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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La Historia evangélica de Juvenco en la edición de Faustino Arévalo

Gil Abellán, Mª Carmen 11 December 2004 (has links)
La Tesis titulada "La Historia evangelica de Juvenco en la edición de Faustino Arévalo" estudia el texto editado por Arévalo del poeta latino-cristiano. Presentada la biografía y obra juvenciana -características principales y revisión bibliográfica acerca del mismo-, se aborda la biografía y producción literaria arevaliana; se describe su edición, doble estructura del comentario y Prolegomena. Se valoran sus aportaciones y pervivencia. Se estudia el texto -libro primero- analizando las fuentes manuscritas y ediciones utilizadas, aportando cuatro tablas con variantes textuales y se completa esta parte con la presentación del texto arevaliano con aparato crítico, que evidencia el acierto o no de sus elecciones. En las notae se muestra la riqueza del comentario. Se estudian aquellas más relevantes para conocer su trabajo, remisiones a otros pasajes juvencianos, o su aportación de fuentes evangélicas. Las conclusiones generales cierran el estudio y finalmente se incluyen cuatro Apéndices y un resumen en italiano. / The Thesis entitled "The Historia evangelica from Iuvencus in the Faustino Arévalo's edition" studies the text published by Arévalo of the latin-christian poet. We are offered the biography and the Iuvencian work -main characteristics and bibliographical review about Iuvencus. It deals with the biography and Arévalo's literary production; it describes the edition, the double structure of the commentary and Prolegomena. His contributions and their pervivence are evaluated. It studies the text -the first book- analysing the sources used in it (Manuscripts and editions), adding four charts with the Arevalian text and text review, which shows clearly his choices. It is notorius in his notae the good quality of the commentary. Some of them have been analysed in order to get to know his work, references to other Iuvencian verses, contribution of evangelical sources. There are general conclusions and finally it includes four appendices and a summary in Italian language.Nota Importante: Para leer la tesis correctamente es necesario tener instalada la fuente galileeU (ver ficheros)

Aportaciones de Faustino Arévalo a la edición de Sedulio

Hernández Mayor, Mª Dolores 20 January 2006 (has links)
La Tesis titulada "Aportaciones de Faustino Arévalo a la edición de Sedulio" estudia el texto editado por Arévalo del poeta Sedulio, en concreto, el comentario -Scholia- al libro primero del Carmen Paschale. Tras la presentación de la biografía del humanista, la descripción de la edición y el estudio de la tradición editorial en la que se inserta Arévalo, se estudia la biografía y producción seduliana tomando como base los Prolegomena arevalianos. Después se describen los manuscritos, ediciones y comentarios de Sedulio. El estudio de la emendatio del texto presenta unas tablas de uariae lectiones, además de ocuparse de cuestiones como las glosas o los títulos de capítulos. La abundancia de lugares paralelos ejemplifica el valor de ese críterio en la determinación del texto. La explanatio se centra en cuestiones de métrica. Se valoran las aportaciones de esta edición y su pervivencia. Hay unos Apéndices y un resumen en italiano. / The Thesis entitled "Contributions from Faustino Arévalo to the edition of Sedulius" studies the poet Sedulius' text edited by Arévalo, specifically, the commentary -Scholia- to the first book of Carmen Paschale. After presenting the humanist's biography, describing the edition and studying Arévalo's literary tradition, the biography and Sedulian literary production are studied taking Arévalo's Prolegomena as a starting point. It follows a description of the manuscripts, editions and Sedulian commentaries. The emendatio is studied by means of a series of tables from uariae lectiones, apart from dealing with questions such as glosses or chapter titles. The presence of a large number of parallelisms is an example of the value of that criterion in the text determination. The explanatio focuses on matters of poetic metre. Finally, there is an assesment of the contributions to this edition and its survival, including Appendixes and a summary in Italian.Nota importante: Para ver la tesis correctamente es necesario copiar la fuente sgkclass.TTf

Dėstytojų vertinimai svetainėje dėstytojai.lt / Assessment of Lecturers on the Website dėstytojai.lt

