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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Loyal Whigs and revolutionaries : New York politics on the eve of the American Revolution, 1760-1776.

Launitz-Schürer, Leopold S., 1942- January 1970 (has links)
No description available.

The pro-American movement in London, 1769-1782 : extra-parliamentary opposition to the government's American policy

Sainsbury, John A. January 1975 (has links)
No description available.


Okayama, Yoko January 2015 (has links)
This case study investigates the language policies and planning (LPP) implemented in Palau since the occupation by Japan before and during World War II, and by the United States of America under the United Nation's Trusteeship after the war. Palau is an island country in the Pacific with a population of 17,500, including 4,600 foreign-born citizens. The society is multilingual as a result of a 150-year occupation by other countries, including Japan and the United States, before its independence in 1994. In this study I also explore the effects of LPP during that time, including the policy regarding a standard writing system, practices at pedagogical institutions, and Palauans' opinions about languages, especially the two official languages, Palauan and English. Data were gathered through interviews, historical document study, observations of classes, and a questionnaire administered in Palau, by visiting the country more than 20 times, for one- to two-week stays beginning in 2001. Hornberger (2006) stated that the terms language policy and language planning have been used interchangeably or as a single concept in many previous studies. Her suggestion was to use the two terms as a set, as the relationship between them has been ambiguous in the past (p. 25). I agree with Hornberger that the two terms fundamentally form a single concept, and therefore, they are used as a set in this study. The theoretical framework proposed by Taylor (2002) is used to analyze the current LPP in Palau: that is, (1) language planning composed of (1.1) status planning, (1.2) corpus planning, and (1.3) acquisition planning; (2) language-in-education policy; and (3) aspects of language-in-education implementation program that consist of (3.1) curriculum policies, (3.2) personnel policies, (3.3) material policies (methods, content), (3.4) community policies, and (3.5) evaluation policies (p. 318). He stated, "[t]he process of devising a new national language policy" affects "language-in-education implementation programs" (p. 318). Major LPP studies were reviewed chronologically based on three phases suggested by Ricento (2000, pp. 10-22). It was helpful to consider the history of LPP "as a dynamic interplay between academic concerns... and political/bureaucratic interests" (Wee, 2011, p. 11). Also, some previous researchers have noted that localized studies of language goals, language use, and language change are needed. According to Kaplan and Baldauf (2003), who studied languages and language-in-education planning in the Pacific Basin, it is rare for Pacific Basin countries to have a language policy: "... [L]anguage planning is frequently undertaken by the education sector in the absence of any such higher-level policy or in the light of such a policy so vaguely articulated as to be quite incapable of implementation" (p. 6). Although their study provided a great deal of valuable information, they did not investigate the language policies of Palau. In this study I describe the government's policies, and real life situation of the policies. To describe the real life situation of the policies, interviews, and a questionnaire survey were used. I interviewed Palauans, such as those who had experienced the occupation(s) and postwar period to better understand the historical background of the current LPP. I also interviewed incumbent teachers after observing their classes. Most of them described various problems in teaching the compulsory Palauan Studies Course, on Palauan language, history, tradition, and culture. I also interviewed officials of the Ministry of Education, who provided a great deal of information about the educational system in Palau and the curriculum of the Palauan Studies Course. The 62-item questionnaire provided data concerning people's language use in various social contexts, as well as the effects of language policies and planning on people's opinions about languages. The 137 respondents were divided into five groups according to their year of birth, considering the years when important transitions had occurred in the LPP. Their responses were compared, and some of the respondents were interviewed to illuminate the questionnaire results. I interviewed eight Palauans in March and September 2012 and asked why they had selected certain responses to the questionnaire items. The questionnaire results indicated that there is a tendency for the younger generation to use English more than the older generations in various contexts, and that the efforts Palauans have made, such as making the new writing system a compulsory part of the school curriculum, have yielded positive effects on the opinions of the younger generation, who learned the Palauan writing system at school. Overall, the results showed that Palauan is not in danger of extinction at present, but it might lose its status as the primary language in the future. I suggest strategies for preserving Palauan as the primary language. / Teaching & Learning

日治時期臺灣總督府圖書館之研究—以閱覽者為中心 / The study of Readers in the Library of Office of Taiwan Governor-General During Japanese Colonial Period

