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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Creators' organisations as actors in copyright policy : mapping the complexity of stakeholder behaviour, dynamics and differences

Kostova, Nevena Borislavova January 2017 (has links)
A basic tenet and challenge of copyright law is the need to balance the interests of a range of stakeholders, from authors and performers to publishers, producers, broadcasters, intermediaries, service providers and the general public. To ensure that this balancing act takes place, policymakers involve organisations representing these stakeholders in the development of policy and the drafting of legislation in several ways, including through meetings, public consultations, and stakeholder dialogues. However, the process by which stakeholders steer the course and substance of copyright law and policy, their behaviour, as well as the varying extent to which they impact and characterise the copyright policy framework, have rarely been the specific focus of empirical research in IP. The present thesis examines creators’ organisations (COs) as participants and shapers of copyright policy. Through a socio-legal study into the workings of The Society of Authors, the Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society, the Musicians’ Union, and the Performing Right Society on several contemporary policy issues, the thesis observes how two types of organisations: trade unions and collective management organisations, across the music and publishing industries, engage in policy work. Through in-depth analysis of primary data obtained from interviews with CO representatives as well as documentary data (public consultation responses, policy briefings, press releases, reports, academic studies, and more), the thesis captures and discusses differences in the behaviour of these actors and argues that these differences are not fully understood by policymakers. It illustrates how factors such as an organisation’s mandate, resources, membership composition, political power, and self-concept, influence an organisation’s policy proactivity. Some actors may be more concerned with influencing the copyright policy agenda itself, while others primarily seek to shape its outcomes. The thesis also identifies power dynamics and imbalances between the COs and argues that some actors are in a better position to effectively participate in policy compared to others. Furthermore, it discusses the effects of the plurality of actors with varying interests and priorities, as well as the competition of policy issues that this provokes. In this context, the thesis illustrates the complex structure of the copyright policy environment and, in particular, the role of umbrella organisations and ad-hoc coalitions in the furtherance of a particular policy issue or position. It concludes that as a result of complex stakeholder dynamics, power imbalances, and policymakers’ insufficient understanding of these phenomena, certain creators’ issues will not surface onto copyright policy agendas and will thus remain unaddressed by copyright law. The thesis further concludes that complex stakeholder dynamics challenge the objective of developing evidence-based policy and render the copyright policy process unclear and its outcomes unpredictable. Given the disparity of views and positions on many copyright law issues, policymakers often attempt to shape law and policy outcomes as a compromise between different stakeholder interests. However, this does not always produce sound or appropriate results for copyright law.

Arthur Azevedo: o crítico de arte como colecionador / o colecionador como crítico de arte / -

Frederico Fernando Souza Silva 16 June 2016 (has links)
A tese discute a atuação de Arthur Azevedo como crítico de arte e colecionador no circuito artístico do Rio de Janeiro entre os anos 1870 até os primeiros anos do século XX. A partir de um levantamento de textos esparsos sobre arte escritos pelo autor na imprensa carioca esforça-se por analisar e situar sua produção crítica frente à arte brasileira da segunda metade do século XIX. Concomitantemente busca-se analisar o conjunto de obras (gravuras, pinturas, livros, álbuns e manuscritos) reunidas pelo dramaturgo nesse mesmo período. Frente a essas duas extensas atuações desenvolve-se como tese central a ideia de que a dupla atuação de Arthur Azevedo somente foi possível, por ser aquele um período de reestruturação do meio artístico permitindo que intelectuais como ele, sem formação na área, pudessem atuar como crítico e colecionador. / This thesis discusses Arthur Azevedo\'s acting as an art critic and collector in the circuit of art in Rio de Janeiro from the 1870\'s until the early years of the Twentieth Century. According to a survey of scattered texts of art written by the author in the \"carioca\" press, he strives to analyze and situate his critical production within the Brazilian art of the second half of the Nineteenth Century. At the same time, it is sought to analyze the set of works (prints, painting, books, albums and manuscripts) gathered by the playwright in this same period. With respect to these two extended performances, it is developed as a central thesis the idea that Arthur Azevedo\'s dual acting was only possible because that period was the restructuring of the artistic movement. Thus, enabling that intellectuals like him could act as critics and collectors without professional training.

