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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A taxa de recuperação de créditos ruins em bancos comerciais privados brasileiros

Araújo, Evaristo Donato 07 April 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:48:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 68479.pdf.jpg: 16047 bytes, checksum: e55a63085f1340eeed16cabe46f731aa (MD5) 68479.pdf: 840158 bytes, checksum: d13c12beedbf2f62a71d5574af83dfad (MD5) 68479.pdf.txt: 270876 bytes, checksum: 0af13fce10af7db2c36dcb34a90e0b79 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-04-07T00:00:00Z / Credit risk comes from the possibility of the debtor not paying its debt at the maturity date, and the promised amount. When the debtor doesn’t pay in full its debt, we say he or she is in default. In this case, the creditor gets a loss. However, the loss could be reduced if the debtor pays part of his or her debt. The measurement of a debtor’s probability of default has been the subject of studies for decades. However, the measurement of how much one can receive from a defaulted credit – the recovery rate – has been given attention only recently. And, most of the time, this measure has been calculated for huge companies in United States financial markets, only. We have defined recovery rate based on financial reports of Brazilian commercial banks, and tracked the path of this variable pari passu to default rate, defined from the same reports also. We established a theoretical framework, and made hypothesis on how such variables as default rates and other credit quality indicators, economic level indicators, nominal and real interest rates, and capital markets indicators could explain variations on the recovery rates we have defined. We gathered information from 46 Brazilian private commercial banks, semiannually, bracing the period between June of 1994 and December 2002. These institutions were segmented by their share on the amount of credit of the private banking industry in Brazil and by the origin of its capital. Statistical models were run on explanatory variables based on original data and on variables obtained from principal components analysis. The models were able to explain most of the variation observed on the recovery rate we have defined, for the segments we have studied. The best models have shown that variations on the recovery rate could be explained by default rates and other indicators of credit quality, economic activity indicators and capital markets indicators. / O risco de crédito decorre da possibilidade de o devedor não honrar sua dívida no montante e na data aprazada. Quando o devedor não liquida sua dívida nas condições contratadas, diz-se que se torna inadimplente. Neste caso, o credor incorre em prejuízo. A perda, entretanto, pode ser reduzida se o cliente pagar parcialmente o que deve. A mensuração da probabilidade de um devedor inadimplir tem sido objeto de estudos há décadas. Entretanto, a quantificação do quanto o credor recebe em caso de inadimplência – a taxa de recuperação –só recentemente tem recebido atenção da academia. E, na maioria das vezes, esta quantificação tem-se limitado aos títulos de grandes empresas, negociados no mercado de capitais dos Estados Unidos da América. Neste trabalho, definiu-se uma taxa de recuperação baseada em informações contábeis de instituições bancárias brasileiras e analisou-se o comportamento desta variável pari passu à taxa de inadimplência, também definida a partir de dados contábeis. Estabeleceu-se um arcabouço teórico capaz de explicar de que forma variáveis como a taxa de inadimplência e outros indicadores de qualidade das carteiras de crédito, indicadores da atividade econômica, níveis de juros nominais e reais e indicadores do mercado de capitais, poderiam explicar as variações na taxa de recuperação das carteiras de crédito. Foram obtidas informações de um conjunto de 46 instituições bancárias privadas brasileiras, semestralmente, para o período compreendido entre junho de 1994 e dezembro de 2002. Essas instituições foram segmentadas pela representatividade de suas carteiras de crédito no volume total de créditos das instituições comerciais brasileiras e por origem de seu capital acionário. Elaboraram-se modelos estatísticos baseados em regressões multivariadas tanto de variáveis originais como de variáveis obtidas através de análise de componentes principais, que se mostraram capazes de explicar parte considerável das variações observadas na taxa de recuperação no conceito contábil, para os vários segmentos de instituições estudados. Mostraram-se como variáveis explicativas relevantes, nos melhores modelos, indicadores de inadimplência, indicadores da atividade econômica e indicadores do mercado de capitais.

