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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vers une approche linguistico-cognitive de la polysémie : Représentation de la signification et construction du sens / Towards a cognitive linguistic approach of polysemy : Meaning representation and sense construction

Mazaleyrat, Hélène 10 December 2010 (has links)
Tout d’abord perçue comme un phénomène marginal, presque un accident en langue, on considère aujourd’hui que la polysémie fait partie intégrante des systèmes linguistiques. De nombreuses théories se sont intéressées au phénomène des unités à sens multiples et reliés. La première partie de notre travail en dresse un panorama non exhaustif mais révélateur, montrant comment et pourquoi la polysémie s’est peu à peu imposée comme un phénomène incontournable qui doit nécessairement être au cœur de tout modèle de la signification. Aussi, à partir de la distinction établie par G. Kleiber (1999), nous considérons deux grands courants selon le rapport établi entre signification, référence et polysémie. Le premier décrit la polysémie en termes de sens premier référentiel dont sont dérivés des sens secondaires (courant objectiviste). Le second l’analyse en termes de potentiel sémantique aréférentiel à partir duquel est obtenu l’ensemble des sens du polysème par spécialisation ou enrichissement contextuel(le) (courant constructiviste). Notre réflexion porte ensuite sur la représentation de la signification des polysèmes – principalement des noms – en grammaire cognitive (R.W. Langacker). Nous postulons que toute expression est associée, dans l’appareil cognitif des locuteurs-auditeurs, à une structure conceptuelle d’informations représentant sa signification. Nous proposons une modélisation en réseau structuré autour de valeurs sémantiques plus ou moins schématiques et de sens élaborés. Ainsi, c’est la valeur la plus schématique qui permet de faire le lien en langue entre ses élaborations que sont les sens observables en discours. Sur la base des travaux de D. Tuggy (1993), nous déclinons les représentations de la signification des mots à sens multiples le long d’un continuum homonymie-polysémie-multifacialité-indétermination, selon les degrés d’enracinement, de saillance, et les possibilités d’accessibilité et d’activation des différents composants (valeur schématique et élaborations sémantiques). Et, nous mettons ainsi en avant certaines des régularités organisatrices propres aux représentations sémanticoconceptuelles des polysèmes nominaux, ainsi qu’une typologie des sens polysémiques. Nous abordons enfin la construction du sens en grammaire cognitive, notamment l’influence du contexte dans l’interprétation d’expressions complexes comportant un polysème. Ainsi, nous considérons qu’il s’agit d’un processus non modulaire, compositionnel et dynamique. L’analyse de syntagmes nominaux du type Adj-N et N-Adj révèle en outre certaines régularités dans l’activation des sens polysémiques des unités linguistiques mises en jeu, liées au cotexte (place et fonction de l’adjectif par rapport au substantif recteur) et au contexte extralinguistique / For a long time, polysemy used to be considered as a marginal or accidental phenomenon in language. Where as today, it is well known that polysemy is being part of linguistic systems. The first part of our thesis draws up a panorama of semantic theories dealing with polysemy. Although it is not exhaustive, it reveals how and why that phenomenon has become a problematic of the utmost significance in linguistics. From the distinction established by G. Kleiber (1999), we consider two major trends in accordance with the way they conceive the link between meaning, reference and polysemy. On one hand, polysemy is described in terms of one basic referential sense from which secondary senses derive (objectivism). On the other hand, polysemy is analyzed as an areferential semantic potential from which senses emerge by contextual mechanisms (constructivism). About the question of the meaning representation of polysems, we postulate that linguistic unities are associated with a structure of pieces of conceptual information into the mind of speakers-hearers, so that it is possible to elaborate of conceptual modeling of it. In the framework of Cognitive Grammar (R.W. Langacker), the structure is a network constituted of semantic values, which are more or less schematic, and of elaborated senses stemmed from them. The most schematic meaning corresponds to the linguistic conceptual link between its instantiations. Some elaborations are the senses which can be constructed in discourse. On the basis of D. Tuggy’s works (1993), we propose to organize the conceptual modelings of multiple meanings words along a continuum homonymy-polysemy-multifaciality-vagueness, in function of various parameters : entrenchment, cognitive salience, possibility of accessibility and of activation of the network components (schematic or elaborated values). So, we can highlight some organizational regularities specific to the semantic representation of polysems as well as a typology of polysemous senses. The third and last part of our thesis is dedicated to sense construction. In Cognitive Grammar, it is a non modulary, compositional and dynamic process. Focusing especially on the impact of context on the interpretation of complex expressions containing a polysem, the analysis of Adj-N and N-Adj noun phrases puts to the fore some regularities governing the activation of polysemic senses. These regularities are linked to the linguistic context (position and function of the adjective towards the qualified substantive) and to the extra-linguistic context