Estudo da viabilidade do aproveitamento de água de chuva para consumo não potável em edificações. / Rainwater catchment feasibility study for non-potable consumption in buildings.

Simone May 13 May 2004 (has links)
Para a conservação de água existem medidas convencionais e medidas não convencionais. O sistema de aproveitamento de água da chuva para consumo não potável é uma medida não convencional. Atualmente o aproveitamento de água da chuva é praticado em países como Estados Unidos, Alemanha, Japão, entre outros. No Brasil, o sistema é utilizado em algumas cidades do Nordeste como fonte de suprimento de água. A viabilidade do uso de água da chuva é caracterizada pela diminuição na demanda de água fornecida pelas companhias de saneamento, tendo como conseqüência a diminuição dos custos com água potável e a redução do risco de enchentes em caso de chuvas fortes. No processo de coleta de água da chuva, são utilizadas áreas impermeáveis, normalmente o telhado. A primeira água que cai no telhado, lavando-o, apresenta um grau de contaminação bastante elevado e, por isso, é aconselhável o desprezo desta primeira água. A água de chuva coletada através de calhas, condutores verticais e horizontais é armazenada em reservatório podendo ser de diferentes materiais. A água armazenada deverá ser utilizada somente para consumo não potável, como em bacias sanitárias, em torneiras de jardim, para lavagem de veículos e para lavagem de roupas. Este trabalho trata da avaliação da qualidade da água da chuva, juntamente com o estudo da viabilidade econômica da utilização de um sistema de coleta e aproveitamento da água da chuva. A partir de um sistema experimental, análises da composição física, química e bacteriológica da água da chuva foram realizadas para caracterizar a água e verificar a necessidade de tratamento, diminuindo riscos à saúde de seus usuários. A viabilidade do sistema depende basicamente de três fatores: precipitação, área de coleta e demanda. O reservatório de água da chuva, por ser o componente mais dispendioso do sistema, deve ser projetado de acordo com as necessidades do usuário ecom a disponibilidade pluviométrica local para dimensioná-lo corretamente, sem inviabilizar economicamente o sistema. Baseado nos resultados das análises realizadas e na utilização do sistema de coleta e aproveitamento de água da chuva, seu uso para fins não potáveis deve ser estimulado. / There are conventional and non-conventional ways for water conservation. The rainwater catchment system for non-drinking use is a non-conventional way. Nowadays, the exploitation of the rainwater is found in the United States, Germany, Australia and Japan, among others. In Brazil, the system is used in some northeast cities as water supplement supply source. The feasibility of rainwater use is characterized by the reduction of the demand on water supplied by the sanitation company and, as a consequence, the reduction of costs and the reduction of flood risk in case of storm rain. In the process of rainwater catchment impermeable areas are used, in most of cases, the roof. The first water that falls and washes the roof has sufficiently high degree of contamination and therefore it is a advisable to discharge it. The rainwater caught by gutters, vertical and horizontal conductors, is stored in a rainwater reservoir, which can be made of different materials. The stored rainwater should be used only for non-drinking consumption like in the toilet, in garden taps, in car washing and in clothes laundering. This paper evaluates the rainwater quality and develops the feasibility study for rainwater catchment for non-drinking use. From an experimental system, physical, chemical and microbiological analyses of the rainwater were made to qualify and verify the need of treatment avoiding the risk of illness to users. The feasibility of the system depends firstly on three factors: precipitation, catchment area and demand. The rainwater reservoir, as the most expensive part of the system, should be designed accordingly to the consumption and the local precipitation availability to set it accordingly, without making it economically unfeasible. Based on the results of the analysis and on the rainwater catchment system, its application for non-drinking use should be stimulated.

