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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling of Advanced Threat Actors: Characterization, Categorization and Detection

Villalón Huerta, Antonio 05 June 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La información y los sistemas que la tratan son un activo a proteger para personas, organizaciones e incluso países enteros. Nuestra dependencia en las tecnologías de la información es cada día mayor, por lo que su seguridad es clave para nuestro bienestar. Los beneficios que estas tecnologías nos proporcionan son incuestionables, pero su uso también introduce riesgos que ligados a nuestra creciente dependencia de las mismas es necesario mitigar. Los actores hostiles avanzados se categorizan principalmente en grupos criminales que buscan un beneficio económico y en países cuyo objetivo es obtener superioridad en ámbitos estratégicos como el comercial o el militar. Estos actores explotan las tecnologías, y en particular el ciberespacio, para lograr sus objetivos. La presente tesis doctoral realiza aportaciones significativas a la caracterización de los actores hostiles avanzados y a la detección de sus actividades. El análisis de sus características es básico no sólo para conocer a estos actores y sus operaciones, sino para facilitar el despliegue de contramedidas que incrementen nuestra seguridad. La detección de dichas operaciones es el primer paso necesario para neutralizarlas, y por tanto para minimizar su impacto. En el ámbito de la caracterización, este trabajo profundiza en el análisis de las tácticas y técnicas de los actores. Dicho análisis siempre es necesario para una correcta detección de las actividades hostiles en el ciberespacio, pero en el caso de los actores avanzados, desde grupos criminales hasta estados, es obligatorio: sus actividades son sigilosas, ya que el éxito de las mismas se basa, en la mayor parte de casos, en no ser detectados por la víctima. En el ámbito de la detección, este trabajo identifica y justifica los requisitos clave para poder establecer una capacidad adecuada frente a los actores hostiles avanzados. Adicionalmente, proporciona las tácticas que deben ser implementadas en los Centros de Operaciones de Seguridad para optimizar sus capacidades de detección y respuesta. Debemos destacar que estas tácticas, estructuradas en forma de kill-chain, permiten no sólo dicha optimización, sino también una aproximación homogénea y estructurada común para todos los centros defensivos. En mi opinión, una de las bases de mi trabajo debe ser la aplicabilidad de los resultados. Por este motivo, el análisis de tácticas y técnicas de los actores de la amenaza está alineado con el principal marco de trabajo público para dicho análisis, MITRE ATT&CK. Los resultados y propuestas de esta investigación pueden ser directamente incluidos en dicho marco, mejorando así la caracterización de los actores hostiles y de sus actividades en el ciberespacio. Adicionalmente, las propuestas para mejorar la detección de dichas actividades son de aplicación directa tanto en los Centros de Operaciones de Seguridad actuales como en las tecnologías de detección más comunes en la industria. De esta forma, este trabajo mejora de forma significativa las capacidades de análisis y detección actuales, y por tanto mejora a su vez la neutralización de operaciones hostiles. Estas capacidades incrementan la seguridad global de todo tipo de organizaciones y, en definitiva, de nuestra sociedad. / [CA] La informació i els sistemas que la tracten són un actiu a protegir per a persones, organitzacions i fins i tot països sencers. La nostra dependència en les tecnologies de la informació es cada dia major, i per aixó la nostra seguretat és clau per al nostre benestar. Els beneficis que aquestes tecnologies ens proporcionen són inqüestionables, però el seu ús també introdueix riscos que, lligats a la nostra creixent dependència de les mateixes és necessari mitigar. Els actors hostils avançats es categoritzen principalment en grups criminals que busquen un benefici econòmic i en països el objectiu dels quals és obtindre superioritat en àmbits estratègics, com ara el comercial o el militar. Aquests actors exploten les tecnologies, i en particular el ciberespai, per a aconseguir els seus objectius. La present tesi doctoral realitza aportacions significatives a la caracterització dels actors hostils avançats i a la detecció de les seves activitats. L'anàlisi de les seves característiques és bàsic no solament per a conéixer a aquests actors i les seves operacions, sinó per a facilitar el desplegament de contramesures que incrementen la nostra seguretat. La detección de aquestes operacions és el primer pas necessari per a netralitzar-les, i per tant, per a minimitzar el seu impacte. En l'àmbit de la caracterització, aquest treball aprofundeix en l'anàlisi de lestàctiques i tècniques dels actors. Aquesta anàlisi