Rekašienė, Edita 02 June 2014 (has links)
Pasirodžius lingvistinio mandagumo teorijai, pasaulyje tokio pobūdžio tyrimai tapo labai populiarūs, tačiau lingvistinė pragmatika tebėra naujas reiškinys lietuvių kalbotyroje, visai mažai dėmesio skiriama pragmatiniams elektroninio diskurso tyrimams, ypač retai lingvistiniu aspektu tiriami interneto komentarai. Tačiau juos tirti verta dėl šio žanro populiarumo ir dėl to, kad jie parodo kasdien vartojamą kalbą bei veikia kalbinius mūsų visuomenės įpročius. Analizuoti interneto komentarus nuspręsta ir dėl jiems būdingo anonimiškumo, kadangi buvo siekiama patikrinti, ar asmens įvaizdžio apsaugos teorija veikia ir tada, kai adresantas slepiasi po pseudonimu. Šiame darbe pristatomas interneto svetainėje dėstytojai.lt esančiuose studentų komentaruose dėstytojams skirtų vertinimų tyrimas. Vertinimai analizuoti leksiniu-gramatiniu, lingvistinio mandagumo ir funkciniu aspektais. Buvo tiriama, kokie žodžiai ir jų junginiai dažniausiai vartojami vertinant dėstytoją, kaip teigiami-neigiami vertinimai sąveikauja tekste, kaip nuo jų sąveikos priklauso bendras komentaro turinio teigiamumas-neigiamumas. Taip pat buvo tiriama, kaip studentų komentaruose veikia lingvistinio mandagumo teorija: kokias strategijas naudoja studentai, pateikdami neigiamus vertinimus (kurie iš esmės yra asmens įvaizdžiui grėsmingi šnekos aktai), kokiais būdais jie yra švelninami. Išanalizuotas ir funkcinis neigiamų vertinimų aspektas – nustatyti šnekos aktai, kuriais realizuojami neigiami vertinimai, ištirta jų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / When linguistic politeness theory has emerged, it became very popular all over the world, but it’s still a new phenomenon in Lithuanian linguistics. Little attention from pragmatic point of view is paid to the electronic discourse, especially to the interactive internet commentaries. However, they are worth analyzing because of the popularity of their genre and because they reflect the everyday language, also they are affecting the speech habits of our society. It was also decided to analyze interactive commentaries because of their anonymity factor, as it was expected to verify if the politeness theory works when the addressers are hiding behind their pseudonyms. Therefore, this study aims to represent the analysis of the assessments of lecturers in the interactive student commentaries on the website dėstytojai.lt. The analysis includes research of what words and phrases are commonly used for the assessment of lecturers, and research of how do positive and negative assessments interact in texts – how the negativity-positivity of the overall content of the commentary depends on their interaction. It has also been analyzed how the linguistic theory of politeness manifests itself in these commentaries: what strategies are used for the negative assessments (that are considered as face threatening speech acts), what criticism mitigating devices are used in them. It has been analyzed what the speech acts are used to actualize negative assessments in researched commentaries and how... [to full text]

Ovidio en la General Estoria de Alfonso X / Ovide dans la General Estoria d'Alphonse X / Ovid in Alfonso X's General Estoria