O colecionismo no período entre guerras: a contribuição da Sociedade de Etnografia e Folclore para a formação de coleções etnográficas / The collecting in the interwar period: the contribution of the Society of Ethnography and Folklore for the formation of ethnographic collections

Andrea Dias Vial 24 April 2009 (has links)
Esse trabalho analisa a formação de coleções etnográficas no periodo entre guerras a partir da documentação da Sociedade de Etnografia e Folclore e do anteprojeto de Mário de Andrade para o SPHAN, a primeira proposta de uma ação governamental na tentativa de identificação, coleta, registro e estudo desses aspectos para preservar manifestações da cultura popular brasileira. O período entre guerras é um momento importante para a constituição e estudo de coleções etnográficas no Brasil, por ser o momento da profissionalização e institucionalização das ciências sociais. Discutimos e o papel do Departamento de Cultura e a influência da presença francesa na formação de profissionais na área de etnografia brasileira, por meio do Curso de Etnografia ministrado por Dina Lévi-Strauss e oferecido pelo Departamento de Cultura dirigido por Mário de Andrade. / This work analyzes the formation of ethnographic collections created between the first and second World Wars. The starting points were the Sociedade de Etnografia e Folclore´s documentation and the Mario de Andrade project to SPHAN. The Mario de Andrade project is the first proposition for a governmental action that tried to preserve of the aspects of the so called Brazilian Popular Culture. The period between the first and second World Wars is a very important moment to the construction and study of ethnographic collections in Brazil, because it was the the moment when the social sciences were professionalized and institutionalized. We discuss the Department of Culture role and the influence of the french presence in the formation of professionals in the brazilian ethnography.

Fundação Crespi-Prado: trajetória de uma coleção museológica / Crespi-Prado Foundation: trajectory of a museological collection

Tamira Naia dos Santos 19 August 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem por tema o estudo da trajetória de uma coleção privada, desde sua formação, por um casal da elite paulistana, até sua publicização, por meio da constituição de uma fundação e de exposições realizadas em instituições afins da cidade de São Paulo. Trata-se da coleção hoje pertencente à Fundação Crespi-Prado, instituição criada, em 1975, por iniciativa de Renata Crespi, viúva de Fábio da Silva Prado (Prefeito de São Paulo entre 1934 e 1938), para incentivar as artes e a cultura e salvaguardar a coleção constituída pelo casal. Ela, filha de um importante industrial italiano imigrado para o Brasil, e ele, membro de uma das mais tradicionais e ricas famílias do Estado de São Paulo, materializaram a união entre novas e velhas elites, dimensão perceptível também em sua coleção. Reunida ao longo da primeira metade do século XX, tal coleção é representativa de uma prática social de colecionismo que se difundia entre os membros da elite da cidade de São Paulo, podendo ser considerada um de seus exemplos mais extensos. Percorrer a formação desta coleção, sua institucionalização e sua posterior musealização é o objetivo principal desta pesquisa, tendo em vista o relevo do casal de colecionadores para a elite paulistana da época e de sua iniciativa de criar uma das poucas fundações da cidade a proteger um legado artístico privado em uma instituição de caráter museológico. / This research studies a private collection, from its gathering, by a couple of the elite of the city of São Paulo, to its publicization, by the constitution of a foundation and the development of exhibitions in similar institutions in the city. The collection in question belongs to the Crespi-Prado Foundation, an institution created in 1975, by the initiative of Renata Crespi, widow of Fábio da Silva Prado (mayor of São Paulo between 1934 and 1938), to promote the Arts and Culture and to safeguard the collection built by the couple. Renata Crespi, daughter of an important Italian industrialist immigrated to Brazil, and her husband, member of one of the oldest and wealthiest families of the State of São Paulo, materialized the union of the new and old elites, a dimension that is perceived in their collection. Assembled during the first half of the 20th century, such collection is representative of a social practice of collecting that was spreading amongst the elite of the city, and can be considered one of its most extensive examples. To study the gathering of this collection, its institutionalization and its further musealization is the main object of this research, considering the role of the collecting couple to the city elite of their time and the importance of their initiative of creating one of the few foundations of the city to preserve a private artistic legacy through an institution of museological character.

