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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

FORMOVÁNÍ A VÝZNAM PRAVIDEL pro účtování a vykazování / Forming and importance of the rules for accounting and reporting

Kubínová, Adéla January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with accounting issue regarding the rules for accounting and reporting. The fundamental part is a characteristic of generally accepted accounting principles, their forming and importance in the international financial scale. The aim of the thesis is to describe the process and conditions of the development of these principles and illustrate the impact of breaching of selected fundamental assumptions on the financial statements.

Psaní velkých písmen v toponymech na turistických mapách české části Krkonoš / Writing of Capital Letters in Toponyms in Hiking Maps of Czech part of Krkonoše (Giant Mountains)

Praisler, Jaroslav January 2020 (has links)
Thesis Writing of Capital Letters in Toponyms in Hiking Maps of Czech part of Krkonoše (the Giant Mountains) deals with the capitalization in toponyms in Czech. The work uses the theoretical framework of the text unit of naming item and its division into so-called generic and proprial components. The work analyses the current codification of this part of the spelling and notes its inconsistencies, inaccuracies and also the types of names, the writing of which does not the codification regulate. Using the example of toponyms from selected hiking maps of the Czech part of the Giant Mountains, it shows problematic types of toponyms in terms of capitalization as they appear in the usus. Based on this research, the most problematic appear to be the names of type Some/Someone's s/Something, the prepositional names and the names with the generic component preceding the proprial component. Based on a critical analysis of codification and research analysis of Krkonoše (the Giant Mountains) toponyms, it proposes possible improvements to codification, which consist in its clarification, supplementation and possible revision.

Improving Software-as-a-Service Sales by Managing the Knowledge of Change Agents : A Case Study of an IT-company in a Servitization Transition / Förbättrad SaaS-Försäljning genom Hantering av Förändringsagenters Kunskap : En Fallstudie av ett IT-företag som befinner sig i en Tjänstefieringstransformation

