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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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甲骨卜辭與《周易》經傳吉凶觀念思想研究 / Auspicious Concepts of Oracle Bone Inscriptions and “Chou Yi” Classics and Commentaries

陳芝豪 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討《周易》經傳吉凶觀念,不欲陷入「經傳分觀」與「以傳解經」的爭執中,所以對於《易經》與《易傳》的吉凶觀念討論,採取調和方式,也就是運用「經傳分觀」者的優點,回歸《易經》與《易傳》於各處之時代來加以討論各自的吉凶觀念;運用「以傳解經」者的優點,看《易傳》對《易經》的吉凶觀念,是如何的詮釋。並且嘗試整理存在卜辭中「吉凶觀念」的形成初期,到存在於《周易》經、傳中的「吉凶思想」,由此,一方面得以梳理《周易》經、傳間吉凶觀念承續與再現的問題,一方面得以此為基礎,論析《周易》經、傳思想與思想史間的互動關係,就吉凶思想,追尋其形成、轉化的軌跡,或許更能瞭解《周易》所蘊藏的價值內涵,及《周易》思想與其他思想間的授受關係。 職此,筆者之研究,第一章為緒論,即討論《甲骨卜辭與周易經傳吉凶觀念思想研究》之研究動機與目的,接著討論其研究範圍,之中包含時間與材料兩種範圍的討論,繼而回顧前人對於《周易》中,有關「吉凶」觀念方面研究成果,從中得出當前研究概況,最後提出本文的研究方法與研究進路。 第二章首先對《周易》經、傳形成背景中,可能的思想資源作一探溯,透過殷墟甲骨卜辭中的探問,觀察先民對於吉凶觀念有何種認知、運用與作為,及如何從對卜辭中吉凶的解讀,以達趨吉避凶之道。 第三章探討由甲骨卜辭進入到《易經》中,《易經》吉凶觀念的內容為何?又《易經》對甲骨卜辭中的吉凶觀念繼承與發展了哪些?而從卜辭到《易經》卦爻辭這一時期,恰好歷經商末到西周初的歷史大轉變,其中「思想文化的變化」是殷周之際最顯著的變動。因此,當《易經》卦爻辭,經歷殷周之際的思想文化轉變後,對《易經》卦爻辭中的吉凶觀念和天人關係,起了何種影響?《易經》作者們回應時代潮流,表現於卦爻辭中,其吉凶內容與思想與先前的卜辭,有何不同?此皆是本章所要說明的論點。 第四章探討《易傳》對《易經》吉凶觀念的繼承與發展。我們可從《彖傳》與《象傳》對卦義、卦爻辭的解釋看,《周易》已不只是占筮吉凶用的典籍,而且成了依據天道變化,處理生活得失,治理天下國家和進行道德修養的指南。《易傳》對《易經》的吉凶觀念,有往哲理化發展傾向。而這一發展與春秋戰國時期思想文化變動有關。所以,筆者本章首先探討軸心期思想文化有何突破?而此突破對《易傳》的作者們,起了何種影響?而《易傳》作者們回應時代課題下,其吉凶觀念與天人關係為何?而對《易經》的吉凶觀念與天人關係,有什麼繼承與發展之處?《易傳》的人文化發展如何?此皆是本章的討論重點。 第五章為結論。討論本文研究發現與心得、未盡待研究之處。 / The purpose of this paper is to investigate the auspicious concept of “Chou Yi” classics and commentaries; without involving the arguments of “division of scriptures and commentaries” and “scriptures explained by commentaries”, this paper uses a compromised approach to discuss the auspicious concepts “Yi Scriptures” and “Yi Commentaries”. That is to apply the advantages of “division of scriptures and commentaries” to discuss the auspicious concepts, respectively, in the era when “Yi Scriptures” and “Yi Commentaries” originated and apply the advantages of “scriptures explained by commentaries” to observe the auspicious concepts of “Yi Scriptures” interpreted from the standpoint of “Yi Commentaries”. It intends to collect and organize the initial stage of “auspicious concept” contained in inscriptions and the “auspicious thinking” existed in scriptures and commentaries in “Chou Yi”. Thus, this study examines the inherent and recovery issue of auspicious concepts between scriptures and commentaries of “Chou Yi” in order to discuss and analyze the interaction among the thinking and thinking history of “Chou Yi” scriptures and commentaries. In terms of auspicious thinking, this paper intends to explore the course of its formation and transformation so that people may have more understanding of the content of “Chou Yi” and the reciprocal relationship between “Chou Yi” thinking and the other thinking. Based upon the above objectives, the first chapter of this paper is an introduction to discuss the research motive and goals of “Auspicious Concepts of Oracle Bone Inscriptions and ‘Chou Yi’ Confucian Classics and Commentaries” and the research scope, including time and materials. Next, previous research results of “auspicious” concepts in “Chou Yi” are explored to understand the current findings; finally, research method and prospect are presented in the article. In Chapter 2, the background of “Chou Yi” scriptures and commentaries is studied to investigate the possible foundation of thinking; by exploring oracle bone inscriptions from Shang Dynasty, cognition, application and actions concerning ancient people’s auspicious concepts are observed and how they interpret the indication of oracle bones for pursuing auspicious indication and avoiding bad lucks. Chapter 3 investigates the auspicious concepts in “Yi Scriptures” contained in the oracle bone inscriptions. It also examines the inherent auspicious concept and its development from oracle bone inscriptions in “Yi Scriptures”. During the time between inscription to “Yi Scriptures” divination when a historical transition occurred in the end of Shang Dynasty and early West Chou Dynasty, “changes of thinking culture” is the most significant transformation during the era of Shang and Chou. Hence, after the cultural transition in Shang and Chou Dynasties, what effect of “Yi Scriptures” divination due to the auspicious concepts and relationship of heaven and human contained in “Yi Scriptures” divination. In response to changes of time, what difference between the divination content presented by the authors of “Yi Scriptures” and the ancient inscription is the focal point stated in this chapter. Chapter 4 examines the heritage and development of auspicious concept in “Yi Scriptures” from “Yi Commentaries”. From the divination interpretation of “Tuan Commentaries” and “Image Commentaries”, “Chou Yi” is not only an ancient book of divination and also becomes a guideline to deal with life, govern a nation and the world, and to have moral trainings based upon changes of natural revolution. There is philosophical tendency in the development of auspicious concept of “Yi Scriptures” from “Yi Commentaries”. This development is relevant to the cultural and thinking changes during the era of Spring Autumn and Warring States. Hence, this chapter begins with the breakthrough of thinking culture during a core period and what effect of this breakthrough on the authors of “Yi Commentaries”. In response to the issue of times, what is the auspicious concepts and relationship of heaven and human from the authors of “Yi Commentaries”, what do they inherit from “Yi Scriptures” and what are their developments? How is the cultural development of “Yi Commentaries”? These are all the crucial discussions in this chapter. Chapter 5 is the conclusion to discuss research findings, lessons learned and follow-up efforts to be focused for the study.