Financial and banking development : the case of Vietnam / Le développement bancaire et financier : le cas du Vietnam

Than Nguyen, Vinh Hao 18 January 2017 (has links)
Le développement bancaire et financier au Vietnam fait face à de nouvelles conjonctures économiques. Il serait utile d'analyser ce développement dans de nouvelles conditions d'intégration imposées par les normes internationales. La thèse vise à soutenir deux idées : (1) le développement de la relation entre les banques commerciales et les entreprises non publiques, particulièrement les PME, qui résulte des changements de la structure économique du Vietnam - un pays en transition vers l'économie de marché et (2) la micro-finance qui est une innovation permettant une plus grande performance des institutions bancaires et financières vis-à-vis des imperfections du marché ainsi que la réduction de la pauvreté et la pratique de l'usure, dans les zones rurales en particulier.Les grilles théoriques se réfèrent principalement à la théorie néo-institutionnaliste de D.North, à celle du développement financier de King et Lévine, aussi bien qu'à la théorie des complémentarités institutionnelles de Hall & Soskice, et à celle des conventions de Boyer &Orléan. Parmi les principaux résultats que nous avons obtenus, le premier réside dans le résultat positif de la relation entre banques commerciales et les entreprises non-publiques, les PME en particulier. Les banques commerciales contribuent à dynamiser le secteur privé en allouant des crédits et sélectionnant des projets d'investissement et, par conséquent,deviennent un acteur économique important capable de réduire le chômage, promouvoir les affaires et dans une certaine mesure, orienter le développement industriel. A leur tour, les entreprises non-publiques deviennent des clients cibles des banques commerciales et contribuent à créer une nouvelle forme de demande de crédit, de projets d'investissement, du marché du travail, de changements de stratégies d'entreprise et d'évolution des cadres juridiques allant dans le sens facilitant les activités du secteur privé.Le second résultat confirme la corrélation entre le développement économique et le développement bancaire et financier. Le résultat est soutenu par une recherche empirique basée sur une analyse factorielle à partir des données de CEPII 2012. Nous avons réussi à dessiner une carte globale des systèmes bancaires et financiers et localiser la position du Vietnam. Nous observons que le Vietnam se situe dans la zone des pays en émergence, mais à la périphérie, loin des pays développés. Ceci implique qu'il serait utile de se déplacer vers la zone des pays à développement bancaire et financier avancé. Le troisième se trouve dans le résultat positif du rôle de la micro-finance. Cette pratique s'avère efficace dans la réduction de la pauvreté et l'empêchement de l'usure, en particulier dans les régions rurales. Cependant, l'accès au crédit n'est pas facile pour les populations défavorisées à cause de la communication, des spécificités culturelles, du niveau d'éducation,de l'expansion des réseaux ... La micro-finance constitue une innovation permettant de résoudre les problèmes d'asymétrie d'information et d'aléa moral, grâce au contrôle croisé des informations et à la responsabilité réciproque. Cette pratique apporte des preuves du mécanisme d'auto-renforcement prévu par la théorie des conventions, dans le cas de la micro-finance pour les pauvres. En conclusion, le Vietnam, en transition vers une économie de marché, se caractérise par un double changement institutionnel. D'une part, le changement de relation entre les banques commerciales et les entreprises non-publiques, en particulier les PME. Le pays s'oriente vers un secteur privé dont le rôle devient de plus en plus important pour s'adapter à la nouvelle structure économique. D'autre part, l'invasion de la micro-finance devient une alternative efficace pour répondre aux imperfections du marché du système bancaire et financier formel. / The financial and banking development in Vietnam has recently known new challenging economic circumstances. It is useful to analyze this matter to deal with new conditions imposed by the integration process in international norms. This dissertation is devoted to defend two ideas: (1) the development of the relationship between commercial banks and NSOEs, especially SMEs, is a result of change of economic structure of Vietnam, a country intransition, on its way towards a fully market-based economy and (2) micro-finance is a form of innovation making financial-banking institutions more performing in response to market failures as well as in impeding usury and poverty alleviation, especially in rural areas.With different theoretical frameworks mainly based on new-institutionalist vision of D. North, financial development of King and Levine, institutional complementaries of Hall & Soskice, convention theory of Boyer & Orléan, we have had some key findings as following. The first key finding resides in the positive result of the relationship between commercial banks and NSOEs, especially SMEs, in the way that commercial banks contribute to dynamize the private sector by allocating loans and investment selection. Therefore, commercial banks become an important economic agent being able to reduce unemployment, promote businesses and orientate somehow industry development. In its turns, NSOEs, while become target customers of banks, contribute to shape credit demand, project investment, labor market, business strategy changes and legal evolution in the way of facilitating the privatesector.The second finding confirms that the correlation between economic development and financial-banking development does exist. It was proved by empirical study based on a factor analysis from CEPII 2012 databse. We was successful to draw a map and localize precisely the position of Vietnam in the financial-banking world map. And, we saw that Vietnam was located in areas of emerging countries, but merely in peripheral zone far away from developed countries. This suggests an implication that it would be useful to move closer to highly developed countries in the financial and banking sector.The third key finding resides in the positive result that microfinance is proved efficient in poverty alleviation and impeding usury, especially in rural areas; but the accessibility to credit is not easy for poor people due to communication, cultural characteristics, education level, extension of network ... Microfinance is a form of innovation in the way that information asymmetry and moral hazard are well resolved thanks to cross-screening and joint-liability. Micro-finance in Vietnam shows evidence of the process of self-reinforcing mechanism of the convention theory, for the case of micro-finance for the poor. We conclude that on its way to a fully market-based economy, Vietnam in transition is characterized by a double institutional move: on the one hand, the change in relationship between commercial banks and NSOEs, especially SMEs, is moving towards a more important role of the private sector in response to new economic structure; on the other hand, micro-finance invasion becomes an efficient alternative to remedy to market failures of theformal financial and banking system.