Servitization describes the trend amongst companies of supplementing tangible product offerings with services. A case in point is the cloud computing which represents a paradigm shift of servitization in the IT industry as it allows physical products to be delivered entirely remotely as a service. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) constitutes a delivery business model of cloud computing which allows customers to access a supplier's application through a cloud infrastructure and is seen as a disruptive innovation. Despite the growing market for cloud computing services, the concept is claimed not to be very understood by many businesses. When transitioning from product-oriented to service-oriented value propositions, successful companies have for instance put efforts on the education of their sales personnel. Such employees could be seen as change agents whose goal is to influence the adoption decision making processes of the organization’s clients. Furthermore, as economies have become more knowledge-intensive, Knowledge management has become more critical. Previous research has put little attention to how Knowledge management relates to the diffusion rate of innovations. This study, therefore, explores how management of change agents' knowledge can facilitate the mediation of innovations. A case study was conducted of an IT company experiencing a servitization transition towards SaaS offerings to achieve the purpose of this study. The study is delimited to the diffusion of SaaS as an innovation within the financial industry in Sweden. 12 employees within the Case Company and six clients were interviewed regarding the subjects previously mentioned. The results suggest that the mediation of SaaS is done through personal communication, presentations, and distribution of sales material. The study has found that change agents need to be clear in their mediation efforts of SaaS solutions as the understanding of what SaaS includes sometimes differs between clients and suppliers. Furthermore, customers considered SaaS solutions for systems that they view as not being directly value-adding and for those systems they prefer standardization as it allows cost-efficiency. SaaS allows multi-tenant environments and is therefore suitable for standardized offerings, as standardization corresponds well to the business logic appropriate for a codification Knowledge Management strategy. The Case Company already conducts a codification strategy. However, the finding of this study suggests that they should strengthen it since a focused KM strategy is preferable to attain more of its benefits and to increase the organizational knowledge creation capabilities. Conducting a codification strategy is something they have good capabilities of pursuing and is suggested to facilitate the change agents' mediation of innovations. Sales material at the Case Company is identified as dependent on personal performance and standardizing the material would thereby ensure an even quality. Making a variety of standardized material easily accessible would further allow the change agents to select material with appropriate messages aimed at specific types of customers, which is important since the customers are found to have different preferences / Molntjänster representerar ett paradigmskifte inom tjänstefierings-trenden (servitisering), då IT-företag kan erbjuda fysiska produkter som tjänster via internet. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) är en affärs- och leveransmodell inom molntjänst-konceptet vilken ger användare tillgång till applikationer via molnlösningens infrastruktur, och ses fortsättningsvis som en innovation. Trots den växande marknaden för molntjänster är kunskapen angående konceptet fortfarande låg inom många företag. Vid övergång från produkt- till serviceorienterade värdeerbjudanden har framgångsrika företag bland annat fokuserat på utbildning av säljpersonal. Sådan personal kan ses som förändringsagenter vars mål är att influera beslutsprocesser hos för organisationens kunder. Fortsättningsvis har kunskapshantering (Knowledge Management) blivit allt viktigare då världsekonomierna har blivit mer kunskapsintensiva. Tidigare forskning har dessutom sällan lagt fokus på hur kunskapshantering relaterar till spridningen av innovationer. Den här studien undersöker därför hur kunskapshanteringen av förändringsagenters kunskap främjar medlingen av innovationer. För att uppnå syftet utfördes en fältstudie på en IT-organisation genomgår en tjänstefieringstransformation. 12 anställda hos IT-organisationen och 6 kunder intervjuades angående de tidigare nämnda områdena. Studien resultat visar att medlingen av SaaS lösningar sker genom personlig kommunikation, presentationer samt distribution av säljmaterial, och att förändringsagenterna behöver vara tydligare i sin medling då förståelsen utav SaaS tjänster skiljer sig åt mellan kunder och leverantörer. Fortsättningsvis efterfrågar kunder SaaS till de system som inte anses bidra med iv direkta konkurrensfördelar. De vill därför ha standardiserade lösningar hellre än kundanpassade lösningar för att dra nytta utav kostnadsfördelarna som standardiserade lösningar möjliggör. SaaS lämpar sig för standardiserade lösningar då flera användare kan koppla upp sig till samma applikationsmiljö, vilket ligger i linje med en kodifierings-kunskapsstrategi. Företaget som undersöktes i fallstudien använder redan en kodifieringsstrategi, men rekommenderas stärka den eftersom en mer fokuserad strategi skulle leda till en högre realisering av dess fördelar samt öka organisationens kapacitet att utveckla sin kunskap. Fallföretaget har bra förutsättningar att få till en mer fokuserad kodifieringsstrategi, vilket skulle kunna förbättra förändringsagenternas medlande av innovationen. Säljmaterial är ibland för personberoende och standardisering av sådant material skulle därav försäkra en jämnare kvalité. Att dessutom förbättra tillgängligheten av standardiserat material skulle fortsättningsvis ge förändringsagenterna större möjlighet att välja det mest passande budskapet till specifika kunder, vilket är fördelaktigt eftersom kunder visade sig ha olika preferenser.