Représentation sémantico-conceptuelle et construction du sens : l'adjectif et sa combinatoire avec d'autres expressions

Rudel, Audrey 21 October 2011 (has links)
Ce travail a comme source une réflexion sur les problèmes liés à la complexité de lasémantique adjectivale. Puisque l’adjectif constitue le noyau de cette thèse, nous ledéfinissons et faisons ainsi ressortir ses caractéristiques, notamment la souplesse dont il faitpreuve. Nous envisageons la modification du nom par l’adjectif, puis nous considérons laplace de ce dernier vis-à-vis du substantif recteur ainsi que les changements de sens entreantéposition et postposition.Chemin faisant, notre réflexion porte non seulement sur la notion de sens mais aussisur la construction du sens que nous considérons comme un processus dynamique. Nousmettons en avant l’activation de l’information ainsi que les problèmes rencontrés lors de laconstruction du sens d’expressions Adj-N et N-Adj. La polysémie lexicale constitue un despoints sur lesquels nous nous attardons puisque ce phénomène est au centre de la langue.Nos recherches s’intègrent dans le cadre de la Grammaire Cognitive deR.W. Langacker (1987, 1991, 2008). Nous étudions donc l’adjectif de même que lacombinaison Adj-N/N-Adj à la lumière de cette théorie. Notre raisonnement nous amène ànous questionner, entre autres choses, sur la représentation sémantico-conceptuelle associéeaux adjectifs à sens multiples.Nous postulons que toute expression linguistique est associée, dans l’appareil cognitifdes locuteurs-auditeurs, à une structure conceptuelle d’informations organisées. Notreréflexion s’oriente vers la représentation des items lexicaux à sens multiples en GrammaireCognitive. Le modèle des réseaux schématiques (Schematic Network Model) permet de rendrecompte des différents sens d’un lexème ainsi que des liens les unissant. Sur la base destravaux de D. Tuggy (1993), nous proposons de répartir les représentationssémantico-conceptuelles des mots à sens multiples le long d’un continuum allant del’homonymie au vague, en passant par la polysémie et la multi-facialité. Enfin, nousproposons une analyse des adjectifs à sens multiples pauvre, cher et curieux, toujours dans lecadre de la Grammaire Cognitive. Pour chacun d’entre eux, nous établissons unereprésentation sémantico-conceptuelle et nous donnons les régularités sémantiques liées à laconstruction du sens lors leur combinatoire avec un substantif. / This work is concerned with the problems which surround the complexity of adjectivalsemantics. As the adjective is at the heart of this thesis, we firstly seek to define it and, in doingso, we bring to light its characteristics, and in particular its flexibility. We consider theadjective when used in noun modification before turning to the place of the adjective withregards to the noun and, finally, considering the changes in meaning between adjectives in theanteposition and postposition.Inevitably, our reflection concerns not only the notion of meaning but also meaningconstruction,which we consider as a dynamic process. We focus upon the activation of theinformation as well as the problems linked to meaning-construction of Adj-N and N-Adjexpressions. We pay particular attention to lexical polysemy; this phenomenon being centralto language.The framework for our research is that of R.W. Langacker’s Cognitive Grammar(1987, 1991, 2008). We, thus, study the adjective as well as the Adj-N/N-Adj combinations inlight of this theory. Our reasoning brings us to question, among other things, the semanticconceptualrepresentation associated with adjectives which offer multiple meanings.We postulate that any linguistic expression is associated, in a speaker-hearer’scognitive device, with an abstract structure of organized information. Our reflection turns tothe representation of lexical items which offer multiple meanings in Cognitive Grammar. TheSchematic Network Model is used to allow us to take into account different meanings of alexeme as well as the links between them. On the basis of D. Tuggy’s works (1993), wesuggest distributing the semantic-conceptual representations of words with multiple meaningsalong a continuum going from homonymy to vagueness, and including polysemy andmultifaciality. Finally, we offer an analysis of the adjectives pauvre, cher and curieux whichhave multiple meanings, once again within the framework of Cognitive Grammar. For each ofthese adjectives, we establish a semantic-conceptual representation and we offer the semanticregularities connected to meaning-construction when these adjectives are combined with anoun.

