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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nová synagoga Frýdek-Místek / The new synagogue in Frýdek-Místek

Večeřová, Pavla January 2021 (has links)
The assignment of the diploma thesis was the elaboration of an architectural study of a new synagogue in the Frýdek-Místek. The solved area includes the original lands of the Jewish community, on which stood a synagogue, a Jewish school and a rabbinate. The synagogue was burned down in 1939 and currently only the rebuilt Jewish school building is located in the area. The main idea of the design is to build a memorial on the site of the original synagogue and a new synagogue with an adjoining community centre. The main goal is to support the development of the Jewish community in the city and to remind citizens and visitors of the history, because of which the Jewish community in Frýdek-Místek disappeared. In contrast to the monument, the entire building is set in the terrain so that the terrain passes freely in a public space with the main entrance to the community centre and a kosher restaurant. The building opens up to the south side of the slope and offers a view of the historic city centre of Frýdek. The area is connected by a footbridge to the park under the castle. Part of the community centre is a space for a ritual bath - Mikveh, the administration of the Jewish community and a multifunctional hall, which can be opened to the area in front of the residential staircase. The area is separated from Revoluční Street by a retaining wall and thus form an attractive place to spend time near the historic centre.

Espacio contemporáneo para el barrio y las artes en el eje monumental de Barrios Altos / Contemporary space for arts and the neighborhood, in a monumental axis in Barrios Altos – Historic Centre of Lima

Cueto Gutarra, Jocelyn Eudora 31 July 2021 (has links)
El espacio contemporáneo para las artes y el barrio se propone como modelo de arquitectura e intervención urbana para unificar los retazos urbanos, espaciales y sociales; en una ciudad fragmentada como Lima. La presencia de espacios artísticos – técnicos y comunitarios pretende hacer de este complejo un núcleo generador de intervenciones que, como puntos de acupuntura urbana, impulsen la regeneración de Barrios Altos, en el marco de la revitalización del centro histórico de Lima. Como modelo de regeneración urbana que mitigue los fenómenos de gentrificación, la permanencia de los residentes actuales es un punto crucial abordado. Es considerado como complejo de usos mixtos por incluir usos públicos de difusión, creación colectiva (artística – técnica), así como usos privados orientados hacia espacios de vivienda temporal, que apoyarán la agilización de proyectos de vivienda social en el barrio. Se explora entonces, la convivencia de lo aparentemente contradictorio o de diferente ámbito: programas de vocación público y privados; difusión y atracción de visitantes desde la puesta en valor y desmitificación de las dinámicas preexistentes en el barrio; arquitectura contemporánea en centros históricos. Con el fin de deconstrucción y construcción, la arquitectura desarrollada se apoya las teorías de genius loci y anti espacios. Articular, desde una respuesta arquitectónica, problemas y potencialidades halladas en el centro histórico, nace de un esfuerzo hacia entender(nos) desde el centro como sociedad compleja, de múltiples capas de superposición espacial - temporal. Desde una visión circular del tiempo, en el ir hacia el pasado encontraremos el futuro. / The contemporary space for arts and the neighborhood is proposed as a model of architecture and urban strategy to unify urban, spatial and social fragments of a chaotic city like Lima. The presence of artistic - technical and community programs aims to make this complex a nucleus that generates interventions that, as urban acupuncture points, promote the regeneration of Barrios Altos, within the revitalization of the historic center. As a model of urban regeneration that mitigates gentrification, the permanence of current residents is a crucial point addressed. It is considered as a mixed-use complex because it includes public uses of exhibition, collective creation (artistic - technical), as well as private uses as temporary housing, which will support the streamlining and proliferation of social housing and other renovation projects in the neighborhood. The coexistence of the apparently contradictory, or of different scope is explored through the mixing of public and private vocation programs; dissemination and attraction of visitors from the enhancement and demystification of the pre-existing dynamics in the neighborhood; and the insertion of contemporary architecture in historic centers. In order to deconstruction and construction, the architecture developed is based on the theories of genius loci and anti-spaces. To articulate, from an architectural response, problems and potentialities found in the historic center, comes from an effort to understand (us) from the center as a complex society, with multiple spatial-temporal layers in superposition. From a circular vision of time, in going to the past we will find the future. / Tesis

Založení komunitního centra, příprava žádosti o podporu z fondu EU a její úskalí / Establishment of a community center, preparation of an application for a support from EU funds and it's difficulties

Holubová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the problem of community social work in a small town and the planning of new social services to be convinient for the real needs of the community. The thesis also deals with possible difficulties which the municipality can encounter to as applicant for a grant from the Integrated Regional Operational Program (call no. 74 Development of polyfunctional community centers infrastructure). It also focuses on the topic of sustainability of the project. The aim of this diploma thesis is to theoretically define the community centers and community social work and to describe the possibilities of drawing funds from the EU fund and the process of preparing the application and its difficulties.

