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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ernest M. Skinner and the American Symphonic Organ

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: The organ is in a continued state of evolution, tonally and mechanically, designed by the builder to meet certain expectations related to the musical aesthetics of the time. Organ building in the United States has been influenced by both European organ building traditions and American innovations. During the early twentieth century, Ernest M. Skinner emerged as one of the greatest organ builders in America. Throughout his life, Skinner's quest was to create an "ideal organ," capable of playing a variety of music. Skinner's vision was rooted in the Romantic Movement and influenced by the dynamic gradations and rich, colorful sonorities of orchestral and operatic music of the era. A number of technological developments were applied to the design of the organ which made the romantic organ possible. The prominent European organ builders of the nineteenth century created organs that defined the romantic-style instrument in their respective countries. By the end of the century, American organ builders were creating their own versions. Skinner traveled to Europe to learn what he could from the foreign builders. Skinner built organs that synthesized European and American elements, along with his own innovations, as continuation of nineteenth-century trends that brought the romantic-symphonic organ to its fullest realization. Additionally, Skinner developed many new organ timbres, including a number of stops that imitate various orchestral instruments. The result of Skinner's creative work is the the American symphonic organ. This paper attempts to illustrate how the tonal designs of organs built by Walcker, Cavaillé-Coll, and Willis influenced the work of Skinner and the American symphonic organ. The work of each builder is discussed with descriptions of their designs. The designs and innovations of Skinner are examined as related to these European builders. A number of organ specifications are provided to supplement the information presented here. Today, American symphonic organs, particularly those built by Skinner, are revered for their warmth and charm and are inspiring the work of present day organ builders who are incorporating elements of this style into their own designs. / Dissertation/Thesis / D.M.A. Music 2012

The Cavaillé-Coll Organ and César Franck's Six Pièces

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: Nineteenth-century French organ builder Aristide Cavaillé-Coll and organist-composer César Franck established a foundation for the revival of organ music in France. Following the French Revolution, organ culture had degenerated because of the instrument's association with the church. Beginning with his instrument at St. Dénis, Cavaillé-Coll created a new symphonic organ that made it possible for composers to write organ music in the new Romantic aesthetic. In 1859, Franck received a new Cavaillé-Coll organ at the Parisian church where he served as organist, Sainte-Clotilde. He began experimenting with the innovations of this instrument: an expressive division, mechanical assists, new types of tone color, and an expanded pedal division. From about 1860, Franck began composing his first pieces for the Cavaillé-Coll organ; these were published in 1868 as the Six Pièces. With these compositions, Franck led the way in adapting the resources of the French symphonic organ to Romantic music. In this paper, I provide an analysis of the structure of each of the Six Pièces as a foundation for exploring ways in which Franck exploited the new features of his Cavaillé-Coll organ. I have made sound recordings to demonstrate specific examples of how the music fits the organ. Thanks to Cavaillé-Coll's innovations in organ building, Franck was able to write large-scale, multi-thematic works with the sonorous resources necessary to render them convincingly. The Six Pièces reveal a strong creative exchange between organist and organ builder, and they portend many of the subsequent developments of the French symphonic organ school. / Dissertation/Thesis / D.M.A. Music 2012

New approaches for the asessment and education of children under socio-cultural disadvantages / Orientaciones innovativas en la evaluación y educación de niños en situación de desventaja sociocultural

Majluf, Alegría 25 September 2017 (has links)
The present paper describes the traditional psychometric parameters thal don 't fit by workingwith children who suffer socio-cultural deprivation (or who are living under socio-cultural disadvantages)and the new assessment and education strategies for this population. Vygotsky's socio-cultural approach, that emphasizes the Zone of Proximal Development, and the Dynamic Assessment and the Mediated Learning developed by Feucrstein and complemented by Coll relatedwith the Significative Learning are stressed. / En el presente trabajo se describen los supuestos de la psicometría tradicional, no apropiada para niños que sufren de privación socio-cultural y las nuevas estrategias para la evaluación y educación de estos niños. Para una mejor comprensión de éstas se mencionará la orientación socio-cultural iniciada por Vygotsky, se destacara el concepto de Zona de Desarrollo Próximo,la evaluación Dinámica y el Aprendizaje Mediado, ampliado por Feuerstein y complementado por Coll respecto al Aprendizaje Significativo.