黃慈怡, Huang, Chi Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本文試圖釐清總督府圖書館建立之歷史脈絡,同時以「閱覽者」為問題中心而出發,透過統計與史料呈現,試圖勾陳出閱覽者的身分,以及閱覽者如何與為何使用圖書館,進一步讓該館閱覽者使用圖書館的歷史,得以呈現。   經由本文,發現下列五點,茲陳列如下。首先,該館藏書與閱覽者使用藏書方向,出現些微差異。該館藏書以和漢書為主。觀察和漢書的歷年度藏書部分,主要以「總類」、「文學、語學」等類為主;然而,依照歷年閱覽借閱累計總量排序,最受館內成人閱覽者愛好之分類,依次為「文學、語學」、「總類」等類。可發現,藏書方向與閱覽者使用方向,呈現不一致的結果。 其次,館內閱覽者以內地男性學生為大宗,館外閱覽者則量上最高者為本島男性。閱覽者職業表現方面,館內閱覽者中,以學生占絕對多數,館外閱覽者則未見資料。   再者,閱覽者實際使用表現中,「準備考試」是館內閱覽者使用該館的主要行為,可以看到許多內地男學生以預備考試為目的,來使用圖書館硬體和館藏中的參考書籍。館外閱覽者則暫時未得見普遍動機。   還有,在硬體部分,在圖書館初期,閱覽者使用圖書館時,常得面臨到座位不足的問題。同時,在圖書館營運後期逐漸嚴重的藏書區不足之問題,乃至該館缺乏餐廳和休息室,加上採光和通風不良,及缺乏防火設備等,都是閱覽者使用時所面臨到的困難。特別是營運後期進館人次屢創高峰,當閱覽者湧入時,人聲、木屐、鞋子所造成的聲響,產生整體圖書館整體閱讀環境水準不良的情況。   最後,自本文研究中,總督府圖書館閱覽者在該館營運期間,由於「閱讀」的行為,因而與圖書館產生了相應的互動結果。對大部分的圖書館閱覽者而言,欲使用的只是圖書館的設備,以幫助自己通過考試,而圖書館館藏或者活動,是其自身動機獲得滿足後,空閒時才考慮是否使用。也就是說,閱覽者在其總督府圖書館的使用歷程中,擁有一定的主動空間,可以選擇使用該館的方式,而非服膺圖書館自社會教育出發,必然存在教化功能的命題,或純然而無條件接受社會教育之教化。在此,歷史行動者的主體性似乎隱約得見。 / This study aims to uncover the history of the readers in the library of Office of the Taiwan Governor-General during Japanese colonial period. We want to investigate the readers in this library would be consisted of whom and what reason. By analyzing the tones of statistics data and historical material from the library, we find out the readers’ occupations and motivations eventually. With this reach, there are five points need to be mentioned. First, collection of books which stored by the library are indirect to readers’ favorite categories. Observing the data, we exposed the library had collected the category “General” most, and then is “literature and language”. In contrast, the most favorite books in this library are “literature and language”. It would be known that there is different between collection in library and readers’ favorite books. Second, in this library, most readers are Japanese male students. Comparing to this, most outside readers who use the circle service(巡迴書庫) were Taiwanese male, and it is pity that we don’t know the exactly occupation of these outside reader because of data locking. Furthermore, what were the real activities when readers were in the library?It is very interesting that preparing examinations were the main behavior. Most of Japanese male students used the equipment and the books to prepare the subjects for examinations. Unfortunately, the circle service readers’ purpose had not been discovered yet. Fourth, this building of library did not build as a library’ standard in the beginning. Therefore, readers faced the problem that they would not find enough seats inner the library. As time pass by, problem got worse. The library had been confronted with more locking problems as storage for collection, restaurants, restrooms and fire-avoiding equipment. In addition, the library was not well-ventilated and without plenty of light. Based on these conditions, readers had experienced the uncomfortable environment when they entered the library. Especially in the busy day, there were a lot of noises from human voices and stepping sounds. In the end of all, the behavior of the readers in this library did not follow the rules designed by the library officers specifically. However, to most readers, they used the equipment and books in order to pass examination they faced. After their purposes were fulfilled, they would consider using the services and other books in their second choices. The exactly readers were not a lot, it made a space that readers in this library not just purely obeying the intention which was from the library officers or the government policy. On the whole of our analyzing result, readers owned their subjective to complete their personal objective, in this view of part, we would have one more peek of the readers as the real subjective in history.