sempre és necessària per a una correcta detecció de les activitats hostils en el ciberespai, però en el cas dels actors avançats, des de grups criminals fins a estats, és obligatòria: les seves activitats són sigiloses, ja que l'éxit de les mateixes es basa, en la major part de casos, en no ser detectats per la víctima. En l'àmbit de la detecció, aquest treball identifica i justifica els requisits clau per a poder establir una capacitat adequada front als actors hostils avançats. Adicionalment, proporciona les tàctiques que han de ser implementades en els Centres d'Operacions de Seguretat per a optimitzar les seves capacitats de detecció i resposta. Hem de destacar que aquestes tàctiques, estructurades en forma de kill-chain, permiteixen no només aquesta optimització, sinò tambié una aproximació homogènia i estructurada comú per a tots els centres defensius. En la meva opinio, una de les bases del meu treball ha de ser l'aplicabilitat dels resultats. Per això, l'anàlisi de táctiques i tècniques dels actors de l'amenaça està alineada amb el principal marc públic de treball per a aquesta anàlisi, MITRE ATT&CK. Els resultats i propostes d'aquesta investigació poden ser directament inclosos en aquest marc, millorant així la caracterització dels actors hostils i les seves activitats en el ciberespai. Addicionalment, les propostes per a millorar la detecció d'aquestes activitats són d'aplicació directa tant als Centres d'Operacions de Seguretat actuals com en les tecnologies de detecció més comuns de la industria. D'aquesta forma, aquest treball millora de forma significativa les capacitats d'anàlisi i detecció actuals, i per tant millora alhora la neutralització d'operacions hostils. Aquestes capacitats incrementen la seguretat global de tot tipus d'organitzacions i, en definitiva, de la nostra societat. / [EN] Information and its related technologies are a critical asset to protect for people, organizations and even whole countries. Our dependency on information technologies increases every day, so their security is a key issue for our wellness. The benefits that information technologies provide are questionless, but their usage also presents risks that, linked to our growing dependency on technologies, we must mitigate. Advanced threat actors are mainly categorized in criminal gangs, with an economic goal, and countries, whose goal is to gain superiority in strategic affairs such as commercial or military ones. These actors exploit technologies, particularly cyberspace, to achieve their goals. This PhD Thesis significantly contributes to advanced threat actors' categorization and to the detection of their hostile activities. The analysis of their features is a must not only to know better these actors and their operations, but also to ease the deployment of countermeasures that increase our security. The detection of these operations is a mandatory first step to neutralize them, so to minimize their impact. Regarding characterization, this work delves into the analysis of advanced threat actors' tactics and techniques. This analysis is always required for an accurate detection of hostile activities in cyberspace, but in the particular case of advances threat actors, from criminal gangs to nation-states, it is mandatory: their activities are stealthy, as their success in most cases relies on not being detected by the target. Regarding detection, this work identifies and justifies the key requirements to establish an accurate response capability to face advanced threat actors. In addition, this work defines the tactics to be deployed in Security Operations Centers to optimize their detection and response capabilities. It is important to highlight that these tactics, with a kill-chain arrangement, allow not only this optimization, but particularly a homogeneous and structured approach, common to all defensive centers. In my opinion, one of the main bases of my work must be the applicability of its results. For this reason, the analysis of threat actors' tactics and techniques is aligned with the main public framework for this analysis, MITRE ATT&CK. The results and proposals from this research can be directly included in this framework, improving the threat actors' characterization, as well as their cyberspace activities' one. In addition, the proposals to improve these activities' detection are directly applicable both in current Security Operations Centers and in common industry technologies. In this way, I consider that this work significantly improves current analysis and detection capabilities, and at the same time it improves hostile operations' neutralization. These capabilities increase global security for all kind of organizations and, definitely, for our whole society. / Villalón Huerta, A. (2023). Modeling of Advanced Threat Actors: Characterization, Categorization and Detection [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/193855 / Compendio