Salvo García, Irene 16 March 2012 (has links)
La thèse « Ovide dans la General estoria d’Alphonse X » a pour objectif l’étude de la réception du poète latin dans l’histoire universelle conçue au sein de l’atelier dirigé par Alphonse X pendant le dernier quart du XIIIe siècle (ca. 1270-1284). Ladite œuvre prétendait relater l’histoire de l’homme depuis la Genèse jusqu’au règne du roi Alphonse lui-même. La source fondamentale de la General estoria est la Bible. S’ajoutent à la matière biblique diverses notices païennes ou « gentilles » (étrangères au peuple hébreu). Dans les deux premières parties de la General estoria, les sources fondamentales pour les récits gentils sont les Métamorphoses et les Héroïdes d’Ovide. Cet usage est complété par un emploi fragmentaire des Fastes, des Remèdes à l’amour, de l'Art d’aimer et des Pontiques. Nous avons porté notre attention aussi bien sur la méthode de traduction de l’œuvre d’Ovide que sur les techniques de compilation de la General estoria. Ainsi, cette thèse est structurée de la façon suivante : 1) une introduction où nous décrivons les règles qui caractérisent la lecture d’Ovide au Moyen Âge (ch. 1) ; 2) une étude des éléments contextuels du texte latin en trois sections : une étude des accessus, des gloses et des commentaires qui accompagnaient le texte latin dans l’étape médiévale (ch. 2) ; une analyse des œuvres mythographiques qui s’insèrent dans la compilation (ch. 3) ; enfin, la description des caractéristiques qui définissent l’utilisation des œuvres d’Ovide moins employées: les Fastes, l'Art d’aimer, les Pontiques et les Remèdes à l’amour (ch. 4). Finalement, dans le deuxième bloc de la thèse (ch. 5), nous avons fait une analyse exhaustive et détaillée des fragments empruntés aux œuvres d’Ovide dans la General estoria. / The aim of the dissertation “Ovid in Alfonso X’s General estoria” is to study the translation of the Latin poet in the universal history conceived within the workshop directed by Alfonso X during the last quarter of the 13th century (ca. 1270-1284). The aforementioned work intended to recount the history of man from Genesis up to the reign of King Alfonso himself. The main source of the General estoria is the Bible. Various pagan or “Gentile” (non-Jewish) notes are added to the biblical material. In the first two parts of the General estoria, the basic sources for the Gentile stories are Ovid’s Metamorphoses and Heroides. This usage is complimented by fragments of the Fasti, the Remedia Amori, the Ars Amatoria and the Epistulae ex Ponto. The study is also centred on the translation method of Ovid’s work as well as on the compilation techniques of the General estoria. Thus, the present dissertation is structured as follows: 1) an Introduction where the rules that characterize the reading of Ovid in the Middle Ages are described (ch. 1); 2) a study of the contextual elements of the Latin text in three sections: a study of the accessus, the glosses and commentaries that accompanied the Latin text in the medieval stage (ch. 2); an analysis of the mythographic works inserted in the compilation (ch. 3); finally; the description of the characteristics which define the employing of Ovid’s less used works: the Fasti, the Remedia Amori, the Ars Amatoria and the Epistulae ex Ponto (ch. 4). In the end, the second part of the dissertation (ch. 5) develops an exhaustive and detailed analysis of the fragments taken from Ovid’s works in the General estoria.

Thomas d’Aquin Physicien. Étude du Commentaire thomasien sur la Physique et de ses sources rushdienne et albertinienne / Thomas Aquinas as a Physicist. Study of his Commentary on Physics in comparison with Averroes’s and Albert’s works

Brochier, Emmanuel 03 December 2010 (has links)
Après les travaux de F. Del Punta, S. Donati et C. Trifogli, sur les commentaires inédits de la Physique au XIIIe siècle, cette étude propose une réévaluation du commentaire thomasien. En resituant celui-ci dans la tradition exégétique dominée par le Grand commentaire d’Averroès et la paraphrase de Maître Albert, l’intention plutôt énigmatique de Thomas prend un caractère moins théo-centré et, en un sens, plus physique, mais aussi plus paradoxal. / Following the works by F. Del Punta, S. Donati and C. Trifogli on the unpublished comments of Physics in the thirteenth century, this study puts forward a revaluation of Aquinas’s comment. By placing it in the exegetic tradition dominated by Averroes’s great comment and Albert’s paraphrase, Thomas’s rather puzzling intention becomes less theo-centred, and in a way, more physical, but also more paradoxical.

Giles Lytton Strachey et la "nouvelle biographie" dans un contexte historiographique postmoderne / Giles Lytton Strachey and the "new biography" in a postmodern historiographical context

Tremblay, Alexandre 20 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif d’établir certains principes d’une potentielle théorisation de l’écriture biographiques. En liant des exemples prosaïques du XIXe siècle à certaines bases théoriques du XXIe siècle, il est question d’explorer les récurrences qui ont contribué à faire de certaines biographies des succès ou des échecs. En tant que biographe, essayiste et critique, Giles Lytton Strachey (1880-1932) est un sujet d’étude idéal qui permet d’analyser la relation entre le biographe, le biographié et le lecteur. Puis, selon le schéma structurel de la métahistoire proposé par Hayden White, il est possible d’émettre l’hypothèse que la biographie peut être un genre à part entière autant du point de vue de la forme que du fond. / The objective of this thesis attempts to illustrate a series of principles which could potentially lead to a theorisation of biographical writing. By exposing prosaic literary examples of the XIX century and certain theoretical bases of the XXI century, it is possible to depict recurrences that have contributed to the success or failure of various biographical works. Giles Lytton Strachey (1880-1932) as a biographer, essayist and critic appears to be the ideal subject that enables one to analyse the relationship between biographers, biographees and readers. Furthermore, the structural scheme of metahistory, as suggested by Hayden White, brings us one step closer to the assumption that biography can stand as a full-fledged genre both in terms of form and substance.