台灣日本時代的理蕃警察 / Police officers in aboliginal administration The Japanese period of Taiwan

石丸雅邦, Ishimaru, Masakuni Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要探討台灣的日本時代管制台灣原住民(當時稱為蕃人)的理蕃警察。 第一章探討台灣總督府下的理蕃體制。首先探討理蕃政策的演變。在本論文中將日本時代的理蕃政策分為四個時期:撫蕃時期、討蕃時期、治蕃時期、和育蕃時期。撫蕃時期是由殖產系統在主管理蕃政策。1902年發生南庄事件之後,開始由警察系統來主管理蕃政策,1903年起在總督府設置了專職的理蕃機構,開始以武力攻打蕃人,稱為討蕃時期。討蕃時期佐久間總督執行五年計畫理蕃事業,把大部份的蕃社歸入總督府的統治,1915年理蕃機構縮小為警察本署理蕃課,開始進入治蕃時期。治蕃時期的理蕃政策原則上還是以武力壓制蕃人,進行同化政策。1930年發生霧社事件之後,理蕃政策改為從經濟教育來改變蕃人習俗。之後探討理蕃機構的演變。討蕃時期的理蕃專職機構一直在變動,到了治蕃時期與育蕃時期以後就不再改制。歷代的理蕃專職機構中蕃務本署是層級最高,規模最大的。筆者發現1913年的改制是蕃務本署權限的一個關鍵。因為在改制前的分工體制是蕃務本署主管蕃人,警察本署主管本島人。但是改制之後調整為蕃務本署主管線外蕃,警察本署主管線內蕃。這時候就確立了警察本署主管理蕃政策的模式。之後比較蕃地警政和平地警政。筆者發現平地警察雖然没有主管教育和授產,但是他們是以支援的名義介入,也可以說和理蕃政策有共同點。警察做很多不屬於治安事務的行政工作,這是日本時代台灣警察制度的特色。 第二章探討理蕃警察的組織與制度。首先比較蕃地與平地的警察掌管人數的比率。我發現平地警察掌管的人數將近是蕃地警察的二十倍,因此蕃地警政的財政負擔很大。為了解決財政的問題,蕃地在巡查下面設置警手,他們的薪資比巡查少很多,但工作內容卻與巡查差不多,如此彌補蕃地財政上的負擔。警察之不同階級之間在待遇上有差異,高階層和低階層之間的差異很明顯。警部補以上很少有台灣人,高階層大多是內地人。然而同樣位階的本島人、蕃人和內地人之間的差異並不大。一般而言,內地人警察所領的蕃地津貼很高,但是跟其他主要津貼比起來並不高。接下來探討警察人員的組成。從警察的本籍來看,台灣佔最多。其次是九州。特別是鹿兒島縣。因為九州離台灣最近,日本警察制度創始期很多鹿兒島縣的人當警察,另外在經濟上鹿兒島縣最窮困。從理蕃警察的背景分析我發現小學畢業者。農民,以及鹿兒島縣的人佔最多。從以上的背景分析看來,可以知道日本政府的人事策略是,將內地的社會邊緣階層的人派到臺灣擔任基層官僚,讓被統治者來統治別人。 第三章探討理蕃警察的任務。第三章是說明理蕃警察的任務。首先探討理蕃警察的治安政策。筆者透過被蕃人殺害的警察官員與人民的人數比較,有以下幾點的發現:(1)人民死亡人數從1901年後減少,原因是總督府設立警察本署,指揮地方廳,警察開始主管蕃地的治安;(2)警察死亡人數從1904年開始發生,原因是1903年起警察本署主管理蕃政策,警察成為蕃人攻擊的對象;(3)1912年警察死亡人數最多,原因是五年計畫理蕃事業;(4)1913年警察死亡人數減少,原因是蕃務本署擬軍務機關化;(5)1915年以後警察死亡人數減少,原因是蕃人槍械被沒收。之後探討理蕃警察的經濟政策。蕃人土地政策方面,為了方便管理蕃人,理蕃警察推動集團移住,規劃蕃人保留地,使蕃人定地農耕化。在授產政策上,把蕃人納入市場經濟。之後探討對蕃人的教化政策,教化的目標是蕃人日本化,所有的教化工作都是由理蕃警察來執行。 第四章探討透過理蕃警察與頭目等在蕃社中權力者(power-holder)之間的關係探討理蕃警察在蕃社的地位。關於理蕃警察與頭目的關係,筆者從對立,互惠,與通婚的三個面向來分析。一般認為總督府推動理蕃警察與頭目家族的策略性婚姻,其實這個政策只到1930年為止,因為霧社事件的影響,這個政策改變了,總督府禁止內地人警察與蕃人通婚,警察眷屬來到蕃地,協助理蕃的教化工作。關於理蕃警察與蕃人公會的關係,在蕃人公會中有讚成與反對的兩種立場。 第五章探討理蕃警察的政治關係。首先探討理蕃警察和殖產系統、文教系統、軍隊系統等台灣總督府其他系統之間的競合關係。接著探討內地政治對理蕃政策的影響:(1)掌控陸軍的長州閥在中央政局佔優勢,大部分前期武官總督都是長州閥陸軍的;(2)中央內閣「桂園時代」政局穩定,佐久間左馬太可以長期擔任總督;(3)大隈重信不支持「五年計畫理蕃事業」繼續執行;(4)第一個政黨內閣原敬任命的第一個文官總督田健治郎,改革台灣的地方制度,實施郡制,廢止以警察為行政核心的體制;(5)濱口雄幸內閣面臨危機時,剛好發生霧社事件,石塚英藏他負責任下台,造成他所推動的郡警分離政策並未實現。 本論文發現以下五點。(一)由警察負責執行理蕃政策的原因是:(1)理蕃機構的改制,1913年確立由警察本署主管理蕃政策;(2)由於蕃人出草影響治安,所以由警察執行理蕃政策;(3)理蕃政策與平地警政有共同點;(4)霧社事件中斷了「郡警分離」(去理蕃政策)的聲浪,警察得以繼續執行理蕃政策。(二)影響理蕃政策決策的因素是:(1)治安因素;(2)霧社事件的影響;(3)內地政治的影響。(三)理蕃警察的人事上的特色是:(1)內地人警察出身屬於社會的邊緣階層;(2)民族之間的差別待遇以階級制度化,警部級只有內地人才能擔任;(3)警手減輕蕃地財政負擔,巡查換成警手:理蕃警察廉價勞工化。(四)理蕃警察造成的蕃社政治關係的變化:(1)理蕃警察和傳統領袖(頭目)並存。(2)理蕃警察成立蕃人公會,操縱蕃社的政治。(五)從新制度主義来看,存在監督與制衡理蕃警察之五個面向:(1)內閣和國會,他們是最有權力的監督者。内地的政黨政治變動,會左右臺灣的理蕃政策;(2) 警察內部的監察制度,它一直重複設廢,內部自我掩護,監督的效果就有疑問;(3)學者、他們不願配合警察所需要的研究,採取消極抵抗的態度;(4)媒體和本島人運動、對總督府或警察批判最嚴厲。他們對警察沒有強制力,制衡效果有限;(5)總督府下的殖產系統、文教系統、軍隊等,都是警察系統的競爭者。 本文貢獻是:(1)首次從學術綜合探討日本時代的理蕃警察;(2)使用新制度主義理論,關注在理蕃警察歸屬的非正式(informal)的政治關係,將理蕃警察與其周圍的總督府其他機關之間的關係、以及內地中央政局的影響納入到分析範圍,克服正式(formal)制度分析的限制,能夠發現過去未探討的對理蕃政策有影響的因素。