Evidencialidad : La codificación lingüística del punto de vista / Evidentiality : The linguistic coding of point-of-view

Wachtmeister Bermúdez, Fernando January 2006 (has links)
<p>This work investigates into the semantic domain of evidentiality and its grammatical expression in Spanish. A model for describing the evidentiality domain is outlined, which emphasises the scalar nature of the proposed parameters: information source (subject-internal ↔ external), access to information (exclusive ↔ universal) and mode of access (sensory ↔ cognitive), all of which are construed as bipolar continua. Support is also provided for the relevance of using the notions of deixis and perspective in describing evidentiality.</p><p>The prevailing view in current research is that of evidentiality being a grammatical category to be analysed separately from other evidential strategies. The present study challenges this view as it attempts to broaden the perspective on how evidential meanings, expressed by various grammatical means, fit into an overall picture of human cognition and communication patterns. The theoretical framework adopted is that of Cognitive Grammar, which, it is argued, is particularly suited for investigating evidentiality, in particular due to the central role given to perspective, metaphor and category fuzziness in describing grammar and grammatical structures.</p><p>Four articles constitute the body of this work, in which four different prototypical aspects of the encoding of evidentiality into grammatical devices in Spanish are addressed. In the first, the marking of common knowledge in consecutive connectives is argued to depend on a perspective shift; the second proposes the evidential values of tense morphemes to be their core meaning, time deixis being an inference; in the third and the forth it is claimed that the evidential and modal effects of both subject-raising and clitic climbing are determined through the attribution of varying degrees of prominence to the relational participants.</p>

A contextual analysis of compound nouns in Shona lexicography

Mheta, Gift January 2011 (has links)
This research is in the area of lexicography and investigates the relationship between Shona terminology development and the culture of the language community for which the terminology is intended. It is a contextual analysis of compound nouns found in Shona terminological dictionaries. The study specifically explores how lexicographers together with health, music, language and literature specialists make use of their knowledge about Shona cultural contexts in the creation of compound nouns. Thus, this research foregrounds Shona socio-cultural contexts and meaning generation in terminology development. This study employs a quadruple conceptual framework. The four components of the framework that are utilised are the Traditional Descriptive Approach (TDA), Cognitive Approach (CG), Systemic Functional Approach (SFL), and Semiotic Remediation (SRM). TDA is used in the linguistic categorisation of Shona compound nouns. In addition, it provides the metalanguage with which to describe the constituent parts of Shona compound nouns. As TDA is mainly confined to the linguistic dimension, this research employs CG, SFL, and SRM to explore the cultural and socio-cognitive dimensions of terminology development.