Jesu mor – från Kana till korset : En hermeneutisk analys av bibelkommentarer till Johannesevangeliet / The Mother of Jesus – from Cana to the Cross : A Hermeneutical Analysis of Bible Commentaries on the Gospel of John

Hellgren, Samuel January 2018 (has links)
Denna uppsats söker besvara frågan ”Hur tolkas Jesu mor i nutida bibelkommentarer till Johannesevangeliet, utifrån de exegetiska forskningsfälten historicitet, litterärkritik och teologi?”. Syftet är att bidra till ett kritiskt och reflekterande samtal kring den exegetiska bibelkommentaren som genre, och i synnerhet bidra till en ökad förståelse av hur nutida exegetiska bibelkommentarer behandlar en teologiskt omstridd biblisk gestalt. Uppsatsen utgår från en teoretisk utgångspunkt som innebär att exegetik inte kan bedrivas opåverkad av exegetens egna föreställningar, varför skillnader mellan olika tolkningar är att förvänta. Uppsatsen har en kvalitativ, hermeneutisk metodansats. Det metodologiska tillvägagångssättet är att med hjälp av problemformuleringen och arbetsfrågorna analysera och diskutera hur Jesu moders historiska, litterära och teologiska roll i bibeltexterna Joh 2:1-11 och 19:25-27 tolkas i nio utvalda exegetiska kommentarer till Johannesevangeliet.I kapitel 1 introduceras teori, metod, avgränsningar, begrepp, angränsande forskning, material och disposition. I kapitel 2 presenteras de grekiska texterna till de aktuella perikoperna 2:1-11 och 19:25-27, som ett stöd för läsaren. I kapitel 3 analyseras de nio bibelkommentarerna i tur och ordning enligt arbetsfrågorna. I kapitel 4 sätts bibelkommentarernas respektive tolkningar i relation till varandra; och en diskussion kring likheter, skillnader och mönster förs. I samma kapitel presenteras en sammanfattande diskussion, uppsatsens slutsatser och förslag till framtida forskning.Uppsatsens slutsatser är (1) att Jesu mor som historisk gestalt är indirekt föremål för diskussion, genom en mer övergripande diskussion om Johannesevangeliet som ögonvittnesskildring eller ej, (2) att Jesu mor i allmänhet framstår som en rund, statisk (se 1.3 Teori och metod för en förklaring av dessa begrepp) karaktär i de analyserade kommentarerna, och (3) att Jesu mor av de flesta anses som en viktig teologisk gestalt, framförallt som en del i en uppfattad johanneisk teologi om en familj av troende som instiftas av Jesus; en ståndpunkt som dock väcker debatt och möter motstånd

