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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improvising resistance : jazz, poetry, and the Black Arts Movement, 1960-1969

Bateman, Richard Gethin January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is an interdisciplinary analysis of jazz music and poetry produced by African-American artists, primarily in New York, over the course of the 1960s, set within the broad context of the civil-rights and black-nationalist movements of the same period. Its principal contention is that the two forms afford each other symbiotic illumination. Close reading of jazz musicology in particular illuminates the directions taken by the literature of the period in a manner that has rarely been fully explored. By giving equal critical attention to the two artistic forms in relation to each other, the epistemological and social radicalism latent and explicit within them can more fully be understood. Through this understanding comes also a greater appreciation of the effects that the art of this period had upon the politics of civil rights and black nationalism in America - effects which permeated wider culture during a decade in which significant change was made to the legal position of African-Americans within the United States, change forced by a newly, and multiply, vocalized African-American consciousness. The thesis examines the methods by which jazz and literature contributed to the construction of new historically-constituted black subjectivities represented aurally, orally and visually. It looks at how the different techniques of each form converse with each other, and how they prompt consequential re-presentations and re cognizations of established forms from within and without their own continua. That examination is conducted primarily through forensic close readings of records made between 1960 and 1967, which though of widely differing styles nevertheless can be said to fall under the broad umbrella term of 'post-bop' jazz, alongside equally close readings of poetry written primarily by members of the New York wing of the equally broadly-termed Black Arts Movement [BAM] between 1964 and 1969.

Funkis, folkhem och förlorade visioner : en tolkning av det sociala kapitalet i ett miljonprogramsområde i Linköping / Social Architecture, Trust and Lost Visions : an interpretation of the social capital in  a residential area in Sweden

Bjurling, Madelene, Höjdevall, Mikaela January 2011 (has links)
Miljonprogrammet tillkom genom en storslagen politisk satsning under det expansiva 60-talet. Produktionen lades utanför städerna och vilade på funktionalism och stordriftsfördelar. Trots minutiös social ingenjörskonst hade ingen kunnat förutse att många av de hyresgäster, som befolkade miljonprogrammet till en början, inom några år skulle flytta till egna småhus. Kvar blev de socioekonomiskt svagare hyresgästerna. Dessa områden präglas idag överlag av många in och utflyttningar. I Sverige finns ett miljonprogramsområde i varje medelstor stad. Dessa områden kännetecknas av samma typ av problematik; hög arbetslöshet, höga ohälsotal och lågt valdeltagande. I den politiska debatten väcks ofta förslag om att man ska bygga om eller riva delar av miljonprogrammen. Andra menar att problemen bekämpas genom att åtgärda makroekonomiska problem i samhället i stort. Få av dessa förslag kretsar kring teorier om socialt kapital och vad det sociala kapitalet enligt vissa välkända statsvetare kan åstadkomma i samhällen. Syftet med denna uppsats är således att kvalitativt beskriva det sociala kapitalet i ett miljonprogramsområde i Linköping. Vi vill även studera huruvida det sociala kapitalet kan bidra till en demokratisk utveckling i stadsdelen. Det är vår förhoppning att våra slutsatser kan generaliseras till andra miljonprogramsområden i Sverige. Det sociala kapitalet beskrivs och analyseras utifrån tretton genomförda intervjuer med tjänstemän och föreningsrepresentanter i stadsdelen. Det görs med teoretisk hjälp av statsvetarna Robert D. Putnam och Bo Rothstein samt sociologen James S. Coleman. Vi kommer fram till att det förekommer stora variationer av socialt kapital i stadsdelen. Det finns en stor mängd av det Putnam kallar för sammanbindande socialt kapital. Samtidigt uppvisar stadsdelen en brist på det överbyggande sociala kapitalet, som på allvar skulle kunna bidra till ett demokratiskt lyft i stadsdelen. Det menar vi beror på etniska grupperingar och stora omflyttningar, som gör det irrationellt att investera i socialt kapital för den enskilde. Särskilda politiska insatser kan av de skälen motiveras i stadsdelen. / “The million programme”, an ambitious housing programme, took place in Sweden between the years 1965-1974. During this period 1006000 dwellings were built, which represents about a quarter of the contemporary housing stock in Sweden. The programme was due to a strong political will from the Social democratic party to erase the demand surplus on housing that had existed in Sweden until then. The production of the housing took place in the outskirts of the cities and was based on ideas of functionalism and scale economy. Despite extensive social engineering no one had been able to foresee that after a couple of years many of the tenants moved away from the new residential areas, choosing instead to live in single-family, detached houses. Those who were left behind were mostly families of low socioeconomic status. Most Swedish medium sized cities still have a residential area from this period. These areas are nowadays often characterized by a lot of passing tenants, high unemployment and unhealthy rate. Few of the residents visit the polls on election day. Many politicians argue that the socioeconomic problems in these areas can be improved by restorement or deconstruction of housing. Others mean that in order to solve the socioeconomic problems in these areas you have to tackle the macroeconomic problems in modern society. Few of the proposals revolve around social capital and the ideas that well-known political scientists have about the importance for wellbeing in societies. The aim of this essay is therefore to qualitatively describe the social capital in a residential area built as a part of the million programme in the town Linköping and see how it can contribute to the democratic process. Hopefully our conclusions can be generalized to other similar residential areas in Sweden. The description of the social capital consists of the tellings of county officials and representatives of local associations. The information they have provided was analyzed with the help of theorists Robert D. Putnam, Bo Rothstein and James S. Coleman. We conclude that there exist substantial variations in the social capital in the residential area that we have studied. There exists an extensive amount of what Putnam calls bonding social capital in the neighbourhood, but there is also a lack of bridging social capital that could significantly improve the democratic process in the area. This is due to ethnic groupings and great numbers of passing residents which makes investments in social capital irrational for the individual. Specific political support for these residential areas can therefore be motivated.