`Knowing the Lord': moral theology in the book of Jeremiah

Soza, Joel R. 28 February 2005 (has links)
This thesis is a moral and theological interpretation of the book of Jeremiah (primarily chapters twenty-one through twenty-nine). The prime focus is on the Hebrew term  and associated vocabulary and terminology which enable an understanding of how the book of Jeremiah sets up knowledge of Yahweh as a primary concern. Such a concern reinforces the rhetorical and ethical nature of the textual witness and elevates the significant and profound challenge that is put forth. For instance, Jeremiah 22:16 is a prime example within the book where an understanding of  of Yahweh should be given adequate attention, although it has not in Old Testament scholarship, to arrive at the kind of moral and theological interpretation that is voiced in this ancient Israelite prophet. Knowledge of Yahweh in the text of Jeremiah is to be distinguished from a purely cognitive knowing that removes from the equation, in any way, living a certain kind of life with Yahweh - a life which is measured only by the highest of moral and religious standards. Indeed, there is a direct relationship between a certain kind of action/way of living and a genuine knowledge of Yahweh. Key texts explored in this thesis then, are those which bring the challenge of a true knowledge of Yahweh to the Judean king, priest, prophet, and people. An overall coherent vision of what it means to know Yahweh, the God of Israel, in the text of Jeremiah, is the aim of this thesis. / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / D.Th. (Old Testament)

Perspectives of Qur'ánic commentators with specific reference to Prophet Músá [P.B.U.H]

Cassim, Munira 30 November 2004 (has links)
Chapter One contains a lengthy discussion of tafsír, outlining its meaning, its need to the present study and the different forms in which it exists, whilst at the same time clarifying its obscurities and commending it as an indispensable science. Chapter Two offers a concise overview of five Qur'ánic commentators selected for this particular study. This assessment is based on the eras from which they emerged which has a definite bearing on their commentaries. Chapter Three is a résumé of my subject's biography adopted primarily from Qur'ánic sources. As a frequently mentioned prophet in the Qur'án the story of Músá [p.b.u.h] is drawn from various chapters highlighting substantial aspects of his life. Chapter Four concentrates on two frequently mentioned events in the life of prophet Músá [ p.b.u.h], namely, his call to prophethood and the proclamation to the pharaoh and his people. Chapter Five concludes this work by presenting an overview of the perspectives of the different commentators. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A.