Perspectives of Qur'ánic commentators with specific reference to Prophet Músá [P.B.U.H]

Cassim, Munira 30 November 2004 (has links)
Chapter One contains a lengthy discussion of tafsír, outlining its meaning, its need to the present study and the different forms in which it exists, whilst at the same time clarifying its obscurities and commending it as an indispensable science. Chapter Two offers a concise overview of five Qur'ánic commentators selected for this particular study. This assessment is based on the eras from which they emerged which has a definite bearing on their commentaries. Chapter Three is a résumé of my subject's biography adopted primarily from Qur'ánic sources. As a frequently mentioned prophet in the Qur'án the story of Músá [p.b.u.h] is drawn from various chapters highlighting substantial aspects of his life. Chapter Four concentrates on two frequently mentioned events in the life of prophet Músá [ p.b.u.h], namely, his call to prophethood and the proclamation to the pharaoh and his people. Chapter Five concludes this work by presenting an overview of the perspectives of the different commentators. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A.

`Knowing the Lord': moral theology in the book of Jeremiah

Soza, Joel R. 28 February 2005 (has links)
This thesis is a moral and theological interpretation of the book of Jeremiah (primarily chapters twenty-one through twenty-nine). The prime focus is on the Hebrew term  and associated vocabulary and terminology which enable an understanding of how the book of Jeremiah sets up knowledge of Yahweh as a primary concern. Such a concern reinforces the rhetorical and ethical nature of the textual witness and elevates the significant and profound challenge that is put forth. For instance, Jeremiah 22:16 is a prime example within the book where an understanding of  of Yahweh should be given adequate attention, although it has not in Old Testament scholarship, to arrive at the kind of moral and theological interpretation that is voiced in this ancient Israelite prophet. Knowledge of Yahweh in the text of Jeremiah is to be distinguished from a purely cognitive knowing that removes from the equation, in any way, living a certain kind of life with Yahweh - a life which is measured only by the highest of moral and religious standards. Indeed, there is a direct relationship between a certain kind of action/way of living and a genuine knowledge of Yahweh. Key texts explored in this thesis then, are those which bring the challenge of a true knowledge of Yahweh to the Judean king, priest, prophet, and people. An overall coherent vision of what it means to know Yahweh, the God of Israel, in the text of Jeremiah, is the aim of this thesis. / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / D.Th. (Old Testament)