Nayapalli Pallavi : An Urban Village Development Project in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India / Nayapalli Pallavi : Ett hållbart stadsutvecklingsprojekt i Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Indien

Humble, Edith January 2014 (has links)
With a grant from Sida I went to Odisha, to learn about women’s local conditions and try to find out how a building could somehow ameliorate it. Through Architects Sans Frontières I got in touch with Urban and Development Resource Centre, working with upgrading slum areas. They had a budget for a new Community Centre in Nayapalli in Bhubaneswar, but no architect. The Community Centre includes a playschool, a medical centre and community meeting spaces. The building permit for this is currently with the municipality of Bhubaneswar. Today alcoholism is a major problem among the Nayapalli men. Most of them are unemployed and the young men lack alternatives. The women are the main providers for their families, working as house maids. My second proposal is a merely theoretical addition – a Launderette. It will not cure alcoholism, but it will employ a few people and give them possibility to support their families. It will relief some women from time-consuming hand wash and give them time to do something they find more interesting.  And maybe it can give some repute to the area, and make its community proud of it. / Med ett stipendium från Sida åkte jag till Odisha för att studera kvinnors situation och försöka komma på hur den kunde förbättras genom en byggnad. Genom Arkitekter utan gränser kom jag i kontakt med Urban and Development Resource Centre som arbetar med uppgradering av slumområden. De hade en budget för ett nytt Community center i Nayapalli i Bhubaneswar, men ingen arkitekt. Community centret innehåller förskola, medicinsk mottagning och möteslokaler, och bygglovet behandlas nu av kommunen. Idag är alkoholism utbrett bland männen i Nayapalli. De flesta är dessutom arbetslösa och de unga saknar alternativ. Kvinnorna försörjer familjerna. Mitt andra förslag är ett rent teoretiskt tillägg – ett tvätteri. Det kommer inte att bota alkoholism, men det kommer att kunna anställa några personer och ge dem möjlighet att försörja sina familjer. Det kommer att befria åtminstone några kvinnor från mödosam och tidskrävande handtvätt och ge dem tid att göra något de hellre vill. Och kanske kan det göra området mer känt och dess invånare stolta över det.

Resiliência do Cafezal : Vertical Park and Community Center in Vila Santana do Cafezal in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Fredriksson, Charlotte January 2015 (has links)
My architectural interventions are based on existing social structures as well as on local traditional building techniques of Vila Santana do Cafezal in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. My aim is to develop these structures and techniques in several sustainable ways focusing on rainwater collection, in order to strengthen the place ecologically and the community socially – both internally and towards the authorities. / Mina arkitektoniska ingrepp baseras på existerande sociala strukturer samt på lokala traditionella byggtekniker i Vila Santana do Cafezal i Belo Horizonte, Brasilien. Mitt mål är att utveckla dessa strukturer och tekniker på flera hållbart sätt med fokus på uppsamling av regnvatten, i syfte att stärka platsen ekologiskt och samhället socialt - både internt och gentemot myndigheter.

Centro de Apoyo Integral y Casa Refugio para Mujeres Resilientes en San Juan de Lurigancho / Comprehensive support community center and shelter for resilient women