Prototypage de systèmes Haut Débit combinant Étalement de spectre, Multi-porteuses et Multi-antennes

Massiani, Arnaud 07 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Afin de répondre aux besoins permanents de mobilité et de débit, l'émergence de la future quatrième génération de systèmes de radiocommunications repose autant sur le développement de nouvelles techniques de transmissions que sur la mise au point d'architectures matérielles performantes. Dans la recherche de modulations adaptées pour la couche physique de ces futurs réseaux, une approche pertinente repose sur la technique MC-CDMA, associant les techniques de modulations à porteuses multiples et l'étalement de spectre. L'extension de cette technique mono-antenne aux systèmes alliant un réseau d'antennes à l'émission et à la réception ou MIMO, est également très séduisante. Les techniques MIMO réalisées par des modulations codées en blocs ou en treillis offrent un regain de débit ou de robustesse. Ainsi, la combinaison de la technique MC-CDMA avec des techniques MIMO offre un panel de solutions répondant aux contraintes de mobilité et de débit. Les travaux de recherche présentés dans cette thèse ont pour buts l'étude et la mise en oeuvre pratique de systèmes de communications utilisant ces techniques innovantes. Notre travail a par ailleurs porté sur la définition et l'optimisation des méthodes de conception de tels systèmes vers des cibles architecturales hétérogènes. Ce travail fait partie intégrante du projet européen MATRICE et du projet région Bretagne PALMYRE.<br /><br />Après une présentation générale du contexte applicatif et des principes afférents aux systèmes MC-CDMA et aux techniques MIMO, une étude de la complexité et de l'intégration au sein d'une plate-forme de prototypage associant des composants DSP et FPGA est réalisée. Afin de proposer une démarche de conception efficace, nous envisageons l'application de la méthodologie MCSE pour le développement des systèmes étudiés. Ainsi, son flot complet de conception sera détaillé. L'intérêt de cette méthode pour l'optimisation de systèmes de transmissions reposant sur les techniques MC-CDMA et MIMO est ainsi démontré.

Family Perception of Quality in Nursing Home Care: Impact of Gender, Level of Involvement, and Utilization of Empowered CNA Teams

Lansmon-Winter, Erin 08 1900 (has links)
As the United States' baby boom generation ages, the future of nursing home care becomes increasingly important. Through this study the researcher seeks to understand quality in nursing home care from the family's perspective. Surveys were collected at one North Texas nursing home, and data were analyzed to determine how gender and level of family involvement impact their concept of quality. Further, the information in this study is aimed at clarifying if interventions, specifically empowered CNA teams, have an impact on how family members view quality. Findings are identified and recommendations for future study are made.

The Development of a Certified Nursing Assistant English for Specific Purposes Curriculum: Teaching Materials and Methods

Tarawhiti, Nancy Waireana 19 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
After careful review of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and English for Medical Purposes (EMP) literature, I assisted in the development of a curriculum for an ESP Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Preparation course. The course participants were non-native English speaking employees of Utah Valley Regional Medical Center (UVRMC), currently working in the department of housekeeping, wanting to further their employment opportunities. The ESP CNA Preparation course was 12 weeks duration, three days per week, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm. My contribution to the curriculum was the development of teaching materials and methods and I used two guiding questions to assist in the development of the materials: • What form should effective materials take for an ESP CNA preparation course? • How effective were these materials? From all the ESP / EMP related literature that I reviewed, I found three studies (Orr, 2002; Bosher & Smallkowski, 2002; Dias, 1999) that had a strong emphasis, closely related to our curriculum, on different aspects of materials development. The literature provided a basis for the outline of materials to be developed for the ESP CNA Preparation course. An in-depth needs and situational analysis, close observation of the CNA course and ongoing Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) coursework, added to the basis established from the review of literature. The CNA course gave the project team opportunities to observe what English skills a non-native English speaker (NNES) would need to participate appropriately, and with different people observing we gathered different perspectives. The materials development process reviews the types (e.g., lesson plans, activities, worksheets, audio etc) and purpose of materials developed. After two week increments of the ESP CNA Preparation course, I critically reviewed the things that I learned from the use of my materials (e.g., lesson plan format, time allocations, teaching methodology, materials that did not enhance language skills etc). My materials went through a refining process. Three things I learned from this project are: • To teach an effective ESP curriculum, an ESL and a content expert are required. • Materials developed for an ESP course come from a variety of sources. • The development of materials is a progressional process.


Harris, Chelsia D. 19 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Nouvelles techniques d'appariement dynamique dans un CNA multibit pour les convertisseurs sigma-delta