Preek as kunsvorm / The sermon as an art form

Preller, Willem Petrus Lubbe 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die inhoud en vorm van 'n preek is 'n eenheid. Beide aspekte vorm deel van die teologiese teorie van die prediking. In hierdie studie word daar teoreties besin oor 'n bepaalde vorm van prediking. Dit behels 'n ondersoek na die literere vorm waarin die boodskap gestruktureer en verwoord word. Die Skrif bevat 'n verskeidenheid literere vorme wat deur Bybelskrywers aangewend is om die intensie van die teks effektief te kommunikeer. Elk van hierdie vorme besit 'n eiendomlike kommunikatiewe aard. Die ontwikkeling van die moderne literatuurwetenskap sedert die tagtigerjare van die twintigste eeu het stukrag verleen aan die insig dat die Bybel ook as 'n versameling godsdienstige literatuur bestudeer kan word. Dit het meegebring dat die intensie van die teks van die Bybel op 'n teologies verantwoordbare wyse, met inagneming van die historiese verbande, beter begryp kan word deur die gebruikmaking van insigte uit ander literatuur. As sodanig word erkende literere kunsvorme wat naas die logies-analitiese ook die emotiewe betrek, aanvaar. Die resultaat van hierdie ondersoek dui aan dat die preek as kunsvorm geevalueer en in die moderne preekteorie geregverdig kan word. Die proses van transformasie wat die moderne hermeneutiese benadering kenmerk; die veranderde beleweniswereld en verstaanshorison van die huidige hoorders asook die eiesoortige aard van Bybelse literatuur is vanuit 'n kommunikatiewe aanname in 'n kunsvorm binne die moderne homiletiese teorie haalbaar. Die teorie orienteer binne die kommunikatiewe handelingsteorie as meta-teorie wat ingestel is op dialogiese kommunikasie wat betekenisgewing deur waarnemerbetrokkenheid bevorder en 'n bepaalde denkwyse by die hoorders tot gevolg het. Die tradisionele vorm van prediking, gekenmerk deur absolute dominasie van die rede en intellektualisme uit die modernistiese tydvak, het teen die einde van die tweede millennium in ernstige diskrediet gekom. Die radikale verandering in die samelewing deur die moderniseringsproses met gepaardgaande paradigma verskuiwinge dwing die homiletiek om teoreties te herbesin. In hierdie studie word die preek as kunsvorm afgebaken tot die verhalende preekvorm, konseptueel ontwikkel en teoreties omskryf asook geplaas binne die moderne homiletiese teorie as komponent wat daarby pas. Die resultaat is verkry deur 'n vergelykende studie van gemeenskaplike wesenstrekke wat voorkom by erkende kunsvorme in die moderne kunsteorie; die verhalende kunsvorm in die moderne literere teorie met spesifieke verwysing na die Afrikaanse roman asook die verhalende preekvorm in die moderne homiletiese teorie. Deur hierdie vorm van prediking in die moderne preekteorie op te neem, kan 'n sinvolle bydrae gemaak word om die Christelike boodskap deur oortuiging sander enige vorm van dwang te kommunikeer. / In a sermon form and content are one. Both aspects form part of the theological theory of preaching. This theoretical survey investigates one of the various literary forms through which the biblical writers attempted to communicate the intention of the biblical text in the most effective way. Each of these forms possesses a distinctive communicative character. The development of modern literary theory since the eighties of the twentieth century was a propulsive force leading to the conviction that the Bible was also a collection of religious literature. This conviction implied that the intention of the biblical text could be more clearly understood in a theological justified manner within the historical context by using insights gained from other literature. Acknowledged literary art forms adhering to the emotive as well as the logic-analytical are embraced as such. In this study the sermon as an art form is limited to narrative preaching, developed as a concept; theoretically described and placed within the modern homiletical theory as a suitable component. Results are obtained by means of a comparative study of mutual features that are distinctive to acknowledged art forms in the modern theory of art; narrative art forms in modern literature theory specifically in the modern Afrikaans novel, as well as the narrative form of preaching in the modern homiletical theory. The modern homiletical theory is orientated within the communicative acts theory as meta-theory focusing on dialogical communication which promotes meaning through the involvement of the observer. The conclusions reached indicate that the sermon as an art form can be evaluated and justified within the modem homiletical theory. Taken up in this theory, it can prove significant in communicating the Christian message to the listeners in a convincing rather than compulsive manner. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Practical theology)

Le corpus pseudacroniane et l’interprétation d’Horace : Le commentaire au quatrième livre des Carmina / The pseudacronian corpus and the interpretation of Horace : The commentary on the fourth book of Carmina / Il corpus pseudacroniano e l'interpretazione di Orazio