La norme facultative

Emane Meyo, Martin 08 December 2016 (has links)
La « norme facultative » n’est pas reconnue en droit. Pourtant, elle renvoie à un phénomène singulierauquel les juristes se trouvent de plus en plus confrontés. Celui-ci est porteur de normes non obligatoires, enmarge des instruments juridiques traditionnels. Ces normes ont en commun une mise en œuvre tributaired’un consentement préalable de leurs destinataires, ce qui signifie qu’elles sont laissées à leur libredisposition et qu’ils peuvent les utiliser entièrement ou seulement en partie, selon leur convenance.Facultatives, elles supposent la reconnaissance d’une normativité distincte de l’obligatoriété et del’impérativité. Elles tirent leur caractère normatif du fait qu’elles constituent à la fois des actes de langageayant force illocutoire et des modèles pour agir.En raison de leur originalité, leur intégration en droit est susceptible d’entraîner des bouleversementsdans la théorie des normes. En effet, la reconnaissance de la norme facultative conduit à s’interroger sur laplace du facultatif au sein des catégories de contenus normatifs. À côté des contenus normatifs classiquesconçus à partir de l’obligation, à savoir le prescriptif, le prohibitif et le permissif, le « facultatif » désigne unautre contenu normatif correspondant aux normes de faculté tournées vers le « normativement souhaitable ».Ces normes sont porteuses d’une faculté de choisir, autrement dit, une opportunité normative ouverte audestinataire et demandant à être saisie. Une fois qu’elles ont fait l’objet d’une adhésion, elles s’introduisentdans un « lien normatif». / The « voluntary norm » is not recognized in law. Yet, it refers to a peculiar phenomenon that juristshave increasingly to deal with. It is associated with noncompulsory norms, outside the traditional legal tools.These norms share a tributary implementation of a prior agreement from their recipients, which means theycan freely dispose of them and use them fully or partly, at their convenience.Being voluntary, the norms involve the recognition of a normativity distinct from the bindingnessand imperativity. They draw their standards-relative feature from the fact that they establish bothillocutionary speech acts and patterns to operate.As a result of their originality, their incorporation into law is likely to cause some changes in thetheory of norms. Indeed, the recognition of the voluntary norm leads to question the position of the voluntaryfeature within the categories of standards-relative contents. Besides the classical standards-relative contentsbuilt upon what is compulsory, that is the prescriptiveness, prohibitiveness and permissiveness, the“voluntaryness” refers to another standards-relative content which corresponds to the voluntary normsfocused on what is normatively desirable. These standards include the capacity of choice, in other words, astandards-relative opportunity opened to the recipient and asking to be seized. And once they obtain anadhesion, they get into a “standards-relative bond”.

L'enseignement du berbère : analyse comparée Algérie/Maroc / Berber teaching : comparative analysis Algeria/Morocco