Najafi Aghdam, Esmaeil 30 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Les convertisseurs analogiques-numériques fondés sur le principe de la modulation §¢ sont capables de fonctionner à des résolutions très élevés. L'utilisation en interne d'un CAN et d'un CNA multibit permet de réduire le taux de suréchantillonnage, les contraintes imposées par les circuits actifs, amé- liore la stabilité de la boucle du modulateur, mais rend celui-ci très sensible aux imperfections des composants du convertisseur numérique analogique (CNA) interne situé dans le chemin de retour. Les erreurs statiques dues aux non idéalités des circuits constitutifs de ce CNA peuvent être corrigées au moyen de techniques d'appariement dynamique des composants (DEM). Ce travail de thèse est consacré entre autre à l'étude théorique de ces techniques de correction des défauts des cellules des CNA multibits. Après avoir rappelé le principe de la conversion §¢ d'une part, et les différentes sources d'erreurs dominantes dans le cas multibit d'autre part, les techniques d'appariement existantes sont analysées et comparées. Nous soulignons les avantages, les inconvénients, et les domaines d'applications préférentiels de chacune. Le coeur du travail consiste en la proposition de quatre nouvelles techniques d'appariement dynamique. Les deux premières dérivent de la méthode de la moyenne des données (DWA), l'une pour le cas passe-bas du premier ordre, l'autre dans le cas passe-bande du second ordre. Les deux dernières propositions (appelées MDEM et STDEM) dérivent des deux algorithmes de tri (SDEM) et d'arborescence (TDEM) : elles conviennent à une mise en forme des erreurs d'ordre élevé et sont destinées aux applications passe-bas et passe-bande de haute performance. Ces quatre méthodes proposées ont été mises en équation et leurs performances confirmées par diverses simulations. Une implantation des algorithmes MDEM et STDEM a été faite au niveau cellule standard jusqu'à l'étape finale de routage en technologie CMOS 0.35 ¹m. L'ensemble des résultats des simulations au niveau système et au niveau transistor conforme l'avantage des techniques développées dans ce travail en termes de surface occupée et aussi de fréquence maximale d'application, si on les compare avec les algorithmes conventionnels de SDEM. Dans une dernière partie, les erreurs dynamiques du CNA, en particulier l'effet de la gigue d'horloge, le glitch, la dissymétrie des temps de transition, l'injection de charge (CFT) et la métastabilité du quantificateur sont également analysés. A l'issue de ces réflexions, une nouvelle cellule de CNA incluant un bloc limitant la plage dynamique de la commande d'entrée (SRD) est proposée. Elle possède une structure de remise à zéro partielle (semi-RZ) qui permet de bénéficier à la fois de l'avantage de la cellule RZ et non RZ. De plus, l'effet du retard du bloc de DEM est compensé par une modification dans l'architecture convenant aux applications passe-bande haute fréquence.

Ledarskap inom äldreomsorgen - ur undersköterskors perspektiv

Usanovic, Britney Nicole January 2019 (has links)
Research within the subject of leadership has grown over the past 60 years with the common aim of finding certain styles of leadership which will lead to productive work teams and an effective organization. Research about leadership in a nursing home setting is limited and tends to highlight leadership from the leader’s perspective, eliminating staff's, in this case nurses', view on the topic. Simultaneously, the nurse turnover has reached an all-time high pointing to dysfunctional leadership or a lack thereof as an important contributing factor. The aim of this study is to high point nurses’ views on leadership, particularly its role in making well-functioning teams to lower the turnover and provide a better ground for an effective organization. The goal is to find styles of leadership that create work satisfaction, pride and motivation within teams. The study focuses on different ways in which a leader can contribute to these factors. After performing five qualitative interviews with nurses from two nursing homes in a small town in southern Sweden the results show that there is not one leadership style that does best in reaching the above factors. What determines the most suited style of leadership is the current situation and maturity of the team, where different situations and levels of maturity demand different things from the leader. The conclusion is that a leader must be flexible enough to adapt one’s leadership style to meet the needs of the organization and its employees. Furthermore, the results show that autonomy, good relations and shared goals within the team are important motivational factors. There is a lack of research focusing on the practical approaches to a flexible leadership, which is why further research within the field would be beneficial. Likewise, more extensive research on leadership in nursing homes is desired. This study may contribute to a better understanding of nurses’ views on leadership in a nursing home setting, providing important insights to social workers working or wanting to work within this setting.

När jag dokumenterar har jag ryggen fri. Om omvårdnadspersonalens upplevelse av social dokumentation