國民守法與選手紀律─日治時期同化教育中的臺灣學生棒球 / Citizens Obey Law and Athletes Subject to Discipline: Taiwan High School Baseball in Japanese Colonial Assimilated Education

黃郁婷, Huang, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
「國民守法」對統治者而言,是政權安定的必備的要件。回顧日治時期的臺灣,日本以同化為統治方針,希望能將臺灣人同化為日本人,因此從語言教育著手,貫徹統治目的。《教育敕語》是明治維新以後,日本道德教育的最高指導原則,德目之一的「常重國憲而遵國法」,強調守法的意義及重要性,也是日本人規劃教育制度及課程時不可或缺的一大要點。 棒球被稱為我國的國球,這項在日治時期傳入的運動,在臺灣發展的過程中,深受日本東京第一高校棒球隊的武士道棒球精神影響,除了技術的精進,更強調心智的鍛鍊與養成。從歷史紀錄觀察,可以發現在訓練及比賽過程中,極度強調選手服從紀律,不管是在球場比賽時、訓練過程中或是日常生活。 同化的成效展現在學生棒球中,便是將要求國民守法的意識,建立在選手服從紀律上,統治者透過體育運動的訓練及教學,培養一個願意服從球隊紀律的選手,藉以塑造理想中的守法國民。

Neurasthénie sous influence? : l'appropriation d'une maladie «moderne» par les classes moyennes du Viêt Nam colonial (1925-1945)