Efeito da fluoxetina na reabsorção de água pelo rim / Fluoxetine effect on kidney water absorption

Zenaide Providello Moysés 09 April 2007 (has links)
A patogenia da hiponatremia decorrente do uso da Fluoxetina em pacientes idosos não está bem definida. Este achado tem sido atribuído a uma secreção inapropriada do Hormônio Antidiurétido (HAD), embora ainda não tenha sido evidenciado um aumento dos níveis plasmático deste hormônio nestes pacientes. Desta forma, este trabalho visa investigar o efeito da Fluoxetina sobre o rim e mais especificamente se ela teria um efeito direto sobre o Ducto Coletor Medular Interno (DCMI) de ratos normais: 1) Estudos in vivo- 10 ratos foram suplementados com aplicações intraperitoniais diárias de 10mg/kg de Fluoxetina. Após 10 dias os animais foram sacrificados e o sangue e os rins foram coletados para posterior análise. 2) Estudos in vitro- a) estudos com a técnica de Imunoblotting para avaliar a expressão da proteína da Aquaporina 2 (AQP2) em ratos suplementados e em suspensão de túbulos de DCMI de 10 ratos normais incubados com 10-7M de Fluoxetina por 30 min. b) estudos com microperfusão de segmentos isolados do nefron- a permeabilidade osmótica à água (Pf, mm./sec) foi determinada em DCMI perfundidos de ratos normais(n=6) com a técnica standart, na presença de10-7M de Fluoxetina. Resultados: 1) Os estudos in vivo mostraram que o peso caiu de 179±1,28g para 158±1,15g (p<0,0001), o Na plasmático caiu de 139,3±0,78mEq/l para 134,9±0,5mEq/l (p<0,0001) e não houve alterações do K e do HAD plasmáticos. 2) Os estudos in vitro-a) a análise densitométrica dos ensaios com imunoblotting mostraram um aumento da expressão da proteína da AQP2 de 40%, ambos, em ratos suplementados (cont-99,6± 5,2 vs Fx 145,6±16,9, p< 0,05) e em frações de membrana da suspensão de túbulos incubados com Fluoxetina (cont-100,0±3,5.vs 143,0±2,0, p<0,01). b) A Fluoxetina aumentou a Pf nos DCMI, na ausência de HAD de 7,24±2,07 para Fx- 15,77±3,25 (p<0,01). Em resumo, nossos dados revelaram que a Fluoxetina determinou uma diminuição do peso corporal e do nível plasmático de Na sem alterar os níveis plasmáticos de K e HAD e ocasionou um aumento da expressão da proteína da AQP2 e um aumento da permeabilidade à água nos DCMI, levando-nos à conclusão de que o efeito direto da Fluoxetina no DCMI, aumentando a reabsorção de água, pode ser responsável pela hiponatremia encontrada nos pacientes idosos com depressão que fazem uso desta droga. / The pathogenesis of the hyponatremia after Fluoxetine(Fx) supply in elderly is not well understood. This event has been attributed to an inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion although the vasopressin enhanced plasma level has not been demonstrated yet in these pacients. Thus, this experiment was designed to investigate the effect of Fx on the kidney and more specifically if it would have a direct effect in the inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) from normal rats: 1) in vivo study- 10 rats were supplied daily with i.p. injections of Fx 10 mg/kg. After five days, the rats were sacrificed and blood and kidneys were collected. 2) in vitro studya) Immunobloting studies for AQP2 protein expression, in IMCD from supplied rats and in IMCD tubules suspension from 10 normal rats incubated with mm./sec) Fx. by 30 min. b) Microperfusion studies- the osmotic water permeability (Pf, mm./sec) was determined in normal rats IMCD(n=6) isolated and perfused by the standart methods.Fx (10-7M) was added to the bath fluid. Results: In vivo study showed that the weight decreased from 179±1.28g to 158±1.5g(p<0.0001); the Na+ plasma level decreased from 139.3±0.78mEq/l to 134.9±0.5mEq/l(p<0.0001), the K+ and the ADH plasma level remained unchanged. In vitro study- a) the densitometric analysis of the immunobloting essays showed an increase in AQP2 protein abundance of about about 40%, both, in supplied rats (cont-99.6± 5.2 vs Fx 145.6±16.9, p< 0.05), and in membrane fraction extracted from IMCD tubule suspension incubated with Fx ( cont-100.0±3.5.vs 143.0±2.0,p<0.01). b) Fx increased the Pf in IMCD in absence of vasopressin from the control period- 7.24±2.07 to Fx- 15.77±3.25 (p<0.01). In summary, our data revealed that, after Fx, weight, and plasma Na+ level decreased, the plasma K+ and ADH levels remained unchanged, whereas the AQP2 protein abundance and the water absorption in IMCD increased, leading us to conclude that the direct effect of Fx in the IMCD, could account for the hyponatremia produced by this drug in depressed elderly.