Llirod Zavaleta, Ana Cristina 15 December 2021 (has links)
El origen de la violencia de género proviene de la normalización de concepciones retrogradas y mentalidades machistas que permiten el desarrollo de una sociedad donde los derechos humanos son parciales a un género. En el 2019, Perú alcanzó una cifra récord en feminicemos en una década respecto al resto de Latinoamérica. Para lo cual, San Juan de Lurigancho replica este patrón societario de violencia, siendo el distrito con mayor cantidad de feminicidios, violencia de género y embarazos infantiles en todo el país. Consecuentemente, el Centro de Apoyo Integral y Casa Refugio se emplazará en San Juan de Lurigancho, por ser el distrito que presenta mayor vulnerabilidad para las mujeres con el propósito de tratar de erradicar, prevenir y atender la violencia contra la mujer; a pesar de que, desde un punto de vista humanitario, este edificio no debería existir. La problemática de violencia de género no es simétrica. El 80% de las víctimas de agresiones psicológicas, físicas o sexuales son mujeres. Se tiene una sociedad que pone a las mujeres en un lugar de vulnerabilidad. Por ende, se plantea un proyecto que ayude a resguardar y proteger la integridad de estas mujeres resilientes y sus derechos humanos, a través, de arquitectura humanitaria que se desenvuelva alrededor de la priorización de bienestar psicológico, físico, emocional, educativo y económico. La complejidad de esta problemática se ve reflejado en las necesidades de los usuarios, por lo cual, se plantean tres estrategias proyectadas en el programa arquitectónico: apoyo preventivo, inmediato y reactivo. / The origin of gender violence is the normalization of retrograde conceptions and sexist mentalities, which allow the growth of a society where human rights are partial to one gender. In 2019, Peru reached the record of femicides in a decade compared to the rest of Latin America. For which, San Juan de Lurigancho replicates this societal pattern of violence, being the district with the highest number of femicides, gender violence and child pregnancies throughout the country. Consequently, the Integral Support Centre and Shelter Home will be in San Juan de Lurigancho, as it is the district that presents the greatest vulnerability for women with the purpose of trying to eradicate, prevent and address violence against women; even though, from a humanitarian point of view, this type of building should not exist. The gender violence problem is not symmetrical. 80% of the victims of psychological, physical, or sexual violence are women. As a result of having a society that puts women in a place of vulnerability. Hence, this project is one that helps safeguard and protect the integrity of these resilient women and their human rights, through humanitarian architecture that is developed around the prioritization of psychological, physical, emotional, educational, and economic well-being. The complexity of this problem is reflected in the needs of the users; therefore, three strategies are proposed in the architectural program: preventive, immediate and reactive support. These strategies respond to each type of need and, to prevent, act and respond to the circumstances of each woman. / Trabajo de investigación

Společensko-kulturní centrum v Dolních Kounicích / Socio-cultural centre Dolní Kounice

Vašut, Štěpán January 2016 (has links)
My diploma thesis is based on the module Res Publica - Public works focusing on community buildings. Dozens of towns were surveyed, whether they are interested in reconstruction of their community or sociocultural centre, and eventually a small town Dolní Kounice was chosen especially because of the beauty of the surrounding countryside as well as the exciting native urbanism and architecture. This thesis deals with transformation of the cultural house from the 50s of the 20th century to a new cultural centre. The extension and inconvenient terrace were removed and the hall is supported by a new mass of the vestibule at the interface between interior and exterior, on the site of the former patio. Next, a new front of the building was introduced which increased the entrance of the house and created a space for a study room, small gym, meeting room and common rooms. The part of the house used for housing units is designed only with aesthetic details on the facade. The Culture Centre is divided into a set of materials in order to reduce the scale of the whole building. The entrance part mass, in contrast, is enhanced by its division and the chosen materials. In this way the originally embarrassing object of the Cultural Centre has been changed into a new centre with a clear architectural expression and the interior of the house is enriched by view of the beauty of the city.

Společensko-kulturní centrum s radnicí v Kohoutovicích / Socio-cultural centre with townhall for the district Brno-Kohoutovice

Valošková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
From a theoretical perspective, concept of City Hall building is built on three values: openness, transparency and community support. I understand these values at two perspektive: literally, as access to buildings not only in the opening hours of the town hall, and figuratively, as openness to other than bureaucratic functions. Town Hall should also promote cohesion and dynamism of the local community. Not just a casual setting where people spend just a neccesary time, but a space where people will want to delay a meeting. The value of transparency in my political and social environment is essential. Town Hall can, and should, give citizens view into the working space officials, as well they should not be cut off from events in the city. Flow of information to and perceptions can be beneficial for both sides.

ResPublica/Civitas Socialis – Strachotín, l. p. 2017 / ResPublica/Civitas Socialis - Strachotín

Řehořová, Martina January 2017 (has links)
The project deals with the design of the wine gallery and community center in smaller wine-growing village Strachotín, which is situated in the beautiful landscape under the hills, called "Pálavské vrchy", and also is on the edge of the magnificent waterwork - "Novomlýnské nádrže". The construction of the wine gallery and the community center is designed in the historical structure of the village, near the gothic church. The project follows up the analytical part, which dealt with the vision for the future development of the village Strachotín. The vision, which after thorough examination of the village included seventeen interventions of small or larger urban character, which would be beneficial for the development of the village and surroundings.

ResPublica /Civitas Socialis – Vize Křídla / ResPublica/Civitas Socialis - Vision Křídla

Novotný, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
The goal of diploma thesis is urbanism and architecture study of village central part, reconstruction of municipal house and new house of fire department and community center in Kridla. The village itself is located six kilometres far away from Nove Mesto na Morave in Bohemian-Moravian highlands. The design is not trying to enter local structures inappropriately. The major affort is to combine different functions and activities with quality of public space and respect of countryside area. One of the goals is also to provoke discussion about vision for the next 30 years among inhabitants of Kridla.

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