Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cognitive cience."" "subject:"cognitive cscience.""
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<p>Cognitive control is accomplished by a set of higher-order cognitive processes that are recruited to aid in the completion of various tasks. A popular proposed mechanism is the Dual Mechanisms of Control (Braver, Gray, & Burgess, 2007), proposing proactive and reactive mechanisms. While neuroscience studies provide evidence that these are two distinct processes, it remains unclear whether the processes are competing, or whether they can be used together. That is, are the two processes able to both be enacted to some degree? Further, whether these mechanisms can be titrated to produce a gradient-like use of control on a trial-level basis is unknown. These are the two primary pursuits of this dissertation. Experiment 1 shows the titrated pattern of control use, indicating (a) sensitivity to task demands, and (b) dynamic use of proactive and reactive control at the trial level, in a new task. Further, a novel contribution is the observation of ability to titrate the use of control. Additional experiments relate performance on this task to working memory (Experiment 2), replicate the findings in an online format (Experiment 3), and differentiate performance from distance effects commonly seen in relative judgment tasks (Experiment 4). This work has implications for the understanding of how cognitive control functions and how dynamically the use of these mechanisms can be adjusted.</p>
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How imagery changes the performance of a fine motor taskAndersson, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
Visualizing both the performance and the result leads to a better achievement on the actual task, according to previous research. The purpose of this study is to examine how the visualization of the performance compared to visualizing the result, of a fine motor task, affects the outcome of the task. The outcome is measured in failures and correctly placed domino trays. The first hypothesis suggested both visualizations would give a better outcome, compared to the control condition. The second hypothesis suggested there will be a difference in the outcome, between the two visualization conditions. The third hypothesis suggested specific self-efficacy for the task would be highest for result-visualization. In an experimental intervention study using within-groups design participants (11 women, 9 men, 1 unspecified, M = 24 years, 20-32 years) did two questionnaires (demographic information and VVIQ-test),three domino tasks including the three conditions, and answered some questions regarding specific self efficacy. Through ANCOVA, independent Samples t test, and Pearson correlation,no hypothesis was completely confirmed. There was a significant difference in failures, during different conditions, between genders. The results indicated females in this study benefitted from both visualizations. The visualization-ability for women was significantly higher in this study, compared to men. There was a significant correlation between higher specific selfefficacy and better performance when participants did visualize executing the task. The validity of the domino task and the measurement of specific self efficacy could be discussed. / Att visualisera både genomförandet och resultatet leder till en bättre prestation på en uppgift, enligt tidigare studier. Syftet med denna studie är att avgöra hur visualisering av genomförandet jämfört med visualisering av resultatet, på en finmotorisk uppgift, påverkar prestationen på uppgiften. Prestationen mättes i misslyckanden och korrekt staplade dominobrickor. Den första hypotesen föreslog att båda visualiseringsbetingelserna skulle ge en bättre prestation, jämfört med kontrollbetingelsen. Den andra hypotesen föreslog att det kommer att finnas en skillnad i resultatet mellan de två visualiseringsbetingelserna. Den tredjehypotesen föreslog att specific self efficacy för uppgiften skulle vara högst för resultatvisualisering. I en experimentell interventionsstudie med inomgruppsdesign gjorde deltagarna (11 kvinnor, 9 män, 1 ospecificerad, M = 24 år, 20-32 år) två enkäter (demografisk information och VVIQ-test), tre dominouppgifter inkl. de tre interventionerna och svarade på några frågor gällande specific self efficacy. Genom ANCOVA, oberoende Samples t test och Pearson correlation kunde ingen av hypoteserna bekräftas fullt ut. Det fanns en signifikant skillnad i misslyckanden, under olika betingelser, mellan män och kvinnor. Resultaten visade att kvinnorna i denna studie gynnades av båda visualiseringsbetingelserna. Visualiseringsförmågan för kvinnor var signifikant högre i denna studie jämfört med män. Det fanns en signifikant korrelation mellan högre specifik self-efficacy och högre prestation när deltagarna visualiserade att de genomförde uppgiften. Validiteten av dominouppgiften och mätningen av specific self efficacy kan diskuteras.