Abrous, Nacira 27 June 2017 (has links)
Notre recherche propose une analyse sociolinguistique comparée des contextes, des modalités de l’intégration du berbère dans l’enseignement en Algérie (de 1995 à 2015) et au Maroc (de 2003 à 2015) consécutives de modifications des politiques linguistiques institutionnelles. Ces transformations sont intervenues sur une période de temps assez courte (une décennie), pour réguler et/ou anticiper la pression revendicative. L’examen de chacun des champs considérés comporte chacun un volet descriptif et un volet analytique. En partant du constat empirique immédiat de l’existence de points de convergence et de divergence entre les deux pays dans cette « nouvelle politique scolaire berbère », nous proposons une description de la structuration des écoles, des choix de la langue à enseigner : sa standardisation-normativisation, sa codification graphique et les choix d'élaboration didactique retenus. La description confirme les continuités et les discontinuités entre les deux États. Notre objectif est de rechercher une signification sociolinguistique à cette offre éducative différenciée. Les sources et les matériaux diversifiés issus d’une investigation sur les deux terrains sont analysés dans une tentative comparative et évaluative transdisciplinaire, à la lumière de l’apport conceptuel : du champ des études berbères, de la sociolinguistique « périphérique », de l’aménagement linguistique et de la socio didactique. L’examen des données synchroniques et diachroniques et de matériaux institutionnels et extra institutionnels conduisent à identifier les niveaux de convergences et les divergence entre les deux États et d’affirmer le caractère institutionnalisé de la minoration du berbère. / Our work consists of a comparative sociolinguistic analysis of the contexts, methods of integration and implementation of Berber language teaching in Algeria (from 1995 to 2015) and Morocco (from 2003 to 2015) following changes to institutional linguistic policies.These changes were brought in, over quite a short period of time (a decade), to regulate and/or anticipate social pressure in favour of the introduction of Berber in state schools. The examination of each of the three contexts consists of : a descriptive and an analytical angles. Departing from the empirical observation of the existence of points of convergence and divergence between the two countries in this “new Berber education policy”, we describe the structuration of teaching, the choices in relation to which language to teach, its standardisation, its graphic codification, as well as the objectives and didactic techniques implemented. This description confirms and discerns the continuities and discontinuities between the two states’ experiences and language policies. Our objective has been to seek out a sociolinguistic signification to this differentiated education. Diverse sources and materials resulting from fieldwork in the two countries are analysed with the aim of creating a transdisciplinary evaluation in light of conceptual work developed in the field of Berber studies, namely “peripheral” sociolinguistics, « language planning » and institutional tools. The interrogation of synchronic and diachronic data allows us to identify the essential points of convergence and divergence between the two States and to affirm the institutionalised nature of the minoration of the Berber language. / Anadi-ya, d tazrawt d wesleḍ di tmettsnilest** tasmenyifant ɣef tegnatin d iberdan tuɣ Lezzayer d Lmerruk deg usekcem n uselmed n tmaziɣt ɣer iɣerbazen. Tagnit-a yewwi-tt ubeddel d-imlen tasertit d-iglan s tsertiyin tisnilsanin timaynutin.Tineḍra-ya myezwarent-d s wazal n 10 iseggasen. Usant-d ad semsawint annar n tutlayin neɣ ahat ad sifessent ddeṛk isers fell-asent umennuɣ d usuter isertanen n Imussuyen idlesanen imaziɣen. Ihi ad nessenqed 3 inurar di tezrawt-a. Yal annar ila sin iswiren : Aswir uglim* : seg wayen d yufraren deg wennar n unadi, iban-aɣ d kra n ukanzi d umgirredger snat agi n tmura, deg wayen umi neqqar « Tasertit tasegmant i tmaziɣt»**. Ad d-nessifer : asbeddi n uselmed, abraz n tutlayt, afran ugemmay d wamek ttwafernen isufar d iswiyen n uselmed. Aglam n yal annar isseflali-d ifṛez-d kra seg tmuɣliwin-nneɣ ɣef wayen issemlalen turmilin n uselmed di tmura-ya. Aswir usliḍ : Iswi ameqqran d-yufraren, d asegzi n inumak d lǧeṛṛa n wayen akk uqment tmura-a deg wennar n uselmed n tmaziɣt, ulamma mgarradent di kra n tsetwilin*. Nnnuda anamek imettilesi ila uselmed n tmaziɣt di yal tamurt, acimi d wamek d-myezgant tmura-ya. Isufar d isenfaṛen nesseqdec di tezrawt-nneɣ d ayen d-nhawec, d-nessukkes achal d aseggas aya. Nesbedd tazrawt-agi ɣef tezrawin tismazaɣin d wayen akk d nessmed si tmettsnilest tunnaḍt** akked tafernutlayt**. Nuna daɣen ayen akk d-iwwi umezruy, tasnamta*, tasertit d tantrupulujit akken ad aɣ-d-iban wadeg n tmaziɣt d wayen tt-issawden akka tella deg uselmed.Nessaweḍ, nessafer-d kra n yigmaḍ : tamaziɣt mazal d-teffiɣ seg waddad*-ines, mazal d tarbibt n iduba n tmura-ya. Anekcum is deg wennar uselmed ur yelli d asnerni i as d-yewwi, d asḍerref i tt-isḍerrif. S waya timura nessbent addag adday n tmaziɣt

Enfance en danger : critères et traitement des situations / Children in Danger : criteria and treatment of situations

