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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O super-herói e as presenças do outro

Conter, Rafael January 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata das relações entre história em quadrinhos e alteridade a partir da leitura da imagem do super-herói. O corpus empírico é constituído e povoado pelos personagens de Os Vingadores de Marvel Now, em um conjunto delimitado de relações e publicações. Tais relações levantam questões sobre a alteridade, na forma de imagens de estereótipo e privilégio que se desdobram em presenças e ausências do eu e do outro. Com base nos personagens escolhidos, realizo um cruzamento entre os conceitos de Scott McCloud, Umberto Eco e Moacy Cirne e estabeleço teorias relativas à linguagem dos quadrinhos. Além disso, apoiado pelos escritos de Gilbert Durand, Jean-Jacques Wunenburger e Ana Taís Martins Portanova Barros, monto esferas de relação entre os diversos campos do Imaginário e os aproximo da imagem do super-herói, formando um olhar capaz de apreendê-la e complexificá-la. Em meio a tais esferas de relação, é especialmente relevante a teoria durandiana de trajeto de sentido, que reposiciona e movimenta o conceito de imagem. Também resgato, nos estudos sobre alteridade de Ella Shohat, Robert Stam e Tzvetan Todorov, ideias relativas à imagem do eu e do outro, em uma busca pelo que constitui suas respectivas presenças e ausências. A premissa é a de que o super-herói das histórias em quadrinhos, em sua multiplicidade de vozes, torna-se rico em imagens de representação, de colaboração e de conflito entre o eu e o outro. A partir disso, realizam-se leituras e buscam-se conceitos para tornar visíveis e dar nome a tais imagens. / This research establishes connections with the comic book media and the concept of otherness from the standpoint of superhero comic book runs, which is shaped and populated by a limited set of characters and publications from The Avengers of Marvel Now. Such connections bring forth issues of privilege and stereotype, which are built and unfolded into images of presence and absence under the I and the Other. Based on the selected set of characters, there follows a cross-examining of the theories in Scott McCloud, Umberto Eco and Moacy Cirne, to establish the concepts concerning the comic book media language. Moreover, supported by the writings of Gilbert Durand, Jean-Jacques Wunenburger and Ana Taís Martins Portanova Barros, spheres of influence and cooperation are set between the fields of the Imaginary studies and those of the superhero’s image, shaping a view with the tools to capture and widen it. Among these spheres, the theories relating to Durand’s symbolic anthropology are highlighted to put into place new motions to the concept of image. Also key components to the ideas and notions of the I and the Other are the studies of Ella Shohat, Robert Stam and Tzvetan Todorov, which help on the quest for what constitutes their respective presences and absences. The major premise relies on the superhero’s multiplicity of voices, which makes it rich in images of representation, collaboration and conflict over the I and the Other. From it, readings and notions are made and worked with to show and assign a name to such images.

O conhecimento do outro por meio da imagem e da tradução / The knowledge of the other through image and translation