Le "collectionnisme" Russe et le marché de l'art européen dans la 2ème moitié du XVIIIè siècle à travers l'exemple d'Alexandre Golitzine (1723-1807) / Collecting art in Russia and the European art market in the 2nd half of the 18 century based on the example of Alexander Golitzine (1723-1807)

Popova, Olga 09 September 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail de thèse consistait à étudier le processus de formation d’une collection d’art, à travers l’exemple de la collection d’Alexandre Golitzine (1727-1807), en lien étroit avec le marché de l’art européen de la 2e moitié du XVIIIe siècle. Ce travail est basé sur l’analyse d’un corpus de documents archivistiques conservés en Russie, à Moscou. Il s’agit de la correspondance entretenue par Golitzine avec ses agents actifs sur le marché de l'art européen, ainsi que des listes d’œuvres, des quittances et des comptes inclus dans les lettres. Outre la correspondance, nous avons utilisé le catalogue de la collection d’Alexandre Golitzine, la Description, conservé aux archives de l'Ermitage à Saint-Pétersbourg. Dans la première partie de ce travail nous dressons un tableau général de la formation de la culture visuelle des élites russes au XVIIIe siècle. Celle-ci s’acquiert tant au cours de voyages formateurs en Europe, que grâce aux livres ou encore aux œuvres d’art importées en Russie. La création de l’Académie des beaux-arts à Saint-Pétersbourg est, quant à elle, une étape importante dans l’assimilation de l’art européen en Russie. La deuxième partie est consacrée au parcours du prince-collectionneur Golitzine et à la formation de sa collection grâce aux acquisitions de tableaux et de sculptures faites par son réseau d’agents en Europe, tout particulièrement, en Hollande, dans les états allemands, et en Italie. Nous étudions le processus de ces achats. L’étude du fonctionnement et de l’infrastructure de son réseau sert également d’observatoire pour un ensemble de pratiques courantes sur le marché de l'art. Puis, dans la dernière partie de ce travail nous présentons brièvement le catalogue et le contenu de la collection Golitzine, sans viser l’identification des œuvres aujourd’hui dispersées. Le catalogue nous permet de confirmer certaines informations obtenues dans la correspondance à propos des achats. Il nous renseigne davantage sur le goût artistique de Golitzine, qui s’avère être un collectionneur représentatif de son milieu. En effet, son goût s’inscrit dans les tendances de son époque et de son pays, et son réseau d’agents croise et intègre un vaste réseau « russe » sur le marché de l’art européen. Les résultats des recherches menées dans le cadre de cette thèse enrichissent notre connaissance des pratiques et des acteurs du marché de l’art en Europe au XVIIIe siècle, du réseau russe en particulier. Cette thèse nous permet également de mieux connaître la démarche collectionniste d’Alexandre Golitzine, son goût, la provenance de certaines œuvres de sa collection, ainsi que sa place dans l’histoire du collectionnisme russe. / The aim of this thesis was to study the process of formation of an art collection, through the example of the collection of Alexander Golitzine (1727-1807), that was closely related to the European art market of the second half of the 18th century.This work is based on the analysis of the private papers found in the Moscow archives in Russia. These are the correspondence of Golitzine with his agents in the European art market, as well as the lists of paintings and sculptures, some receipts and accounts accompanying the letters. Besides the correspondence, I have used the catalog of Alexander Golitzine’s collection, the Description, kept in the archives of the Hermitage in St. Petersburg.In the first part of this work I draw a general picture of the formation of the Russian elite’s visual culture in the 18th century. It was developed through educational journeys to Europe, through books and works of art imported into Russia. The creation of the Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg was an important step in the assimilation of European art in Russia.The second part is devoted to the prince-collector Golitzine and the acquisitions of paintings and sculptures made with the participation of the agents’ network in Europe, especially in Holland, in the German states and Italy. I study the formation of his collection through the analysis of the process of acquisitions. The study of the structure of the agents network and its functioning provides an example of a common set of practices and procedures on the art market that time.Finally, in the last part of this work I briefly present the catalog and the content of Golitzine’s collection. However, for different reasons, I do not identify the art works. The catalog allows to confirm the information on purchases, obtained in the correspondence, and provides us with additional information on Golitzine’s artistic taste, which shows him as a representative collector of his time and his country. At the same time, his network of agents seems to be a part of a wider "Russian" network on the European art market. The results of the research conducted in this thesis enrich our knowledge of the practices and actors of the art market in Europe in the 18th century, of the Russian network in particular. The thesis provides a better understanding of Alexander Golitzine’s approach to collecting, his artistic taste, the provenance of certain art works, and his place in the history of Russian collecting.