Evidencialidad : La codificación lingüística del punto de vista / Evidentiality : The linguistic coding of point-of-view

Wachtmeister Bermúdez, Fernando January 2006 (has links)
This work investigates into the semantic domain of evidentiality and its grammatical expression in Spanish. A model for describing the evidentiality domain is outlined, which emphasises the scalar nature of the proposed parameters: information source (subject-internal ↔ external), access to information (exclusive ↔ universal) and mode of access (sensory ↔ cognitive), all of which are construed as bipolar continua. Support is also provided for the relevance of using the notions of deixis and perspective in describing evidentiality. The prevailing view in current research is that of evidentiality being a grammatical category to be analysed separately from other evidential strategies. The present study challenges this view as it attempts to broaden the perspective on how evidential meanings, expressed by various grammatical means, fit into an overall picture of human cognition and communication patterns. The theoretical framework adopted is that of Cognitive Grammar, which, it is argued, is particularly suited for investigating evidentiality, in particular due to the central role given to perspective, metaphor and category fuzziness in describing grammar and grammatical structures. Four articles constitute the body of this work, in which four different prototypical aspects of the encoding of evidentiality into grammatical devices in Spanish are addressed. In the first, the marking of common knowledge in consecutive connectives is argued to depend on a perspective shift; the second proposes the evidential values of tense morphemes to be their core meaning, time deixis being an inference; in the third and the forth it is claimed that the evidential and modal effects of both subject-raising and clitic climbing are determined through the attribution of varying degrees of prominence to the relational participants.

A contextual analysis of compound nouns in Shona lexicography

Mheta, Gift January 2011 (has links)
This research is in the area of lexicography and investigates the relationship between Shona terminology development and the culture of the language community for which the terminology is intended. It is a contextual analysis of compound nouns found in Shona terminological dictionaries. The study specifically explores how lexicographers together with health, music, language and literature specialists make use of their knowledge about Shona cultural contexts in the creation of compound nouns. Thus, this research foregrounds Shona socio-cultural contexts and meaning generation in terminology development. This study employs a quadruple conceptual framework. The four components of the framework that are utilised are the Traditional Descriptive Approach (TDA), Cognitive Approach (CG), Systemic Functional Approach (SFL), and Semiotic Remediation (SRM). TDA is used in the linguistic categorisation of Shona compound nouns. In addition, it provides the metalanguage with which to describe the constituent parts of Shona compound nouns. As TDA is mainly confined to the linguistic dimension, this research employs CG, SFL, and SRM to explore the cultural and socio-cognitive dimensions of terminology development.

Specification in the English nominal group with reference to student writing / Yolande Vanessa Botha

Botha, Yolande Vanessa January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis the structure of the nominal group in Black South African English (BSAfE) is investigated by means of a comparison of data from the Tswana Learner English Corpus (TLEC) and the Louvain Corpus of Native English Essays (LOCNESS). Both corpora consist of student essays and are sub-corpora of the International Corpus of Learner English (ICLE). The TLEC represents a non-native variety of English, namely BSAfE, while LOCNESS represents native English from the United States and the United Kingdom. In the existing literature there are observations about and examples of (non-standard) characterizing features of BSAfE pertaining to nouns, determiners and quantifiers (e.g. Gough 1996), but until now, no in-depth study of the grammar of the nominal group in BSAfE has been undertaken. This study is an attempt to fill that gap. I present a description of the grammatical features of BSAfE observed in the corpus data in terms of linguistic functions and without assuming that they are errors or evidence of deficiencies. Though the approach is comparative (in the sense that a control corpus is used), it is primarily descriptive and non-normative, and as such, function-based. This study is conducted within the theoretical framework of functional linguistics, drawing on systemic functional linguistics as well as other functional and cognitive approaches to language. The specifying functions that the nominal group and its elements may fulfill form the basis of the descriptive framework. These functions are (1) the type-specifying function of the noun, (2) the (referent-)specifying function of the determiner, (3) quantification and (4) quality specification by modifiers and complements. The type-specifying function of the noun is particularly relevant in Chapter 4, which deals with the grammatical patterns of the noun people, although it also informs analyses in Chapters 5 and 6 which deal with determiners and quantification respectively. Quality specification is especially relevant in the description of the grammatical patterns of the noun people. The noun people is the most frequent noun in each of the corpora, but is at the same time a positive keyword in the TLEC, which means that it occurs much more frequently in the TLEC than in LOCNESS. Analysis of the full corpus concordances of this noun provides much evidence of anti-deletion in BSAfE (as first postulated by Mesthrie, 2006) and also sheds some light on left dislocation patterns involving the noun people (cf. Mesthrie, 1997). This analysis also reveals unique uses of the definite article and certain quantifying constructions in the TLEC data, which are investigated in the next two analysis chapters. A comparison of concordance samples of the articles indicates that the definite/indefinite distinction is made in both corpora and that there is not enough corpus evidence to postulate that there is a different system underlying the choice of article in BSAfE, such as a system based principally on the specific/non-specific distinction, as postulated by Platt, Weber and Ho (1984) for New Englishes in general. Analysis of the concordances of demonstrative and possessive determiners indicate that these determiners are used proportionally more frequently in the TLEC than in LOCNESS. Concordances of the words that are normally classified as quantifiers indicate that there are many more partitive-of quantifying constructions in the TLEC than in LOCNESS. The words some and most are positive keywords in the TLEC. After analyses of their concordances, it is concluded that their relative frequency can be attributed to the fact that some is often used merely as an indefinite marker and that most is often used as a synonym for many. The study shows that BSAfE largely shares its general grammar of the nominal group with other (including native) varieties of English, but at a finer level of analysis, some characteristic constructions and uses are detected. The corpus data indicate that the unique constructions in the TLEC data are mostly functionally motivated. These constructions represent conventionalized innovations in the sense used by Van Rooy (2010), rather than mere language learning errors. / Thesis (PhD (Linguistics and Literary Theory))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Specification in the English nominal group with reference to student writing / Yolande Vanessa Botha