Blanchette, Gisèle 08 1900 (has links)
Au tournant du XXe siècle, la neurasthénie – ou épuisement nerveux – est devenue une maladie populaire en Occident et jusqu’au Japon en raison de son association avec la modernité. De nombreux rapprochements ont été faits entre ce diagnostic introduit en 1869 aux États-Unis et certaines maladies contemporaines comme la dépression, le syndrome de fatigue chronique, l’épuisement professionnel et toute la panoplie des maladies causées par le stress. Les transformations socioculturelles qu’a connues le Viêt Nam sous colonisation, principalement au cours des décennies 1920 et 1930, ont été propices à la dissémination du langage des nerfs et à l’appropriation du diagnostic de neurasthénie. Ce mémoire de maîtrise en histoire se penche sur les transformations sociales survenues sous le gouvernement colonial français, dont l’urbanisation et l’instruction publique, au milieu desquelles ont émergé les nouvelles classes moyennes urbaines qui ont adopté le diagnostic de neurasthénie. À partir de la presse vietnamienne de la période, ce travail met l’accent sur l’appropriation, les causes et les traitements de la maladie. Utilisant une approche comparant la neurasthénie en Occident, au Japon et en Chine, pour ensuite présenter son entrée au Viêt Nam, il montre que la domination et donc la subalternité ont compliqué l’accès des colonisés au diagnostic de la maladie moderne neurasthénie, de même qu’à la modernité. Il fournit toutefois un éclairage sur les débuts de l’histoire du diagnostic, encore utilisé de nos jours au Viêt Nam, d’une maladie appelée « la maladie de l’époque ». / At the turn of the 20th century, the diagnostic term neurasthenia – or nervous exhaustion coined by American neurologist George Miller Beard in 1869 – was associated with modern civilization. Hence, the term rapidly spread to most Western countries and as far as Japan. Our contemporary language of stress, burn-out, depression and chronic fatigue syndrome has a history that goes back to the birth of the term neurasthenia. As Vietnam underwent deep sociocultural transformations during the French colonial era, especially during the 1920s and 1930s, life conditions became increasingly conducive to the dissemination of the language of nerves and to the appropriation of the term neurasthenia by middle class Vietnamese. This Master’s thesis on the early history of neurasthenia in Vietnam looks into the social transformations effected by the French colonial government, mainly urbanization and public education, which lead to the emergence of a new vietnamese urban middle class. Based on the vietnamese press of the period, it analyzes the appropriation of the diagnostic term neurasthenia by the Vietnamese, the causes to which they attributed neurasthenia, as well as the main treatments proposed by Vietnamese doctors. After comparing how neurasthenia was appropriated in a few Western countries, as well as in Japan and China, and then showing its appropriation in Vietnam, it shows that colonized status meant a somehow limited access to the “modern” disease neurasthenia, somehow similar to the access to “modernity”, due to political domination. The thesis then sheds light on the early history of a diagnosis still used nowadays in Vietnam, of a disease still called there “the disease of our time”.

Materiais usados como pigmento no período colonial brasileiro / Materials used as pigment in the Brazilian colonial period

Cianciarulo, Adriana Quilici Barreto 10 December 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:16:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Adriana Quilici Barreto Cianciarulo.pdf: 1562918 bytes, checksum: 9aff2869a45eef833b4809bfdc83be16 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-10 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Based on the history of science, this research aimed to discover the materials used as pigment and the specificities of colonial Brazilian artistic production through literature related to decorative arts of the period. To achieve some of those materials we‟ve referred the treatises on painting of the italians Cennino Cennini‟s Trattato della Pittura (c. 1398) and Giorgio Vasari‟s Le Vite de più eccelenti architetti, pittori, et scultori italiani, da Cimabue, insino a tempi nostril (1550); of the portugueses Filipe Nunes‟s Arte da Pintura, Symetria e Perspectiva (1615); as well as the dictionary of terms of Rafael Bluteau‟s Vocabulario Portuguez e Latino (1712) and the text Segredos necessarios para os officios, artes e manufacturas, e para muitos objectos sobre a economia domestica (1794). We also observed artistic knowledge present in some of the books published by the Casa Literária do Arco do Cego and partner publishers (1799 to 1801). Several elements to the composition of this research came from contemporary studies in the areas of architecture and conservation restoration related to Jesuit constructions of art and colonial painting and scientific analyses of these materials / Com base na História da Ciência, esta pesquisa buscou conhecer os materiais usados como pigmento e as especificidades da produção artística colonial brasileira a partir da literatura referente às artes decorativas do período. Para conhecer um pouco sobre esses materiais, percorremos os tratados de pintura dos italianos Cenino Cennini, Trattato della pittura (c.1398), e Giorgio Vasari, Vida dos artistas (1550); dos portugueses Felipe Nunes, Arte da pintura, symetria e perspectiva (1615); assim como o dicionário de termos de Rafael Bluteau, Vocabulario portuguez e latino... (1712), e o texto Segredos necessarios para os officios, artes e manufacturas, e para muitos objetos sobre a economia doméstica (1794). Recorremos também aos conhecimentos artísticos presentes em alguns dos livros publicados pela Casa Literária do Arco do Cego e por editoras parceiras (1799 a 1801). Diversos elementos para a composição desta pesquisa vieram ainda dos estudos contemporâneos das áreas de arquitetura e conservação e restauração relacionados às construções jesuíticas, à arte e à pintura colonial e às análises científicas desses materiais