Sounds of Dissent: Sonic Representations of Resistance in 1960s Free Jazz

Aldridge, James 27 January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

What is "Jazz Theory" Today? Its Cultural Dynamics and Conceptualization

Goecke, Norman Michael 18 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Takt och Otakt

Gahrton, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
The theme of the song Lonely Woman by Ornette Coleman and the song It’s Halloween by The Shaggs has something in common when it comes to how the different instruments relate rhythmically to each other. I would call it a musical quality that could be described as a feeling of ungraspability. I had this quality in focus during a process of listening to music, writing music and playing music. To describe the cause of this quality I felt the need to define two concepts I named 1) rubato structures; rhythmic structures that aren’t based on, nor establish a steady pulse, and 2) tempo structures; rhythmic structures that are based on and establishes a steady pulse. Throughout the project I identified the cause of the quality, to be combinations of rubato structures and tempo structures, however my understanding developed during the project to a more specific definition which was layers of rubato structures and tempo structures. In the 6 compositions that this project resulted in, I created a number of musical situations with my group, which all had these elements. When listed, these situations rather systematically go through ways of combining structures in regards to different parameters. When listened to, at least for me, several of them give rise to the feeling of ungraspability I had in focus. My attempts to describe and analyze the many inspiring examples stretching from Charles Ives to Swedish contemporary vocal folk music, helped me to develope tools for making music of my own, rather than resulting in some objective truth, or a system for describing and analyzing music that would work objectively. One thing I would consider objectively true, however, is that there are a lot of different ways of creating rhythmic complexity, where some ways are very tedious and difficult for the musicians. With rhythmic layers of rather simple structures, containing rubato structures, I can create rhythmic complexity beyond the quantifiable, just by putting the human impulses in control. Takt in Swedish could mean many things, such as beat, meter, bar, measure. Otakt is often used as a negative word to describe a failed attempt to play in time, but is also linguistically the negation of takt (thus meaning no beat, no meter, no bar, no measure). Takt och (and) Otakt is therefor a play with words, since otakt relates to things in this study that is embraced rather than avoided. / <p>Bilaga: CD</p>

Renormalization in Field Theories

Söderberg, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
Several different approaches to renormalization are studied. The Callan-Symanzik equation is derived and we study its beta functions. An effective potential for the Coleman-Weinberg model is studied to find that the beta function is positive and that spontaneous symmetry breaking will occur if we expand around the classical field. Lastly we renormalize a non-abelian gaugetheory to find that the beta function in QCD is negative.

Dynamics of quarks and leptons : theoretical Studies of Baryons and Neutrinos

Ohlsson, Tommy January 2000 (has links)
The Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics (SM) is the present theoryfor the elementary particles and their interactions and is a well-established theorywithin the physics community. The SM is a combination of Quantum Chromodynamics(QCD) and the Glashow{Weinberg{Salam (GWS) electroweak model. QCDis a theory for the strong force, whereas the GWS electroweak model is a theoryfor the weak and electromagnetic forces. This means that the SM describes allfundamental forces in Nature, except for the gravitational force. However, the SMis not a nal theory and some of its problems will be discussed in this thesis.In the rst part of this thesis, several properties of baryons are studied suchas spin structure, spin polarizations, magnetic moments, weak form factors, andnucleon quark sea isospin asymmetries, using the chiral quark model (QM). TheQM is an eective chiral eld theory developed to describe low energy phenomena of baryons, since perturbative QCD is not applicable at low energies. The resultsof the QM are in good agreement with experimental data.The second part of the thesis is devoted to the concept of quantum mechanicalneutrino oscillations. Neutrino oscillations can, however, not occur within the GWSelectroweak model. Thus, this model has to be extended in some way. All studiesincluding neutrino oscillation are done within three avor neutrino oscillationmodels. Both vacuum and matter neutrino oscillations are considered. Especially,global ts to all data of candidates for neutrino oscillations are presented and alsoan analytical formalism for matter enhanced three avor neutrino oscillations usingtime evolution operators is derived. Furthermore, investigations of matter eectswhen neutrinos traverse the Earth are included.The thesis begins with an introductory review of the QM and neutrino oscillationsand ends with the research results, which are given in the nine accompanyingscientic articles. / QC 20100616

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