Relación existente entre la infección por los diferentes genotipos del Virus del Papiloma Humano y la presencia de patología premaligna y maligna del cuello uterino

Mazarico Gallego, Edurne 06 September 2012 (has links)
1) Introducción Hasta el momento se han secuenciado total o parcialmente más de 100 tipos y subtipos de VPH. De todos ellos, aproximadamente 40 tipos se han aislado en lesiones de tracto genital inferior y unos 35, según diferentes estudios, en carcinomas. Según su riesgo oncogénico, se clasifican en tipos de VPH de bajo riesgo (VPH-BR), VPH de probable alto riesgo y VPH de alto riesgo (VPH-AR). Uno de los descubrimientos más importantes en la investigación etiológica del cáncer en los últimos 25 años ha sido la demostración de que el cáncer de cuello uterino está causado por la infección persistente de ciertos genotipos de VPH. En mujeres con cáncer de cuello uterino invasivo, los genotipos de VPH más frecuentes a nivel mundial son el VPH 16, el VPH 18, el VPH 31, el VPH 33, el VPH 35, el VPH 45, el VPH 52 y el VPH 58, que representan el 91% del total de casos de cáncer invasivo de cuello uterino. 2) Hipótesis de trabajo La infección por los diferentes genotipos del VPH presenta una prevalencia diferente según la población estudiada. 3) Metodología Se trata de un estudio prospectivo transversal descriptivo. La población de estudio se centra en pacientes con patología cervical controladas en el Hospital Universitario Sant Joan de Déu, de Esplugues, Barcelona (Universidad de Barcelona). El tiempo de recogida de pacientes abarca 96 meses (enero 2003-enero 2010). Hemos reunido un total de 1007 pacientes. 4) Resultados 73.2% de las pacientes presentan infección por VPH. El 86.4% de ellas es por genotipos de VPH de alto riesgo. Los genotipos de VPH más frecuentes son el VPH 16 (31.2%), el VPH 51 (8.9%), el VPH 53 (8.3%), el VPH 31 (7.3%) y el VPH 66 (6.7%). En CIN 2-3 (87%) y carcinomas (87%), la prevalencia de pacientes con infección por VPH es significativamente mayor que en las pacientes con CIN 1 (64%), cambios asociados a VPH (42%) o atipias (28%). En CIN 1 los genotipos de VPH más frecuentes son el VPH 16 (19.8%), el VPH 51 (11.9%), el VPH 53 (9.4%), el VPH 66 (8.8%) y el VPH 42 (5.5%). En CIN 2-3 los genotipos más frecuentes son el VPH 16 (45.3%), el VPH 31 (10.9%), el VPH 51 (9.8%), el VPH 53 (9.6%) y el VPH 58 (8.1%). En las pacientes con carcinoma el VPH 16 (47.2%), el VPH 31 (11.1%) y el VPH 45, VPH 52 y VPH 18 con un 8.3% cada uno de ellos. 5) Discusión De manera global, entre todas las pacientes de nuestra muestra, con patología cervical sin diferenciar el tipo de lesión cervical, los genotipos de VPH más frecuentes que son el VPH 16 (31.2%), el VPH 51 (8.9%), el VPH 53 (8.3%), el VPH 31 (7.3%) y el VPH 66 (6.7%). En nuestra población, el VPH 18 presenta una prevalencia del 5.4%, por detrás del VPH 51, del VPH 31, del VPH 58 y del VPH 33. Otros estudios españoles confirman estos resultados, así como estudios sobre otras poblaciones europeas, americanas o asiáticas. Sin embargo, existen publicaciones en la literatura sobre poblaciones también españolas, europeas, americanas y asiáticas, que no apoyan tan claramente estos resultados. Tenemos evidencia suficiente para afirmar que el VPH 16 es el genotipo más frecuente a nivel mundial y en cada región, pero que existen variaciones en la prevalencia del resto de los diferentes genotipos de VPH según la población que estudiemos y éstas deberían ser un factor importante a considerar, especialmente la prevalencia de los genotipos de VPH-AR, para predecir cómo las medidas de cribado y de prevención pueden influir en la incidencia del cáncer cervical de cada zona geográfica en concreto. En este punto también es importante tener en cuenta que las dos vacunas disponibles actualmente presentan cierta protección cruzada frente a lesiones CIN 2-3 y superiores por tipos de VPH oncogénicos no vacunales: VPH 33, VPH 31, VPH 45 y VPH 51, con eficacias de entre 20-40% para lesiones intraepiteliales cervicales de alto grado o superiores. / 1) Introduction Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the main risk factors for invasive cervical cancer. The genotypes involved most frequently are related with HPV 16 and HPV 18 and are associated with approximately 70% of all cancers of the cervix. However, other HPV genotypes also play an important role in cervical pathology and cervical cancer and their distribution appears to vary depending on age and region. 2) Objective To document the prevalence of different human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes in our population. 3) Material and Methods Prospective, cross-sectional descriptive study. A total of 1007 patients were recruited among those seen at the cervical pathology clinic of Sant Joan de Déu University Hospital in Barcelona (Spain) between January 2003 and March 2011. 4) Results Most patients (73.2%) had HPV infection, and among these women the genotype was considered high-risk in 86.4%. The most frequent genotype was HPV 16, found in 31% of the patients. Other genotypes identified, in decreasing order of frequency (all <10%), were HPV 51, HPV 53, HPV 31, HPV 66, HPV 58, HPV 33 and HPV 18. Mean age of the patients with HPV infection was 32.3 years, versus 39.8 years in women without HPV infection (p<0.05). The prevalence of HPV infection was significantly higher among women with grade 2 or 3 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 2/3) (86%) or carcinoma (87%) than in women with grade 1 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 1) (64%), HPV-associated changes (50%) or atypical cells (40%). 5) Discussion Knowledge about the incidence of the different HPV genotypes is needed for an appropriate focus on preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic measures. As in the present study, genotype HPV 16 was found to be the most frequent worldwide except in Eastern Africa, Japan and Taiwan, where the prevalence of HPV 52 is high. The second most frequent genotype worldwide is HPV 18, according to earlier reports. However, in our study population the incidence of HPV 18 was 5.4%, behind HPV 51 (8.9%), HPV 53 (8.3%) and HPV 31 (7.3%). These findings are consistent with other studies in Spain and Italy, and the geographical variations make it necessary to establish the true risk associated with genotypes HPV 51 and HPV 53, given that their prevalence is non-negligible.