中國大陸金融改革對銀行業經營績效的影響---兼論台商大陸投資績效問題 / The effects of China’s banking reforms on banks’ performance

呂青樺, Lu,Chin Hwa Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要由三大研究主題組合而成:第一個主題是依照中國金融體系的現況,針對國有銀行、政策性銀行、股份制商業銀行及城市商業銀行等四種不同類型銀行的獲利績效進行比較實證研究。其中的股份制商銀與城市銀行,其資本組成除少數仍有國務院持股(即中央政府持股)外,股東成員擴及地方政府、國有企業及民間企業,股本結構明顯較國有商業銀行及政策銀行多元化。不同的股本結構,尤其是官股比例(政府持股比例)是否對各家銀行的獲利能力產生影響,是本文主要研究興趣所在。本文採用Bankscope資料庫,涵蓋1997至2004年中國大陸49家銀行的財務及股東資料。結果發現:銀行股權結構中,中央政府持股比例越高,銀行獲利表現越差,地方政府持股的影響則較不明顯;而四類銀行中,股份制商銀與城市商銀的表現遠優於國有銀行及政策銀行。但1999年以後中國國有銀行的財務整頓措施的確使得國有銀行的相對表現有所提升。 鑑於外商銀行大舉進入中國金融市場,勢必對中國銀行帶來更多的競爭壓力,本論文第二個研究主題進一步將研究範圍擴及至世界資產排名前一百大的銀行,企圖比較中國銀行與世界百大銀行經營績效的差異。在這個主題中,延續前一主題「股權結構」的重要性,除了官股比例,同時考慮外資持股及本國人持股,分析三類持股對績效的影響,又鑑於總體面的政府治理因素可能對股權與銀行績效的關係產生變化,本研究也將政府治理變數,包括文獻中經常提到的證券市場內線交易情況、政府政策透明度及政府貪污情況等因素納入考量,比較這些因素對中國銀行與百大銀行影響有何差異。實證結果如下:對中國銀行及世界百大銀行而言,政府持股對銀行獲利的影響是負向的,而外資持股的影響則恰相反,開放程度愈高、銀行自由度愈高越有利於銀行績效提升。中國政府越無貪污情況時,越有助於外資持股對銀行績效的正向影響。對世界百大銀行而言,政府越無貪污情況時,越有助於外資持股對銀行績效的正向影響。而政府政策透明度越高,越有助於政府持股與本國人持股的正向影響。 第三個主題探討我國上市櫃公司不同的對外與大陸投資決策對母公司獲利性的影響。本文將投資決策對公司獲利的影響視為內生,也就是投資決策受公司特性因素的影響。同時,我們進一步假設公司的投資決策是分兩階段完成,第一步會先決定是否進行海外投資,一旦確定後,再決定是否赴大陸投資。因為有兩層的投資決策,本文以延伸的Heckman’s Two Stage Method進行估計。 實證結果顯示,在投資決策的影響因素方面,對第一層赴海外投資而言,規模愈大、國際化程度愈高、愈勞力密集的公司愈傾向赴海外投資;對第二層赴大陸投資的決策,影響因素也類似,只是公司規模不再是重要影響因素。至於獲利的影響因素方面,第一類「赴大陸投資的公司」與第二類「未赴大陸但赴其他國家投資的公司」的利潤型態較類似,長期負債對獲利都有負向顯著影響,總資產也傾向負向影響,至於第三類「未從事任何海外與大陸投資公司」的利潤型態則與前兩類不同,總資產與研發支出都呈現顯著負向影響。而三類公司的績效比較部分,第一類公司的平均預期資產報酬率雖若高於第二類,第二類公司又高於第三類公司,但三類公司兩兩之間平均預期資產報酬率的差距並未達統計上的顯著性。 / This dissertation contains three main parts. The first part studies the effects of government owned share on Chinese banks’ performance. After a series of financial reforms in the 1990s, joint stock commercial banks and city commercial banks started to boom and play an increasingly important role in China’s banking industry which had previously been monopolized by four state-owned commercial banks. These two new bank-types are considerably more diversified in that the primary shareholders include the central government, local governments, state-owned enterprises and private enterprises, not just the central government. Using 49 Chinese banks’ financial data retrieved from Bankscope, this part examines the effect of different ownership structures, in general, and government-owned-shares, central vs. local, in particular, affect the profitability and risk of banks in China. It also compares the profitability of four types of banks, namely state-owned banks, policy banks, joint-stock commercial banks and city commercial banks. We conclude that, without equivocation, the higher the ratio of state-owned shares is, the worse is the profitability of the bank. And we also note the profitability of joint-stock commercial banks and