Preek as kunsvorm / The sermon as an art form

Preller, Willem Petrus Lubbe 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die inhoud en vorm van 'n preek is 'n eenheid. Beide aspekte vorm deel van die teologiese teorie van die prediking. In hierdie studie word daar teoreties besin oor 'n bepaalde vorm van prediking. Dit behels 'n ondersoek na die literere vorm waarin die boodskap gestruktureer en verwoord word. Die Skrif bevat 'n verskeidenheid literere vorme wat deur Bybelskrywers aangewend is om die intensie van die teks effektief te kommunikeer. Elk van hierdie vorme besit 'n eiendomlike kommunikatiewe aard. Die ontwikkeling van die moderne literatuurwetenskap sedert die tagtigerjare van die twintigste eeu het stukrag verleen aan die insig dat die Bybel ook as 'n versameling godsdienstige literatuur bestudeer kan word. Dit het meegebring dat die intensie van die teks van die Bybel op 'n teologies verantwoordbare wyse, met inagneming van die historiese verbande, beter begryp kan word deur die gebruikmaking van insigte uit ander literatuur. As sodanig word erkende literere kunsvorme wat naas die logies-analitiese ook die emotiewe betrek, aanvaar. Die resultaat van hierdie ondersoek dui aan dat die preek as kunsvorm geevalueer en in die moderne preekteorie geregverdig kan word. Die proses van transformasie wat die moderne hermeneutiese benadering kenmerk; die veranderde beleweniswereld en verstaanshorison van die huidige hoorders asook die eiesoortige aard van Bybelse literatuur is vanuit 'n kommunikatiewe aanname in 'n kunsvorm binne die moderne homiletiese teorie haalbaar. Die teorie orienteer binne die kommunikatiewe handelingsteorie as meta-teorie wat ingestel is op dialogiese kommunikasie wat betekenisgewing deur waarnemerbetrokkenheid bevorder en 'n bepaalde denkwyse by die hoorders tot gevolg het. Die tradisionele vorm van prediking, gekenmerk deur absolute dominasie van die rede en intellektualisme uit die modernistiese tydvak, het teen die einde van die tweede millennium in ernstige diskrediet gekom. Die radikale verandering in die samelewing deur die moderniseringsproses met gepaardgaande paradigma verskuiwinge dwing die homiletiek om teoreties te herbesin. In hierdie studie word die preek as kunsvorm afgebaken tot die verhalende preekvorm, konseptueel ontwikkel en teoreties omskryf asook geplaas binne die moderne homiletiese teorie as komponent wat daarby pas. Die resultaat is verkry deur 'n vergelykende studie van gemeenskaplike wesenstrekke wat voorkom by erkende kunsvorme in die moderne kunsteorie; die verhalende kunsvorm in die moderne literere teorie met spesifieke verwysing na die Afrikaanse roman asook die verhalende preekvorm in die moderne homiletiese teorie. Deur hierdie vorm van prediking in die moderne preekteorie op te neem, kan 'n sinvolle bydrae gemaak word om die Christelike boodskap deur oortuiging sander enige vorm van dwang te kommunikeer. / In a sermon form and content are one. Both aspects form part of the theological theory of preaching. This theoretical survey investigates one of the various literary forms through which the biblical writers attempted to communicate the intention of the biblical text in the most effective way. Each of these forms possesses a distinctive communicative character. The development of modern literary theory since the eighties of the twentieth century was a propulsive force leading to the conviction that the Bible was also a collection of religious literature. This conviction implied that the intention of the biblical text could be more clearly understood in a theological justified manner within the historical context by using insights gained from other literature. Acknowledged literary art forms adhering to the emotive as well as the logic-analytical are embraced as such. In this study the sermon as an art form is limited to narrative preaching, developed as a concept; theoretically described and placed within the modern homiletical theory as a suitable component. Results are obtained by means of a comparative study of mutual features that are distinctive to acknowledged art forms in the modern theory of art; narrative art forms in modern literature theory specifically in the modern Afrikaans novel, as well as the narrative form of preaching in the modern homiletical theory. The modern homiletical theory is orientated within the communicative acts theory as meta-theory focusing on dialogical communication which promotes meaning through the involvement of the observer. The conclusions reached indicate that the sermon as an art form can be evaluated and justified within the modem homiletical theory. Taken up in this theory, it can prove significant in communicating the Christian message to the listeners in a convincing rather than compulsive manner. / Practical Theology / D.Th. (Practical theology)

The Twelve between two testaments : the Minor Prophets as Christian scripture in the commentaries of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria

Ondrey, Hauna T. January 2015 (has links)
My thesis offers a comparison of the Minor Prophets commentaries of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria, isolating the role each assigns (1) the Twelve Prophets in their ministry to Old Testament Israel and (2) the texts of the Twelve as Christian scripture. While the two produce radically different commentaries in terms of quantity and detail of christological interpretation, the source of their divergence cannot be reduced to Cyril's admitting messianic prophecy whereas Theodore does not. Rather, I argue that Theodore does acknowledge christological prophecies, as distinct from both retrospective accommodation and typology. Further, a careful reading of Cyril's Commentary on the Twelve limits the prospective christological revelation he ascribes to the prophets and reveals the positive role he grants the Mosaic law prior to Christ's advent. My thesis secondly explores the Christian significance both Theodore and Cyril assign to Israel's exile and restoration, the pivotal event to which the Twelve bear witness. I here argue that Theodore's reading of the Twelve Prophets, while not attempting to be christocentric, is nevertheless self-consciously Christian. Cyril, unsurprisingly, offers a robust Christian reading of the Twelve, yet this too must be expanded by his focus on the church and concern to equip the church through the ethical paideusis provided by the plain sense of the prophetic text. Revised descriptions of each interpreter lead to the claim that the label “christocentric” obscures more than it clarifies and polarizes no less than earlier accounts of Antiochene/Alexandrian exegesis. I advocate rather for an approach that takes seriously Theodore's positive account of the unity and telos of the divine economy and the full range of Cyril's interpretation, in order to move beyond a zero-sum assessment and offer instead a positive account that appreciates the strengths of each Christian reading of the Twelve.

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