Linfogamagrafía cervical

Cuchí Broquetas, Ma. Asunción 26 September 1973 (has links)
`Desde la época de los grandes anatomistas, la distribución y localización de las estructuras linfáticas (vías y ganglios) del cuello ha sido estudiada detenidamente. Todos los especialistas que han abordado del tema se han basado, fundamentalmente, en los estudios post-mortem, mediante la inyección de colorantes, lo que unido a la disección cuidadosa de los frágiles vasos linfáticos, ha arrojado resultados insuperables que las observaciones posteriores no han hecho más que confirmar. Por el contrario, a la hora de analizar en detalle la bibliografía sobre el sistema linfático del cuello, vemos que los medios utilizados para el estudio “in vivo” de dicha región no son todo lo completos que cabría desear, ya que las peculiares características de los vasos linfáticos de la zona, su gran fragilidad y su pequeño calibre hacen difícil la aplicación de los métodos utilizados en los vasos linfáticos de otras zonas. Dado que la patología que puede incidir sobre el sistema linfático es amplísima, a la hora de escoger el objeto de trabajo de la presente tesis hemos centrado nuestra atención fundamentalmente en los procesos tumorales secundarios, en particular las neoplasias de cabeza y de cuello, y dentro de ellos a los procesos de origen laríngeo, ya que dentro de nuestra especialidad es la forma de neoplasia que detectamos con más frecuencia. Al iniciar este trabajo no albergamos la pretensión de realizar un descubrimiento inédito; creemos seria pecar de presunción pensar que vamos a poner en marcha una técnica revolucionaria. Sin embargo, con la presente investigación querríamos contribuir a un mayor conocimiento y un mejor estudio de los grupos ganglionares del cuello, de sus zonas aferentes y de las características que poseen estas estructuras en condicionas normales y en enfermos afectos de una patología que pueda incidir sobra la morfología normal y el funcionalismo de estos elementos.