city commercial banks is much better than that of state-owned and policy banks. In light of the ever-growing foreign competition facing Chinese banking industry, the second part expands the sample banks to World’s top 100 banks and studies the differences between Chinese banks and foreign banks from the respects of ownership structure, government governance and bank regulations. Our empirical results reveal that for both Chinese banks and top 100 banks, government owned share has a negative effect on banks’ profitability, while foreign owned share has an opposite effect. For both of them, the more the foreign institutions have access to the banking market and the more freedom the banking industry enjoys, the better the bank performs. For Chinese banks, lesser corruption helps strengthen foreign share’s positive effect on banks’ performance. Furthermore, higher transparency would increase the positive effect of government owned share and domestic owned share. The third part studies the profitability of Taiwan’s listed companies with and without investment in China. Unlike past studies which deal with the decision of investment in overseas and China as exogenous, the decision is endogenous in this paper. That is, the decision making is based on the firm’s characteristic factors. We further assume that there are two hierarchy decisions made by firms when they decide in investing in overseas and China. The first decision is whether it should invest overseas. Once the first decision is made, the next one is whether a firm should invest in China. This two decision model, which allows us to extend Heckman’s two-step method, is referred to as an extended-Heckman method in this paper. Our empirical results regarding the determinants of investing overseas and China are as follows. With respect to the investment in overseas, firm size and export ratio show positive influence on the decision of investment, while capital labor ratio shows negative effect. Next, with respect to the investment in China, determinants are similar except that firm size is no longer significant. Our results regarding the profit performance reveal that for ‘the firms with investment in China’ and ‘the firms without investing in China, only investing other countries’, long term liability ratio has a significantly negative impact on profitability, whereas total asset, R&D expenditure show a negative effect on profitability for ‘the firms without investing overseas, nor investing in China’. As for the performance comparison among firms of these three investment types, the differences are insignificant. This result implies that there are still considerable individual differences among the firms of the same investment type.