Longobardi, Concetta 18 January 2012 (has links)
L’objectif principal de la thèse a été de fournir une révision de l'édition critique, avec une traduction et un commentaire des scholia du ps.Acron au quatrième livre des Carmina. Considérer le quatrième livre a répondu à l'exigence de déterminer une section 'indépendante' dans la production lyrique d'Horace.Le corpus pseudacronian se présente comme un ensemble de scholies à l'œuvre d'Horace pas reconductible à une individualité ou à un moment historique bien précis mais qui résulte comme la conséquence d'une stratification commencée au V siècle et qui a duré jusqu'au Moyen Age attribué de manière erronée à Elenius Acron, auteur du IIè siècle d.C.J'ai proposé des interventions critiques à l'édition de O. Keller publié pour la Teubneriana (Leipzig 1902).Dans la rédaction du commentaire, une grande importance a été conférée à l'évaluation des enquêtes littéraires dans le texte pseudacronian. L’étude comporte également une focalisation attentive sur les typologies de caractéristiques, très diffuses dans les commentaires anciens, grâce auxquels on peut déduire les compétences linguistiques, rhétoriques, littéraires, mythiques, historiennes.Le travail a été complété par un essai initial organisé en sections: la première partie concerne la réception du texte des auctores, et en particulier d'Horace, dans le contexte de l'école. Une seconde section concerne les caractéristiques du commentaire au quatrième livre des Carmina, illustratifs pour l'évaluation de la technique exégétique du ps.Acron. / The main objective of the thesis was that to provide a review of the critical edition, with a translation and a commentary of the scholia pseudacroniana on The Fourth Book of the Odes of Horace. In the vast field of the Horatian lyric, it's been considered un 'independent' section. The pseudacronian corpus looks like a jumble of Horace's scholia not due to an individuality or to a precise historic moment: they are the result of a stratification began in the fifth century and lasted until the Middle Ages, mistakenly attributed to Elenius Acron, author of the second century AD. Some critical interventions have been proposed to the edition of reference, that of O. Keller, published for the series Teubneriana (Pseudacronis Scholia in Horatium vetustiora, Leipzig 1902).During the draft of the commentary I've given great importance to the evaluation of the literary investigations proposed in the pseudacronian text. It's not even a careful focus on the types of notes, too, from which we deduce the linguistic, rhetorical, literary, mythical, historical competences. The work has been completed by an essay divided by sections: the first part concerning the receipt of the text of auctores, and in particular Horace, in the context of the school. The second section concerns the characteristics of the commentary on the fourth book of Odes, taken as an example for the evaluation of ps.Acron's exegetical technique.

Il commento di Benvenuto da Imola a Valerio Massimo. Edizione critica dell’Expositio

Dassi, Umberto 04 July 2023 (has links)
The dissertation presents an annotated critical edition of Benvento da Imola's Expositio to the first of Valerius Maximus' books, flanked by a service edition of the recollectae of Benvenuto's Bolognese course (Part II). The Introduction (Part I), in addition to explaining criteria and methods of the edition, brings order within the manuscript tradition of the Expositio and the recollecte; special attention is given to those manuscripts that seem to convey an "intermediate" redaction of the commentary, which the present work seeks to attribute to the Paduan Ludovico Buzzacarini. The long-held view that a commentary on Valerius Maximus by Giovanni Conversini exists, preserved in ms. Correr 855, is also refuted. The Observations (Part III) highlight the differences between the Expositio and the recollecte and the structural features of the commentary. Part IV updates the relationships between Benvenuto, on the one hand, and Petrarch and Boccaccio, on the other, in light of quotations and mentions of the two Corone made in the commentary on Valerius Maximus, which are more often implicit than explicit. Finally, we note the complete absence of quotations from Dante and the Commedia in the Expositio, significant of the author's desire to root his exegesis in classical antiquity. / La tesi presenta un'edizione critica commentata dell'Expositio di Benvento da Imola al primo di libro di Valerio Massimo, affiancata da un'edizione di servizio delle recollecte del corso bolognese di Benvenuto (Parte II). L'Introduzione (Parte I), oltre a spiegare criteri e metodi di edizione, mette ordine all'interno della tradizione manoscritta di Expositio e recollecte; una particolare attenzione è data a quei manoscritti che paiono trasmettere una redazione del commento “intermedia”, che il presente lavoro cerca di attribuire al padovano Ludovico Buzzacarini. Viene inoltre confutata l'opinione a lungo invalsa che esista, conservato nel ms. Correr 855, un commento a Valerio Massimo di Giovanni Conversini. Le Osservazioni (Parte III) mettono in rilievo le differenze tra l'Expositio e le recollecte e i caratteri strutturali del commento. La Parte IV aggiorna i rapporti tra Benvenuto, da una parte, e Petrarca e Boccaccio, dall'altra, alla luce di citazioni e menzioni delle due Corone fatte nel commento a Valerio Massimo, più spesso implicite che esplicite. Si rileva infine la completa assenza di citazioni di Dante e della Commedia nell'Expositio, significativo della volontà dell'autore di radicare l'esegesi nell'antichità classica.