The nineteenth century French organ of Cavaillé-Coll and the organ works of César Franck

Fanning, Emory January 1964 (has links)
Thesis (D.M.A.)--Boston University / PLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authorization To Manage form for this thesis or dissertation. It is therefore not openly accessible, though it may be available by request. If you are the author or principal advisor of this work and would like to request open access for it, please contact us at open-help@bu.edu. Thank you. / 2031-01-01

Dopad zákona o obchodních korporacích do účetnictví a podnikových financí / Impact on Business Corporations Act in accounting and corporate finance

EIBLOVÁ, Pavla January 2015 (has links)
The main goal of this contribution is to assess the impact of changes in legislation in 2014 to accounting and corporate finance of business corporations. Partial objective are then create a draft chart of accounts, exemplars (which point out effect of a change in accounting legislation) and analysis of selected charters of two types of business corporations (joint-stock company, limited liability company) represented by each of five specific companies. Yet another objective is to quantification of the estimated cost to amend the charters / social contracts / incorporation documents.

Informační systémy v oblasti ekologie / Environmental information systems

Kvasnička, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
This thesis compares the environmental information systems and the providing of environmental information from the government institutions. The objective of this work is to analyze current information systems under the Integrated environmental information system (JISZP) and verify the hypothesis that all these information systems are integrated. The further goal is to prove whether or not the Act No. 123/1998 is fulfilled in practice. The first part contains an analysis of JISZP systems according to various criteria. The second part maps the legislation of information providing and verifies the compliance with the Law No. 123/1998. The final part contains an evaluation and recommendations for further action.

Tlumočnický zákon / Act on Translation Services

Balounová, Kamila January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis entitled the Interpreting Act focuses on the legislation on court translation and interpreting in the Czech Republic. The paper aims to compare the new statutes under the Court Translators and Interpreters Act (No 354/2019 Coll.) with the current Experts and Interpreters Act (No 36/1967 Coll.). The first part of the thesis acquaints readers with the profession of court interpreters and translators. It renders the description of both professions by defining basic terms of the areas of translating and interpreting, explaining the types of translation and interpreting, and providing a list of professional organisations for court translators and interpreters in the Czech Republic. The second part of the paper deals with international and Czech legislation regarding the right for interpreting and translation, briefly outlining the progress of the legislation on court interpreting and translation and giving reasons for the adoption of the rules on the activity of court translators and interpreters. The third, key part of the paper presents the analysis of some parts of the Act No 354/2019 Coll. and their comparison to the Act No 36/1967 Coll. The areas of focus are: the subject of the legislation and definition of basic terms, work conditions and requirements that must be met to become...

Studies in Corpora and Idioms : Getting the cat out of the bag

Minugh, David January 2014 (has links)
“Idiomatic” expressions, usually called “idioms”, such as a dime a dozen, a busman’s holiday, or to have bats in your belfry are a curious part of any language: they usually have a fixed lexical (why a busman?) and structural composition (only dime and dozen in direct conjunction mean ‘common, ordinary’), can be semantically obscure (why bats?), yet are widely recognized in the speech community, in spite of being so rare that only large corpora can provide us with access to sufficient empirical data on their use. In this compilation thesis, four published studies focusing on idioms in corpora are presented. Study 1 details the creation of and data in the author’s medium-sized corpus from 1999, the 3.7 million word Coll corpus of online university student newspapers, with comparisons to data from standard corpora of the time. Study 2 examines the extent to which recognized idioms are to be found in the Coll corpus and how they can be varied. Study 3 draws upon the British National Corpus and a series of British and American newspaper corpora to see how idioms may be “anchored” in their contexts, primarily by the device of premodification via an adjective appropriate to the context, not to the idiom. Study 4 examines idiom-usage patterns in the Time Magazine corpus, focusing on possible aspects of diachronic change over the near-century Time represents. The introductory compilation chapter places and discusses these studies in their contexts of contemporary idiom and corpus research; building on these studies, it provides two specific examples of potential ways forward in idiom research: an examination of the idioms used in a specific subgenre of newspapers (editorials), and a detailed suggestion for teachers about how to examine multiple facets of a specific modern idiom (the glass ceiling) in the classroom. Finally, a summing-up includes suggestions for further research, particularly at the level of the patterning of individual idioms, rather than treating them as a homogeneous phenomenon.

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