Alexis, Marie-Ange 12 December 2012 (has links)
La protection de l’enfance en danger reste un domaine sensible. Le dispositif français veille à répondre au mieux aux différentes situations auxquelles le mineur peut être confronté, mais les dysfonctionnements relevés ces dernières années conduisent le législateur à réorganiser le système de protection. En réponse aux attentes des professionnels, la loi du 5 mars 2007 réformant la protection de l’enfance a donc procédé à de nombreux aménagements. Pour autant, la réforme peine à se mettre en place en pratique. Les déceptions occasionnées invitent à réévaluer le système instauré. L’étude du dispositif de protection de l’enfance rend compte de son indispensable perfectionnement. La mise en perspective d’une nouvelle réforme se fait dès lors rapidement sentir en raison de l’insuffisance des critères d’intervention et de l’inadaptation des traitements. Ce bilan en demi-teinte conduit à rechercher des solutions qui pourraient être empruntées aux systèmes étrangers, qui, comme la France, reposent sur un modèle déjudiciarisé. Peu à peu, la mise en œuvre d’une nouvelle réforme de la protection de l’enfance paraît inévitable. L’amélioration du dispositif français de protection passe par deux types d’interventions essentielles. D’une part, la redéfinition des critères et l’amélioration des mesures de prise en charge devraient permettre un véritable réajustement substantiel du dispositif de protection de l’enfance. D’autre part, la refonte formelle de ce même dispositif pourrait se réaliser par le biais d’une réelle redistribution des compétences et l’élaboration d’un code uniquement consacré à la protection des mineurs et des jeunes majeurs. Ce n’est qu’à l’issue d’une telle réforme que le dispositif de protection de l’enfance pourra être considéré comme étant à la hauteur de ses ambitions. / The protection of children at risk remains a sensitive area. The French law system ensures to respond to the different situations that children may face, but the recently identified dysfunctions led the legislator (or lawmaker) to reorganize the system of protection. The law of March 5, 2007 on children’s protection brought many updates in response to the professionnals’ needs. However, the reform is struggling to be implemented in practice. The occasioned disappointments invite to reevaluate this system.The study of the protective plan of childhood brings to the conclusion of an obvious need for implementation. The perspective of a new reform appears necessary due to the lack of intervention criterias and inadequate treatments. This mixed satisfaction review leeds to find solutions that could be inspired from foreign systems, which, like in France, rely on a judicialized model. Gradually, the implementation of a new reform of children protection seems inevitable (or unavoidable). The improvement of the French protection plan, goes through two types of essential contributions. First, the redefinition of criterias and the improvement of measures of support should allow a substantial readjustment of children’s protection plan. Second, the complete redesign of the same plan could be achieved through a redistribution of skills and the development of a code dedicated to the protection of minors and young adults. It is only after such a reform that the children’s protection plan could be considered successful in meeting its ambitions.

Les obligations alimentaires à caractère international / The maintenance obligations in private international law

Widiez Rasolonomenjanahary, Gaëlle 23 October 2019 (has links)
Les règles de droit international privé applicables aux obligations alimentaires présentent trois caractéristiques principales. Primo, elles sont de source principalement internationale. Outre quelques règles de droit commun subsistantes, elles proviennent de six conventions de La Haye, d’un règlement européen, d’une convention adoptée sous l’égide des Nations-Unies et de conventions bilatérales et multilatérales. Secundo, elles s’insèrent au sein du mouvement contemporain de spécialisation de la discipline, ce qui implique un démantèlement des grandes catégories juridiques composant le statut personnel. Tertio, au carrefour de plusieurs intérêts, elles sont d’une particulière complexité. L’étude des obligations alimentaires à caractère international nous permet alors dedresser un bilan critique du droit international privé contemporain de la famille produit de manière désorganisée par la Conférence de La Haye et l’Union européenne. Bien évidemment, l’internationalisation des sources a permis des avancées certaines des méthodes du droit international privé. Parallèlement, elle a profondémentmétamorphosé la discipline en l’orientant vers la satisfaction d’intérêts politiques propres aux producteurs de normes au détriment de ses objectifs traditionnels. Prenant acte de ces observations, nous proposons un renouvellement du mode de production normative. L’amélioration des règles critiquables passe forcément par une réorganisation des rôles de l’État, de l’Union européenne et de la Conférence de La Haye dans l’élaboration du droit international privé. / The rules of Private International Law which could be applied to the maintenance obligations have three main characteristics. First of all, they are mainly from an International source. Some of the rules of International Law come from six Hague Conventions, an European regulation, a convention adopted under the United Nations’auspices, bilateral and multilateral conventions. Secondly, they take part in the discipline specialization through the contemporary movement which conclude the abolition of the main legal categories making up the personal status. Thirdly, they have a particular complexity being at the crossroad of several interests. The study of the maintenance obligations at an international scale allows us to critically asses the contemporary private international family law produced in the disorganized manner by the Hague Conference and the European Union. To be clarify it more, the internationalization of its sources allowed clear advance in the private international law methods. At the same time, it has changed the discipline fundamentally by focusing on the satisfaction of the norm setters’ political interests at the expense of its traditional goal. Taking note of these observations, we propose a renewal of the norms’ production method. Indeed, the questionable rules necessarily improve through the reorganization of the roles of the state, the European Union and the Hague Conference in the development of the private international law.