Sharḥ Lubāb al-nuqūl fī asbāb al-nuzūl [ṣafwa al-taʻlīqāt al-mutaʻllīqāt bi-aḥwāl nuzūl al-Qurʼān] / Commentary on Lubab al-nuqul fi asbab al-nuzul (the cream of reports relating to circumstances for Qur'anic revelation

Elkoly, Mohammed Hassan Mohamed 05 1900 (has links)
Arabic text. Arabic summary and keywords cannot be copied into meta data fields / The importance of this research is evident from the field related to it; namely, that of reports about circumstances for Qur’anic revelations. Without a comprehensive knowledge of it, many of the subtleties and nuances of Qur’anic discourse remain concealed from us. For this purpose, I used al-Suyuti’s "Lubab al-Nuqul fi Asbab al-Nuzul" for the pivotal and comprehensive role it occupies among works dealing with this discipline. Briefly, my methodology was the following: I first presented a summary of the author’s biography. Secondly, I edited the manuscript I had obtained of this book from the King Faisal Library in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Thirdly, I made comparisons between this version and numerous printed versions of this book in order to verify the authenticity of textual information I presented in this thesis by categorising Prophetic and other reports at the levels of their soundness and weakness so that the reader may obtain a firm insight into their status levels. Fourthly, I amended reports that al-Suyuti had omitted in relation to verses he had cited. Fifthly, I graded different reports on a topic according to established criteria in this subject; often reconciling them where it was possible. I interpreted verses in their general purport by indicating that the report/s relating to the circumstances for revelation was/were already embodied in their signification. I only deviated from this norm where I found that a body of reliable scholars had given preference to a particular report vis-à-vis a certain verse; in which case I adopted their opinion. Sixthly, I attached brief commentaries to relevant verses to enable the reader to gain a more comprehensive grasp of text within its context. Finally, I defined some peculiar terminology found in this book for the benefit of unfamiliar researchers. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D. Litt. et Phil. (Islamic Studies)

La postérité andalouse du Ǧumal d'al-Zaǧǧāǧī / The Andalusian legacy of al-Zaǧǧāǧī's Ǧumal