Bryhagen, Mikaela, Färlin, Mikael January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att belysa hur upplevelsen gällande dokumentation bland personal inom hemvården ser ut. Detta gjordes genom en kvalitativ studie med sex slumpmässigt utvalda ur personalen på tre arbetsplatser inom en medelstor stad i Sverige. Den huvudsakliga faktorn som formar upplevelsen gällande dokumentationen bland personal tenderer att vara hur arbetstiden är fördelad, då ingen specifik tid till detta finns utsatt i deras schema. Detta verkar vara ett stressmoment bland personalen. Vikten av kunskap, både gällande möjligheten till att använda de redskap som finns tillgängliga inom arbetsplatsen samt tillräckliga språkkunskaper för att ordentligt kunna dokumentera har även nämnts som viktiga faktorer. Tillgängligheten av verktyg, främst datorer visade sig ha en stor inverkan på personalens upplevelser gällande tiden. En annan faktor som pekades ut var arbetsklimatet, som var påverkat av det stöd som erbjöds från personalgrupp och enhetschef vid problem gällande dokumentationen. Den sista större faktorn gällande upplevelsen av dokumentationen visade sig vara att den ger en trygghet, något som skyddar både personal och brukare. För att vidare belysa resultaten av denna studie, användes två teorier, KASAM (Känsla av sammanhang) och systemteorin. / The purpose of this study is to shed some light regarding the experiences among personnel within home care services about documentation as a work activity. This is done by a quality study with six randomly selected personnel for an interview from three workplaces within a medium sized city in Sweden. The result of this study shows a pattern among the participants in certain areas. The primary factor that shapes the experience regarding documentation among personnel tend to be how the working time is distributed, since no specific time set aside for documentation only in the schedule. This tends to be a stress factor amongst the personnel. The importance of knowledge, both regarding the ability to use the tools available within the workplace and the language skill needed to properly document has been mentioned as important factors. The accessibility of tools, primary computers has a major impact on the experience of time amongst the personnel. Another factor that was pointed out was the working climate, which was affected by the support offered by both other personnel and head of unit should problems regarding documentation arise. And lastly a major factor regarding the experience about documentation turned out to be the safety it gives regarding the rule of law, which protected both the personnel and patients. To further shed light regarding the results of this study, two theories were applied, “sense of coherence” and systems theory.


劉政權 Unknown Date (has links)
手機功能不斷創新,行動內容服務應運而生,使得行動電話由溝通工具,變身為訊息載具,資訊型行動內容服務尤其凸顯了行動電話「隨時隨地、傳播訊息」的特性。以台灣行動電話用戶密度達100%,高居全球第一之現況,資訊型行動內容服務之經營應有其值得關注之處。   本文以中央社為例,探討資訊型行動內容服務經營模式,先藉由瞭解全球發展行動內容服務先進國家之現況,進而剖析台灣各行動內容服務廠商之競爭、合作關係,最後綜合分析中央社之業務狀況,提出資訊型行動內容服務經營模式之建議。   本文以參與觀察與深度訪談的方式,總共訪問了七位行動電話系統業者加值服務業務承辦人,以及五位中央通訊社負責行動內容服務網站的編輯及程式工程師,以瞭解面對行動電話加值服務快速成長及演變下,中央社如何設定及調整其行動內容服務的經營模式。   研究結果顯示,「資訊好用、操作簡單」是資訊型行動內容服務最重要的特質;反映時事變化製作專題報導與有效編輯、整理內容重點,則是吸引用戶使用服務的守則;而專責團隊經營則是因應行動內容市場多變的重要經營要素。   本文雖然指出中央社發展行動內容服務業務面臨許多內外環境障礙之衝擊,但中央社行動內容服務憑藉「即時資訊」的優勢,配合行動電話「隨身」及「隨時隨地」的特性,讓資訊傳播有了更大的想像空間,也更加凸顯資訊型行動內容服務的重要性。由於資訊型行動內容服務網站之經營模式,至今尚未見具系統性研究,本研究之分析訪談不僅試圖填補過去研究的缺憾,也指出未來研究值得探討的方向。 / The functions of mobile phones have continued to evolve, most significantly from simple tools for communications to ones that provide up-to-date information. Informational mobile content services are especially remarkable in that they bring any amount of data to the user at any time, anywhere – the essence of valued-added service. This is certainly important in Taiwan given that the penetration rate for mobile phone subscribers is 100 percent – the highest in the world. This study focuses on the business model of the Central News Agency(CNA)'s informational mobile content services. Discussions range from a global view to management in the domestic market. This study looks at the practical experiences at CNA with regard to informational mobile content services and how best to optimize them. Through observations and extensive interviews, 12 key people involved in informational mobile content services were contacted for this study. Seven of them are mobile content service product managers of mobile telecommunications companies and five are editors and programmers from the Multimedia News Center of the CNA. This was done to understand the operational model of CNA's mobile content services given the rapid changes being made in mobile phone value-added services. The study results show that on-demand, real-time data that is easy to access is the key to quality informational mobile content services, and that special news projects are attractive to potential subscribers. Moreover, a professional team is the cornerstone of operations to ensure the success of these services. Although the study found that CNA faces internal and external challenges for its mobile content service operations, it has made significant strides in bringing the message to the people of the importance of real-time mobile content services. Since there have been few studies on the subject, this analysis will break new ground and set the stage for further discussions on the issue.

Is Nurse Aide Retention Associated with Nursing Home Quality?

Kennedy, Katherine A. 16 April 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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