ingår i CSD-serien
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