跨越邊界的流動與認同:日治時期「內台共婚」研究 / The study of interracial marriages between Taiwanese and Japanese during the Japanese colonial period.

楊裴文, Yang, Pei Wen Unknown Date (has links)
日治時期台灣人與日本人的通婚並非如同今日的國際婚姻關係,而是日本帝國國民之間的異民族通婚行為,是謂「內台共婚」。比起一般婚姻,「內台共婚」可說是一跨越多重「邊界」的結合。 所謂的「邊界」,除了意指地理空間中的境界,同樣也包括社會學意義上的文化、價值觀等方面的差異與隔閡;並且由於當時日本人與台灣人之間制度性地存在「支配者─被支配者」的殖民統治位階關係,使得矗立於「大日本帝國」與「殖民地台灣」之間的「邊界」更形巨大而難以跨越。然而,內台共婚者卻以個人之力跨越厚重的界限,並且將「邊界」兩端的差異、矛盾與衝突濃縮於一個家庭的日常生活之中。 本研究試圖回答以下三個問題:(一)、跨界流動如何可能?綜觀日治時期,乃是一內地與殖民地間「距離」縮短的過程。所謂「距離」,不僅意指地理空間上的差距,更包括內台人在「社會距離」與「心理距離」上的接近程度。藉由觀察各種「距離」變化的過程,探究使得跨界流動的日台人通婚由「不可能」至「可能」的社會背景因素。(二)、是「誰」跨界通婚?由共婚者個人背景之分析,進一步探討存在於「內台共婚」的特殊階級性格。此外,影響共婚者決定結婚的關鍵性因素也是一個有趣的議題,其中包括愛國情操、利益追求,以及嚮往愛情這三種理由。(三)、跨界之後:共婚生活之分析。共婚家庭不僅必須面對來自外部的障礙,例如體制上的不友善以及社會輿論壓力等,也必須克服許多經營家庭生活的艱難課題。此外,跨界的流動也為共婚者本身及其混血兒子女的自我認同與定位帶來許多衝擊。 「內台共婚」者跨越多重的社會位置,其認同也依照不同的社會時空、生活處境而有所轉變,本研究基於史料耙梳、文獻蒐集與經驗訪談等資料,試圖理解共婚者跨越邊界而結合的流動與其複雜的認同軌跡。 / During the Japanese colonial period, the marriage between Taiwanese and Japanese was called "Nai-Tai marriage." The "Nai-Tai marriage" could be seen as an integration that crossed the boundaries between Taiwan and Japan. This study attempts to answer the following three questions: (1) Was the "Nai-Tai marriage" possible? The "distance" meant that not only the the distance from Taiwan to Japan, but also including the "social distance" and "psychological distance" between Taiwanese and Japanese. By observing the ways of "distance" changed, this research try to explore the social background factors of the "Nai-Tai marriage". (2) "Who" did it? This research analyzed the personal backgrounds and the social class of the "Nai-Tai marriage." In addition, the key reason of people decided to "Nai-Tai marriage" is also an interesting question. (3) How about their family life? The families of the "Nai-Tai marriage" had to overcome a variety of problems. In addition, for the "Nai-Tai marriage" people and their mixed-blood children, the mobility of cross-boundary also brought many shocks to their self-identity, and made them feel unsure of themselves in social situations. The "Nai-Tai marriage" people crossed multiple social positions, their identity also changed with their different social space, living conditions and social class. This study explained the "Nai-Tai marriage" people how to live their lives, and how their complex identity had changed.

Evidence of wonders: writing American identity in the early modern transatlantic world

Sievers, Julie Ann 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

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