Sabrina Moura Aragão 04 May 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisa a formação de identidades culturais a partir da tradução das histórias em quadrinhos. Investigamos como se dá o processo de conhecimento do outro, ou seja, do estrangeiro, no original e na tradução, a partir da relação entre a imagem e o texto presentes na série de quadrinhos francesa Le photographe. A obra, que mescla texto, desenhos e fotografias, foi composta por três autores, a saber: Emmanuel Guibert, quadrinista responsável pelos desenhos, Didier Lefèvre, fotojornalista autor das fotografias, e Frédéric Lemercier, editor encarregado da diagramação das páginas. Dividida em três volumes, a série resulta do trabalho desenvolvido por Lefèvre junto à organização Médicos Sem Fronteiras, que o contratara para cobrir uma missão da instituição no Afeganistão em 1987, durante a guerra desse país contra a U.R.S.S. Publicados na França entre 2003 e 2006 e no Brasil de 2006 a 2010, respectivamente, Le photographe e O fotógrafo constituem um rico material para análise graças à simultaneidade de discursos: o documental e o quadrinístico, tendo em vista a representação da cultura do outro, isto é, do povo afegão, em dois contextos socioculturais distintos: o francês, no original, e o brasileiro, na tradução. Apresentamos algumas características acerca da composição da obra, em que o uso das fotografias em conjunção com os desenhos revela o desenvolvimento de um estilo inovador no contexto da linguagem dos quadrinhos. Isso fica evidente quando analisamos os trabalhos de teóricos que já investigaram a constituição da narrativa quadrinística, como os de Eco ([1965]2008) e McCloud (2005), trabalhos nos quais se destaca a questão da relação de continuidade entre os quadros e as páginas. Nosso trabalho, contudo, expande essas reflexões e propõe uma nova perspectiva de análise da enunciação das histórias em quadrinhos, pois observamos a constituição de uma unidade entre os signos no nível da leitura, que chamamos de unidade plurissemiótica, elemento que influencia o processo de tradução dessa forma de linguagem. Como a representação da cultura do outro se configura a partir da relação de complementaridade entre fotografia, desenho e texto, a análise da tradução dessa obra põe em relevo questões como a alteridade, a identidade, o contraste e a semelhança entre as três culturas envolvidas na criação e leitura da obra: a francesa, a afegã e a brasileira. Nesse sentido, exploramos as contribuições de diversos estudiosos que se dedicaram à investigação da representação cultural na tradução, dentre eles Venuti (1998) e Aubert (2006), para chegarmos à concepção das noções de marcador cultural verbal, icônico e verbo-icônico, tendo em vista a especificidade do processo de tradução dos quadrinhos. As análises realizadas partem da relação de complementaridade entre os códigos verbal e imagético e de como essa relação entre os signos constrói um conhecimento sobre o outro no original, que se transforma na tradução; dessa forma, o desenvolvimento de conceitos específicos relacionados a esse tipo específico de tradução, como a unidade plurissemiótica e os marcadores culturais verbais, icônicos e verboicônicos, coloca em relevo a sua singularidade. / This work analyzes the formation of cultural identities in the translation of comic books. We investigate how the process of knowledge of the other, that is, the foreigner, in the original and in the translation, is created from the relationship between image and text present in the French comic book Le photographe. This graphic novel, which combines text, drawings and photographs, was composed by three authors: Emmanuel Guibert, cartoonist, Didier Lefèvre, photojournalist, and Frédéric Lemercier, editor in charge of the pages layout. Divided into three volumes, the series is a result of the work developed by Lefèvre with the organization Médecins Sans Frontières, that had hired him to cover a mission of the institution in Afghanistan in 1987, during that country\'s war against U.R.S.S. First published in France between 2003 and 2006 and in Brazil from 2006 to 2010 respectively, Le photographe and O fotógrafo constitute a rich material for analysis thanks to the simultaneity of discourses: the documentary and the comics, in view of the representation of the culture of the other, that is, of the Afghan people, in two distinct sociocultural contexts: the French, in the original, and the Brazilian, in the translation. We present some characteristics about the composition of the work, in which the use of photographs in conjunction with drawings reveals the development of an innovative style in the context of comics language. This is evident when we analyze the contributions of theorists who have already investigated the constitution of the comic book narrative, such as those of Eco ([1965] 2008) and McCloud (2005), in which the question of continuity between panels and pages is emphasized. Our work, however, expands these reflections and proposes a new perspective of analysis of comic books enunciation, since we observe the constitution of a unity between the signs at the reading level, which we call plurissemiotic unity, element that influences the translation process this media. Since the representation of the culture of the other is based on the complementary relationship between photography, drawing and text, the analysis of Le photographe translation highlights issues such as alterity, identity, contrast and similarity between the three cultures involved in creation and reading of the graphic novel: the French, the Afghan and the Brazilian. In this sense, we explore the contributions of several scholars dedicated to the research of cultural representation in translation, among them Venuti (1998) and Aubert (2006), to develop the notions of verbal, iconic and verbal-iconic cultural markers, in view of the specificity of comic books translation process. The cases analysed are based on the relationship between the verbal and imagetic codes and on how this relationship between these signs constructs a knowledge about the other in the original, which is transformed in the translation; in this way, the development of specific concepts related to this specific type of translation, such as the plurissemiotic unity and the verbal, iconic and verbal-iconic cultural markers, highlights its uniqueness.

The Rise of Geek Chic: An Analysis of Nerd Identity in a Post-Cult Market

Reynolds, Renee H., Reynolds, Renee H. January 2017 (has links)
This project is an analytical history of the discourse of media panics that have affected comics-like forms in the mid- to late-1800s, comic books in the mid-1900s, and comics media in 1990s and the contemporary moment. The study of these media panics shapes a theory of nerd culture in general and comics culture specifically in order to better understand the delicate and foundational dialectic that sustains a consumer identity that is paradoxical in its indulgence in and animosity towards popular culture. With its historical formation in mind, this project explores the formation of geek chic as a consumer identity that, in many ways, troubles and even threatens the status quo of nerd culture.

An Investigation of the Portrayal of Mental Health Issues in Comics Books from 1939 to the Present

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: Since 1939, Batman has been a staple character of the comic book industry. He has been used throughout the last 80 years as a conduit through which to portray mental health content. This thesis analyzes how mental health content has changed in Batman comic books from 1939 to today. Based on existing research, I identified that mental health content has been present in Batman comic books for as long as they have existed. According to my research results, content can be traced back to the Golden Age of comic books (1939-1956), with a decrease in content in the Silver Age of comic books (1956-1970) due to the emergence of the Comics Code Authority. In the Bronze Age of comic books (1970-1986), mental health content reached its peak. In the Modern Age of comic books (1986-Present), content once again dropped, but not as low as in the Golden and Silver Ages. Identifying how mental health representation has changed since 1939 can help researchers to better understand how comic books can be used to communicate with readers. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Technical Communication 2020