Botha, Yolande Vanessa January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis the structure of the nominal group in Black South African English (BSAfE) is investigated by means of a comparison of data from the Tswana Learner English Corpus (TLEC) and the Louvain Corpus of Native English Essays (LOCNESS). Both corpora consist of student essays and are sub-corpora of the International Corpus of Learner English (ICLE). The TLEC represents a non-native variety of English, namely BSAfE, while LOCNESS represents native English from the United States and the United Kingdom. In the existing literature there are observations about and examples of (non-standard) characterizing features of BSAfE pertaining to nouns, determiners and quantifiers (e.g. Gough 1996), but until now, no in-depth study of the grammar of the nominal group in BSAfE has been undertaken. This study is an attempt to fill that gap. I present a description of the grammatical features of BSAfE observed in the corpus data in terms of linguistic functions and without assuming that they are errors or evidence of deficiencies. Though the approach is comparative (in the sense that a control corpus is used), it is primarily descriptive and non-normative, and as such, function-based. This study is conducted within the theoretical framework of functional linguistics, drawing on systemic functional linguistics as well as other functional and cognitive approaches to language. The specifying functions that the nominal group and its elements may fulfill form the basis of the descriptive framework. These functions are (1) the type-specifying function of the noun, (2) the (referent-)specifying function of the determiner, (3) quantification and (4) quality specification by modifiers and complements. The type-specifying function of the noun is particularly relevant in Chapter 4, which deals with the grammatical patterns of the noun people, although it also informs analyses in Chapters 5 and 6 which deal with determiners and quantification respectively. Quality specification is especially relevant in the description of the grammatical patterns of the noun people. The noun people is the most frequent noun in each of the corpora, but is at the same time a positive keyword in the TLEC, which means that it occurs much more frequently in the TLEC than in LOCNESS. Analysis of the full corpus concordances of this noun provides much evidence of anti-deletion in BSAfE (as first postulated by Mesthrie, 2006) and also sheds some light on left dislocation patterns involving the noun people (cf. Mesthrie, 1997). This analysis also reveals unique uses of the definite article and certain quantifying constructions in the TLEC data, which are investigated in the next two analysis chapters. A comparison of concordance samples of the articles indicates that the definite/indefinite distinction is made in both corpora and that there is not enough corpus evidence to postulate that there is a different system underlying the choice of article in BSAfE, such as a system based principally on the specific/non-specific distinction, as postulated by Platt, Weber and Ho (1984) for New Englishes in general. Analysis of the concordances of demonstrative and possessive determiners indicate that these determiners are used proportionally more frequently in the TLEC than in LOCNESS. Concordances of the words that are normally classified as quantifiers indicate that there are many more partitive-of quantifying constructions in the TLEC than in LOCNESS. The words some and most are positive keywords in the TLEC. After analyses of their concordances, it is concluded that their relative frequency can be attributed to the fact that some is often used merely as an indefinite marker and that most is often used as a synonym for many. The study shows that BSAfE largely shares its general grammar of the nominal group with other (including native) varieties of English, but at a finer level of analysis, some characteristic constructions and uses are detected. The corpus data indicate that the unique constructions in the TLEC data are mostly functionally motivated. These constructions represent conventionalized innovations in the sense used by Van Rooy (2010), rather than mere language learning errors. / Thesis (PhD (Linguistics and Literary Theory))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Conceptualisation et expression linguistique de l'évènement émotionnel en espagnol (L1/L2) et en français : une approche cognitive : analyse linguistique et proposition didactique. / Conceptualization and linguistic expression of the change of emotion event in Spanish (L1/L2) and French : a cognitive approach : linguistic description and pedagogical proposition / Conceptualización y expresión lingüística del evento emocional en español (L1/L2) y francés : un enfoque cognitivo : análisis lingüístico y proposición didáctica.