Art and investment a study on how investment in art affects the contemporary artist in South Africa

Jones, Caroline Elizabeth January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Causes and effects of non-payment of residential property rates in Mahikeng

Asianoah, Rexford Kofi January 2014 (has links)
One of the major sources of income to South African Municipalities is property rates. Income generated from property rates is meant to develop and deliver services to residents living in the said Municipal area. The main aim of the research was to identify the causes and effects of the non-payment of residential property rates, and also to develop workable strategies to maximise the collection of residential property rates in order to ensure developmental growth sustenance, specifically in Mahikeng Municipal area. Related literature was reviewed on the non-financial viability of Municipalities, maintenance of public infrastructure, service delivery and Municipal development plans in establishing the relationship with non-payment of residential property rates. Four hypotheses were set to guide the research with two testing positive with high level of confidence using the chi square method of testing. The research methodology employed in the research was mainly quantitative where the results and findings obtained from the questionnaire were statistically analysed. The research revealed that: The Mahikeng Local Municipality has failed to find the right medium to send rates bills to clients on time, is not taking active responsibility to recover rates debts, does not provide quality service delivery and the reluctance by locals to pay their property rates. The effects thereof, are the inability of the Municipality to deliver effective and efficient services, lack of maintenance of public infrastructure and development in the area. By implementing various options such as email, sms and the post to send rates bills to property owners, by employing different payment options, for example debit orders, transfers, bank deposits and discounts for property owners and embarking on periodic public awareness campaigns in educating the community regarding the importance of payment of property rates could serve as effective mechanisms to address the non-payment of residential property rates faced by the Mahikeng Local Municipality.

Řízení tvorby umělecké sbírky jako investiční příležitosti / Management of an art collection as an investment opportunity

Kálalová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is dedicated to the phenomenon of art collecting, which under certain circumstances can be considered as an alternative investment. The aim of the thesis is to examine the possibilities of art collecting and investing in the context of both Czech and world art markets, and determine whether art collecting is a form of investment that can generate future profit. Another goal of the thesis is the creation of recommendations that can help collectors create a quality collection while increasing its value over time, no matter if the collection is to be sold afterwards or not. The thesis is divided into several parts. In the first part I describe the collecting itself, various types of collections, significant collectors and also the institutionalized forms of collections in the Czech Republic and abroad. After that I talk about the art market regarding its selling channels together with their advantages and disadvantages for collectors. Subsequently I focus on the price-making process on the art market which creates the base for the next chapter about investing in art where I describe types and rules of investing in art, and afterwards I define the rules regarding the management of an art collection in general with emphasis on its appreciation. In the end I show a practical example of the artworks price development using the artworks of one well-known Czech artist, where some of the formal theoretical statements are applied about investing in art and building an art collection. The whole thesis is assembled together with the opinions of experts from the art field in the form of expert interviews by adding their practical notes continuously to the text.

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