From foreign aid to domestic debt : essays on government financing in developing economies

Abbas, Syed Mohammad Ali January 2014 (has links)
The <u>first essay</u> [“Twin Deficits and Free Lunches: Macroeconomic Outcomes In Anticipation of Foreign Aid”] concerns itself with situations in which private agents anticipate a future windfall (free lunch) that will help service the debt resulting from a present fiscal expansion (implemented via a temporary tax cut). Such expectations of a windfall can arise in the context of natural resource discoveries or, more interestingly, due to perceptions by agents in “too important to fail” countries that will be bailed out through higher foreign aid or debt relief. We employ an overlapping generations model featuring credit constraints to study the real effects of such free lunch expectations in a small open economy, drawing contrasts with the standard tax and money finance closure rules. The model is solved analytically and shows that anticipated aid is equivalent to current aid when agents have perfect foresight, so that a temporary tax cut is seen as permanent. Accordingly, agents raise their consumption and indebtedness (at the expense of future generations) by an amount that is an increasing function of their “impatience” (subjective rates of time preference plus probability of death). A worsening of the current account obtains (twin deficits) across a range of plausible closure rules, including those featuring money finance. The introduction of credit constrained households (we study the variant where myopic agents spend their current disposable incomes) does not alter the basic result in the case of full aid finance, but does matter for mixed tax-aid regimes, in more complex settings where agent expectations and donor promises on aid diverge, and when governments face borrowing constraints so that the timing of aid delivery matters. The <u>second essay</u> [“The Role of Domestic Debt in Economic Growth: An Empirical Investigation For Developing Economies”] focuses on the remaining source of government financing, i.e. domestic debt, and the role it can play in mobilizing private savings, facilitating credit intermediation in higher risk settings (i.e. serving a “collateral” function on bank balance sheets), developing financial markets and supporting economic growth in general. To investigate this question empirically, we set up a new domestic debt database covering about 100 developing economies, going back three decades to 1975; explore Granger causality links between domestic debt and key macroeconomic and institutional variables; and estimate the growth impact of domestic debt using panel regressions, allowing for non-linear effects. Domestic debt, as a share of GDP is found to exert a significant positive impact on economic growth, with potential channels including domestic savings mobilization, provision of risk-insurance on banks’ balance sheets; and greater institutional accountability of the state to its citizens. Although this result countervails more established arguments against domestic debt (i.e. that it leads to crowding out and banks to become lazy), there is some evidence that above a ratio of 35 percent of bank deposits, domestic debt does begin to undermine economic growth. The growth payoff also depends on debt quality, with higher payoffs observed for positive interest-rate bearing marketable debt issued to nonbank sectors. The <u>third and final essay</u> [“Why Do Banks in Developing Economies Hold Domestic Government Securities?”] explores demand-side determinants of domestic debt, by focusing on commercial bank holdings of government paper, discriminating carefully between voluntary factors (such as mean-variance portfolio optimization) and statutory ones (cash reserve and capital adequacy requirements). The analysis is made possible by the construction of a dataset on government and private returns (real and nominal) for almost 600 banks from 70 emerging and low-income economies, spanning the (pre-Basel II) period 1995-2005. A battery of structural cross-section regressions indicates that banks’ portfolio decisions are at least as significantly influenced by mean-variance considerations as regulatory factors: the actual portfolio share of government securities (λ) responds intuitively, and sizably, to variations in the moments of the distributions for government and private returns as well as in the minimum-variance portfolio share (λ*). Higher cash reserve requirements tilt portfolios away from government securities toward riskier private lending, while higher capital adequacy requirements work the other way. The association between actual portfolios and the identified determinants is noticeably weaker at lower ends of the λ distribution, suggesting the domination of non-CAPM factors in those contexts.

使用方向距離函數探討我國銀行業技術效率 —非貝氏方法考慮函數的單調與曲度性質 / Technical Efficiency of Commercial Banks in Taiwan on Directional Distance Function - A Non-Bayesian Approach Imposing Monotonicity and Curvature Conditions

毛芝瑩, Mao, Chih Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發展新的計量方法,運用隨機邊界法將單調性和曲度條件等性質納入迴歸模型,使用聯立迴歸模型進行估計,藉此讓係數估計值不易出現違反經濟理論的情況。 採用台灣2002年至2015年,51家商業銀行進行實證分析,發現本研究方法估計產出方向距離函數時,僅有5%以下的樣本點不符合單調和曲度等性質,用於估計產出面距離函數時,僅有2%以下的樣本點不符合。進一步探討台灣銀行業之非意欲產出--逾期放款--對估計技術效率的影響,顯示不考慮此非意欲產出造成整體銀行業、非金控本國銀行與外商銀行的技術效率被高估,而金控本國銀行的技術效率則被低估,此外,分析2007年金融風暴前後銀行業經營效率變化,顯示考慮非意欲產出銀行業經營效率顯著提升,然而,未考慮非意欲產出銀行業經營效率卻下降,兩者結果有著極大的差異。 / The aim of the paper is to develop a new approach, which is stochastic frontier analysis imposing monotonicity and curvature conditions, then using simultaneous regression model to estimate. By the approach, it can solve the problem of most of the coefficient estimates violating the economic theory. The study uses the data of 51 commercial banks in Taiwan from 2002 to 2015 to conduct the empirical analysis. It indicates that by output directional distance function, less than 5% sample points violate the monotonicity and curvature conditions; by output distance function, less than 2% sample points don’t obey the restricted conditions. Further, the paper discusses the effect of commercial banks’ undesirable output- non-performing loan- on estimating technical efficiency. The results show that ignoring the undesirable output cause the technical efficiency of overall banks, non-finance holding banks and foreign banks are overvalued, and the technical efficiency of finance holding banks are undervalued. Furthermore, analyze the change of business efficiency after financial crisis in 2007. It points out that using the model consider the undesirable output, the banks’ efficiency rises. However, using the model no consider the undesirable output, the banks’ efficiency decreases. There is an extremely conflict between two approach.

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