Gomez, Lucia 09 November 2012 (has links)
Cette étude, qui s'inscrit dans le cadre théorique de la linguistique cognitive, répond à l'objectif de répertorier et de caractériser les ressources nécessaires pour l'expression de l'évènement de changement émotionnel en espagnol (L1 et L2) et en français (L1), à l'aide d'une approche à la fois descriptive et contrastive. Les résultats obtenus, qui viennent s'additionner à des connaissances provenant d'autres sources, ont permis de formuler des recommandations didactiques pour l'enseignement des notions de changement et d'émotion en langue étrangère. / The aim of this Ph.D. Thesis, which is based on the theoretical framework of Cognitive Linguistics, is to identify and characterize (in a descriptive and contrastive manner) the resources related to the expression of the change of emotion event in Spanish (L1 and L2) and French (L1). Thanks to our findings, but also to other data sources, we were also able to make some pedagogical propositions for the teaching of the notions of change and emotion in a second language. / Este trabajo de investigación, que se inscribe en el marco teórico de la lingüísticacognitiva, responde al objetivo de repertoriar y caracterizar los recursos necesariospara la expresión del evento de cambio emocional en español (L1 y L2) y en francés(L1), bajo un enfoque tanto descriptivo como contrastivo. Los resultados obtenidos,junto con otras fuentes, han permitido formular algunas recomendaciones didácticaspara la enseñanza de las nociones de cambio y emoción en lengua extranjera.

A contextual analysis of compound nouns in Shona lexicography

Mheta, Gift January 2011 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This research is in the area of lexicography and investigates the relationship between Shona terminology development and the culture of the language community for which the terminology is intended. It is a contextual analysis of compound nouns found in Shona terminological dictionaries. The study specifically explores how lexicographers together with health, music, language and literature specialists make use of their knowledge about Shona cultural contexts in the creation of compound nouns. Thus, this research foregrounds Shona socio-cultural contexts and meaning generation in terminology development. This study employs a quadruple conceptual framework. The four components of the framework that are utilised are the Traditional Descriptive Approach (TDA), Cognitive Approach (CG), Systemic Functional Approach (SFL), and Semiotic Remediation (SRM). TDA is used in the linguistic categorisation of Shona compound nouns. In addition, it provides the metalanguage with which to describe the constituent parts of Shona compound nouns. As TDA is mainly confined to the linguistic dimension, this research employs CG, SFL, and SRM to explore the cultural and socio-cognitive dimensions of terminology development. / South Africa

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