La historieta y la identidad Nacional en Jóvenes de Secundaria del distrito de Puente Piedra / The comic book and national identity in junior high school students in Puente Piedra district

Ordoñez Manco, Gabriel Ignacio 02 July 2019 (has links)
​El presente artículo de investigación busca reconocer la problemática actual de la falta de identidad nacional en jóvenes de educación secundaria de zonas específicas de Lima a causa de la falta de una apropiada educación en los centros educativos, así como la falta de integración social en la escuela. El objetivo de la investigación realizada consiste en contribuir a la formación de la identidad nacional en los jóvenes mediante el uso del diseño gráfico, por medio de la historia del Perú y la historieta. Brindando una alternativa que capte la atención e interese a los alumnos. Se ha optado por la metodología de investigación experimental, ya que se realizará un estudio con variables experimentales en un entorno fijo. El nivel de investigación es el experimental y el enfoque elegido es el mixto pues se realizarán métodos cuantitativos como cualitativos. De esta Manera se plantea como posible solución el uso de la historieta como un medio generador y proveedor de identidad nacional en las escuelas secundarias. Una solución que se plantea en base a los resultados que se han obtenido durante la investigación del problema y sus orígenes. En Conclusión, la respuesta de los jóvenes a la propuesta fue positiva y los resultados de los test realizados resultó en un 60% de acierto por lo que se puede validar la hipótesis planteada. / The present research article seeks to recognize the current problem of the lack of national identity in young people in the education of the specific areas of Lima, cause of the lack of an adequate education in the educational centers, as well as the lack of social integration in the school. The objective of the research is to contribute to the formation of national identity in young people through the use of graphic design, through the history of Peru and the comic strip. Providing an alternative that captures the attention and interests of students. The chosen methodology has been the experimental research, a study has been developed with experimental variables in a fixed environment. The level of research is experimental, and the chosen approach is mixing to perform quantitative and qualitative methods. In this way, the possible use of the comic strip as a generator and provider of national identity in high schools is presented as a possible solution. A solution that is based on the results obtained during the investigation of the problem and its origins. As Conclusion, the response of the young people to the proposal was positive and the results of the tests were 60% correct, so the hypothesis could be validated.​ / Trabajo de investigación

Superfriends for Life: An Analysis of the Relantionship Between the DC Comics "Trinity" in the "New 52" Justice League

Welty, Justin 01 January 2017 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is to look at Geoff John's Justice League in the "New 52" universe. More specifically, the research concentrates on the relationship of the members of DC Comics "Trinity," Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. The three heroes have a special relationship that spans over 75 years, and now, with the "New 52," there is an opportunity to examine the relationship from its beginning to its end in the modern era of comic book history. The scope of this project will span eight graphic novels and five years of storytelling. To properly evaluate the relationship of "The Trinity" this thesis will look at research on friendship, interpersonal relationships, and management styles, all through the lens of a thorough character study on each hero. In the end, "The Trinity" will grow from uneasy allies to friends to family. They will solidify their relationship through fighting for their lives, making mistakes together, and ultimately saying goodbye to each other. This thesis will find their relationship is unique amongst comic book characters and should be considered the archetype for all the superhero teams that would come after their creation. Moving forward, to build upon this research one should take the analysis approach followed in this thesis and apply it to either the "Rebirth" version of the Justice League or the 2017 Justice League film which also will feature a version of "The Trinity"

Designing and evaluating an after-school social cognitive theory based comic book intervention for the prevention of childhood obesity among elementary aged school children

Branscum, Paul W. 26 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Pop Goes The Story: A Collection

Dallacheisa, Tony G. 29 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Up in the Sky: Literary Typology and "All-Star Superman"

Miller, Thomas E. 10 1900 (has links)
<p>Using the discussion of Biblical typology from Northrop Frye’s <em>The Great Code</em> as a starting point, this paper proposes a typological lineage of fiction growing from the foundational <em>kerygmatic</em> stories of Western culture. After briefly proposing canonical texts that would fit into this lineage, there is an analysis of the graphic novel <em>All-Star Superman</em> which demonstrates this contemporary text’s place in the typological line and its status as a prime example of the sorts of texts that would fit this lineage. Specific characteristics of the graphic novel and of superhero fiction are discussed that demonstrate <em>All-Star Superman</em>’s place in the typological line, and this placement also argues for the consideration of superhero narratives as worthy parts of the American literary canon. The final chapter discusses some of the ramifications arising from the analysis of both the form and the text, pointing to ways in which critical frameworks for both the typological lineage and the critical elucidation of the graphic novel format can move forward.</p> / Master of Arts (MA)

Comics fandom in Hong Kong: a study of internet newsgroups

Ng, Wing-yee., 吳穎兒. January 2003 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Sociology / Master / Master of Philosophy

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