The indigenous law of contract with particular reference to the Swazi in the Kingdom of Swaziland

Van Schalkwyk, Adelle 30 November 2006 (has links)
This study was undertaken to establish whether the legal phenomenon known as a contract exist in indigenous legal systems and in particular, among the Swazi. As the underlying aims and consequences of indigenous contracts differ not only between indigenous peoples but is also affected by the degree of westernisation that has taken place, a micro study has been done in semi-rural areas in the Kingdom of Swaziland to establish if the existing value systems are altered or replaced when western legal institutions are introduced. Data was obtained by way of interviewing a panel of experts and compared with available literature. Through the process of gathering information, the legal principles were described and the functioning of social processes noted. Different indigenous contracts and general principles were identified. It must, however, be noted that a contract is more than a device for establishing the economic and legal implications of a transaction. Most contractual disputes are resolved outside the courts through negotiated settlements to restore harmony in the community. Although the Swazi law of contract is showing clear signs of adapting to new developments, there is proof that established legal principles and Swazi values are being retained. This study will not only be useful as a source of information for both Swazi courts and administration, but could also serve as a basis for codification intended by the Swazi Government. For that purpose, a memorandum has been compiled for consideration by the Swazi authorities. The compatibility of Swazi law and custom with a Bill of Rights was also evaluated and suggestions were made for possible law reform in the Kingdom of Swaziland. / Jurisprudence / LL.D.

A gender equality perspective on the non-recognition of Muslim marriages

Jivan, Usha Ashwin 11 1900 (has links)
Generally, traditional "marriages" according to Islamic custom are void in South African law because they are potentially polygynous and do not comply with the formalities prescribed by the Marriage Act 25 of 1961 . A valid concern for those who oppose polygyny is that it may enforce and promote gender inequality in that it is practised in patriarchal Muslim societies. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 108 of 1996 contains numerous provisions aimed at combating gender inequalities, and these could be used to justify the policy of non-recognition. On the other hand, the Constitution has ushered in an era of tolerance and empathy; and the equality and religion clauses could be used to ensure that polygynous marriages are no longer ignored. This study will examine the tensions between Muslim personal law and clauses in the Constitution which have led to calls for the reformation and codification of Muslim personal law. / Private Law / LL. M.

Fiduciary duties of company directors with specific regard to corporate opportunities

Havenga, Michele Kyra 06 1900 (has links)
South African company law is currently the object of comprehensive review. One o f the areas under scrutiny is that of corporate governance. Control over management is vital in the interests of the company itself, its shareholders and its creditors. Effective accountability should be balanced against the need to allow those who manage a certain measure of freedom and discretion in the exercise of their function. Company directors are subject to various duties. This thesis concentrates on their fiduciary obligation. It is suggested that this sui generis obligation is owed to the company as a separate entity. Interests of other groups may sometimes merit con­ sideration. Against the background o f a com parative investigation, a "corporate opportunity" is defined as any property or economic opportunity to which the com­ pany has a claim. South African law protects a company’s claim to an opportunity if it is in the company’s line of business and if the company has justifiably been relying upon the director(s) to acquire it or to assist in its acquisition for the company. The application of established fiduciary principles suffice to resolve corporate opportunity matters. Essentially the application o f these rules amount to a determination whether the director has complied with his fundamental duty to act in the company’s best interests. There seems to be no need for a separate doctrine of corporate opportunities.' A director should only be absolved from liability on account of the company’s inability to pursue an opportunity or its rejection by the company if there was no real conflict of interest. The appropriation of corporate opportunities should not be ratifiable, both because the ratification constitutes a fraud on the minority, and because the decision to ratify cannot be regarded as being in the interests of the company. The relationship between the appropriation of corporate opportunities, misuse of confidential information and competition is investigated. These aspects fre­ quently overlap, but should be distinguished because their bases, and accordingly their appropriate remedies, may differ. Effective control may benefit by a restatement of directors’ fiduciary duties in the Companies Act. To this end certain amendments to the Act are recommended. / Mercantile Law / LLD

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