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Increasing Physical Activity with Gamification : Exploring Competitiveness as a Moderator for Leaderboard EffectivenessDanelid, Fanny, Fältman, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Gamification is a strategy for changing behavior that can be used for increasing physical activity (PA). In Sweden, 34% of the population are not active enough and since sedentary behavior is associated with many health risks, this needs to be improved. One gamification strategy is leaderboards, but most previous research has not looked at isolated gamification strategies. The behavior change effectiveness of leaderboards could increase by personalizing it based on traits. This study investigated the behavior change effectiveness of leaderboards and how individual differences in competitiveness affects the effectiveness. The following research questions were addressed: How effective are leaderboards for increasing physical activity in adults? Does competitiveness level impact a leaderboard’s effectiveness? This experimental study examined 24 participants who reported their PA during one week and were either in an experimental group that saw a leaderboard, or a control group. Their difference in PA before and during the study was compared. Results show that there was no significant difference between the control and experimental group. However, a within-subject significant difference in PA was found (i.e. a significant increase during the experiment) for the experimental group. Additionally, no correlation was found between change in PA and competitiveness. However, competitiveness correlated with enjoyment of the leaderboard. Future studies should investigate more gamification strategies individually and in relation to other traits. Our conclusion is that the leaderboard did no harm, we did not observe the effectiveness claimed by other studies, and competitiveness had no impact on the effectiveness. / Spelifiering är en strategi för att ändra beteenden som kan användas för fysisk aktivitet (FA). I Sverige är 34% av befolkningen inte tillräckligt aktiva, och eftersom stillasittande beteende är associerat med många hälsoproblem behöver detta förbättras. En spelifieringsstategi är topplistor, men tidigare forskning har inte isolerat specifika spelifieringsstrategier. Effektiviteten av topplistor kan öka genom individuell anpassning baserat på personlighetsdrag. Den här studien undersöker effektiviteten av topplistor och hur individuella skillnader i tävlingsinriktning påverkar effektiviteten. Följande forskningsfrågor undersöktes: Hur effektiva är topplistor för att öka fysisk aktivitet hos vuxna? Påverkar nivån av tävlingsinriktning en topplistas effektivitet? Denna experimentella studie tittade på 24 deltagare som rapporterade in sin FA under en vecka och antingen var i en experimentgrupp som fick se en topplista eller en kontrollgrupp. Deras förändring i FA före och under studien jämfördes. Resultaten visade ingen signifikant skillnad i FA mellan grupperna. Men deltagarna i experimentgruppen hade en signifikant skillnad i FA (alltså en signifikant ökning under experimentet). Vi fann ingen korrelation mellan förändring i FA och tävlingsinriktning. Men tävlingsinriktning korrelerade med att tycka om att se topplistan. Framtida studier borde undersöka mer spelifieringsstrategier individuellt och i relation till andra personlighetsdrag. Vår slutsats är att topplistan inte gjorde någon skada, den var inte så effektiv som tidigare studier hävdat, och att tävlingsinriktning inte påverkade effektiviteten.
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A Stochastic Model for the Process of LearningVoskoglou, Michael Gr. 11 May 2012 (has links)
A Markov chain is introduced to the major steps of the process of learning a subject matter by a group of students in the classroom, in order to obtain a mathematical representation of the above process. A classroom experiment for learning mathematics is also presented illustrating the applicability of our results in practice.