Binaghi, Francesco 12 December 2015 (has links)
L’étude de la grammaire arabe est restée trop longtemps ancrée à la période fondatrice de cette discipline (IIᵉ-IVᵉ/VIIIᵉ-Xᵉ siècles). Cette thèse veut apporter une contribution sur des aires moins parcourues, telles la période post-classique et les périphéries du monde arabo-musulman ou, plus précisément, ses marges occidentales. Le point de départ est représenté par un Persan du IVᵉ/Xᵉ siècle installé à Damas, ʾAbū al-Qāsim al-Zaǧǧāǧī, un des grammairiens arabes les plus connus aujourd’hui mais n’ayant pas joui, à son époque, d’un succès immédiat. Ce succès s’est construit petit à petit grâce à l’un de ses traités, le Kitāb al-Ǧumal fī al-naḥw. Après une présentation du grammairien et du texte en question, cette étude essaie de suivre la diffusion du Ǧumal à travers les régions et les époques depuis le moment de sa rédaction. Cette recherche mène en al-Andalus : alors que cet ouvrage semble être délaissé en Orient, il est adopté par les savants andalous comme l’un des textes de base pour les études grammaticales. L’analyse des chaînes de transmission du Ǧumal et la recherche de ses commentaires montrent que ce traité n’a pas seulement été le texte grammatical principal dans cette périphérie du monde arabo-musulman, mais qu’il a aussi fini par devenir une sorte de miroir de l’histoire et de l’identité andalouses. En commençant le voyage au IVᵉ/Xᵉ siècle, il est possible de parcourir l’histoire de ce texte de manière presque ininterrompue jusqu’à nos jours : d’Orient en al-Andalus au moment de la formation de la culture andalouse, puis d’al-Andalus au Maghreb (et en Orient) avec les vagues d’émigration andalouses, pour finir avec son editio princeps de 1927 à Alger. / Scholars in the Arabic Grammatical Tradition have mainly been focusing their attention on the formative stage of the Arabic grammatical theory (2nd-4th/8th-10th centuries). This dissertation aims at broadening the scope and is intended to contribute to our knowledge of this discipline at the post-classical period and in the western periphery of the Islamic world.The starting point of research is represented by a 4th/10th century grammarian of Persian origin who settled in Damascus: ʾAbū al-Qāsim al-Zaǧǧāǧī. Nowadays he is one of the best-known Arabic grammarians, but that was not the case in the beginning. Indeed his fame grew steadily thanks to one of his treatises, the Kitāb al-Ǧumal fī al-naḥw. The presentation of al-Zaǧǧāǧī and of his book sets the frame for the study, whose main focus is to trace the history of this text through time and space. This enquiry leads to al-Andalus: whereas the Ǧumal seemed to be abandoned in the Islamic East, it was adopted by Andalusian scholars as one the main texts for grammatical studies.The analysis of its chains of transmission and the presentation of all of its commentaries show not only that this treatise was the main grammatical text in this periphery of the Islamic world, but even that it came to be a sort of mirror of Andalusian history and identity.The journey of this book starts at the 4th/10th century and may be followed almost uninterruptedly until today: imported to al-Andalus from the Islamic East during the formative stage of Andalusian culture, it was then brought to Maghreb thanks to Andalusian emigration flows and was eventually edited in Algiers in 1927.

DER WAHRE WEINSTOCK: DIE BEDEUTUNG DES WEINSTOCKMOTIVS IN JOHANNES 15:1-8 / The true vine : the meaning of the vine motif in John 15:1-8

Volker, Daniel 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in German and English / Ziel der Forschungsarbeitet ist es, zu zeigen, dass die johanneische Weinstockrede das alttestamentlich und frühjüdisch geprägte Weinstockmotiv aufgreift und weiter entfaltet. So finden sich in Joh 15:1-8 die Beziehungsebene zwischen Gott und seinen Nachfolgern, die ethische Konnotation, der Gerichtsgedanke, der messianisch-eschatologische Aspekt und der Gedanke von Fruchtbarkeit und Fülle wieder. Es wird deutlich, dass sich in Jesus erfüllt hat, worauf die alttestamentlichen und frühjüdischen Schriften durch die Verwendung des Weinstockmotivs abgezielt haben: Er ist der angekündigte Messias, dessen Kommen Fülle mit sich bringt. Dies hat sich bereits durch Jesu erstes Zeichen, die Verwandlung von Wasser zu Wein (Joh 2:1-11), angedeutet. Neu ist der Gedanke, dass Jesus seine Nachfolger in sein Wirken mit einbezieht. Sie partizipieren an seiner messianischen Fülle und produzieren den Überfluss in Abhängigkeit von Jesus auch selbst mit. Voraussetzung dafür ist, dass die Jünger ihre enge Beziehung zu Jesus durch Gebet und das Einhalten seines Wortes aufrechterhalten und sich an seinem Vorbild orientieren. / The purpose of this thesis is to show that the Johannine vine speech takes up and further develops the vine motif of the Old Testament and early Jewish history. In John 15:1-8 we find emphasis on the relationship between God and his disciples, the ethical connotation, the warning of judgement, the messianic-eschatological aspect and the concepts of fruitfulness and fullness. I will show in this thesis, that the the Old Testament and early Jewish writings that use the vine motif are fulfilled in Jesus Christ: He is the announced Messiah, whose coming will bring fullness. This is already implied in Jesus’s first miracle, turning water into wine (John 2:1-11). What is new is that Jesus includes his disciples in his ministry. They participate in his messianic abundance and in dependence on Jesus they themselves produce abundance. The prerequisite for this abundant fruitfulness is a close relationship with Jesus through prayer, abiding in his word, and following his example. / New Testament / M. Th.(New Testament)

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