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Quantifying Knowledge Gains in a Virtual ExperienceOden, Patrick January 2020 (has links)
Curiosity has long been a topic of interest in cognitive science and psychology research. Despite this, little is understood about the relationship between curiosity, behavior, and knowledge acquisition. Several theories propose that curiosity is an innate system of reward mechanism for closing knowledge gaps. This study examined whether observations of curiosity-driven behavior in an information-rich virtual environment could be used to predict knowledge gains without relying on assessment of what specific information led to those gains. A total of 54 participants were asked to complete a task in an online three-dimensional virtual environment, as well as pre-test and post-test questionnaires. The results show that the number of contacts with information sources predicts quantifiable knowledge gains without regard to the content of the information sources or qualitative assessment of knowledge gains. Future research should consider how to collect more nuanced data on knowledge gains as well as how qualitative research could be combined with a study such as this to help identify when behavior is driven by innate curiosity or external motivation. / Fastän nyfikenhet sedan länge har varit ett forskningsområde inom kognitionsvetenskap och psykologi, är relationen mellan nyfikenhet, beteende och insamlandet av ny kunskap fortfarande inte tydlig. Olika teorier föreslår att nyfikenhet är ett medfött system av belöningsmekanismer i syfte att minska och stänga kunskapsluckor. Denna studie undersökte huruvida observationer av nyfiket beteende i en informationsrik virtuell miljö kunde användas för att predicera kunskapstillökning utan att fastställa vilken specifik information ledde dit. Totalt uppmanades 54 deltagare ombads att genomföra en uppgift i en tredimensionell virtuell miljö online, samt att fylla i pre-test och post-test enkäter. Resultaten visade att antalet kontakter med informationskällor predicerar en kvantifierbar ökning i kunskap oberoende av informationskällornas innehåll eller kvalitativ bedömning av kunskapstillökning. Framtida forskning bör försöka att hitta möjligheter för att samla in mer nyanserade data om kunskapstillökningen samt hur kvalitativ forskning skulle kunna kombineras med en liknande studie för att identifiera när beteende är drivet av medfödd nyfikenhet eller extern motivation.
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No description available.
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Making Keyboard Shortcuts Accessible : Keyboard Shortcuts for Healthcare Professionals in an Electronic Healthcare System / Att göra kortkommandon tillgängliga : Kortkommandon för sjukvårdspersonal i ett elektroniskt sjukvårdssystemGrentzelius, Julia January 2023 (has links)
This thesis was initiated by Cambio Healthcare Systems and was aimed to investigate the usage of keyboard shortcuts (KBS) in the electronic health record system COSMIC. The aim was to determine which users would benefit from learning keyboard shortcuts and understand how users can learn them effectively. The study also aimed to identify suitable techniques for users in the sensitive healthcare environment, with a focus on efficiency. Through workshops and interviews with individuals with experience of the user, it was found that most users would benefit from learning more KBS, particularly primary nurses who would save significant time. A thematic analysis revealed four themes: Benefits Everyone, Key Users, Documentation, and Visibility. Lack of awareness and a need for visualization were identified as the main issues. To address these findings, design requirements were established to meet user needs. Two design concepts, a visualizing wiki and an all-knowing search, were created as prototypes to represent potential design solutions. Evaluation with three participants showed positive results for the first concept, indicating it would be effective for teaching KBS to novice users. The second concept, while insufficient on its own, could complement the first concept and benefit users seeking quick results in COSMIC, such as medical secretaries and administrators. The study's strength lies in its preliminary stages, which provided valuable insights into user needs and identified underlying issues related to KBS in COSMIC.
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No description available.
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Paradigms of CFL in America, Concepts of Knowing East and West, and their Implications for Teacher Training at the College-LevelChai, Donglin January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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How and with whom you spend your time matters: An examination of familial relationships, leisure activities, and dementia developmentMcDaniel, Erika Cooksey 09 August 2022 (has links)
Dementia is an interminable disorder characterized by a decrease in cognitive functioning behavioral and emotional changes, and an overall diminishment in quality of life that usually affects the older population. In the coming decades, scientists estimate that the number of sufferers will reach over 100 million worldwide. Though there is currently no cure for any form of dementia, the theory of cognitive reserve posits certain lifestyle characteristics (i.e., educational attainment, SES, and/or career path) can mitigate the risk of dementia by improving cognitive resilience over an individual’s lifetime. The current study sought to discover what, if any, effects familial relationships, leisure activities, and volunteer service have on an individual’s level of cognitive impairment and ability to remember in his or her later years. Independent sample t-tests and hierarchical linear regression were used to analyze data from Wave 2 (1989, n = 2,867) and Wave 5 (2011, n = 1,319) of the Americans’ Changing Lives (ACL) survey. The study found that marital status, spending time with friends, and having pets, volunteer service, and time spent reading were associated with lower levels of cognitive impairment at the time of Wave 2, while marital status, spending time with friends, and spending time reading was associated with lower levels of cognitive impairment at the time of Wave 5, controlling for cognitive impairment at Wave 2. Furthermore, marital status, time spent reading, and visiting with friends was associated with less difficult remembering at the time of Wave 2.
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